The expression is a disservice. The meaning of a disservice in a phraseology guide. The use of the phraseological unit "Bear service" in literature

If young people who make the fateful decision to have offspring represented the fullness of parental responsibility, the human race would have ceased long ago. Raising a child is too risky, too long in time, without any guarantees, often unprofitable project, from the point of view of common sense, business logic and elementary profit, absolutely unprofitable.

To become real parents, it is not enough to conceive, endure and give birth to a child. Usually any decent fairy tale ends with a wedding, and after it life is just beginning, with all its problems, trials and difficult tasks. The child complicates it many times.

Only sleepless nights and teething are flowers compared to the surprises of adolescence.

The desire to look like adults motivates young guys to try alcohol and drugs. Parents should be attentive, sensitively sniffing and looking into the eyes of a teenager who returned home late in the evening, without humiliating his human dignity and without provoking a righteous protest. Without arranging a search, you need to be aware of what is happening with a grown-up, but still not responsible for his actions, child.

What does a smoking pipette look like?

Parents who usually react to cigarettes may overlook a harmless, homemade toy made from a medical dropper. It is adapted for smoking tobacco, dope, sage, wormwood, nettle, chamomile, parsley, dill, hops, which can be bought at the pharmacy. When using it, there is practically no smoke, but the smell is present, and if necessary, the pipette can be quietly thrown away.

"Craftsmen" contrive to melt the plastic tip of a pharmacy pipette case with a lighter, squeezing a glass pipette into it with a narrow side. This kind of mouthpiece protects the lips from burning when smoking. To prevent the grass from waking up, gently insert into the pipette, pushing as deep as possible, the stretched and doubled spring, which is removed from the lighter. A lot of grass does not fit, but visibility and external surroundings are created, by the way, glass usually does not burst from heating.

The pipette for smoking has gained its distribution as a device for the use of smoking mixtures, which have gained great popularity, especially among young people and adolescents.

Therefore, parents should be attentive to the presence of not only cigarettes in their child, but also such specific items as a smoking pipette.

Harm from smoking mixtures

Smoking mixtures contain either natural plant components that have narcotic properties, or can be processed chemicals. Both are harmful, but the latter is stronger. Doctors identify the following dangers of smoking mixtures:

  • Local reactions that occur due to the direct irritant effects of smoke: mucous membranes are affected. Regular smoking causes chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract - laryngitis,. There is a high probability of the appearance of malignant tumors in the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, bronchi.
  • central reactions. They carry a danger in themselves during exposure to smoking mixtures - a person can lose control over his consciousness, actions, behavior. But the great evil is the gradual accumulation of harmful effects, which leads to irreversible destructive processes in the central nervous system that affect attention, memory, mental activity and mental state.
  • Toxic reactions, manifested in nausea, vomiting, strong heartbeat, high, convulsions, loss of consciousness (and up to).

External signs of a stoned person

Smoking weed is accompanied by a cough, because the smoke burns and irritates the mucous membranes, and after some time the taste and dryness remain in the mouth, which is not eliminated even by the abundant use of liquid.

A teenager who has smoked can be identified by external signs: impaired coordination of movements, noticeable retardation in thinking and speech, characteristic freezing in one position with complete silence.

The consequences of smoking are usually manifested by a decrease in muscle tone and a decline in general condition with attention problems, a pendulum of mood swings from inexplicable delight to deep apathy. The general degradation is at first hardly noticeable, but an overdose can be easily identified by dizziness, nausea and vomiting, blanching and loss of consciousness, up to death.

The tradition of inhaling smoke from burning plants has centuries-old roots, but ancient sorcerers and shamans did this solely to introduce themselves into a state of altered consciousness during rituals. Only specially selected, trained and pre-prepared people performed these actions, knowing what they were doing and what price they would have to pay. We and our children do not need it at all, it is harmful and dangerous.

Traditionally, pipettes were made of glass; recently, a variety of polymeric materials have been increasingly used.

Medical pipettes

The most common infusion pipettes medicines in the form of drops (in the eyes, nose or ears). Such pipettes consist of a segment of a glass tube, one of the ends of the tube, strongly melted or drawn, has a small hole, and the other is closed with a flexible rubber (or polymer) container (tube, ball) and is designed to draw liquid into the pipette by suction.

In medical microbiology, there is also a special device - the Pasteur pipette (Pasteur pipette).

Volumetric pipettes for chemical and biochemical research

Most often, this is a glass vessel used for accurate measurement (dosing) of the volume of liquid.

They produce different types of volumetric pipettes for a variety of purposes, with different accuracy classes and for different volumes.

Traditional glass pipettes for analytical chemistry produced in two types:

  • Mora pipette(ungraded), for a given volume(1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 ml, etc.) Mora pipettes have one circular mark in the upper part and are designed for sampling liquids of a certain volume. Such pipettes usually provide a smaller measurement error than graduated pipettes. GOST 29169-91 defines the permissible errors of pipettes. The error depends on the measured volume, so a pipette with a capacity of 25 ml has an allowable measurement error of 25 ± 0.06 ml.
  • graduated(usually cylindrical, 1, 2, 10 ml, etc.) For example, 5 ml pipettes are usually graduated in 0.5 ml. Graduated pipettes allow volume measurements, usually with an accuracy of ± 0.1 or 0.2 ml.

Single-marked Mohr pipettes are sometimes referred to as aliquot pipettes.

gas pipettes

Special pipettes

Rules for using glass pipettes

Pipettes are calibrated for free flow of liquid. You should not blow out or quickly squeeze out the liquid - in the first case, an excess volume will come out of the pipette, which should remain in its nose due to capillary forces, and in the second case, due to the leakage effect, the volume of the leaked liquid will be less than the standard one.

Pipette calibration and dosing accuracy

Major manufacturers


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An excerpt characterizing Pipette

In the movement of the Russian army from Tarutino to Krasnoy, fifty thousand sick and backward left, that is, a number equal to the population of a large provincial city. Half of the people dropped out of the army without fighting.
And about this period of the campaign, when the troops without boots and coats, with incomplete provisions, without vodka, spend the night for months in the snow and at fifteen degrees of frost; when the day is only seven and eight hours, and the rest is night, during which there can be no influence of discipline; when, unlike in battle, for a few hours only people are brought into the region of death, where there is no longer discipline, but when people live for months, every minute fighting death from hunger and cold; when half the army dies in a month - historians tell us about this period of the campaign, how Miloradovich had to make a flank march there, and Tormasov there that, and how Chichagov had to move there that (move above the knee in the snow), and how he knocked over and cut off, etc., etc.
The Russians, who were half dying, did everything that could be done and should have been done to achieve a goal worthy of the people, and they are not to blame for the fact that other Russian people, sitting in warm rooms, intended to do what was impossible.
All this strange, now incomprehensible contradiction of the fact with the description of history occurs only because the historians who wrote about this event wrote the history of the beautiful feelings and words of various generals, and not the history of events.
For them, the words of Miloradovich, the awards that this and that general received, and their assumptions seem very entertaining; and the question of those fifty thousand who remained in hospitals and graves does not even interest them, because it is not subject to their study.
Meanwhile, one has only to turn away from the study of reports and master plans, but to delve into the movement of those hundreds of thousands of people who took a direct, direct part in the event, and all the questions that previously seemed insoluble, suddenly, with extraordinary ease and simplicity, receive an undoubted solution.
The goal of cutting off Napoleon with an army never existed except in the imagination of a dozen people. It could not exist because it was meaningless and it was impossible to achieve it.
The goal of the people was one: to clear their land from invasion. This goal was achieved, firstly, by itself, since the French fled, and therefore it was only necessary not to stop this movement. Secondly, this goal was achieved by the actions of the people's war, which destroyed the French, and, thirdly, by the fact that a large Russian army followed the French, ready to use force if the French movement was stopped.
The Russian army had to act like a whip on a running animal. And an experienced driver knew that it was most advantageous to keep the whip raised, threatening them, and not to whip a running animal on the head.

When a person sees a dying animal, horror seizes him: what he himself is - his essence, is obviously destroyed in his eyes - ceases to be. But when a dying person is a person, and a loved one is felt, then, in addition to the horror of the annihilation of life, one feels a rupture and a spiritual wound, which, like a physical wound, sometimes kills, sometimes heals, but always hurts and is afraid of an external irritating touch.
After the death of Prince Andrei, Natasha and Princess Mary felt this in the same way. They, morally bent over and screwed up from the formidable cloud of death hanging over them, did not dare to look into the face of life. They carefully guarded their open wounds from offensive, painful touches. Everything: a carriage passing quickly down the street, a reminder of dinner, a girl's question about a dress that needs to be prepared; even worse, a word of insincere, weak sympathy painfully irritated the wound, seemed like an insult and broke that necessary silence in which they both tried to listen to the terrible, strict chorus that was still unsilent in their imagination, and prevented them from peering into those mysterious endless distances that opened up for a moment. In front of them.
Only the two of them were not insulting and did not hurt. They spoke little among themselves. If they spoke, then about the most insignificant subjects. Both of them equally avoided mentioning anything related to the future.
To admit the possibility of the future seemed to them an insult to his memory. Even more cautiously, in their conversations, they avoided everything that could be related to the deceased. It seemed to them that what they experienced and felt could not be expressed in words. It seemed to them that any mention in words of the details of his life violated the greatness and sanctity of the sacrament accomplished in their eyes.
The incessant abstinence of speech, the constant diligent circumvention of everything that could lead to a word about him: these stops from different sides on the border of what could not be said, exposed even more clearly and more clearly to their imagination what they felt.

But pure, complete sadness is just as impossible as pure and complete joy. Princess Marya, in her position as one independent mistress of her fate, guardian and tutor of her nephew, was the first to be called to life from that world of sadness in which she lived for the first two weeks. She received letters from relatives that had to be answered; the room in which Nikolenka was placed was damp, and he began to cough. Alpatych arrived in Yaroslavl with reports on affairs and with proposals and advice to move to Moscow to the Vzdvizhensky house, which remained intact and required only minor repairs. Life did not stop, and it was necessary to live. No matter how hard it was for Princess Marya to leave that world of solitary contemplation in which she had lived until now, no matter how sorry and as if ashamed it was to leave Natasha alone, the cares of life demanded her participation, and she involuntarily gave herself to them. She settled accounts with Alpatych, consulted with Desal about her nephew and made arrangements and preparations for her move to Moscow.