Social behavior of its form and manifestation. Types of behavior. Forms of human social behavior

Personality is a social phenomenon. Its sociality is multifaceted. The variety of forms of social connections and relations of an individual determines the types of its social behavior. The classification of these species is carried out according to different grounds. The broadest basis for classifying types of social behavior is the definition spheres of being in which it appears. Among them - nature, society, man. These spheres of being exist in different forms, the main of which are: material production (labor), spiritual production (philosophy, science, culture, law, morality, religion), life, leisure, family. In these spheres of life, corresponding types of behavior arise, form, develop: production, labor, socio-political, religious, cultural, household, leisure, family.

Based on the Marxist understanding of the essence of man as the totality of all social relations, a system of social relations can be chosen as a classification feature. On this basis, production behavior (labor, professional), economic behavior (consumer behavior, distributive behavior, behavior in the sphere of exchange, entrepreneurial, investment, etc.) are distinguished; socio-political behavior (political activity, behavior towards power, bureaucratic behavior, electoral behavior, etc.); legal behavior (law-abiding, illegal, deviant, deviant, criminal); moral behavior (ethical, moral, immoral, immoral behavior, etc.); religious behaviour.

In accordance with social structure of society


the behavior of social strata and strata;

· ethnic behavior,


· half-role,



reproductive, etc.

By subject of social behavior differ:

· public behavior,











and personal behavior.

Various signs can be chosen as the basis for dividing the types of behavior. Without pretending to be strictly scientific, to the accuracy and completeness of the selection of these features, we will name only some of the differentiating features and, as examples, we will indicate only some types of behavior in which these features are most pronounced. Yes, according to the parameter activity-passivity of the individual There are the following types of social behavior:

a passive,




the stereotypical






· creative,

· innovative,

the pro-social

· procreative,

Behavior of helping others

Responsibility behavior (attribution behavior).

By way of expression the following types are distinguished:







the expected behavior


the instinctive




By implementation time behaviors are:



long-term implementation.

Under the conditions of modern drastic socio-economic transformations, new types of social behavior are emerging that cannot be unambiguously attributed to any of the above types of behavior. Among them stand out: behavior associated with the processes of urbanization, environmental and migratory behavior.

In all forms of social behavior, the socio-psychological and personal aspects are predominant. Therefore, there is reason to believe personality is the main subject of social behavior. Therefore, we are talking about the social behavior of the individual. With all the variety of forms and types of social behavior of the individual, their common feature, in a sense, a system-forming quality, stands out. This quality is normativity. Ultimately, all types of social behavior are varieties of normative behavior.

From an early age to old age, the individual is forced to interact with his own kind. The formation of a personality in society is influenced by upbringing, education, and even spontaneous factors, that is, influences that are not planned by anyone that arise in the process of assimilation of people in groups. The set of behavioral principles, according to which a single person reacts to life in society, is called social behavior.

Some general points

Each person has to master several roles. They change due to the individual entering different phases of development:

  • childhood - here is the assimilation of elementary rules, primary socialization;
  • youth - active interaction with peers, secondary socialization;
  • maturity - transformation into an independent figure in society;
  • old age - withdrawal from vigorous activity.

Each stage has its own set of behavioral skills and status roles. The behavior of the individual is determined by motivation, the degree of participation in the social process chosen by him.

Social roles of the individual

social behavior should be considered as opposed to the individual. It is designed to provide psychological influence on others, occupation by a person of his niche in society and is conditionally divided into types:

  1. Prosocial: “helping”, “obedient”.
  2. Competitive type A, type B.
  3. Scandalous, outrageous.
  4. Antisocial, asocial: deviant, problematic, illegal.
  5. Other varieties.

Prosocial or "correct" behavior

Prosocial behavior is called behavior in which the individual seeks to provide all possible and voluntary assistance to others. It rightly includes "obedient" and "helping" behavior. These forms are welcomed by all cultures and traditions. They are considered a reasonable way of interacting.

Persons falling under the above types are credited with good manners, the presence of good breeding, they are set as an example, encouraged in every possible way in society.

Competitive in several types

With competitive behavior, an individual sees potential rivals in the surrounding members of society and subconsciously begins to compete with them in everything: from external data, mental abilities to the level of his own well-being.

Competitive behavior of type A involves the manifestation in a person of hostility towards his rivals, constant irritability due to other people's successes, expression of distrust even to relatives. Type B, in turn, distinguishes people with benevolence.

Scandalous, "outrageous"

This species can be observed in public figures, for example, politicians, journalists, artists. With their emotional state, some famous people able to turn on whole crowds of people. Their personal interest in success overshadows the rest of life. At the same time, they receive feedback and support from adherents.

The goal is pursued one - to manipulate the rest to achieve their own heights of success. At the same time, they use forbidden methods of fighting among themselves and even widespread lies. For example, having come to power, not all politicians are in a hurry to fulfill the “promised”.

antisocial and asocial

The direct opposite of "obedient" and "helping" is considered "problematic" behavior. Personalities to whom it is inherent, get into unpleasant situations, most often act against the norms of morality accepted in society. It should be noted that problem behavior causes rejection in many individuals.

The closest "problem" behavior is to deviant and delinquent, that is, illegal. All deviations from accepted etiquette, conventional norms are sharply condemned by the public.

Antisocial, in contrast to the previous - "correct" types, provides for hostility and an aggressive attitude. Such forms of behavior have been studied by specialists for many decades and are considered unavoidable. In a crisis, they can be total.

Other types

In addition to the standard gradations of types of social behavior, experts distinguish the socialization of people within communities of various sizes into a separate section: mass, group.

The most difficult thing is to control mass behavior, especially among large masses organized spontaneously. These include fashion, rumors, various political, religious movements. group behavior It is customary to call the actions of small or medium-sized communities and groups. For example, a work team, a classroom.

Do not forget that all gradations are conditional. Sometimes you can observe how the habitual actions of people change to the opposite under the influence of certain conditions. Therefore, one or another type of behavior cannot be considered sustainable.

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The topic of social behavior is of great importance in modern times. Social behavior implies a psychological impact on people and the occupation of a particular position among them. As a rule, this type of behavior is seen as the opposite of individual behavior, which, in turn, is not related to the position of a person occupied by him in society, and to the relations that develop between him and the people around him, and is also not designed to affect individual people. or society as a whole of any influence.

Psychologists distinguish several types of social behavior. We will consider the following:

  • Bulk Behavior
  • group behavior
  • Gender-role behavior
  • prosocial behavior
  • Competitive Behavior
  • obedient behavior
  • Deviant behavior
  • Illegal behavior
  • Problem behavior
  • Attachment Type Behavior
  • maternal behavior
  • Some other forms

Let's consider each of the types in more detail.

Bulk Behavior

Mass behavior is a poorly managed social activity of a large number of people who are not organized and do not pursue a specific goal. Often it is also called spontaneous behavior. Examples include fashion, rumors, panic, various religious, political and economic movements, and so on.

group behavior

Group behavior refers to the actions of people who are united in a social group. Most often it arises due to special processes occurring in such groups. It differs in that the members of the group act in concert, constantly interacting with each other, even when they are outside the group.

Gender-role behavior

Sexual role behavior is a behavior that is characteristic of people of a particular gender and is associated with the main social roles performed by these people in the process of life of any society.

Mass, group and sex-role behavior is characteristic of groups and individuals and depends on what social functions they perform and what goals they pursue. The following types of social behavior describe a person in the process of its interaction with other personalities.

prosocial behavior

The basis of a person's prosocial behavior is his desire for help and support from others. When prosocial behavior is aimed at directly helping someone who needs it, then it is called helping behavior.

Competitive Behavior

Competitive behavior is called when the surrounding people are perceived by a person as potential or real competitors, and he enters into a fight or competition with them. This behavior is calculated to achieve advantage and victory. Functionally or meaningfully related to competitive behavior type behaviorA, according to which a person is impatient, irritable, hostile and distrustful, and type behaviorB, according to which a person does not seek to compete with anyone, and expresses a benevolent attitude to everyone.

obedient behavior

Obedient behavior refers to forms of social behavior that ensure civilized and cultural interaction between people. Quite often, this type of behavior is called law-abiding behavior, and in contrast to it, deviant, illegal and problematic behavior is called.

Deviant behavior

Deviant behavior is behavior that goes against social, moral and/or ethical standards. Despite this, deviant behavior cannot be called illegal, which involves condemnation under the law.

Illegal behavior

Illegal behavior is behavior that violates established social norms. This form of behavior involves condemnation by the court - a person can be punished for it, based on the current legislation.

Problem behavior

Problematic behavior refers to any behavior that causes psychological problems in a person. In most cases, problem behavior consists of behaviors that are incomprehensible and unacceptable to others, which can be maladaptive, destructive, or antisocial.

In addition to other forms of social behavior, one can meet those that will characterize close relationships between people. Such species are attachment-type behavior and maternal behavior.

Attachment Type Behavior

Attachment type behavior is expressed in the desire of a person to be near others all the time. The presented form of behavior manifests itself already in childhood, and in most cases the object of affection is the mother.

maternal behavior

In general, maternal behavior is the behavior inherent in mothers towards their children, as well as the behavior of any person in general, which is similar to the behavior of a mother towards a child.

There are also some other forms of social behavior, interconnected with the relations of people developing in society. Such behavior can be called behavior, the purpose of which is to avoid failure and achieve success, gain power or submission to someone; confident or helpless behavior, as well as some others.

Other forms of social behavior

Striving for Success- this is a special form of social behavior that influences the success of a person and, to a certain extent, his fate. The desire for success was most developed in the last century, and today it characterizes a huge number of successful people.

Avoiding Failure is an alternative form of striving for success. This kind of behavior manifests itself in a concern not to be the last among the rest of the people, not to be worse than them, not to become a loser.

It is also possible to distinguish such types of social behavior as desire for communication with other people and its opposite - avoidance of people. A separate form can be called desire for power And striving to maintain power if the person already has it. The opposite of the last two is desire for obedience.

Another form of social behavior that scientists have drawn attention to is confident demeanor, when a person is self-confident, strives for new achievements, sets himself new tasks, solves them and.

However, it is quite common to see how capable people Those who want to succeed and have the ability to do so, fail because of uncertainty and in cases where they should not have been shown. This behavior is called helpless behavior, and is defined as behavior in which a person, having everything that is needed to achieve success, remains inactive, thereby dooming himself to failure.


Recently, the attention of sociologists has been attracted precisely by those types of social behavior that have the greatest impact on the state of society, the position of the individual and his fate.

Such can be considered all kinds of manifestations of good and evil, friendliness or hostility, the desire for success and power, confidence or helplessness. great attention among the manifestations of good and evil is given to altruism and prosocial behavior.

As for antisocial behavior, manifestations of aggression are especially studied among its forms. It is also interesting that aggression and aggressive behavior have become of interest to scientists for the reason that hostile behavioral forms and hostility between people have existed for many centuries, and for some researchers, aggressiveness is a form of social behavior that cannot be eliminated from the life of society.

NOTE: The way a person behaves, and what form of social behavior is most comfortable and acceptable for him, is greatly influenced by his stable features. But more importantly, knowing about them, a person gets the opportunity to adjust his course of action, as well as to understand what his advantages and disadvantages are. And if you are already reading this article, then it is quite likely that you yourself are interested in such questions, albeit not with the goal of changing yourself, but with a goal. So we invite you to take our special self-knowledge course, which will tell you a lot of interesting things about yourself. You can find it here.

Behavior- a set of actions of a person committed by him in a relatively long period in constant or changing conditions.

Two people may be engaged in the same activity, but their behavior may be different. If activity consists of actions, then behavior consists of actions.

To refer to human behavior in society, the concept of "social behavior" is used.

social behavior- the behavior of a person in society, designed to exert a certain influence on the surrounding people and society as a whole.

There are many types of so-called social behavior, the most important of which are: mass; group; prosocial; antisocial; helping; competitive; deviant (deviating); illegal.


1) A student of 11th grade sits on the last desk all the time, without communicating with any of the students.
A fight between 11th grade students.
competitive:competitions were held among 11th grade students, the behavior of students is competitive.
helping:a student of grade 11a, not understanding the topic of physics, asked her friend, also a student of grade 11a, to explain the material to her. this girlfriend's behavior is helpful.
deviant: 11th grade student Vasya Pupkin, without looking up from the computer all day, plays CS, this addiction is calledGambling (gambling addiction) - form deviant behavior.

Bulk Behavior activity of the masses, which does not have a specific goal and organization e.g. fashion, panic, social and political movements, etc.

group behavior- joint actions of people in some social group, which is the result of the processes occurring in it.

prosocial behavior- human behavior, which is based on pro-social motives, i.e., the motives for providing people with kindness, help and support.


Creation of charitable foundations.

The man sitting on the couch saw the advertisement. It said that you need to send an SMS, and the money received from the SMS will go to help children.

IN last years The following types of behavior have acquired special significance for the state of society, the position of a person and his fate:

- associated with the manifestation of good and evil, friendship and enmity between people;

- associated with the desire to achieve success and power;

associated with self-confidence or self-doubt.

The types of social behavior are based on patterns accepted in society, which include mores and customs.

Mores and customs, being unwritten rules, nevertheless determine the conditions of social behavior.

Job Sample

A1. Choose the correct answer. Are the following statements about social behavior correct?

A. Social behavior is manifested in purposeful activity in relation to other people.

B. Social behavior is based on socially accepted patterns, which include mores and customs.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3.

Deviant behavior

Deviant behavior- this is behavior that deviates from the generally accepted, socially approved, most common and established norms in certain communities at a certain period of their development.

deviant- an individual who differs in his personal characteristics and behavioral manifestations from generally accepted norms: social, psychological, ethnic, pedagogical, age, professional and others.

Classification of deviant behavior

Definition of "Deviant Behavior" according to different sciences:

Social sciences: social phenomena that pose a real threat to the physical and social survival of a person in a given social environment, the immediate environment, a team of social and moral norms and cultural values, a violation of the process of assimilation and reproduction of norms and values, as well as self-development and self-realization in that society, to which the person belongs.

Medical approach: deviation from the norms of interpersonal interaction accepted in a given society: actions, deeds, statements made both within the framework of mental health and in various forms of neuropsychiatric pathology, especially at the borderline level.

Psychological approach: Deviation from socio-psychological and moral norms, presented either as an erroneous anti-social model of conflict resolution, manifested in violation of socially accepted norms, or in damage to public well-being, others and oneself.

V. N. Ivanov identifies two levels of deviant behavior:

1. Pre-criminogenic: petty offenses, violation of moral standards, rules of conduct in public places, avoidance of socially useful activities, use of alcohol, drugs, toxic drugs that destroy the psyche, and other forms of behavior that do not pose a danger.

2. Criminogenic: actions and deeds expressed in criminal criminal acts.

The "core" of deviant behavior in the classification of F. Pataki are:

- "pre-deviant syndrome" - a complex of certain symptoms that lead a person to persistent forms of deviant behavior. Namely:

  • affective type of behavior;
  • family conflicts;
  • aggressive type of behavior;
  • early antisocial behaviors;
  • negative attitude towards learning;
  • low level of intelligence.

The classification of V.V. Kovalev is built on three different bases:

1) socio-psychological:

Anti-disciplinary behavior;




2) clinical and psychopathological:


Non-pathological deviations.

3) personal-dynamic.

Human behavior in society is a complex concept that reflects the interaction of a particular person with other people. This concept reflects a person's reaction to events, situations and the behavior of other people. Any type of human behavior is based on the needs of a person in communication with society, interaction with people in order to achieve their goals.

Psychologists divide human behavior in society into 3 types: aggressive, passive, and assertive. At the same time, a person can change the type of behavior if he wants to change. Most often, a person is dominated by one type of behavior that helps him get through difficulties and resolve conflicts. Let's look at each of the types of human behavior.

Aggressive behavior

Aggression is a behavior in which a person chooses methods to achieve a result that violate the rights of other people. An aggressive person imposes his beliefs and does not take into account the interests of others. Aggressive behavior requires a lot of emotional effort and energy.

This behavior is typical of people who like to take control of everything. Relationships with other people are built on negativity. Usually, people with aggressive behavior are insecure and weak-minded individuals whose goal is to belittle other people in order to become better and more confident against their background.

Passive behavior

Passivity is a behavior in which a person sacrifices his interests and allows others to violate their rights. A passive person does not publicly express his thoughts, emotions, beliefs. He constantly apologizes, makes excuses, speaks quietly and uncertainly. They put other people's interests ahead of their own beliefs.

Most often, passive people take on the role of the Victim and feel helpless and weak. Passive behavior, like aggressive behavior, is a sign of self-doubt. But, unlike aggressive behavior, a passive person does not take responsibility for their actions. He gives the right to other people to make decisions for him, even if he is sure that this decision will bring harm.

The basis of passive behavior is the fear of life's difficulties, the fear of making decisions, the fear of standing out from the crowd and the fear of responsibility.

The purpose of passive behavior is to prevent any conflict at the stage of its occurrence, as well as to make your life easier by shifting responsibility to others.

assertive behavior

Assertiveness is the expression of one's thoughts and emotions directly and confidently. Assertiveness is a behavior characteristic of self-confident people. This is the "golden" mean between aggressive and passive behavior.

An assertive person is able to defend his rights and solve life's difficulties, while not entering into conflict. He knows what he needs and speaks openly about it, he can easily refuse another person, in a situation where it will be necessary. An assertive person respects himself and the opinions of other people, but at the same time he does not depend on the opinions of others.

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