Alien invasion begins? The best films about the alien invasion Will there be a UFO invasion on earth

Many people, including renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, are also concerned about a possible alien invasion of Earth. “To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone lead to the idea of ​​extraterrestrial rationality,” Hawking said. "My guess is that they can exist in massive ships, conquer and colonize all the planets they can reach."

But, as you know, it would be strange if we were alone. Just imagine that "there are a trillion planets in the galaxy," says Seth Szostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute. "There are many places to live." Dan Wertheimer, director of the SETI research center, added that "only a poor mind doesn't wonder if there is life out there."

So where is extraterrestrial life? Since the 1960s, Soviet scientists, NASA and others have been looking for signs of intelligent life. Scientists have calculated that the universe contains over 100 billion galaxies (and our Milky Way alone has over 300 billion stars, about 400 billion). According to Carl Sagan, there must be a septillion (one followed by 24 zeros) planets capable of supporting life. Of course, intelligent life could well develop even as a result of random events and acquire consciousness. But despite half a century of scanning the sky, astronomers can't find a single sign of life that our radio telescopes should easily pick up.

Scientists note that the aliens should have had enough time to colonize the entire galaxy. What, did they blow themselves up, or is the problem more fundamental? In a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal, Eric Metaxas wrote: “What happened? As our knowledge of the universe grows, it becomes clear that there are far more factors needed for life than Sagan suggested. Two of its parameters rose to ten, twenty, and then to fifty, and the number of planets capable of supporting life decreased accordingly. The number has dropped to a few thousand and continues to fall. As new factors are discovered, the number of planets capable of supporting life has gone to zero and continues to fall. In other words, the statistics show that we should not be here either. In general, there should not be planets with life in the Universe.”

Nevertheless, we are on this warm little planet at the right time in the history of the universe: the molten Earth has cooled down, but not yet completely. And it's not too hot on it; The sun has not yet expanded enough to fry the surface of the Earth. The chances that random physical laws and events will lead us to this point demonstrate a statistical impossibility.

The scientific theory of biocentrism offers an explanation - and predicts that we are alone. While evolution has done an amazing job of helping us understand the past, it cannot capture the driving force. It is necessary to add an observer to the equation. Indeed, “when we measure something, we make the indeterminate and indeterministic world take on an experimental value,” said Nobel Laureate in Physics Niels Bohr. We don't "measure" the world, we create it.

Cosmologists suggest that, until recently, the universe was a lifeless collection of particles colliding with each other. It is represented by a clock that has somehow wound up and will count the time in the most unpredictable way. But they ignored the critical component of the cosmos because they don't know what to do with it. This component, consciousness, remains completely mysterious. How can inert and random bits of matter turn into Lady Gaga?

To understand what is happening, you need to understand what role the observer plays, our presence. According to the current paradigm, the universe and the laws of nature simply came into being out of nothingness. From the Big Bang to the present, we have been incredibly lucky. Our luck began from the moment of creation; if the Big Bang had been one millionth stronger, the universe would have grown too fast for galaxies to form. There are over 200 physical parameters that could have gone wrong as a result of changing them, but everything went exactly as it should, and here we are. Change one and life would never exist.

Our luck doesn't end there. Without a massive planet like Jupiter nearby (which sucks up asteroids), the Earth would be attacked by a thousand times more asteroids, each of which would cause a thermal explosion with dust that would lead to icing and starvation of all life on the planet. The nearest star could become a supernova, and its energy would sterilize the Earth due to radiation. And these are just a few things out of millions that could go wrong.

There is something strange about our existence, concludes Metaxas, “so astronomically dizzying that the phrase “it just happened” is counterintuitive. It's like tossing a coin and flipping heads ten trillion times in a row."

But it all makes sense if you admit that it is we, the observers, who create space and time. Take a look at everything you see around you. All you experience is a whirlwind of information in your head. Space and time are the tools of the mind that stores this information.

In their book The Grand Design, theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow stated: “There is no way to remove the observer - us - from our perception of the world. In classical physics, the past exists as a definite set of events, but according to quantum physics, the past, like the future, is indeterminate and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.”

We - the observer - are the first cause, the life force, which destroyed the cascade of space-time events of the past, which we call evolution.

I recently bought a 3D TV to watch Avatar and watched it three times. There may well be a universe in which there is a habitable moon like Pandora, on which extraterrestrial beings live in harmony with nature. The good news is that in such a biocentric universe, there would be no humans to invade their world.

The author of the theory is Nick Pope. The ufologist's version is ambiguous and leaves many questions unanswered. However, scientists and experts in the field of military weapons are in a hurry to reassure members of the public that everything is not so sad. Science and modern technologies are able to fix a possible UFO flight and protect our planet from its a priori invasion.

The network has information that the British ufologist and former US Air Force officer Nick Pope warned the inhabitants of the United Kingdom about the alien invasion. In an interview with The Sun magazine, the alien theorist urged the British and American governments to come up with a joint plan to save humanity. The relevant ministries of defense of the countries will help the highest government instance in this. Pope claims that the aliens will initially attack the United States, then Britain, and Europe is next in line. In order to neutralize the common enemy, the ufologist is now calling for the development of a plan to combat the alien enemy.

The ufologist claims that by the end of the year, alien ships will land on the surface of the Earth. Nick Pope considers it quite expedient to use even nuclear weapons in his arsenal, as well as the introduction of biological weapons and space energy in the fight against the enemy. The option of using the resources of NATO and the UN is possible, the ufologist believes. However, the tabloid reports that, despite the statements of the ufologist, such an attack is unlikely. The ufologist suggests that there is a strong possibility that Britain will not be able to resist its alien enemy.

“I based my document on the declassified plans for the Iraq war, as well as my own knowledge of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This is exactly the top-level strategic document that politicians and high-ranking officials need to make very quick and important decisions, ”quotes Pope Express. However, the tabloid reports that NASA representatives do not exclude the possibility of the existence of life outside the Earth. However, scientists predict the meeting of mankind with aliens in the form of scientific research, and not the invasion of UFOs on Earth. Ignoring the data of the Nasovites, Pope continues to assert that we are talking about aggression from the aliens.

“There is no government plan to deal with the alien invasion. Aliens who are able to get to Earth will obviously have technologically more advanced weapons. Therefore, the war for humanity should be the last step in resolving the conflict with representatives of an alien civilization. We can only speculate about what technology they (the aliens) might have and what weapons they might use. I hope that if aliens arrive on Earth, they will have research purposes, but do not wishful thinking, "added the British ufologist. Nick Pope said that the aliens will arrive on our planet with the aim of enslaving humanity. They will be some kind of slave traders who aim to use the material and mental resources of our civilization. “The biggest and perhaps the only thing we can do to protect ourselves is to admit that this is a real problem for us. When NASA and other agencies openly report the possibilities of alien life, we can no longer take it as science fiction information. Is it really hard to believe that we cannot be alone, and there can be civilizations much older than ours, and therefore more advanced? ”, Express quotes Nick Pope.

“Based on my experiences in the MoD, I have created a war plan that reflects how the British government is likely to respond to an extraterrestrial attack. Despite the fact that my plan was “hacked” and it is not a real government document, we need to do everything to protect ourselves in the event of an alien attack, ”the British tabloid The Sun quotes the ufologist.

According to The Sun, for the first time, the alien invasion will be talked about on a scientific level after the Hubble telescope records the flight of an object. At the same time, ultra-sensitive instruments such as Jodrell Bank and RAF Fylingdales can very well detect UFOs. “Any UK military response is likely to be part of an international coalition, possibly led by the United States and including NATO. Leadership for military action will come from the United Nations and other international bodies to counter attack on sovereign nations,” says author George Harrison. The UK Army currently has the latest weapons in the form of Eurofighter Typoons and Meteor and Sea Viper missiles and Type 45 destroyers.

On September 10 this year, our planet will be visited by aliens.

One of the possible reasons for the predicted end of the world is the invasion of Earth by aliens. Argentine scientist Sergio Toscano put forward the theory that the Elenin comet is in fact nothing more than a spacecraft. Aliens explore the universe by visiting different solar systems and planets. Comet Elenin is currently 60 million kilometers from Earth.

Sergio Toscano names the date of the landing of the spacecraft on Earth - September 10, 2011. The scientist announced this a month ago, but this statement became a sensation quite recently. Prior to that, it was studied by NASA specialists, who, by the way, did not refute the date of a possible landing of aliens.

Comet Elenin is codenamed C/2010 X1. It got its name in honor of its discoverer, the Russian astronomer Leonid Yelenin. It is noteworthy that this is the only comet in the last 20 years discovered by scientists from Russia. There are a lot of rumors around comet Elenin. Since the beginning of this year, you can find a lot of publications on the Internet saying that a whole space fleet is hiding behind the comet, heading towards Earth. In addition, some confuse the Elenin comet with Nibiru and say that the approach of the comet will entail a devastating catastrophe, since the Earth's magnetic field will disappear for a short time period, and the magnetic poles will change. In fact, Nibiru and the Elenin comet are two completely different celestial objects. They have nothing to do with each other and do not belong to the end of the world.

Possible doomsday scenarios: nuclear war, meteorite fall and alien attack.

I wonder if people with the gift of psychic abilities can be some kind of people of alien origin:

Agree, it is not in vain that many scientists conduct entire projects to study such people, and many of the results are kept secret. This suggests that the people who can see the future are in fact the same people. aliens aware of the possible outcome of human civilization. Why, then aliens only study us, people, because their own technologies are ahead of our development many times over? Instead of waiting for our planet to run out of resources, it would be easier for them to attack us now and take over the Earth.

It turns out that they are the messengers of global problems that we may face in the future, and they are trying to warn us about these problems. In addition, at least for now, these aliens are not aggressors on our planet. However, knowing the outcome of our world, they are trying to warn us about it. This confirms us in the belief that alien creatures are friendly towards us. Their ongoing research on humanity may be aimed at finding a way to save us from disaster. For example, they can offer us another planet to inhabit, which we will master and which will become our new home.

However, this issue also has a downside. For we may just as well assume that alien race hostile to us, and at this stage they simply do not have enough knowledge about us and about our planet. Will they be able, having captured our planet, to colonize it? Perhaps that is what they are doing their research for.

In addition, most recently in our solar system was found 12 planet named by scientists planet X. It may well be that this strange mysterious planet is actually the home of an unknown planet. alien race. When this planet passes as close as possible to our Earth, landing will take place alien troops. Thus, they will increase their military power on Earth, and will get all the opportunities to capture it.

As soon as possible planet X at the closest possible distance to the Earth - so close that it can be seen in the sky without optical instruments. This moment will be extremely successful for alien attacks to throw a landing force on Earth, which will capture it. It is possible that the capture will occur a couple of years after the landing, when planet X get as close as possible to the Earth, and will be practically next to it. For the intruders, this moment will be the moment of truth for delivering an extremely powerful blow to our blooming planet, and to ourselves. The chances of survival for the human race will be minimal, and it is quite possible that they will not be at all.

However, you can look at all this from the other side - if aliens yet friendly to human civilization. And, knowing the possible tragic end of our planet, they are trying to help us by using people with paranormal abilities among us to warn of a global catastrophe that is approaching us. And the passage of a certain mysterious planet at a very close distance from the Earth is a salvation for human civilization. This is all the more likely that at the time of the approach of the two planets, the probability of a collision of the Earth with a huge meteorite is very high, capable of destroying the Earth and all life on it. With this outcome, our chances of survival on our home planet, Earth, are slim.

It turns out that everything that is said is based only on conjectures and conjectures, as well as on logical reasoning following from them, and subsequent conclusions. However, since this is being talked about quite openly, it means that the outcome of our civilization is really a foregone conclusion - no one knows what it will actually be. It is possible that people in the know are trying their best to warn us of the danger that is coming upon us - the terrible danger of annihilation of the entire human race.

However, the destruction of the Earth by a meteorite or the extermination of human civilization by aliens are only some versions of a possible global catastrophe.

Let's still assume that race of aliens hostile to us, but mysterious planet X is their base. In the same time aliens aware that at the moment when our planet and theirs will be as close as possible, perhaps the collision of the Earth with a meteorite. It turns out that this moment is suitable for alien attacks not only as a convenient time for landings, but also as a next option.

Judge for yourself, why capture the Earth if it will soon collide with a huge meteorite? Indeed, after an extremely powerful blow, the Earth will cease to exist as a planet in general, and not just as a habitable place. Aliens they won't have to destroy us, the forces of nature will do it for them. However, if the Earth miraculously survives after a meteorite impact, the human losses from the impact itself and the accompanying cataclysms will be simply enormous, and this will create aliens an extremely convenient situation for strengthening the military presence and seizing the Earth.

It turns out that aliens are not a threat to us until the moment Earth colliding with an asteroid, because it is difficult and unprofitable to capture our territory before the fall of a celestial body. In a collision with a meteorite, they can lose not only manpower, but also miss the moment for the best strike, when the population of the Earth is weakened.

Now we have enough time to prevent the extermination of our race. The main threat now is a huge meteorite, which will soon destroy our cradle of life. This requires the creation of an extremely powerful weapon, which will be able to crush the meteorite into very small pieces that will burn up in the atmosphere and will not cause any harm to life on earth. If such weapons are able to prevent our death from meteorite fall, it is likely that with its help, earthlings will be able to repel , following the skystones attack.

In the very fact of existence aliens there can be no doubt. There is evidence for this - not direct, but indirect, and there are quite a lot of them. It is possible that our Universe is only one, but there are millions of galaxies with their star systems, and in each system there can be a hundred planets suitable for life. A loving system in the universe is a closed, but a living system - a living organism. It turns out that the existence of only one intelligent race - the human race - goes, as a rule, out of bounds. However, rules are rules and must be followed. Therefore existence in our universe aliens undeniably.

If position aliens in relation to us will be friendly, it will be much more profitable for them to save our civilization from extinction, and to enter into close contact with us until meteorite impact with earth. After all, you must admit that no one wants to lose an ally, and contact is a good reason for exchanging technologies and resources, which, perhaps, will be enough for us to create an extremely powerful weapon of mass destruction.

Unfortunately, the search for signs of extraterrestrial life in the Universe has not yet yielded results. There is a desire aliens remain in the shadows for the time being, and in the near future observe humanity and its progress. It turns out that humanity will create weapons of mass destruction using only its own technologies.

Only one development fits this case - atomic weapon. However, a weapon is a weapon, to be used solely for destruction and killing. It is foolish to use weapons to destroy natural objects, for example - this is obvious.

The probability of the destruction of our planet by a large meteorite has been and will be until the root cause itself, the meteorite, is eliminated. The weapons of mass destruction that we currently use cannot give us confidence, since their power is rather low. To guarantee the complete safety of the Earth, such weapons must exceed the power of their predecessors by tens or even hundreds of times. And today, the creation of weapons of such power is a matter of honor for every inhabitant of our native planet, since the problem of an asteroid collision is a problem that will eventually affect all of us, regardless of where we live. And the people of the planet Earth must unite before the crisis comes. And if we can combine the best scientific minds of our world, it will be possible to create weapons with a more gentle effect on us.

However, what are the possible developments if access to nuclear weapons get all the countries of the world? This is the development scenario. It is quite clear that nuclear weapons are unlikely to be used for peaceful purposes, it is completely absurd to store such power in warehouses and not use it. This means the inevitable nuclear war, and as a result - nuclear winter. This means that a significant part of humanity will die in a terrible atomic cataclysm, and freeze in its consequences. And a happy future is unlikely to come quickly because of the extremely high level of residual radiation. This is probably the reason why aliens do not rush to make contact with us. If an atomic winter is inevitable on Earth, why would aliens need a radioactive planet?

From this arises a conjecture and a conclusion from it. Of course, after the onset of nuclear winter, the Earth will become a dead planet, a lifeless ball in the Universe. The meteorite, which will have to collide with the Earth, will remove it as a malignant tumor from the human body.

There is no doubt that our universe is a single living organism, and this is very easily proved by an example from our own life. Any inanimate object begins to move only when an effort is applied to it - without this, it will not budge. If you take a living being, it moves by itself, and no one helps it, no external force. Planets and stars move in the same way. If invisible help exists, then it must be controlled by some kind of mind, which means that we are part of a grandiose single creation.

However, what led to the fact that the Earth became a malignant tumor that needs to be removed from the huge organism of the Universe? This is not difficult to understand if we consider a simple example of the appearance of a boil on the human body. When the condition of the boil worsens, we feel more and more severe pain every day, and instead of waiting for the boil to go away on its own, we resort to surgical methods to destroy it. So is our planet - the Universe will not be able to endure it for a long time, alas.

As it turned out, there is too much rubbish and garbage on earth, and all this is the cause of the appearance of new lesions and decay, and the reason for all this is man. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that the Earth is the habitat of not only our life, but also the life of many other organisms.

And it’s completely incomprehensible why litter and litter your own house. To get rid of such a dirty, rotting wound is possible only by surgery - like removing the appendix, which is cut out when the debris in it becomes abundant. And while a person is not able to realize what a huge meaning order and cleanliness has for our life, he will create more and more new centers of decay of his native planet. And this is a direct road to the death of the planet.

Ufologists, constantly observing outer space, calculated that a cluster of unknown objects is rapidly moving towards our planet.

Experts believe that this could be an armada of intergalactic alien ships. Moreover, the researchers are convinced that representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are very hostile, and the first mass contact between the "green men" and earthlings does not bode well for us.

What might the aliens need here? Our “blue ball” itself, its minerals, or maybe we ourselves or our technologies? The latter does not look very likely, since humanity has not yet flown further than the moon (and that is very doubtful), however, intruders, presumably, have already traveled many millions of light years to enslave or destroy people. Naturally, we have been frightened many times before with predictions about the attack of “little green men” that did not come true, but this does not mean at all that the next prediction of ufologists cannot turn out to be true.

Experts say:

According to the data we received, the combat fleet of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization will reach us by the end of the year. At the same time, something strange is happening with alien spaceships. The future invaders seem to have realized that they were spotted, and went on some kind of deceptive maneuver. Part of the armada turned around and flew back, while the other part moved towards us at increased speed. In less than three months, it will fly up to the Earth. We believe that first we will be attacked by a strike group, the main goal of which will be the destruction of the largest cities in the world. This will immediately plunge society into chaos. Then another flotilla will arrive on our planet, which will establish a new order here. However, there is a high probability that all of us will simply be destroyed.

Ufologists also report that the governments of America, Russia, China and other influential countries of the world are well aware of the upcoming invasion. At the moment they, they say, are thinking about how best to proceed in this situation. On the one hand, politicians can negotiate with aliens and try to minimize the consequences of alien interference in our lives. On the other hand, the powerful of this world can "sell" us to the invaders and go to live in their luxurious bunkers under the ocean. Finally, a large-scale war is possible, which will unite all the countries of the Earth in the face of a common enemy.

Famous people about a possible attack

It is noteworthy that quite recently a similar statement was made by the famous English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. The authoritative scientist did not give the exact date of the invasion of the representatives of an alien civilization on Earth, however, he said that he had no doubts about the aggressiveness of the aliens and the defenselessness of earthlings before conquerors from other planets. People, according to Hawking, will not be able to defend themselves against a highly developed alien civilization that has mastered space flights over enormous distances. However, the physicist is “reassuring” that no invasion may take place if humanity destroys itself in advance with a nuclear war or creates a powerful artificial intelligence that itself wishes to wipe us off the face of the earth.

Former astronaut Ed Mitchell, who passed away last year, made a sensational statement before his death. He told reporters that he saw aliens with his own eyes. According to the American, outwardly the aliens were thin and small with disproportionately large heads. In addition, Mitchell said that the aliens are extremely aggressive towards us and consider human civilization to be defective, unworthy of existence. The stargazer also said that the US government has long known about the intentions of humanoids from other planets, but is in no hurry to do anything about this.

Finally, in April of this year, another sensational information came from the former head of the US national space agency. Charles Boldenn, who had recently been suspended from work by NASA, said that the invasion will happen very soon, and our days are numbered. Ufologists around the world then considered that the former astronaut was removed from his high position after he declared his desire to tell the world community the truth about aliens. The words of this specialist, who had access to the most secret and important information about UFOs and aliens, are difficult to doubt.

Having become acquainted with prediction of Nostradamus, humanity keeps waiting alien invasion. It is believed that there is a similar prediction in the Holy Scriptures, which confirms the theory that someone unknown to people must descend from heaven, and this meeting is inevitable.

What is said in the prophecy from the Holy Scriptures

The prophet Ezekiel spoke of seeing in his visions creatures, resembling a man, but with wings. It could be about aliens. The prophet claimed that strangers could move quickly in space and broadcast directly from heaven.

Interestingly, the one described by Ezekiel aircraft helped create the Saturn rocket, which brought a team of researchers to the moon. This once again confirms the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and that the prophet spoke the truth.

ABOUT alien invasion theologians say. But their point of view is based on the fact that aliens will come when the end of the world comes. It is believed that they will witness the fulfillment of the will of the Antichrist and Jesus Christ. Theologians also believe that these individuals influence the lives of people from afar and have unique abilities.

How exactly will the coming of aliens be carried out

The coming of the aliens will come true before the coming of Jesus. It is supposed to happen at the end of this millennium. In Scripture it is called "a sign."

Some bookmakers made calculations and found out that to exclude the possibility of having UFO and aliens are not worth it. It's quite real! And in a number of English books it is even indicated how to act when the X hour comes. At the same time, most people come to the conclusion that the aliens will appear in the form of intelligent beings, and not in the form of robots.

Peaceful or military takeover

Despite the fact that humanity has achieved a lot in its development and even learned to reach some parts of the cosmos, its knowledge is still very small. And this is the main problem in the question of whether contact between two advanced civilizations can be peaceful. Are you ready aliens accept a person with a disability?

Most researchers are confident that the contact will be peaceful. After all aliens are highly developed beings who should not solve problems by military means. On the contrary, they are probably concerned that people are developing military technology, instead of taking care of their minds.

Psychics and ufologists also tend to the presented point of view, saying that the fact of meeting with other civilizations is one hundred percent! Moreover, some people have already had contact with aliens, and not only the military, but also the civilian representatives of the Earth survive this contact and feel good.