Status congratulations on the student's day. Cool statuses with student's day. Statuses about the student's day

Statuses about the student's day

Student's Day is celebrated today by students of all cities and universities. A good occasion to meet friends at the institute, university or college. Student's Day is the holiday that always speaks of youth, fun, romance, carelessness and, of course, sleepless nights. Student's Day has been celebrated for a long time, and this holiday is known to everyone who prepared for exams and passed at least one session. The holiday is very popular among young people, because it gives a reason for meetings and fun. All students are young people who live in the very center of the development of events and are aware of all the innovations, love original, amazing things in everything, including congratulations.

Today, students congratulate each other on the holidays in an original and interesting way, so as to attract attention and indicate their attitude to the events. The installation of a status message, or statuses about the student's day, has gained great popularity. Statuses about the student's day are very interesting, funny, light and quickly spread on the Internet. Congratulations-status can be read by all friends and classmates, this will give a reason to smile and join the holiday with congratulations and wishes.

Statuses about students (Part 1).

Forthcoming student day- January 25, he Tatyana's Day a small selection of statuses about students.

Statuses about students probably one of the most fun, and not because students are not close to love, sadness and romance. But rather the opposite, because it is in youth that everything that overwhelms one wants to throw it out, even if in the form status for Vkontakte. Moreover, some begin celebrate Student's Day right from the shift Vkontakte status. So, statuses about students, statuses Student's Day congratulations, statuses about students are cool, statuses about students are funny, statuses about Students' Day, statuses about students and morning, statuses about students

Statuses about students are funny:

During the celebration of the Student's Day in the hostel, the most modest was ... a snack.

The greatest mystery of mathematics: hundreds of years of study, thousands of theorems, millions of formulas…. and X is still unknown

I forgot my pen! Have you forgotten your head? No! Ah, I see everything, I see it, put it back in the bag!

The student asks the student: -Did you make mantoux at school??? -Yes, why??? - A you not in rate wash already can be?

Statuses about students and morning:

I won't set an alarm today. Let the Almighty decide whether to go to the first pair for me or not ...

How quickly time flies, I didn’t have time to wake up, and I was already late for the university ...

Sometimes an alarm clock helps wake up, but more often it stupidly interferes with sleep ...

Well ... it's winter and cold outside ... But I have to go to Univer, and every morning I ask myself the same question, SHOULD I?

Statuses about students:

The depth of the neckline of a student on the exam does not at all depend on the depth of her knowledge, and the size of the bust is insurance ...

Today's horoscope promised me sexual games…… now I'm thinking, doesn't that mean I'm in the exam today you@but??

Reminder for the student: grabbing your head with your hands does not mean exactly the same thing as grasping your mind

I am fluent in English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and other languages ​​​​with Latin letters ... but I don’t understand anything

Session ... I crawled to you ...

Sometimes there is such a strange and amazing feeling that I am interested in studying, but somehow it quickly passes?!

Dear sleep, I miss you so much. We used to spend so much time together, but now the session has come between us. But soon, very soon we will see each other again...

Statuses Student's Day congratulations:

Become a scientist, publish works,
Get famous all over the world
And glorify our Univer:
After all, you have found the path to success in it!

Happy Student's Day!
I want to sleep in pairs
Walk, drink, have fun
And don't miss the session!

Although there is a blizzard outside
Spring drops ring in my soul.
On Tatyana's day, hearts are open,
The streets are washed with a smile.
And I'm heading home
To be with you on Tatyana's Day!

We drink in different doses

We fall asleep in different positions

We remember different moments

We are called Students!

Happy Student's Day!

Only a student can do nothing for a whole semester and then learn everything in one day before the exam.

A school day shortens life by 8 hours.

Being a student is great! Being a student is a beauty! Let things go well, you don’t have fluff or feathers!

There is an examination on strength of materials. The student pulls two points, of course.
- Well, - says the professor - until next time.
- Wait, - the student says, - let me ask you a question on the strength of materials: answer - deuce, no - then put three.
- Fine.
- How to hammer a worm into the ground?
- Don't know.
- Fill with cement and hammer.
- Okay, let's take notes.
The next day, the professor is walking around the institute, he saw a student, he came up,
- Let's take a note.
Corrects three by five, takes out a chocolate bar.
- And this is from your wife.

I forgot my pen!
- Have you forgotten your head?
- No!
- Ah, I see everything, I see it, put it back in the bag!

What a wonderful session time: you can try to meet the dawn

After what uni did to my brain, they should marry it.

Hunger than a student can only be a student who also has a girlfriend ...

Student's day- this is the day when windows fog up in all minibuses.

Wants to eat, no money - but his name is STUDENT!!!

A student came to the dining room, and all the tables are occupied, sits down to the professor, and he says:
- A goose is not a comrade to a pig.
- Okay, I flew.
The professor was offended and decided to "flunk" the student at the exam. Exam day. The professor gives the student the most difficult ticket, but he answers "excellent" and the professor asks him an additional question:
- You are walking along the road and you see two bags, one with gold, the other with the mind. Which one will you choose?
- With gold.
- And I would take it wisely.
- Who is missing something.
The professor got angry and writes "GOAT" in the student's record book, the student did not look and left. After a while he comes back and says:
- Professor, you signed here, but you didn’t put a mark

During the celebration of the Student's Day in the hostel, the most modest was ... a snack

Studentship is when you already have rights as an adult, and duties as a child.

Session is soon. The politeness of the students became simply unbearable.

If you write spurs on banknotes, then an attempt to take away a cheat sheet from a student will take on the form of extortion!

Graduation day always ends the same way, but no one remembers how.

And the session came... and the living envied the dead...

sleep student! The country needs healthy professionals.

No one has died from science yet. But no one was born...

The lecture is not an erection, you can postpone it!

Servant of God, remember, do not snore at the lecture, for you will wake up your neighbor who is snoring next to you ...

I am fluent in English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and other languages ​​​​with Latin letters ... but I don’t understand anything

I'm sitting on a couple ... yes, I'm guessing ... why am I not in a bar? why am I not thumping?

The 15th autumn, and I haven’t loved yet - bullshit, but the 5th couple, but I haven’t eaten yet - yeah.

No one has died from knowledge yet ... but it's not worth the risk.!

Recently, instead of preparing for exams, students have been searching the Internet cool statuses about the session, exams and about what tomorrow will be

Only such a unique being as a student can spend half a year in order to prepare for passing any exam in one night with the help of a thin manual.

- They ask the student: “Did you prepare anything for the upcoming exam? - Certainly! Faith, hope and credit :)”

The student does not know the norms of decency, decently alien to him, and as males from the genus Homo sapiens he can only get drunk. 🙂

Best Status:
Understanding that you are already a student comes when a first-grader brother asks you to solve a problem, and you see its solution through an integral.

At the exam: - Well, what will you answer or not? - Comrade student, stop explaining! Pull the ticket. - And I have a ticket!

If you decide to suppress the suddenly surging student movement, then think about it! Perhaps you drive the disease inside? Don't be afraid to face the truth.

Instead of preparing for tomorrow's tests, I read this text.

In the first year, it is difficult to study for the first few years, but then it will be easier!

I draw the word "ENOUGH" in the dean's office with Vaseline.

Only our student may not know the schedule, but know exactly when there are no classes!)

Ambition is when you go to the exam, you think that you know 2, and when they put 4, you wonder why not 5?

Students are strange animals... While normal animals have asshole tails, they have asshole tails.

Student joke: Once upon a time there were three pigs: nyuf-nuf, naf-naf and the head of the cafe ...

Student toast to parents: “To those who think we study here!”

Give a student a foothold and he will fall asleep.)

During the session, the student becomes a superhuman. He stops eating, sleeping, drinking liquids that do not contain alcohol and, like a supercomputer, is able to download an unreal amount of information into himself.

nothing makes a student's face look as meaningless as getting a ticket for an exam!))

A distinctive feature of the student: I didn’t know, but I remembered!))

A student cannot marry. He will only deal with his wife - he will have tails. He will only study - horns will appear. And he will do both ... he will drop his hooves!)

Love the teacher, for the dog is man's best friend!

I'll get up early in the morning, drink a cup of mercury and go to die in a fucking institute 🙂

Conscience is the wealth of a person, and we, students, are poor people .. =)

Nonsense at the institute develops hearing, vigilance and peripheral vision)))

I won't set an alarm. Let the Lord decide whether to go to the first couple or not.

Tired students are sleeping, books are sleeping... Evil teachers with credits are waiting for the guys... A harmful lecturer goes to bed so that we can dream at night... Close your eyes - FOR-BE-WAI!

The session is the time when the insight comes that “after all, it was possible to study normally throughout the year”! ..

Knowledge is not transmitted sexually, but it is quite possible to earn an assessment!

Session is a masculine word. Because no woman could fuck so many people!

The session is a sudden interest of students in books, a frantic search for a library card, which no one has seen since the last session.

A session is when a teacher learns a lot about his subject from students who “didn’t finish their studies a little”.

Pray, teacher, for the day of judgment will come, and may your kingdom perish, and may you be rewarded for our torment ... The Gospel from the Student, verse five ...

The session is the time when the student needs to take on the head… the upper head…

Study, study and study again, because you still won’t find a job.

The student has 2 states: Eating and sleeping. But there is also a third - session: when not to eat and not to sleep.

The academic year, like pregnancy - lasts 9 months, and starts to feel sick from the 2nd week ...

An old student tradition: every year my friends and I go to the session. Well, let's go there ... ((

If you want to study - lie down, sleep and everything will pass.))

The teacher on the pair: “In our time, all sorts of graffiti were not painted on the walls of houses!” Voice from the back: “Well, of course, dinosaurs couldn’t write!” 🙂

The girl is a student, a sweet candy ... At the lecture, a stool stuck to her ass.

Only our student may not recognize the teacher who passed the exam yesterday.

At the institute, 5 years flew by, like 5 minutes. I had enough patience, now let others shake!

The depth of the neckline of the dress of a student who came to take an exam is inversely proportional to the depth of her knowledge.

We drink in different doses. We fall asleep in different positions. We remember different moments. It's all called the word "students"!

It's been a month now...

A student is always short of one night to pass the exam.

The student does not understand at first, and then gets used to it.

If the student said “didn’t take”, then he won’t return it.

New super hero "Man - student". He manages to accomplish as many feats in January as he should have done in September, October, November and December.

So let's drink to those who walk, to those who don't know anything and who give up the session for a boom!

There were 38 people in attendance today. There were 52 people on the teacher's sheet, which was let through the rows where those present were enrolled. Do students have a conscience?

A frightened student at the exam, holding a piece of paper with a written answer: - P-p-professor, but ... and scratching? Professor sarcastically: - Well, scratch, if it helps ...

Sits behind bars in a hostel damp ... Raised in captivity ... A young student ...

This is how you study, study, and then you learn from conflictology that you are a neurotic with suicidal tendencies, experiencing an existential crisis ...

If somewhere noise and fight. If there are bottles. If the women screamed. So the students are drinking there.

- Do you know that unscrupulous cockroaches have students in the room?

Oh, how the boys at the university congratulated us today. A song with a guitar, champagne with fireworks. And, since we have few boys, they each gave us a man. Mm.)

Night. Hung up for the toilet. I turned off the light, the screen, so as not to wake my mother. I open the door: "Oh-oh." Damn, speakers...

If we are expelled from the university, then we will hand over the bottles and enter the paid department!

“Student, are you really that smart?” - Who am I? - Well, not me.

The most beautiful phrase, from the lips of a teacher, for a student: “Carry a record book”!

Where are the best parties? The teachers in the back room!

The inscription on the desk in the student auditorium: “There are 30 minutes left before the break, 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute, damn it ... No break!”

Russian students will first do their business, and then they will study.

Oh great student! Do not snore at lectures, for you will wake up your neighbor who is sleeping next to you, and when he wakes up, he will not rejoice.

Reflections of a hungry student: “To eat this in a hostel for free?” Water. Electricity. Neighbours.

Only our student can come to class sober and leave drunk.

Ment asks a student who has studied for documents. “That's just a pass to the university. Are there prohibited items? - In the University?

Graduated - this is half a year of torment of the brain and 15 minutes of shame ...

There are no hungry students! There are only those who are always hungry...

Student tea. Without welding. Sugarless.

Professor: "Are you afraid of my questions?" Student: "No, I'm afraid of my answers."

A student is a unique being who takes half a year to learn any material overnight.

Check the grade for your submitted work without leaving the lecturer. If you don't like the grade, ask for a better grade or census work. And remember: the student is always right!

Popular sign: if there are a lot of students near the ATM, it means either a scholarship has arrived or a session has begun.)

How quickly time flies: I didn’t have time to wake up, but I was already late for a couple ...

Looking for a woman who can cook. About me: a hungry student.

Hungry students are lying and dreaming: - What, guys, let's get a pig. Meat, fat will be ... - What are you? Dirty, stink! Nothing, she'll get used to it...

The thought of every schoolchild: “Why do we study for nine months, and rest for only three, and not vice versa?”

Students always lack one day to prepare for the exam!

It is normal for students to look at their watches. It's not normal when they start bringing them to their ear.

Who was not a student. So do not understand. How you want a s*x, how you want to sleep. How do you want the teacher, fuck send. Go home and don't give a damn!

A student walks, swings, sighs on the go. Here the session ends and I go into a binge ...

Teacher: "What is your last name?" Student: Ivanov. (Smiling). "What are you smiling at?" the professor asks. I'm glad I answered the first question well.

Student's life: morning, feet, slippers, faucet, feet, door, walk in the morning, beer, vodka 2 buckets, noise, head, fall, lie down, hands, feet, house, bed, bad, night, dark, dope, morning , feet, slippers, crane… 🙂

Students are people balancing between the army and higher education.

I woke up, made my bed, shaved, washed, had breakfast, got ready to study, and then I thought: “What the hell am I doing?”, undressed and went to bed, it’s good to be a student.

Exam in criminal law. Can you tell me what cheating is? “It will happen, professor, if you fail me. – How, explain. “According to the criminal code, deceit is committed by one who, using the ignorance of another person, causes damage to this other person.

Teacher: "What is your last name?" Student: "Ivanov" (smiles). "What are you smiling at?" the professor asks. I'm glad I answered the first question well.

All students with our professional holiday! Today we can do everything!

The latest method for developing the memory of history students. Up to date before the session. "Group for the Emancipation of Labor": Plekhanov, Ignatiev, Zasulich, Deutz, Axelrod. Read only capital letters of group members. It's impossible not to remember!

The student, going up to his house on the 9th floor, believed to the last that it smelled of chicken from his apartment.

For the sake of evaluation, the student goes to any lengths! Even to class!

Yet the most strange and unusual animals are ... Students! All normal animals grow their tails out of their asses, but students' asses grow out of their tails.

At the university, having nothing to do, I go to ICQ to somehow diversify a boring couple ...

Why can't a student get married? Because if he takes care of his wife, then he will have tails. And if he deals with tails, then he will have horns. And if he takes care of both his wife and his studies, he will throw back his hooves.

A student comes to hand over the work and says to the teacher: “Excuse me, I have a fume”. And he gives him: “Yes, my wife also fed me cutlets with garlic.”

If you sit for forty minutes, staring blankly at a blank page in a Word, then you are writing a diploma.

Passed! For three. At first I thought, to hand over five, and then I decided, - but what for? I’ll rent it better for 3, and I’ll go for the rest of the money, I’ll drink beer!

On January 12, 1755, the Empress of "All Rus'" Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree establishing Moscow University. Since then, this day (January 25, according to the new style) has been considered Students' Day, and St. Tatiana, who "belonged" to January 25 before, has become the patroness of all students in Russia.

The very history of the signing of the decree by Empress Elizabeth begins with the initiative of Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, a philanthropist, patron of scientists and collector, and in addition, a favorite of the omnipotent Empress, and is worthy of a separate story. It is known that Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov was a patron and, possibly, a friend of M.V. Lomonosov, and Lomonosov himself strongly influenced the choice of Moscow for the founding of the university. Among his arguments were references to the fact that many nobles live in Moscow, which means that there will be those who want to study; many provincials have relatives in Moscow and will be able to provide themselves with housing and food; accommodation in Moscow is cheaper than in other cities.

Ultimately, Elizaveta Petrovna signed the proposed decree, thereby opening a new era in the history of Russia - after all, before there students did not exist as a class.

Well, officially Vladimir Putin appointed January 25 as Student's Day, though the full name sounds a little different: Tatyana's Day - Russian Student Day.

As follows from folk wisdom, the student is always ready to spend time outside " educational process”: as a hundred years ago, and now Russian students drink vodka, arrange fireworks and have fun until you drop. In the 19th century, all of Moscow walked on Student's Day, now students have their own clubs and discos. "Fun and noisy" - this is the motto of this movement, during which the main thing is to feel like a Student!

Happy Student's Day
And with all my heart I wish
To make tails shorter
To make the nights longer.
Teachers to get better
And estimates only warmed
For knowledge to fly -
They got into their heads.
session to be canceled
And they changed to rest.
To raise the scholarship
It's just how it was given.
Everything will be easy
And the problems are far away!

Being a student is cool.
And I want to wish
To complex science
On "excellent" to hand over everything.

So that life always boils,
And the soul sang with happiness,
The session did not overshadow
Only brought joy.

creative inspiration
I still want to wish
To make difficult decisions
Always been on the shoulder!

Congratulations on Student's Day, on the holiday of young dreams, new knowledge, interesting hobbies and cheerful students. I wish every day to be full of new goals, confident aspirations, wonderful ideas, funny stories and personal victories. May the years of the student be memorable and happy, may the correct knowledge and tireless enthusiasm lead to a beloved and prestigious profession.

What would a student want?
Sessions are easy to pass,
Never lose heart
And get credits.

To be self-confident,
At the board - like shooting.
To have a positive heart
And ideas are creative.

I congratulate you on Student's Day,
With one of the best days.
Keep great moments
Your carefree youth!

Play to the fullest, don't be afraid
Go to the cinema, dance and sing.
Don't worry about couples
Today is possible - such a day.

Let everything be fine in life
The study will be with a bang.
Let them be lucky on the personal front.
Student, neither fluff nor feather!

On student day I wish
Live without grief and sorrow.
Session completed successfully.
Firewood is not broken anywhere.

To have a nice rest
Don't sleep during lectures.
Find your purpose in life
Go to her with confidence.

Energy, youth and beauty!
The beauty of student years.
She will never repeat.
There is no better age.

We congratulate you all today
Happy Tatyana's day, student's day!
May bright success await you
And a sea of ​​pleasant moments.

Happy Student's Day!
More memorable moments
Life is easy, carefree,
To sleep as long as you want
So that the offsets are automatic,
Coursework without plagiarism,
To pass exams
And in the record they flaunted
Only the highest scores
May the year go well!

Light sessions and semesters,
Interesting lectures for you.
To study like a maestro
Know that everything is in your teeth!

And study well
Remember the best moments
Look forward optimistically.
Happiness in life! Happy Student's Day!

Let the freebie visit you more often -
Once per session, and preferably as many as seven.
It’s easier to pass the tests, without a hitch,
Yes, spurs, completely invisible for teachers.
Once a retake - then like clockwork,
And if it suddenly flies, then it’s harmless,
Let fortune help in everything,
Any danger disappears.
Control - lungs,
Entertainment - long,
Good luck in the future, decent salaries!
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