Morning prayers for beginners

If you have only recently embarked on the path of Christianity and faith in God, then it is extremely important to start each day right. Daily morning prayers for beginners will help you get into the right state for the whole day.

In order to be under the protection of God every day, it is necessary to see and understand the signs that He sends us, and also to avoid sinful deeds and thoughts. The best help in this will be the well-known prayer "Our Father":

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

Morning prayer to the Guardian Angel

Every person has a Guardian Angel. It protects the body from danger and illness, and the soul from wrong decisions leading to death. In order for your Angel to protect and protect you, you need to remember him and pray to him at the beginning of each new day. This short prayer can be read several times until you feel confident in your abilities and the patronage of your Guardian Angel:

“Angel of God, my patron and protector! Do not leave me in trouble and grief, hide from evil and guide me on the right path. Stay by my side and don't leave me if I stumble. Do not turn your face away from me, show me the right path, pleasing to my Lord. Amen".

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

So that your every day is filled with warmth and joy, you can ask for protection and help from the Virgin. This prayer can save you from trouble and suggest the right solution in a difficult situation:

“Holy Virgin Mary, Immaculate Mother of God, Mother of my Lord! I humbly appeal to You, and ask for help and protection in the new day. Do not leave me and show the way to humility and Christian virtue, subdue my pride and hide me from all evil. May the morning of the new day be filled with joy and Love for You, Your son, Angels and all the saints. Amen".

Morning prayer to Saint Panteleimon

Saint Panteleimon is known for his gift of healing: by the will of the Lord, he raised terminally ill people to their feet and worked miracles all his life. Prayer to the healer Panteleimon will help you if you are sick, and will also be a good way to ask for the health and prosperity of all the people close to you.

“Saint Panteleimon, faithful servant of God, miracle worker and martyr! Hear me praying to you, and do not reject my words. I resort to you with a request: heal my body and soul, guide me on the path of joy and health. Strengthen my flesh and cleanse my spirit from the burden of sin before the Lord, do not leave us, the servants of God, in sickness and darkness. Reach out your hand and free us with God's forgiveness. Amen".

Prayers for good luck for every day will help you attract well-being and prosperity into your life. We wish you peace in your soul and the patronage of the saints. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.03.2017 03:03

Many prayers in Christianity are very difficult to remember, because it is customary to read them in Church Slavonic. ...