Until what date is the academic year? Holidays in quarters. Why is the vacation period different in different schools

According to modern Russian laws, there is no single school vacation schedule in the country: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions have the right to independently set the schedule for children's rest, the number of short holidays and their duration. The only exception is Moscow, where all schoolchildren study and rest according to one of two schedules: the traditional one, when the academic year is divided into four quarters, and the modular one (five weeks of study and one rest) and for each option, uniform vacation periods are established.

In other regions of Russia, educational authorities usually issue recommendations in which they offer educational institutions to set the start and end dates for vacations, leaving the final decision “at the mercy of the school administration”.

Vacations are recommended to start on Monday (so that the weekend "pluses" them), which allows not "" school weeks into parts and increase the duration of uninterrupted rest for schoolchildren. The exact duration of the holidays is also not regulated - as a rule, 30-35 days are allotted for rest during the academic year, which allows you to fully complete the curriculum by the end of May.

Despite such freedom, most Russian schools have a conservative approach to the issue of determining the schedule of school holidays - as a result, most of the country's schoolchildren have a rest at the same time.

What will be the vacation dates in the 2016-2017 academic year in most Russian schools?

Fall break dates 2016

Autumn holidays are traditionally held in early November and fall on the week in which Russians celebrate National Unity Day (November 4).

In 2016 autumn holidays will start on October 31(Monday) and will last until the end of the week, until November 6 (Sunday). The second academic quarter will begin on November 7th. Thus, in schools where it is a school day, schoolchildren will rest for 8 days, students for five days - 9.

However, National Unity Day this year falls on a Friday. Therefore, in some schools, the start date of the autumn holidays-2016 can be set on November 7, which will increase the duration of the holidays by adding a holiday to them. In this case, students will have a rest until November 13, and the duration of the rest will be 10 days.

Schedule of winter school holidays 2016-2017

The winter school holidays that fall on the New Year holidays and separate the second quarter from the third are especially loved by schoolchildren - they are the longest of all "intra-annual" ones. In addition, they coincide with the all-Russian holiday period for adults, which allows families to spend time together, including when traveling. Therefore, the timing of the winter holidays, as a rule, is of particular concern to the parents of schoolchildren.

The winter vacation for schoolchildren they begin on the last Monday of December. In 2016-2017, the "start" will be quite early - the last Monday of the month falls on number 26(that is, schoolchildren will begin to rest from Sunday, December 25th). Children will have time to properly prepare for the main holiday of winter. True, the New Year's holiday will end earlier than usual - on January 8th.

The third, longest academic quarter starts on January 9, on Monday - it is on this day that schoolchildren will have to sit down at their desks again.

Terms of additional holidays for first graders

The third quarter is especially difficult for first-graders - they are not yet accustomed to the traditional school schedule, and therefore, in the middle of the third quarter, "special" holidays are arranged for them. To the envy of all other schoolchildren, they rest at the end of February for a whole week.

In 2016-2017 academic year additional holidays will start on February 20 and will last until the 26th, coinciding with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

In the same period, students of correctional schools will also have a rest - they are also subject to the rule on additional vacations.

Spring School Break Dates - 2017

Spring break most often falls in the last week of March. The 2016-2017 academic year will be no exception.

Schoolchildren will be dismissed for vacation on Monday, March 27- and they will rest for one week, until April 2. Taking into account Sunday, the duration of the March rest will be 8 days with a six-day training period, and 9 days with a five-day training regime.

April 3rd will be the first day of the fourth quarter. It will last until the end of May (depending on the school, the academic year in all grades except 9 and 11 ends between May 21 and 31), after which schoolchildren will have three months of summer vacation.

Vacation schedule in 2016-2017 with the modular training mode "5 + 1"

In those schools in Moscow where the parents of students have chosen not the classical schedule of study with the division of the academic year into four quarters, but the modular scheme "five weeks of study - one week of rest", holidays in 2016-2017 will take place at the following dates:

  • from October 3 to October 9;

  • from November 14 to November 20;

  • from December 31 to January 8;

  • from February 20 to February 26;

  • from 10 April to 16 April.

Vacation schedule for quarters in Moscow schools

Pupils of Moscow schools, where the educational process is organized according to the traditional “four quarters” scheme, will have a rest in the 2016-2017 academic year in the same way as most schoolchildren in the country:

  • autumn vacation from October 31 to November 6;

  • the winter vacation from December 26 to January 8;

  • spring break from March 27 to April 2;

  • additional holidays for the first classes - from 20 to 26 February.

How to find vacation dates at your school

As already mentioned, the exact vacation schedule in each particular school in Russia (excluding Moscow) is determined by the administration of the educational institution and may differ from the generally accepted one.

Therefore, in order to accurately plan the child's vacation, you need to clarify the dates at your school. This can be done in various ways:

  • Check with your class teacher or secretary. At the beginning of the school year, the vacation schedule has already been approved, and the exact dates are known to all school staff (teachers prepare work programs in subjects for the school year based on this information).

  • View on the school website. Information about the dates of the beginning and end of the academic year, as well as the vacation schedule should be in the section on the organization of the educational process.

  • If the school uses an electronic diary system- the schedule of school holidays for 2016-2017 can also be viewed in it. Even if the school administration does not inform parents about the dates for the start and end of studies, by scrolling through the magazine forward, you can see until what date the classes are planned to be held.

The academic year has not yet ended, and the Russian Ministry of Education is already drawing up a schedule for the next vacation.

Vacations take place at the same time: in autumn, winter and spring. In schools that study in trimesters, the order is simple: five weeks of classes - one week of rest. But most Russian schools work according to the quarter system, so we will consider just such a schedule.

The exact vacation dates for schoolchildren will be known at the end of summer, but for now we offer you approximate dates during which the holidays of the 2016-2017 academic year will take place. And at the same time and options for entertainment and joint recreation with children.

Autumn vacation

The fall break of the 2016-2017 academic year will begin around October 31st and end on November 6th. If the weather is good, spend the autumn days outdoors. Go on a family hike with your child, have a picnic in nature, grab a warm blanket, a thermos and home-cooked food. Songs with a guitar by the fire, heart-to-heart talks bring parents and a child very close.

An interesting activity will be the collection of leaves, cones, acorns and other natural materials, from which you can make beautiful crafts in the evenings. A photo session against the backdrop of golden trees is also a good option for family leisure.

In rainy weather, keep your child busy with creativity - now a variety of sets are sold in stores. Needlework, painting on ceramics, drawing, designing models of aircraft or tanks - something will definitely captivate your child.

The winter vacation

Winter holidays 2016-2017, according to, will last two weeks. The first day of vacation is December 26, the last is January 8 (January 9 to school). Parents should try hard so that such a long New Year's vacation does not tire the child and brings him benefits and impressions for life.

There are many options for leisure activities during the winter holidays. We list the popular types of entertainment:

  • Winter Games. Take your child to the skating rink, take a ski trip, go down the hill, or just go out into the yard and play snowballs! Do not be afraid to fool around with your child: be sure he will appreciate it.
  • Movie. During the winter holidays, they usually set the date for the premiere of children's films and cartoons. Take advantage of this and buy a ticket to the movie that your child has long dreamed of.
  • Aquapark. What could be better than a piece of hot summer among the snow and frost! In the water park you can swim to your heart's content in the pool, ride the slides, warm the bones in the sauna or the Russian bath. A worthy end to the program will be lunch in a family cafe.
  • Circus. Give your child unforgettable emotions from meeting fearless trainers, hilarious clowns, gutta-percha gymnasts.
  • Planetarium. To know the secrets of the starry sky - don't both adults and children dream of this? If the child is interested in the space theme, there will be a reason to think about buying a telescope to study the moon and stars at any time of the year.
  • Museums. What kind of museums are not there now: military equipment, vintage cars, dolls, Soviet toys ... Make a choice after consulting with your child - he will appreciate it.

Spring break

Spring break 2016-2017 will begin approximately on March 27 and end on April 2 (April 3 back to school). This time can be devoted to preparing for, and who is still far from them - to enjoy the spring days.

Before it will be interesting to take a master class on painting eggs. And on Palm Sunday, you can collect blossoming fluffy willow.

You can also go on a short tourist trip during spring break. Even a couple of days in an unusual environment will give the child the strength to make the last breakthrough - the fourth quarter.

The first year of schooling is the most important stage for every kid, because not only his success in learning, but also his health depends on how successfully the child adapts to the new schedule of life.

Most kids with trepidation await the holiday of the first call. But, with even greater impatience, the first-graders are waiting for their first vacation!

If your kid this year for the first time sits down at the desk of one of the schools or gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, it's time to find out how the educational process will go on for the youngest schoolchildren and on what dates you can plan family vacations and joint trips so as not to disrupt the educational process. We are ready to tell:

Childhood is a carefree time filled with joy, vivid emotions and fascinating knowledge of everything that makes this world interesting for a child. Childhood for little fidgets does not end with graduation from kindergarten! That is why the main task of the school is to create comfortable conditions and a psychological climate for first-graders. And here an important role is played by the balance of study load and rest.

SanPiN requirements clearly outline the features of the learning process for first graders:

  • 5-day study week;
  • the duration of the lesson in the 1st grade is 35 minutes;
  • the first 2 months in the 1st grade should be 3 lessons;
  • from November to the end of the first semester - 4 lessons each;
  • in the second semester - 4 lessons each (5 lessons are allowed once a week, one of which is physical education).

To minimize stress and develop interest in the learning process itself, in the first grade, assessments and homework were abandoned, and they also gave the kids another extra February vacation.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums in Russia for the 2017-2018 academic year

According to the law, in the period from September 1 to May 28, students must spend at least 34-35 calendar days on vacation. This requirement is fully met by the traditional semester system, according to which children have been studying for many years, and the new modular system, proposed relatively recently.

Holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year according to the semester system

If the weather does not make its own adjustments, then in 2017-2018, junior, middle and senior schoolchildren traditionally expect four vacation periods, and as many as five first-graders:

  1. Autumn (from October 30 to November 6 inclusive). The transfer of National Unity Day from November 4 to November 6 will give fidgets another extra day off.
  2. Winter (from December 25 to January 9).
  3. Optional (from 19 to 25 February). Only for first graders.
  4. Spring (from March 26 to April 1).
  5. Summer, traditionally starting immediately after the Last Bell holiday.

Holidays 2017-2018 according to the modular system

Conducted studies show that by the end of long terms, fatigue accumulates, which significantly reduces the attention of students, memory resources and perception of educational material. In order to unload children and create optimal conditions for effective learning, a modular structure of the academic year was proposed, involving the following vacation periods:

Important! The schedule proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is advisory in nature. This means that the final decision remains with the administration of schools and gymnasiums, which have every right to make adjustments to the announced dates.

Additional holidays for first graders

Everyone who studied at school knows that the longest and most difficult is the 3rd quarter. This is a period of severe frosts and the peak of the incidence of SARS. That is why it was decided to spend additional vacations for the youngest schoolchildren in February. 7 days of rest should help kids recuperate and protect them from seasonal viral infections.

Thus, given that 5 of the 40 weeks of the school year fall on the vacation period, the kids have only 35 weeks to study!

The school traditionally starts the countdown of the new academic year (2016-2017) from September 1. This year this number falls on a Thursday - quite a school day. The academic year will last until May 26, 2017 inclusive. May 29, 30 and 31, 2017, in accordance with the approved calendar, are already vacation days, on which we congratulate all students. Thus, it can be calculated that the calendar for the 2016-2017 academic year with holidays and weekends has 268 days (157 days for training, 105 days for weekends, holidays and vacations). Pretty good alignment - there are only half as many training days as days in which you can relax.

- black color- study days
- Red color - Weekends and holidays
- green color - holidays.

Calendar for 2016-2017 academic year - monthly division into holidays and weekends

- September 2016: total days - 30, of them training - 22, days off - 8,
- October 2016: total days -31, of which training - 20, days off - 11,
- November 2016: total days - 30, of which training - 18, days off - 12,
- December 2016
- January 2017: total days - 31, of which training - 16, days off - 15,
- February 2017: total days - 28, of which training - 19, days off - 9,
- March 2017: total days - 31, of which training - 17, days off - 14,
- April 2017: total days - 30, of which training - 20, days off - 10,
- May 2017: total days - 31, of which training - 17, days off - 14.

December is the month in which everyone lives in anticipation of the most famous and popular holiday of the New Year. Cold blizzards, snowdrifts interspersed with winter charm and anticipation of holidays and a wonderful New Year's holiday. How do we relax in December?

This month, there are 9 traditional days off falling on the corresponding days - Saturdays and Sundays. Working days are presented in the amount of 22.

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat sun
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 1

December holidays 2016 official weekend calendar

Download production calendar December 2016

- Weekends and holidays
- Working day

How much rest in December?

These are the traditional days of rest in a normal work week. December 12 - Russian Constitution Day for a decade, from 1994 to 2004, was an official holiday and a day off, unfortunately, now it is a working day. How many holidays are there in December 2016? This month has nine days.

Holidays in December 2016

How much rest in December?

Days off in December 2016: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31.

These are the traditional days of rest in a normal work week. December 12 - Russian Constitution Day for a decade, from 1994 to 2004, was an official holiday and a day off, unfortunately, now it is a working day.
How many holidays are there in December 2016? This month has nine days.

Working days in December 2016

How are we doing in December?

Working days: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

There are 22 working days in this month. They will be diluted with many memorable calendar dates that are not considered official holiday events in the Russian Federation. For example, Human Rights Day (an international holiday), Aviation Day (civilian), Constitution Day of the Russian Federation and many other popular dates.

Holidays in December 2016

Holiday weekends in December, until recently, as already mentioned, were represented by the Constitution Day, but now this day is a working day.

Holidays in December:

The 31st is the start of the New Year.

There are a lot of holidays in December. This month, adherents of the USSR, power engineers, rescuers, football players, realtors and people of many other professions and activities will celebrate their day. In December, on a separate date, the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and even the courier workers who are on the state are mentioned. service, but most importantly - the onset of a magnificent holiday - the New Year.

December has long been regarded by the people as the gates of winter. At this time, the peasant must protect the accumulated crop and good from severe frosts, make sure that the grain does not freeze and other products do not run out.

December got its own name from the word "decem" (lat) which means "10", since it was the tenth in a row among the ancient Romans.

The ancient Rus called it "jelly", "winter road", "stuzhaylo", etc.

December notes:

December is damp and warm, which means that winter will drag on, and spring will come late and be cold;

Dry December - spring and summer will also be dry.

December sun in the fog - there will be a blizzard