Hexagram 53 is the most complete interpretation. Composition of both guas. Interpretation by number: background information

Canonical text

The woman leaves (to her husband). Happiness. Favorable stamina.

  1. The swan is approaching the shore. A small child is (terrible) in danger. There will be rumors. - There will be no hula.
  2. The swan approaches the rock. In drink and food - balance. - Happiness.
  3. The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping (and) will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, (but) cannot bear it. Misfortune. - Favorable - to deal with the robbers.
  4. The swan approaches the tree. Maybe (he and) will reach his bitch. - There will be no hula.
  5. The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end, nothing can defeat her. - Happiness.
  6. The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. - Happiness.

In the previous one, forces were accumulated, restored, melted down. They were given an impulse. They have been tested in durability and are now free to move forward to activity. Therefore, this situation is called a flow. It should also be noted that main image, passing through almost all the features, is the image of a swan. This is the image of a water bird, which is in harmony with the name of the hexagram - Flow. But in order to understand this aphorism, it is necessary to take into account that this trend is not indifferent, but has a definite goal, such a goal as the girl's goal to get married. Of course, in order not to stray from the right path, complete steadfastness is needed here. Therefore, the main aphorism says only: Flow. The woman goes to her husband. Happiness. Favorable stamina.


From the first aphorism onwards, the text of the Book of Changes here speaks of the gradual progress of the swan. By the way, Su Xun deciphers the image of a swan as follows: “The swan belongs to the birds of Light, but lives in water (classified as Darkness - Yu.Shch.). When he is on the water, he finds it comforting to get to land. When he is on land, he considers it a joy to get to the water. The dual nature of this situation, where separation from the starting point is necessary, is expressed here in the image of a swan, which from the water surface, convenient for him and to which he is adapted, comes ashore into an environment less characteristic of him. However, this path arises as necessary. And the "Book of Changes" considers only the gradual stages of it. In the first position, the swan only approaches the shore. Acting for activity may seem scary, but not to a person full of strength. Only a child could be frightened by a long and long road. Therefore, if there is danger here and causes some talk, then in the final analysis, since an exit to the outside is necessary here, the situation will unfold successfully. Therefore, the text here says: In the beginning, a weak trait. The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be talk, but there will be no blasphemy.


The further gradual deployment of forces, expressed in the image of a swan that has reached the coastal cliffs, should, first of all, be built on a harmonious perception of what helps a person and what comes from the environment. Food and drink is something that constantly penetrates into a person from the outside. And in this support from the outside, a person should show his balance to the greatest extent. That's why the text says the text says here: Weak trait in second place. The swan approaches the rock. In drink and food - balance. Happiness.


In the third position, an exit from the internal environment is planned, i.e. from the one that is active, and in translation into the images given in the Book of Changes, is the exit from the water, which pleases the swan so much. Thus, here the swan reaches the land, he enters it. But he is not adapted to life on land, just as at first a person who comes to activity and proceeds from his unchanging peace is not adapted to activity. Therefore, here, as a threat, an incorrect development of his path can appear before a person. If a man goes on a campaign, then the wrong and unfavorable outcome of his enterprise is expressed in the fact that he dies on the campaign and does not return. The ancient Chinese authors of the Book of Changes saw the only purpose of a woman in procreation. Therefore, for a woman, her unfavorable outcome is expressed in the form of the possibility of conception, but the impossibility of birth. Such a situation can only lead to action, but in order to get out of this situation, it is necessary to cope with all its interfering elements, it is necessary to cope with the robber, who symbolizes all deviations from the right path, i.e. from further development. In this sense, the text can be understood: Strong trait in third place. The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping, but will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune.


The inability of a person to act, which limits his possibilities here due to lack of experience, largely leads to the fact that even if he passed the previous situation safely, he has not yet met the final charity here. The further resolution of events can be for him both successful and unsuccessful for him. The fault, of course, is his ineptitude. The swan is not adapted to nest in a tree, but perhaps he will find a bough strong enough to sit on. So an acting person can find a sufficiently strong support for his further activity. In the latter case, the situation can unfold safely. But this is optional. Therefore, the Book of Changes says only hypothetically: Weak trait in fourth place. The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch. There will be no bullshit.


The fifth position, located high in the hexagram, is expressed here in the image of a hill, on which the swan penetrates even further. But this position is already so remote from the second and separated from it by the dangerous third position that its fruitfulness is called into question. The one who is unfruitful and does not create anything can develop for his own sake and already in himself and for himself can be strong. This power, however, leads only to self-satisfaction, but one should by no means forget about its unproductiveness. That's why the text says here: Strong feature in fifth place. The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end no one can defeat her. Happiness.


The sixth position is in accordance with the third, so here again the image of land appears, on which the swan is moving. But the goal has already been achieved, it is already possible, upon reaching the goal, to reach a further situation. And the achievement of the goal is expressed in the value of this situation. From the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, the rite is an action in which dignity and value come to the fore with special force. Therefore, if it is said here that the feathers of a swan can be used in rituals, then it indicates the ultimate fruitfulness of this situation. At the previous stages, the "Book of Changes" warned about isolation and unfruitfulness, because such isolation in oneself would be a relapse, already passed through the previous situation, and in this sense would be evil. The most important thing, then, is to give someone else the opportunity to take advantage of the results that are obtained by the person himself going through this situation. The feathers of the swan, if they remained on itself, would be devoid of any meaning, except for the one that is contained in them for the swan itself. They, applicable in the rite, are a symbol of a favorably achieved goal. So, in the text we read here: Above is a strong feature. The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. Happiness.

In the external - Refinement and penetration, in the internal - Stay and inviolability. Internal stability is combined with external penetration. Without changing internally, a person more and more penetrates into the external manifestations of the Absolute. He seems to go with the flow, which moves him away from the usual and predictable. At the everyday level, this distance seems like grief: the husband will not return, the woman does not become pregnant, the small child is in danger. However, for a perfect sage, this is happiness.

Haislip interpretation

Moving forward, carefully think over your every step, and then luck will not change you in the future. If, without succumbing to persuasion, you do not get ahead of events, happiness and success will be your companions. A tortoise has no less chance of finishing first than a hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. Financial affairs will get better, and patience and prudence will be rewarded in the end with the fulfillment of desires.

Gradual, smooth, adaptable; fluid like water; marriage of the eldest daughter.


Jiang (Current): gradual advance, slow and non-stop penetration; seepage, the ability to take any form; flexible, malleable, submissive; fluid like water; to influence, influence. The hieroglyph depicts water and the symbol of penetration.

figurative row

The wife goes to her husband. Happiness.
Favorable stamina.

This is a time of gradual achievement of purpose through adaptability and soft, imperceptible penetration. An example is the marriage ceremony of the eldest daughter, who in Ancient China took place slowly and with many rituals. Don't take the initiative. Wait for the proper sign or direction to move forward. Slow but steady progress will lead to success. You will discover your true place and achieve true mastery of your craft. Rely on your own spiritual powers and your connection to the Tao to change things. Work through the woman and the feminine yin. Harmonize your desires, adapt and slowly get to the bottom of each situation.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Wind (Wood) and Mountain

Internal stability creates the basis for a gradual exit and penetration into the outside world.

Hidden Feature:

Gradual advancement contains a hidden possibility of accumulating energy for important things.


Stillness does not last forever. Knowing this allows you to enjoy the flow.


Flow means gradual progress.


Tree over the mountain. Flow.
The noble man abides in strength and virtue in order to perfect the base.

Hexagram lines

First six

The swan is approaching the shore.
The little child is scared. There will be rumors.
But there will be no blasphemy.

There is a certain duality in the situation. You leave a setting more familiar to you to face the unknown. If you are weak in spirit, this may cause fear, but in the end everything will end well.

Six second

The swan approaches the rock.
In food and drink - balance.

You find an intermediate support. Timely help comes from outside. Rejoice in life. The path is open.

Nine third

The swan is approaching land.
The husband will go camping and will not return.
The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it.
Favorably deal with the robber.

Unfavorable position associated with the crisis. Any wrong step can lead to disaster. The path is closed. To open it, you need to deal with the robber - that is, with what Symbolizes the deviation from the right path.

Six fourth

The swan approaches the trees.
Maybe he will reach his bitch.
There will be no bullshit.

Action needs support. If you can find a strong enough footing in a changing environment, everything will end well.

Nine fifth

The swan is approaching the hill.
A woman has not become pregnant for three years.
In the end, nothing can defeat her.

Promotion. Flow. gradualism

The woman leaves (to her husband). Happiness. Auspicious divination.


1. Initial six.

The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be rumors! There will be no trouble.

2. Six second.

The swan approaches the rock. Balance in food and drink. Happiness!

3. Nine third.

The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping and will not return. The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune. Favorably deal with robbers.

4. Six fourth.

The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch. There will be no trouble.

5. Nine fifth.

The swan is approaching the hill. A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end, nothing can defeat her. Happiness.

6. Top nine.

The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. Happiness!


1. Initial six.

A new stage in life begins, you are approaching a new shore. You are not comfortable, and the environment is too talkative, do not believe gossip and intrigue. Over time, you will independently understand people and events.

2. Six second.

Gradually, you have achieved security, a decent income and can provide everything you need for loved ones, pay bills, and establish a business.

3. Nine third.

Family difficulties, losses. Misfortune never comes alone. Brace yourself!

4. Six fourth.

You have achieved stability and security. They will help you to settle into a new situation. Moderation in activity is only beneficial. Be content with little.

5. Nine fifth.

A certain milestone reached does not yet speak of satisfaction with life. For a long time you will not be able to get the desired results in business. In family life, difficulties and delays.

6. Top nine.

Fulfillment of desires, moral satisfaction. Do not forget about charity and gratitude to those who helped you once.


You were given to experience the violent, almost uncontrollable passions and emotions associated with life changes. The book didn't focus on your mannerisms and how you express them. At the moment, such a need has come. This is also evidenced by the image of the swan, which is the main character in the hexagram. You once again reach a new shore, once again start a new business or start a romantic relationship. But now you need to do this in accordance with the symbol used. Simply put, all your actions should be graceful, flexible, graceful - learn good manners, tact, compliance, etiquette, gentle influence on others, sophistication in words and movements, leave a commanding tone, give preference to calm step-by-step achievement of the goal.

The hexagram predicts a successful marriage. The future wife must educate all of the listed qualities of character in herself. The ability to control the situation, manage a husband, a family without conflicts and rudeness (which was in the 44th hexagram), diktat and humiliation of a partner is a great art. Not every woman owns it, it is easier to make a scandal, raise a question point-blank, threaten to leave, not talk for weeks and play the victim of injustice.

For a successful business, it is necessary to cultivate new qualities of a leader, work on new forms of communication, they bring an effect greater than flying sparks from the eyes and torn vocal cords.

The image of two swans in the Feng Shui of the premises is used as a talisman of a happy family life, devotion, the ability to overcome together, hand in hand; life's hardships. The hexagram promises the joint achievement of happiness and prosperity. You will also be lucky to meet a faithful, honest business partner.

Do not be afraid to show your inexperience, calmly treat criticism and comments of others addressed to you. Perhaps they are just jealous of you and want to hurt your heart with poisonous words. Stick to the chosen tactics, hone communication, manners, act with soft determination. The future is yours!

People have always wanted to know their future or how this or that situation will end, what to expect from a certain person. They asked about all this, referring to the Book of Changes. What is this book?

Book of Changes

In the third millennium BC, Emperor Fu Xi ruled China. He loved long walks in nature, because during a walk, you can calmly think, philosophize, talk about the meaning of life and the structure of the world. One day his path passed by a river where he saw a turtle. On the turtle's shell, he saw lines, straight and broken, which were folded into certain symbols. The emperor was very interested in what was inscribed on the shell, looking closely, he copied the trigrams (half of the hexagram). Then, remaining alone, he created one hexagram each, added them to general scheme. This is how 64 hexagrams were obtained, filled with a special philosophical meaning. Arguing over them, the emperor filled them with interpretations that had revealed the secret of disclosure various situations. This is how the "Book of Changes" appeared, which reveals the meaning of life and predicts the results of the development of various situations.

Hexagram 53

There are 64 hexagrams in the "Book of Changes", each of them carries a clue to some situation in which a person has fallen. What hexagram 53 tells about, let's try to figure it out.

Description of the hexagram

Hexagram 53 has the name Jian - Flow, and consists of six lines - three solid and three intermittent, each of them means something. This hexagram has another meaning - the image of a waterfowl, water and current, its element. It harmonizes perfectly with this hexagram, as it goes with the flow and has its own specific purpose. The goal is not thoughtless, in this case, it is a girl who wants to get married, for example. To stand against the current, you need strength and stamina, so this general interpretation of the hexagram sounds like this:

The woman goes to her husband.

Favorable stamina.

Each line of the hexagram speaks of a specific action, they add up to a common meaning, let's figure out what they mean. Lines are numbered from below.

The first - the weakest, intermittent feature means that the waterfowl - a swan, has duality in its desires. Being on land, the swan dreams of water, and being in water, he dreams of land. The swan is a bird of water, but he needs to go to the ground, he is scared, but he must overcome this path. For this road he needs strength and stamina. And this is the beginning of the path, it sounds like this in the Book of Changes:

Weakness in the beginning.

The swan is approaching the shore.

The little child is scared.

There will be talk, but there will be no blasphemy.

The second is a broken line - it shows that the swan must gain strength and maintain its physical form in order to reach the goal. To do this, you need to be in harmony with the outside world, with what gives you food - food and drink. In this, a fortuneteller must be balanced and show prudence. The meaning of the second trait, in the "Book of Changes" sounds like this:

Weak trait in second place.

The swan approaches the rock.

In drink and food - balance.

The third is a solid line - this implies the swan's exit from the water to the ground, and it seems that he has achieved his goal, but he is waiting for trials. Since he is not adapted to live on earth. Just like a person who has fallen into an alien environment, he feels insecure. Therefore, a confused swan can go the wrong way and this can bring an unfavorable outcome.

For example, if a man goes to war, he may not return - this is an unfavorable outcome.

The Chinese sages believed that the main purpose of a woman is to procreate. If a woman can conceive, but cannot give birth to a child, this is also an unfavorable outcome.

The symbol of all obstacles on the way to the goal in this interpretation is the robber, therefore the meaning of the third line, in the Book of Changes, sounds like this:

Strong feature in third place.

The swan is approaching land.

The husband will go camping, but will not return.

The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it.


Favorable to meet with the robber.

The fourth line is again intermittent - it speaks of the danger that threatens the swan from the fact that it is not adapted to live on the ground and nest high in a tree. That is, a fortuneteller should weigh everything well, choosing a mate for himself according to seriousness and reliability.

How can a swan find a strong bough for a nest not as high as he would like, but here he will be safe. This situation can turn around in different ways, a lot depends on the swan-man himself. Therefore, the Book of Changes speaks of the situation as follows:

Weak trait in fourth place.

The swan approaches the tree.

Maybe he will reach his bitch.

There will be no bullshit.

The fifth feature is far from the first - weak features - this is the image of the hill on which the swan climbs, but he went too far from the second and third positions. And this is what can speak of its unproductiveness. That is, he creates something, but only for himself and it is unproductive, the meaning of the fifth line, in the "Book of Changes" sounds like this:

Strong trait in fifth place.

The swan is approaching the hill.

A woman has not become pregnant for three years.

In the end no one can defeat her.

The sixth, also a solid line, and just like the third is a symbol of land for the swan, he stubbornly continues to move towards it. And the goal towards which the swan was moving has already been achieved and the way out of the situation is almost visible. The description of the hexagram says that swan feathers can be used in rituals - this indicates that the goal has been successfully achieved, but swan feathers cannot bring happiness if they belong only to him, otherwise he will not receive full satisfaction from the current situation. About this in the "Book of Changes" it is written as follows:

Above is a strong feature. The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals. Happiness.

I Ching - the interpretation of hexagrams - this is very interesting, if you need to find out how the current situation will end, you can use this divination using coins or fortune telling online. Guessing according to the "Book of Changes", you can find the right way out of this situation.

The Chinese "Book of Changes", hexagram53 is advice on how to properly, slowly, you need to go to the intended goal. If you follow the advice of divination, where this hexagram fell out, it is possible to end this situation successfully. Basically, all hexagrams teach, first of all, patience and wisdom. There is never a need to rush, everything has its time, and it will put everything in its place, judge and reconcile - this is the philosophical teaching of the Book of Changes.

The symbol indicates the time of adaptation to circumstances and slow progress. Steady, but without undue haste, following the goal will lead to success.

Carefully think over your every step, moving forward, and luck will not change you in the future. It is better not to make rash acts now.

Do not succumb to persuasion and do not get ahead of events, then happiness will remain your companion in the future. You are now at the very beginning of a long journey to well-being and success. The tortoise has the same chance of reaching the finish line as the hare.

Financial affairs will improve significantly.

The realization of your plans and dreams will not come true soon. Your wish will eventually come true.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 53. Development (Current)

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Jian - Development (Current).

The hieroglyph depicts the symbol of penetration and water.

Non-stop and slow penetration, gradual advance. Seepage, taking any form. Fluid like water; malleable, flexible, submissive. Influence, influence.

Semantic connections of hexagram 53. Jian

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and creative thinking help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time of gradual and purposeful achievement of the goal through imperceptible and soft penetration, forced adaptability. The image of this hexagram is the ancient Chinese ceremony of marriage of the eldest daughter, which took place with many rituals and slowly.

Do not take the initiative, wait for the proper direction or sign to move forward. You will achieve true mastery and discover your true place in your business. To change things, rely on your spiritual powers and strengthen your connection with the Tao. Work your way through the yin feminine and the woman. Adapt, harmonize your own desires and penetrate into the essence of any situation slowly and gradually.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-third hexagram.

[The woman leaves [to her husband.] Happiness. Favorable fortitude]

I. At the beginning of the six.

The swan is approaching the shore. The little child is scared. There will be rumors!

- There will be no hula.

II. Six second.

The swan approaches the rock. In drink and food - balance.

- Happiness!

III. Nine third.

The swan is approaching land. The husband will go camping and will not return.

The wife becomes pregnant, but cannot bear it. Misfortune.

- Favorable to deal with the robbers.

IV. Six fourth.

The swan approaches the tree. Maybe he will reach his bitch.

- There will be no hula.

V. Nine fifth.

The swan is approaching the hill.

A woman has not become pregnant for three years. In the end, nothing can defeat her.

- Happiness!

VI. Top nine.

(If) The swan is approaching land. Its feathers can be used in rituals.