Synopsis of the fable cuckoo Izmaylov literary reading. Summary of a lesson on literary reading on the topic A.Izmailov Kukushka, A.I. Krylov Donkey and nightingale (Grade 4). Several interesting Fables

Summary of the trial lesson

Full name: Kovaleva Valentina

Item: Literary reading

The date of the:

Class : 4 "B"

Subject: A.E. Izmailov "Cuckoo"

Lesson type: learning reading lesson

Create conditions for the implementation of goals:


Introduce childrenwith the biography and work of A.E. Izmailova;

Develop the ability to anticipate the content of the text by title;

Top up lexicon, to form the skill of expressive, fluent, meaningful, correct reading;

Develop the ability to analyze the work,

The ability to freely navigate in the read text and use selective reading to confirm their judgments;


To develop students' speech, creative imagination, memory;

Create conditions for the development of the ability to work independently with a book, the ability to listen;

Participate in a dialogue; listen to and understand others; express their point of view on events, actions; to formulate their thoughts in oral speech, taking into account their educational and life situations.

Organize your own workplace;

To carry out personal and cognitive reflection.


Bring upmoral qualities of the child's personalitydesire and ability to do good deeds

Develop interest in reading literature, intelligence;

Expand the reader's horizons.

Methods: verbal - conversation, story, explanation; visual - presentation,

Means of education: computer, multimedia presentation, projector, textbookLiterary reading "Grade 4 GEF L.A. Efrosinina, M.I. Omorokova, part 1.




Teacher activity

Actions taken

Student activities

Objective (Pr) Cognitive (P) Regulatory (R) Communicative (C)

Actions taken

Formed Skills

Mobilizing. (1 min.)

The purpose of the stage: the inclusion of students in educational activities at a personally significant level.

(1 min).


Hello children! My name is Valentina Eduardovna. Today I will give you a lesson in literary reading. Sit down!

Checking readiness for the lesson

(Children, check that you have everything you need on your desks: textbook, diary, pen, pencil.)

Emotional mood.

I wish you for today's lesson: good working mood, good luck and fruitful work.

Organize your workplace.

Welcome teachers.

Organization of the workplace, check the readiness for the lesson. (R)

Motivation-but-target stage.

The purpose of the stage: to determine the goals of the lesson and conduct motivation for the upcoming activity.

Before we get started, I want you to listen to something.

(audio recording "cuckoo sounds"

Do you think the cuckoo is related to the lesson of literary reading?


Today we will get acquainted with the work of Izmailov "Cuckoo".

They listen carefully.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Determine the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The ability to perceive the teacher's story. (P)

Ability to answer teacher questions.

Training planning

cooperation with the teacher and peers (K).

Installation on primary perception.

Purpose of the stage:

What do you know about Alexander Izmailov?

Look at the slide.

This is Alexander Efimovich Izmailov.

Alexander Efimovich Izmailov (born 1779 - 1831) - fabulist and journalist. Descended from the nobility. Received education in the mountain cadet corps, after which, entered the Ministry of Finance. He spent his entire life almost without a break in St. Petersburg, and only in 1826,

Izmailov's talent manifested itself mainly in fables, the first edition of which was published in 1814. In addition to those borrowed and common to fabulists of all peoples, Izmailov has a number of original fables with purely Russian humor and on specially Russian themes.

His famous fables: - "Kulik the Astronomer", "The Drunkard", "The Liar", "The Noblewoman-Buyanka", "Passion for Poetry", etc.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Listen to the biography of Izmailov.

Listen and understand others; enter into a dialogue. (K)

Ability to answer teacher questions

The ability to anticipate the content of the text by title (Pr).

Primary perception of the poem.

Target:familiarity with the work.

Sit comfortably.

Let's get acquainted with this work of Izmailov "Cuckoo"

Listen to him.

(Listening to the soundtrack, "Cuckoo").

Listen to an audio recording.

To form the skills of fluent, meaningful, correct reading (Pr).

Checking the initial perception.

(1 min.)

Purpose of the stage:check the initial perception.

What genre is this work? Prove? (Fable) A poetic story, there is morality, animal heroes, vices are ridiculed.
(definition of the fable on the slide)

Answer the teacher's questions.

Replenishment of vocabulary.

Listen and understand others; enter into a dialogue. (K)

Ability to answer teacher questions.


(2-3 min.)

Video clip.

Perform exercises.

Formation of motor skills.

Installation on secondary perception.

Purpose of the stage:set a goal before reading.

Turn to page 47.

Guys, who will read the fable to us, loudly, expressively? (reading a fable to students)

Listen to teachers.

secondary perception.

Purpose of the stage:student reading

What words do you not understand? (Analysis of incomprehensible words).

Vocabulary work.

So far, so far.

Please - want, wish

Read the fable yourself

Read the work

Analysis of the work. (min.)

Purpose of the stage:find out the content of the work, its subject matter, characterize the characters, determine the peculiarity of the work.

What do we learn at the beginning of the fable? (that the cuckoo tells the birds how the nightingale sings).
- Did the cuckoo correctly evaluate the singing of the nightingale and its own singing? (The cuckoo did not fairly appreciate the singing of the nightingale).
- How does the author evaluate the behavior of the cuckoo? From what is it visible? (boastful)

What is your impression of the cuckoo?

What mood does this fable convey to you? (joyful, cheerful).

There is a proverb "A braggart is an empty person."

Does it fit this fable?

Think about what words can be considered the moral of this fable? Read. (Listen to me, I'm not lying..)

Prove their point of view.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Listen and understand others; engage in dialogue (K).

The ability to analyze the work, the ability to answer questions from the teacher (Pr).

Ability to understand what is read; express your point of view; listen and understand others. (K)

The ability to analyze a fairy tale, to participate in the analysis of the work. (K)

Ability to draw conclusions. (P)

secondary synthesis.

Purpose of the stage:determine the main idea of ​​the work.

(5 minutes.)

Describe the cuckoo, what is it like?

(Task on the slide epithets)

Choose the right epithets

What vices does the fabulist show? Explain. (boastfulness)

In what works did you meet the cuckoo?

What is the moral of the fable? (the attitude towards people should be the same as you would like to be treated.)

Reflection learning activities at the lesson.

Purpose of the stage:correlation of the purpose of the lesson and its results, self-assessment of the work in the lesson.

So, let's sum up our lesson.

Let's remember what work we read today? ("Cuckoo").

What new did you learn?

What was interesting for you today?

Guys, I enjoyed working with you today. Everyone was active, but I want to highlight ...

And the rest I want to wish next lesson actively participate in the dialogue.


Answer the teacher's questions (P)

Share impressions (K)

Development of the ability to analyze their activities, draw conclusions (P).

Listen and understand others; enter into a dialogue. (K)


Open your diaries and write down the following:

Expressive reading of the fable "Cuckoo".

Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!

Record d / z.

Lesson topic : A. E. Izmailov "The Cuckoo", "Ladder", I. A. Krylov "The Donkey and the Nightingale"

Lesson type : a lesson in learning new knowledge

Educational Purpose:educational and informational - conscious reading of various types of text aloud and to oneself. To acquaint with the fables of Russian fabulists; to consolidate the literary concepts of "fable", "morality", "fabulist", "personification".

Formation of UUD:

Personal actions: (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation)

Regulatory actions: (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, self-regulation)

cognitive actions: (general educational, logical, problem setting and solving)

Communicative actions: (planning educational cooperation, posing questions, resolving conflicts, managing the behavior of a partner, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient accuracy and completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication)

Lesson progress: 1. mood

2. Checking homework.

For several lessons, we read works that are united by one topic, which one?(Fables.Russian fabulists.)

What is a fable? (A fable is a small work with moralizing content. The heroes of the fable cause laughter, pity, indignation.)

Who are called fabulists?The creators of fables are called fabulists.)

What do fabulists condemn and ridicule? (They ridicule stupidity, arrogance, rudeness, greed, cunning, stubbornness, hypocrisy. The authors talk about their heroes with a smile, with light humor or irony.)

What is irony? (Irony is a subtle, hidden mockery.)

Fables use allegory. What it is?(An allegory is an allegory. So in fables and fairy tales, cunning and flattery are allegorically shown in the image of the Fox, rudeness and greed - in the image of the Wolf ...)

Expressive reading of a prepared fable "Peasant in trouble" I.A. Krylov

- What is our goal for the lesson? ( Get to know the new work. Discuss the features of the new work and determine its genre, i.e. prove or disprove that this work is a fable.)

3. Guess the riddle:

Lives on a tree in the forest
She lays her testicles.
But, since she does not build nests,
Will give them to the neighbors.
We go to the forest to collect a bouquet
On the edge of the sun.
And how many years to live
We will ask…

Who are we going to read about today?

What do you know about this bird?

Cuckoos - migratory birds. They appear in our forests in the second half of April.

themselvescuckoo they do not build nests, but find ready-made nests of other birds .. Usuallycuckoo lays 1 egg, which is the same size as the testicles in the nests of other birds, that is, both sizes and colors are the same. That is why the owners do not see the substitution. The baby cuckoo is born first and starts throwing out other chicks until only he is left. But they say that there are cases when parents feed both the cuckoo and their remaining chicks.

adultscuckoo exterminate forest pests. Their food consists of larvae, hairy caterpillars, the hairs of which, when digested, stick into the walls of the stomach. Because of this, other birds do not eat them, they are afraid. Acuckoo they love them very much and eat a lot, thereby saving the forest. Thereforecuckoo is a useful bird.

So, although this bird does not incubate its eggs, it saves our forests.

But still, why does the cuckoo act in this way, and does not incubate the chicks itself?

The fact is that she lays each egg with an interval of several days, and during the summer she lays up to 15 eggs. If she raised the chicks herself or even in a pair with a male, they would not be able to feed such a horde. In addition, because of the large gap between clutches, chicks of different ages would live in the nest - the oldest is already screaming with might and main, and the youngest has not even hatched yet. You need to both incubate the eggs and feed the offspring at the same time. Is it possible to do everything?

Who is the author of this work? (Alexander Efimovich Izmailov)

Page 48 Heading "Pay attention"

4. Reading the fable by the teacher.

- What is your impression after listening to the piece?

5. Independent reading of the fable.

- Think about whether the cuckoo correctly assessed the singing of the nightingale and its own singing? (The cuckoo misjudged her singing and the singing of the nightingale: “I learned to sing according to the nightingale. For you, if you please, I’ll sing exactly like he does.”)

6. Analysis of the fable:

- What vices of people does the fabulist show? Explain.

(The fabulist shows the Vices: ignorance, stupidity, narcissism.)

- Think about what words can be considered the moral of this fable. Read.

Proverb: Treat people the way you would like to be treated - no need to brag and praise yourself

No need to brag about fictional talents, because in reality it may turn out that you can’t do anything except “cuckoo”

The fabulist shows the boastfulness of self-confident people.

R.T. page 22 task 2 – write the moral of the fable

7 . Cover Modeling:

What genre does the read work belong to? Prove it.

What else does a fable have? (title and author)

8. Reader 1 p. 119 “The Donkey and the Nightingale” is read by a prepared child.

What vices of people does I.A. Krylov?

What is the moral of the fable?

God save us from such judges

The donkey, on the other hand, does not understand singing at all, but considers it possible to evaluate the Nightingale. For lack of hearing and understanding of beauty, I thought that even a rooster would sing better. Krylov here conveys the absurdity of the current situation and morality in the last line of the fable sums up: it is stupid to undertake to judge something that you don’t even have an idea about. The donkey, comparing the Nightingale with the Rooster, juxtaposes two perfect opposites, showing us the absence of any taste.

Summary of the lesson:-Have we managed to prove today that we have read a fable?

What new fables did you learn in class today?

What did the fabulists want to show us with the help of these fables?

What lesson did you take for yourself?

Reflection. House. Task p. 47, xp1 p.119 - 120 exp. reading, by heart by choice.

Lesson topic : A. E. Izmailov "The Cuckoo", "Ladder", I. A. Krylov "The Donkey and the Nightingale"

Lesson type : a lesson in learning new knowledge

Educational Purpose:educational and informational - conscious reading of various types of text aloud and to oneself. To acquaint with the fables of Russian fabulists; to consolidate the literary concepts of "fable", "morality", "fabulist", "personification".

Formation of UUD:

Personal actions: (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation)

Regulatory actions: (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, self-regulation)

Cognitive actions: (general educational, logical, problem setting and solving)

Communicative actions: (planning educational cooperation, posing questions, resolving conflicts, managing the behavior of a partner, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient accuracy and completeness in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication)

Lesson progress: 1. mood

2. Checking homework.

For several lessons, we read works that are united by one topic, which one?(Fables.Russian fabulists.)

What is a fable? (A fable is a small work with moralizing content. The heroes of the fable cause laughter, pity, indignation.)

Who are called fabulists?The creators of fables are called fabulists.)

What do fabulists condemn and ridicule? (They ridicule stupidity, arrogance, rudeness, greed, cunning, stubbornness, hypocrisy. The authors talk about their heroes with a smile, with light humor or irony.)

What is irony? (Irony is a subtle, hidden mockery.)

Fables use allegory. What it is?(An allegory is an allegory. So in fables and fairy tales, cunning and flattery are allegorically shown in the image of the Fox, rudeness and greed - in the image of the Wolf ...)

Expressive reading of a prepared fable "Peasant in trouble" I.A. Krylov

- What is our goal for the lesson? ( Get to know the new work. Discuss the features of the new work and determine its genre, i.e. prove or disprove that this work is a fable.)

3. Guess the riddle:

Lives on a tree in the forest
She lays her testicles.
But, since she does not build nests,
Will give them to the neighbors.
We go to the forest to collect a bouquet
On the edge of the sun.
And how many years to live
We will ask…

Who are we going to read about today?

What do you know about this bird?

Cuckoos - migratory birds. They appear in our forests in the second half of April.

themselvescuckoo they do not build nests, but find ready-made nests of other birds .. Usuallycuckoo lays 1 egg, which is the same size as the testicles in the nests of other birds, that is, both sizes and colors are the same. That is why the owners do not see the substitution. The baby cuckoo is born first and starts throwing out other chicks until only he is left. But they say that there are cases when parents feed both the cuckoo and their remaining chicks.

adultscuckoo exterminate forest pests. Their food consists of larvae, hairy caterpillars, the hairs of which, when digested, stick into the walls of the stomach. Because of this, other birds do not eat them, they are afraid. Acuckoo they love them very much and eat a lot, thereby saving the forest. Thereforecuckoo is a useful bird.

So, although this bird does not incubate its eggs, it saves our forests.

But still, why does the cuckoo act in this way, and does not incubate the chicks itself?

The fact is that she lays each egg with an interval of several days, and during the summer she lays up to 15 eggs. If she raised the chicks herself or even in a pair with a male, they would not be able to feed such a horde. In addition, because of the large gap between clutches, chicks of different ages would live in the nest - the oldest is already screaming with might and main, and the youngest has not even hatched yet. You need to both incubate the eggs and feed the offspring at the same time. Is it possible to do everything?

Page 48 Heading "Pay attention"

4. Reading the fable by the teacher.

- What is your impression after listening to the piece?

5. Independent reading of the fable.

- Think about whether the cuckoo correctly assessed the singing of the nightingale and its own singing? (The cuckoo misjudged her singing and the singing of the nightingale: “I learned to sing according to the nightingale. For you, if you please, I’ll sing exactly like he does.”)

6. Analysis of the fable:

- What vices of people does the fabulist show? Explain.

(The fabulist shows the Vices: ignorance, stupidity, narcissism.)

- Think about what words can be considered the moral of this fable. Read.

Proverb: Treat people the way you would like to be treated - no need to brag and praise yourself

No need to brag about fictional talents, because in reality it may turn out that you can’t do anything except “cuckoo”

The fabulist shows the boastfulness of self-confident people.

R.T. page 22 task 2 – write the moral of the fable

7 . Cover Modeling:

What genre does the read work belong to? Prove it.

What else does a fable have? (title and author)

8. Reader 1 p. 119 “The Donkey and the Nightingale” is read by a prepared child.

What vices of people does I.A. Krylov?

What is the moral of the fable?

God save us from such judges

The donkey, on the other hand, does not understand singing at all, but considers it possible to evaluate the Nightingale. For lack of hearing and understanding of beauty, I thought that even a rooster would sing better. Krylov here conveys the absurdity of the current situation and morality in the last line of the fable sums up: it is stupid to undertake to judge something that you don’t even have an idea about. The donkey, comparing the Nightingale with the Rooster, juxtaposes two perfect opposites, showing us the absence of any taste.

Summary of the lesson:-Have we managed to prove today that we have read a fable?

What new fables did you learn in class today?

What did the fabulists want to show us with the help of these fables?

What lesson did you take for yourself?

Reflection. House. Task p. 47, xp1 p.119 - 120 exp. reading, by heart by choice.

Cuckoo drawing

Read the text of the fable Cuckoo

"Listen to me - I won't lie"
The cuckoo said to the birds -
Chizham, goldfinches and tits:
"I was far away, in a large, dense forest;
There I heard what I had not heard before,
How the nightingale sings.
Not ours! I sang well
Yes, that's not it! So the heart will freeze
With joy, when he whistles at the top of his voice,
And there it will click, or quietly let out a trill:
You will forget completely and your head will hang.
Well, what is the flute against him?
I wondered right, I wondered ...
However, I do not sweat:
Like a nightingale, I also learned to sing.
For you, if you please, I will sing
Exactly how is he - do you want?"
- "Sing - let's listen." - "Chur not make noise - be silent!
Here I’ll just sit on a bitch.
Well, listen now: cuckoo! coo-coo! coo-coo!"

The braggart cuckoo brings me to mind,
Who translates classic poets.

The moral of Izmailov's fable Cuckoo in his own words

Boasting is a bad thing. If you do not know how, do not speak and boast. You can still see from the outside how things really are.

Heroes of the fable

  • cuckoo - braggart
  • birds

Several interesting Fables

  • Aesop's Fable The Birdcatcher and the Partridge

    Text and analysis of the fable of the Birds and the Partridge

  • Izmailov's Fable Dying Dog

    The fable makes fun of avarice. If you only save all your life, then you can pass for a miser. And money often won't buy health. It is necessary to appreciate not material values.