Games minecraft flan s mod. Mod Flans - military equipment and weapons in Minecraft. Application and recipes

Military equipment, cars, planes, weapons - all this is missing in the classic version of Minecraft. However, the Flan's mod can add all these cool things to the game! With it, you will feel the atmosphere of the Second World War, when small military planes flew in the sky, and tanks and machine-gun fire rumbled in the fields. It remains to download Flans mod for Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 or 1.7.10. Then add the packs you like and enjoy the game.

Flan's mod 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and 1.7.10 adds a whole bunch of weapons, planes, tanks and military vehicles to Minecraft. With them you can quickly move around the map, as well as shoot and destroy enemies.

To craft a plane or tank, you will need a special workbench. After creating such a workbench, you need to make all the necessary details, such as landing gear or wings, and then assemble an airplane or other equipment from them. To move around the map on it, you will need a flat area, although tanks are able to overcome obstacles up to 2 blocks high. On a tank, you can safely ride in the forest at night and not be afraid of anything.

Another important innovation in the Flan's mod for Minecraft 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.6.4/1.5.2 is weapons from the Second World War. Among these weapons you will find a PPSh assault rifle and a German MP-40, a Luger pistol and many other weapons. If you make yourself a machine gun and cartridges for it, then you can safely go hunting for anyone.

Mod Flans for Minecraft perfectly complements the game and adds a lot of new and interesting things. With it, you will perfectly diversify the gameplay and provide yourself with many more hours of fun.



  1. Download Flans Mod 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4 or 1.5.2.
  2. Install the correct version of Minecraft Forge.
  3. Copy the Flan's mod file to the .minecraft / mods folder
  4. Launch Minecraft and make sure the mod is on the list.
  5. Close the game, find the .minecraft/flan folder and put the packs you need into it.

Tanks, planes, artillery and weapons from the Second World War - all of the above are added to the game thanks to this mod. You can get on a tank and with the help of heavy weapons destroy even the most dangerous enemy, and on an airplane you can cover huge distances in a very short period of time. With the help of weapons, which include such well-known machine guns as PPSh or MP40, you will be able to kill monsters from a distance, which will definitely help you on long hikes through dangerous night forests. Liked? On this page you can download mod Flans 1.7.10. We also posted some content packs. Be sure to copy them to the .minecraft/flan folder.

To craft a tank or plane, you will need a special workbench, as well as many different parts, such as tracks, turret, landing gear or wings. You will need a lot of useful resources: iron, gold, diamonds. However, when you do what you wanted, you will feel the real killing power of the weapon, which for several years destroyed millions of people on the battlefields.

On our site you can download Flans Mod for Minecraft 1.7.10. To install it, you will need Forge. Place the mod file in the /mods/ folder and you can safely start the game.

Videos fashion flange

Detailed installation

  1. Download Flans Mod 1.7.10
  2. Install Minecraft Forge 1.7.10
  3. Find the game folder. As a rule, it can be found at %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/
  4. Copy the Flan's mod file to the mods folder.
  5. Launch Minecraft and close.
  6. Open the game folder again and find the flan folder in it.
  7. Download packs for Flans 1.7.10 and copy them to flan folder.

» Flan's Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 (Epic Gun Mod Battle)

Flan's Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 (Epic Gun Mod Battle)

Flan's Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 is a huge mod for Minecraft which adds planes, cars, tanks, guns, grenades and more in a customizable content pack system. Enjoy peacefully flying through the Minecraftian skies and driving through your worlds or get some more destructive content packs and stab, shoot and detonate mobs, blocks and even other players.

This mod is a combination of Planes, Vehicles and WW2Guns rewritten with a whole load of awesome new features and designed to allow easy custom content creation by anyone. Flan's mod alone is useless, it requires content packs in order to be of any use.

You can turn your world into a first person shooter with this mod. Challenge yourself by putting the game in the hardest mode and fight off hordes of zombies. Minecraft may be notorious for not having any sort of guns but Flan's mod now gives you that option. Bring your world out of the dark ages and into modern times. Rid yourself of the need for bows and arrows and arm yourself with an automatic.

Every part of Flan's Mod works in multiplayer and provides additional experiences such as flying large bombers with multiple passenger gun turrets and playing gametypes such as Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag.


Usage and Crafting Recipes:

Most actual items and blocks are separate from the mod, distributed in content packs, but there are still a few things you will need to know how to craft that are in the base mod.

Vehicle Crafting Table - 252 / 253 / 254

All 3 tables have been combined into one, but all the crafting recipes still exist. As such, this is the cheapest one

Some notes about plane and vehicle crafting

  • The planes and vehicles will take any engine. The engine speed adds to the plane / vehicle speed so better engines make the plane / vehicle go faster.
  • Guns are always optional. You can put any deployable guns into the gun slots, but some planes / vehicles disallow use of certain slots.
  • The blueprints section lists all the planes / vehicles you have made in the past and clicking on one of these places as much stuff into the crafting table as possible to make that particular plane / vehicle.

Team Controls

  • G: Open Team Select Menu
  • H: Open Team Score Menu

Plane/Vehicle Controls

(This will be changeable in the next update)

  • E: Exit plane / vehicle
  • R: Inventory

Planes (simple control mode) and Vehicles

  • W: Accelerate
  • S: Decelerate / Go backwards
  • A: Turn left
  • D: Turn right
  • Left Ctrl: Shoot machine guns
  • V: Drop bomb / fire shell
  • Space: Pitch up (Planes only)
  • Left Shift: Pitch down (Planes only)
  • C: Switch control modes (planes only)

Planes (mouse controls)

  • Same as simple controls except no pitching with space / shift
  • Mouse up/down: pitch up/down
  • Mouse left/right: roll left/right
  • Left click: Shoot machine guns
  • Right click: Drop bombs

Teams Mod Instructions

Teams Mod is designed to allow you to play FPS-like gametypes on your Minecraft server. To use it, you will need to be op on your server.

  • 1) Enter "/teams listGametypes" into the chat window to see the available gametypes
  • 2) Enter "/teams setGametype where is one of the gametypes listed in step 1 (“TDM” for example)
  • 3) Enter “/teams listAllTeams” to see the available teams
  • 4) Enter "/teams setTeams ” and add more teams if the gametype you chose requires more than two teams.
  • 5) Enter “/teams getSticks”
  • 6) Go to creative mode “/gamemode 1” and spawn in some Player Spawners, Item Spawners and Flags (all of which are in the “Flan’s Mod Teams Stuff” creative tab)
  • 7) Place a flag at the center of each base you want to create and the n spread some player spawners around the flag in places where you want players to spawn.
  • 8) Use the stick of connecting to connect the spawners to the flagpole by clicking one after the other
  • 9) Use the stick of ownership on the flagpole to change the base owner
  • 10) Item spawners may be left unconnected (in which case anyone can pick up their items) or connected (in which case only people on the team of the base connected to the spawner can pick up the items). To change the spawn delay of an item spawner, right click it with an empty hand. To add an item stack to the spawner, right click it with that stack in your hand.

For more help with teams try “/teams help”

Other useful commands

  • "/teams setGametype None" : Switch Teams mod off
  • “/teams setVariable friendlyFire false” : Allow / disallow friendly fire
  • "/teams setVariable autobalance true" : Enable / disable autobalance
  • "/teams setVariable scoreLimit 100" : Set the TDM score limit
  • "/teams armourDrops false" : Turn off armor drops
  • “/teams weaponDrops smart” : Turn on smart drops (other options are on/off)
  • "/teams canBreakGlass false" : Whether bullets break glass, lightstone and the like
  • “/teams explosions false” : Whether explosive weaponry damages the environment
  • “/teams mgLife 100” : Set the lifespan of MGs. 0 means they never dissapear
  • “/teams vehicleLife 100” : Set the lifespan of vehicles. 0 means they never dissapear
  • “/teams planeLife 100” : Set the lifespan of planes. 0 means they never dissapear

Map Features

Now you can set your bases into groups (called maps) and use a simple command to set the current map, and hence the set of currently used bases.

  • "/teams listMaps" : List the maps
  • “/teams addMap shortName The Long Name of The Map” : Make a new map. "shortName" is a reference name used to set the map and the full name follows.
  • “/teams setMap shortName” : Sets the current map to be the map with the given shortName
  • "/teams removeMap shortName" : Remove a map from the list
  • Use the Stick of Mapping (“/teams getSticks”) to set the map of a base

Map Rotation

  • “/teams listRotation” : Show the current rotation
  • “/teams useRotation true” : Use the map rotation
  • "/teams addRotation ” : Add a map with set gametype and teams to the map rotation
  • "/teams removeRotation ” : Remove a map from the rotation. IDs are as in listRotation
  • “/teams nextMap” : Skip the current map and move on to the next one
  • "/teamsgoToMap ” : Jump around the rotation at will

Content packs- these are separate mods that add certain content to Minecraft. There are a lot of such additions and you can download each of them for free from our website using the links above. Each flange pack contains new items for the game, for example: sports cars from the last decade, a set of weapons from the Second World War, urban vehicles, aircraft, tanks and much more.

It is worth noting that the packs only work if the . More about this in the paragraph with the installation.

This division of Flans Mod into packs is good because you can download and add to the game only those equipment and weapons that you like and really come in handy, and not everything in a row. Due to this, it will be easier for the player to navigate the game with new content.

Each new item that Flan's adds to Minecraft has its own crafting recipe. These recipes can be found on our website on the page of a specific add-on in the form of screenshots.

Current versions

The versions of MineCraft that Flans mods will go to are completely up to the developers. However, it is worth noting that you will be able to download all Flans packs for 1.7.10 and 1.8 versions, as they are among the most popular.

How to install packs for Flan's Mod?

Installing these add-ons is a little different from installing regular ones. It is necessary to do everything strictly in the order that is described below.

  1. Install Flan's Mod and start the game. After starting, the Flan folder should appear in the mods folder. If this does not happen, then you need to add this folder yourself;
  2. Download the required content pack;
  3. Drop the file into the newly created folder: \AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\Flan";
  4. Let's start the game and enjoy.

Dudes! Almost all vehicles in these packs require special parts, which adds