Bill gothard. Basic life principles. Unisolated evil feeds our hatred

Bill Gothard - Institute in Basic Life Principles Country: USA Genre: seminar Duration: 23:36:00 Translation: Russian (one-voiced) except 20th (Ukrainian) Russian subtitles: no Quality: VHSRip Format: avi Video: 640x480 25.00 fps 1100Kbps Audio: 192.00 Kbps 44100 Hz stereo Description: 1. Principle of CREATION God created each of us with a specific purpose. We must understand our destiny and build our relationships with others on this basis. The ability to thank God for your image brings a person reconciliation with himself. 2. THE AUTHORITY PRINCIPLE God's purposes are achieved through the earthly authorities established by God - sources of protection, guidance and ...

Bill Gothard - Institute in Basic Life Principles Country: USA Genre: seminar Duration: 23:36:00 Translation: Russian (one-voiced) except 20th (Ukrainian) Russian subtitles: no Quality: VHSRip Format: avi Video: 640x480 25.00 fps 1100Kbps Audio: 192.00 Kbps 44100 Hz stereo Description: 1. Principle of CREATION God created each of us with a specific purpose. We must understand our destiny and build our relationships with others on this basis. The ability to thank God for your image brings a person reconciliation with himself. 2. THE AUTHORITY PRINCIPLE God's purposes are accomplished through God's ordained earthly authorities—sources of protection, guidance, and care. The care of their authorities brings inner peace. 3. Principle of RESPONSIBILITY Everyone is accountable to God for their thoughts, words, deeds, motives and intentions. Past transgressions against God, those around you require your repentance. The ability to ask for forgiveness leads to a clear conscience. 4. THE SUFFERING PRINCIPLE Welcome the Lord's punishments, hardships and sufferings that help our spiritual growth, educating us as leaders. The ability to forgive offenders brings true joy to the soul. 5. Principle of OWNERSHIP Everything we have is entrusted to us by God. It is necessary to dispose of this property to the glory of the Lord and for the benefit of others. When we surrender our possession rights to God, we gain real security. 6. Principle of FREEDOM True joy brings us the desire and ability to serve the Truth, and not our own whims. A return to lost spiritual values ​​leads to moral purity. 7. The Principle of SUCCESS As we feed our souls with the Word of God, God gives us the wisdom to make decisions day by day. Meditating on Scripture gives meaning to life. Episode 20 is a story about an eagle in Ukrainian, without the participation of Bill Gotthard. Add. Information: Preacher and writer Bill Gotthard was born November 9, 1934 in Illinois. From the age of 15 he devoted himself to the ministry with youth and their parents. His main task was to convey to people the Christian principles of life, and to a large extent his reputation was due to his great desire to achieve this particular goal. In 1961, Bill founded the Life Principles Institute. Now Gotthard is the president of this institute. From 1970, Bill began to give seminars in the United States. Each seminar was attended by an average of 10 to 20 thousand listeners. Seminars are now held all over the world, albeit with fewer participants.