How a person depends on the social environment. The influence of the social environment on the process of socialization of the individual. Socio-psychological phenomena arise in the interaction of the social environment, the individual and the group. Therefore, when studying them, it is necessary first of all to compose

Often in the pedagogical literature the concepts of "man" and "personality" are not differentiated, that is, they speak of the development and education of a person or the development and education of a personality, although this is not the same thing.

Even K. Marx pointed out that the concept of “personality” reveals the social essence of a person. The essence of man, he wrote, “is not an abstract inherent in a separate individual. In its reality, it is the totality of all social relations. Therefore, when the influence of the environment on the development of a person is specifically considered, one should talk about the formation of his personality, since we should talk about those qualities that are formed in a person primarily under the influence of a wide variety of environmental contacts, i.e. relationships with people and various public institutions. The environment in pedagogy is understood as the whole reality surrounding the child, in the conditions of which the development of a person takes place, the formation of his personality.

Considering the influence of the environment on human development, Marxist-Leninist pedagogy points out, first of all, that for the formation of a human personality, for the development of purely human inclinations - speech, thinking, walking in an upright position - a human society, a social environment is necessary. Examples of the development of children who were surrounded by animals from infancy show that these human inclinations did not develop in them, and the ability to develop them turned out to be so inhibited that even after these children got into human society, they with great they learned the simplest forms of communication with people with difficulty and did not get used to the lifestyle of modern man.

When they talk about the influence of the environment, they mean first of all the social environment, that is, determined by the economic and political conditions characteristic of a given socio-economic formation. The geographic environment plays a certain role, great importance is attached to the home environment - the immediate environment of the child.

The concept of "social environment" includes the material conditions of society, the social and political system, the system of production and social relations and the nature of the flow of social processes and the functioning of various institutions created by society, determined by them.

Indeed, the social face of a person is determined primarily by his state affiliation: a person is born a citizen of a particular state.

To an even greater extent, this influence is determined by the system of socio-economic relations that have been established in the country, in the society in which the development and formation of a person takes place, which determines the class position of a person.

The social processes that have the greatest impact on human development include, first of all, changes in living conditions in the city and in the countryside, migration processes, that is, the movement of the population within the country, from city to village and vice versa, demographic processes - changes in fertility, life expectancy, marriage age, etc.

The main social institutions influencing the development and formation of a person's personality include: the family as the main unit of society, educational institutions covering all parts of the public education system, out-of-school and cultural and educational institutions, mass media dissemination of information.

A person as a product of the social environment undergoes a number of changes depending on the change in the social conditions of life. In this regard, a person's personality reflects both the historical features of the social conditions of his life, and his class affiliation, and the position of his class in the structure of society. With a radical change in social conditions, the whole spiritual appearance of a person also changes.

As noted, the development of a person is a process of formation and formation of his personality under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrolled factors. Development is a process of physical, mental and moral growth of a person and covers all quantitative and qualitative changes in innate and acquired properties. The development of a person as a process of physical, mental and moral maturation, in essence, means the transformation of a child, a biological individual who has the makings of a person as a representative of a biological species, into a person as a person, a member of human society. Hekkausen M. Motivation and activity V 2v.V.1 - M., 1986

The development of a person cannot be reduced only to a quantitative change in the traits inherited and inherent in him from birth. Development is, first of all, qualitative changes in the human body and psyche. These changes occur in the conditions of a certain domestic and social environment, the impact of the people around him.

In the process of development, a person is involved in various activities, showing his inherent activity in the game, work, and learning. This activity enriches his life experience, confronts different people, communication with which also contributes to its development, the acquisition of experience in social contacts.

The driving forces of human development are the contradictions between human needs arising under the influence of objective factors, ranging from simple physical, material needs to higher spiritual ones, and the means and possibilities for their satisfaction. These needs create motives for one or another type of activity aimed at satisfying them, encourage communication with people, search for means and sources to satisfy their needs.

In the process of human development and the establishment of numerous contacts, the formation of his personality takes place, reflecting the social side of his development, his social essence.

Social and biological are not two parallel and independent factors: influencing the development of a person, they enter into different relationships with each other, and their correlation itself depends on many external and internal circumstances. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M.1997 p.15

Factors of socialization- these are the circumstances that induce a person to active action. There are only three factors of socialization - these are macrofactors (space, planet, country, society, state), mesofactors (ethnos, type of settlement, media) and microfactors (family, peer groups, organizations). Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Macro factors of socialization

Macrofactors affect the socialization of all inhabitants of the planet or very large groups of people living in certain countries. The modern world is full of global problems that affect the vital interests of all mankind: environmental (pollution environment), economic (an increase in the gap in the level of development of countries and continents), demographic (uncontrolled population growth in some countries and a decrease in its number in others), military-political (an increase in the number of regional conflicts, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, political instability). These problems determine the living conditions, directly or indirectly affect the socialization of the younger generations.

Human development is influenced by the geographical factor (natural environment). In the 30s of the XX century, V. I. Vernadsky stated the beginning of a new stage in the development of nature as a biosphere, which was called the modern ecological crisis (changes in dynamic balance that are dangerous for the existence of all life on earth, including humans). At present, the ecological crisis is acquiring a global and planetary character, the next stage is predicted: either humanity activates interaction with nature and will be able to overcome the ecological crisis, or it will perish. To get out of the ecological crisis, it is necessary to change the attitude of each person to the environment.

The socialization of the younger generation is influenced by the qualitative characteristics of the sex-role structure of society, which determine the assimilation of ideas about the status position of one or another sex. For example, gender equality in Europe and patriarchy in a number of societies in Asia and Africa.

Different social strata and professional groups have different ideas about what kind of person should grow out of their children, that is, they develop a specific lifestyle. The top layer is the political and economic elites; upper middle - owners and managers of large enterprises; medium - entrepreneurs, administrators of the social sphere, etc.; basic - intelligentsia, workers of mass professions in the economic sphere; the lowest - unskilled workers of state enterprises, pensioners; social bottom. The values ​​and lifestyle of certain strata, including criminal ones, can become for children whose parents do not belong to them, a kind of standards that can influence them even more than the values ​​of the stratum to which their family belongs.

The state can be viewed from three sides: as a factor of spontaneous socialization, since the policy, ideology, economic and social practices characteristic of the state create certain conditions for the life of its citizens; as a factor in relation to directed socialization, since the state determines the mandatory minimum of education, the age of its beginning, the age of marriage, the length of service in the army, etc.; as a factor in socially controlled socialization, since the state creates educational organizations: kindergartens, secondary schools, colleges, institutions for children, adolescents and young men with significantly impaired health, etc.

Mesofactors of socialization

These are the conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: on a national basis (ethnos); by place and type of settlement (region, village, city, township); by belonging to the audience of certain mass media (radio, television, cinema, computers, etc.).

The ethnic or national identity of a person is determined primarily by the language that he considers native, and the culture behind this language. Each nation has its own geographical habitat, which has a specific impact on national identity, demographic structure, interpersonal relationships, lifestyle, customs, culture.

Ethnic features associated with methods of socialization are divided into vital, that is, vital (methods of physical development of children - feeding a child, nutrition, protecting children's health, etc.) and mental, that is, spiritual (mentality - a set of people's attitudes towards a certain type thinking and action).

Features of socialization in the conditions of rural, urban and settlement lifestyle: in way of life villages have strong social control over human behavior, characterized by openness in communication; the city provides the individual with a wide choice of communication groups, value systems, lifestyles, diverse opportunities for self-realization; The result of the socialization of the younger generation in the villages is the assimilation of the experience created in them from the traditional life characteristic of the village and the norms of the urban lifestyle.

The main functions of the mass media are the maintenance and strengthening of social relations, social regulation and management, the dissemination of scientific knowledge and culture, etc. The media perform socio-psychological functions, satisfying a person’s need for information for orientation in society, the need for connections with other people , in the receipt by a person of information confirming his values, ideas and views.

Microfactors of socialization

These are social groups that have a direct impact on specific people: family, peer groups, organizations in which education is carried out (educational, professional, public, etc.).

Society is always concerned that the pace of socialization of the younger generation does not lag behind the pace and level of development of the society itself, it carries out socialization through socialization institutions and socialization agents (generally accepted social norms, the family, as well as state and public institutions and organizations).

The leading role in the process of socialization, along with the family, belongs to educational institutions - kindergartens, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions. An indispensable condition for the socialization of a child is his communication with peers, which develops in groups. kindergarten, school classes, various children's and teenage associations. Teachers are agents of socialization responsible for teaching cultural norms and learning social roles.

29. Activity is the basis of the educational process It is in activity, entering into communication with other people, with objects, phenomena of the surrounding world, that the child accumulates knowledge about the world, develops and improves his skills and abilities, forms habits, develops criteria for evaluating life phenomena that help him evaluate everything around him and engage with them in certain relationships. In psychology, activity is defined as “a way of existence and development of a person, a comprehensive process of transforming the surrounding natural and social reality(including himself) in accordance with his needs, goals and objectives. 2 The peculiarity of human activity lies in the fact that it (unlike animals) is of a conscious nature, is associated with the manufacture, storage, use of ore tools (the most advanced!), is of a social nature. The structure of children's activities provides for: goal (why?) -> motive (why?) -> actions (what?) -> result (objective and value, that is, educational). It is extremely important for teachers to understand the essence, the purpose of the various activities of children organized [by me, and its pedagogical meaning. They brought children to an exhibition (of technical creativity, - impressionist artists, crafts made from natural material ...) - why? During the subbotnik we plant an alley of military glory - for what purpose? We are holding an action of mercy - for what and who needs it? Section of aerobics, karate or rhythmic gymnastics - what does this give to the development of the child: physical? moral? aesthetic? mental?... In a variety of ways different types organized in the course of the educational process of activity, the child learns the world: dismantled the toy - see what's inside; he unscrewed the lid of the tape recorder - “how did the uncle who sings fit there”; examines the paintings - as if he had visited the places depicted on them; designed a model of a flying aircraft - “I learned and learned so many new things”, jumped with a parachute for the first time - “I didn’t think that I was so brave, although at first it was scary”; worked in the summer on an archaeological expedition - “I realized that history and archeology are the most interesting science”... In various activities, a child (and later a schoolchild) learns and learns to create material and spiritual values, gradually moving from the position of a consumer to the position of a producer of material and spiritual goods (and this, as you know, is the core of personality socialization, an indicator of development and maturation made a gift to my mother with my own hands, together with my friends we made toys and scoops for the orphanage and presented them to children, went on an expedition to clean up springs and small rivers of the Moscow region, at the art school they painted a picture-panel to decorate the interior of the children's hospital, prepared and held an amateur art concert in a nursing home, the whole class composed poems and songs for the holiday last call and so on. And what is especially valuable from the educational point of view, being involved in a variety of activities, the student transforms itself. It transforms both physically and spiritually (mentally), and from a social point of view: it learns a lot, learns a lot, learns a lot of useful things, transforming the surrounding, material environment. Being involved in the development of cultural values, develops the need for intellectual, physical and spiritual self-knowledge and self-improvement. The extracurricular activities of students in a modern school make it possible to expand the range of educational opportunities of the school and the students themselves. At present, an extensive system of additional education has been created in various types of educational institutions, a system of extracurricular and out-of-school work with students is being worked out, club activities are being built on a new basis and in new forms. The main emphasis is on versatility, diversity, informality, taking into account the individual needs and interests of children. Children's creative associations of various orientations are gaining wide popularity: scientific societies of students, creative workshops, theater studios, children's centers, sports clubs, school workshops ... At the heart of all the various forms of educational work with students are various types of educational activities. What are they? How should they be instrumented in order for the activity to be educative, that is, to form the relationships planned by the teacher, to achieve the goals and objectives set? It is most expedient for an educator-practitioner to have for himself such a classification of activities 1 . the basis for which is their purpose and functions: Playback types Activities. Intellectual-cognitive activity is of particular importance at school age, because there is an intensive accumulation of knowledge about the world, the development of cognitive abilities. 2 V various forms ah extracurricular activities organized at school, there is an expansion of attitudes towards science and people involved in it, to their own educational activities; students are armed with the skills of self-education and the scientific organization of intellectual work. W. Humboldt also wrote about the importance of intellectual and cognitive activity for spiritual development: “Mental activities have such a beneficial effect on a person as the sun has on nature; they dispel the gloomy mood, gradually lighten, warm. uplift the spirit." value orientation activity at school age makes it possible to develop scientific, ethical and aesthetic criteria for evaluating life phenomena, to form the life position of a growing person who is looking for an answer to eternal problems: what is truth? what is good and evil? what is beautiful and ugly? Labor(its purpose is the transformation of the surrounding material reality) and public benefit(has the purpose of influencing the spiritual sphere of the life of people around) types of transformative human activity. They come into the life of a normal person precisely in school age and play a significant role in the process of socialization of the individual: the choice of a profession, the accumulation of certain spiritual values, the complication of relationships with people, the formation of character. Artistic and creative an activity whose purpose in human development is very important: the study, evaluation and transformation of the surrounding reality (that is, the functions of all previous activities), but from the standpoint of the beautiful - the ugly. This is very important in the development of a maturing person - introducing him to the works of beauty, developing a need for it, a desire to live according to the laws of beauty. Physical culture and sports activity, the purpose of which is the development of physical culture "I" of each student, the acquisition of skills and abilities, the formation of a need for it. What do sports give in terms of educational impact on a person? For its orientation to self-education, self-improvement? They, these activities, form a certain psychological orientation of the individual to actions based on motivation. There is another type of activity, the significance of which is invaluable in the development of the student's individuality - this is free communication, the content and circle of participants of which determines and characterizes the result of education: a person chooses for himself a way of life and a circle of close people, depending on the values ​​acquired by the end of school. That is why, when organizing extracurricular activities, school teachers take care of saturating it with various forms of free communication, which incorporates the functions of all the activities described above, but their specificity lies in free choice. A special place in the life and work of the student is game activity. The game facilitates the process of transferring socially valuable relationships: it makes it emotional, allows selectivity, most often arises involuntarily in a child's environment, has high moral principles and rules, allows you to get involved in communication, acts as a model of life conflicts, makes it possible to learn how to "lose" difficult life situations , which will have to be faced in the future ... According to S.A. Shmakova, the game is also the creation of your own world, in which you can establish laws that are convenient for you, get rid of many everyday difficulties; it is a sphere of cooperation, commonwealth and co-creation of children and adults. And one more activity should be mentioned in particular. This communication(in the broad sense of the word) - a special type of activity that, as it were, permeates, embraces, and implements all the activities described above. In each of them there is communication: with a book (heroes and its author), with music (and a composer), with nature (in all its manifestations), with another person (in social activities), with oneself (if it comes to self-education) ... Yes, and the very process of education from this point of view is the process of communication between the teacher and the pupil, that is, the process of the relationship between two subjects of activity. Both the productivity of any type of activity and its educational potential depend on the success of business and intimate-personal relationships between the teacher and pupils. In practice, education, all the activities described above are interconnected, often accompany each other, complement each other. And in some, synthesizing, forms of extracurricular activities, they generally merge together. And only by organizing the educational process in this logic of including schoolchildren in various, expediently instrumented types of activity, it is possible to influence all spheres of the personality of children, stimulating their full development.


1. Requirements for the organization of educational activities are a system of requirements for the selection of personnel, logistics and information support.

2. The result of the implementation of these requirements should be the creation of a developing educational environment, saturated with the spirit of Christian love, providing:

a) a high level of Orthodox education and upbringing;

b) the assimilation of the acquired knowledge, their accessibility and openness for pupils and their parents;

c) the spiritual relationship between the educational process, parish liturgical life and the personal life of pupils and teachers;

d) protection and strengthening of the spiritual, physical, psychological and social health of pupils;

3. In order to ensure the implementation of educational and educational activities in the Sunday school, conditions must be created for participants in the educational process that ensure the possibility of:

a) achieving the results of educational activities;

b) identifying and developing the abilities of pupils through an additional part of educational activities (sections, studios, circles), a system of summer camps, and the organization of socially useful activities;

c) the participation of parents, teachers and the Orthodox community in the development of programs for educational activities, the design and development of the intra-school environment;

d) effective use of the time allotted for the implementation of educational activities;

e) use of modern technologies in the educational process;

f) effective independent work of pupils with the support of teaching staff;

g) inclusion of pupils in social, missionary, youth service in the parish, deanery and diocese;

h) updating the methods and technologies for implementing programs in accordance with the dynamics of the development of the system of religious education, the needs of children and their parents, and also taking into account regional specifics.

4. Recruitment requirements include:

a) churching;

b) secondary or higher theological education;

c) secondary or higher education in the humanities with the right to teach;

d) primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher education who have completed catechetical/theological courses organized at theological educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

e) persons of the Orthodox faith who have the necessary professional and pedagogical qualifications that meet the requirements of the qualification characteristics for the position and the specialty obtained, confirmed by documents on education (for the center of spiritual and moral education) are accepted for work related to the additional part of the educational process, or the necessary skills to conduct these classes (for other Sunday schools).

f) compliance of the qualification level with the qualification characteristics for the relevant position, and for teaching staff - with the qualification category;

g) continuous improvement of professional qualities;

h) creation of conditions for the complex interaction of the Sunday school with the pedagogical community of the region in order to replenish the missing personnel and exchange experience.

5. Financing of educational activities should ensure:

a) the ability to meet the requirements of the Standard;

b) implementation of educational programs regardless of the number of school days;

6. Sunday School is funded by the religious organization that created it. The Center for Spiritual and Moral Education has the right to attract, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, additional financial resources through subventions provided by the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as through the provision of paid educational services in the system of additional education, voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities.

7. The material and technical support of the program of educational activities includes:

a) the possibility for pupils to achieve the requirements established by the Standard for the results of educational activities;

b) compliance with the sanitary and hygienic standards of the educational process (requirements for water supply, sewerage, lighting, air-thermal conditions, etc.);

c) observance of sanitary and living conditions (presence of equipped wardrobes, bathrooms, places for personal hygiene, etc.);

d) observance of social and living conditions (availability of an equipped workplace, teacher's room, etc.);

e) fire and electrical safety;

f) labor protection requirements;

g) provision of educational and teaching aids certified by the ROC and ROC or the Publishing Council of the ROC;

h) providing textbooks and (or) textbooks with electronic applications, which are their integral part, educational and methodical literature and materials on all academic subjects of the Program;

i) the presence of a library stocked with books of dogmatic content, books Holy Scripture, patristic literature, literature on Orthodox pedagogy, popular scientific and children's Orthodox fiction, dictionaries and reference books, biblical atlases, historical Orthodox literature, reference and bibliographic literature, a fund of additional literature and other literature in printed and electronic form, children's fiction and scientific - popular literature, reference and bibliographic and periodicals accompanying the educational process.

8. Information equipment of the educational process should provide the opportunity to:

a) obtaining the information necessary to ensure educational process(search for information on the Internet, work in the library, etc.);

b) creation and use of media libraries, audio and video materials.

9. The information environment in an Orthodox educational institution must be created on the principles of spiritual security.

10. The information environment may include a set of technological means (computers, databases, software products, etc.), cultural and organizational forms of information interaction.

11. The Sunday school information environment should provide the opportunity to carry out the following activities in electronic (digital) form:

    planning of the educational process;

    placement and preservation of materials of the educational process, including the works of pupils and teachers used by participants in the educational process, information resources;

    fixing the course of the educational process and the results of educational activities;

    interaction between participants in the educational process, including remote interaction via the Internet;

    controlled access of participants in the educational process to information educational resources on the Internet (restriction of access to information incompatible with the tasks of spiritual and moral development and education of students);

    interaction of the Sunday school with the diocesan OROiK and OROiK of the ROC and with other educational institutions and organizations.

The functioning of the information educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As you know, a man is deeply social being. In the course of our life activity, we are constantly in contact with other people, forming together a human community, which can also be called a social environment. At the same time, humanity begins to fully realize that the absence of certain rules of contact and their non-observance is fraught with the complete disappearance of us from planet Earth. I mean skirmishes, wars, psychological tension... Thus, social conditions, social circle and family habits have a direct impact on a person, which inevitably affects his health.


Communication with society begins with the family. It is within this small circle of people that the habits and norms that we often carry through our lives are implanted. A small person behaves all his life as he learned from his parents up to 6-7 years of age ... It is clear that the influence of such a social circle can be considered almost decisive in relation to health in the future!

The absence of bad habits in parents certainly affects the health of their children, and the program for the future is laid long before the birth of the child.

Important role also plays the presence in the family of a clear daily routine, certain correct eating habits and hygiene standards. All this determines health and prevents the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system and metabolic processes.

Since one family is a cell of society, but the internal health of its members has a direct impact on the entire population. Therefore, every child from childhood needs to be instilled with certain norms and rules that lay a solid foundation for his health.

Kindergarten and elementary school

As the child grows up, his environment changes, he has to contact with a large number people to build relationships in the group. All these moments in life cannot but affect the state of health. So many doctors confirm that the period of kindergarten life is the period of the formation of immunity, and the quality of a person’s defenses in the future largely depends on how this time passes.

An important role in the development of health is played by the psycho-emotional situation within the team. So it was proved that the unfavorable mental climate in the group, as well as the moral or physical violence of educators or teachers, leads to the development of real diseases. Such ailments can be classified as psychosomatic. However, their manifestations and consequences are no different from real diseases. Thus, parents should pay special attention to the choice of a social environment for their growing child, because this step is very responsible in relation to his psychological and physical health. It is also worth teaching a child to perceive reality as a temporary reality, which he can change himself depending on his attitude towards it.

Teenage years

As a person grows, his participation in the life of society becomes more active. In adolescence, the thirst for leadership and the desire to stand out, to prove themselves among their peers come to the fore. However, such desires do not always have a good effect on health. It is during adolescence that children most often fall under the influence of others, and from here it is within easy reach of addictions to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Mental health also suffers from lack of fulfillment, lack of recognition and seeming misunderstanding.

In extreme cases, parents of teenagers are strongly advised to seek the help of psychologists. It is also worth remembering that in order to create a favorable social environment, it is best to place a teenager in an appropriate team. After all, the desire to stand out, for example, in the sports field is much more useful than the desire to be cooler in the alley.


After teenage throwing, it would seem that peace and quiet should come. However, the impact of society on health is a constant characteristic that does not disappear over the years.

An adult person constantly has to exist in the conditions of being among the social environment and be part of it. In some cases, this is fraught with a variety of negative health consequences. And, perhaps, the main one is the state of constant stress in which most of us live. An unfavorable environment in the team, unloved work and lack of proper rest eventually leads to the development of real diseases. Among them are depressions that are corrected exclusively with medication and under medical supervision, as well as various pathological conditions that affect all organs and systems of the body. In order to somewhat reduce such a negative impact, it is worth paying careful attention to the correction of your lifestyle, including contacts with society.

It is better to change an unloved job, or learn to abstract from it. negative influence on mood and condition. It is best to join the team, and for this you can use the help experienced psychologists. In order to turn the influence of society on health in a positive direction, it is worth spending time with nice people, get out into nature, go for walks in green areas, attend interesting events. In this case, the social environment will have an extremely beneficial effect on health.

The fact that the influence of the social environment on human health is great, I think, no one will dispute. In order to normalize relations with society, regardless of age and social characteristics, it is worth seeking help from specialists in a timely manner. Your health will thank you!

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Social environment and personality


The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the social environment has a strong influence on a person and is, as it were, a source that nourishes the development of the individual, instills in him social norms, values, roles, etc.

The formation of personality occurs in the process of assimilation by people of the experience and value orientations of a given society, which is called socialization. A person learns to fulfill special social roles, i.e. learns to behave in accordance with the role of a child, student, employee, spouse, parent, etc.

The social personality develops in the communication of people, starting with the primary forms of communication between mother and child. The child is constantly included in some form of social practice; and if its special organization is absent, then the educational influence on the child is exerted by its traditionally established forms, the result of which may be in conflict with the goals of education. The formation of a person as a person requires from society a constant and consciously organized improvement of the system public education, overcoming stagnant, traditional, spontaneously formed forms.

The object of this work is the social environment, and the subject is the study of the influence of the social environment on the individual.

Acting as both the subject and the result of social relations, the personality is formed through its active social actions, consciously transforming both the environment and itself in the process of purposeful activity. It is in the process of purposefully organized activity that the most important is formed in a person, defining him as developed personality need for the welfare of others.

Under the influence of the paradigm, such an approach was born: any given individual develops in a certain environment by adapting to it. This environment is a set of stimuli for the individual: physical, technical, social. Other people in relation to this individual are also considered only as elements of the environment. The "individual-society" connection is essentially no different from the "organism-environment" connection. The same laws and the same principles operate here: adaptations, balancing, reinforcements, etc. True, the influences of the social environment are more complex (than the physical), as are the responses of the individual.

The purpose of this work is to consider the most important issues related to the social environment and personality.

The purpose of the work determines the setting of the following tasks: consideration of the formation of conventional meanings, social roles, social activity, activity, social attitudes and orientations of the individual.

Social environment and personality

Personality is formed in the social environment. What is this environment and what “components” does it consist of? The methodological principle formulated by Marx emphasizes that the human environment is a special social world, a “second nature”, which is a “product of industry and social status”, the result of the activities of a number of generations of people (1). Man is not a passive "object" in the hands of mystical circumstances, he himself is an active subject of changing the conditions of his life; communication of a person with the environment is carried out through activity. Marx and Engels emphasized that the circumstances in which people act are created by people themselves and, in turn, act in relation to them as objective conditions for their existence and development.

Revealing the social environment as a determining factor in the development of the individual, it is important to analyze, first of all, social existence, the structure of the socio-economic formation, the system of division of labor and social relations, while not losing sight of those components of social reality with which a person directly interacts and which constitute his closest " microenvironment". At the same time, the "microenvironment" is a link in the general social conditions that refracts their impact on the individual. It would be wrong to consider it in isolation from the general laws of the functioning of society or to represent relations in the human microenvironment as a model of all social relations. In bourgeois empirical sociology, such an approach is a kind of means of refusing to analyze objective social relations - economic, socio-political, legal and others - when considering the conditions for the formation of personality and reducing all social ties to "psychological contacts" typical of small groups of human communication. . This eliminates the historically specific social forms of being that determine the social class typology of individuals, and everything is reduced to the abstract "universal nature of man", which does not actually depend on real history.

The environment of the individual is a complex unity of the general, special and singular. Not only the features of society as a whole, its social class structure, but also the characteristics of groups, collectives to which a person belongs, family, communication groups, etc. - all this has an impact on the development of the personality, forms its individual originality spiritual world. Features of these groups different level their social development and maturity presuppose diversity in the customs, traditions, norms that govern human behavior. This difference in "microconditions" refracts the assimilation of social information by the individual. An essential component of a person’s social environment is the “ideological environment”, “moral and psychological atmosphere”, which are made up of the interaction of different moments that characterize social ideology and psychology, means and methods of education, the volume, content and methods of disseminating the information that society provides to the individual, moods, opinions, as well as the peculiarities of the psychology of different groups and the spiritual appearance of the surrounding individuals. social marx public

The conditions of the place (the territorial environment of a person) are also important here - a city, a working settlement, a village, a national-ethnic environment, the forms and size of family income, the amount of free time, forms of leisure activities, customs and traditions of the immediate environment. All this forms a certain way of life, affects the usual, familiar forms of human relations with the world around him.

The study of the social environment surrounding a person should cover all components that are unequal in general terms, but in an individual impact, each of them can become a factor stimulating the development of a person in one direction or another. Of no small importance is the "real environment" of a person. Things also have social significance and play different roles in a person's life. A way of life is connected with things, different systems of actions are passed on from generation to generation (especially in production). Things surrounding a person are an intermediary in the transfer of certain customs, aesthetic tastes. They also carry different social content. For example, under capitalism the striving for the personal possession of material wealth is the driving stimulus of the bourgeois personality. The significance of a person is determined by his property, and the thing itself becomes not just an object of consumption, but a symbol of prestige. Under capitalism, the so-called prestige culture also arises, when the possession of a thing becomes valuable not in itself, but because of prestige considerations, as evidence of a certain social position of the individual. The cult of things, the pursuit of fashion items form a human consumer.

The cult of things is alien to socialist society, but the danger of the formation of a consumer attitude to life, unfortunately, has not been completely eliminated. Therefore, the education of a reasonable attitude to material and spiritual needs is one of the most important tasks in the formation of a harmonious personality, in which the consumption function should not grow to proportions that threaten to absorb the personality itself. The studies carried out indicate that the school pays almost no attention to the development of material needs; Young people's attitudes in the sphere of consumption are formed mainly spontaneously and, therefore, by no means always correctly.

In the sphere of social relations and communication of the individual, traditions and customs play a huge role. In the upbringing of a person as a citizen, the role of revolutionary traditions is great. Their maintenance and development are also facilitated by special means, with the help of which traditions are revived and acquire an emotional coloring. The organization of holidays, campaigns, military sports games gives young people the opportunity to feel the spirit of revolutionary heroism, to feel all the greatness of the feat accomplished during the revolution and in the Great Patriotic War. This is all the more necessary because many researchers often note that the social experience of today's youth lags behind their level of knowledge.

Traditions and customs, habitual forms of relations may have different social content. They may be consciously organized forms life and human relationships. This is supported by the pedagogical experience of A. S. Makarenko and other teachers, who, with a specific pedagogical goal, created an appropriate set of activities and relationships that prompted the individual to accept socialist norms of behavior. Unfortunately, the traditions and customs of the microenvironment in which a person is brought up may also contain a certain stock of old, pre-socialist forms that belong to the realm of survivals. For example, a child brought up in a family where an individualistic way of life is still preserved, where drunkenness and rudeness prevail, coming to school, brings with him certain behavioral skills that can be perceived by other children. To eliminate such antisocial habits, it is not enough just to talk about morality, it is important to restructure the system of the child's relations with others in such a way that he can acquire new habits, morally positive experience.

The social functions of the personality are realized within those collectives where its vital activity takes place. This is, first of all, the family, in which a person begins to enter the public world, school and other educational institutions, public organizations, labor collectives and various social groups at work, at home, etc. All these collectives are diverse in their content, significance, and level of social maturity (if we have in mind the development of socialist principles and relations in them). The personality in its formation is aware of and correlates public, collective interests and requirements with personal ones, can experience and conflict situations when these norms, interests and requirements diverge for one reason or another.

The individual appearance of a personality is created by the fact that a person, in the process of his formation and development, consistently and simultaneously lives and acts in various connections and relationships: their “crossing” not only enriches the personality, but under certain conditions can also have negative consequences - “split personality” , the gap between knowledge, belief and behavior, etc. Man is the point where different social influences. This diversity puts him in front of a situation of choosing a solution that requires an active position. The impact of the environment, since it is diverse, does not imply an unambiguous solution; the choice of the line of behavior is carried out by the person himself.

Of all the elements of the microenvironment, the collective has the greatest influence on the formation of personality both in adulthood and in childhood. The structure of collective relations is complex, it includes business (functional), managerial and moral-psychological relations. Each collective is such a social organism in which individuals are united not only by a system of objective relationships, but also by the “psychological” connections that arise on their basis. The team has its own "psychological" structure, manifested in particular collective opinion, in the commonality of assessments, norms of relations and behavior, in the nature of the requirements of the team to its members, in goals, plans, etc.

Interpersonal connections that arise in the communication of members of the team have a significant impact on the formation of the individual. They have a certain independence in relation to the functional-business or managerial structure, since they are formed in the communication of various individuals. In these relations, there is not only a "business interest" of individuals, but also their feelings towards each other, mutual sympathies or antipathies, which create a certain emotional atmosphere of the team that influences the behavior of the individual. The existence of this atmosphere can make joint work or study pleasant or painful for the individual, affecting both her well-being and the general style and tone of relations in the team. This emotional atmosphere connects the individual with the collective or repels him and makes the collectives significant or indifferent to the individual. In the first case, they act as a powerful educational tool; the opinions and assessments of the collective are extremely important for the individual.

The place that a person occupies in a team, in business and personal relationships is also very important. This place is not always the same, as evidenced by numerous sociometric studies. A person values ​​not only his business reputation, but also his personal one, he can experience suffering, make self-sacrifice so as not to lose personal dignity, not to fall in the opinion of his comrades. This is a very important socio-psychological "mechanism" that must be taken into account in educational work. Unfortunately, it does not always carry a positive content; everything depends on the social characteristics of the collective that turns out to be the most significant in the eyes of the individual. If a person is guided by an imaginary team with antisocial values, then this mechanism works against the person, but in all cases it is necessary to take into account its effect. Through the restructuring of relations in the team or the relationship of the individual with the team, a significant educational effect can be achieved.

It is also necessary to take into account the socio-psychological mechanism of the authority of the collective, which plays an important role in the process of managing both the collective and its members. The influence of the collective on the personality and its perception of collective tasks and goals essentially depend on its authority, which is, as it were, a “social ferment” that enhances the process of interaction between the collective and the individual. The authority of the individual develops in different types of activities and relationships. Business authority, the greatest competence in solving various issues are acquired through education, mastery of science; moral authority is created and maintained in communication with people, in principled behavior, in the ability to apply the same principles and requirements in relation to oneself and to other people.

A person strives for self-affirmation in a team by acquiring authority in any type of activity, most often in the most significant for the team, or in moral relations. If she succeeds, she takes a strong position and her behavior is regulated by collective norms. If she fails to do this, then the desire to acquire authority at any cost can result in ugly and ridiculous forms, and in all cases this negatively affects the position of the individual and the direction of her development. In socio-psychological studies, varieties of imaginary authority are noted, with the help of which a person seeks to impress the imagination of his peers - a violation of discipline, a careless attitude to generally accepted norms of behavior, etc.

The environment does not act fatally, with fatal predestination, it does not determine fate with iron necessity and inner world person, his character, motives, attitudes. To think so would be a big mistake. A person is active, he himself creates the environment of his existence, he himself changes it if it does not meet his needs. Of course, he does not do this alone. A person is by no means powerless in the face of circumstances, he can be their slave, but he can also be their master - this depends not only on social conditions, but also on his own position. The absolutization of the role of the environment and the underestimation of the activity of the individual often lead to high costs in education, to the irresponsibility of a person, to his passivity. Meanwhile, if not the entire environment in which a person lives, then the "microenvironment" is the subject of his choice. A person can influence his immediate environment, he does not have to adapt to it at all, in many situations it is necessary to deal with a bad environment, transform the nature of relationships, forms of communication and norms of life in a team. The environment can stimulate human activity and, on the contrary, can suppress it or simultaneously stimulate it in one direction and slow it down in another. A person is not only “educated by circumstances”, but to a certain extent he educates himself in these circumstances, selectively relates to surrounding influences. The process of self-education can be more or less spontaneous, the purpose of the pedagogical management of this process is to stimulate, awaken the need for self-education, for self-improvement of the individual. We should not forget, as one of the literary heroes put it, that "life does not have a second option ... The only one that exists, we create ourselves."

The development of a scientifically based system of personality education in our country requires a clear understanding of the ways, methods and means of its formation. It must be taken into account that the formation of the spiritual world of the individual is carried out in various types her active work. Therefore, the transformation of the content and structure of various forms of social activity, carried out in the course of communist construction, is necessary condition transformation of the social structure of the individual. But this condition is created by the people themselves in social practice; the assimilation of social experience by a person is carried out through its participation in its creation. Therefore, the process of personality formation should not be separated from the general social changes taking place in the process of communist construction.

The Great October Socialist Revolution and the building of socialism radically changed the place and role of the ordinary working person in society, eliminated exploitation, social inequality and class antagonisms. With the building of socialism, social functions were substantially transformed and filled with new content, gradually turning into forms of one's own life activity and development of the individual. Socialism brought to life new system values, significantly transformed the structure of motives for labor and other activities among the broadest sections of the population. The erasure of social and class distinctions in socialist society led to the leveling of social conditions. Already under socialism individual development personality, the nature of her worldview, views, moods are not predetermined by class affiliation.

A unique product of the new social structure of socialist society is the new Soviet humanist, collectivist, internationalist, worker and owner, organizer and performer, creator and builder of a new society. Man-worker for the first time in history became main value socialist society.


The social environment is specific social relations, traditions, moral and legal foundations under which a person is born and lives.

The social in a person is not divorced from the biological, but the individual principle is included in the personality and manifests itself in the personality. The concept of personality is closely connected with the concept of position and the concepts of social role and social status correlated with it.

Each person has a number of different social positions, which constitutes his "status set". The role is determined by a person's specific place in the structure of social ties and, in a certain sense, does not depend on his individual psychological properties.

It is the systematic and monotonous reactions of other people that form and fix patterns of individual behavior. Meanings evolve through a process of natural selection. Forms of behavior that enable a person to successfully adapt to the existing conditions of life are preserved to become part of his orientation towards the world.

It cannot be assumed that under the influence of the social environment in the broadest sense of the word there is a unification of representatives, that they all become exactly the same. Each personality has its own specific features that distinguish it.

The initially born individual, having only natural mental functions, gradually, by entering society (starting with relatives, friends) is socialized, i.e. becomes a person. At the same time, the socio-cultural environment is, as it were, a source that nourishes the development of the individual, instills in him social norms, values, roles, etc. And, finally, a person who herself begins to influence society is an individual.

The entry of an individual into society and his formation there as a person can be called "survival" or adaptation. Depending on how easily the individual manages to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period, we get a self-confident or conforming personality.

At this stage, the personality chooses motivation and responsibility. If during this period an individual, presenting personal properties characterizing his personality to the reference group for him, does not find mutual understanding, this can contribute to the formation of aggressiveness and suspicion.

A person either becomes an internal (“smith of his own happiness”) or an external (“everything is in the hands of the Lord”).

List of used literature

1. Leontiev A.A. Psychology. - 3rd ed. - M.: Meaning, 1999.

2. Leontiev A.N. Selected psychological works. - M., Pedagogy, 1983, v.1.

3. Leontiev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. - M., 1985.

4. Psychology: Textbook / V.M. Allahverdov, S.I. Bogdanova and others; Rep. ed. A.A. Krylov. - 2nd ed., revised. And extra. - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2004.

5. Sventsitsky A.L. Social psychology: Textbook. - M.: TK Velby, Publishing House Prospekt, 2004.

6. Social psychology of personality / Ed. M.I. Bobneva, E.V. Shorokhov - M .: Publishing House "Nauka", 1979.

7. Shibutani T. Social psychology. Per. from English. V.B. Olshansky. - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", 2002. Czech research.

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The formation of a person's personality occurs in society. These are two interrelated social phenomena. Personality does not exist separately. They serve as a subject of close interest and study of the whole complex of socio-economic disciplines: history, economics, psychology, philosophy and sociology.

How do individuals and society interact?

Who is the subject and object of this mutual influence? What are the patterns of personality integration in society? We will try to answer questions and outline modern approaches to the nature of the relationship between man and the world around him.

Man as an individual

The birth of a person is reflected through a set of metric indicators, which together provide information about the individual. Height, weight, state of health, nationality, place and date of birth are the basic characteristics with which a person comes into the world.

In the process of development, a person as an individual interacts with outside world. And the path of his development is as individual and unique as his anthropometric portrait.

Each individual has a family or remains without it, was born in an economically prosperous metropolis or in a remote village - all these are factors of the social environment that have a direct impact on the formation of character, attitudes, culture and the way of further socialization.

In the process of becoming in society, an individual acquires a psychological characteristic, habits, attitudes, and especially behavioral patterns. He becomes an individual in society. And only the full right to which is officially regulated by adulthood, turns individuality into a personality.

Stages of socialization

Socialization is the process of integrating an individual in society, as a result of which, at each stage, he acquires the qualities of a full member of it. Personality and social environment are dynamic units. At all stages of their interaction or refusal of interaction, there is a change of subject-object roles.

There are three stages of socialization of the individual:

  • The period of entry into society: the development of norms and requirements, the formation of communicative ways of interacting with the outside world.
  • The period of self-actualization in society: the definition of personal characteristics, one's position, status, social preferences.
  • The period of integration: the formation of personality and the active interaction of the social environment and personality.

All three periods are not strictly tied to age stages and can be carried out synchronously in each age period.

Entry into society

Conventionally, the beginning of socialization can be attributed to the age stages of infancy and childhood. This period is characterized by the acquisition of the initial experience of interaction between individuality and society. Factors of the social environment directly influence the formation of a person's attitude to the world.

If it is a socially disadvantaged environment, then it can form negative scenario behavior of the individual and lead to further antisocial image life. There are other examples: if during the period of personality formation a person makes a choice not in favor of the negative environment surrounding him, he has every chance to change his environment.

In any case, the characteristics of the social environment leaves an imprint on the initial experience. An indicator of the level of personality is freedom of choice. Each person has the right to follow the norms of society to the extent that corresponds to his personal nature.

Self-actualization in society

During this period, the formation of a person's position in society takes place.

In adolescence, when there is a reassessment of the surrounding world and one's place in it, there is an active process of social self-identification, a person declares himself and his place in society.

This is a rather painful process for the individual. Sometimes for the immediate environment. The social environment and the socialization of the individual in it is a two-way process. Declaring his place, a person thereby demands to determine the attitude of other members of society towards himself, to “win back” his personal space from the world. Often this is associated with the interests of other people.

The ability to agree, to find a common interest is required for both a person and a society interested in successful adaptation and obtaining public benefit from a new member of the community.

Integration into society

The most important period for society and a person is the stage of integration, when an already established person realizes himself. Personality and social environment are interested in each other. If at the first and second stages of the process of entering society, a person as an individual more often acted as an object of relations, society taught him to be its member, then in the period of integration, a person already acts, with an active position as a subject of social interactions.

What does this mean?

  • Man is included in the production, distribution and consumption of the social product.
  • He fully realizes the rights and is responsible for the consequences of his activities to society.
  • Determines his civic position in the state.

Thus, a person, without ceasing to be an object of society, acts as a subject of management of the community in which he is socialized, and influences him.

Conditions of the stages of socialization

All these stages of socialization are conditional in their horizontal historical orientation. At each stage, the role and status of the individual can change, in different conditions the same person can perform different social roles and statuses.

The stage of entry into society can be repeated at any period of social maturity of the individual, with the status or social community, professional community, and in other similar cases.

Not the last role is played If a person changed his place of work or got married, then he is forced to go through the process of socialization again. Determine to what extent he is satisfied or not by the new socio-cultural environment, and make a choice as a free person.

Relations between the individual and society

An individual at birth becomes an individual in the process of interaction with other people and is formed as a socially significant person. Personality is the result of social evolution, limited by the experience of one person from an individual to a full member of society.

The quality of the social environment is an important characteristic for the formation of the individual.

On the other hand, pure copying and reproduction of society's values ​​is not enough for the development of society. And here lies the potential of the individual.

The freedom of the individual makes it necessary to change the boundaries of the possibilities of society to ensure this right. This is the purpose of the personality - the improvement of the surrounding world through active participation both in the method of producing goods and in the architecture of knowledge.

The role and status of the individual

The individual in society has a certain social status- a complex of social characteristics that determine the place in the social hierarchy.

In accordance with it, a certain social image of a person and an a priori form of the attitude of other people towards him in a limited social circle are formed.

In society, each member performs social roles. This is a model of personality behavior, characteristic of the social circle of society. It happens that the individual virtues of a person become unacceptable traits for society. For example, a man of genius is a person who is extremely uncomfortable for his inner circle, his talent levels out the interests of the family, and he is often difficult to fit into the norms of his inner circle.

Social paradigm and freedom

Personality is the result of the socialization of the individual in society. Let us ask the question of whether society always corresponds to the level of individual freedom. And where are the criteria for how society meets its interests, and should it follow the standards set by this society? Personality and social environment - where is the line of freedom in this intersection?

Society is a living organism. And, just like a person, it has a different orientation - humane and inhuman in relation to its members. History provides many examples of this.

Society in relation to a particular person acts as a social paradigm, a model with values ​​given by history and time. The characteristics of the social environment differ significantly within the social paradigm.

Behavior Model

The model of Soviet society as a social paradigm set the vector of strict compliance of each member of society state standards. Freedom was limited by the norms of communist morality - to be like everyone else. Actually, it was a given lack of freedom, into which a person fell at birth. Personality, as in risk of losing either the head or other important organs.

The fate of lonely heroes who do not give up the right to freedom of choice, alas, is sad. But only they can rightfully be considered individuals, since main characteristic these people - freedom of choice.

About society and man

Man is a social being, he cannot fulfill his destiny outside of society.

An important motive for progress is the personality and the social environment in which it could be realized. One of the well-known forms of recognition of a person's merits by society is the awarding of the title of laureate. Nobel Prize. These are people whose personal contribution is recognized as socially significant for the progress of society. These are people who have not only achieved grandiose goals, but are spiritually rich, independent in their ability to be free, worthy members of human society.

Albert Einstein, physicist, author of the theory of relativity, said worthy words: more important than achieving success in life, understanding its meaning. Words that are very relevant today, given that the Internet is littered with “how to become successful” ways, and this success is measured by the size of the wallet.

The great Irish playwright, a man with a great sense of humor, said: get what you want, or you have to love what you get. These words have deep meaning. He calls on a person to develop the world around him, set goals worthy of him and not be limited by what society is ready to give.

Topic: "Influence of the social environment on human health." Integrated lesson in 8th grade.

Tasks: to form in students an idea of ​​​​the effect of nicotine, alcohol, drugs on the human body; consider different ways opposition to the negative pressure of the social environment; prepare students to make informed, reasonable decisions.

Equipment : tables “Harms of smoking”, “Harms of alcohol”, posters “The effect of alcohol on the human brain”, “Composition of tobacco smoke”, on the board a poster with an epigraph to the lesson “Each extreme is the fruit of a limited mind and pettiness of spirit” (Balzac).

The proposed integrated lesson was conducted by teachers of biology and social studies in the 8th grade. All students were involved in its preparation. Schoolchildren united in 2 groups and prepared messages on topics proposed by teachers, some children selected illustrative material, designed the classroom. The guys in one of the groups represented

"Journalists", interviewed smoking and non-smoking schoolchildren, using questions: when did you first smoke? What do you experience while smoking? After smoking? Is smoking harmful or not? Would you like to quit smoking? H DOES IT NOT ATTRACT YOU TO SMOKING? PARTICIPANTS OF THE SAME GROUP PREPARED ANSWERS TO THE LETTERS OF SCHOOL STUDENTS.


I. Introductory speech by teachers of biology and social studies, communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. The main part of the lesson.

    Independent work students in task groups.

    Listening to student messages.

    Exposing bad habits.

    Answers of "journalists" to letters of schoolchildren.

    Practical work: "Smoking as a threat to life."

III. The final part of the lesson. Conclusions and generalizations .

IV. Homework.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.Health is not a private matter for every person. A healthy person lives a full life and brings great benefits to society. healthy image life is a system of human behavior, including physical culture, creative activity, a highly moral attitude towards people around us, society, nature, therefore, in many ways, our health depends on ourselves - proper nutrition, hardening, physical education, skin and oral care, and adherence to a rational daily regimen.

Any immoderation, intemperance bring suffering to a person, lead to illnesses, reduce his intellect. Aristotle spoke of the smart people passions are in harmony with reason. A good mood arises from moderation in pleasures. Lack and excess usually pass into each other and often lead to physical and moral shock.

Physical, mental, moral, economic damage to a person and society is caused by drunkenness, alcoholism, drug addiction and such a bad habit as smoking. All these vices are now widespread among young people. How can you avoid these addictions? How can you build a wall around yourself to prevent these vices from penetrating you? And is it possible when there are so many temptations, when there are no visible prohibitions? It turns out that this is possible, and today in the lesson we will try to prove that teenagers can reasonably control their passions.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Independent work of students in groups to complete assignments.

Task for the 1st group.

A. Comment on the following words: "Some people say that drinking 100 g of alcohol before a meal improves appetite." Do you agree with this? Why do people who abuse alcohol have a blue-purple complexion and nose?

B. Russian psychiatrist Pavel Ivanovich Kovalevsky said that drunkenness is the greatest evil for a person, society, and the state. Explain what the evil brought by drunkenness is: a) to a person; b) society; c) the state.

V. Vo In many countries of the world, trains have carriages for smokers and non-smokers, and restaurants have halls for smokers and non-smokers. What do you think is the reason for taking such measures?

G. Using the textbook, find out what effect alcohol and nicotine have on the human heart and blood vessels.

Task for the 2nd group.

A. Is a legally responsible person who committed a crime in a state of intoxication or under the influence of drugs subject to liability?

B. What measure of responsibility can be determined for persons who induce underage adolescents to use drugs?

Q. How do you think drug addiction and crime are related?

D. Is it possible to apply coercive medical measures to persons who have committed a crime and who are found to be in need of treatment for alcoholism or drug addiction?

The issues are discussed, the conclusion is made: alcohol, tobacco smoking, drug addiction adversely affect human health. Bad habits lead to various offenses.

Biology teacher. Today, doctors say: human health is 10% dependent on heredity, 5% - on the work of doctors. The remaining 85% is in the hands of the individual himself. This means that our health depends on our habits, on our efforts to strengthen it.

Life expectancy is affected by various factors- heredity, environment, bad habits, lifestyle.

2. Listening to student messages.

A. Man and his environment.

Man is one of 3 million biological species living on Earth. However, he is not only a representative of wildlife, but also a social personality. The human environment is the totality of all the conditions of living and inanimate nature, as well as material and cultural values ​​created by him.

In the modern era, the problems of protection and rational use of natural resources have acquired great economic, social and political significance. They affect the interests of all peoples and states.

The wiser the use of natural resources, the more success industry and agriculture will achieve. The protection of nature is put forward among the most acute social problems and is one of the most important national tasks.

Activities for the protection of nature, within the framework of their competence, are carried out by all links of the mechanism of the state and its bodies.

Thus, Article 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “Land and other Natural resources used and protected in Russian Federation as the basis of the life and activity of the peoples living in the respective territory.

Man in nature is a powerful environmental factor that changes the face of the planet, degrades the quality of the environment, which is the cause of the emergence and expansion of such diseases as allergic and oncological. complex social relations of people lead to the spread of diseases such as alcoholism, drug addiction.

B. Influence of environmental factors on the state of the human respiratory system.

Environmental factors, namely temperature, air humidity, its chemical and bacterial composition, speed of movement, have a direct impact on the human respiratory system. Seasonality of acute respiratory diseases is connected with them. Moreover, the influence of environmental factors is more pronounced when the body is weakened and its protective properties are reduced. The most dangerous carcinogens contained in the air are asbestos and benzopyrene. These substances are part of the exhaust gases of cars, tobacco smoke and are considered the cause of lung cancer, the most dangerous respiratory disease.

B. Effect of smoking on the cardiovascular system.

Data from a statistical survey of smoking and non-smoking adolescents aged 15-17 years suggest that smoking experience up to 5 years does not significantly affect heart rate, but the blood pressure in smokers is higher. Even a single smoking caused an increase in heart rate in all adolescents (the more, the younger the age), which persisted for 15 minutes. after smoking. Stroke volume immediately after smoking decreased in 15-year-olds and increased in 16-17-year-old boys. The weakening of blood flow in adolescent smokers affects the formation and growth of the body.

D. Effects of alcohol on nervous system person.

The use of alcohol and drugs can be considered the most dangerous social and environmental factors. Their influence should be considered not only from the standpoint of the patterns of their impact on the body, but also from the standpoint of morality, law. A person quickly gets rid of the emerging addiction. The child's body, its still unformed nervous system, suffers especially strongly. Alcoholism is a serious disease caused by addiction to alcohol and leading to complete mental and physical dependence on it, to irreversible changes in the body (primarily in the nervous system), and to the degradation of the personality.

D. Physical and mental dependence on drugs.

A person is influenced by the social environment in which he lives - society as a whole, family, acquaintances, colleagues. This happens throughout his life. Toddlers copy adults; for teenagers, the opinion of their peers is important. The influence of others can be positive or negative.

One of the most terrible problems of our time is the use of narcotic substances. Drug addiction, like a cancerous tumor, develops, affects not only the body, but also the soul. The later this disease is recognized, the more difficult the treatment process, which, unfortunately, does not always lead to a complete recovery. Not all young people are fully aware of this danger, believing that adults greatly exaggerate it.

After the speeches, it is concluded : bad habits affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system of a person, and physical and mental dependence on them also occurs.

3. Exposing Bad Habits.

Biology teacher. One of the most terrible problems of our time is the use of narcotic substances. Drug addiction, like a cancerous tumor, develops, affects not only the body, but also the soul. The later this disease is recognized, the more difficult the treatment process, which, unfortunately, does not always lead to a complete recovery.

A paradoxical fact is noted all over the world: despite all the efforts in the fight against drugs, the awareness of young people about the true consequences of their use is declining. This is partly due to the active introduction of a number of myths about drugs into the minds of young people.

Each association was given a task to expose one of these myths.

Myth one: try, everyone tries. It is not true. Statistics show that most often the victims of such false argumentation are teenagers who are prone to conflicts, to deceit, with an unbalanced character. Such individuals are not capable of purposeful activity, they study poorly at school. They also later become drug distributors, which is inevitable, since only in this way can they provide themselves with money for drugs.

Myth two: try it - there will be no harmful consequences.

It has been proven that addiction to some drugs can occur after 1-2 doses. In addition, the individual sensitivity of the body can lead to death at the first injection of the drug. Under the conditions of clandestine, home-made production of drugs, it is impossible to get rid of harmful impurities and accurately dose the substance, which often causes severe poisoning.

Myth three: try it - if you don't like it, then quit. Many believe that there will be no special problems, since a person with a certain will is able to immediately and irrevocably give up drugs. At the same time, there is usually a witness who is familiar with someone who, after a period of serious abuse, having shown his will, went through “withdrawal” and now has not been using drugs for a month (two, shooting range). These are the rarest cases. After all, when using any drugs, "light" or "heavy", first of all, the will suffers. What happens is what narcologists call an energy decline: it is the volitional qualities of the individual that are weakened, purposefulness is reduced or lost - the person becomes incapable of productive activity, often stops studying, loses his job. Everyone should know that medicine, unfortunately, provides ineffective assistance to drug addicts. In her arsenal there are no real means of suppressing mental dependence.

Myth four: about the existence of "harmless" drugs. Those don't exist! Not all drugs cause physical dependence, but all of them, even with minor use, adversely affect the personality. Mental dependence often develops even in cases of using such “light” drugs as marijuana: the will is weakened, interest in life is lost, a person ceases to care about how he looks.

The teacher sums up the performances of schoolchildren: everyone can become the object of a “well-wisher” who is trying to attract them to the most dangerous “occupation” for humanity. In this case, each person should be ready to resolutely resist such attempts, should know that a “kind” friend who will convince you to try “weed” just out of curiosity, they say, if you don’t like it, then you can quit, as a rule, pursues the most selfish goals , hard using the inexperienced. Schoolchildren should remember that none of the dying drug addicts was going to continue taking drugs, everyone just wanted to try, to satisfy their curiosity. The end for them, as a rule, is tragic: ruined human destiny, life itself!

summed up. From the messages we learned that there are no “harmless” drugs, none of the drug addicts was going to continue taking drugs, everyone just wanted to try. But the end is tragic for them.

social studies teacher . Everyone can become the object of attention of a "well-wisher", who will try to attract to the most dangerous for a person.

"occupation". In this case, each person must be ready to resolutely reject such attempts and remember that this "good" friend, as a rule, pursues the most selfish goals, cruelly using the inexperienced.

Thousands of teenagers end up in the dock every year. Two out of every three crimes committed by minors are property crimes: theft, robbery, robbery. The number of juveniles convicted of drug trafficking is on the rise. Approximately every young offender was under the influence of alcohol or drugs when committing a crime.

Remember: every offense is the money of honest people and they have the right to resent the actions of criminals for two main reasons: the first is that the criminal threatens their life, health, property; the second is the fight against crime is carried out at their expense.

Question. What do you think, what will the absence of drugs lead to a drug addicted person?

Suggested Answer . The absence of drugs in the body leads to terrible physical suffering. The dementia is on the rise. The body wears out, and then - its death.

A person at this stage has only one interest in life - where and how to get drugs. And they need more and more.

Question. What is the criminal liability for drug-related crimes?

Suggested Answer. Based on article 228. Illegal manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, transfer or sale of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances. There is criminal responsibility. It provides for imprisonment for a term of three to fifteen years with confiscation of property, depending on the act committed.

A person who has voluntarily surrendered narcotic or psychotropic substances and actively contributed to the detection or suppression of crimes shall be released from criminal liability for this crime.

4. Answers of "journalists" to letters from schoolchildren. The guys representing the "journalists" read the letters, made conclusions in the form of answers to the letters of schoolchildren.

Letter one : “Dear edition! We have a football team in our yard. We often play football, but most of my friends smoke and make fun of me all the time because I don't smoke. I believe that sports and smoking are incompatible. And just recently, friends told me that if I didn’t start smoking, they would stop respecting me.

Maybe I should start smoking? I don't know what to do, what to do. Save your health or the respect of your friends? Oleg".

Answer:“Dear Oleg! You are absolutely right that sports and smoking are incompatible, because this bad habit has a detrimental effect on the human body. And, of course, you need to choose health. And friends who give you such an ultimatum are no longer friends, because friendship is not built on some conditions. And don’t worry: you will definitely find real friends who share your point of view about smoking.”

Letter two : “Dear edition! My name is Elena. I'm in the 9th grade. Recently I had a fight with my girlfriend, but we were friends with her since childhood. Galya invited me to visit her after school. Her new friends are gathering at her house. They smoke and drink. Recently, Galya has changed. She told me that I was out of date, and guys don't like that.

Advise me how to be?

Answer:“Elena, we, the correspondents of the local newspaper, advise you not to follow the example of your friend. She just looks like she's grown up. In fact, if she does not change her surroundings, she will be in serious trouble in the near future. And do not think that only people like Galya like young people. You will surely meet more worthy people in your life!

    After listening to the letters and answers to them, we discussed and concluded that if we want to be physically and mentally developed, we need to fight for our health. There are many more people who share this point of view.

5. Practical work: "Smoking as a threat to life."

Purpose of the lesson: As a result of this activity, students should be able to describe the physiological effects of smoking and the effects of tobacco tar on living tissue.

Task : demonstrate to students that tarry substances immediately enter the mouth and lungs. The teacher needs to have the necessary equipment, make a device for smoking.

Equipment: a transparent plastic bottle for detergent with a cap; a tube with a cigarette 5-7.5 cm long; cotton ball; plasticine; cigarette; matches.

Lesson content. 1. Prepare the device for smoking. To do this, you need to do: make a hole in the lid the size of the diameter of the tube. Insert the tube and cover the hole with plasticine. Insert a cotton ball into the hole at one end of the tube, a cigarette at the other. Screw on the cover. Squeeze the bottle and squeeze the air out of it. Light the cigarette and begin to slowly and evenly release the pressure on the bottle.

Questions about the work done:

What does a cotton ball look like after the experiment? (When nicotine and other structures of tobacco smoke penetrated into the cotton ball, the color of the ball changed)

What shape is the plastic bottle? (plastic bottle crushed)

What effect do you think smoking has on the inside of your lungs? (The components of tobacco smoke attack the lumen of the lung alveoli, the walls of which consist of a surface-active film that protects the lungs from the action of foreign particles.)

Exercise. Read the article "Smoking as a threat to life." (§ 29 of the textbook)

Question. Describe in detail one of the diseases caused by smoking.

Sample Answer. The main reason for the emergence and development of "tobacco" cough are drops of tar, settled in the lungs. They lead to increased secretion and mucus associated with sputum when coughing. Together with other water-soluble substances, nicotine causes spasms of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and reduces lung capacity. As a result, there is a constant inflammatory process - chronic bronchitis and constant spasm of the lungs - emphysema. Both of these diseases are typical for smokers and gradually lead to pulmonary insufficiency: shortness of breath, bronchial asthma, to all serious diseases associated with a systematic violation of gas exchange in the body and increasing its susceptibility to various infections.

Conclusion to work: thus, smoking unambiguously affects the functional state of respiration.

III. The final part of the lesson. Conclusions and generalizations.

Summarizing conversation , during which schoolchildren offer ways to resist addictions.

Suggested answers.

    Teenagers should devote more time to sports.

    More often arrive in the fresh air, go hiking.

    Tell your friends about the dangers of bad habits and what they can lead to.

    To study the legal aspects related to the use of alcohol, smoking, drugs.

The lesson ends with the words of the biology teacher. Whether we are healthy or not depends on us, on each of us!!!

IV. Homework.

    Individual task: to issue a sanbulletin "Drugs and AIDS".