Pass to the lodge: How modern Masons live. Who rules the world The most important Freemason

Because the Masons

Paul Jeffers, in his book “Franco-Masons - Secrets of the Most Ancient Secret Society,” claims that the majority of Masons ruling the world are currently concentrated in the United States. Jeffers estimates that there are 5.9 million members of Masonic lodges, of which 4.1 million live in the States.

In the 20th century, the myth of Freemasonry as an occult secret organization that, at its own discretion, solves world problems, and to which sooner or later all influential people are invited, spread everywhere. You can supposedly become a member of a lodge only once, after which you cannot leave it. Over time, the word “Freemasonry” was added to the word “Freemasonry” in many countries by the prefix “Jew,” which meant the Jews’ desire for world domination.

All these myths have a basis. Firstly, Freemasons have indeed always been interested in religious topics, and often they did not find agreement with the church - hence the numerous legends about the occult. Secondly, despite the fact that the history and symbolism of the Masons have long been known, they still observe the ban on non-disclosure of information, since the ability to keep secrets is considered an important moral and ethical quality. The existence of levels of initiation, membership in the organization of influential and wealthy people, its corporate nature is a historical reality, as is the fact that many members of Masonic lodges were Jews.

Who became a Freemason

Supporters It is believed that out of 43 US presidents, 25 were Freemasons. Among them are George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan.

Ideas about the connection between Freemasonry and Jewish world domination spread in the 20th century. One of the main historical facts is often cited as the use of Jewish symbols, the Old Testament or the Torah by masons in their rituals. In fact, potential members of the organization actually took an oath on the holy book of the religion to which they belong. But their religion varied - from Buddhism to Protestantism.

For most Masons, what is important is not belonging to a particular religion, but the very principle of belief in the existence of God, a higher being, or the Great Architect of the Universe, as he is sometimes called. In one of the charters of the Freemasons of the 18th century. It even says: anyone can be a Freemason except a “stupid atheist.” Since one of the most important postulates of Masonic ideology is monotheism, and most regular lodges in Europe were Christian, the candidate often swore on the Bible, including the Old Testament. But some did this on the Torah because they belonged to Judaism, they were Jews.

Where did the myth that Jewish Masons rule the world come from?

Scientists who study the history of the Freemasons are not inclined to agree with conspiracy theories. They believe that the Freemasons are too decentralized to represent a real force capable of ruling the world. They are united not by a common organization, but by a community of ideas and principles

Historically, there were quite a lot of people from creative and intellectual professions among European Jews. This is due to the fact that the Jews had a longer tradition of reading and interpreting the sacred text than Christians, but they did not have their own state, and therefore they did not cultivate the land and did not carry out military service. Instead, Jews in Europe were actively engaged in various crafts, arts, trade, and usury, which - unlike Christianity - was not prohibited by Judaism, and from which banking later grew.

Jews themselves sought to participate in public organizations. The fact is that it was in the 19th century that they underwent secularization. Fewer and fewer Jews remained committed to their religion and took part in the life of the community; more and more were baptized and became members of other communities, including Masonic lodges. Former Jews were interested in this as a social experience and self-realization. Freemasonry hoped to use their connections, because historically, as already mentioned, it welcomed not only “builders”, but also “outside” members - wealthy and educated people who could ensure the advancement of the creations of engineering thought.

The Jews, who continued to profess the old religion, had their own regular and irregular Jewish Masonic lodges, but there were no more regular ones than any other - Catholic or Protestant, and the irregular ones were small in format and did not obey a single “center”, therefore it is unlikely could rule the world. However, in the 20th century, the myth of the “Jewish-Masonic conspiracy” began to actively spread. It was especially fueled by Nazi and Muslim propaganda. But it all began in the Russian Empire, in St. Petersburg, where the scandalous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were published at the beginning of the 20th century.

Myths about the Masonic conspiracy in the 20th century

In the USA alone there are more than 51 Masonic lodges, which are quite independent from each other. At the international level, some Masonic lodges not only do not depend on each other, but do not even want to recognize each other's legitimacy

In 1943, the French director, an apologist for the pro-Nazi Vichy regime, made the film “Secret Powers” ​​about a Masonic conspiracy of Jews who hope to overthrow the world order. During the same war years, a number of Holocaust victims, including former Freemasons, were able to organize small lodges right on the territory of the concentration camps. Under those conditions, the ethical nature of the organization’s activities was revealed, whose members sought to preserve “secret knowledge”, religious, spiritual, idealistic principles even in the face of death. Of course, there could be no talk of ruling the world from a concentration camp.

After the war, the myth of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy becomes relevant in Islam. At the end of the forties, residents of the Middle East were faced with the return of Jews to the “Holy Land” - that is, for themselves, with the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Palestine. In 1972, Freemasonry was officially banned by the President of Pakistan. In Iraq under Saddam Hussein, it was recommended to execute those who preached Zionist principles or promoted the development of Masonic lodges. The Hamas Charter in 1988 included a separate clause describing the Zionist-Mason conspiracy. However, not a single documentary evidence of the connection between Freemasonry and the change in the world order has been found. And most historians consider the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” to be a falsification.

Ksenia Zharchinskaya

That State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check the activities of Masonic societies. According to him, communities with foreign roots should not interfere in the internal processes of the country and engage in political activities.

Milonov noted that the main Masonic lodges are located in France, England and the USA. At the same time, Masons in Russia, according to him, “de jure are in some form of subordination from their foreign colleagues.”

Let us recall that many Masonic organizations are officially registered in Russia. The writer and founder of the Russian House magazine, Yuri Vorobyovsky, previously told Constantinople about where Russian masons are now and what they are doing.

Grand Lodge of Russia: "The Freemasons of Russia are doing the same thing they were doing 300 years ago"

The most famous of the organizations is the non-profit partnership for the development of Masonic traditions, the Grand Lodge of Ancient and Accepted Freemasons.

On its Facebook page, the Grand Lodge of Russia wrote the following: “We are waiting for a call to the Prosecutor General’s Office!) We are ready to answer all questions.” The Masons advised Milonov to “first read the primary sources about Russian Freemasonry and the Grand Lodge of Russia,” and noted that “they never discussed issues of religion and politics in their work.” They publish their own magazine, publish news on their website and maintain official pages on social networks.

Tsargrad talked with a Russian political strategist and politician, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia Andrem Bogdanov.

“The Freemasons of Russia are doing the same thing they did 300 years ago (this year, by the way, world Freemasonry turns 300 years old). Namely, working on oneself. We say: make a good person even better. This is self-education and bringing light to society, the education of society - that’s what any Masons do in any country.”

According to him, if you look at the constitution of the Masonic lodge in any country, “it is forbidden to discuss politics, it is forbidden to discuss religion, and only believers are accepted into the Masonic lodge.”

“That is, one who believes in God and the immortality of the soul,” Bogdanov added. Therefore, in his opinion, Milonov is engaged in his PR with this statement.

Organizations, outwardly declaring some democratic slogans, actually fulfill the goals of the world behind the scenes

However, many historians emphasize that Freemasons in Russia greatly influence political processes, and have done so for a long time. Writer, director of the public organization "Institute of Russian Civilization" Oleg Platonov in a commentary, Constantinople noted that Freemasons have always interfered in democratic procedures and democratic processes.

"This is their goal. And moreover, the peculiarity of their work is that they replace democracy with their own certain rituals, which, in fact, destroy democracy in general."

According to him, all Western countries are proof of this - all the main government agencies and public organizations there, one way or another, are under the internal control of Masonic organizations.

Let us recall the latest cases: on February 28, François Hollande at the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge was the first time that the current President of the Fifth Republic openly visited the Masonic center on Cadet Street. This is one of the most influential Masonic organizations in Europe and has never hidden its hostility towards the Catholic Church.

“And these organizations, while outwardly declaring some kind of democratic slogans, are actually fulfilling the goals of the world behind the scenes. And this was a breakthrough for all Western democracies - the so-called democracies.”

Therefore, he concluded, no real democracy exists either in the Western world or in our current conditions in our country.

Today's Freemasons are a secret union of politicians

Platonov noted that he was very closely involved in the history of Freemasonry until the end of the 90s. According to him, at that time in our country there were at least 50 Masonic lodges and Masonic-type organizations that tried in every possible way to influence state policy, the policy of the State Duma and public organizations. “There are many documents, they regularly appeared in the press, that many of the most important decisions in a number of cases were made with the participation of Masonic organizations,” the publicist noted.

Some have expressed the opinion that Milonov's statement could serve as a signal of the beginning of a fight against Freemasonry - perhaps the closure of some organizations, or greater control over activities. However, Platonov believes that “under the conditions of the political system that has developed in our country, the complete destruction of Freemasonry and their influence on politics is impossible.”

“They have become a certain part of our political culture. But speaking of this, I want to emphasize that today's Freemasons are not the same Freemasons who, say, were in the 19th century. Who performed many, including long-outdated Masonic rituals. Freemasons are people who make up a kind of secret union of politicians pursuing their specific interests. Including personal interests. That is, today's Freemasonry, it is only in some external forms similar to traditional Freemasonry. In fact, I emphasize once again, it is a kind of a secret union of unscrupulous politicians seeking to achieve their specific goals,” Platonov noted.

According to Platonov, public figures like Bogdanov serve more as a “disguise.” “This is just a kind of whipping boy. An external figure that they are trying to present as a freemason with power. And even in his image they are trying to discredit the real understanding of Freemasonry. Because this Bogdanov himself, according to the information I have, does not have any influence has," the writer believes.

Modern Masons in Russia

Let us remember that there are indeed many Masonic organizations in Russia. These are the Grand Lodge of Russia, the Supreme Council of Russia of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the United Grand Lodge of Russia, the Sovereign Russian Sanctuary of the WMO DIUMM, the General Grand Chapter of the French Rite, the Chapter of the Royal Arch of St. Cecilia, Le Droit Humain, Grand Orient of France, Grand Lodge of France, Grand Women's Lodge of France.

The fact that the headquarters of most organizations are located abroad does raise questions. Especially considering our legislation on foreign agents.

“In general, indeed, all headquarters are located abroad, this is understandable. Formally, each grand lodge has independence, but this is a kind of formality, beyond any opinion. When I was doing this, it was clear that people receive instructions and often funding because border,” writer Yuri Vorobyovsky commented on Constantinople.

Therefore, if inspections of Masonic lodges really begin, most likely, many surprises await us.

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“Freemasons,” as the Masons are also called, appeared, according to their own legends, during the construction of Solomon’s Temple in Judea. Over time, the organization has transformed many times. During the Age of Enlightenment, “masons” gained enormous popularity. And then the first conspiracy theory about a Masonic conspiracy appeared.

Masons still exist today. But are they as influential as close observers attribute to them?

Brothers in circles

Freemasonry, or, as it is also called, “Freemasonry,” is a movement that exists as a closed organization, the philosophy of which is based on monotheistic religions. Historians of the movement say that it originated in construction artels - workshops of masons, which, in fact, gave it its name (franc-maçon, in Old French masson, in English freemason - free masons).

Purely administratively, the organization consists of independent grand lodges, each of which is sovereign for its own country, and they, in turn, govern the “ordinary” lodges subordinate to it. The number of each lodge varies from 15 to 100 people, collected on a territorial basis. The relationship between the Grand Lodges may seem strange from the outside, since some of them recognize each other and some do not. The criterion here is adherence to the Landmarks - Masonic covenants or rules, which may vary from one grand lodge to another.

The life of Masons within a lodge is associated with a number of rituals for which symbolic instruments are used, metaphorically expressing what both Masons and their critics describe as “a system of morals hidden in allegories and illustrated by symbols.”

The beginning of the history of the movement is viewed differently by different researchers. Some derive it from Adam, some from the artels of the Temple of King Solomon, some look for the roots of Freemasonry in the Pythagoreans, Essenes, the first Christians, as well as in the Templars and Rosicrucians. And only in the middle of the 19th century, Freemasonry researcher Georg Kloss quite specifically pointed out that the roots of Freemasonry still originate in medieval construction cooperatives.

Nowadays, Freemasonry is quite widespread throughout the world, and the number of members of the movement is estimated at six million people, of which almost two million belong to the Grand Lodge of the USA. About 300 thousand Freemasons are under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England, which is the oldest lodge in the world and has existed since 1717.

World behind the scenes

The Freemasons movement became notorious and attractive during the Great French Revolution. It was then that people started talking about the Masonic conspiracy theory, talk about which continues to this day. Its essence boils down to the fact that the organization of “free masons”, at the expense of its own high-ranking members, controls world politics and influences all historical events on a planetary scale.

World literature, which has picked up this idea, has been successfully supporting this image for two hundred years. At the same time, the most well-reasoned works that exposed the Masonic and atheistic orientation of the French Revolution were the works of the French abbot Augustin Barruel and the Englishman John Robinson. It is noteworthy that Robinson himself was a member of the Masonic Lodge of England. But, after traveling around Europe for some time, he came to the conclusion that British Freemasonry of that time, which was quite loyal to the Church, was significantly different from continental Freemasonry, which clearly had an atheistic character.

Another highly dedicated Freemason, Joseph de Maistre, came to similar conclusions, who in his writings argued that Freemasonry is not a philanthropic organization of humanities scholars, as was commonly believed in the 18th century, but is a society of anti-Christian orientation. De Maistre calls the main task of Freemasonry the destruction of the Church, as well as European monarchies, with the subsequent establishment of dictatorships and demonic cults.

In turn, Barruel argued that Freemasonry was responsible for the main catastrophes of European Christian history and, under the guise of liberalism, promoted militant atheism and tyranny.

In Russia, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the spread of the Masonic conspiracy theory was supported by writers Alexei Shmakov and Alexander Selyanin, who introduced an Orthodox element into the debate about the movement. But the most famous denouncer of the “free masons” turned out to be the writer Sergei Nilus, who published the book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” in which the theory of the Masonic conspiracy is outlined step by step in the first person.

Actually, from the 19th century we can count the beginning of the ever-growing rumors about the dangers of Freemasonry and its control over world politics, business and cash flows. This is largely due to the fact that many researchers of the movement argue that most of the leaders who influenced the course of world history over the past 200 years were related to the Freemasons. Members of the lodges are: Peter the Great, Catherine the Second, Vladimir Lenin, Queen Victoria of England, almost all the founding fathers of the USA, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as well as countless artists of the level of the “free mason” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Nowadays, the main Masons include representatives of the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans.

Look to the root

Of course, if such a large number of powerful people in this world were actually related to the lodges, then the Masons could not help but influence the development of the history of the world. However, the question always remains - they did this because the brotherhood asked them to, or it just so happened that strong historical figures also turned out to be Freemasons. To assert anything here with 100% probability is a thankless task.

But what do we know for certain? And this, unfortunately, is not much. Namely, that Masonic lodges are closed organizations that are picky about having famous and influential people in their ranks. The fact that the rituals of the “free masons” is a sealed secret, but we can see the signs used by the brotherhood in completely unexpected places - on dollar bills, for example. The fact that the Masons themselves consider themselves an esoteric rather than a secret society, and all the secrets relate specifically to the rituals performed by the brothers, and not to the doctrine of Freemasonry itself, the main goal of which is defined as charity, moral improvement, in most cases calling on members of the movement to believe in the Supreme Being, as well as the development and preservation of fraternal friendship in a fraternal environment.

All of the above, unfortunately, cannot directly indicate that the Masons have entangled the whole world with their chains and are deliberately moving it towards the Apocalypse. Although indirect evidence may indicate this, such as: for example, the brothers’ use of clearly anti-Christian symbols, as well as the desire attributed to them to restore the Temple of King Solomon, from which, in fact, the brotherhood began. And this event, as many interpreters of the Revelation of John the Theologian say, will precede the appearance of the Antichrist in the world. That is, if we continue this thought, the Masons are people preparing the end of the world. If you simultaneously listen to the whistleblowers of Freemasonry and observe how the moral bar is moving down in the Western world, which is moving along the path of globalization and the development of transnational corporations, then you can find certain parallels in what the opponents of the “free masons” write and in what the media tells us.

Be that as it may, it is impossible to assert that the Freemasons are the shadow government of the world. However, there is no smoke without fire.

Is Freemasonry a meeting of old people? Isn't Freemasonry already extinct?

Among the Freemasons there are many people of all ages, starting from 21 years old (or 18 years old depending on the jurisdiction). There are millions of people in the world and hundreds in Russia who are Freemasons. The spiritual and moral light of Freemasonry has not gone out and attracts people who are looking for their place in the world, looking for Man’s place before God. As an addition, we can add that almost half of the brothers initiated into Freemasonry in Russia in 1999 are under 30 years of age.

Are Freemasons racist or elitist?

Freemasonry declares the equality of people regardless of their skin color, religion, nation, social origin and social status. Freemasonry not only declares, but also professes this principle. Among the brothers there are people of all races and nations. At no time can a person's access to the Lodge be limited by nationality or race. In many ways, the principle of equality of people spread throughout the world thanks to the Order of Freemasons.

Elitism is a rather difficult term to define. If you mean the question of whether Freemasonry places strict demands on its members, then the answer is yes. These requirements are known to everyone and are clearly declared by the order: faith in God and the fulfillment of his Testaments, high spiritual and moral development, constant concern for others, unwavering loyalty to the ideals of the family and the state. Do most people meet these requirements? If you think not, then Freemasonry is elitist.

Rumors that Freemasonry is only open to the “upper classes”, businessmen and high-ranking politicians are not true. The source of these rumors is false ideas about the goals of Freemasonry, unfounded suspicions of the order's desire for world domination.

Is the lodge a place for businessmen to conduct common affairs?

No. Moreover, most Freemasons believe that preferential treatment given to someone because he is a Freemason is an un-Masonic act. A person who tries to become a Freemason because he hopes to gain economic or political benefits from it will never become a Freemason.

If you are interested in organizations or partnerships created for joint business, we recommend joining the Rotary Club.

In Freemasonry, the titles “Worshipful Master” and others are used. Is Freemasonry a sect or some kind of religious organization?

No. The titles used in Freemasonry are simply filled with beauty, grandeur, and ancient symbolism. And they are preserved due to these reasons, but do not carry within them the meaning of worshiping their owners, or recognizing their secular power over other members of the Brotherhood. The fact that a brother is a Worshipful Master or someone else only speaks of his role in the rites of Freemasonry and maybe in the administrative management of the Order. Achieving a degree by a person gives him authority, because Freemasonry is very scrupulous and strict in establishing the correspondence of the merits of a brother and their official recognition.

Freemasonry contains many mechanisms to prevent it from degenerating into a sect. One of the important principles of Freemasonry is the constant rotation of leading officials. Thus, the head of the lodge, the Worshipful Master, cannot hold this position for more than 3 years in a row.

Is Freemasonry a secret organization? What is a Masonic secret, and what can be discussed publicly?

Freemasonry does not hide the fact of its existence. Individual lodges also do not hide the fact of their existence. For example, on the Russian Web you can find the names of almost all Russian lodges operating under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Russia. Over time, many of them will be separately presented on our website.

At the same time, the brothers consider it inappropriate to discuss deeply personal issues related to the sphere of spiritual development in public. This position is at least worthy of understanding. According to our traditions, every brother has the right to declare his membership in the Order without any approval. However, he has no right to name the names of other members of the Order without receiving their direct consent.

So far, in Russia, Freemasons cannot speak as widely and openly about their affiliation with the organization as in the USA or Europe. This is a consequence of the negative attitude towards the Order of a small but extremely aggressive part of our fellow citizens. We also remember that we have extensive experience of persecution by the authorities.
In addition to the lists of members of the order, the secret is represented by Masonic rituals, secret words, and identification marks.

Why are Masonic rituals secret?

The process of initiation has an esoteric side. The brother becomes acquainted with the ritual of each degree only at the moment of initiation into this degree. Thus, the maximum effect is achieved from dedication. This provides material for deep reflection and creates internal spiritual tension.

Is Freemasonry a religion?

No. Freemasonry requires its members to believe in God. But Freemasonry does not force a person to adhere to a certain faith, does not impose on him any of its own system of performing religious rituals, and does not even require a certain confessional affiliation.

All rituals of Freemasonry and its symbolism are means of spiritual improvement of a person, but we avoid judgments about God. Such judgments for a brother are determined by his religious affiliation (if he has one) or his inner spiritual feeling. The Order only helps to reveal a person’s inner religiosity, strengthens his faith, making it deeper and more sincere. But Freemasonry does not add any color to personal religious beliefs.

But you consider the Great Architect of the Universe to be your God?

It's just the opposite. We call God the Great Architect of the Universe, since He created everything that exists. You have probably heard Him called the Creator. Agree, there is a difference: consider God as the Builder or consider the builder as God!

Do Freemasons control the world?

No. Authors putting forward such theses need immediate help from a psychiatrist. We recommend that you read "Foucault's Pendulum" by Umberto Eco. This book, in particular, shows how people reach such mental deviations. This thesis is completely frivolous. Therefore, it is not particularly considered here. Also, the theses of authors like S. A. Nilus, Leo Taxil, O. Platonov that the Masons allegedly worship Satan, that he is present in the form of a goat at every lodge meeting and constantly hits the table with a hammer, etc., are not considered here. The reputation of such people is the best refutation of everything that they have written. The works of these people are full of deliberate falsifications. The “lists of Russian masons” published in these works are an absolute lie. The Masonic rituals published there are nine-tenths lies.

Are Masonic rituals humiliating for a candidate?

No. Nothing could be further from the truth. The purpose of rituals is to teach a person the virtues of Freemasonry and this cannot be achieved by means of humiliation. Our rituals are very beautiful and full of symbolism. Their origin is shaded by the glory of the great mysteries of various religions of many peoples of the Earth throughout its history, with the only amendment that modern Masonic rites in no way threaten the life, physical and mental health, honor and dignity of the candidate and his loved ones.

Have Masonic rituals become simpler recently?

The United Grand Lodge of Russia uses rituals that have basically remained virtually unchanged for the last hundred years. A number of jurisdictions, most notably in the United States, use simplified rituals. This applies to a greater extent to the degrees of the Scottish Rite.

Masons call the buildings that belong to them Temples. Are religious ceremonies performed there?

No. According to the definition of many dictionaries, a Temple is a building serving for the special purposes of an organization. For example, for holding Lodge meetings. In addition, according to the ritual, the Lodge symbolically sits at the site of the construction of the Jerusalem Temple, that is, before its consecration, therefore, strictly speaking, it is not yet a religious building.

Do the Freemasons control the tripartite commission or does it control them? Is Freemasonry related to the Bilderberg Conference?

Trilateral Commission. Created in 1973. Three leading industrial entities in the world - the European Union, North America (USA and Canada), Japan - form it. The members of the commission are 330 citizens of these countries who have distinguished themselves in business, science, politics (but not in government organizations), and in the media.

The entire commission meets once a year. During the meeting, issues of vital importance for the regions covered by the commission are considered.

Neither the organizers of the commission nor its current administrative staff were and are not Freemasons.

The Bilderberg Conference was created by Prince Bernard in 1954 in Oosterbeek, the Netherlands. An annual three-day conference attended by about 100 bankers, economists, politicians, and government officials. Participants are elected by a committee of the commission in The Hague.

The following document can give an idea of ​​the work of the commission: A public statement by the Bilderberg Conference. This commission is also in no way connected with Freemasonry.