Linguistic fairy tale “Cases. Linguistic fairy tale "Cases In a fairy tale what case

There were cases. Six noble fellows. Without them, it was impossible for people to understand each other, and they would have quarreled from misunderstanding. Imagine, if everyone calls indeclinable words, they will lose their meaning, turning into nonsense. These magic words are also friends with prepositions. They guide the words and let them make sense in the letter engine called a sentence.

First case nominative, that is, he gives the word a name, just as each child also has its own name. For example, a spoon. The object we eat with is called a spoon. The prickly creature is called the hedgehog. A name can have both a living being and a non-living, non-animate one. Answers the question Who? What? Nominative older than all his brothers and does not have a single excuse, he distributed them all to the rest of the brothers, who will have to choose them correctly.

Genitive. This is how he was born. Answers the questions Who, What? You can apply the negation "no" to it. For example, there is no spoon. The tin woodcutter has no heart. There is nothing? No heart. Remember, he went to the emerald city to ask the wizard for a heart. It is friends with the prepositions "from", "without", "c", "to", "y", "about" and "for". For example, you can not do without a spoon, I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.

Dative. Very generous, gives gifts to everyone. It comes from the word "give". Answers the question Who, What? Friendly with the prepositions "to" and "to". For example, to give to tea, on a spoon. Give to what? For tea. When we write letters to friends, we see that the word "to" is written on the envelope. This necessary case occurs here. We indicate the last name and first name of a friend, for example Ivanov Maxim in the dative case. Also do not forget to write the address "to". True, they have not yet come up with the Departure case for him, maybe they will still invent it.

Next case accusative. He's not blaming anyone, he's just called that. Answers the question Who? What? You can apply the verb "see" to it. I see a spoon. See what? Spoon. I see a girl. I see who? Girl. Can be friends with the prepositions "about", "through", "for". For example, I'll tell you about the spoon. In the past, when there were no spoons, people ate with their hands. Pieces of vegetables and meat were removed from the bowl with the right hand. The first spoons appeared in the 14th century, they were made from shells, fish bones and wood. Most of the spoons were wooden, but Prince Vladimir ordered that silver spoons be made. And even at first, when they came to visit, they carried spoons with them.

Instrumental case. He is called the creator and the proud. You can apply the verb "Proud" to it. Answers the questions Who? How? I'm proud of my spoon. Proud of what? With your spoon. It is friends with the prepositions "before", "under" and above. For example, put a fork in front of a spoon or the sun has set over the forest. Above what? Over the forest. Each of us, probably, would like to see the sunset. That's very beautiful.

Prepositional. Dreamy youth. The youngest among his brothers. Answers questions about whom? About what? You can apply the verb "dream" to it. For example, he dreams of a silver spoon. About what? About the spoon. This case already has its one and only preposition "O", from which it is not separated, as we are with clothes.

One day the cases got together and came up with truths from their names. There is nothing wiser than the truth!

Have true friends, do not blame the offenders, respect your parents, give gifts even on invented holidays, always do kindness, dream about the future.

Tale about cases

In one unfamiliar city, nameless little men lived - cases. They were very similar to each other in that they often asked questions. And everyone who came to that city confused them.
And then one day they decided to get together and talk about how to live on ...
- There is some difference in us! - said the first case. - Let's think... Who will say first?
- What is there to say? - said the second case. - And so everything is clear.
- What exactly do you understand? asked the fourth.
- And what are you thinking about? exclaimed the sixth.
- Not about what, but what? corrected the fifth.
Why all this controversy? a third responded. “That way, we’ll just all quarrel. Have you noticed friends that each of us constantly asks the same question?
- And the truth - said the first case. I so love to ask questions especially to the names of people WHO? Ira, WHO? Sasha, what else? machine WHAT? book.
- So let's call it NOMINATIVE, - suggested the sixth case.
And why was he given a name in the first place? - offended by the second case. – Who first came up with the idea to name everyone here?
- Well, since you had this idea, then you call yourself PARENT. And take your questions WHO? WHAT?
- Yes, the Nominative was given a name and the Genitive was also given a name ... and what do they teach you only at school? - the third case was offended.
"Don't be offended," the sixth case reassured him. - We will give it to you too, you will be DATIVE with us, and your questions will be TO WHOM? WHAT?
The Dative case was delighted and immediately shouted:
- Who else has a name?
- WHOM? WHAT? - the fourth case was suddenly frightened. He had no questions of his own, and he preferred to remain silent, because he considered himself guilty.
- Why are you screaming like that? - outraged Genitive case. - Assigned to himself other people's questions, and even indignant ... You will be ACCUSATIVE with us, so that others would be disrespectful.
- And WHAT do you reproach a person with? - the fifth case was indignant. Everything has to be creative.
- What is the dispute friends? - said the sixth case. - Create for health and be called CREATIVE.
All five cases were happy with their new names, and only the sixth case was sad, because it was he who offered his friends their new names, but he himself was left with nothing.
- I have an idea! - shouted Genitive. - We must give the sixth a name.
- Not a name, but a name, corrected Nominative.
- You need to get creative with this! - said the Creator.
A Accusative said: - Let it be called PROPOSITIONAL, because he suggested our names.
- What are you talking about, friends? the Prepositional case asked quietly.
- Not ABOUT WHAT, but ABOUT WHOM? - five cases answered him in unison.

The story of the falls.

In the country of knowledge, in the kingdom of the Russian language, the king ruled - Noun and queen Adjective.

Once, the queen gave birth to six sons - cases. The first son was named Nominative, the second - Genitive, the third - Dative, the fourth - Accusative, the fifth - Instrumental and the sixth - Prepositional.

Each had his own abilities: The nominative case was brave, fought well and knew how to stand up for the honor of his name. The genitive case wrote books, composed poems. Many excellent works were born under his pen. The dative was an excellent cook, he distributed his delicious dishes to everyone and was known as an excellent cook. The accusative case, accused everyone around except the king and queen, so he was appointed chief prosecutor to blame the criminals. The creative became a builder, he built houses and castles, his creations adorned the whole country, and the Prepositional case offered everyone some interesting ideas and helped everyone with advice.

One fine day, a messenger rode up to the king and queen with a letter from the neighboring kingdom from the king of Arithmetic and the queen of Geometry, that they had a beautiful marriageable daughter, but she was completely homesick, and they did not know what to do. Therefore, they decided - whoever inspires her with his talents will take her as his wife.

And the case brothers went to the neighboring kingdom to win the heart of the beautiful princess. On the occasion of their arrival, a big celebration was held in the central square. All the residents gathered, many guests arrived. And the brothers took turns surprising with their talents. The nominative began to talk about his exploits and the honor of his name, and his battles and victories. He was so carried away by himself that the princess got bored and rejected him. The genitive case composed a beautiful ballad for the princess, but it was so long that the princess fell asleep. The dative baked a wonderful cake, brought it to the square on a huge cart pulled by four horses. All the inhabitants ate the cake, except for the princess - she did not like sweets. The accusative case came forward and accused the tsar's daughter of injustice towards the brothers and did not participate in the competition. The instrumental case built a beautiful castle for the beauty, but she did not like it either. The turn came to the prepositional case, he approached the princess and said: “I offer you my hand and heart! Your love for life!" The princess smiled and replied, “I agree to be with you and love you until the end of my days!”

They got married and in both kingdoms celebrated a magnificent wedding. And they lived happily ever after!

The story of the falls.

He was not yet born, but they were already thinking about what name to give him, and decided to name the NOMINATIVE CASE. Born and became GENITAL. The first word he learned was "On", he was very fond of sharing with everyone, giving away everything he had, and he was called the DATIVE CASE. He was a big mischief, for all sorts of tricks he was blamed, and he became an ACCUSATIVE CASE. Then he grew up, began to do good deeds and began to be called the CREATIVE CASE. He offered his help to everyone, they started talking about him and now they called him the PROPOSITIONAL CASE.

Case from the Latin "fall".

There are 6 cases in Russian, 15 cases in Finnish, 22 cases in Hungarian, 4 cases in Latin, 4 cases in Moldovan, and 6 cases in Lithuanian.

Changing nouns by questions is called CASE CHANGE.

In total, there are 6 cases in Russian: nominative, genitive, dative,

accusative, creative,

prepositional. Remember the nursery rhyme

- remember the cases.


To learn the case of a noun,

(if it is not the subject) you need to find the word on which it depends, and put a question from this word to the noun.


The noun in the nominative case is the easiest to recognize. In a sentence, it is SUBJECT. Nouns in all other cases will be other members of the sentence.

I was driving (what?) a village. Screamed (who?) Piggy. Yawned (who?) old woman. There was (what?) a toy lying around.

The twist of fate is so amazing: We are studying the NOMINATIVE case Hanging on a bitch (what?) - a cheesecake! Sleeping on the fence (who?) - an old woman! From the sky flies to us (what?) - a toy! Nightingale whistles (who?) - girlfriend! On a pine tree sniffles (who?) - a pig! She told everything (who?) - a liar! Created an amazing world! Well, we remember the case



The easiest way to recognize the GENENTIAL CASE is this: you can substitute the word for a noun in the genitive case NO , while the noun does not change:

No (what?) cranberries

No (what?) sun

No (who?) lizard

No (who?) uncles

And here is a rhyme where there are many words in the GENITAL case and all prepositions are found. If you learn this rhyme, then you will remember the prepositions without difficulty.

I from ran away at home

I before walked in the evening.

From a tree to a snowdrift, it sigal

I dreamed of living without lessons.

For snowflake collection

I collected with my tongue.

Near campfire danced

AND around jumped around the yard.

Do I need to do lessons?

I didn't care!

Here I stand at the blackboard

And I sigh in anguish


I don't remember even slaughter!


To find out the dative case, you need to put the word GIVE (that's why they are the dative case!)

I give (to whom?) Katya

I give (to whom?) my son

I give (to whom?) a swan

Dative prepositions: K, By.

If I gave names to Cases,

I would then call the donative DATIVE!

And how I daydream: I dress up as Santa Claus And I bring gifts to everyone: Brother, sister, dog. And who else? WHAT? Chick, horse, catfish, cat, hare, hippopotamus, crocodile and elephant!

TO I'm in a hurry to the steam locomotive By I fly the earth, I rush! I will deliver gifts to everyone And then I will return home.


At ACCUSATIVE word-helper BLAME ,

that is I ACCUSE.

I blame (who?) boy

I blame (who?) girl

I blame (what?) the frying pan

Prepositions with the ACCUSATIVE case: IN,ON, FOR, UNDER, THROUGH, PRO.

"If you want to know a lot,


I learned... to fly!

How will I fly under ceiling.

Yes I wave through threshold, take off behind window,

I am heading for the meadow.

I hate to blame

I will list everything.


I'll name one!

I see river, I see a garden

I name everything!

I see cherry, see plum. Building a club nearby

How beautiful all around! Sculpt the tower

Enough! IN back to school IN class I fly light.


The instrumental case has an assistant word I CREATE. I create (by whom?) an elephant

I create (with what?) with a brush

I create (by whom?) a fox

Prepositions with instrumental case: BEHIND,ABOVE, UNDER, BEFORE, WITH

To keep up with everyone

To be known as smart, We must understand everything now

In the CREATIVE case.

What is there to say for a long time, So I decided ... to create! Pencil, take paper

And I painted the landscape.

I am an artist! I am a creator! Wow, what a great guy I am!

Before castle bush blossoms,

Under driftwood the snake lives

Above dear falcon flies, Behindfence the horse neighs.


Nouns in the PREPOSITIONAL case are always used with prepositions. Prepositions in the PREPOSITIONAL case: Oh, OB, V, VO,ON THE, AT. And helper words, I THINK or DREAM.

I think (about what?) about a fairy tale I dream (about what?) about a miracle I dream (about whom?) about a dog I think (about what?) about fire I think (where? in what?) in the classroom I think (where? on what?) on a horse

And it is also important not to confuse the PREPOSITIONAL with the ACCUSATIVE. They may have the same prepositions, but they answer different questions:

WHERE? - Prepositional

WHERE? - Accusative

What are you dreaming of, my friend?

There were cases. Six noble fellows. Without them, it was impossible for people to understand each other, and they would have quarreled from misunderstanding. Imagine, if everyone calls indeclinable words, they will lose their meaning, turning into nonsense. These magic words are also friends with prepositions. They guide the words and let them make sense in the letter engine called a sentence.

The first case is Nominative, that is, it gives the word a name, just like every child has its own name too. For example, a spoon. The object we eat with is called a spoon. The prickly creature is called the hedgehog. A name can have both a living being and a non-living, non-animate one. Answers the question Who? What? The nominative case is older than all his brothers and does not have a single preposition, he distributed them all to the rest of the brothers, who will have to choose them correctly.

Genitive. This is how he was born. Answers the questions Who, What? You can apply the negation "no" to it. For example, there is no spoon. The tin woodcutter has no heart. There is nothing? No heart. Remember, he went to the emerald city to ask the wizard for a heart. It is friends with the prepositions "from", "without", "c", "to", "y", "about" and "for". For example, you can not do without a spoon, I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.

Dative. Very generous, gives gifts to everyone. It comes from the word "give". Answers the question Who, What? Friendly with the prepositions "to" and "to". For example, to give to tea, on a spoon. Give to what? For tea. When we write letters to friends, we see that the word "to" is written on the envelope. This necessary case occurs here. We indicate the last name and first name of a friend, for example Ivanov Maxim in the dative case. Also do not forget to write the address "to". True, they have not yet come up with the Departure case for him, maybe they will still invent it.

The next case is Accusative. He's not blaming anyone, he's just called that. Answers the question Who? What? You can apply the verb "see" to it. I see a spoon. See what? Spoon. I see a girl. I see who? Girl. Can be friends with the prepositions "about", "through", "for". For example, I'll tell you about the spoon. In the past, when there were no spoons, people ate with their hands. Pieces of vegetables and meat were removed from the bowl with the right hand. The first spoons appeared in the 14th century, they were made from shells, fish bones and wood. Most of the spoons were wooden, but Prince Vladimir ordered that silver spoons be made. And even at first, when they came to visit, they carried spoons with them.

Instrumental case. He is called the creator and the proud. You can apply the verb "Proud" to it. Answers the questions Who? How? I'm proud of my spoon. Proud of what? With your spoon. It is friends with the prepositions "before", "under" and above. For example, put a fork in front of a spoon or the sun has set over the forest. Above what? Over the forest. Each of us, probably, would like to see the sunset. That's very beautiful.

Prepositional. Dreamy youth. The youngest among his brothers. Answers questions about whom? About what? You can apply the verb "dream" to it. For example, he dreams of a silver spoon. About what? About the spoon. This case already has its one and only preposition "O", from which it is not separated, as we are with clothes.

One day the cases got together and came up with truths from their names. There is nothing wiser than the truth!

Have true friends, do not blame the offenders, respect your parents, give gifts even on invented holidays, always do kindness, dream about the future.

Tale about cases

In one unfamiliar city, nameless little men lived - cases. They were very similar to each other in that they often asked questions. And everyone who came to that city confused them.
And then one day they decided to get together and talk about how to live on ...
- There is some difference in us! - said the first case. - Let's think... Who will say first?
- What is there to say? - said the second case. - And so everything is clear.
- What exactly do you understand? asked the fourth.
- And what are you thinking about? exclaimed the sixth.
- Not about what, but what? corrected the fifth.
Why all this controversy? a third responded. “That way, we’ll just all quarrel. Have you noticed friends that each of us constantly asks the same question?
- And the truth - said the first case. I so love to ask questions especially to the names of people WHO? Ira, WHO? Sasha, what else? machine WHAT? book.
- So let's call it NOMINATIVE, - suggested the sixth case.
And why was he given a name in the first place? - offended by the second case. – Who first came up with the idea to name everyone here?
- Well, since you had this idea, then you call yourself PARENT. And take your questions WHO? WHAT?
- Yes, the Nominative was given a name and the Genitive was also given a name ... and what do they teach you only at school? - the third case was offended.
"Don't be offended," the sixth case reassured him. - We will give it to you too, you will be DATIVE with us, and your questions will be TO WHOM? WHAT?
The Dative case was delighted and immediately shouted:
- Who else has a name?
- WHOM? WHAT? - the fourth case was suddenly frightened. He had no questions of his own, and he preferred to remain silent, because he considered himself guilty.
- Why are you screaming like that? - outraged Genitive case. - Assigned to himself other people's questions, and even indignant ... You will be ACCUSATIVE with us, so that others would be disrespectful.
- And WHAT do you reproach a person with? - the fifth case was indignant. Everything has to be creative.
- What is the dispute friends? - said the sixth case. - Create for health and be called CREATIVE.
All five cases were happy with their new names, and only the sixth case was sad, because it was he who offered his friends their new names, but he himself was left with nothing.
- I have an idea! - shouted Genitive. - We must give the sixth a name.
- Not a name, but a name, corrected Nominative.
- You need to get creative with this! - said the Creator.
And the Accusative case said: - Let it be called PROPOSITIONAL, because he suggested our names.
- What are you talking about, friends? the Prepositional case asked quietly.
- Not ABOUT WHAT, but ABOUT WHOM? - five cases answered him in unison.

To understand the rule
Never forget
It must be studied
Present in the form of a fairy tale.

Root of the word

Met the root of the word and the root of the plant.
- Hello, who are you?
“I am the root of the plant. I live in the earth.
“And I am the root of the word. I live in words
- It doesn't happen that way. Perhaps you are not a real root. Not like me! From me, sprouts originate in the ground, from which grasses, shrubs and whole trees grow. Can anything grow out of you?
- Certainly. Bushes also originate from me. Only not plants, but bushes of words. Look at the root - - kind -. And the words kindness, kindness, kind good man, kindly, virtue, appease grow on it. And that is not all. You see what a lush bush turned out

Just like the bushes
Different words have roots.
Be careful with words
Find the root in them yourself.
Find out skillfully the line of kinship.
Single-root pick up words
Explain words sensibly
The root of the word will help us.
He will help us understand
How to write a word.

Game "Superfluous word": you need to find a word that is not the same root

Squirrel, white, whiten.
Water, water, drive.
Leaf, fox, fox cub.
Moose, flap, calf.
Mountain, hill, town.
Dog, sandy, sand
Sailors, marine, walruses,
Root, root, cakes.

Game "Leaves"

Cards with single-root words are cut out in the form of leaflets. Trees can be decorated with these leaves (each tree has a certain group of single-root words.) Or roots are given on the trunks, you need to pick up as many single-root words as possible by writing them on a sheet



(Treasure hunter's story)

We go somehow with Petka through the forest, pick mushrooms, put them in a basket. Suddenly we see: a hut. The foundation of the old masonry is in the form of chicken legs. Architraves on windows with a carving - directly an applied art! I told Petka: "I bet there is a treasure here!" We decided, without delay, to check. We approach the door, and. . . it became clear: the overlay came out. There is a huge bill hanging on the door lock!
- Can we put it off until another time? - says Petka.
- No, - I say, - it's too early to fold your hands! See, the window is open. It leads to the closet.
We climbed into the pantry, and there was a warehouse of various ancient weapons: a sword-hoarder, a musket with a butt. . . and all sorts of other things. In a word, we go outside with a full calculation. And suddenly we hear: "Stop!" A watchman with horns and a bushy beard comes out of the thicket! Goblin - storekeeper! L - Put everything on the ground! - screams. In general, everything was taken from us! In vain, or something, Baba Yaga pays him a salary. And he searched more, even felt the lining of the jackets. There were small folding knives in the basket, and he took them away.
- This, - he says, - will be your contribution to our forest piggy bank. It turns out that everyone who has been in this place for thousands of years before us left their weapons here in the pantry.
And this way Baba Yaga is not going to change.
And as for you, - says the watchman, - I will present a memorandum to Baba Yaga. Our Yaga is a storehouse of wisdom and justice! And the mind, too, at least reads in warehouses! We wanted to argue with the watchman, but we see that the alignment is not in our favor. He will also use witchcraft, turn us into a folding bed. Or in a rubber gasket for a faucet. Or maybe in a piece of sugar to drink tea with us overlay or bite.
In general, this trip to the forest turned out to be unprofitable for us ... Although, when they began to do homework at home and opened the textbook on the bookmark, they read the task there: to come up with a story with the same root words. And the root is indicated: "treasure"! Does this tell you anything? If not, then read my story again.
Find in this story all the words with the root - treasure -. I wonder who will find more?

Tale of dividing b and b

Once upon a time there was a boy Neznaykin in the world. He was in the third grade. Once Neznaikin wrote a dictation. "Sat down" porridge; "I drink" water; I lead the "seed"; score "Kolya," he diligently deduced.
- Oh oh oh! - Worried about misspelled words. - In this form it is impossible to appear in society: we will be laughed at!
– What happened to you? Neznaykin was surprised.
- You don't know anything! - the letters e, e, u, i grieved - in these words we designate two sounds each (ye), (yo), (yu), (ya), but we do this only with the help of a solid sign, which is placed in front of us after the prefixes , and a soft sign that is placed before the vowels e, e, u, i, and.
- You lost our assistants, and now everyone thinks that we denote only one sound (e), (o), (y), (a)? drink, shoot, stakes!
Neznaikin was very embarrassed and blushed. He carefully took the signs and put them in their place. Since then, he has become very attentive to those letters that mean nothing, but help others.

Tale of cases

In the very center of the city of Words, there is a tall house with a glass roof, where mother Declination and her six sons-cases live.
My favorite place in the house is the kitchen. How nice it is to gather here with the whole family in the evenings, drink tea, look at the stars and talk about what happened during the day! When the clock strikes midnight, everyone wishes each other good night and disperses to their rooms. . .
Every morning, as soon as the first rays of the sun wake up, my mother comes downstairs with a tray full of hot pies. The nominative case lives on the top floor, it is the oldest and prefers to be the main member in the sentence - the subject. True, as Mother Declination says, sometimes he has to agree to the predicate. Favorite questions of this case - who? What?
- Knock-Knock! Mom knocks on the door.
- Who?
- Mother!
- What?
- Pies!
The genitive case lives one floor below. He has long since woken up and is looking forward to his breakfast, but his mother is still absent.
- No one?
- Moms!
- No what?
- Pirozhkov!
Guess which questions he likes the most? That's right - who? what?
Even lower lives the dative case - the kindest of the brothers. He is always ready to help, and his favorite questions are to whom? what?
- Glad to whom?
- Mom!
- Glad for what?
- Pies!
And here is the accusative case! Why do you think it was named that way? That's right, because he always blames everyone for everything. The sun - that it rises early, mother - that she does not love him enough (although this is not true), and brothers - cases - that they sorted out the best questions. Mom is long gone. Or maybe they forgot about him? Or ran out of pies?
Who do I blame?
- Mom?
- Blame what?
– Pies?
Let's get acquainted with the next brother - the instrumental case. This case is a jack of all trades. Always sawing something, planing, drawing. The sun had just risen and he was already at work. Mom put a plate of pies on the workbench for him.
- Satisfied with whom?
- Mom!
- Satisfied with what?
- Pies!
His favorite questions are by whom? how?
Hear the song? This is the youngest of the cases - prepositional. His voice is clear, sonorous, listen! Even the birds in the sky were silent.
- I sing about whom?
- About mom!
- Sing about what?
- About pies? His favorite questions are about whom? About what?

I. p. who? What?
R. p. whom? what?
D. p. to whom? what?
V. p. whom? What?
Etc. by whom? how?
P. p. about whom? about what

How cases ran away from school

Tired of cases
in the human school.
I wanted cases
Walk freely!
What to bow in vain,
Isn't it better to hang around?
Run away cases
For houses, for garages
And rush into the field of rye:
- That's where the will!
That's where life is!
Let's run to the forest!
Among the beasts
We will find our friends!
And cases began to live in the forest. . .
There will be no more ignoramuses here!
Let everyone choose a case!
And the animals came running
All cases have been taken away.

WHO? Nominative? Bear.
He is visible and sociable.
"It's a pleasure to do business with him"
Nominative thought.
Genitive, it is for WHOM?
The polite hedgehog took it
. And for the parents of the hedgehog
You will not find a better case.
And the Dative case to WHOM?
Got the wolf. Why?
Try not to give a case
To the one who can take away!
For what? Or rather, who?
Are all the cones flying in the forest?
The accusative case is his,
And with WHOM is the Creator?
With a fox! Cunning, the right word.
He will conquer everyone with his beauty
And he will do this!
ABOUT WHAT? Prepositional, are you sad?
"A wood mouse took me.
I live in a mouse hole.
There are offered crusts.
And what happened to the students of the school?
They write a letter to the forest in tears:
"Come back, cases!
We will not offend you.
We will study for you.
It's hard for us to live without you.
Let's be friends with you and us!"


At Alyonushki had a brother, and his name was Verlioka. The swan geese took him to oak where is the prince Elisha sat on a chain and shouted: " Ruff- Ershovich help me!" But flew to the oak Firebird and became with him golden peck nuts. A Ivan the Fool collected shells for Koshcheya. came here and Fox with a rock, and Bear with a box, and an old man with net ... Eagle flew in and Cockerel Golden Scallop. Worker rode on horseback. Nightingale-robber Teryoshechka brought. Ustinyushka resorted to Finist Clear Falcon and Khavroshechka. Elisha chain tore apart everyone monsters rewarded generously, and Shamakhanskaya the queen married. By pike settled in a hut by decree. And soon it turned out that he was married this youth... on Baba Yage!

Guess what fairy tales these characters are from. And at the same time, check if all the words highlighted here are in alphabetical order?

Exception verbs

The study of the topic “Verbs - exceptions” coincides with the study of the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid” by G. Andersen Here is a letter the prince can write to the Little Mermaid using verbs - exceptions:

me from you depend- joy.
By me you can twirl,
See, hear you are the reward.
Everything is ready for you tolerate!
You would be torture offend!
Everything would be on you look
drive me or hate
Your right. I will continue
I'm in the hands of myself hold.
Not next to you breathe.

Word composition

Lived in one house - there was a word mystery . All parts of this word lived together in harmony - the prefix, the root, the suffix and the ending. Lived not grieve. But one day the root of the word was lifted up.
“I’m in charge here,” the root shouted. - The root is the main part of the word. All of you must obey me and fulfill my every whim.
With a word, he offended both the brother of the suffix, and the sisters, the ending and the prefix. They left his house, did not live with him. Nobody wants to be friends with the root. And who wants to deal with such a thing. Root after all -gad- .

Variations with one root and ten prefixes.

Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown. The neighbors began to scold the grandfather: “Why are you pulling, you can’t pull the turnip out in any way? It looks like it will fall on our fence.” And grandfather pulled his cap over his eyes and stretched out on the woodpile. And the neighbors can’t understand why the grandfather is pulling everything, because just look, someone will Pull the turnip, even if it is covered with barbed wire ... In general, the grandfather delayed the harvest until late autumn, and then stretched it until winter. In a word, grandfather lasted until winter, and then he pulled relatives, animals, and at the very end a mouse to help. Here she pulls the cat by the tail and pulls ...

gender of nouns

Find masculine, feminine and neuter nouns in the text of the fairy tale.
A puppy came home from a dog school and asked:
- Mom, what gender am I: male or female?
- It's too early for you to know, - says mom, - you're still a puppy.
- "Puppy," thought the puppy, "that means masculine," and went out into the street. He walks and suddenly hears the chicken talking about him to the hen:
- Look, look, dog!
- "A dog means I'm feminine," the puppy decided and ran on.
- What a nice dog! - the cow praised him.
"Doggy means masculine," thought the puppy.
“This is probably a mongrel,” the goose pointed at the puppy.
- No, this is a boxer, - objected the goose. The puppy is completely confused. Then he slipped and fell into a puddle.
- Wow, what a monster! the sheep grimaced as he clambered out of the mud.
- Woe to my onion, where are you so smeared? - the mother met the puppy.
- "Monster? Onion grief? I don't want to be neuter!" - thought the puppy and climbed into the bath to wash.

Soft sign at the end of nouns after hissing

Once upon a time there was a soft sign in the world. And he had no friends. He was bored and sad. He decided to go around the world to look for friends. He walked for a long time and suddenly saw a light in the distance. He ran into the light, suddenly they were waiting for him there. But the closer he came to the house, the less he wanted to have such friends. Dirt all around, broken fence, spiders and cockroaches all around.
– Who lives here? – asked y.
“We are masculine nouns with a hissing ending!” - answered the sword, comrade and rook.
"Why are you in such a mess?"
- It's not a man's business to clean up! Stay with us, we will do what we want.
I did not want to stay with them, I decided to look for more friends. For a long time he wandered through the fields, through the forests. Quite tired. Sees a light flickering. Went into the world. That's so miracle. The girl met him. Started talking about health, flooded the stove. She put everything in its place. Liked soft sign away from feminine nouns with a hissing at the end. So he stayed with them. Where he still lives.

main members of the proposal. phrase

We present the proposal with the guys in the form of a family. An uncommon proposal is a family in which there are no children. A common one is a family with children. The more minor members, the more children in the family. Who is the head of the family? Of course, mom and dad. So in the sentence - the subject (mother), the predicate (dad). Who pities you more - mom. She often says - you are so beautiful, smart, big. Most often, the subject in a sentence asks the question - which one? Which? etc., but dads are strict and serious and ask questions - where? When? Where? where? etc. - well, directly, like a predicate in a sentence.
Very, often, as a phrase, children write out the subject and the predicate. We found out that the main ones in the family are dad and mom, they do not obey each other - they are both the main ones, which means the subject and the predicate, also do not obey each other, and they cannot be considered a phrase.


1. V.V. Volina"Russian language. We learn by playing.
2. A. Undzenkova Russian with passion. Yekaterinburg, 2003
3. N.V. Nechaev"Tasks for the development of speech." M., "Chistye Prudy", 2007.
4. V.B. Markina"Entertaining spelling." M., "Chistye Prudy", 2007.
5. E. Sinitsyna"Smart Tales"