How to recognize your talents and not bury them in the ground. How to develop your talents? How to unlock hidden talents

Becoming a great copywriter or famous author of fiction is the dream of many of my colleagues. But even among creative people, writing talent is not always sufficiently disclosed. Someone because of current affairs scores on it, and someone continues to step on the same rake and does not develop. Let's talk about how to unleash your creativity.

Where does writing talent come from?

From childhood, of course.

  1. Books that parents read to children from the first days of life.
  2. Getting to know the world around you while walking.
  3. Music.
  4. Children's retelling of fairy tales.
  5. Expressive recitation of poems.
  6. Description of nature, people, animals.

Adult writing skills can open up suddenly. All it takes is desire and practice. And one of my acquaintances began to write poetry after suffering stress. Also, people discover the ability to write after receiving bright positive emotions. For example, the sunset at the equator while traveling to Africa. Or even a trip to the country can change a lot in you. The main thing is change.

Signs of writing talent

  • Grammatically correct speech.
  • Rich vocabulary.
  • Sociability.
  • Curiosity.
  • You ask others and yourself a lot of questions.
  • Love to tell stories.
  • Accurate retelling of works with the names of heroes, facial features, dates, storyline, important events, environment.
  • Likes to do writing.
  • Well developed imagination.
  • Usage complex structures in offers.
  • Subtle sense of language and lexical compatibility of words.
  • Communication with interlocutors who are somewhat higher on the level.
  • Knowledge of poems by heart.
  • Love for reading.
  • Attentiveness.
  • Good memory.
  • Seeing cause and effect relationships.
  • Easy learning.

If you have at least some of the above, congratulations, you are able to compose your own lyrics.

How to develop your writing skills?

Man is not a stone. He is able to change, learn and get a new profession. It's the flexibility that sets it apart. Therefore, the question of how to become a good writer there is always an answer. Change yourself, learn new things, remember the experience and constantly write.

To develop creative inclinations, you must always create and do something that has never happened before. And every time be sure to describe it. Over time, words will easily form into sentences, paragraphs, articles. You yourself will not notice how you start to own the rich vocabulary to invent new storylines and original characters. And there, you see, the glory of Leo Tolstoy will begin to haunt.

Exercises for the development of fantasy and imagination

Development creativity requires constant training of intelligence and creativity. I share some practical tips. You can do them both on your own and with friends, parents and children - it's more fun together. Moreover, the practice is quite amusing and resembles entertainment.

  1. Take a look around. What is the very first item you saw? I have this backpack. Place it mentally in an unusual space. Let's say in the oven. Task: describe the object and the situation from all sides. And let him be animated. Naturally, we do all this with a pencil and paper or a laptop.
  2. Turn off the inner critic. Write as if you are not accountable to anyone for the result. Forget about mistakes, choose vivid comparisons, unusual synonyms, put characters in strange situations. Create!
  3. Describe in detail your day in minutes and hours. We got up, got dressed, washed ourselves, had breakfast, went on foot or went to work. What happened along the way? Perhaps there was something quite unusual. Look around carefully. Now describe coming to the office, workplace. What does Maria Ivanovna look like? What clothes did you come in? With what intonation he speaks. Lunch trip. The specifics of the activity. Describe everything you see.
  4. Hike to a cafe with a laptop or a notepad. Sit in front of the people you like and describe in detail: facial expressions, gestures, movements, look, smile, voice, emotions, clothes, content of the conversation, attitude towards interlocutors, waiters, what they eat and drink. A variant of the same exercise: choose a person and come up with a story of his life. ABOUT! Yes, there is material for a whole novel!
  5. Rhyme game. Name the word and make a list of 10 consonant words.
  6. Jot down ideas in a journal.
  7. Discuss an interesting book with a friend. If one is not familiar with the publication, take an interview. All this is easy to do in a literary club.
  8. Read aloud your notes and classic books with the right intonation. How many meanings are revealed in this!
  9. Go to the gallery. Find a plotless picture. When you get home, describe it from memory, delving into the details.
  10. Take any 10 items. What associations do they evoke in you? What memories are associated with?
  11. Write a short story on 1 page. Each sentence must be 2 words. Example. Morning has come. Sun was shining. Rays are persistent. I woke up. You can't sleep. It's time to stay awake. I see a table. Lies a pen. I will write. This letter. For friend. Continue? In the next story, sentences should be of 3, 4, 5 words. The number of words can be increased indefinitely or until you become Leo Tolstoy.

“How to reveal your own abilities?” is often asked by people who are exposed to strange events: prophetic dreams, deja vu, good intuition. It is known that a person uses his skills only by four percent, and the rest, unfortunately, is in "sleep mode". It turns out that most people live their lives without pleasure and joy, they do things that they don’t like and put off their favorite activities for “later”.

After reading the instructions below, a person will be able to discover certain super abilities in himself, and if not immediately, then over time. It is important to catch the moment when there is a feeling of something more. Moments like these make it clear that life has meaning. A person strives to recognize this secret in himself and eventually opens up, begins to appreciate life and enjoy every day.

100% way to unlock creativity

Creative abilities are revealed in all seriously practicing the Turbo-Gopher system, and often even superpowers. Why and how does this system allow you to unlock your potential? The thing is that every person is endowed with abilities, but in the process of growing up, people acquire the so-called mental trash. Mental junk is:

  • negative emotions (fears, anxieties, jealousy, resentment, etc.)
  • complexes
  • limiting beliefs
  • dependencies, etc.

And all this leaves an imprint - the limitation of our capabilities and abilities. Turbo-Gopher eliminates the roots of problems, and does not mask them - and therefore eliminates them forever. But that's not all the beauty of the system. Also, the system uses the huge computing power of the subconscious, which explains the high speed of eliminating problems and releasing creativity and inherent abilities. You can get the original copy of the book.

How to find talent in yourself?

If a person is asked the question: “Who is in the understanding of “Talent”?”, The answer is immediately pronounced: “Actor, singer, musician, artist.” But it's not always creative people! Each person has their own unique talents. Athletes, hairdressers, designers and even mechanics can have them! So how did they find and develop their superpowers?

Childhood will help you understand and reveal your secret talents! First you need to remember the dreams that began in early childhood and continue to this day. You can keep a diary and take notes. After the dreams have been remembered, and there is no empty sheet left in the diary, they begin to analyze it:

  1. Phrases and words that are related to the type of activity are underlined. From the category "Who would you like to be in the future?".
  2. After reading slowly and with concentration, they remember whether such a situation has occurred: in the cinema, on TV, on the street, in a magazine or book. Perhaps certain actions prompted the idea that you want to do the same and be the same. Highlighted moments are recorded again.
  3. They remember their favorite activities, the things that brought joy and pleasure. Again write down in a notebook.

The results obtained are the treasures that were sought. Maybe now you will be able to find some creative abilities or sports talent in yourself.

How to unlock abilities?

After analyzing the diary entries, they begin to work on abilities. It is better to be led by a teacher or mentor who will help you take your first steps in the development of super abilities and guide you on the right path. Like any other skill, talent must be developed. It requires labor and time. Undoubtedly, many talented people are born, but not many show themselves, do not try to find their talent. A mentor or teacher will teach many of the secrets of super skills.

Below is a small instruction on how you can open your abilities.

1. For any business use both hands with an equal load. They learn to write, eat, brush their teeth, wipe and take out something, comb with both hands. It will be especially difficult to work with the left hand with a computer mouse. This is necessary in order for both hemispheres of the brain to work. Thanks to such simple actions, they will be equally loaded. And yet, when a person works, the work is carried out by one hemisphere, and if both are involved, then new connections will appear in the brain.

2. To identify creative abilities and not only creative ones, the following actions will help:

  • Play "Blind Man's Bluff": the eyes are tied with a thick scarf or handkerchief, an object or object is searched for by means of sound signals.
  • Plug your ears. Some time is spent in this state.
  • Further, one can artificially turn off one of the senses.

The brain loses some sense organs for a while and looks for new ways of orientation in space. Abilities develop.

3. Long-term chewing of food will help sharpen your taste buds. They try to fully experience the taste of the product: chocolate, ice cream, nuts, and so on.

4. Get creative! Anyone that exists, in a word, a person tries to find himself with the help of: music, modeling, drawing, embroidery, sewing, scrapbooking, photography and so on.

5. Approach the development of a super ability with madness: turn the world upside down. Existing principles and rules of life are reversed. They dream without borders and frames, they fulfill all their old dreams.

6. Materialistic view of the world: they learn logic, study scientific methods thinking, analyses, synthesis, solve puzzles, crossword puzzles, puzzles.

7. Go in for sports. A strong and slender body will help in the implementation of all your plans! A trained body quickly copes with stress and ailments. Good healthy sleep is important. When nothing hurts, and the body is full of strength, then spiritually a person is ready for accomplishments. This is necessary to develop another talent.

8. Develop a sense of humor. They try to look at the world through children's eyes.

9. Keep a diary and write down ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Thanks to this, some unrealistic plans are realized.

10. Develop a sense of time and space. They look at the time, close their eyes and start counting the seconds, after a minute they open their eyes and look at the time. They try to calculate the time interval by feeling.

11. Never stop there! Man is capable of doing seemingly impossible things.

With any development of the situation, the perception of the world changes completely, a person learns to develop not only creative abilities, but also sports ones. Acquires many skills, learns to think in a completely different way, at the same time enjoy every day of life. If a person wants to realize himself as a person in this world, add something new to his life, stop doing boring and monotonous activities, you should start developing your talent! To reach heights, you must first understand yourself, your emotions, your perception. This is the key to a successful career, success in personal life and a great sense of humor. Having found yourself now, in old age it will be possible to say that life was not lived in vain.

Very often we come across a mention of someone's talent: the ability to sing, dance, paint pictures, speak beautifully. Even just to love, you need a remarkable talent.

Often, looking into yourself in moments of reflection and self-contemplation, you come to the disappointing conclusion: “But I don’t have any special talents!” And this is absolutely not true, because every person is talented in something. How to find your talent, find out your abilities, dormant in the depths of your soul and body to this day?

Initially, this word denoted a measure of the weight of some valuables: gold, precious stones, coins. The expression "bury talent in the ground" came to us from the biblical parable of the three servants. Their owner left them a talent of gold and offered to use these funds as he saw fit.

Two enterprising guys put their talents to work, although one of them went bankrupt, but the other succeeded significantly and multiplied the owner's capital tenfold. But the third, the most timid and indecisive, just buried his talent in the ground. Of course, he later dug it up, but got nothing from it, failing to use his talent.

Since then, about the one who could not discover his talent and use it, they say that he buried it in the ground. How to determine your talent, and is it even in each case?

There is a lot of controversy about the nature of abilities and many copies have been broken in various scientific discussions. Are our abilities innate or acquired? Most likely, we are given only the prerequisites for talent, and how we use them depends on the person and his environment.

Think for yourself, not so much time passes from the transformation of a tiny and helpless creature into an adult! We learn to walk, speak, write, play ball, do somersaults, cook, deduce formulas, drive a car, give birth to our own kind, invent a perpetual motion machine - and all this in less than 20-25 years! So, if you wish, you can develop other abilities in yourself.

We are looking for talents

Why do we come into this world? In order to do what other than us could not do, in order to leave a small, but your own mark. When a person was able to understand why he was born, he experiences a second birth. This is the discovery of talent, when abilities blossom, and a powerful engine begins to operate inside.

Stereotypes of our society about human abilities:

  • If talent is not given from birth, it is useless to do something. It is fundamentally wrong, because innate in us is only the ability to change, everything else is acquired ability. Talent is not visible now - maybe he is just still dozing.
  • You can't make money from talent. And this statement is wrong, it must be read from the end. Money comes by itself when you do something from the heart, putting your abilities into it.
  • A talented person can be seen immediately - he is special and out of this world. No, these people are just like everyone else. The only difference is that most often they live longer than others, because their life is interesting and not boring.
  • It's too late to start something at 30 (40, 65, 70…) years. This is also a delusion, there are many examples when people at a respectable age discovered remarkable abilities for drawing, writing, photography.

    At the age of 66, the writer V. Voinovich, unexpectedly for himself, began to paint talented paintings, which were even exhibited in the Russian Museum. A world-famous photojournalist Sergei Maksimishin began to take photographs only at the age of 40. Now he is a leading Russian photojournalist.

Stages of revealing talent

How to discover talent in yourself, is it possible to develop abilities almost from scratch? There is a certain path that all talented people go through at a different pace:

  1. A person with certain inclinations becomes interested in a certain area of ​​​​our life. He is simply interested in this topic, tries to learn something new, accumulates material, knowledge.
  2. At this stage, a person tries to copy other people's work, this is already a deeper dive.
  3. The next stage is characterized by attempts to create something of your own, something that no one else has done before you. It does not matter in what area it happens: in computer design or felting felt boots, in blacksmithing or in growing new varieties of raspberries - if the soul is invested in the process and as a result, author's things appear, then talent has been born.

There are studies that have led researchers to the conclusion that three years is enough for a person at any age to develop competence in a new specialty. The only condition is that you need to closely engage in self-improvement and work on mastering new activities. In a word, you need to burn with this idea.

Step by step

How to determine your talent, how to know in which direction to move? Most often, it is recommended to look into your childhood and remember what you liked to do most of all then. In contrast to this advice, we can recall examples famous people who developed their talents when there was not the slightest hint of their existence.

Stutterer Demosthenes, who made speeches with pebbles in his mouth on the seashore and became a great orator, the frail boy Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became a famous bodybuilder, the sickly Sasha Suvorov, who became a great commander - they all put their souls into what later brought them fame and left them in history as very talented people.

Apparently the recipe is quite simple. How to reveal your talents - you need to put your soul into what you are doing, and the recognition of others will not take long. Psychologist K. Sheremetev proposed an author's method, which he called "5 steps to your talent." Here are its main provisions:

  1. It is necessary to think about what brings great joy, and the process of carrying out this business is more important than the result obtained.
  2. For creativity, for the realization of this joy, you need to set aside time every day.
  3. By visiting master classes, clubs of like-minded people, studying the methodology and technique of their creativity, you can recharge your batteries with inspiration.
  4. In this step, it is proposed to copy elements and parts of the solutions and creative insights of recognized experts in the chosen field.
  5. At the last step, it is proposed to create no longer copies, but an interpretation of one's own vision of the world.

But in general, they say that the components of the talent formula are ten percent of the makings and ninety percent of the work.

Talent test

How to discover talent in yourself by passing the test, and is it possible in principle? There is an opinion that talent cannot be measured or determined by offering the subject a test. The argument goes like this: talent is non-standard in everything, and what test can measure non-standard approach with standard methods?

You can measure intelligence and memory, observation and the ability to think logically, but at the moment there is nothing to measure the ability to act in a new way. There is no such ruler, there is no such pattern.

Moreover, a person who wants to take a talent test most likely has a pattern of thinking and is far from showing his abilities to the fullest. The test that measures talent is an insoluble contradiction, a problem without a solution.

Talent can be measured by the novelty of ideas and solutions, and an equally talented person can feel it, but not by a test made according to a template.

Let's not become like that limited character of a biblical parable, and we will try to fully realize what the soul prompts a person. Talent can prolong life and give it meaning, if it is systematically developed.

At birth, each planet endows us with special qualities. To achieve success in life, it is necessary to develop certain abilities received from nature. But for each Sign they will be special.

In order to improve certain qualities in yourself, you need to know where to start. Many people, even after living half their lives, do not find their hobbies. But nature has endowed everyone with certain talents, and each of them is inimitable and unique.

The patron planets, together with the Sun, endowed the Signs of the Zodiac with unique abilities. But is this talent used, or does it remain undiscovered? Let's figure out which Zodiac Sign this or that gift belongs to and how, bestowed by nature.


The owners of this Sign are figures with a capital letter. Aries took a little from each patron planet: the Sun, Mars and Neptune. From Mars - courage, boundless willpower, the ability to weave intrigues, the ability to achieve everything by one's own or other people's work. Mars endowed them with fortitude and boundless mind, as well as the ability to generate brilliant ideas. But often they lack someone who will do the "dirty work".

The sun influences eloquence and excessive kindness. Aries are endowed with the ability to inspire people to exploits and even revolution, many of them are born speakers.

The patronage of Neptune endowed Aries with a wonderful imagination and spiritual strength, the gift of clairvoyance.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign tend to show a talent for sales or creating something material. The moon gives energy and the ability to sell absolutely everything. The energy of the Moon does not allow Taurus to be in submission for a long time, they need to take the reins of government into their own hands. And Venus charges with a stream of energy aimed at good luck in all matters.

Taurus should learn how to manage money, make enterprising friends, save a small amount and start taking action to improve the world around. Such a gift from the Stars is not to be missed.


A person born under the auspices of this Sign feels the influence of Mercury, which gives him the cunning of a fox, the resourcefulness of a snake and the mind of Einstein. Gemini's sociability usually knows no bounds. Many of them can safely open courses "how to arouse the interest of people." The energy of Mercury has endowed Gemini with the ability to speak to anyone, and absolutely any topic is suitable for this.

Gemini makes excellent advertisers, salesmen, diplomats. The universe gave them the ability to spread information faster than the media and convince people of the correctness of decisions inspired from outside. Many Gemini who work in these industries do not themselves notice how success comes to them.


The influence of the Moon sharpens the senses and makes many representatives of this Zodiac Sign excellent writers, actors, and artists. They are able to perfectly convey their emotions to the world, without unnecessary falsity. It is enough just to overcome the shyness inherent in Cancers and enroll in courses on creative self-realization.

Jupiter, the ruler of Cancers, reveals features such as fast learning, quickly finding the right solutions. Cancerians can become good mentors for people with such a storehouse of talents.

a lion

Leos are talented people in many areas. Under the auspices of the Sun, they do not know what maximalism is, their successes are uniform and smooth. Pluto sends a powerful force to the Lions, which is able to move mountains with its energy, and sometimes bring destruction to everything around.

This Zodiac Sign has talents for acting, they can be brilliant speakers and music makers. The way Lions splash their mood through words, music and emotions cannot be repeated by anyone else. But they should not be lazy and put off self-realization for later.


Virgos are charming people, designers in the broadest sense of the word. Their passion for beauty knows no bounds. Virgos often notice how people pay attention to their choice of clothing style or home furnishings. People appreciate what the Virgos have created, they want them to advise them, and they are ready to pay for this advice.

Mercury gives Virgos the ability to tell exciting and interesting stories. Brevity is not the sister of their talent, but they are excellent psychologists and writers.


The patronage of Venus endows this Zodiac Sign with kindness and love for all living things. Many Libras cannot walk past a stray dog ​​without feeding it or even taking it home. Libra can often be found at work in a shelter, because it is no longer possible to fit all the animals in an apartment.

Libra is endowed with artistic talents, can work in the comedy genre and give a positive that overflows. And many of them try to show it in the family circle, in front of close people. Libras make excellent artists: they can convey beauty so subtly that it takes people's breath away.


The owners of this Zodiac Sign have a talent for the occult. Many Scorpios are attracted to everything strange and unknown. Often it is not difficult for them to figure out fortune-telling. Under the influence of the planet Uranus (in ancient mythology, the first ruler of the universe), Scorpios can recognize energy hidden from the eyes and have a predisposition to the exact sciences. These people are often indestructible and result-oriented. Usually they do not retreat under any circumstances, and a phenomenal memory only helps in this.


Many Sagittarians are talented athletes, their strength of mind and body abilities are amazing. Sagittarians under the auspices of Jupiter are aware of their capabilities and often benefit from them. Many of them work in the military and value discipline.

Jupiter gave Sagittarius the ability to absorb knowledge, filter it and distribute it on the shelves in order to show off erudition in case of emergency. Often they find themselves in the transmission of the beauty of the world, they make excellent photographers.


The energy of Saturn endows Capricorns with the best talent - they are able to achieve success in any business they undertake, their diligence and confident movement towards the goal are worthy of reverence. In addition, Saturn gives Capricorns discipline and determination. They can be found at work in a jewelry store, where their ability to spot fake jewelry comes in handy.

Capricorns are given the gift of earning on their hobbies. Many of them choose to do what they like. Often the business chosen by Capricorn brings him power and well-being.


Jupiter endows Aquarius with a penchant for music. Aquarius can make excellent composers. Many of them are dreamers, but excessive laziness usually does not allow them to achieve success, and all the glory remains only in dreams.

The patronage of Jupiter endows Aquarius with refined feelings, luck and excellent intuition. The often overconfident Aquarius knows no bounds when they come up with something new. But usually they are listened to, as they have the power to pull the masses along, feeding people with words. They can also make excellent inventors, of course, if they take up themselves and push laziness into the background.


Pisces are talented in many ways, they can only show talent if someone notices it. They themselves refuse to notice their gift. But exactly inner world Pisces is able to subtly feel the Universe and show it to people. They can become excellent musicians, writers, singers. The works of Pisces, who have devoted themselves to art, evoke the expression of feelings, delight and tears.

The moon controls the emotions of Pisces, makes them sensual, open, subtle natures,
endows them with the gift of accurately and beautifully reflecting the world. Pisces often find themselves in art and plunge headlong into it. Permeated with inspiration to the fingertips, Pisces practically spills out their inner world, endowing society.

Now you know what talents your Zodiac Sign is endowed with and how

There is a tale in the Bible about how one man gave money to his slaves for safekeeping - then they were measured by talents (this is a measure of silver). Two of the slaves put the talents given to them into circulation and doubled the amounts given to them. And the third buried his talent in the ground so that no one would steal it. Soon the owner demanded his money back, and the slaves brought him talents and income from them. The first two slaves received praise and a reward from the owner for increasing wealth. And the third, who buried his talent in the ground, was punished for laziness and stupidity and lost the talent entrusted to him.

This parable teaches us something very important: if you have been given a skill from above, your talent, in no case should it be buried in the ground, on the contrary, it must be multiplied, otherwise the Universe that gave you will take its gift back.

But in order to multiply your talents, you must first discover them.

How to unleash your talent

It is not so difficult to understand what your “soul lies” for. You just need to stop limiting yourself for a moment, such as the desires and expectations of others, family, parents, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as judgments imposed from outside, and listen to your heart. For example, parents want their son to graduate from an aviation academy and become a pilot - his father served in aviation for a long time in administrative positions, but he never realized his dream of flying. Friends say that it is prestigious and quite profitable from a financial point of view, plus numerous benefits from the state. The girl dreams of how she will be the wife of the pilot, and how he will carry her around different countries. And the guy becomes a pilot. But he is unhappy, because he dreamed of something completely different. He plays the guitar really well and writes beautiful, soulful songs, he has his own band, and the public loves them, they even go on tour. But due to work with music, I had to quit. And this pilot falls into depression, because his talent is buried in the ground. And he could show courage and become a legendary musician.

How often do we choose what was imposed on us - parents, environment, teachers ... An accountant instead of a florist, a lawyer instead of a writer, an auditor instead of a dancer, a politician instead of an artist. Unrealized talent corrodes us from the inside and does not allow us to become happy. If you feel a talent in yourself - have the courage to declare it, develop it, do not bury it in the ground.

How to develop your abilities

Talent development is not a “now I understand: I will be a brilliant filmmaker” solution. It's a decision that "I want to learn how to make brilliant films." This is work. The development of abilities is a constant work, daily, hourly. It is letting go of the fear of not being able to. This is a sequence. It's a series of failures. It's ups and downs.

If you want to develop your talents and multiply them, don't quit what you love, learn new things, improve your skills. Then one day you will realize that you have doubled or tripled the gift that the Universe has given you.

Finally, watch a video on how to find and develop your abilities.