political socialization. The structure of the socialization process and its age stages The structure of the socialization of the individual

Socialization personalities- this is the inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations and the independent reproduction of these relations.

Structure of socialization

Socialization is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the assimilation of social experience by the individual by entering the social environment, the system of social ties, on the other hand, the process of active reproduction of the system of social ties by the individual through his vigorous activity, vigorous activity, active inclusion into the social environment. Thus, in structure of socialization two interrelated processes can be distinguished:

  1. Process interiorization social experience (social typification) - assimilation by the subject of social norms, values ​​and standards of behavior.
  2. Process exteriorization(individualization, autonomization) of social experience - an active recreation of the acquired experience by a person in the process of independent activity, behavior and communication, reproduction by the subject of social relations through his own activity.

Results of socialization

In the process of socialization, social norms, values ​​and requirements pass into the internal plan and become the basis of human behavior. In the process of socialization, there is an interaction between the individual and society, the coordination of mutual requirements and expectations. At the same time, a person does not simply assimilate and reproduce social patterns, on the contrary, in the course of socialization, the actualization of its capabilities, potentials, expansion and deepening of self-awareness, i.e. personal development takes place.

Indicators of successful socialization of the individual are:

  1. The inclusion of the individual in the system of social relations.
  2. Expansion and deepening of the relationship of the individual with people and various spheres of society.
  3. Mastering social experience, its appropriation and transformation into one's own values, attitudes and orientations.
  4. Vigorous activity of the individual with its active involvement in the social sphere.
  5. Active reproduction of the system of social ties.

It should be emphasized that main vector of socialization- a positive focus on the norms of morality and law. The opposite direction is deviation - the deviation of the subject's behavior from social norms.

Functions of socialization

Socialization plays an important role for both the individual and society. The main functions of socialization are the following:

  • For personality: a comprehensive, time-consuming entry into the objective world - a separate part of society, a family or other community. Socialization makes it possible to understand oneself and interpret the behavior of other people, to interact with others.
  • For society: socialization is one of the factors of normal reproduction of society. Despite the fact that people are constantly born and die, socialization enables society to reproduce itself, is a condition for the preservation and development of social culture.

Factors of socialization

Socialization is carried out as a result of the impact on the individual of certain factors: on the one hand, the targeted impacts of society on its members (upbringing and education of children, etc.), on the other hand, random, spontaneous impacts of society on the individual. In addition, the result of socialization is also influenced by the individual's own activity (the process of self-determination), and as they grow older, the significance of self-determination increases and, sooner or later, becomes decisive.

Institutes of socialization

The personality is attached to social norms in specific groups, called the institutions of socialization. These include the family, educational and labor collectives, informal groups and associations. The sources of socialization sometimes include the media, literature and art. The role of the same institutions of socialization at different age stages is not the same.

Mechanisms of socialization

The assimilation of social norms and rules is carried out through socio-psychological mechanisms of socialization, which include suggestion, mental infection, imitation, identification, conformity, stereotyping, social assessment, reference group, authority, popularity, prestige, role prescriptions, social and group expectations - expectations directed at the subject by society and the group to which he belongs. At different age stages, different mechanisms of socialization are dominant.

Stages (stages) of socialization

Socialization is carried out throughout a person's life, but most intensively - in childhood, adolescence and youth. In relation to labor activity, three main stages of the socialization process can be distinguished:

  1. Pre-labor stage of socialization covers the entire period of a person's life before the start of labor activity. This stage is divided into two more or less independent periods:
    • early socialization, covering the time from the birth of a child to his admission to school, i.e. period of early childhood. At this stage, there is an uncritical assimilation of social experience, the main mechanism of socialization is imitation.
    • learning stage, which includes the entire period of adolescence in the broadest sense of the term. This stage includes, of course, all the time of schooling. At this stage, a more conscious intensive assimilation of social experience is carried out.
  2. Labor stage of socialization covers the period of human maturity, although the demographic boundaries of the "mature" age are conditional; fixing such a stage is not difficult - this is the entire period of a person's labor activity. At this stage, the reproduction of social experience, the impact of man on the environment.
  3. Post-labor stage of socialization covers old age. This stage is characterized by the transfer of social experience to new generations.

The behavior of all living beings has a biological basis. But human behavior is also determined by a set of skills that ensure a full life in society. Since man is a biosocial being, he needs to go through a successful process of socialization.

Definition 1

The process of integrating an individual into the social structure and environment, which is carried out by mastering the norms and values ​​of society, its culture and rules, is called socialization. In the course of the socialization of the individual, its maturation occurs.

Mechanisms of socialization of the individual

Socialization has its own structure, and consists of certain mechanisms, which is shown in the figure below in a schematic form:

The main mechanisms of socialization include several:

  • Identification of the individual: the process of self-identification with certain people and social groups. With the help of identification, norms, forms of behavior in relationships that are characteristic of others in a given environment (gender behavior, for example) are assimilated;
  • Reproduction of a behavioral model: conscious or unconscious imitation of the experience of other people (copying manners, actions, movements);
  • Suggestion: this is the unconscious reproduction of the inner experience of the social circle by the individual. Associated with a special perception of information coming from the immediate environment (lack of critical perception);
  • Facilitation: the influence of the behavior of some individuals on the activities of others, due to which this activity is carried out easier and more intensively;
  • Conformity: external agreement with the opinion of the environment, with internal disagreement with them.

Remark 1

The influence of these mechanisms can be both positive and suppressive of emotions, and forbidding certain types of behavior, which can be regarded as negative.

Under the influence of the mechanisms of socialization, a person develops stable behavior patterns that persist even during social changes. The individual assimilates the cultural and moral values ​​that dominate in society, based on which his own values ​​are formed.

The structure of the socialization of the individual

The process of socialization is divided into passive and active interaction of the individual with the surrounding social environment.

The passive form involves the consumption of accumulated experience, and its reproduction in the future. This form ensures the entry of the individual into the existing system of social ties.

The active form involves creative, creative activity aimed at destroying existing or creating new social ties.

To one degree or another, both forms are inherent in the process of socialization of any individual. At present, socialization has such features as the importance of higher education, the desire for self-realization, the influence of violence as a background to life.

The structure of socialization includes:

  • socializant (individual undergoing socialization),
  • socializer (environment that has a socializing influence on the individual).

The action of socializers on socializers is called socializing influence. Despite the fact that socialization is a continuous process, the content and direction of this process can change. In this connection, primary and secondary socialization are distinguished. The process of formation and maturation of personality is called primary socialization. Secondary socialization refers to the development of specific social roles.

As they are mastered, social society becomes the inner reality of the individual.

Each person is a biosocial being: being an element of living nature, he differs significantly from the surrounding natural world. The biological component is inherent in a person genetically, he is "doomed" to be a representative of the "homo sapiens" species. Biological nature forces a person, like any other living organism, to solve many problems related to the need to satisfy physiological (primary) needs and physical survival. At the same time, a person, unlike other representatives of wildlife, has needs of a higher level (secondary) to satisfy which he creates and practices specific forms and means of survival based on his social component.

Unlike the biological, the social component is not inherent in a person from the very beginning, it must be specially created in him. A person needs to be given a language, literacy, a profession, norms of behavior, criteria for evaluating it, etc. For this, special processes are formed, developed and maintained in society that affect a person in a “humanizing” way. One of these processes is socialization, during which a person is transformed from a biological being into a social being. Socialization plays the role of genetic inheritance of the second, supranatural essence of man, that is, sociality.

The very concept of "socialization" has been used in science since the 1930s. XX century, in connection with an increase in interest in the relationship "man - culture", as well as the beginning of a systematic study of the contradictions between the practice of child education and the requirements of society. The emergence of the process of socialization has historically been due to the differentiation of society, the allocation of specific generational groups (old people and youth), the need for the younger generation to adapt to constantly changing social relations and the transfer of social experience. The following circumstances contributed to the formation of socialization:

Man is a social being, he lives surrounded by his own kind and realizes his needs through interaction with other individuals;

Man is a thinking being, he transmits and improves social experience through the development of mental means and language;

Man is a spiritual being, he limits his actions according to the stereotypes of “possible” and “due”;

Man is a creative being, he rethinks social values, creates new forms of associations in order to fully realize his potential.

As a social process, socialization has gone through several stages of development. Initially, it manifested itself in spontaneous activities to prepare (adapt) the younger generation to life in society by introducing them to work and transferring certain skills and abilities. Over time, socialization began to include not only the transfer of samples, actions and models of activity in the work collective, but also the methods of intergenerational interaction, as well as status and role positions, which depend on the gender, age and socio-role capabilities of the individual.

In the development of labor and life functions, socialization contributes to the adaptation of the individual to a certain type of activity, the development of skills for its independent implementation, the acquisition of the completeness of the subject position and responsibility for the result in this fragment of collective activity. In the process of socialization, an individual acquires a set of certain knowledge and skills necessary for him, on the one hand, in order to effectively carry out labor activity; on the other hand, in order to take an active part in the life of the team, that is, to interact with the immediate social environment. The second component of the socialization process not only adapts the individual to a specific work activity, but also to the activities of the team as a whole, as well as to living together in society. As this complex is assimilated, a signal is given to remove the external control of the young individual from adults, marking the emergence of a socialized subject and the completion of socialization in a specific direction. Allowing the individual to adapt to certain social conditions and integrate into the system of social reproduction, socialization contributes to its effective self-realization. Therefore, the end result of the socialization process is not only the formation of a new generation of people of certain social types and the formation of a person as a living carrier of macro- and micro-conditions in which and through which the individual realizes his social essence, but also the formation of a person as a subject of activity and individuality in all its richness. manifestations.

For society, the role and significance of the process of socialization is determined by the fact that, in an effort to maintain its integrity, it develops certain social norms and rules of behavior that are mandatory for all its representatives to assimilate. For the individual, the role and significance of socialization is determined by the fact that, wishing to become a full-fledged representative of society, he must learn the indicated social norms and rules of behavior. Socialization helps an individual to adapt to certain social conditions and integrate into the system of social reproduction on the basis of learned social rules, traditions and norms. Preparing young people for integration into the system of social relations, the formation and development of the social potential of the young generation outside the process of socialization is impossible.

Thus, socializationit is a two-way process during which society transmits, and the individual throughout his life learns social norms, cultural values, patterns of behavior that allow the individual to function in this society.

An individual's knowledge of himself and ways of interacting with other people;

Assimilation of social and cultural values;

Assimilation of knowledge about the structure of society and the significance of individual social institutions;

Mastering the skills of practical activities in the subject and social spheres;

Development on the basis of the acquired knowledge of their own system of value orientations and attitudes;

Acquisition of certain social positions, internalization of relevant social norms and roles;

The inclusion of a person in active creative activity as a mature socialized personality.

As a process, socialization can be overt and covert. The explicit nature of socialization is due to a clear understanding of the goals of the impact on the part of society and its components on a particular individual. Based on this, explicit socialization is a direct targeted impact on the emerging personality, which are produced by various social institutions, organizations and teams. The hidden (latent) nature of socialization is due to ideological, moral, aesthetic and other principles, ideals, requirements and norms that predetermine the success of the socialization process, as well as its final result. Based on this, hidden socialization is the action of conditions and factors that indirectly direct the process of socialization.

Socialization has a certain structure, the main elements of which are stages, agents, mechanisms and conditions of socialization.

Stages of socialization. Most researchers distinguish two main stages - primary And secondary socialization. At the same time, some researchers consider the dominant activity of the individual as a basis for separating the stages of socialization. In their opinion, primary(pre-labor) socialization covers the periods of childhood, youth and youth of the individual and is carried out in the process of his education (within the family and educational institutions); A secondary(labor) socialization covers the stages of youth, youth, maturity and old age of the individual and in the process of his labor activity (within the framework of the labor collective). Other researchers consider the dominance of the influence of a certain social institution on the socializing individual as the basis for distinguishing between primary and secondary socialization. In their opinion, primary socialization ends when the family ceases to be the main institution of socialization, and the main functions of socialization are transferred to the education system to labor collectives. In some cases, the process of socialization is divided into three stages: socialization of the child in the family; socialization of children, adolescents, young men and youth in the conditions of educational institutions; further socialization in the conditions of the labor collective.

Being socialized, possessing certain social properties and realizing them in the course of his life, each individual, one way or another, continues to change and develop. This means that socialization does not end at some stage of the individual's life cycle, but continues throughout his life. If in the process of primary socialization activity mainly belongs to society, institutions and organizations in which the individual is trained and educated, then in the process of secondary socialization the activity of the individual is connected to the activity of society, he acts as an active force not only in relation to himself, but also regarding the socialization of others.

The regularity of the process of socialization is the increase in the role of the individual himself in this process. If at the stage of primary socialization the individual acts as a socializing object, then at the stage of secondary socialization he, to a greater extent, becomes the subject of this process. It can be said that a personality is socialized when it has completed its long development, when it has established itself in the social structure in certain positions, when it no longer develops so much as functions.

It should be noted that in some cases it may be necessary resocialization(re-socialization), initiated by both the individual himself and the main social institutions. Firstly, such situations arise in the case of social movements of the individual, both vertically and horizontally, which cause a modification of the objective conditions of his activity, change his social position, the content and structure of the social roles he plays in society. There is a rejection of old social roles and the development of new ones. All this entails certain transformations of a person, leaves an imprint on his personality, individuality, is accompanied by a change in positions, statuses, and the structure of the roles performed. A new structure of relations, connections and dependencies of the individual with other people is formed, new forms of activity, communication, etc. are mastered. Secondly, the need for resocialization of the individual may be due to major socio-economic, socio-political or socio-cultural changes, covering fairly wide masses of people, representatives of various social groups. There are many examples of this kind of resocialization: reforms in the areas of law, culture, economics, etc. Third, the need for resocialization is actualized if an individual who has previously violated the legal, moral or other norms of a certain society is isolated from society. A typical example is the socialization (in the form of resocialization) of individuals who have returned from places of deprivation of liberty.

However, the above cases of socialization do not exhaust all possible situations when socialization (or resocialization) is necessary. Unsuccessful marriage, divorce and similar situations put individuals in front of the need for resocialization to a new marriage, to the status of a single person, etc. .

agents of socialization. As agents of socialization are considered personality, social group, organization, social institution or society as a whole, carrying out a purposeful direct impact on the socializing individual. The concept of an agent of socialization is justified both for groups, organizations or institutions with which an individual maintains real relations (random or stable, temporary or permanent), and for some symbolic formations that determine the orientation of an individual, for example, for mythological heroes, idols, ideals, reference groups. In addition, the concept of an agent of socialization is applicable to refer to some "depersonalized" forces of society due to the pronounced direction of their impact, for example, for the media.

The functions and significance of socialization agents at its primary and secondary stages differ. Primary socialization agents can simultaneously perform several functions - guardianship, administration, control, management, etc. Therefore, agents of primary socialization are interchangeable, for example, family - peers, or family - education system. Agents of secondary socialization perform more specific functions, and therefore cannot be interchangeable. In particular, court employees will never replace parents and vice versa.

It should be noted that in a number of sources, the concept of an agent of socialization is replaced by the concept of an institution of socialization. The institutions of socialization, as well as the stages, are divided into primary - family, education, street, production and secondary - the state, as well as legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

The mechanism of socialization. In the most general interpretation the mechanism of socialization refers to the ways in which an individual masters social experience. The main mechanisms of socialization include:

Identification - identification of oneself with representatives of the social environment. This kind of socialization mechanism is directly interconnected with the process of imitation, conscious or unconscious repetition of the actions of others. It is in this form that the individual masters certain requirements, rules and norms in early childhood, as well as in the initial stages of later periods of socialization.

Adaptation. This kind of socialization mechanism involves the adaptation of the individual to the social conditions surrounding him, for example, to the conditions of a new society.

Interiorization. This is the individual's awareness of the rules, requirements, and norms he has learned. In this case, the acquired values ​​become an integral part of the individual's inner world, and it becomes possible to apply them in practice.

Play, learning, work are processes in the course of which an individual learns those social positions and their corresponding roles, which are later applied by him in the system of social relations.

Conditions of socialization. In general, the conditions (factors) of socialization are understood as the totality of natural and social objects, objects, phenomena or events that exist in society and indirectly (indirectly) affect the course and effectiveness of the socialization process. Together, the conditions (factors) of socialization determine the direction of this process. The direction of socialization is a property that determines the effectiveness, depending on the subject and object of socialization, as well as general social and local circumstances and conditions. As a rule, researchers identify factors of socialization macro, meso and micro levels.

- macro factors(space, planet, world, country) that affect the socialization of all inhabitants of the planet or large social groups, for example, residents of one country;

- mesofactors- the conditions for the socialization of large social groups, both real (people, nation, class) and nominal (audience audience);

- microfactors- phenomena that have a direct impact on the socialization of the individual (family, peer group, organization, etc.).

Personality socialization is the process of personality formation in certain social conditions, the process of assimilation of social experience by a person, norms of behavior, norms of morality, beliefs of a person are determined by the norms that are accepted in a given society.
"Socialization is the process of becoming a social "I". It embraces all forms of introducing the individual to culture, teaching and upbringing, with the help of which the individual acquires a social nature.
under socialization accepted understand "the process of mastering by a person social values ​​and norms, social experience and knowledge, thanks to which he becomes a full member of society." This is the path from a biological being to a social one. This process occurs as a result of education, i.e. purposeful impact on the personality, and as a result of independent understanding of reality by a teenager.
The concept of "socialization" is associated with such concepts as "education", "training", "personal development".
Random Social Impacts take place in any social situation, i.e. when two or more individuals interact. For example, adults talking about their problems can have a strong effect on a child, but this can hardly be called an educational process.
The child is socialized, not passively accepting various influences (including educational ones), but gradually moving from the position of an object of social influence to the position of an active subject. The child is active because he has needs, and if education takes these needs into account, this will contribute to the development of the child's activity. If educators try to eliminate the child’s activity, forcing him to “sit quietly” while they carry out their “educational activity”, then by doing this they can achieve the formation of not an ideal and harmonious, but a flawed, deformed, passive personality. The child's activity will either be completely suppressed, and then the personality will be formed as socially unadapted, anxious, or (if there are certain individual characteristics, such as a strong type of nervous system, etc.) the activity will be realized through various compensatory outputs (for example, what is not allowed, the child will try to do it covertly).
Socialization is change psyche and personality formation. Although the development of the psyche is not limited to social processes, so the development of the personality is not reducible only to socialization. This development occurs through at least two processes:

  • socialization;
  • self-development of the individual.

Socialization starts with exposure on the individual, since the parents of the child are already socialized, and the child can initially influence them only as a biological being, then he becomes able to interact with adults and, further, reproduce his social experience in his activities.
As the individual develops, he becomes the subject of social relations, capable of influencing another person, but, due to the dialogic nature of consciousness, reflection, a person can also influence himself as a social object. Such exposures are not considered socialization, but may form the basis of personality development.
Consider the structure of socialization personalities:
The most promising approach to determining the structure of the socialization of the individual is to analyze it in 2 aspects: static and dynamic. Accordingly, it is possible to conditionally single out the static and dynamic structure of socialization. The elements of the structure are stable, relatively constant formations. This does not take into account the varying degrees of their own internal variability. These include, first of all, the individual and society, as well as those social formations that contribute to the process of their interaction.
The concept of "personality" socially significant in a person who, on the one hand, is a part of nature, and on the other, a social individual, a member of a particular society. This is its social essence, which develops only together with society or only on its basis. The determining factor in the process of socialization is the microenvironment - an objective reality, which is a combination of economic, political, ideological and socio-political factors that directly interact with the individual in the process of life.
Static structure of socialization personality allows a concrete historical approach to the analysis of relatively stable elements of this process at a certain stage in the development of society. However, as already noted, all of the above elements of the static structure are not given once and for all, unchanged, devoid of certain changes and development. Therefore, the analysis of the main elements of the static structure of the socialization of the individual in their movement, change and interaction allows us to proceed to the study of the dynamic structure of this process. The dynamic structure of the socialization of the individual is based on the recognition of the variability of those elements that form the static structure of this process, the main emphasis is on the connections and correlations of certain elements with each other.
“Socialization is carried out under the influence of many factors, which can be divided into three groups:
Microfactors(family, micro-society, educational institutions, religious organizations).
Mesofactors(type, ethnos, settlements, regional conditions, mass media).
Macrofactors(culture, country, state, society).
Thus, the concept of socialization includes the concepts of training, education, personal development. However, there are phenomena, mechanisms and directions of socialization.
Personality socialization at the individual level includes a number of processes:

  • people's personalities are formed by interacting with each other; the nature of these interactions is influenced by factors such as age, intellectual level, gender, etc.;
  • the environment can also influence the child's personality;
  • personality is formed on the basis of one's own individual experience;
  • culture is an important aspect of personality formation.

To the leading phenomena of socialization should include the assimilation of behavioral stereotypes, existing social norms, customs, interests, value orientations, etc. Stereotypes of behavior are formed by signal heredity, i.e. through imitation of adults in early childhood. They are very stable and can be the basis of mental incompatibility (for example, in a family, ethnic group).
There are several socio-psychological x mechanisms of socialization:
Identification- this is the identification of an individual with some people or groups, which allows him to assimilate a variety of norms of behavior that are characteristic of others. An example of identification is gender-role typification - the process of acquiring by an individual mental characteristics and behavior characteristic of representatives of a certain sex;
Imitation is a conscious or unconscious reproduction by an individual of a model of behavior, the experience of other people (in particular, manners, movements, actions, etc.);
Suggestion- the process of unconscious reproduction by the individual of the internal experience, thoughts, feelings and mental states of those people with whom he communicates;
social facilitation- the stimulating effect of the behavior of some people on the activities of others, as a result of which their activities proceed more freely and more intensively (“facilitation” means “facilitation”);
Conformity- awareness of differences of opinion with other people and external agreement with them, realized in behavior.
A number of authors, including Z. Freud, distinguish four psychological mechanisms of socialization, such as:
Imitation- a conscious attempt by the child to copy a certain model of behavior. Parents, relatives, friends, etc. can serve as role models.
Identification- a way of understanding belonging to a particular community. Through identification, children accept the behavior of parents, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc., their values, norms, patterns of behavior as their own.
Shame is the experience of exposure and shame associated with the reaction of other people.
Guilt- the experience of exposure and shame associated with the punishment of oneself, regardless of other people.
Imitation and identification are positive mechanisms, as they are aimed at the assimilation of a certain type of behavior. Shame and guilt are negative mechanisms because they inhibit or inhibit certain behaviors.
The main directions of socialization correspond to the key areas of human life: behavioral, emotional-sensory, cognitive, existential, moral, interpersonal. In other words, in the process of socialization, people learn how to behave, react emotionally to various situations, experience and show various feelings; how to know the surrounding natural and social world; how to organize your life; what moral and ethical guidelines to follow; how to participate effectively in interpersonal communication and collaborative activities.
So socialization- this is a natural process of growing up a person and the formation of his life position.

Man is a biosocial being, which, acting as an element of wildlife, at the same time, differs significantly from the surrounding natural world. The biological essence makes a person, like any other being, solve numerous tasks related to the satisfaction of biological, physiological needs.

The essence of socialization for the individual

The social essence of a person is manifested in the formation of the needs for inclusion in social activities, in society. As a rule, such inclusion is carried out in the process of socialization, "humanization".

When implementing socialization, a person masters life and work functions, masters certain types of activities, skills for independent activity. Successful socialization is accompanied by the formation of a system of knowledge and skills necessary for the effective implementation of social, academic, labor activities, interaction with the social and natural surrounding context.

Remark 1

As a result of the successful inclusion of the individual in social interactions, its adaptation to certain working conditions is carried out, and opportunities for self-realization are formed. Accordingly, the main result of successful socialization is the formation of a new generation of people, the formation of the individual as a conscious social entity.

The essence of socialization for society

The role of socialization for society lies in the fact that, thanks to the successful adaptation of individuals to social requirements, the stability of society is formed, and its progressive evolutionary development is ensured.

Definition 1

Thus, socialization in modern scientific literature is understood as a two-way process, during which the society transmits, and the individual throughout his life assimilates cultural values, social norms, behavioral patterns that allow the individual to successfully function in this public association.

Structure of socialization

Socialization as a process and phenomenon has its own structure, in which the following components can be distinguished:

  • stages;
  • mechanisms;
  • agents;
  • socialization conditions.

Stages of socialization as a structural component of the process

In the most general form, two main, qualitatively different stages of socialization are distinguished:

  • primary, covers the periods of childhood, adolescence, youth; proceeds, as a rule, within the framework of the family, the nearest socio-cultural environment, educational institutions in the processes of implementing social and academic activities. At this stage, the main institution of socialization is the family;
  • secondary, which is carried out mainly in the process of implementing labor professional, social activities. At this stage of socialization, the main role in the process of adapting the individual to the conditions of society is assigned to the person himself, who becomes an active transformer of himself.

In other words, the main regularity of the course of socialization processes is the progressive increase in the value and role of the individual in the acceptance of social conditions and requirements.

Separately, it should be noted that in some cases there may be a need for resocialization - re-socialization of the individual. As a rule, the main factor determining the need for resocialization is the vertical or horizontal social movements of the individual, accompanied by changes in his social status, structure and content of social roles implemented in society.

Thus, it is impossible to overestimate the role of socialization for the development of the individual and society. At the same time, taking into account the complex structure of the process, it should be noted that in recent years, the integration of the individual into society has faced a number of difficulties.