Divination without cards. “As soon as you start looking for “good” and “bad” in your loved ones, a hole opens in your heart through which malicious thinking enters. If you test others, compete with them, criticize them - this leads to your weakening and

Canonical text

(Kin) in the fields. Accomplishment. Fortitude is favorable to a noble person. Favorable ford across the great river.

  1. Family at the gate. - There will be no hula.
  2. Relatives in the temple of ancestors. - Regret.
  3. Hide your weapons in the thickets and climb their high hills. And in three years it will not rise (weapon).
  4. They will rise to the very shaft and will not be able to attack. - Happiness.
  5. Relatives at first (makes) screams and screams, and then laughs. Large armies, overcoming each other, meet.
  6. Family in the suburbs. - There will be no remorse.

The course of personal development ended on the previous hexagram. He led to decline, but also to overcoming this decline. No matter how high the flowering of the previous process has reached, here, after the decline, it is necessary to start the rise again. But this time it is done together with others. For such a joint action, it is necessary that these people have the same position and the same purpose. Thus, it is time for like-minded people to act. They all start with completely uncultivated soil, in the “wasteland”, on which exactly their further development. In the case of such a joint activity, it can cover large and dangerous actions, to wade across a great river, but for such serious actions, stamina is needed, full of nobility, "the stamina of a noble person." The question may arise why here the process should begin with a completely uncultivated, damp soil, abandoned by everyone. Commentator Su Mei-shan answers this: “The wasteland is the land that no one seeks. If I stand on such a land, then all who follow me will really be one with me, for without such a real union, how could they follow me to the wasteland? .. ” Symbolically, figuratively, this unity is already expressed in the hexagram, where the upper trigram symbolizes the sky, and the lower - the sun - light. - The image of the world built in cognition, although it displays it correctly, never displays it with absolute exhaustive completeness. Therefore, the term "world" usually means only the known world; at the same stage, at which a new cognitive wave begins, of course, it is required to proceed from pure givenness, which includes both the known and the not yet known; the latter to such an extent that his presence is able to change the habitual outlines of the world, for this is the beginning of a new cognitive process. Thus, the balance of the image of the world is disturbed to such an extent that no boundaries separating objects have yet been established, and everything is learned anew in the contexts of new environments. This need to pass through the whole world is re-symbolized in the form of a ford across the great river. But this time a person goes all this way not alone, but with his like-minded people. Therefore, although his personal stamina remains necessary, nevertheless, he still needs something else: the ability to act not from personal desires, although not without them, but, most importantly, in rhythmic harmony with others. The commentator Wang Yi expresses this in a precise and brief formulation: “A person, wishing to know the essence of the element of unanimity, must use the power of a new act of cognition and knowledge acquired before. But especially he should not pursue this with passion; however, even if he remains dispassionate, he will gain nothing. As they say, when the time comes rhythmically, then the idea will manifest itself. In this spiritual work, the most important commandment is not to forget and not to help.” Such thoughts are expressed in commentary literature about the text: Like-minded people are in the wasteland. Development. Favorable ford across the great river. Favorable is the steadfastness of a great man.


On the path of unanimity, complete community is absolutely necessary and personal isolation is unacceptable. You can't stay in your own house, but you have to get out of it. But this process is just beginning here, a person is standing at the gate. However, after leaving the gate, he can go to the wasteland, from which the construction of a new development in this situation begins. In the text we find here the following words: In the beginning, a strong trait. Like-minded people are at the gate. There will be no bullshit.


The correct correspondence of the second and fifth features here expresses unanimity. However, the past, expressed by the previous line, has an even greater influence on this position. A person in this state is captured by the past. He definitely stays in the "temple of the ancestors." But there he stays in place—in other words, he lingers in place. This delay proves to be the cause of the regret that must come. — The reasons for such a mistake at this stage are that, despite the correct new cognition, the personal accumulated experience of the past turns out to be too weak (remember the Decline in the flow of situations of past personal development), so a person is too much captured by direct contemplation and cannot go beyond limits of the pre-existing image of the world. The text here says: Weak trait in second place. Like-minded people are in the ancestral temple. Regret!


What was lacking at the previous stage - the experience and intelligence previously accumulated - receives an impulse for more intensive development. But the time in which the beneficial effect of unanimity can manifest itself has not yet come. It will come only with the transition from the fifth position, which has a "like-minded person", to the second. So, in a moment of crisis, despite the full desire to lay down arms and peacefully climb a high hill - to the fifth position, the highest in importance, this remains unattainable for a long time. Three years of unsuccessful waiting precede the desired achievement. Achieving requires complete harmony of previous knowledge and new knowledge. Here, in reaction to the lack of experience, the latter is applied excessively, so that there is a danger of replacing it with new knowledge, like a weapon to hide it in the thicket. This situation in the crisis is presented by the text in the following images: The strong feature is in the third place. Hide your weapons in the bushes. You will ascend a high hill, but you will not ascend for three years.


Since the crisis has already passed, it would seem that this is where the achievement of the intended goal - unity with people - should come. But it is symbolized by the correspondence of the second and fifth positions. Therefore, the fourth position denotes the moment immediately preceding the union itself. If this is not understood, then attempts at intense and immature (and therefore unsuccessful) aggression are possible. It is necessary to understand this and at the moment when it seems that the possibility of an offensive is very close, to linger and let the situation mature quite naturally. This is expressed in a fairly clear image of the text, the essence of which, when applied to cognitive life, Wan Yi-chih interprets as follows: he cannot reach the truth, and in the end, in a state of dispassion, he penetrates into it and is happy.” The text expresses it this way: Strong trait in fourth place. Having climbed the city rampart, do not dare to attack. Happiness.


Unanimity - the main goal of this situation - is not achieved easily. This is evident from the difficulties outlined in the previous steps. First, a path full of difficulties, despair and detachment, and only then - satisfaction. This makes itself felt even here, where the maximum manifestation of unanimity is possible, at the culmination of the external process (the fifth position with its correct correspondence to the second). But here the demand for victory over oneself, noted in the fifth position, comes out most of all. Regarding this, commentator Zheng Hai-ru says: “Victory over great armies is not a victory over the third and fourth positions (which the second is delimited from the fifth), but a victory over these positions in one’s own soul. As soon as personal thoughts arise within, so noble people are delimited by nine barriers. What a tremendous difficulty it is to conquer yourself. Without great armies, can you cope with it? And another commentator, Yang Cheng-zhai, remarks: “There is no greater army than your mind. The weapons and shields in front of him are trifles." So, having renounced your personal limitations, you can count on meeting like-minded people. The text says it this way: The strongest trait is in fifth place. Like-minded people - first exclamations and cries, and then laughter. The great armies have been defeated and there will be a meeting.


Everything that acts positively in re-development turns out to be bad. Dispassion, so necessary to achieve unanimity, here, when the goal has already been achieved, is already indifference. The process is no longer in the spotlight, but on the outskirts. Therefore, there will be no remorse, no other emotion. But in indifference, the antithesis of this situation is outlined: abandonment. Su Mei-shan writes about this: “There is nothing to which you gravitate towards in unity, therefore there is no remorse. No one is standing nearby, therefore the aspiration is not yet achievable. One would expect remorse here. However, indifference removes it, but this is understandable by itself, so the text directly indicates the absence of remorse: Above is a strong trait. Companions on the outskirts. There will be no remorse.

In the external - Creativity and strength, in the internal - Cohesion and clarity.

Haislip interpretation

You will never find yourself in bad company wherever you go. Do not be afraid of lofty goals, enter boldly into the struggle; and you will be supported by those on whom you do not count. You are now in some anxiety, and therefore somewhat confused and insecure. But very soon things will go smoothly for you. Your wish will come true, if only you take seriously enough the help offered to you by the elders.

The symbol is auspicious and symbolizes hope for achievement and change for the better.

Wherever you go, everywhere you will meet a company of good people. Boldly set high goals and join the fight for your cause. Your insecurities and worries will pass as a result of the mild stress you are currently experiencing.

Get unexpected support from someone you didn't even count on. Soon all things will go smoothly.

Your desire will soon come true and as fully as you take seriously the offered help of elders and superiors.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation for the interpretation of hexagram 13. Relatives

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Tung-jen - Relatives (Like-minded people).

Tun - to harmonize, bring together, unite. The hieroglyph depicts a combination of a human mouth with a sign of shelter, which indicates understanding without words and an impeccable combination.

Union, harmony, concord. To balance, to agree, to collect, to participate together. Together, together; at one time and in one place.

Ren - humanity; human beings; a separate person. The hieroglyph depicts a person kneeling in a prayer pose, or a sign of humility.

Semantic connections of hexagram 13. Tong-ren

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and creative thinking help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time to bring people together to achieve a common goal. It is necessary to look for ways to bring like-minded people together for joint work and use, for example, for harvesting or building a house. Understand first what goals are common and start new project or a new business. Enter the river of life with a meaningful purpose. This movement along a carefully chosen path will bring benefits and enlightenment. Understanding and warmth will help in your struggle. Gather people and connect their feelings, they should not be separated from each other. To act together and in common, that's where the creative power is born. Try to see the inner beauty of things in unity and move with the flow of events. You have the strength to establish between yourself and those forces that move the world, one link.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the thirteenth hexagram.

[Kin in the fields. Accomplishment. Favorable is the ford across the great river]

Favorable to a noble person is steadfastness

I. Nine at the beginning.

Like-minded people at the gate (gathered to start the journey).

- There will be no hula.

II. Six second.

Like-minded people in the temple of the ancestors (Looking back at the past).

- Regret.

III. Nine third.

Hide your weapons in the thicket and, climbing a high hill, do not rise for three years.

IV. Nine fourth.

Having risen to the very city rampart, do not attack.

- Happiness!

V. Nine fifth.

Like-minded people - first screams and cries, and then joy.

Large armies meet and overcome each other.

(Most likely, before your eyes, your rivals will destroy each other).

VI. Top nine.

Like-minded people retreat to the outskirts.

(Kin) in the fields. Accomplishment. Fortitude is favorable to a noble person. Favorable ford across the great river.

Family at the gate. - There will be no hula.
Relatives in the temple of ancestors. - Regret.
Hide your weapons in the thickets and climb their high hills. And in three years it will not rise (weapon).
They will rise to the very shaft and will not be able to attack. - Happiness.
Relatives at first (makes) screams and screams, and then laughs. Large armies, overcoming each other, meet.
Family in the suburbs. - There will be no remorse.


Tong zhen (Kin / Associates): tun - to harmonize, bring together; union, consent, harmony; balance, collect, participate jointly, agree; together, together; the same time and place; the hieroglyph depicts a human mouth in combination with a sign of shelter, which indicates understanding without words and an impeccable combination; zhen - human beings; separate person; humanity; the hieroglyph depicts a person kneeling in a prayer pose, or a sign of humility.

figurative row

This is the time to bring people together to achieve a common goal. Look for ways to bring people together. You have work that is best done together and that brings mutual benefit - for example, harvesting or building a house. Find out what feelings and goals are shared. It's time to start a new project or found a new enterprise. Enter the river of life with a meaningful purpose. Moving along the chosen path will bring benefits and enlightenment. Warmth and understanding will help in your struggle. People should not be separated from each other. Think about how to connect them. Gather them together - because creative power is born in unity. Try to see the inner beauty of things and move with the flow of events. You can establish a link between yourself and the forces that move the world.

Outer and Inner worlds

Sky and Fire

The efforts of those who strive for unification give birth to light and warmth.

Bringing people together contains a hidden possibility of spontaneous unification of the two primary forces.


The decline cannot last forever. In insight you will find like-minded people.


Kin means closeness and connection.


a fish in the water, a creature "in its own environment".


money is divided between two people.

The sky connects with fire. Relatives.

The noble person chooses clans to demarcate existence.

Hexagram lines

Nine first

Family at the gate.
There will be no bullshit.

You are about to cross the threshold. To start a new business, you can not stay in your house. Take action: no one can blame you for this.

Six second

Relatives in the temple of ancestors.

The past is holding you back. Stopping before the images of the ancestors and the ideals that they symbolize, you experience regret that you have lost your way. Contemplation must give way to active cognition. Analyze your feelings.

Nine third

Hide your weapons in the bushes.
You will climb a high hill,
But for three years you will not rise.

The crisis forces you to lay down your arms and go to the goal in a detour. It will take three long years. To achieve the goal, a complete harmony of previous experience and new knowledge is necessary. Try to free yourself from feelings of resentment and resentment.

Nine fourth

Having climbed the city rampart, do not dare to attack.

The goal is close, but aggressiveness is dangerous to achieve it. The situation should resolve naturally. The way is open (happiness). Don't let your feelings control you and you will be rewarded for it.

Nine fifth

Rodney - first screams and screams, and then laughter.
Great armies will overcome each other, and there will be a meeting.

The unification is difficult at first, but it is all the more joyful to realize that the goal has been achieved. Victory over the great armies is a victory over the opposing forces of the human essence: only by defeating each other can they be in harmony.

Top nine

Family on the outskirts.
There will be no bullshit.

When the goal is reached, the central retreats to the outskirts. Dispassion is gradually replaced by indifference. Su Mei-shan writes: “There is no thing to which you gravitate in unity, therefore there is no remorse.” The end of a situation implies the beginning of something new, but the purpose and aspiration necessary for joint action are still missing.

Associative interpretation

  1. A person holds a document, on the cover of which the hieroglyph xin is visible - “consciousness, heart”. It means "to be blinded by greed".
  2. A person shooting an arrow uphill means promotion, a high position in the list of those who have passed the exam.
  3. A deer drinking water means that fame and fortune come in an endless stream.
  4. A fast river means the prospect of a successful career.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

Companions in the open. This is luck. Auspicious time to cross the great river. The perseverance that an advanced person has acquired will bring success now.

Guidelines for interpretation

This is the January hexagram. It is good in summer and autumn.
If we replace Yang with Yin in the 5th Yao, we will get a pure hexagram "Fire". Therefore, Tong-ren is gui hongwu, i.e., the hexagram of the "returning soul."

A person wants to open a sports and health club. When he announces his plans, there are a lot of interested people. He immediately creates an organization and sets further goals, which the interest shown makes it quite feasible.

There were many robberies in the area. People are angry and go to the local ruler demanding drastic measures.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou-gong.

First Yao.

  1. Initial nine. Companions enter through the gate. There is no guilt.
  2. You are going to class and meet classmates along the way. All work together with good results.
  3. You meet other people who have a common goal with you. Subsequently, you find that you have become good friends and allies.
  4. A good sign for a trip abroad.

Second Yao.

  1. Six second. Companions in your clan. Humiliation.
  2. “We must first get what we can for ourselves, and then think about others,” the company says. They part without getting anything.
  3. "Everyone takes care of themselves, and we should do the same," says the company. They are caught stealing someone else's and sent to prison.
  4. Do not wash your dirty laundry in public.

Third Yao.

  1. Nine third. He hides his weapon in the thick bushes and climbs a high mountain to gain a favorable position. For three years there will be no rise for him
  2. The company finds gold. And immediately they look at each other in disbelief. So much strife that most of the treasure is lost.
  3. “We all trust each other,” that's what everyone says. Then they go home and plot evil against each other. All their energy goes into it and nothing gets done.
  4. You will suffer the consequences of your own actions.

Fourth Yao.

  1. Nine fourth. He climbs the wall, but can't attack. Luck.
  2. The two start a fight in a bar, but there are so many friends around that it's impossible to fight. Subsequently, there is the possibility of reconciliation.
  3. Husbands wife are going to get divorced, but suddenly their child gets into an accident. They are so happy that nothing terrible happened to him that they completely forget about their conflict.
  4. Good things usually become possible after severe trials.

Fifth Yao.

  1. Nine fifth. People, having gathered in a company, first cry and complain, and then laugh, because, having gone through great difficulties, they were able to be together.
  2. The lovers, who met on vacation, return home to different parts of the country and grieve. Finally, after long delays, they manage to change their jobs and responsibilities so that they can be together.
  3. Two people meet at a party and discover that they have common goals. They decide to open a joint business. But each of them is bound by many responsibilities. A lot of time passes, but at last they are together and their enterprise is flourishing.
  4. Good advice from outside can help you correct your shortcomings.

Sixth Yao.

  1. Top nine. Company in the open field. There is no disappointment.
  2. A man moves to another city and discovers that the people there have nothing in common with him. Then he decides to get acquainted with the neighbors, joins the work of the local community and does everything in the best possible way.
  3. A young woman gets a job in a factory and sees that the workers there are older than her and bear little resemblance to her. But she sees that they are by nature - good people, and approaches them.
  4. It's hard to please everyone.

General interpretation according to Y. Shutsky

The course of personal development ended on the previous hexagram. He led to decline, but also to overcoming this decline. No matter how high the flowering of the previous process has reached, here, after the decline, it is necessary to start the rise again. But this time it is done together with others. For such a joint action, it is necessary that these people have the same position and the same purpose. Thus, it is time for like-minded people to act. They all start from a completely uncultivated soil, in a “wasteland”, on which their further development can begin. In the case of such a joint activity, it can cover large and dangerous actions, to wade across a great river, but for such serious actions, stamina is needed, full of nobility, "the stamina of a noble person." The question may arise why here the process should begin with a completely uncultivated, damp soil, abandoned by everyone. Commentator Su Mei-shan answers this: “Wasteland is a land that no one seeks. If I stand on such a land, then all who follow me will really be one with me, for without such a real union, how could they follow me to the wasteland? .. ” Symbolically, figuratively, this unity is already expressed in the hexagram, where the upper trigram symbolizes the sky, and the lower - the sun - light. - The image of the world built in cognition, although it displays it correctly, never displays it with absolute exhaustive completeness. Therefore, the term "world" usually means only the known world; at the same stage, at which a new cognitive wave begins, of course, it is required to proceed from pure givenness, which includes both the known and the not yet known; the latter to such an extent that its presence is capable of changing the habitual outlines of the world, for this is the beginning of a new cognitive process. Thus, the balance of the image of the world is disturbed to such an extent that no boundaries separating objects have yet been established, and everything is learned anew in the contexts of new environments. This need to pass through the whole world is re-symbolized in the form of a ford across the great river. But this time a person goes all this way not alone, but with his like-minded people. Therefore, although his personal stamina remains necessary, nevertheless, he still needs something else: the ability to act not from personal desires, although not without them, but, most importantly, in rhythmic harmony with others. The commentator Wang Yi expresses this in a precise and brief formulation: “A person, wishing to know the essence of the element of unanimity, must use the power of a new act of cognition and knowledge acquired before. But especially he should not pursue this with passion; however, even if he remains dispassionate, he will gain nothing. As they say, when the time comes rhythmically, then the idea will manifest itself. In this mental work the most important commandment is not to forget and not to help.” Such thoughts are expressed in commentary literature about the text: Like-minded people are in the wasteland. Development. Favorable ford across the great river. Favorable is the steadfastness of a great man.

On the path of unanimity, complete community is absolutely necessary and personal isolation is unacceptable. You can't stay in your own house, but you have to get out of it. But this process is just beginning here, a person is standing at the gate. However, after leaving the gate, he can go to the wasteland, from which the construction of a new development in this situation begins. In the text we find here the following words: In the beginning, a strong trait. Like-minded people are at the gate. There will be no bullshit.

The correct correspondence of the second and fifth features here expresses unanimity. However, the past, expressed by the previous line, has an even greater influence on this position. A person in this state is captured by the past. He definitely stays in the "temple of the ancestors." But there he stays in place—in other words, he lingers in place. This delay proves to be the cause of the regret that must come. - The reasons for such a mistake at this stage are that, despite the correct new cognition, the personal accumulated experience of the past turns out to be too weak (remember the Decline in the flow of situations of past personal development), so a person is too much captured by direct contemplation and cannot go beyond limits of the pre-existing image of the world. The text here says: Weak trait in second place. Like-minded people are in the ancestral temple. Regret!

What was lacking at the previous stage - previously accumulated experience and intelligence - receives an impulse for more intensive development. But the time in which the beneficial effect of unanimity can manifest itself has not yet come. It will come only with the transition from the fifth position, which has a "like-minded person", to the second. Thus, in a moment of crisis, despite the full desire to lay down arms and peacefully climb a high hill - to the fifth position, the highest in importance, this remains unattainable for a long time. Three years of unsuccessful waiting precede the desired achievement. Achieving requires complete harmony of previous knowledge and new knowledge. Here, in reaction to the lack of experience, the latter is applied excessively, so that there is a danger of replacing it with new knowledge, like a weapon to hide it in the thicket. This situation in the crisis is presented by the text in the following images: The strong feature is in the third place. Hide your weapons in the bushes. You will ascend a high hill, but you will not ascend for three years.

Since the crisis has already passed, it would seem that this is where the achievement of the intended goal - unity with people - should come. But it is symbolized by the correspondence of the second and fifth positions. Therefore, the fourth position denotes the moment immediately preceding the union itself. If this is not understood, then attempts at intense and immature (and therefore unsuccessful) aggression are possible. It is necessary to understand this and at the moment when it seems that the possibility of an offensive is very close, to linger and let the situation mature quite naturally. This is expressed in a fairly clear image of the text, the essence of which, when applied to cognitive life, Wan Yi-chih interprets as follows: he cannot reach the truth, and in the end, in a state of dispassion, he penetrates into it and is happy.” The text expresses it this way: Strong trait in fourth place. Having climbed the city rampart, do not dare to attack. Happiness.

Unanimity - the main goal of this situation - is not achieved easily. This is evident from the difficulties outlined in the previous steps. First, a path full of difficulties, despair and detachment, and only then - satisfaction. This makes itself felt even here, where the maximum manifestation of unanimity is possible, at the culmination of the external process (the fifth position with its correct correspondence to the second). But here the demand for victory over oneself, noted in the fifth position, comes out most of all. Regarding this, commentator Zheng Hai-ru says: “Victory over great armies is not a victory over the third and fourth positions (which the second is delimited from the fifth), but a victory over these positions in one’s own soul. As soon as personal thoughts arise within, so noble people are delimited by nine barriers. What a tremendous difficulty it is to conquer yourself. Without great armies, can you cope with it? And another commentator, Yang Cheng-zhai, remarks: “There is no greater army than your mind. The weapons and shields in front of him are trifles." So, having renounced your personal limitations, you can count on meeting like-minded people. The text says it this way: The strongest trait is in fifth place. Like-minded people - first exclamations and cries, and then laughter. The great armies have been defeated and there will be a meeting.

Everything that acts positively in re-development turns out to be bad. Dispassion, so necessary to achieve unanimity, here, when the goal has already been achieved, is already indifference. The process is no longer in the spotlight, but on the outskirts. Therefore, there will be no remorse, no other emotion. But in indifference, the antithesis of this situation is outlined: abandonment. Su Mei-shan writes about this: “There is nothing to which you gravitate towards in unity, therefore there is no remorse. No one is standing nearby, therefore the aspiration is not yet achievable. One would expect remorse here. However, indifference removes it, but this is understandable by itself, so the text directly indicates the absence of remorse: Above is a strong trait. Companions on the outskirts. There will be no remorse.

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

in the manifested world.
Here and now the vibration of creativity, love, God is already maximally manifested. Maximum in the sense that the situation is not able to accommodate more at the present time.
The forest was on fire. The flames of fire shot up blue sky. The fire is getting stronger and stronger. Passions flare up. Contradictions come from the inner plan of the situation, threatening to destroy everything that has been achieved.
Where once there was a bottomless blue sky, tomorrow the flames of a fire will blaze. The fire of passions will flood everything and push accomplishments, love, and God himself into the background.

On the SUBCONSCIOUS the vibration is similar, which doubles the power of what is happening.

The blue bottomless sky stretches over the earth. Here and now the vibration of creativity, love, God is already maximally manifested.
Tree seeds sprouted on the ground. In the depths of the subconscious, the seeds of change will sprout.
Trees grow, with thin branches reaching into the sky, and with roots penetrating deep into the earth. Refinement and sensitivity on the spiritual plane intensifies, and the desire for a solid material position also increases.
Where there used to be a blue sky, tomorrow a mighty forest will rustle with leaves in the wind. The wind symbolizes the fragility, changeability of the situation. The forest is the bustle of life. Throwing and fuss will force achievements, creativity, love and God himself out of life.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 13

Both in the manifested world and in the subtle one, here and now the vibration of creativity, love, God is already maximally manifested. This is the moment when the heavens descended to Earth, this is the moment when the most cherished desires come true in all plans. But the desire to remain in such a situation is in principle unrealistic. Change is inevitable. This causes a fire of emotions and passions in the world of events, and refinement, sensitivity and fuss at the subconscious level. The property of fire is a strong grip on the situation. All this is useless. The situation cannot be preserved. Moreover, the stronger the attachment to someone, the stronger will be the refinement and sensitivity to the emotional response of this person, the stronger will be the emotions about changes in relationships. Attachment to love, friendship, or another state is resistance to change, and change is inevitable. A strong attachment is sure to create a very strong wind of change that will destroy it. DIFFICULTIES WITH FRIENDS.

Do not cry about losses in a relationship, God simply cuts the fetters so that it would be easier for you to continue on the path of spiritual growth. Learn to love without attachment! Learn to easily accept any losses, even if it seems to you that they are, in principle, irreparable. What brings disappointment and pain now will certainly be appreciated in the future as a very important turning point to true happiness. We ourselves initiate all our big troubles precisely with our great desire to protect ourselves and our loved ones from losses. The path to happiness, the path to the easy fulfillment of desires, is complete detachment and the absence of any expectations.



MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING - the coincidence of assessments for most of the events taking place, joint coordinated actions to achieve goals. MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING hides, hides differences. They accumulate inside and then break out in the form of DIFFICULTIES WITH FRIENDS.



Are you attached to friends?

"Everything you are attached to must be destroyed" -Gautama Buddha

Positions for awareness:

1. "Become the kind of person you would like to attract" - Wayne Dyer.

2. “Loneliness is explained not by the absence of people, but by the inability to talk with people about what seems important to you or the unacceptability of your views to others,” C. G. Jung.

3. "The biggest fault in human life is misunderstanding" - Gautama Buddha.

4. “There is nothing worse for a relationship than the habit of suspicion. It is a poison that kills friendship and corrodes love. This is a thorn that irritates and pricks; it is the sword that kills.” – Gautama Buddha

5. “A bad and insincere friend should be feared more than a wild beast; a wild beast may hurt your body, but an evil friend hurts your soul.” – Gautama Buddha

6. “Don't be afraid of enemies, be afraid of friends. Friends betray, not enemies." - Johnny Depp

7. “Experience has proven that for what sins ... we condemn our neighbors, we ourselves will fall into them,” -
Saint John of the Ladder.

8. “The world is a mirror, and it returns to everyone his own image. Frown - and he, in turn, will look sourly at you; laugh at him, and with him - and he will become your cheerful, sweet comrade, ”- W. Thackeray.

9. “You are too used to the idea that everyone perceives the world the same way. But it's not. If you get together and try to retell each other the most simple and obvious concepts for you, you will understand that you all live in completely different worlds, ”- James Rogers.

10. “If you find a person with whom you can behave as freely as you behave alone with yourself, then appreciate him as air.” - Hank Moody.

11. “True love does not recede even when our neighbor stumbles and falls into sin,” Metropolitan John (Snychev).

12. "If you knew how rarely we are understood correctly, you would be silent more often" - Goethe.

13. "Never consider yourself different from what others do not think you are, and then others will not consider you different from what you would like to appear to them," Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland."

14. “Whoever became friends with you for gaining benefits is not your reliable friend, but the most terrible enemy,” A. Shukur.

15. “We do not choose each other by chance ... We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious,” Sigmund Freud.

16. "Don't dirty your life with people who don't appreciate you" - Paulo Coelho.

17. “It always seems like we are loved for being so good. And we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good, ”- L. N. Tolstoy.

18. “I never get angry with anyone. No man can do anything that would deserve such a reaction from me. You get angry with people when you feel that their actions are important. I have not felt anything like this for a long time,” don Juan.

19. “Guilt is a useless feeling. It never helps anyone and is not able to change the situation. So get yourself out of jail." Louise Hay

20. “Sometimes our fire goes out, but another person rekindles it. Each of us is deeply indebted to those who did not let our fire go out, ”- Albert Schweitzer.

21. “A person can fall into a bad company in two cases of life - when he is penniless and when he is rich,” - O. Henry.

22. “I am not upset if people do not understand me, I am upset if I do not understand people,” Confucius.

23. “The biggest prison people live in is the fear of what others will think.” – David Icke

24. “Everything that irritates us in others can lead to an understanding of ourselves”, Carl Jung.

25. “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemicals: if there is at least any reaction, then both elements change,” said Carl Jung.

26. "Knowing your own darkness is the best way to deal with the darkness of other people" - Carl Jung.

27. “Share only joy with both friends and enemies. A friend will rejoice, an enemy will grieve,” Mikhail Litvak.

28. “The reason why people in your life turned their backs on you and just left sometimes has nothing to do with you personally. The reason is that God is getting them out of your way, because they are the ones who can't walk where you walk. Often people who seem necessary to us are actually an obstacle, overweight and a brake on achieving our goals. Trust in heaven and be grateful for everything that happens! Sometimes great loss- this is your greatest acquisition! — Omar Khayyam.

29. “A powerless enemy is our best friend; an envious friend is the worst of our enemies, ”Peter Yakovlevich Chaadaev.

30. “Successful people always have a lot of parodies of friends ...”, - Oleg Roy. Web of lies.

31. “No one can say anything about you. Whatever people say, they talk about themselves, ”- Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh).

32. “Don't judge a man by his friends. With Judas, they were impeccable.” – Paul Verlaine

33. “We do not so much need the help of friends as the confidence that we will receive it,” Democritus.

34. “I am indifferent to the knife blows of the enemy, but the pinprick of a friend is painful to me,” Victor Hugo.

35. “Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this to himself,” Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. Hero of our time.

36. “A cowardly friend is worse than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but you hope for a friend,” - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

37. “People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry A little prince.

38. “Never exaggerate the stupidity of enemies and the loyalty of friends,” Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky.

39. “Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice at their successes,” Oscar Wilde.

40. “Good friends, good books, and a sleeping conscience are the ideal life.” – Mark Twain

41. "Friendship is more tragic than love - it dies much longer" - Oscar Wilde.

42. “Never say anything bad about yourself. Your friends will do it.” – André Maurois Letters to a stranger.

43. “I choose beautiful people as close friends, people with a good reputation as friends, I only make smart enemies” - Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey.

44. “A true friend is someone who will hold your hand and feel your heart.” – Gabriel Garcia Marquez

45. “Only a friend can offend. Resentment is when you are wounded to death by the one to whom you managed to become attached, ”- Maria Semenova. Wolfhound.

46. ​​"A true friend will stab you in the front" - Oscar Wilde.

47. “A true friend is with you when you’re wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.” – Mark Twain

48. “Nothing in the world is more offensive than impeccable courtesy with those with whom you used to be on a short foot,” George Bernard Shaw.

49. “All my friends want to marry me, because people can’t stand it when someone feels good,” Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky.

50. "It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend" - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

51. “... They all have friends the same as themselves - they make friends on the basis of purchases, almost live in commission shops, go to visit each other. How I envy them, brainless!” - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

52. “Friendship between a man and a woman is very weak at nightfall,” Otto von Bismarck.

53. "A friend is one soul living in two bodies" - Aristotle.

54. “Everything that does not suit us in others allows us to understand ourselves,” - C. G. Jung.

55. “You yourself will become everything that you find so disgusting in others” - Klaus Joel (Messenger).

56. “Learn not to tell anyone anything, and then everything will be fine with you,” - D. B. Shaw.

57. “The thing is: If you are cold, you hurt people. If you are sensitive, people will hurt you, ”- F. M. Dostoevsky.

58. “You need to live for those - who need you ... Be friends only with those - in whom you are sure ... Communicate with those - who are pleasant ... And be grateful to those - who appreciate you," - F. M. Dostoevsky.

59. “The greatest evil that can be done to a person is to deprive him of a true idea of ​​himself. This is what makes loved ones so scary. It doesn’t matter if they educate, subdue or oppress, the important thing is that over the years a person gets used to thinking about himself the way they think about him, ”Richie Dostyan“ Anxiety ”.

60. “An alien heart is an alien world, and there is no way to it! Even with a loving soul, we cannot immediately enter into it, ”- D. Merezhkovsky.

61. “A powerless enemy is our best friend; an envious friend is the worst of our enemies,” Chaadaev P.Ya.

62. “The best people in my life have always been those about whom at the first meeting you think: Lord, what kind of psycho is this,” - A. Franklin.

63. "Everyone hears only what he understands" - Goethe.

64. “All the people sent to us are our reflection. And they were sent so that we, looking at these people, correct our mistakes, and when we correct them, these people also change or leave our lives, ”Boris Pasternak.

65. “He who is free from prejudice must be prepared for the fact that he will not be understood” - Lion Feuchtwanger.

66. “As soon as you start looking for “good” and “bad” in your loved ones, a hole opens in your heart through which malicious thinking enters. If you test others, compete with them, criticize them - this leads to your weakening and defeat, ”- Morihei Ueshiba.


Wherever you go, you will find yourself in good company. You can boldly join the fight, pursuing high goals: you will be supported by a person whom you did not count on. Very soon, your business will go smoothly. You are somewhat insecure and restless, this is a consequence of the slight stress in which you are. Nevertheless, your desire will be fulfilled, and as fully as you take seriously the help offered to you by the elders.


hover your mouse over the name of the hexagram for more information

No. 13 - Tong-ren. Relatives (Associates)

[Kin in the fields. Accomplishment. Favorable is the ford across the great river] Favorable is the noble man fortitude

I. Nine at the beginning.
Like-minded people at the gate (gathered to start the journey).
- There will be no bullshit.

II. Six second.
Like-minded people in the temple of the ancestors (Looking back at the past).
- Regret.

III. Nine third.
Hide your weapons in the thicket and, climbing a high hill, do not rise for three years.

IV. Nine fourth.
Having risen to the very city rampart, do not attack.
- Happiness!

V. Nine fifth.
Like-minded people - first screams and cries, and then joy. Large armies meet and overcome each other.
(Most likely, before your eyes, your rivals will destroy each other).

VI. Top nine.
Like-minded people retreat to the outskirts.
- There will be no bullshit.


Tong jen (Relatives / Associates): tong - to harmonize, bring together; union, consent, harmony; balance, collect, participate jointly, agree; together, together; the same time and place; the hieroglyph depicts a human mouth in combination with a sign of shelter, which indicates understanding without words and an impeccable combination; jen – human beings; separate person; humanity; the hieroglyph depicts a person kneeling in a prayer pose, or a sign of humility.


This is the time to bring people together to achieve a common goal. Look for ways to bring people together. You have work to do that is best done together and that brings mutual benefit, such as harvesting or building a house. Find out what feelings and goals are shared. It's time to start a new project or found a new enterprise. Enter the river of life with a meaningful purpose. Moving along the chosen path will bring benefits and enlightenment. Warmth and understanding will help in your struggle. People should not be separated from each other. Think about how to connect them. Gather them together - because creative power is born in unity. Try to see the inner beauty of things and move with the flow of events. You can establish a link between yourself and the forces that move the world.