Journal of consultations of a speech therapist at school content. Documentation of a speech therapist teacher of a preschool educational institution. and writing and learning outcomes

Mastering the native language, the development of speech is one of the most important

acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as common ground education and communication of children.

Problem speech development preschool children today are veryrelevant, because percentage of preschoolers with different speech disorders remains consistently high.

    Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood.

    In modern preschool education Speech is considered as one of the foundations of the upbringing and education of children.

    Speech is a tool for the development of higher departments of the psyche.

    The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and in all basic mental processes.

    Teaching preschoolers their native language should be one of the main tasks in preparing children for school.

    Connected speech - a semantic detailed statement, a presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively, providing communication and mutual understanding.

Tasks of the development of coherent speech.

    Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle and end);

    Learning to join sentences different ways communications;

    Development of the ability to reveal the topic and the main idea of ​​the statement.

    Learning to build statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to the awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including artistic text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, stories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and the use of means of artistic expression;

    Training in drawing up reasoning with selection to prove strong arguments and precise definitions;

    The use for statements of various types of corresponding models (schemes), reflecting the sequence of presentation of the text.

Connected speech functions

The main function of connected speech - communicative. Includesestablishing connections with othersand defining and regulating norms of behavior in society.

It is carried out in twobasic forms - dialogue and monologue. Each of these forms has its own characteristics that determine the nature of the methodology for their formation.

Depending on the function, four types of monologues are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning and contamination (mixed texts).

IN preschool age predominantly contaminated statements are observed, in which elements of all types can be used with a predominance of one of them. The teacher should know well the features of each type of texts.

Description is a characteristic of an object. The description highlights a general thesis that names the object, then comes the characteristic of essential and secondary features, qualities, actions. The description ends with a final phrase expressing an evaluative attitude towards the subject.

Narratives e is a connected story about some events. Its basis is a story that unfolds over time. The narration serves to tell about developing actions and states (narration about facts, events, about state and mood, about experiences).

Reasoning - it is a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence. The reasoning contains an explanation of a fact, a certain point of view is argued, causal relationships and relationships are revealed.

retelling - meaningful reproduction of a literary text in oral speech. This is a complex activity in which the child's thinking, memory and imagination are actively involved. To master the retelling, a number of skills are needed, which children are taught specifically: listen to the work, understand its main content, memorize the sequence of presentation, speech turns of the author's text, meaningfully and coherently convey the text.

Story - this is an independent detailed presentation by the child of a certain content.

The leading forms are:

    Educational situations

    planned and organized by the educator at any time during the day;

    Lasts from 3-5 to 10 minutes;

    Involves a small subgroup of children;

    Several situations with one didactic tool;

    Repetition of one situation with different subgroups of children;

Can be real-practical and playful

    Special classes

    A lesson is a final form of work on a particular topic or section.

    In the lesson, the main speech task is solved.

    Classes for the development of speech can be cognitive-speech or complex speech.

    The choice of the type of lesson is carried out by the educator, focusing on the characteristics of the tasks, the content of the lesson and the capabilities of the children.

    Communication situations

The development of speech in the process of organizing regime moments includes:

    telling children what they will do now (for example, dress) - commenting on the actions of children;

    an offer to one of the pupils to tell about what he is doing (here the commenting speech of the child is formed);

    an invitation to the child to independently tell how he will fulfill this or that regime moment;

    the use of an artistic word (rhymes, short poems) to discuss sensitive moments.

Consider methodsdevelopment of coherent speech:

    Organized activity

    Cooperative activity

Organized activities include:


Looking at the picture

Based on a series of plot pictures

From personal experience

creative storytelling

On a given topic

    By poem

    According to a fairy tale

    By tongue twister

    Writing a descriptive story

Memorizing poems

Cooperative activity


Role-playing game

speech games

Individual work

Integration of activities



Drama games

Drama games




Display of illustrations, paintings, object

Modeling (schemes, mnemonics)


Reading literary works

Speech exercises

speech sample



Repeated pronunciation

Assessment of children's speech




Verbal errands


surprise moment

game character

Speech games, didactic with speech content, role-playing, theatrical

Emotionality of the teacher







Consider what age-related changes in the speech of children.

First junior group

    Accompany with speech gaming and everyday activities.

    Answer simple questions.

    Repeat simple phrases.

Second junior group

    Answer a variety of adult questions regarding the immediate environment.

    Use all parts of speech, simple uncommon sentences with the same members.

    Listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

    Share your experiences with peers and adults.

    In games, take on a role, briefly interact with a peer.

    At the request of an adult, act out small excerpts from familiar fairy tales

middle group

    Tell about the content of the plot picture.

    Participate in a conversation that is understandable to the audience, answer questions and ask them.

    Describe an object or picture.

    Retell the most expressive and dynamic passages from fairy tales.

    In games, take the initiative and suggest new roles and activities.

    Enrich the plot, conduct role-playing dialogues.

    Act out simple passages from familiar literary works.

    With the help of adults, repeat patterns of toy description.

senior preschool age

    Reasonably and kindly evaluate the answer, the statement of a peer, participate in the conversation.

    Compose stories based on a plot picture, a set of pictures with a sequence of developing action;

    Connectedly, expressively, consistently, without significant omissions, retell small literary works.

    Use monologue and dialogic form of speech.

    Compose stories and events from personal experience, come up with your own endings for fairy tales.

    Compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher.

    Express your point of view, agree or disagree with the response of a friend.

Consider the requirements for dialogic speech

    Early age - understanding the speech of others and the use of active speech of children as a means of communication

    Junior preschool - age to express their requests in words, to answer questions clearly

    ask questions about the immediate environment (Who? What? Where? What is he doing? Why?)

    Middle preschool age - engage in communication with adults and peers, answer questions and ask them

    talk about your observations, experiences

    Senior preschool age - participate in a general conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor

    formulate and ask questions

    formation of a culture of communication

“The word of the educator, not warmed by the warmth of his conviction, will have no power”

    The work on the development of coherent speech is laborious and almost always falls entirely on the shoulders of teachers. The teacher has a great influence on the speech of children. The teacher must educate his speech.

    In this regard, there are requirements for the speech of teachers



    Clarity (comprehensibility to others)

    Logic (sequential presentation of thought)

    pithiness (good meaning of the subject being spoken of)


True image of the surrounding reality, selection of words and phrases that are most appropriate for this content)

"Preparation for public speaking as an adult should start at an early age."

E.I. Tikheeva

GBDOU "Kindergarten No. 91 of the combined type"

Report - presentation on the topic:

"Forms of work on the development of coherent speech of preschool children"

Prepared by:

Educator of the 1st category

Kulik E.I

The development of coherent speech of preschoolers

To teach a child to tell is to form his coherent speech. This task is included as an integral part of the general task of developing the speech of preschool children.

It should be emphasized that the mastery of coherent forms of statements is a complex and lengthy process that requires skillful pedagogical influence and guidance.

The development of coherent speech of a child - a preschooler occurs in the process Everyday life and in the classroom.

Researchers have found that at preschool age it is easier to master correct construction separate sentences, but it is much more difficult for children to master various forms connections and coordination of phrases and parts of the story, can weakly preserve the semantic connections between the parts of the story.

It is very important to teach a child to build his speech in such a way that it is understandable to the listener, i.e. cultivate a listener orientation.

In the younger groups, preparatory work for teaching storytelling. Special attention is given to the formation of speaking skills: children learn to listen to the teacher, speak out in the presence of comrades. Answering the teacher's questions, the child can describe an object, a toy, a picture. Classes are held in the form of a game.

In the middle and senior group Various objects, toys and pictures are also used in the classroom. But at this age, children are already beginning to master the main types of monologue speech. They are given special classes on retelling, and starting from the older group - on storytelling on topics from personal experience.

It is important that children talk about familiar objects and their phenomena. Then their speech becomes coherent and free.

The task of the educator is to teach the preschooler to correctly start the story on the chosen topic and convey it vividly, interestingly, logically. The need for a logical sequence of narration very often causes difficulties for the child. In the learning process, it is necessary to ensure that all parts of the story are interconnected and interdependent.

An important condition for the development of coherent speech is correctly delivered vocabulary work and the formation of grammatical skills, since the characteristic shortcomings of children's stories are the monotony of the syntactic constructions, repetition of the same words, parts of a sentence and even entire phrases. The teacher helps children master the language material that characterizes the qualitative aspects of objects and phenomena (adjectives and participles as definitions), denoting the relationship of objects in place and time, as well as causal and causal relationships (adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions). In addition, the teacher teaches children to use vocabulary that characterizes the level of generalization.

It is equally important to constantly pay attention to the formation of sentence building skills. Work on the proposal includes the following tasks: developing the ability to compose simple common sentences, use sentences with homogeneous members, complex sentences with writing and submission.

Purposeful work on the development of coherent speech should be carried out from a very early age. In the third year of life, a large place is given to listening and subsequent reproduction short stories, poems, as well as nursery rhymes and other folklore forms. It is especially important to systematically conduct storytelling. Only under this condition does the baby learn to listen carefully, understand, and then retell it on his own.

At first, the same story must be repeated several times: both at the same lesson, and at short intervals - in two or three days. Subsequently, while maintaining the main content, the story should be complicated in different directions.

In order to teach the child to understand the story and develop the ability to retell, you need to organize a joint storytelling. First, you should encourage the child to repeat words and phrases after the teacher, then ask questions and teach them to answer them, and later ask him to tell on his own. In this case, the adult himself needs to lead the story after the child, repeating what he said, and be sure to add what was missed.

The development of speech occurs both during various regime moments and in the independent play of children. It is recommended to give children speech patterns, explaining what and how to do and why this way and not otherwise. Sometimes it is necessary to ask questions, encourage the child to speech activity.

In the absence of systematic classes, contact between children and the teacher is practically not established. Children communicate only among themselves, but very poorly in content. Dramatically change the content of communication classes held according to the plan. Communication becomes regular, the kids tend to involve the educator in their activities.

Methodological techniques for the development of speech in the 3rd year of life:

1) not only the naming of objects, but also detailed explanations about the purpose of objects, a comparison of what the baby has already seen and what is new;

2) acceptance of orders;

3) repetition of words after the child and, in case of incorrect pronunciation, an adult sample sentence

4) acceptance of questions;

5) techniques for negotiating and suggesting the right word.

The skillful use of these techniques contributes to the timely development of children's speech.

The development of speaking skills consists in the fact that children learn to listen and understand the speech of an adult, answer his questions, speak out in the presence of other children, listen to each other.

In middle and senior preschool age, children master the main types of monologue speech - retelling and storytelling.

A story, compared with a retelling, is a more complex type of coherent speech, since the creation of a new text is more difficult than the reproduction of a finished literary work. The development of coherent speech of children is carried out, first of all, when teaching storytelling, which begins with a simple retelling of short literary works with a simple plot and is brought to independent creative storytelling.

The lesson plan for retelling in all age groups looks like this: primary reading of the work, conversation on questions, re-reading, retelling. An important methodological technique is the questions of the educator. At the beginning of the story, they remind children of the logic of the story, the relationship and interaction of characters; in the process of retelling, questions supplement or clarify the children's retelling; after retelling, they help to analyze it. IN methodical literature it is proposed to widely use the plan of retelling.

The instructions of the teacher are also an important methodological device. It is used if the child has forgotten the text or single word. Instructions help the child to understand or clarify the meaning of a particular expression, phrase, word, and also develop expressiveness of speech when retelling.

A lot of preparatory work is carried out with children of primary preschool age, the purpose of which is to develop the skills to listen, answer questions, include words and individual sentences in the teacher's story. Learning begins with a simple reproduction of well-known fairy tales, built on repetition. The most effective methodological technique is when children are included in the repeated story of the teacher, repeating 1-2 words or a whole sentence. Examining the illustrations is best done before or after reading.

When teaching retelling, middle-aged children solve more challenging tasks: children are taught not only to tell short, well-known fairy tales and stories, but also to convey the conversation expressively actors, listen to the retellings of other children and notice in them a discrepancy with the text. The main thing in learning to retell in middle group- help children comprehend the logical connections of the work, understand its meaning. The main methodological technique is the questions of the educator. (1st group of questions - questions that help comprehend the work; 2nd group of questions - questions that help to remember the sequence of events, the logic of the plot). The joint retelling of the educator and the child is widely used. The teacher's help is a reminder of a word, a phrase. This ensures the smoothness of the retelling, prevents the work from breaking into separate pieces and phrases. An important methodological technique is the evaluation of children's retelling. Here it is conducted by a teacher.

In working with children of older preschool age, the following new tasks of teaching the retelling of literary works are: to be able to coherently, consistently, expressively and grammatically correctly convey the content of a story or fairy tale without the help of adult questions, close to the text, using the author's words and expressions. Senior preschoolers are involved in evaluating the stories of their comrades. Conducting discussions should teach children to see the good and bad in the retelling and at the same time cultivate a benevolent attitude towards a friend.

Drawing up stories from a picture refers to storytelling with illustrative material. IN kindergarten used as subject paintings ("Chickens", "Goats", etc.), and plot paintings ("Our Tanya", "Winter Entertainment", etc.)

There are the following types of classes for teaching storytelling in a picture: 1) compiling a descriptive story based on a subject picture; 2) compiling a descriptive story based on a plot picture; 3) inventing a narrative story based on a plot picture; 4) compiling a story based on a consistent plot series of pictures; 5) compiling a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life.

IN junior group carried out preparatory stage learning storytelling from a picture. Children do not yet know how to express their thoughts on their own. The speech is in the nature of a dialogue with the educator. The main tasks of the educator in working on the picture are as follows: 1) teaching children to look at the picture, developing the ability to notice the most important thing in it; 2) a gradual transition from classes, when children list the depicted objects and objects, to classes that exercise in coherent speech (answering questions and compiling short stories).

Characteristic features of painting classes with children ml. age: a) alternation of choral and individual responses; b) the obligatory presence of emotional and game techniques; c) the use of literary and artistic inserts.

In the middle group, it becomes possible to lead children to compose a small coherent narrative. First, the children talk about the questions of the teacher. This may be a collective story of children or a joint story of the teacher and the child. At the end of the lesson, as if summing up all the statements, the teacher gives his story.

Then you can move on to storytelling. In the middle group, a sample is given for copying. At the end of the year, if the children have learned to tell according to the model, you can gradually complicate the task, leading them to independent storytelling. So the teacher gives a sample story in one picture, and the children tell in a similar other picture. You can enter the story according to the plan. You can lead children to compose descriptive stories based on subject or plot pictures. After that, you can proceed to the story of a consistent plot series of paintings. The ability to compose a story according to a ready-made canvas, which is formed at the same time, helps to gradually lead to the independent compilation of plot stories.

At an older age, there are opportunities for independent compilation of stories based on different pictures. In the older group, the role of the educator in the learning process is changing. From a direct participant, he becomes, as it were, an observer, intervening only when necessary.

Great demands are placed on the stories of older children: accurate transmission of the plot, independence, imagery, and the expediency of using language means. The child's awareness of the task is necessary condition its correct implementation. And at the same time, the leading role of the educator is great.

In the senior group, all types of stories based on a picture are used: a descriptive story based on subject and plot pictures, a narrative story, a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life. You can widely use the story on a series of plot pictures, where a sequential story is required with a beginning, climax and denouement. It is very important to teach children to see not only what is drawn in the picture, but to imagine previous and subsequent events. You can teach to evaluate the stories of comrades in content.

Children learn to appreciate the main thing in the picture, come up with its name, talk about the details, background, landscape.

Toy story.

In the younger group, the toy is examined, then the description is given by the teacher. The teacher then makes a summary.

In the middle group, children are gradually approaching the compilation of independent descriptive stories based on toys. The most effective technique is the sample that is given in each lesson. In the second half of the year, children begin to compose stories according to the teacher's plan. Next, you can suggest compiling a plot story based on a set of toys.

At senior preschool age, lessons on the development of coherent speech using toys are varied: a description of a toy, a plot story based on a set of toys, a plot story based on one toy.

Experience stories are introduced in the middle group. Learning to storytelling begins with a collective story. An important technique is the teacher's direction of attention to remembering some events and conveying them in the story. The teacher's example story is also important. At the end of the year, an example of a teacher in the form of the beginning of a story

In the older group, the role of classes in which stories are compiled without visual material increases. And in the older groups, a widespread technique is the model of the educator and his instructions.

In creative stories, a child can learn the ability to coherently express his thoughts and compose stories only through systematic training, through constant exercises. There are various options creative stories: 1) inventing a continuation and completion of the story; 2) inventing a story or fairy tale according to the plan of the educator; 3) inventing a story on a topic proposed by the teacher (without a plan); 4) inventing a story or fairy tale on a self-chosen topic.

The coherent speech of preschoolers is the main indicator by which they judge their level of development, the breadth of their horizons. Therefore, as the child speaks on various topics, one can assume how successful his further education will be, how his communication with peers will develop. It is very important from an early age to teach a child to express himself clearly, competently, to be able to determine the main thing during a game, in a story or a dispute.

The main areas of work of teachers of preschool educational institutions are:

  1. The development of coherent colloquial speech in preschoolers, vocabulary development. Children should be able to use their native language in accordance with the situation, use words appropriately, in accordance with the context.
  2. The formation in children of the initial concepts of the grammatical structure, sound culture speech. They will learn about the theory of word formation later, but already now they should follow correct pronunciation, the construction of words, phrases.
  3. Raising interest in literature, the artistic word, and through it - love for the native language, fatherland.

The main problems in the speech of children

Speech among preschoolers is not only a means of communication, it is a criterion for their physical health, the level of the cultural environment where they are brought up.

Many children have insufficient lexicon, they use incorrect words and expressions when communicating, their speech mainly consists of simple sentences that are grammatically incorrect. They are not able to formulate a clear and understandable question, to give a detailed unambiguous answer. Preschool children with difficulty retell the text they read, they cannot logically substantiate their own conclusions. The ability to use intonation, tempo and loudness of the voice is also lame.

Today, from a rare child of preschool age, one can hear a speech replete with synonyms and figurative descriptions. At the same time, in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard, there is a clear requirement to develop high-quality oral speech, to develop the skills to coherently express thoughts in the process of dialogue or monologues.

The child's speech cannot be separated from the world of his thoughts. It is based on the ability to correctly express them grammatically and intonation, expansion, and active use of vocabulary.

The development of coherent speech of preschoolers

Mastering the native language is the main thing that a child should learn at preschool age. The main function of speech during this period is social, communicative. With its help, the baby establishes connections with others, masters social norms of behavior, which is an indispensable condition for the growth of his personality.

The first meaningful words basically express the needs of the child. Only by the third year of life does the vocabulary increase significantly. And already at an older age, speech is isolated from practical activity.

From younger preschoolers, the teacher makes sure that they willingly communicate with others, correctly put their requests into verbal form, explain clearly, get used to using the accepted forms of speech etiquette: they know how to say hello and say goodbye, ask questions about what interests them.

Children of middle preschool age should already be able to easily talk with adults and peers, give answers to questions, ask them themselves on various occasions: about surrounding objects, their properties and actions with them, their relationships, experiences.

Older children participate in group conversations and are encouraged to tell stories on their own. Older preschoolers are capable of generalization, clarification, level speech activity rises. They know how to greet each other, except for “hello!”, do not interfere with the conversation of adults, can keep up a conversation with a stranger, answer a phone call, meet, entertain a guest.

Formation of coherent speech

The preschool program provides for the development of monologues and dialogues by pupils. These two types of speech directly affect their practical activities, since they involve the development of those skills that can be useful in communication.

For a monologue, arbitrariness is important. When explaining or retelling, the child is required to pay attention to the content, the form of presentation, the ability to choose the right words that would express the thought most accurately.

Dialogue, which involves a conversation of several people, questions and answers to them, an emotional component, requires little interlocutors to correlate their questions and answers with what the opponent says, supplement it or correct it.

Three-year-olds, for the most part, can only answer simple questions. Four-year-old pupils are already retelling something, making up a short story from a picture, but for the most part copying adults. Five- and six-year-olds reach great heights in monologue, are consistent in retelling, their plots and descriptions are more detailed, but they are still unable to clearly express their emotional attitude to the subject of the story.

From simple dialogue skills in the youngest, the educator gradually brings to rich imagery, independent creativity in the story.

Effective working methods and techniques

Modern children are often overloaded with information, so the task of the educator is to make the learning process not only developing, but entertaining and interesting. Thinking teachers, along with traditional methods, always try to use factors that will facilitate the process of forming coherent speech.

One of them is visibility. While looking at objects, pictures, it is easier for children to focus on characteristics the material being studied, the actions that can be performed with them.

Another helpful factor is planning. A certain scheme is preliminarily drawn up, according to which each specific element of the statement is arranged in a certain order.

One of the effective techniques that allows children to successfully acquire knowledge about the world, the features of natural objects, which positively affects the memorization, preservation, and subsequent presentation of information is mnemonics. The development of speech with its help goes from simple to complex. Children begin to work with mnemonic squares, then with mnemonic tracks, gradually moving to the use of mnemonic tables. The latter act as didactic material during classes, help students:

  • make vocabulary richer;
  • adhere to a certain sequence when retelling a literary work;
  • it is easy to memorize poetic, prose forms;
  • make up stories, solve riddles.

A visual diagram on the mnemonic table tells the child how to start, how to continue the story, what clarifications to resort to, how to finish. The content of the mnemonic table is variable, depending on the age of the pupils.

For the youngest preschoolers, mnemotables leave in memory a green Christmas tree, a red apple. Later, the images become more complex. The image of the characters of a fairy tale for children of older groups can be very schematic, conditionally visual. The graphical representation of a fox, for example, is an orange triangle with a circle, while a bear is simply a large brown oval. So that the brightness of the images does not distract the attention of older children, tables are made for them in one color at all.

Work on the formation of coherent speech in problem children

Experts have found that children with developmental problems very often have difficulties with language. Speech disorders in preschoolers with ONR are characterized by:

  • lack of sequence of presentation;
  • the presence of semantic gaps;
  • using very simple or garbled phrases;
  • poor vocabulary;
  • rough grammatical errors;
  • children with any degree of OHP have difficulty with monologue speech.

Not always incorrectly constructed phrases, omissions or replacement of syllables in words are a sign of developmental delay. Years later, mothers and grandmothers will remember how their beloved son and grandson babbled “aizyakh” instead of “on skis”, “pamikhaselka” instead of “barbershop”. But if such a picture continues to touch parents when the child is no longer 2 years old, but 4 or 6, this is wrong.

If in the evenings parents do not have time to read fairy tales, discuss their heroes with the child, family members notice that the child has difficulty answering questions, is unable to compose a short story from the picture, distorts the sounds indicated by the letters of the Russian alphabet in pronunciation, this should be signal for a visit to a speech pathologist.

The task of parents and educators is not only to feed children, to instill hygiene skills in them. For their successful future, it is necessary to create a speech development environment. One of its most important components is correct speech adults themselves, precise, logical, pure and expressive.

In order for pupils to master speech skills, they need to actively communicate in the family, in the preschool educational institution, and take part in peer games in the yard. This will allow children to develop, fantasize, improve communication skills, form a competent speech structure. Parents and teachers should accompany the child, help him, without advertising their leadership.

Connected speech is understood as a semantic detailed statement (a series of logically combined sentences) that provides communication and mutual understanding. Therefore, the main characteristic of coherent speech is its intelligibility for the interlocutor.

Coherent speech reflects the logic of the child's thinking, his ability to think about what he perceives and the ability to express it in the correct form.

connected speech - this is a single semantic and structural whole, including complete segments, connected and united by a theme.

Connected speech- a detailed statement of a certain topic, which is carried out consistently, logically, in detail, grammatically correct and figuratively.

Main the function of coherent speech is communicative. It comes in two main forms. - dialogue and monologue.

2. Dialogic speech represents a natural form of linguistic communication, a classical form of verbal communication. The main feature of the dialogue is the alternation of the speaking of one interlocutor with listening and subsequent speaking of the other. The dialogue is accompanied by gestures, facial expressions, intonation. Speech in it may be incomplete, abbreviated. Dialogue is characterized by: colloquial vocabulary and phraseology; brevity, reticence, abruptness; simple and complex non-union sentences; short-term reflection. The coherence of the dialogue is provided by two interlocutors. Dialogic speech is characterized by involuntary, reactive, proceeds in a certain situation. The dialogue often uses patterns and clichés, speech stereotypes, stable formulas of communication, familiar, often used and, as it were, attached to certain everyday situations and topics of conversation (L.P. Yakubinsky). Speech cliches facilitate dialogue.

monologue speech- a coherent, logically consistent statement, flowing for a relatively long time, not designed for an immediate reaction of the listeners, is a more complex, arbitrary, more organized type of speech. It has a more complex structure, expresses the thought of one person. Therefore, the statement is more complete, more detailed. In a monologue, internal preparation is necessary, a longer preliminary consideration of the statement. Non-speech means are also used (gestures, facial expressions, intonation), the ability to speak emotionally, vividly, expressively. The monologue is characterized by: literary vocabulary; expansion of the statement, completeness, logical completeness; syntactic formalization (an extended system of connecting elements ); the coherence of the monologue is provided by one speaker.

These two forms of speech differ in motives. Monologue speech is stimulated by internal motives, and its content and language means are chosen by the speaker himself. Dialogic speech is stimulated not only by internal, but also by external motives (the situation in which the dialogue takes place, the interlocutor's remarks).

Despite significant differences, dialogue and monologue are interconnected with each other. In the process of communication, monologue speech is organically woven into dialogic speech, and a monologue can acquire dialogic properties.

The relationship between dialogic and monologic speech is especially important to take into account in the methodology of teaching children their native language. Obviously, the skills and abilities of dialogical speech are the basis for mastering a monologue. In the course of teaching dialogic speech, the prerequisites are created for mastering the narrative, description. This is also helped by the coherence of the dialogue: the sequence of remarks, due to the topic of the conversation, the logical and semantic connection of individual statements with each other. In early childhood, the formation of dialogic speech precedes the formation of monologue, and in further work the development of these two forms of speech proceeds in parallel.

3 .The development of both forms of coherent speech plays a leading role in the process of speech development in kindergarten. Coherent speech reflects all the achievements of the child in mastering the native language, its sound structure, vocabulary, grammatical structure.

The value of coherent speech for the development of children:

Develops thinking (speech and thinking are closely related)

Provides social connections (communication, definition of norms of behavior)

Influences aesthetic education (children's retellings, essays affect the imagery, expressiveness of speech)

4. Development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is associated with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around them.

IN preparatory period speech development, first year of life, in the process of direct emotional communication with an adult, the foundations of future coherent speech are laid.

The child masters his vocal apparatus, begins to understand the speech of others. On the basis of understanding, at first very primitive, active speech of children begins to develop. The child imitates the sounds and sound combinations that the adult utters, he himself draws the adult's attention to himself, to some object. In this, the intentionality of the voice reaction is born, its focus on another person, speech hearing, the arbitrariness of pronunciation are formed (S. L. Rubinshtein, F. A. Sokhin).

By the end of the first - the beginning of the second year life, the first meaningful words appear, but they often express the desires and needs of the child. Only in the second half of the second year of life, words begin to serve as designations for objects for the baby. From this moment on, the child acquires the ability to enter into conscious communication with an adult with the help of speech. The word for him has the meaning of the whole sentence. Gradually, the first sentences appear, first of two, and by two years of three and four words. By the end of the second year of a child's life, words begin to take shape grammatically. Children express their thoughts and desires more accurately and clearly. Speech during this period acts in two main functions; as a means of establishing contact and as a means of knowing the world. Despite the imperfection of sound pronunciation, limited vocabulary, grammatical errors, it is a means of communication and generalization.

In the third year In life, both understanding of speech and active speech develop rapidly, vocabulary increases dramatically, and the structure of sentences becomes more complicated. Children use the most simple, natural and original form of speech – dialogic, which is closely related to practical activities child and is used to establish contacts within a joint subject activity. It consists in a direct appeal to the interlocutor, contains an expression of a request and help, answers to questions from an adult. Such grammatically poorly formed speech of a small child is situational. Its semantic content is clear only in connection with the situation. Situational speech expresses more than it expresses. The context is replaced by gestures, facial expressions, intonation. But already at this age, children take into account in the dialogue when constructing their statements how their partners will understand them. Hence the stops in the begun sentence.

From the exceptional predominance of situational speech, the child moves to contextual speech. The appearance of contextual speech is determined by the tasks and nature of his communication with others. The transition from situational speech to contextual, according to D. B. Elkonin, occurs by 4-5 years. Changing the child's lifestyle, the complication of cognitive activity, new relationships with adults, the emergence of new activities require more detailed speech, and the old means of situational speech do not provide completeness and clarity of expression. There is contextual speech.

The transition to contextual speech is closely related to the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure. mother tongue, with the development of the ability to arbitrarily use the means of the language. With the complication of the grammatical structure of speech, statements become more and more detailed and coherent.

At preschool age speech is connected with the direct experience of children, which is reflected in the forms of speech. It is characterized by incomplete, indefinitely personal sentences, often consisting of one predicate; the names of objects are replaced by pronouns. In the child's stories, facts from the material on a given topic are intertwined with facts from personal experience that emerge to the surface.

The situational nature of speech is not an absolute belonging to the age of the child. In the same children, speech can be either more situational or more contextual. This is determined by the tasks and conditions of communication.

The conclusion of A. M. Leushina was confirmed in the study of M. I. Lisina and her students. Scientists have proven that the level of speech development depends on the level of development of communication in children. The form of the statement depends on how the interlocutor understands the child. The speech behavior of the interlocutor affects the content and structure of the child's speech. For example, in communicating with peers, children use contextual speech to a greater extent, since they need to explain something, to convince them of something. In communicating with adults who easily understand them, children are more likely to confine themselves to situational speech.

Along with monologue speech, dialogic speech continues to develop. In the future, both of these forms coexist and are used depending on the conditions of communication.

Children 4 – 5 years old actively enter into a conversation, can participate in a collective conversation, retell fairy tales and short stories, independently tell about toys and pictures. However, their coherent speech is still imperfect. They do not know how to correctly formulate questions, supplement and correct the answers of their comrades. Their stories in most cases copy the pattern of an adult, contain violations of logic; sentences within the story are often connected only formally (in words more, then),

At senior preschool age children are able to actively participate in the conversation, answer questions fully and accurately, supplement and correct the answers of others, give appropriate remarks, and formulate questions. The nature of the dialogue of children depends on the complexity of the tasks solved in joint activities.

Monologue speech is also being improved: children master different types of coherent statements (description, narration, partly reasoning) based on visual material and without support. The syntactic structure of children's stories becomes more complicated, the number of complex and complex sentences increases. At the same time, these skills are unstable in a significant part of children. Children find it difficult to select facts for their stories, to arrange them logically, in structuring statements, in their language design.

.Dialogue is a complex form of social communication, because it is necessary to simultaneously think over your remarks, clearly express your thoughts, change the topic, follow the tone, pronunciation standards, respond to the interlocutor, understand him. Participation in dialogue requires complex skills.

In groups early age the task is to develop an understanding of the speech of others and use the active speech of children as a means of communication. Children are taught to express requests and desires in a word, to answer some questions from adults (Who is this? What is he doing? What? What?). They develop the initiative speech of the child, encourage him to turn to adults and children on various occasions, form the ability to ask questions.

IN younger preschool age the educator should ensure that each baby easily and freely enters into communication with adults and children, teach children to express their requests in words, clearly answer adults' questions, and prompt the child to talk with other children. You should cultivate the need to share your impressions, talk about what you did, how you played, the habit of using simple formulas speech etiquette (greet, say goodbye in kindergarten and family), encourage children to try to ask questions about their immediate environment (Who? What? Where? What is he doing? Why?).

IN middle preschool age children are taught to willingly communicate with adults and peers, answer questions and ask them about objects, their qualities, actions with them, relationships with others, support the desire to talk about their observations and experiences. The teacher pays more attention to the quality of the children's answers: he teaches to answer both in a short and in a common form, without deviating from the content of the question. Gradually, he introduces children to participate in collective conversations, where it is required to answer only when the teacher asks, listen to the statements of comrades. The culture of communication continues.

IN senior groups one should learn to answer questions more accurately, to combine the remarks of comrades in a widespread answer, to answer the same question in different ways, briefly and widely. To consolidate the ability to participate in a general conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor, do not interrupt him, do not be distracted. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to formulate and ask questions, in accordance with what they hear, build an answer, supplement, correct the interlocutor, compare their point of view with the point of view of other people.

Talking about things that are not in the child's field of vision should be encouraged, meaningful verbal communication children about games, books read, movies watched. Older children should master various forms of speech etiquette.

A large place in all age groups is occupied by the formation of a culture of communication. Children are taught to call adults by their first and patronymic names, to “you”, to call each other affectionate names (Tanya, Tanyusha) during a conversation, do not lower your head, look into the face of the interlocutor; speak without shouting, but loud enough for the interlocutor to hear; do not interfere in the conversation of adults; be sociable and friendly.

Self-confidence, purposefulness, finding one's place in society - all this is directly related to the development of speech, the ability to correctly and clearly express one's thoughts. Coherent speech is a combination of fragments denoting one specific topic and carrying a single semantic load.

At birth, the child has the makings of speech. The main task of adults and teachers is to develop them correctly. After all, the formed coherent speech of the child is the key to the future. successful development personality. What does this concept mean? Coherent speech is the ability to formulate and express your thoughts.

Types of speech

There are two main types of connected speech:

  • Monologic.
  • Dialogic.

The first requires great communication skills. It depends on how correctly a thought is expressed, how others will understand it. The narrator is required to have a good memory, the correct use of speech turns, developed logical thinking so that the narration sounds coherent and clear.

In dialogue, complex verbal turns are usually not used. Speech does not have a clear logical sequence. The direction of the conversation can change arbitrarily and in any direction.

Speech Skills Bookmark

The formation of coherent speech occurs in several stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory, from 0 to 1 year. On this stage baby learns sounds. In his first weeks, he simply listens to adult speech, while a passive set of sounds is formed in him, the first screams are made by him. Later, babbling appears, which consists of randomly uttered sounds.

In the same period, the child is shown objects and called the sounds that characterize them. For example: clock - tick-tock, water - drip-cap. Later, the baby reacts to the name of the object and looks for it with his eyes. By the end of the first year, the baby pronounces individual syllables.

Stage 2 - pre-school, from one to three. First, the child says simple words denoting both an object and an action. For example, the word “give” the baby denotes both the object, and his desires, and the request, and therefore only close people understand him. After a certain period, they appear simple sentences, the child begins to express his thoughts more accurately. By the age of three, prepositions are used in speech. The coordination of cases and gender begins.

Stage 3 - preschool, from 3 to 7 years. This is a period of more conscious formation of personality. Closer to the age of 7, the speech apparatus is formed, the sounds are clear, correct. The child begins to competently build sentences, he already has and constantly replenishes his vocabulary.

4th stage - school, from 7 to 17 years. main feature development of speech at this stage in comparison with the previous one is its conscious assimilation. Children master and learn the grammatical rules for constructing statements. The leading role in this belongs to

These stages do not have strict, clear boundaries. Each of them smoothly flows into the next.

The development of coherent speech of preschoolers

After the beginning of going to the kindergarten, the child's environment changes and with it - the form of speech. Since up to 3 years the baby is constantly close to people close to him, all communication is based on his requests to adults. There is dialogic adults ask questions, and the child answers. Later, the baby has a desire to tell about something, to convey his feelings after the walk, and not only close people can already be listeners. So the monologue form of speech begins to be laid.

All speech is connected. However, the forms of connection with development change. The coherent speech presented by the child is the ability to tell in such a way that what is heard becomes understandable on the basis of its own content.

Components of speech

Speech can be divided into two components: situational and contextual. When expressing his thoughts or describing a situation, a person should build a monologue so that the listener understands what the conversation is about. Children, on the other hand, are initially unable to describe the situation without specifying specific actions. It is difficult for an adult, listening to a story, to understand what the conversation is about without knowing the situation. Thus, situational coherent speech of preschoolers is formed first. At the same time, the presence of the contextual component cannot be completely excluded, since such moments of speech are always interconnected.

Contextual speech

Having mastered the situational component, the child begins to master the contextual one. At first, children are saturated with the pronouns "he", "she", "they". At the same time, it is not clear to whom exactly they refer. To characterize objects, the concept of “such” is used and is actively supplemented with gestures: hands show which one it is, for example, large, small. The peculiarity of such speech is that it expresses more than it expresses.

Gradually, the child begins to build a speech context. This becomes noticeable when a large number of pronouns disappear from the conversation and are replaced by nouns. Coherent speech is determined by the logic of a person’s thoughts.

One cannot master coherence and yet lack logic. After all, speech is directly dependent on thoughts. Coherent speech is the sequence and logicality of thoughts expressed aloud and combined into grammatically correct sentences.

From the conversation of the child, it is clear how developed his logic is and what kind of vocabulary is present. With a lack of words, even a logically well-formed thought will cause difficulties in speaking out loud. Therefore, speech should be developed in a complex: logic, memory, a rich vocabulary. Everything must be in harmony.

The main types of formation of coherent speech

The development of coherent speech in children occurs using various methods. The main ones are:

  • Development of dialogue skills.
  • Retelling.
  • Story by pictures.
  • Writing descriptive stories.

The first type of conversation that a child masters - Children are taught:

  • Listen and understand adult speech.
  • Communicate with other children.
  • Build a dialogue by answering questions.
  • Repeat words, phrases after the teacher.

Children aged 4-7 years are taught simple forms of building a monologue.

Retelling requires attentiveness and perseverance from the child. To begin with, preparation for retelling takes place, then the teacher reads the text, and after that the children answer questions related to the material read. A retelling plan is drawn up, then the teacher reads the story again, and the retelling begins. The younger children do almost everything together with the teacher. Older children develop their own retelling plan. Thus, they support the connection between logic and speech.

Pictures - a tool for the development of connectivity

Coherent speech is taught with the help of pictures. The story from the pictures facilitates the usual independent retelling. Since the course of the story is shown in the drawings, it is not necessary to memorize everything. For younger preschool age, piece-by-piece pictures with objects depicted on them are used. Children, answering the teacher's questions, describe the image.

From the age of 4, a child is taught to compose a story from a picture. This requires the following preparation:

  • Examining the picture.
  • Answers to the teacher's questions.
  • The teacher's story.
  • Children's story.

During the story, the educator suggests key words. It controls the correct direction of speech. By the age of 5, children are taught to make a plan and talk about it. At 6-7 years old, the child is able to focus on the background of the picture, describe the landscape, and details that are insignificant at first glance. Telling from the picture, the child, relying on the image, must tell what happened before the events shown and what can happen after.

The teacher, with his questions, outlines a storyline that goes beyond the boundaries of the picture. When telling a child, it is necessary to follow the correct grammatical construction of the sentence, for a sufficient vocabulary.

Particular attention should be paid to stories based on landscape pictures. Since it requires the ability to use words in a figurative sense, make comparisons, use synonyms and antonyms.


Of great importance in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers is the ability to describe a specific object, situation, season.

At a younger preschool age, children are taught to make a story-description based on a toy. The teacher asks questions and guides the narrator. The main reference words for the description are considered: the size of the toy, material, color. The older the child becomes, the more independent he speaks. They begin to conduct a comparative description of objects and living objects, two different objects. Teaching children to find General characteristics and opposite. Plot stories are compiled, with the inclusion of the described objects in them.

Also, children at senior preschool age tell stories from personal experience, describe the situations that happen to them, the content of the cartoons they watch.

Coherent speech technique - mnemonics

The technique is based on the use of pictures. All stories, poems are encoded with pictures, according to which the story is then conducted. The methodology is based on the fact that children at preschool age rely more on visual memory than on auditory. Training takes place with the help of mnemonic tracks, mnemonic tables and model diagrams.

The symbols that encode words are as close as possible to speech material. For example, when talking about domestic animals, a house is drawn next to the depicted animals, and a forest for wild animals.

Learning goes from simple to complex. Children consider mnemonic squares, later - mnemonic tracks with depicted symbols, the meaning of which they know. The work is carried out in stages:

  • Table study.
  • Encoding of information, transformation of the presented material from symbols into images.
  • Retelling.

With the help of mnemonics, the assimilation of speech in children proceeds intuitively. At the same time, they have a good vocabulary and the ability to coherently conduct a monologue.

Levels of speech connectivity

After applying various methods in practice in their work, educators check the level of coherent speech in children. If some of its development is at a lower level, other methods are applied to them, which, when working with such children, will be more effective.

Connected speech of preschoolers is divided into three levels:

  • High level - the child has a large vocabulary, grammatically and logically builds sentences. Can retell a story, describe, compare objects. At the same time, his speech is consistent, interesting in content.
  • Average level - the child builds interesting sentences, has high literacy. Difficulties arise when building a story according to a given storyline, here he can make mistakes, but with the comments of adults he is able to correct them on his own.
  • Low level - the child has difficulty in building a story according to storylines. His speech is inconsistent and illogical, semantic errors are made due to the difficulties in building connections. Present


The formation of a coherent speech of children is a continuous process of teaching by the educator using various methods and game forms. As a result, the child begins to coherently and grammatically correctly express his thoughts, conduct a monologue, and use literary techniques.