Download the Latin-Russian medical dictionary. Latin for doctors: preparation. Attention! The dictionaries are sorted in alphabetical order and in the menu to your left you need to select the letter with which the word you are interested in begins

The use of Latin in medical terminologies is a tradition that has formed Latin as an international language for understanding by Doctors in any country in the world. This language has the same status for many other specializations - not just medicine.

Attention! The dictionaries are sorted in alphabetical order and in the menu to your left you need to select the letter with which the word you are interested in begins.


a, ab (preposition with аbl.) from, from
abdomen,inis n stomach
abdominalis,e abdominal
abdflcens, ntis abducting
abductio,onisf lead
abductor, oris m abductor (muscle)
abruptus, a, um jerky
abscessus,us m abscess, abscess
absens,ntis missing
abstineo, tinui, tentum, ere hold
absum, afui, -, abesse absent
absurdus, a, um unpleasant; trans. ridiculous, meaningless
abundo,avi,atum are to be rich, to be in abundance
abfisus, us m abuse, excess
ac (union) and besides
ac si as if, as if
accedo, cessi, cessum, ere approach
accessorius, a, um additional
accipio, cepi, ceptum, ere accept, receive, perceive
acer, acris, acre spicy
aceticus, a,um acetic acid
acetum,i n vinegar
acheilia,aef congenital absence of lips
acidosisf increased acidity
acidum, i n acid
Acidum acetylsalicylicum acetylsalicylic acid
Acidum hydrosulfuricum hydrosulfide acid
Acidum nitricum Nitric acid
Acidum nitrosum nitrous acid
acies,ei f pungency; pupil, vigilance
acquiro, quisivi, quisitum, ere acquire, receive
acusma, atis n auditory hallucination, perceived as ringing, noise, etc.
acusticus,s,um auditory
acutus, a, um spicy
ad (preposition with asc.) before, for, on
adamantinum,i n adamantine, tooth enamel
adamantine, a, um steel; hard as steel
adamas,ntis m steel; diamond
addo, didi, ditlim, ere add
adductor,oris m (musculus) adductor
aden, adenis m gland
adenoma, atis n adenoma - glandular tumor (usually benign)
adenologia,aef adenology - the study of glands
adenomalacia, aef softening of the glands
adenopathia, ae f disease of the lymph nodes
adetiectomia,ae f removal of adenoid growths
adeo (adverb) yes, to such an extent
adeps, ipis m fat
adhaereo, haesi, haesum, ere join; stick, be attached to something
adhaesivus, a, um sticky
adhibeo,hibui,hibitum,ere use, apply
adhuc(adverb) still
adicio,ieci,iectum,ere add
adiposus, a,um obese, fatty, fatty
aditus,us m login
adiuvans,ntis auxiliary
adiuvo, iuvi, iutum, are to help
admoveo, movi, motum, ere bring closer; use; apply
adnumero,avi,atum,are include, include
adolescens,ntis young; young man; young girl
adolescentia, aef youth
Adonis,idis m adonis, medicinal plant
Adonisidum, i n adonizide
adsum,affui, -, adesse attend, help
adultus, a, um adult, big
aduncus, a, um crooked; hooked
aduro, ussi, ustum, ere cauterize
adversus,a,um facing someone (something)
adverto, adversi, adversum, ere convert
advoco,avi,atum,are invite
aeger, aegra, aegrum sick
aegroto, -,-, are to be sick, to suffer
aegrotus, a, um sick
aequalis, e equal, identical
aerophagia,aef aerophagia - swallowing air
aethylicus, a, um ethyl
aerophobia, aef obsessive fear of air movements
aer, aeris m air
aestas, atisf summer
aesthesiologia, ae f branches of anatomy and physiology that study the structure and functions of the sense organs
aesthesis, is f feeling, feeling
aestivus,a,um summer
aetas,atisf age
aether, eris m ether; air
aethereus,a,um ethereal
aetiologia, aef etiology is a branch of medicine that studies the causes and conditions for the occurrence of diseases
affectus m affect - a strong emotional experience, a violent emotional reaction
afferens,ntis bringing, bearing
afficio, feci, fectum, ere act, set up
affigo, fixi, fixum, ere attach
agalactia,aef agalactia - lack of milk, complete absence of milk secretion in a woman in labor
ageusia,ae f loss of taste
agito,avi,atum,are shake up
agnosco,novi,nitum,ere acknowledge, recognize
ago,egi,actum,ere do something, act
agoraphobia, aef fear of squares, open places
ala,alaef wing
alaris,e pterygoid
albumen,inis n protein (eggs)
albus,a,um white
alea, aef lot
alienitas,atis f alienation
alienus,a,um alien, alien
alii, . . . alii some, ... others
aliquamdiu (adverb) some. time; pretty long
aliquando(adverb) a lot, significantly
Alium, ii n garlic
alius,alia,aliud one of many, another
alkaloidum,i n alkaloid
almus,a,um nutritious, life-giving; beneficent, beneficial, gracious
alo, alui, altum (alitum), ere nourish, feed, nurture
Aloef aloe, cabur
alter, altera, alterum one of the two, the other
Althaea,aef marshmallow, marshmallow
altus,a,um tall
Aluminum,ii n aluminum
alveolus,i m alveolus, cell
amabilis, e cute, nice
amarus, a, um bitter
ambo, ae, o both
amica,aef girlfriend
amicitia, aef friendship
amicus, i m Friend
amo, amavi, amatum, are be in love
amor,oris m Love
amplus, a, um extensive, large
ampulla, a.e.f ampoule, flask-shaped vessel
amputatio,onis f amputation, taking away, cutting off
Amygdala,aef almond (tree and fruit)
amylum, i n starch
amens, amentis crazy, crazy, reckless
am(adverb) already
ana according to, in equal parts, in equal proportions
anemia, ae f anemia, anemia
anesthesia, ae f partial or complete loss of one or more types of sensitivity
Anaesthesinum, i n anestesin
analgetica n(remedia) pl painkillers
Analginum,i n analgin
analysis,is f analysis
anamnesisf anamnesis, history of illness
anasarca, aef cutaneous dropsy, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue
anatomy, ae f the science of the form and structure of individual organs, systems and the entire organism as a whole
anatomicus, a, um anatomical
anatoxinum, i n toxoid, antidote
angeion, i n vessel
angiitis, tidis f angiitis - inflammation of a blood vessel, artery or vein
angiocardiographia,ae f angiocardiography - radiography of the cavities of the heart and blood vessels
angiography, ae f angiography - radiography of arteries and veins after the introduction of a contrast agent into them
angiologia, aef angiology is a branch of anatomy that studies the circulatory and lymphatic systems
angiomalacia, aef softening of the vessel wall
angioparalysis, is f vascular paralysis
angiopathia, ae f angiopathy - a disease of the blood vessels
angiorrhexis,is f angiorexis - rupture of a blood or lymphatic vessel
ango, anxi, -, ere disturb, disturb
angustus,s,um narrow
angulus,i m corner
animal,ails n animal
animans, ntis m, f living creature
animum advertere direct attention, thoughts
animo aequo indifferently
animus,i m spirit, rational principle, thought, soul, memory, consciousness; courage, character, nature
annulus,i m ring, bezel, ringlet
annumero,avi,atum,are include, include
annus,i m year
anopheles, is f malaria mosquito
antebrachium,ii n forearm
anterior,ius front
anthrax,acis m anthrax
anthropologia,aef the science of the origin and evolution of the physical organization of man and his races
anthropometria,ae f one of the main research methods in anthropology, which consists of various measurements of the human body
antibioticum, i n antibiotic
antidotum,i n antidote; means, measure
antiquus, a, um old, antique
antisepticus, s, um antiseptic, disinfectant, kills germs
antitoxina, orum n (pl.) antitoxins - substances (antibodies) produced by the body when exposed to toxins and protecting the body from poisoning by them
anularis, e cricoid, ring-shaped
aorta, aef aorta - the main artery of the systemic circulation
aperio,perui,pertum,ire open
apertura, ae f hole
apex,icis m top, top
appareo, parui, paritum, ere show up
appello, avi, atum, are call
aptus, a, um fitted, fitted, attached; suitable, suitable, appropriate
apud (preposition with acc.) at, near
aqua, aef water
aquila, ae f eagle
aquosus, a, um water
arachnoideus,a,um arachnoid
arbor,oris m tree
arcanum, in secret
arcuatus, a, um arched
arcus,us m arc
ardor,oris m fire; passion; inspiration
arduus, s, um difficult, irresistible
area,ae f field
argenteus,a,um silver
argentum,i n silver
armatus,a,um armed
aromaticus, a,um aromatic, fragrant
arsenas,atis m arsenate
arsenicus, a, um arsenic oxide
ars, artis f art, science
arsenicosus, a, um arsenic
Arsenkum,i n arsenic
arsenis,itis m arsenite
arteria,aef artery
arteriosclerosis, isf arteriosclerosis - calcification - arteries with thickening of the arterial wall
arterioscleroticus, a, um arteriosclerotic
arthralgia, aef joint pain
arthrologia, aef arthrology - a branch of anatomy that studies the structure of joints
arthron,i n joint
arthropathia, ae f joint disease due to damage to the central nervous system
arthroplastica, aef arthroplasty - plastic surgery to restore joint mobility
arthrosis, isf arthrosis - chronic joint disease
articularis, e articular
articulatio, onisf joint
artifex,icis skillful, skillfully made
artus, us m joint
ascendens,ntis ascending
ascites, ae f abdominal dropsy
ascribe, scripsi, scriptum, ere attribute
asper, era, eram rough, uneven, lumpy
aspera,orum n difficulties
aspicio, speci, spectum, ere look, inspect
assequor, secutus sum, sequi achieve
assidue constantly, continuously
assiduus,a,um constant, tireless, persistent
assuesco,suevi,suetum,ere to accustom someone, to get used to something
assumo, sumpsi, sumtum, ere take to oneself, accept; afford
asthenia, ae f general weakness, exhaustion
asthma, atis n asthma, shortness of breath
astrum, i n star
at (conjunction) and, but
atlas, ntis m atlas, first cervical vertebra
atque (union) and besides, and also
atrium, ii n atrium
atrocier (adverb) cruel, harsh
attineo,tinul,tentum,ere touch, relate
attollo, -, -, ere erect, construct
auctor,oris m author, writer
auctoritas,atis f influence, authority
audio, ivi, itum, ire hear, listen
auditus,a,um heard
auditus,us m hearing
Augustus,i m(mensis) August
aura, aef aura is a special condition that precedes attacks of epilepsy, hysteria, migraine, etc. and has various manifestations: a feeling of numbness, wind blowing, ringing in the ears, etc.
auris,is f yxo
aurum,i n gold
auscultatio,onis f listening
ausculto,avi,atum,are listen
aut (union) or
aut, ...aut or or
autem (union) a, and, but (placed in second place in a sentence)
autopsia, ae f autopsy to determine the cause of death
auxilium, ii n help
aversus,aum facing the other way, turning one's back
avis, isf bird
avunculus,i m maternal uncle
axungia, ae f fat, lard

You can find interesting material on the topic here: and also here too.

Friends remember! A healthy lifestyle not only helps improve treatment results, but also prevents the disease altogether. A healthy lifestyle is a friend and helper not only for patients, but also for doctors. Don’t forget to remind each other about this and you will be healthy!
Regardless of the methods of traditional and non-traditional medicine, the main medicine is a good mood, the mood is transmitted to others like a virus, if you are in a bad mood, the treatment has the opposite effect - that’s why give each other a good mood! Health is the main value of human life.

Useful article:

The Latin language is a unique linguistic paradox. Having not been an active means of communication among the population for 1,500 years, it continues to exist to this day in the world of pharmaceuticals and scientific treatises. Acting as a prominent representative of the Italic languages, it has its roots in ancient times, now becoming the starting point for the emergence of “daughter” English, German, Norwegian and other languages. Taking into account passive use, the best assistant in understanding it today can be an online translator into Latin.

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Good afternoon Today we will get acquainted with the Latin language, find out why a doctor needs it in any country, and also try to learn several important Latin terms.

So, Latin. To be honest, I really enjoyed teaching him for a number of reasons:

  • In classes on this subject, I felt as if I was touching some secret ancient knowledge. This is understandable, because we are talking about the language spoken by the great doctors of antiquity;
  • you will learn in Latin. Therefore, a good knowledge of Latin will make memorizing anatomy relatively easy for you;
  • Latin terms (especially medical ones) sound really, really cool;
  • An appropriately used term in Latin during a conversation or report eloquently indicates your erudition. This may not be entirely true, but I always got that impression.

What is Latin used for? Doctors need it so that doctors who speak different languages ​​can always understand each other. Of course, it is impossible to imagine anatomy without Latin. Biologists, chemists and pharmacists need it due to the use of a single terminology, which greatly facilitates the classification of medicines, animal species, etc.

Clinical terminology is also based on Latin. For example, if the name of a medicine ends in “in”, we can with a high degree of probability assume that we are talking about an antibiotic - amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin. If the name of the disease has the suffix “oma”, then they certainly talk about a tumor - hemengioMA, sarcomoma, lipoma. If the suffix “itis” is present, this is inflammation. For example, stomatitis, bronchitis, colitis.

Studying Latin for doctors has its own specifics. At the end of the course in this subject at the medical university, you are unlikely to be able to speak Latin with your friend on the phone. You also probably won't be able to easily say things like, "I may be a Marvel fan, but Zack Snyder's direction is so good that I ended up loving the Superman and Batman movies more than anyone else." All you need from this subject is to be able to understand and name it from memory anatomical terms, diagnoses of diseases, and also be able to write prescriptions in Latin.

From my own experience, I will say that Latin terms memorized in advance, before starting your studies at a medical university, provide several advantages:

  1. Firstly, you master the subject much faster and new topics are much easier for you.
  2. Secondly, you will quickly gain a good attitude from the teacher towards you. Your Latin teacher will definitely consider you a bright student if you answer the best in the first few years.
  3. Well, thirdly, having a good vocabulary, you will to some extent be able to compensate for your lag in grammar if this suddenly happens. This is exactly how it was with me - in terms of vocabulary, I was quite good, but grammar was very difficult. But I was included in the list of applicants for the coveted “automatic machine” precisely because of my vocabulary - at least that’s what the teacher told me.

When I created this collection of Latin words, I was guided, first of all, by the very beginning of the first semester of the first year. Therefore, if you have already been admitted, but wanted to know how to prepare for medical university in advance, this article is for you. After all, in such a situation it is best to start your preparation with Latin.

Actually, a Latin lesson

Let's try to remember a few simple words with pronunciation. Let me make a reservation right away that in our first selection I will not indicate the gender, variation of spelling of a word in the genitive case or in the plural, as is customary in dictionaries.

For our first lesson in Latin, I suggest remembering two simple rules that we will use right now:

  1. In Latin, the stress on the last syllable is NEVER placed;
  2. The sound of the letter "L" is always softened. The word "clavicula" (collarbone) will never sound like "clavicula". We will read it as a "clacker". Just like “scapula” (scapula) - it will sound correctly like this: “scapula”.

So, let's start learning Latin for doctors. Our minimum vocabulary for this lesson:

  • Caput(kaput) - head;
  • Cranium(cranium) - skull. Quite a common word. There is even the science of craniology, which studies the normal structure of the human skull;
  • Basis cranii(base of the crane) - base of the skull;
  • Fornix cranii(fornix krani) - cranial vault, that is, the lid of the skull;
  • Maxilla(maxilla) - upper jaw. Let’s not forget our second rule and read it as “maxilla”;
  • Mandibula(mandible) - lower jaw. The correct sound would be “mandible”;

I used Da Vinci's classic illustration to show you what I was talking about. With a red dotted line I marked the boundary between the cranial vault (fornix cranii) and its base (basis cranii). The rounded part at the top is the arch. Below is the basics.

I highlighted the upper jaw (maxilla) with blue, and the lower jaw (mandibula) with green.

  • Cervix(cervix) - neck;
  • Vertebra(vertebra) - vertebra;
  • Columna vertebralis(columna vertebralis) - spinal column. It is this that consists of vertebrae;
  • Corpus vertebrae(corpus vertebrae) - vertebral body. It is very easy to memorize Latin by associations - often, especially in sports, the human body is called the “corpus”. This is what boxers say: “body blow”;
  • Arcus vertebrae(arcus vertebrae) - vertebral arch. It is also not without reason that an architectural figure in the form of an arc is called an “arch”;

This is what the spinal column looks like:

Next block of words:

  • Thorax(thorax) - chest. The same term refers to the chest - an anatomical formation within which the chest cavity is located.
  • Cavum thoracis(kavum thoracis) - chest cavity. It is limited by the sternum, ribs and vertebrae, that is, the chest.
  • Sternum(sternum) - sternum. One of the coolest bones to learn. There are only a few elements to remember, the main one is...
  • Corpus sterni(corpus sterni) - the body of the sternum. I think you already know the translation of this word, by analogy with the vertebral body;
  • Costa(kosta) - rib;
  • Caput costae(kaput koste) - rib head. Yes, at first I myself thought that the human head and the head of some anatomical formation have different names, but it turns out not
  • Corpus costae(corpus coste) - the body of the rib. I think you already remember well what corpus is;

In this illustration you can see the chest from the front. The sternum is a long, vertical bone located in the front. The body of the sternum is even labeled here, only in English - body of sternum. By the way, Latin and English have a large number of similar words.

And the last block of Latin words for today.

  • Сingulum membri superioris(cingulum membri superioris) - girdle of the upper limb. The word superior, like its opposite, inferior, will be encountered very often throughout anatomy.
  • Superior(superior) - upper. A simple association. “Super” - above all others;
  • Inferior(interior) - lower. It's also easy to remember. "Inferno" is another name for hell. “Infernal” - hellish, devilish. The stereotypical hell is always below;
  • Scapula(scapula) is a word already analyzed today. As you remember, this is translated as “scapula”;
  • Clavicula(clavicle) - collarbone. We looked into this too. By the way, for me in anatomy it was very surprising that the girdle of the upper limbs consists of only two bones - the scapula and the clavicle. I thought it was full of bones.

I highlighted the collarbone in red and the shoulder blade in green.

Here's a list. I would recommend that you learn it in parts. Write each term several times, say it out loud, and then tell a few learned terms with Russian translation to your household or a friend on the phone (I periodically told the cat).

This concludes our first (hopefully not the last) lesson on Latin for doctors. If you study a few expressions a week before you start studying, you will become a very skilled Latin student. Good luck to everyone, study and love science!

The only dead language still in active use. Usually languages ​​fall out of use and become dead due to being replaced by other languages. This was the case with the Coptic language, which replaced , the dialects of the indigenous people of America replaced , and . In most cases, dead languages ​​are not used at all and are preserved only in written monuments.

Latin remains active, although in limited use. Other examples of this use are Sanskrit, Avestan and some other languages. There are examples of reviving dead languages, for example, the Manx language.

Latin is the progenitor of the Italian branch of Indo-European languages. Currently, Latin is the official language of the Order of Malta and the Roman Catholic Church. Many words in European languages ​​and international vocabulary come from Latin.

History of Latin

This language received its name from the Latin tribe from the Latium region, located in the middle of the Apennine Peninsula. According to legend, here are Romulus and Remus in the 8th century BC. e. founded the eternal city. Along with the expansion of the territories of the Roman state, the Latin language also spread. By the 5th century AD, when the Western Roman Empire fell, Latin was the international means of communication throughout the conquered lands of the Mediterranean. The influence was somewhat less in its colonies, in Sicily and the south of the Apennines.

Latin was perhaps the most developed European language of that period, with a rich lexical composition, covering abstract concepts, harmonious grammar, and laconic definitions.

The entire history of Latin is divided into several periods:

  • Archaic – VI–IV centuries BC. e.
  • Preclassical – III–II centuries BC. e. This is the period of development of the literary form of the language, embodied in the works of Terence, Plautus, and Cato the Elder.
  • Golden Age - 1st century BC e. The rise of the Latin language under Emperor Augustus. Classical Latin has become complete, and this is evidenced by the works of Cicero, Horace, Ovid, and Virgil.
  • Silver Age – 1st century AD e. Classical Latin was influenced by the languages ​​of the colonies, which resulted in a slight decline in the standards of the literary language.
  • Vulgar Latin developed during the Middle Ages. Many new words came into the language; the language of that period is called “kitchen Latin.”
  • The era of humanism of the 14th–17th centuries once again brought Latin closer to the “gold standard”. But the gap between classical Latin and its vulgar version was increasingly widening. In Italy of that period, society experienced many evolutionary upheavals and this strengthened the position of the Latin language. The Renaissance elevated Latin to a cult, the language was glorified and studied, treatises were written about it and sung in literary works. At the same time, the simplification of Latin and the translation of books written in this language into Italian are clearly visible.

Latin still remained the language of science, but Galileo Galilei, by his own example, forced scientists to switch to the vernacular. By the 18th century, the use of Latin had narrowed to the realms of science and diplomacy.

The French Revolution was the impetus for the removal of Latin from universities, and now teaching was carried out in new languages. In the 19th century, Latin almost completely fell out of use, remaining a tool for scientific research by classical philologists and physicians. The next century ousted Latin from the Catholic Church after allowing services to be conducted in national languages.

In the modern world, Latin is used by doctors, biologists, and philologists. Most scientific terms came to us from Latin, and it has turned into an international scientific language.

  • All modern Romance languages ​​were formed from spoken Latin. Thus, learning Latin allows you to understand several European languages.
  • The word "coin" in Latin means "counselor". This was the name of the Roman goddess Juno, near whose temple there were workshops that minted money. Advisor Juno gave the name to metallic money, and in English to money in general - money.
  • Latin words always have the same meaning, which makes their use very convenient for scientific terminology.
  • The pronunciation of classical Latin and the modern language are completely different, but since the language is used mainly in writing, this does not matter.
  • Latin is the common ancestor of all Romance languages. At the same time, these languages ​​have significant differences, which is explained by different times of penetration of the language into a particular territory. Over time, Latin changed, and local languages, in interaction with Latin, created new forms.
  • Traces of Latin in British place names can be seen in the names of cities containing -chester or -castle, which means a fortification or military camp (Manchester, Lancaster, Newcastle, Lincoln, etc.).
  • The increased penetration of Latin into European languages ​​began during the time of Peter I. Although in the Old Russian language there were already borrowings directly from Latin, go through: bathhouse, chamber, mint, cherry.

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