A fairy tale about a tonic queen and two princesses. Tale of a good princess. Fairy tales about princesses

Once upon a time there was a Wise King and a Good Queen, and they ruled the Kingdom. They lived, did not grieve for many years, and now, one day their daughter, the Princess, was born. She was very beautiful, and she was immediately nicknamed Beautiful.
As time went on, the Beautiful Princess grew up and became more and more beautiful; soon legends began to circulate about her beauty. Brave knights took part in tournaments in order to accept the reward from her hands; the most pious Ladies of the Court enjoyed conversing with her and admired her wit and beauty. Every day Barons, Princes, Counts and Dukes came to the Princess to admire her.
And time went on and on, and the King and Queen had no more children. Then they decided that the Princess would become the heir to the throne and rule the Kingdom. Just at that time, it was time for the Princess to get married. Many applicants were found for the hand and heart of the Princess, because she was so beautiful, smart and kind, polite and kind, and besides, she was the future Queen. The Queen often arranged balls so that the Princess could choose a groom to her liking, and the King invited such people with whom the Princess could then manage the Kingdom wisely and with dignity, so that the Kingdom prospered and the people in it lived happily. But, no matter how hard the parents of the Princess tried, she did not like anyone, she did not want to marry anyone.
And so, one day the King received a letter from his old friend, the King of the Neighboring Kingdom. That letter said that the Neighboring King had heard a lot about the beauty, intelligence and virtues of the Princess, and that he would like to introduce her to his son, the Prince. This Prince was young and bold, brave and proud, intelligent and sincere, his beautiful eyes were clear and radiant, and his smile shone like the sun. But the Prince had a drawback - he was short and incredibly thin. Even the Princess, known for her slenderness, would have seemed plump next to him. However, the parents of the Princess saw in the Prince only that he had a gentle, cheerful face and a sharp, quick mind. They also saw that the neighboring King would gladly agree to this marriage, thus two friendly kingdoms would unite into one. The King and the Queen thought, and agreed to accept the Prince in their palace.
And so, one fine day, the Prince arrived. The King and Queen were delighted at the courtesy of his manner and the dignity with which this frail youth carried himself. Even Princess Charming herself took a liking to him.
At the same time, the Fearless Knight was at court, young and strong, the son of a duke. He did not give up hope of marrying the Princess, for he was captivated by her beauty and charming voice. The Knight heard about the Prince, but had never seen him before, and thought that the thin, fragile, graceful Prince would immediately lose in charm to the stately, muscular, fit Knight. He was not the only one who thought so: his Faithful Squire was in complete agreement with the Knight.
For many days there were balls and tournaments at the court. The Princess danced at balls with the Prince, enjoying his dexterity and wit, and at tournaments she watched with delight the strength and fearlessness of the Knight. And sometimes she, accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting, had conversations with the Prince, the Knight and his Squire, who was also of noble birth, smart and cheerful. The Princess liked these conversations, where the Prince, and the Knight, and the Squire proved to be interesting and pleasant conversationalists.
Days passed. Soon the Knight began to notice that he did not feel the same enmity towards the Prince. On the contrary, it became more and more interesting for him to spend time in his company. In turn, the Prince enjoyed communication with the Knight, unexpectedly discovering gentleness and kindness in this strong and somewhat strict person. After some time, the Prince and the Knight no longer imagined how they lived before meeting each other. They started walking together more and more.
And so, one evening, the Prince and the Knight were sitting in the garden. The knight listened in amazement to himself and understood that this fragile, defenseless young man had become very dear to him. The prince thought about how pleasant the Knight was to him and how much he did not want to part with him. Both of them were silent and looked at the evening sky. "Knight," the Prince suddenly said. "And if you had to choose with whom to continue communicating - with me or with the Princess, who would you choose?" "You," was the answer. "And if the Princess tomorrow said that she agreed to marry you, would you marry her?" the Prince continued. "No," was the answer. "Do you love the Princess?" the Prince asked the Knight. "No," was the answer. "But who do you love then?" the Prince continued. "You," was the answer.
And the next day, an important event happened. The King and Queen decided to hold a final tournament. Only two participants were planned - the Prince and the Knight. "The one who wins will marry the Princess," the King and Queen decided, already tired of the protracted selection of the groom by the Princess.
The princess was in despair. After all, she had already managed to fall in love with one person, and she really did not want to marry another. But, being an obedient daughter and realizing the importance of her choice, she agreed to this tournament. "Let fate judge," the Princess decided.
When the royal decision was announced to the Prince and Knight, they were even more desperate than the Princess. After all, they also understood who they love, and this someone was far from the Princess! But it is not accepted to contradict the royal will, and the Prince and the Knight, reluctantly, agreed to this unnecessary tournament. They both knew that they could not live without each other, but nevertheless, they were going to fight.
But the saddest of all was the Knight's Squire, and no one could understand the reason for his grief.
And now it's time for the tournament. to watch so important event a lot of people came. The princess sat between the King and the Queen and looked with a strange sadness at those preparing for the duel.
Here the heralds proclaimed the names of the combatants, the conditions of the battle and the reward. The Knight's squire sighed and wished good luck to his lord.
They sat on horses facing each other. Before putting on their helmets, they looked into each other's eyes and smiled grimly. When they heard the call, they donned their helmets, took up their spears, and prepared. Trumpets sounded. The Prince and the Knight rushed towards each other, spears clutched in their hands.
The whole audience thought that the strong Knight would take down the thin Prince with one blow, but this did not happen. Again and again the Prince and the Knight attacked each other, but could not overcome each other.
The tournament lasted for a long time, until the evening, but none of the opponents won. Then the King stood up and said: "Apparently, this is a sign from above. Since neither one nor the other could win either in the tournament or at the ball, it means that none of them should be the husband of the Princess!" Hearing these words of the King, the Princess suddenly smiled and said: "You are right, father. I would not want any of them as my husband, for I love another person." The King was surprised at such a speech of his daughter and asked: “But who would you like to see as your husband, my daughter? Name him for me, and he will become one if he worthy person!" And the Princess answered: "This man is very worthy. He is of noble birth, and his manners are excellent. But he is the youngest son in a noble family, and therefore not rich. "It is not wealth that matters to us, but your happiness, my daughter, and the good of the state," said the King. “Please tell us the name of your chosen one!” “This is the Knight's Squire,” said the Princess, and lowered her gaze. “Well,” the King said after a moment's thought. - I know this man, he is smart, noble and kind. Although he is really not rich, he will make you a worthy couple and will be a good support in governing the country. I bless you, my daughter!" The Princess and the Squire looked at each other, and their faces lit up with happy smiles. "But what about the Prince and the Knight?" the Queen asked, not wanting to offend worthy young men. "Oh, don't worry," the Prince replied. . “We are both happy that the Princess has found her chosen one, and we no longer claim her hand.” “Is that so?” the King turned to the Knight. “Exactly so,” the Knight agreed. “So be it!” the King proclaimed The trumpets sounded and the tournament was over.
And then there was a mountain feast - the wedding of the Princess and the Squire. And just then, the Prince and the Knight moved to the Prince's castle. And everyone began to live, live and make good.

In a distant kingdom, there lived a princess. The princess was beautiful, cheerful and kind. She only had one flaw. The princess was invisible to human eyes. Once upon a time, she was walking in the forest and, passing by a magical lake, she admired her own reflection and became so proud of her beauty and kindness that the water fairy cast a spell on her, and she became invisible to the human eye, only birds and animals could see the young Princess .
The Princess was upset for a long time, shed many tears, read hundreds of wise books to remove the magic spell, but could not. Then she decided that if in all the fairy tales she read, good triumphs over evil, then she must also do a good deed, and then the spell will dissipate. And she began to do good. But not after one act, not after another, not even after the third, nothing changed. She was still invisible and very lonely. Despondency crept into the soul of the Princess, her eyes no longer cried, but only quietly sad.
- How so? - the Princess repeated to herself - the peasant cow would have been lost in the forest if I had not shown her the right path. And the milkmaid's son would have cried all night if I had not entertained him with moonlight. And the flowers in the city garden would certainly have withered if I had not watered them. I'm not hurting anyone, why am I invisible?
This is how time passed. The good deeds of the Princess multiplied, but she still remained invisible.
One day it started to rain. The princess really wanted to dissolve in this rain, and she wept bitterly.
“If I can’t change anything, then let me become a drop of this rain.” After all, even the rain can be seen and felt, the rain is never alone, the Princess cried.
The rain stopped as quickly as it started. A colorful rainbow shone high in the sky.
Suddenly, the Princess saw that a drop of rain remained in her palm, which did not disappear.
— Hello, Princess! – sang a drop.
“I am the youngest drop of autumn rain and a frequent visitor of the Fairy of the Lake. Listen, Princess, the Lake Fairy was never evil, she only denounced human vices so that they would not ruin people. You were so young that you did not even understand how proud and conceited, how fascinated by your own beauty. If the Fairy hadn't cast the spell, vanity would have killed you. But even when you became invisible, and people could no longer praise you for good deeds, you continued to admire yourself, and the value of those good deeds that you did decreased so much that they could not remove the spell. Think about it, Princess. I will leave you a gift, you can break the spell if you make one sincere wish and return my gift to the Lake Fairy. And the drop disappeared, and in the hand of the Princess there was a transparent pebble, the same as a drop.
At first, the Princess was very happy that now she can again become ordinary person and that it's so easy. And she went to the lake.
On the way, she saw travelers who were carrying a wagon in which there was a young man. The young man was the Prince of an unknown, distant land. Oh, how the travelers were in a hurry to arrive in the kingdom of the Princess, because there were the best healers, the travelers encouraged the young man and said that such a kind and wise young man as he could not be seriously ill. The young man only smiled quietly and calmly so as not to upset the travelers and tried to encourage them. Involuntarily, the Princess walked beside the wagon. None of the people saw her. She lightly touched the youth's forehead, the forehead was hot.
“What a persistent young man,” the princess thought, “I would certainly like to be pitied when I am sick, and he endures pain so as not to upset his friends, and this gives them strength to go on. How warmly they speak of him, even when he does not hear, it means that they are sincere in their judgments. How easy and good it is for me to walk beside his wagon, and it does not matter at all that he does not see me. From excitement, the Princess fiddled with the pockets of her dress.
And then her hand felt in her pocket, the same pebble - a gift from a wise droplet. — Here he is! - the Princess was delighted, and ran to the lake. She tightly squeezed the pebble in her palms, and threw it into the lake. But she remained invisible.
“Princess,” she suddenly heard the voice of the Fairy of the Lake, “your wish will be fulfilled.” The young man will get better, but he will not be able to see you and will never know that it was you who helped him.
“So be it,” the Princess replied, I can walk beside him and help him. This is a lot.
“But he will marry another Princess, and you will suffer.
- So be it, but he will live and do many good deeds and become a wise ruler.
- Princess, for the first time you did not think about your own benefit, and the fulfillment of your desire for which you cried and asked so much. You made me happy Princess, so I'm breaking the spell I put on you. Keep this lesson in your heart. Now turn to me, dear, let me look at you with the eyes of an old sorceress. You read what a beautiful dress Cinderella had when she met her Prince. Do not think that I only know how to cast evil spells, I give you a dress no worse than the Fairy Godmother.
The princess saw her reflection in the lake in a wonderful dress that suited her unusually.
“Go, Princess, why follow the prince’s wagon when you can walk beside him and hold his hand.” He will be here soon.
And the fairy is gone.
The princess did not believe her luck, she thanked the Fairy from the bottom of her heart.
And the Prince and the Princess met in a wonderful meadow and fell in love with each other. And they were kind and wise rulers in their cozy kingdom. The princess remembered the lesson of the Fairy of the Lake all her life, she told many fairy tales to children about the Fairy, and fairy tales went from one kingdom to another for a long time, and next to these fairy tales there were fairy tales about the miraculous healing of the Prince from an insidious disease.

Yulia Petrova, 2012

Once upon a time there was a princess in one small but beautiful kingdom, on the shore of a large lake, near high mountain peaks. There was plenty of everything in the kingdom: flowers, and trees with delicious fruits, and animals, and birds. This kingdom was also famous for the best suitors among neighboring kingdoms. Everyone was good guys, from the shepherd to the son of a nobleman - handsome in face, strong in body, smart, charming, cheerful. Every year a grooms' ball was held in the biggest castle of the kingdom. Guys and girls gathered there to show themselves and see others. And after the ball there were several months of celebration and fun - because the weddings were celebrated by happy lovers.

But the most important and main person at the ball was the princess. She was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom and, of course, deserved, as she believed, the most beautiful prince. But the trouble was that all the men were as handsome as a selection, she liked them all, and it was very difficult to make a choice. Of course, the heart will always tell, but for some reason it was stubbornly silent and did not give any signals. The princess already thought that maybe she was completely heartless? In fact, she was mistaken, there was a lot of kindness, affection and tenderness in her. The position of the princess was indeed difficult. She constantly bathed in the attention and care of the opposite sex, she was given fresh flowers and delicious sweets. The princess smiled, thanked and looked for HIM with her eyes. But all, although they were beautiful in face, were like each other like two peas in a pod. The princess has already left the ball several times without her prince ...

And then one day, after one such ball, she had a dream ... The princess saw herself in a sun-drenched forest clearing, the murmur of a transparent stream reached her ears; in the grass grew many amazing, unusually beautiful flowers, which she had never seen in her life. In the center of the clearing grew a huge old oak, with a spreading green crown. Below him was the princess. Next to her, she saw a woman with unusually kind eyes and in a light dress, fluttering smoothly in the breeze.

- Who are you? the girl asked.
“Fairy,” said the fairy. “I'm here because you're in trouble.
“Yes,” the girl replied sadly. She already understood what the fairy said about the trouble.
“I want to tell you that you will soon be very happy. Soon you will see your prince. You will find it yourself.
- Herself? the girl was surprised. “Are princesses looking for princes themselves?” He must come to my palace, on a white horse and with gifts!
- My darling! Your prince is bewitched by an evil wizard and cannot find you himself, although he really wants to. Now he is indifferent to all girls, he cannot find his only one. The spell will only break if you confess your feelings to him.
- How?! Princesses don't confess their love! On the contrary, they should hear confessions from noble knights!
- If you want to find him, remember that you are not only a princess, but also a girl in love.

Then the princess was awakened by the morning trills of birds at the window. They were somehow especially loudly audible in the room. At first, the princess could not understand why her heart was beating so hard, but after a couple of seconds she remembered her dream.

She hesitated: "Is this true or not true?". Thoughtfully, she glanced at the window - there, in the rays of the sun, lay a flower from a magical meadow. "Is it true!" The princess was confused. “What now? Go? But princesses don't look for princes themselves! However ... "- the heart was suddenly filled with longing for happiness ... She imperatively stamped her foot," Am I a princess or not?! Everything is in my power!” And she, without saying a word to anyone, changed her chic dress for an ordinary one, threw a light cloak over her shoulders, grabbed food and drink, and ran out of the palace onto the road.

She felt just great, she wanted to sing and dance, laugh out loud with joy - because she is following her happiness! Everything inside her glowed with pink light. And she went straight along the road, without turning anywhere.

She walked past the field, past the forest, past swamps and lakes, and reached the village. In one of the yards a young girl was sitting; she was weaving a wreath of herbs and flowers, and humming some song under her breath. The princess was thirsty and she turned to the girl: “Dear girl! Do you have water to quench my thirst?" The girl smiled in response, nodded, and a minute later brought out a glass of water.

- Where are you heading? Travelers rarely pass through our village.
“I follow my happiness,” answered the princess.
“Then good luck to you!” Which road will you take next? the girl asked and pointed towards the forest.

There the road forked: one led straight into the forest, and the other - along the outskirts. The princess was confused ... she did not know where to go, how to choose the right path. Apparently, bewilderment was written on her face, and the girl said:

- You ask your heart. It knows everything.

The princess looked at the road along the forest - and inside she felt like a gray dense fog enveloping everything around; she looked at the forest road - and a pink light lit up inside.

— I'm walking along the forest road!
- That's great! exclaimed the delighted girl. “Along this road there is a meadow where a shepherd tends his flock. This shepherd is my favorite, but we see each other so rarely that he hardly hears affectionate words from me. If you see him, tell him that I love him and really look forward to when he comes, without his cheerful eyes and sonorous voice, I am very sad ...
- Marvelous! said the princess. “Why would he say that, because he already knows all this for sure. But you helped me, I'll tell him everything.

- Thank you. I want him to know about my love and his heart to become warmer ...

The princess said goodbye to the girl and went on. During the day she walked through the forest and finally saw the meadow where the shepherd was grazing his flock.

She greeted him and relayed all the words of the girl from the village. The shepherd's face lit up.

“So she remembers me, she still loves me. Oh, kind girl, thank you, I'm so happy! I miss these words so much!

The princess liked these words of the shepherd. She moved on down the road, through the forest, out into the field. On the edge stood a lone wooden hut. The princess was already rather hungry and knocked on the door. Grandma opened it for her. Her face was deeply wrinkled, her gray hair was covered by an embroidered, colorful scarf, and her blue eyes looked kindly at the girl. She greeted and asked for food, and the grandmother motioned for her to come in, seated the table and brought food. Then suddenly she asked:

— Are you lost? What are you doing here?
“I am looking for my prince,” the girl replied.
— What is he like?

The girl thought:

"He's handsome, smart, and funny," she replied.
“Are there few such princes?” How do you know yours? How will you find it?

The princess was at a loss and did not know what to answer. It suddenly seemed to her that she had traveled such a long way in vain and that she would not succeed; everything was in vain. She nearly cried out of frustration. Grandmother noticed this and consoled her:

"If you're brave enough, I'll do it for you." You will eat a piece of this cake, and in a dream you will see your prince, and you will understand how to recognize him. This dream will be prophetic. But if you're not ready to see the truth, whatever it is, go back.

The princess did not want to return; Is that why she walked so long to retreat now? She ate a piece of cake and decided to move on. Grandma said goodbye to her warmly.

It soon became evening. The girl walked and thought; she was a little scared, she even had a thought - what if he was ugly ... But be that as it may, there will be happiness ahead, no matter in what guise. And everything else doesn't matter.

When the first star was lit, sleep began to overcome the princess, she lay down on the soft grass and closed her eyes.

It was the same clearing with unusual flowers and a hundred-year-old oak. The princess looked around, searching for her prince with her eyes. But under the oak stood the same old woman who had given her the magic cake; only now she looked more youthful and like a wise sorceress. She smiled at the embarrassed and surprised girl. Approaching her, she began to say:

- Are you surprised? Now I will tell you about it. Appearances are often deceiving. So listen to me: this man is not a prince by blood, not of a noble family, but a worthy valiant man. He has blue eyes and beautiful hands, he has a velvety voice. He has a cheerful disposition; when he is upset, he tells the funniest stories to cheer himself up; when he is angry, he makes the most ridiculous faces; he never convinces of his innocence; he speaks tongue twisters the fastest and comes up with the most original compliments, he knows how to walk on his hands ...

Grandmother told a lot more, and the longer she talked, the more the girl felt like she was falling somewhere down, into infinity, deeper and deeper ... Suddenly she woke up and immediately realized how she would recognize her prince. She liked a lot of what she heard...

With even greater joy in her heart, she went forward. That wonderful feeling for a person so far unknown to her was already overflowing inside, which she wanted to express, to say everything that was in her heart; I wanted to be happy myself and make him happy.

The road went through the forest and suddenly she saw the very clearing that she dreamed of.

Three fellows sat on the grass and talked about something. The girl approached them and spoke, and they were amazed by her beauty and charm, and invited her to dine with them. Everyone was beautiful, charming and sweet, smiling at her, having a smart conversation, interspersed with funny jokes. She liked them all, but her feelings told her that there was one special among them. She needed to check and make sure. She asked the guys to show her their dexterity. One of them took a stone from the ground and accurately hit the top of the tree with it, the other made a wheel on the ground, and the third, with radiant eyes, deftly passed in front of her on his hands ... What the princess felt was hard to put into words ... She went up to him and said: “I was looking for you, I love you. You are my Destiny". The young man sighed, and the dark spell left him and vanished into thin air. He hugged the girl and kissed her.

Long ago, when only trolls and giants were stupid, there was an old woman. She had two children: a son and a daughter, and they were like two stars in the sky. When the young man (his name was Ilya) grew up, he said to his sister:
- I need to go now, look for the mind, and you, Marya, stay here and help our mother.
So Ilya said, threw the bundle on his shoulder, said goodbye to his relatives and went to look for his mind. How long did Ilya walk, how short, but he met a beggar along the way. She asked for bread, and Ilya had only one crust left. The young man did not regret the bread, he gave it to the beggar woman.
- Thank you, thank you, young man, for sharing the last crumb. For this, I will share with you. Here is a golden crust for you, she will always give you as much bread as you want, you just need to knock on it three times and say: “Golden crust, give me bread.” And if you want to call me, blow on it three times, facing north - then I will appear. I know you went to look for your mind, so you will meet an old knight on this road. He himself is no longer fighting, but he will teach you everything he knows.
“Thank you, grandmother, for both the gift and the advice,” Ilya said, just blinked his eyes, and she disappeared. That's how, the beggar woman turned out to be a witch.
Ilya went, as she said, further along the road and met an old knight. He took Ilya as his apprentice.
Three years later, it was time for Ilya to go home.
- How can I thank you, teacher?
- What are you, what are you, Ilyusha! Until I met you, nobody needed me, I didn’t do anything. And now, when I gave you all the knowledge, I seem to be reborn. You just arrange your life as you wish, and be happy, I don’t need anything else. And you, as you see your mother and sister, go to the city. The king has a young daughter - Princess Anna. They say she is more impregnable than the highest rock in the ocean and wiser than the wisest snake. Soon her father will be looking for a groom, maybe you will be useful.
- But how, I'm no match for her?
- You go, go, it's not in vain that I taught you everything.
Ilya thanked the knight and went back to the house. He came home - sister Marya ran out to meet him on the porch. He looks at his brother in knightly armor and cannot take his eyes off. Yes, and Ilya did not immediately recognize his sister:
- What a beauty you have become!
Mary lowered her heavenly eyes and said nothing. She did not dare to betray her secret to her brother. Ilya knew that the path to the city passed by their house, but he did not know that knights and princes from other lands pass along this path every day. He did not know that they sometimes stop at the well to drink them. As one prince once saw the beautiful Mary, he forgot about all sorts of princesses, turned the white horse back - to ask his father for permission to take a simple girl as his wife.
Marya did not open up, but Ilya laid out everything to her as if in spirit about the fact that he was going to fight for Princess Anna. His sister wished him good luck, and she herself thought that if Ilya finds happiness in the city, then it would be possible to tell him about her own.
Ilya went to the city. First of all, he decided to ask people if he should show himself in the yard.
- Have you heard, knight, that Princess Anna is more impregnable than the highest rock in the ocean and wiser than the wisest snake? people ask.
“I heard,” he replies.
- Have you heard that she is more beautiful than the morning dawn, and her voice surpasses the nightingale trill?
- No, I didn't hear that.
- Everyone dreams of getting such a bride, - people say, - but who will become her husband - she herself will decide. You are a young man, it is immediately clear that you are not bad. Try your luck, maybe you, and not different princes, will appeal to her, you can’t order your heart.
Ilya listened to people and went to the royal court. And there the people had already gathered, apparently, invisibly, as if at a fair, and all the princes and knights, dreaming of taking Princess Anna as a wife. Ilya came and saw: the king himself went out onto the balcony, he was going to make a speech.
“There are many valiant applicants for my daughter’s hand,” the king solemnly began. - She is free to choose anyone among you, but I am sure that the princess will choose the most worthy. Therefore, she has prepared trials for you. The first will test you as warriors.
The crowd buzzed, the princes and knights could not wait to rush into battle, to show their strength and dexterity.
- The second will test your mind and resourcefulness.
The grooms fell silent, it did not seem so easy for them.
- Well, the princess didn’t even tell me about the third one - it will be special. And there is another condition: even if one of you wins the opponent’s tournament, guesses three ingenious riddles and passes the third test, he will return home with nothing if the princess does not love him with all her heart and soul. And if she loves, I will immediately unite her hand with the hand of the winner, I will bless the union and give him half the kingdom.
The suitors were delighted, they liked this picture, painted in the most iridescent colors in their imagination, even the difficulties seemed small.
- Well, I see you are ready, the first test is tomorrow.
Ilya, along with others in the royal court, began to go to bed, and he thought to himself: “Well, the first test, God willing, I will pass with honor. The second, too, will not be so hard to endure - mother nature has not cheated her mind. But what to do with the third ... Well, okay, we'll see there.
The next morning, all the princes and knights gathered in a large field. A platform was installed for the king and queen and princess Anna so that it would be more convenient for them to watch the tournament. First, the royal couple climbed onto the platform, the young men drew themselves up: everyone thought that he saw his future father-in-law with his mother-in-law. And then Princess Anna appeared on the platform - as if it became brighter around. Ilya looked at her and realized that for her unearthly beauty and penetrating gaze, he was ready to give anything, even a young life.
The suitors began to choose their opponents, but no one wants to stand against the Pearly Prince. The fame of his strength has long reached these places. Ilya thought: “What the hell is not joking, it’s true, it’s not for nothing that the old knight taught me everything,” and went up against the Pearly Prince. By that time, Princess Anna had already begun to take a nap on her throne, and when she saw Ilyusha, she began to watch the competitions with all her eyes, so our hero fell to her heart. How cold the princess was, and she was delighted when Ilya won the victory over the Pearly Prince. Although she immediately convinced herself that she was happy for everyone. The prince fled in disgrace, and the tournament ended there. The king spoke again:
- Nu here is, today you has become half less. The next test is in three days. Remember the prerequisite.
Those who were from afar, remained at the royal court until the second test, and those who lived closer, went home. Ilya also went to see his family. As he told Marya that he passed the first test with honor, she revealed her secret to him to celebrate: the White Prince asks for her hand. Ilya became proud that his sister was no worse than Princess Anna. They wished each other good luck and went to bed.
The next day, Princess Anna went to the forest with the ladies of the court for a walk. And Marya collected firewood there. She saw the princess, bowed and wanted to pass by, then Anna said to her so affectionately and not at all condescendingly:
- Hello, girl. Please tell me, do you have a brother, like two drops of water similar to you?
- Why not, there is, - answered Marya. - He defeated the Pearly Prince at your tournament yesterday.
When Marya came home in the evening, Ilya asked where she had been so late.
- Yes, I met Princess Anna in the forest. She is so good, we became friends with her.
Ilya did not believe that the princess had become friends with the simpleton, but did not say anything.
On the third day Ilya appeared again at the court. This time the princess had to guess riddles. The queue lined up to the end of the city, Ilya stood at the very end. About a dozen of those who did not guess already rode home, only the Silver Prince gave all three answers correctly. And Princess Anna made different riddles for everyone - that's how smart she was. By evening, the princess's tongue had already begun to weave, and now it was Ilya's turn. Anna's heart skipped a beat, and for some reason she wanted to ask him the most difficult riddles in the world.
- Listen, young man, my first riddle: "Who is born twice, and dies - once"?
- Why are you, princess, mother guessed this riddle for me and my sister when we were still in the cradle. Is it a rooster or a hen.
Ilya says, and his heart is beating, his eyes do not tear off Princess Anna. And she is equal with him, as with everyone else, only a glint in her eyes - she remembers more difficult questions.
Yes, it was really easy. Here is the second riddle for you: “He is sweeter than honey, everyone needs him, but he is obedient to no one.”
Ilya thought a little and said:
- Nothing complicated. This is a dream.
- Well... That's right. And you are not only strong, but also smart. So listen: “Two stars are burning in the sky, similar to each other, one closer to the west, the other to the east. But the sun won't rise until the moon has set." What I'm talking about?
Ilya thought. He had never heard such a riddle. The princess does not rush him, their eyes conduct their dialogue. Then Ilya remembered everything that Marya had told him, and said:
- I have one guess. But maybe my guess is not yours.
- Speak.
- Two stars are me and my sister. We are similar, only I ask for your hand, and the White Prince is wooing Marya. But if I don't marry, she won't marry. Guessed?
- Guessed, guessed! Go have a rest. Last test in three days.
Ilya goes home, and Princess Anna stands before her eyes, the last riddle does not go out of her head. Ilya marvels at her mind: she didn’t ask him a question, but laid out his whole life in full view. He told Marya what riddles Princess Anna had asked him, and she said to him:
- It's not for nothing, brother. That's right, the moon will set.
Ilya just shook his head: the third test haunted him.
The next day, Marya went to the forest, and Anna secretly ran away from the palace, and also into the forest. They met like old friends. Princess and says:
- Listen, Masha, what is it with me: I'm always thinking about one person. When I see him, I rejoice, but when he is near, for some reason I want to annoy him, but without him it’s boring and sad. And when I think about it, my heart skips a beat. I want to drop everything and run after him.
- It's clear that you love this person, that's all.
- I love? the princess hesitated. Haven't you heard that I'm more impregnable than the highest rock in the ocean?
- So after all, the rock, Anyuta, is in love with the ocean waves and the fresh wind.
Princess Anna thought a little, and then she says in a whisper:
Do you want me to tell you my secret? The third test will be my last dream to tell.
Marya chuckled: the princess will not reveal her secrets to anyone, so her brother has become an ocean wave. He looks - and the princess has already run home, as if she had come for this.
Marya returned home, her brother is sitting blacker than a cloud. She told him about the third test. Ilya darkened even more - you know like a dream when you don’t always remember your own. And then a golden crust caught his eye - a witch's gift. Ilya took it, went out into the open field, turned his face to the north and blew three times. This is where the witch came in.
- Ah, Ilyusha, why did you call?
- Yes, - he says, - so, they say, and so. Princess Anna wants me to solve her dream and tell her.
- Well, Ilyusha, I can't help you here. But do not be sad, I know one sorceress who catches up with dreams, I can tell you where she lives. Only ordinary people should not come to her. And to get to it, you need a special amulet - the Sacred Tooth.
- Where can I get one?
- I saw one Tooth of a swamp troll. You're a knight - go and take it. But be careful: trolls, although stupid, love to fight very much.
Ilya thanked the witch, got ready and set off on his way to the swamp. A lot of trolls died on his way before he got to their leader. Ilya came to the main swamp troll and says:
“Could you give me your Sacred Tooth?”
- You kill a lot of trolls. Why did you come? I won't give you that shiny little thing. Don't touch her!
"Then we'll have to fight for the Tooth."
- Fight? This I understand.
While the troll was raising his club, Ilya jumped up to him and cut him in half with his sword. Then he carefully removed the Sacred Tooth from the troll and put it on himself.
The next day, Ilya went to the witch. She wanted to drive him away, but he showed her the Sacred Tooth, then she asked:
What do you want, creature?
“I need to know what dream you will send to Princess Anne tonight.
- And who are you?
- A witch sent me to you, and she also gave me a golden crust.
- Ah, I know such a witch. Well, listen: the princess will dream of such and such. Remember?
- Of course, how not to remember. Thank you.
As the night passed, Ilya appeared at the court. There are about two dozen suitors left, and everyone is waiting for Anna to announce the third test. Then the princess came out to them: pale, her eyes sparkle. Speaks:
- Well, young men, here is the third test: tell me what I saw in a dream today. And so that everything was honest, here I have a paper, everything is written in it in detail, my whole dream.
Princes with knights shook their heads: how can you tell a dream? They began to invent all sorts of fables - suddenly they guess. And Ilya stands on the sidelines, listening, as if he does not care. When the suitors' fantasy has dried up, Princess Anna says:
- Well, what do you tell me?
- And what to say? You dreamed that you were a duck, you were flying over the sea, then a kite attacked you, but a drake flew in and saved you, and you dived into the sea and turned into a goldfish. You swam quietly for yourself, and then a fisherman caught you in a net. He began to pull out - then you woke up.
“You speak the truth, Ilya,” exclaimed Princess Anna, “that’s how it was!” - and shows the paper to everyone, and everything is written in it word for word. The rejected suitors gathered together and said among themselves:
“We must not allow a simpleton to call our princess Anna his wife.
And the Green Knight says:
Did you see how he told the dream? He, right, with evil spirits is known!
Then the rest were frightened and did not begin to build intrigues against Ilya. Scattered around the houses.
Meanwhile, the king comes out and says:
- There was one more condition. Daughter, tell me, do you love this young man?
- If this is not love, then I do not know what is, father.
- Well, then God bless your union.
The feast was thrown all over the world. Even the old knight was invited. Ilya married Princess Anna, and Marya married the White Prince. When the time came, the young men became wise and just kings, and the girls became gracious and caring queens. And witches were never burned in their presence. Everyone lived happily and died on the same day.

Once upon a time there was a King and a Queen, and they had a daughter: clever and beautiful. One day, their country was attacked by enemies. The king and his entourage decided to leave the castle and ordered the ship to be prepared for a long journey. It so happened that the castle was abandoned by all those close to him, except for the princess. The ship sailed away, and the king's daughter was left alone with the inhabitants of the city.

The people of the city loved her and took care of her. The princess was very fond of walking. One day she went to the forest for mushrooms with her beloved bunny. She played so much with her friend that she did not notice how the night had come! At dusk, she got lost and began to shout: “Au!”, “Au!”, “Au!”. In response, only the wind rustled the branches of trees. Suddenly, in the very forest, she saw a small wooden hut. She went to the house and knocked on the door, but no one answered her. Then she pushed the door and was able to enter the house. Many blue stones were attached to the walls of this house. A hole was made in each of them, and a nail driven into the wall was inserted into this hole. The princess went to the second floor and saw ten small beds there. She looked around her and noticed small tables and a human SKULL. She was frightened: "suddenly thieves or robbers live in this house." But she was very tired and decided to stay in this house for the night and leave in the morning.

When she woke up and opened her eyes a little, she noticed that a man was standing next to the bed. "Who are you?" the princess asked. “My name is John, I guard this house,” the boy replied, “Man-eating hunters will come here this afternoon. You have to get out of here or they'll eat you. Only I have a big request for you: take my brother's skull with you and bury it in the ground under a large green oak. And then my brother will come to life again. You must wait for me under this oak tree. If I do not come, return to this hut. If I am no longer there, know that the cannibal hunters have roasted me. “Then go to where the roof will be silver. Go into the forest and you will find a clearing on which stands a castle. Go there with my brother and you will be happy, you will get married and you will be fine.”

The princess is gone. She was in such a hurry that she forgot the bunny in the hut. The princess obeyed her savior, did everything as he said. Together with her revived brother, she waited for John under a large oak tree. But no one came. Then they came to the hut, but no one opened the door for them and they did not find anyone in the hut: neither a boy, nor a skull, nor a bunny. The princess remembered that the boy had told her about the silver castle. Together with John's brother, they went to look for a clearing. After a long journey, they came to the castle and lived there happily ever after.