Dreamers - Nikolai Nosov

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Mishutka and Stasik were sitting on a bench in the garden and talking. Only they didn’t just talk like other guys, but told each other different fables, as if they had gone into an argument over who would lie to whom.

- How old are you? Mishutka asks.
- Ninety five. And you?

- I'm a hundred and forty. You know, - says Mishutka, - I used to be big big, like Uncle Borya, and then I became small.
- And I, - says Stasik, - at first I was small, and then I grew up big, and then I became small again, and now I will soon be big again.

“And when I was big, I could swim across the whole river,” says Mishutka.
- Wu! And I could swim across the sea!
Think of the sea! I swam across the ocean!

- I used to know how to fly!
- Well, fly!
- Now I can’t: I forgot how.

- And once I swam in the sea, - says Mishutka, - and a shark attacked me. I bang her with my fist, and she grabbed me by the head - and bit off.
- You're lying!
- No, really!

Why didn't you die?
- Why should I die? I swam ashore and went home.
- Headless?
Of course, without a head. Why do I need a head?
- How did you go without a head?
- So it went. It's like you can't walk without a head.
Why are you with your head now?
The other has grown.
"Good idea!" Stasik envied. He wanted to lie better than Mishutka.
- Well, what is it! - he said. - Here I was once in Africa, and a crocodile ate me there.

- That's how you lied! Mishutka laughed.
- Not at all.
Why are you alive now?
“So he spat me out.”

Mishutka thought. He wanted to lie to Stasik. He thought and thought and finally said:
- Once I was walking down the street. Around trams, cars, trucks ...
- I know I know! shouted Stasik. - Now tell me how the tram ran over you. You already lied about it.
- Nothing like this. I do not mean it.
- OK. Lie further.
“Here I go, I don’t touch anyone.” Suddenly there is a bus. I did not notice him, stepped on my foot - time! - and crushed into a cake.

– Ha ha ha! Here are the lies!
- And that's not bullshit!
How could you crush the bus?
- So he was very small, a toy. His boy was dragging him on a rope.
"Well, that's not surprising," said Stasik. “I flew to the moon once.