The history of the emergence of phraseological units. The meaning is “slurping unsalted.” The history of the emergence of phraseological units Do not slurp the meaning of phraseological units

Having slurped unsalted Neism. Having been deceived in your expectations, not achieving what you wanted; to no avail. With verb. nesov. and owls like: leave, go, leave, go... how? slurping unsalted.

And the more she spoke and the more sincerely she smiled, the stronger the confidence became in me that I would leave her with a slurp. (A. Chekhov.)

The fox let go of the food and walked away, slurping unsalted. (A.N. Tolstoy.)

(?) Nesolono– adverb from adjective unsalted; slurping– short form of the past participle of the verb slurp- “eat something liquid by scooping it up with a spoon.” Due to the high cost of salt in Rus', food was usually salted immediately before eating. The unwanted and uninvited guest received less salt than others and left unsalted.

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .

See what “unsalted slurping” is in other dictionaries:

    slurping unsalted- slurping unsalted... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    Slurping unsalted- BLAST, ay, ay; bready; nesov., that (simple). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    slurping unsalted- adverb, number of synonyms: 3 without success (3) without achieving anything (3) ... Synonym dictionary

    Slurping unsalted- Razg. Iron. Having been deceived in your calculations and expectations; not achieving what you wanted; in complete disappointment. One January morning, our flight again went after the elusive “henschel”, but also to no avail... We flew for about an hour along the front and without solo... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    slurping unsalted- today means having been deceived in your expectations, not achieving what you wanted, having met with a bad reception. The expression unsalted slurp is due to the fact that salt in Rus' was an expensive and difficult to obtain product. “Bread with salt” was considered about the same... ... Phraseology Guide

    slurping unsalted- colloquial reduction Having achieved nothing, having been deceived in my expectations. They came for help and left without a meal... Dictionary of many expressions

    slurping unsalted- without / bosom slurping / (nothing to be achieved) ... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    slurping unsalted- predic. decomposition About disappointed expectations. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    slurping unsalted- Olono carried bread to Avshi... Russian spelling dictionary

    Slurping unsalted (leave)- Having eaten unsalted (leave) unsatisfied. It is unsalty to slurp, but it is unkind to kiss. Wed. It’s not tasty without salt (and without bread it’s not satisfying). Wed. Proud people have disappeared, with a confident gait, What remains are the vakhlaks, who did not eat until they were full, who did not sip salt, ... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

The Russian language is very rich in ancient phraseological units with a distant history. They not only decorate our speech, but also help to express thoughts more accurately. The meaning of “slurping without salt” also goes back to ancient Rus'.

History of the emergence of phraseological units

Today salt is available in every home. Food is salted according to personal preferences and recipe recommendations, and not with the expectation of saving money on this very common product.

From the 9th to the 16th centuries in Rus' there was a completely different picture. As historians say, salt was a very rare and valuable seasoning, and it was very expensive. The reason for this was the lack of sources of production of the product in the state. It had to be imported from other countries, but the road was long and difficult. The situation was not improved by the robbers who actively hunted along the route of the Chumaks and high taxes on the import of goods. They began to extract salt in the state itself only in the 15th century.

Nowadays, housewives salt dishes during their preparation. In Rus' (due to such a shortage of the product), food was salted separately on each plate. Often this was done by the owner himself, with his own hand. The head seated the desired and respected guests next to him. The closer a person was to the owner, the more honorable his place was considered. Trying to express special affection for the visitor, the owner could even add a lot of salt to the dish. It was considered bad manners to let a guest go without feeding him, but it was quite permissible not to salt the served food. As a result, those who sat on the other side of the table often left having eaten meatless food, realizing that they were not welcome in the house. This is how the meaning of “slurping unsalted” appeared.

Use of phraseological units in literature

When used in popular speech, the phraseological unit could not but affect folklore works. The folk tale “The Fox and the Crane” vividly describes the situation and uses the expression “unsalted.” After the fox's indifferent reception, the crane repaid her with the same coin. The owner prepared a delicious roast, but put it in a jug with a narrow neck. No matter how hard the guest tried to reach for the delicacy, she “went home as if she was slurping unsalted.”

This tale clearly illustrates the use of phraseological units in old times. The fox went to visit, expecting a warm welcome, despite her cunning, but she left in bitter disappointment.

What does the expression “slurp without salt” mean?

Previously, phraseological units were used to define an unwelcoming reception, when a guest was left without honor and attention. They also said about such a visitor that he left with nothing. When the arrival of salt in Rus' was established, the meaning of “slurping without salt” did not lose its popularity.

Today, when using this stable phrase, it is given the meaning of disappointment, disappointed hopes. The meaning of “slurping without salt” is associated with unjustified expectations. Those who have not achieved the desired result leave without a meal.

Slurping not salty

How to understand this expression

This ancient expression belongs to the category of non-explicit, that is, the meaning of its constituent words does not follow. And the meaning of the expression is this: to be deceived in expectations, not to get what you want, to meet with a bad reception. What does salt have to do with it?

The fact is that in the old days in Rus' salt was a very expensive product. The state did not have its own sources of salt. It is known that there were large salt deposits in Poland, as well as in the upper reaches of the Kama. But the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a hostile state, and the Kama River was controlled by the Kazan Khanate until the sixteenth century. The war between the Moscow principality and Kazan was not only political, but mainly economic in nature. Moscow needed control over the entire Volga and its tributaries. In 1552, the third Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) ended with the fall of the Kazan Khanate, and the Volga with all its tributaries came under the rule of Moscow.

Russian industrialists began salt development as early as 1430 in places where the city of Solikamsk later arose, as well as in Sol-Vychegodsk in 1515. These enterprises were constantly subject to robbery, and only after the military campaigns of Ivan the Terrible and Ermak were the threats eliminated. Then the extraction and supply of salt became regular. And, nevertheless, the production was far from Moscow, so salt in Rus' was an expensive pleasure that not everyone could afford.

Since time immemorial, especially welcome guests were treated to salty dishes, while others could be treated to unsalted food. It is known that at feasts guests sat “by rank” - the more desirable and noble ones were closer to the host, all “clerical little things” were at the end of the table. So they could be served unsalted dishes. This demonstrated the importance of the guest. To slurp without salt meant to meet with a not very warm welcome. Later, this expression acquired other connotations - not getting the desired result when making a request to a superior person.

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Many citizens have heard the expression " slurping not salty", which means - to meet with an unwelcoming reception, not to get the expected result, to be mistaken in your expectations.

The history of the expression “not having eaten salty slurp”

According to historians, this idiom arose in Rus' during the period from 9 and by 16 century. As we know from historical finds and written evidence of that time, salt was a very rare spice. Since there were no open deposits of this invaluable product in Rus', it was brought from distant lands.
The main salt deposits were located in the territories of modern Poland and along the Kama River.
Although it would seem that Poland is very close, due to the anti-Russian policy these resources were inaccessible. Nothing has changed over the past centuries, the same Russophobia rules the roost in this wretched country.
A little later, at about 15-16 centuries, the first saltworks appeared in the areas of Solivychegodskaya and Solekamsk.
However, since salt was a very valuable product, the carts were constantly attacked by dashing people.
Only during the reign Ivana 4, who conducted several “Kazan campaigns”, normal salt production began.

In Rus', salt was a valuable commodity, so all citizens were divided into two categories:

1 . these are those who ate only salty dishes
2 . these are those who were treated to unsalted food

At princely feasts, the closest servants were seated closer to the leader. It was in this corner that the most delicious dishes were brought. The rest received simpler food, which was prepared without the use of salt.
From here came the criterion for dividing guests at invited feasts, into those who were entitled to excellent salted food and those who were content with ordinary unsalted food.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the expression " slurping not salty"At first it was an attitude towards a specific guest who had not yet achieved the status of eating food on an equal basis with the prince.

The phraseological unit “unsaltedly slurped”, the meaning of which is discussed in this article, is used together with the verb “to leave”. Separately, the expression looks somehow strange. But strangeness will not prevent you from analyzing its meaning, giving examples and telling the reader about the history of the expression.


When salt costs 8 rubles, and the last figure does not shake the imagination, it is difficult to believe that this was not always the case. In ancient times in Rus', salt was an extremely rare and expensive product. By the way, this is why spilling salt is still a bad omen, because such economic negligence portends financial losses. In fact, now a person can be covered with salt from head to toe, and nothing will happen to him. Let's reveal a terrible secret: omens and bad omens act strictly until the moment a person believes in them. This is a characteristic feature not only of superstitions, but also of nightmares. However, we digress. Yes, salt in ancient times was a rare product, and therefore exquisite.

The guests were also divided into those whose food was salted and those who were not. If they didn’t add salt, but there was seasoning in the house, then the guest left very quickly, especially without lingering. At the same time, the feast with salt lasted longer and was probably kinder and more fun.


That is, of course, it was not necessary that guests in those days came only to eat salty food. But even modern people admit that food without salt is a below-average pleasure. Therefore, since then, the meaning of the phraseological unit “slurping without salt” has been assigned the meaning of “not achieving what you wanted, not receiving satisfaction.” Let’s not forget that the constant element of this construction is the verb “to leave.”

Salt has not been a delicacy for a long time; we have tried various overseas dishes, with which salt cannot compete. But for some reason we don’t say: “Yes, I came to sign a document with the boss, but he had no time for that, so I left without having eaten pike perch a la naturel.” No, there is none of that. We don't say that. When it comes to unsatisfied desires, people always remember the phraseology “slurping without salt,” the meaning of which we examined.

“Tea or food” as a new measure of hosts’ generosity

Nowadays, salt, of course, won’t surprise anyone. But there are a variety of ways to understand exactly how hosts treat guests. Of course, not when there is an extensive feast, and absolutely everyone is invited to the holiday, because there the soul has reached such a state: everyone is considered as a friend. We are talking about a situation that arises in everyday life.

The calculation here is simple: if the guests are welcome, then we feed them, drink them and please them in every possible way. And when the presence of certain people in our house is undesirable, then we offer them tea only out of a sense of decency. Then, when the tea in their cup runs out, the hosts come up with or actually remember urgent matters, and the visit quickly ends. Thus, even though the guests drank tea with sugar, they left “slurping unsalted.” The meaning of the phraseological unit, in a word, is already clear.

Of course, one should not say that a similar pattern is observed in all houses in Russia, but the trend can be traced. In general, it’s quite logical that a person you don’t want to see wouldn’t even think of treating him to pickles.

Frustrated hopes

But let’s move away from the culinary topic and talk directly about expectations that were never met. For example, a boy and a girl agree to meet. And the girl invites the young man to her home and says that they will be completely alone. He comes - and there “the box is full.” Of course, he stayed, but then he left “without a sip,” and experienced the meaning of the phraseological unit for himself. The boy was counting on a romantic evening.

Buddhist meaning of Russian proverb

Nowadays, only those people who would be even worse off without it agree to eat without salt. Now getting salt is not a problem. But desires, passions, aspirations, and hopes still remain unsatisfied. And in this sense, the meaning of the phraseological unit “slurping without salt” is eternally relevant, and there will never be a shortage of examples for it.

Life generally deceives expectations. She has a sense of humor, which she tirelessly exercises in public. The only shame is that only a person can appreciate a joke; such delights are not available to our smaller brothers. If you think for a long time about a speech pattern that has not accidentally come into our field of vision, then only one conclusion comes to mind: you shouldn’t hope. If there are no desires, there will be no suffering, and if there is no suffering, the spirit will become calm and crystal clear. True, the clarity of consciousness, if it lasts too long, probably causes boredom. But few people managed to find out about this. We also leave life “without a slurp.”