How will the street mill in five years. What's nearing completion

The readiness of the bridge under construction across the Tura on the street. Melnikaite is 70%, according to the TV channel "Tyumen time". Soon the builders will start dismantling the temporary supports and installing lighting. Also, work on the roadway will begin in the near future.

According to the chief specialist of the department of artificial structures of the Administration of Highways Sergei Kuznetsov The contract provides for the completion of the bridge in October 2019. “But the contractor is running well ahead of schedule,” he said. “I think [deadline] is August-September 2018.”

German-made expansion joints have already been installed. Now the height of the expansion joint is 10.8 cm, two-layer mastic asphalt concrete 11 cm high will be placed on the waterproofing, and the surface will become even.

The bridge will be unique for Tyumen, the length of its two spans is 106 and 140 meters, while the standard length is 100 meters. This technical solution was adopted for the sake of convenience for the passage of ships under the bridge.

On the new bridge on the street. Melnikayte will have six traffic lanes - three in each direction. In parallel with the construction of the bridge, the reconstruction of the road towards Druzhba is also underway. This year plans to expand the section with a length of about three hundred meters.

Another overpass will be built at the intersection of Melnikaite and 30 years of Victory in Tyumen. It will be the second tier above the existing highway. A semicircle, a branch, turns and turns will be arranged below.

The interchange will make it possible to separate traffic flows going to different parts of the city, and will also make it possible to organize a left turn from the existing bridge. In particular, thanks to the semicircle under the existing bridge on Melnikaite Street in the district railway and branches on both sides on the street 30 years of Victory.

Transport coming from the city center along Melnikaite Street towards microdistricts will pass straight under the new bridge. Movement on the street. 30 years of Victory will be held at the second level. The interchange under construction is designed according to the “incomplete clover leaf” type. An elevated pedestrian crossing has been designed across Melnikaite Street.

The project is already ready. According to Deputy Governor Tyumen region, head of the main construction department Sergey Shustov, the tender to determine the project contractor will be held in the first quarter of next 2019.

In 2018, it was planned to transfer heating networks and prepare a site for construction, but it did not work out. This work will begin after the end of the heating season and will go simultaneously with the start of construction, said Evgeny Sorokin, deputy director of the road construction department of the Tyumen administration.

It should be noted that the work will be carried out as part of the reconstruction of Melnikaite Street. In the future, the highway will become a continuous traffic route.

What is done

The reconstruction of the highway began in 2012. A year later, at the intersection with Shirotnaya Street, the city's first flyover over the ring appeared.

In 2016, the road gained another overpass over the ring along Fedyuninsky Street. In the same year, the construction of a bridge across the Tura River began. In 2017, traffic began to move along the first three-lane span. After that, the dismantling of the old combined bridge began and the construction of the second three-lane span began.

It opened to traffic in October 2018. A year ahead of schedule! The new bridge can be safely called a large-scale road project. He allowed to move freely from the river side of the city in any direction.

The span length is more than 100 meters, the central span is over 140 meters. The total length of the bridge is almost 350 meters. Six traffic lanes are organized on two bridges - three each towards the center and into microdistricts with a width of 3.5 and 4 meters.

At the same time, the section from Khabarovskaya Street to the river was expanded with a transition to the bridge. In November, the exit to Dambowska Street is also open.

What is being done

Now the construction of a two-level transport interchange is underway at the Melnikayte-Dambovskaya intersection. It is being built as a "full cloverleaf" and has four lanes. In November, a direct passage along Dambovskaya and two exits were opened. This is exit number 8 from the river with a right turn towards Elizarova street and exit number 4 from Dambovskaya street to the Melnikaite bridge towards 50 years of October street.

Work on the construction of the interchange is also being carried out ahead of schedule, and the two-level overpass is scheduled to be commissioned a year earlier, by the end of 2019.


The reconstruction project of Melnikaite also provides for the expansion of the road section from the bridge over the Tura River to Druzhby Street. These works will begin in 2019, design is currently underway.

There are projects for the construction of several more interchanges. The most discussed of them is the denouement of the Melnikaite-Republic.

Here it is planned to build a six-lane overpass along Republic Street, and to launch a direct four-lane passage along Melnikayte under it, i.e. lower down. Two underground passages with elevators will be built for pedestrians across the Republic.

Another interchange Melnikaite-50 Let Oktyabrya will be of the type of a ring with four right-turn exits and an overpass along Melnikaite Street to ensure unhindered passage of vehicles in the forward direction. The overpass will have four lanes. Melnikaite Street will have six traffic lanes and sidewalks for pedestrians on both sides.

Interchange at Melnikaite-Friendship. Its construction is planned in three stages. First, an overpass of the main passage will be built here in the alignment of Melnikaite Street with three traffic lanes in each direction. Then four spans will be completed to the overpass. For pedestrians, an overpass across Friendship Street will be erected here. At the third stage, another overpass should be built to ensure the passage of cars from Druzhby Street to the left to Melnikaite Street.


Melnikaite Street is one of the main streets of the regional center. The name of the street was given in 1958 in honor of the Hero Soviet Union Lithuanian partisan Marita Melnikaite, who during the war years worked for a short time before being sent to the front at the city machine-tool plant.

The length of the road is more than 8.5 km. After a complete reconstruction, the length of the highway due to the punching of new sections in the north and south will increase by another 4 km.

Thus, the throughput of transport will be significantly increased, the problem of traffic jams will be solved and road safety will increase.

Recall that in the Tyumen region there is a commission to ensure road safety. It consists of the governor, his deputies and heads of regional departments, representatives of the traffic police, Rosavtodor, the Tyumen Union of motor transport and scientists.

Clover junction on Dambovskaya is planned to be handed over earlier than the deadline stipulated by the contract

Road construction has been one of the main expenditure items of the city and regional budgets for several years now. The upcoming 2019 will not be an exception. Let's talk about key buildings.

road construction

Reconstruction of Melnikaite

Melnikaite Street will be turned into a city highway of continuous traffic

In 2019, the transformation of Melnikaite Street into a high-speed highway of continuous traffic will continue. This controversial decision caused a wave of discontent among the townspeople and was criticized by the well-known urban blogger Ilya Varlamov.

About 640 million rubles are provided in the city budget for the expansion of the section from the bridge across the Tura to Druzhby Street, and almost 82 million for the section from Kharkovskaya to Khabarovsk. Reconstruction of traffic interchange on Melnikaite street in different levels at the intersection with the railway will cost the budget in 2019 in the amount of about 353 million rubles. In the next two years, almost 1.5 billion more will be allocated for this facility. For pedestrians on Melnikaite will begin to build elevated crossings.

Dambo interchange

Last year, traffic was opened on several exits and the second new bridge across the Tura

The construction of the clover junction on Dambovskaya Street is also part of the project to turn Melnikaite Street into a city highway, but this road facility still deserves special attention. Under the terms of the state contract, its construction should be completed by December 1, 2020, but the contractor, Mostrostroy-11, expects to complete the task ahead of schedule. The specialists plan to complete the main construction and installation works and start traffic by the end of this autumn.

It is now possible to go around Tyumen in just 45 minutes. film crew was convinced of this personally by testing the long-awaited TKAD

In November last year, builders closed the ring around Tyumen, launching traffic along all 55 kilometers of the bypass road. The TKAD project includes 27 interchanges and bridges, the construction of which will continue in the coming year.

Now on the Tyumen bypass, the construction of which began in 2003, a traffic interchange is being erected, located at the intersection with Montazhnikov Street. In 2019, the construction of the transport interchange between the TKAD and the Tyumen-Borovsky-Bogandinsky highway will continue. For the construction of three more missing interchanges, design estimates are being prepared. New pedestrian crossings will also appear on the TKAD, one of them - near the village of Komarovo - is planned to be built already in the coming year.

500 kilometers to be repaired in 2019 regional roads, at the expense of co-financing from the federal budget, to begin the reconstruction of the Omutinskoye - Tomskaya highway. In the districts of the Tyumen region, work is planned to repair and reconstruct 13 emergency bridges in Aromashevsky, Vagaysky, Vikulovsky, Golyshmanovsky, Isetsky, Ishimsky, Kazansky, Omutinsky, Tobolsky and Yarkovsky districts and repair the "old" bridge along Chelyuskintsev Street in Tyumen. In addition, in 2019, work will continue to bring the entrances to the dachas into a standard condition. It is planned to repair 20 kilometers of roads.

Schools and kindergartens

For residents of the microdistrict "Sukhodolie" in 2019 will be completed new school and kindergarten In the coming year in Tyumen, they plan to complete the construction of a school in the area of ​​Yantarnaya and Boris Zhitkov. The new educational institution is designed for 1200 students. His appearance will not close the existing need. By the end of 2025, nine new schools should appear in the regional center.

Design estimates are being prepared for the construction of three schools. Educational institutions designed for 1,200 students will be built in the area of ​​​​Nikolai Zelinsky and Dmitry Mendeleev streets, and in the 4th Zarechny microdistrict, and a school for 360 students will be built in Kazarovo.

Several new kindergartens will take little Tyumen residents in the coming year. preschool will be completed in the Tyumenskaya Sloboda, in the Tura microdistrict and on Mebelshchikov Street. In addition, in 2019, at the expense of the regional budget, the construction of a kindergarten in the Sukhodolye microdistrict, which the developer, Dom Group of Companies (formerly PSK Dom - Ed.), promised to be built.

Construction work will continue in 2019 kindergarten in the European microdistrict, it is being built by the Brusnika company at its own expense. After commissioning, the facility will be handed over to the region.

In the coming year, preparations will be underway for the construction of two more kindergartens, each of which will be able to accommodate 350 kids. Objects preschool education they plan to build in Voynovka and in the microdistrict "Yamalsky-1". Now the design is underway.

Hospitals and clinics

The timing of the start of construction of healthcare facilities has not yet been determined, but the development of design estimates is planned for three large facilities. In the coming years, a new reception and diagnostic building of OKB No. 2, a children's regional clinical hospital for 220 beds with a polyclinic for 150 visits per shift, and the third stage of an oncological dispensary should appear in Tyumen.

print version

Photo IA "Tyumen line"

Complete reconstruction of the street. Melnikayte from st. Fedyuninsky to st. The friendship will end by 2021. A 3D visualization project for the renovated street was presented by Mostostroy-11 at the Tyumen is Our Home exhibition.

The first stage of construction, a new three-lane bridge on the street. Melnikayte across the Tura River, will be completed in 2017. In the same year, they plan to switch traffic to it and begin the reconstruction of the old one. In 2018, builders will dismantle the old bridge and then build a new one in its place.

Photo IA "Tyumen line"

The next stage will be the construction of a junction on the street. Dambovskaya. The total length of the transport hub is 4 km 600 m. It includes six exits, eight pedestrian crossings, three of them are tunnel type, two are above ground and one is underground.

Then a junction will be built at the intersection of St. Melnikaite and the Republic. Travel on st. Republic will become the main one, and traffic along Melnikayte in two lanes will dive into the ramp part under the overpass on the street. Republic.

Reconstruction of st. Melnikaite implies the expansion of the street into three and four lanes in two directions of traffic. Sidewalks will also become wider: on the left side - 3 m, on the right side - 5 m. Melnikayte will also pass the bike path.

“Each section is complex in itself. We work in the built-up part of the city, where there is a private sector in many places. The transfer of the communications system reaches seven kilometers,” explained Igor Belov, deputy general director of the Mostostroy-11 construction company.

According to him, the construction of each of the facilities will last up to eight months.

The reconstruction of Melnikaite Street in Tyumen will be completed by 2019. According to the idea, it should become "high-speed" - with continuous movement in the direction of the main course. The correspondent of the site talked with the authors of the project and found out how the street will look after the completion of construction work.

Why is reconstruction needed?

The projected section of Melnikaite Street (from Fedyuninsky to Druzhba) connects the central districts with the riverside part of the city. After the completion of the reconstruction, during which an elevated pedestrian crossing and new two-level interchanges will be built there, the residents of Tyumen will receive a section of the main street of continuous traffic - there will be three or four lanes in each direction with an estimated speed of 80 km / h.

“This will ensure high throughput of public and private transport,” explained Igor Belov, Deputy General Director of Mostostroy-11.

According to him, the reconstruction of Melnikaite will not only have a positive effect on the speed limit, but will also improve ecological situation in this district. And so that residents of nearby houses do not experience discomfort, builders will install soundproof screens in the area.

How will the street change in general?

The construction of a junction between Melnikaite and Dambovskaya streets will connect the Tura microdistrict with other districts of the city. In addition, transit vehicles moving from the Yalutorovsky and Starotobolsky tracts will pass through it.

For the organization of continuous pedestrian traffic and the safety of people, underground and overground pedestrian crossings will be built here. They promise to create comfortable conditions for citizens in the premises: install supply and exhaust ventilation, install lifting platforms and elevators.

There will also be cycle paths at the intersection, combined with pedestrian sidewalks. This will reduce the number of accidents involving cyclists. For the safe movement of visually impaired pedestrians and their protection from collisions with cyclists, the design documentation provides for the installation of guide tracks made of tactile concrete slabs on the dividing strip between the sidewalk and the bike path.

During the construction of the facility, the roadway will be closed. The movement of motorists will be carried out on neighboring streets.

What has been done to date

Reconstruction of Melnikaite Street has been going on for five years. During this time, the builders have done a serious job.

  1. Interchange on the streets of Stavropolskaya-Melnikayte. The traffic on this interchange was opened in 2014. Its total length is 3511 meters. The interchange consists of an overpass in alignment with Melnikaite, three overhead and one underground crossings.
  2. Overhead crossing on Valeria Gnarovska street. It opened last fall. The construction of the crossing made it possible to organize continuous car traffic on the street.

What's nearing completion

  1. "Bypass of Tyumen". In 2016, vehicular traffic was opened along the newly built two-level road junction at the intersection of Fedyuninsky with Melnikayte. This facility was built in 4.5 months. Its total length is 4.8 kilometers. As part of it, an overpass was erected in the alignment of Fedyuninsky Street, the Bypass was reconstructed, a ring road and four elevated pedestrian crossings were built. All work is expected to be completed in fall 2017.
  2. Reconstruction of the bridge across the Tura. Restoration of the bridge crossing began last fall. The project provides for the following works: construction of an understudy bridge, dismantling of the existing combined bridge with its complete disassembly and construction of a new bridge in its place. It is assumed that two identical bridge structures standing in parallel will be located at a distance of 19.5 meters from each other. There will be six traffic lanes, three in each direction. The length of the bridge is 345 meters. Estimated completion date is autumn 2017. Immediately after commissioning, it will start the movement of cars. The old bridge will be demolished. By October 2019, two new bridges will have to appear here.

What's in the plans

The construction company has developed projects for five more interchanges. Now the documentation on these objects is at the stage of examination. What are they planning to build?

1. Two-level interchange "incomplete cloverleaf". The transport interchange at different levels will be located at the intersection of Melnikaite Street from 30 Years of Victory. It is designed according to the "incomplete cloverleaf" type, with the construction of an overpass along 30 Let Pobedy Street. Its total length is 3555 meters. The road junction will have nine ramps, a local driveway and a driveway to the parking lot. The overpass will be located in the alignment of 30 Years of Pobedy Street with two-lane traffic in each direction. Across Melnikaite Street, in the area of ​​pedestrian sidewalks, an elevated pedestrian crossing is designed, the length of which, taking into account the stairways, is 100.9 meters. Here they promise to install elevators for lifting and lowering people with limited mobility.

2. Interchange at Melnikayte-Respubliki. The transport interchange is designed on two levels with the construction of an overpass along Republic Street. The total length is 1966 meters. The overpass along the street provides for six traffic lanes: three lanes in the forward and reverse directions. The direct direction along Melnikaite, according to the documentation, will be along the ramp part of the exit under the overpass, two traffic lanes in each direction. For pedestrians across Republic Street, two underground pedestrian crossings will be built, each of which will be equipped with elevators.

3. Interchange Melnikaite - 50 years of October. The roundabout will be built with four right-turn exits and an overpass along Melnikaite Street to ensure unhindered passage of vehicles in the forward direction. It is planned to launch four traffic lanes along the overpass for two directions. Pedestrian access is not provided here. Six traffic lanes will be made on Melnikaite Street (excluding transitional and high-speed lanes). Sidewalks will be made for pedestrians on both sides, and a 2.5-meter-wide bike path may also appear on the right.

4. Interchange at Melnikayte-Dambouskaya. The two-level transport interchange is designed according to the “clover leaf” type, with the construction of an overpass along Melnikaite Street. Here, according to the project, overpasses are planned across the railway tracks along Melnikaite Street and at exit No. 8. The road junction will consist of eight ramps: four right-hand and four left-hand. Their total length will be 2.46 kilometers. Sidewalks are provided for the movement of pedestrians, the passage of pedestrians through the carriageway of the road junction is organized through pedestrian crossings - aboveground and underground. It is planned to start work at this facility this year.

5. Interchange at Melnikaite-Friendship. The construction of this transport interchange is envisaged in three stages. First, an overpass of the main passage will be built here in the alignment of Melnikaite Street with three traffic lanes in each direction. Then four spans will be completed to the overpass. For pedestrians, they promised to build an overpass across Druzhby Street. It will be pavilions with stairways so that people can easily get on the sidewalk of the overpass. At the third stage, another overpass should be built to ensure the passage of cars from Druzhby Street to the left to Melnikaite Street.