Hexagram 53 on love. Interpretation by number: reference information. Explanation of individual yaos according to Zhou Gong

Jian means marriage to a young girl and the (accompanying) happiness. To observe perseverance and justice is good.

1. An interrupted line, SIX, in the first place indicates wild geese, which are gradually approaching the shore. The young official (in this position) is in danger and attacked; but there will be no trouble.

2. An interrupted line, SIX, in second place indicates geese, which are gradually approaching large rocks, where they can eat and drink plenty. There will be happiness.

3. A solid line, NINE, in the third place indicates that they are gradually approaching the dry plains. (It also means) a husband who goes on a campaign from which he will not return, and a wife who conceives, but cannot feed her child. There will be misfortune. (In the position indicated by this line) it is good to resist the robbers.

4. An interrupted line, SIX, in fourth place, indicates geese, which are gradually approaching the trees. They will be able to rest on wide branches. There will be no trouble.

5. A solid line, NINE, in fifth place indicates geese, which are gradually approaching a high hill. (It also means) a wife who cannot conceive for three years; but eventually nature will take its toll. There will be happiness.

6. A solid line, NINE, in sixth place indicates geese, which are gradually approaching higher altitudes. Feathers can be used for decoration. There will be happiness.

Comments by J. Legg

The character Jian is usually used in the sense of "gradually", but here it is also associated with the idea of ​​progress. significant element hieroglyph - a symbol of water; and the whole means a gradual progress, like soaking in water. In general, the idea of ​​promotion is conveyed by three hexagrams - Jin (35), Sheng (46) and this hexagram Jian, but in each case the shades of meaning are different. Jian emphasizes gradual advancement. Thus, the theme of this hexagram is the exaltation of officials, which takes place gradually and consistently, step by step, and also subject to certain other conditions that can be deduced from the description of individual features.<…>

Marrying a young girl is mentioned in Wen-wang's comments as an example important event, which takes place in many stages, starting with the matchmaking and ending with the wedding night. All these stages must be completed in order and in accordance with the rules. The same is true of the rise of an official up the ladder of public service.

Geese have played since ancient times important role in the Chinese wedding ceremony, which probably explains the mention of them in the comments on individual features. The image of migratory birds moving in a clear formation is the best way to describe this hexagram. In the 1st line, they approach the shore, returning from across the sea. Then it comes to the actual person represented by this feature; everything said about him is consistent with the fact that this trait is weak and does not have a proper correspondence (although it does not follow from this directly), - therefore, the addressee of this trait is warned about the danger.

In the 2nd line, the geese reach the next section of the path - and in the same way the official rises to the next rung of the career ladder, although he is not mentioned here. This trait is weak, which indicates modesty, but is central in the trigram and has the correct correspondence in the 5th trait, so the omen is favorable.

The strong 3rd trait no longer occupies the central, but the upper position in the lower trigram and does not have a proper correspondence in the 6th trait. Therefore, the person designated by it is prone to sharp, violent, but unsuccessful actions. He is like a husband who does not take care of his wife, or a woman who does not take care of her child. But in this situation, his strength will ultimately be useful.

The goose cannot grasp thin branch with their webbed feet, so geese need wide, flat branches to rest. A weak 4th trait in an even position in itself does not portend success, but since this is the first trait in the trigram of humility, it is concluded that the person designated by it will not bring trouble on herself.

The 5th trait is strong and takes the place of the ruler, but here the wife is her symbol. The person designated by this hexagram was slandered by enemies (mentioned in the description of the 3rd trait as "robbers") and brought dishonor on himself, but in the end he manages to correct the situation. A woman who has not been able to conceive for three years finally becomes a mother; happiness comes.

The addressee of the 6th line has reached the top position in the hexagram. There is nowhere to go further, and this feature does not have a correct correspondence. But the person designated by it can still benefit his country and thereby justify the good omen, which is symbolically represented in the form of goose feathers that serve as a wedding decoration.

© The Yî King. Sacred Books of the East, Vol. 16. James Legge, Translator. Oxford, the Clarendon Press, 1882.
© Translated from English: Anna Blaze, 2007.

Golden book of divination Sudina Natalia

Hexagram No. 53 Flow (Progress)

B. H. If you move forward, carefully considering each step, success and luck will not change you in the future. Happiness will continue to be your companion if, without succumbing to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events. A tortoise has no less chance of finishing first than a hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. The wish will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

G.S. A certain stage in your affairs is coming to an end. Guard what you are charged with guarding. There will be losses. Danger threatens either your family or business. Keep a calm state of mind, this will bring you good luck, and a period of safety will gradually come. And although things will stall for a long time, you decide that everything is for the best.

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Gradual, smooth, adaptable; fluid like water; marriage of the eldest daughter.

Image line.
The wife goes to her husband. Happiness.
Favorable stamina.

This is a time of gradual achievement of purpose through adaptability and soft, imperceptible penetration. An example is the marriage ceremony of the eldest daughter, who in Ancient China took place slowly and with many rituals. Don't take the initiative.

Wait for the proper sign or direction to move forward. Slow but steady progress will lead to success. You will discover your true place and achieve true mastery of your craft. Rely on your own spiritual powers and your connection to the Tao to change things.

Work through the woman and the feminine yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly get to the bottom of each situation.


  1. The guard pole is set in a high place. This is to try and see things more clearly.
  2. The medicine pot is on the ground. You should take preventive measures.
  3. The official climbs the stairs. It means "to soar higher and higher".
  4. A flowering branch lies on the ground. It means "failing a job interview" or "failing your college entrance exams."
Image: plant trees on high mountains.
Symbol: small accumulates until it becomes big.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

Graduality. The maiden is married. Luck. The burden of being persistent.

Instructions for interpretation.

  1. This is the January hexagram. It is good in spring, summer and autumn and bad in winter.
  2. The action of Jian is to follow the correct sequence, stand on a solid foundation, do the work honestly, and make gradual progress.
  3. If a patient receives Chiang after consulting the I-Ching, this is a very bad sign.
  4. Your friend, who is connected with a large firm, arranges a small order from it to your firm. "This is just the beginning," he warns, and indeed, a year later, after many small orders, they decide they can trust you and redirect most of their supply to you.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou-gong.

First Yao.
Initial six. The wild goose is gradually approaching the shore. The youngest son is in danger. Lots of talk. Nothing to blame.
  1. You are on a dangerous mission. Neither friends nor relatives support you, and you ride alone, a little worried but determined. Through your personal determination, you are victorious.
  2. The promise was only made - and immediately broken.
  3. Overconfidence can lead to disaster.
Second Yao.
The second six. The wild goose is gradually approaching the rock. Food and drink are peacefully shared. Luck.
  1. On the occasion of the first anniversary of your new venture, you are hosting a dinner for your friends to share in your happiness due to good luck and success in this endeavor.
  2. When you get old, there is still a lot to learn.
  3. If the patient receives this yao, then his condition is very serious.
Third Yao.
Nine third. A wild goose flies over the plateau. The person leaves and does not return. The woman is pregnant, but she has a miscarriage. Failure. It would be nice to ward off thieves.
  1. Your business is successful, but a friend comes along and tries to drag you into an adventure that will bring "ten times the jackpot." You weigh the pros and cons and realize that you are too ill-prepared for this and that if you lose, you will go bankrupt. You stay with the same business and focus on getting customers to pay their bills on time.
  2. This is a difficult position: neither forward nor backward.
  3. You will lose much more than you gain.

Fourth Yao.

Nine fourth. A wild goose flew into a tree. Maybe find a flat branch. Nothing to blame.
  1. You and your wife arrive at a motel near your new job and find there are no vacancies. You comb all the neighborhoods in search of housing and finally find a suitable place to spend time.
  2. A wild goose chooses a tree to rest on. You must choose the right location or the right leader for yourself.
  3. It is too late to correct something when the crisis has already erupted.

Fifth Yao.

Nine fifth. The wild goose is gradually approaching the mountain peak. Three years the Woman will not have a child. In the end, nothing will stop her. Luck.
  1. You get a job with a person with whom you have been on friendly terms for many years. Now he "keeps his distance" and does nothing to encourage your intense work. A year later, he suddenly becomes friendly again, and you find out that one of those whom he trusted told bad stories about you all the time, but in the end was caught in a lie.
  2. The trees growing on the mountain are cut down because they are valued as timber. So it is with a talented person: his abilities can also destroy him.
  3. You are always grateful for kindness and try to repay it doubly.
Sixth Yao.
Top nine. The wild goose approaches the high plains. Its feathers can be used in sacred dances. Luck.
  1. You retire and indulge in your hobbies. You have a healthy old age. After a few years, you come to visit your old job and find out that you are still remembered with a kind word.
  2. Your reputation is supported by facts.
  3. You will become famous all over the country.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky.

In the previous one, forces were accumulated, restored, melted down. They were given an impulse. They have been tested in durability and are now free to move forward to activity. Therefore, this situation is called a flow.

It should also be noted that main image, passing through almost all the features, is the image of a swan. This is the image of a water bird, which is in harmony with the name of the hexagram - Current.

But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this trend is not indifferent, but has a definite goal, such a goal as the girl's goal to get married. Of course, in order not to stray from the right path, complete steadfastness is needed here.

Therefore, the main aphorism says only: Flow. The woman goes to her husband. Happiness. Favorable stamina.

Jiang (Current): gradual advance, slow and unceasing penetration; seepage, the ability to take any form; flexible, malleable, submissive; fluid like water; to influence, influence. The hieroglyph depicts water and the symbol of penetration.

The wife goes to her husband. Happiness.
Favorable stamina.

This is a time of gradual achievement of purpose through adaptability and soft, imperceptible penetration. An example is the marriage ceremony of the eldest daughter, which in ancient China took place slowly and with many rituals. Don't take the initiative. Wait for the proper sign or direction to move forward. Slow but steady progress will lead to success. You will discover your true place and achieve true mastery of your craft. Rely on your own spiritual powers and your connection to the Tao to change things. Work through the woman and the feminine yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly get to the bottom of each situation.

In the previous one, forces were accumulated, restored, melted down. They were given an impulse. They have been tested in durability and are now free to move forward to activity. Therefore, this situation is called a flow. It should also be noted that the main image, passing through almost all the features, is the image of a swan. This is the image of a water bird, which is in harmony with the name of the hexagram - the Current. But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this trend is not indifferent, but has a definite goal, such a goal as the girl's goal to get married. Of course, in order not to stray from the right path, complete steadfastness is needed here.

External and inner worlds: Wind (Wood) and Mountain

Internal stability creates the basis for a gradual exit and penetration into the outside world.

Gradual advancement contains a hidden possibility of accumulating energy for important things.


Stillness does not last forever. Knowing this allows you to enjoy the flow.


Flow means gradual progress.


Tree over the mountain. Flow.
The noble man abides in strength and virtue in order to perfect the base.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First six

The swan is approaching the shore.
The little child is scared. There will be rumors.
But there will be no blasphemy.

There is a certain duality in the situation. You leave a setting more familiar to you to face the unknown. If you are weak in spirit, this may cause fear, but in the end everything will end well.

From the first aphorism onward, the text of the Book of Changes here speaks of the gradual progress of the swan. By the way, Su Xun deciphers the image of a swan as follows: “The swan belongs to the birds of Light, but lives in water (classified as Darkness - Yu. Shch.). When he is on the water, he finds it comforting to get to land. When he is on land, he considers it a joy to get to the water.

The dual nature of this situation, where separation from the starting point is necessary, is expressed here in the image of a swan, which from the water surface, convenient for him and to which he is adapted, comes ashore into an environment less characteristic of him. However, this path arises as necessary. And the "Book of Changes" considers only the gradual stages of it. In the first position, the swan only approaches the shore. Acting for activity may seem scary, but not to a person full of strength. Only a child could be frightened by a long and long road. Therefore, if there is danger here and causes some talk, then in the final analysis, since an exit to the outside is necessary here, the situation will unfold successfully.

Line 2

Six second

The swan approaches the rock.
In food and drink - balance.

You find an intermediate support. Timely help comes from outside. Rejoice in life. The path is open.

The further gradual deployment of forces, expressed in the image of a swan that has reached the coastal cliffs, must, first of all, be built on a harmonious perception of what helps a person and what comes from environment. Food and drink is something that constantly penetrates into a person from the outside. And in this support from the outside, a person should show his balance to the greatest extent.

Line 3

Nine third

The swan is approaching land.
The husband will go camping and will not return.
The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it.
Favorably deal with the robber.

Unfavorable position associated with the crisis. Any wrong step can lead to disaster. The path is closed. To open it, you need to deal with the robber - that is, with what Symbolizes the deviation from the right path.

In the third position, an exit from the internal environment is planned, i.e. from the one that is acting, and in translation into the images given in the "Book of Changes" - an exit from the water, which pleases the swan so much. Thus, here the swan reaches the land, he enters it. But he is not adapted to life on land, just as at first a person who comes to activity and proceeds from his unchanging peace is not adapted to activity. Therefore, here, as a threat, an incorrect development of his path can appear before a person. If a man goes on a campaign, then the wrong and unfavorable outcome of his enterprise is expressed in the fact that he dies on the campaign and does not return. The ancient Chinese authors of the "Book of Changes" saw the only purpose of a woman in procreation. Therefore, for a woman, her unfavorable outcome is expressed in the form of the possibility of conception, but the impossibility of birth. Such a situation can only lead to action, but in order to get out of this situation, it is necessary to cope with all its interfering elements, it is necessary to cope with the robber, who symbolizes all deviations from the right path, i.e. from further development.

Line 4

Six fourth

The swan approaches the trees.
Maybe he will reach his bitch.
There will be no bullshit.

Action needs support. If you can find a strong enough footing in a changing environment, everything will end well.

The inability of a person to act, which limits his possibilities here due to lack of experience, largely leads to the fact that even if he passed the previous situation safely, he has not yet met the final charity here. The further resolution of events can be for him both successful and unsuccessful for him. The fault, of course, is his ineptitude. The swan is not adapted to nest in a tree, but perhaps he will find a bough strong enough to sit on. So and acting man can find a strong enough support for his further activities. In the latter case, the situation can unfold safely.

Line 5

Nine fifth

The swan is approaching the hill.
A woman has not become pregnant for three years.
In the end, nothing can defeat her.

The fifth position, located high in the hexagram, is expressed here in the image of a hill, on which the swan penetrates even further. But this position is already so remote from the second and separated from it by the dangerous third position that its fruitfulness is called into question. The one who is unfruitful and does not create anything can develop for his own sake and already in himself and for himself can be strong. This power, however, leads only to self-satisfaction, but one should by no means forget about its unproductiveness.

Line 6

Top nine

The swan is approaching land.
Its feathers can be used in rituals.

The situation ends fruitfully and favorably. The results of your work can be used by others; you will be recognized and respected. The path is open.

The sixth position is in accordance with the third, so here again the image of land appears, on which the swan is moving. But the goal has already been achieved, it is already possible, upon reaching the goal, to reach a further situation. And the achievement of the goal is expressed in the value of this situation. From the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, the rite is an action in which dignity and value come to the fore with special force. Therefore, if it is said here that the feathers of a swan can be used in rituals, then it indicates the ultimate fruitfulness of this situation. At the previous stages, the "Book of Changes" warned about isolation and unfruitfulness, because such isolation in oneself would be a relapse, already passed through the previous situation, and in this sense would be evil. The most important thing, then, is to give someone else the opportunity to take advantage of the results that are obtained by the person himself going through this situation. The feathers of the swan, if they remained on itself, would be devoid of any meaning, except for the one that is contained in them for the swan itself. They, applicable in the rite, are a symbol of a favorably achieved goal.

Your options in the past have been limited. You were forced for some time to step back from vigorous external activity and immerse yourself in the contemplation of what is happening around.

You tried without noise and fuss to determine the cause of the events in the center of which you were. And for success in this difficult task, you needed to withdraw into yourself for a while, finding a safe haven.

If you had not done this, further events would lead you to a dead end in the most unexpected and unpleasant way. Having understood what is happening and having determined your place in it, you can safely embark on a new voyage.

That is why the hexagram is called "Flow". You are now, like a leaf, picked up by the fast current of the river, farther and farther away from familiar places. The river is the totality of all the events of life that have captured you in its course.

What to do in this situation?

Get to grips with what's going on as quickly as possible. You had enough time to understand the situation and work out a course of action.

New turn affairs should not become unexpected or frightening. It is possible that at first you could take your breath away from the speed with which events unfolded. But now you can already control the situation.

Do not try to interfere in the sphere of relations with others yet. It only seems to you that you are in control of your connections, but everything is predetermined. This does not mean that you have to humbly accept what is happening without expressing your opinion. No! You cannot yet create and direct events, but you must be able to manage your own behavior in an extreme situation.

And although you can hardly control the attitude of other people towards you, you are able to adequately respond to what is happening.

You feel more confident at work. Here, much more depends on you than in relations with others. You have had enough time to decide how to live in the coming years. Now it's time to implement the plan.

Gather your strength and, despite the obstacles, slowly move forward towards the goal. Do not put off solving problems until better times. Determine for yourself that the coming time is the best. Then you will feel like the master of fate as well. not a submissive executor of her will.

If you cope with the turbulent series of events and direct the course of life in the right direction, you will easily achieve what you want. In a word, the fulfillment of desire depends entirely on you.

Do not give up if you notice a turn of events not in your favor. Calmly and wisely assess the situation. If you decide that the game is worth the candle, move in the chosen direction.