Chinese novels in Russian. Chinese love classic. The armies of ancient China in the 3rd century BC

In the section on the question of how to ask God for a wish, given by the author Marina Kutepova the best answer is Fulfillment of desires is asked from a pure heart, sincerely ...
you can simply, in your own words ...
And you can in prayer, psalms.
Akathist to the sweetest Jesus... it is possible, but it is complicated...
Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus
Kondak 1
Chosen Voevodo and Lord, hell to the winner, as if you were to get rid of eternal death, I will laudably describe Thee, Thy creation and servant; but, as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.
Ikos 1
Creator of angels and Lord of hosts, open my bewildered mind and tongue to the praise of Your most pure name, as if deaf and roaring of old, you opened your hearing and tongue, and, saying such a call: Wonderful Jesus, wonder of angels; Mighty Jesus, deliverance of the forefathers. Sweet Jesus, glorification of the patriarchs; Glorious Jesus, strength of kings. Beloved Jesus, the fulfillment of the prophets; O martyr Jesus, strength of the martyrs. Quiet Jesus, joy of the monks; Merciful Jesus, sweet presbyters. Most merciful Jesus, fasting abstinence; Sweet Jesus, rejoicing of the monks. Jesus, most honorable, virginal chastity; Eternal Jesus, salvation of sinners. Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Answer from Neurologist[active]
Why ask God for a wish? God is a myth, just like the root cause of the creation of the world!! ! "Thoughts are material" If you really want something, think about it in the present tense, as if you already have what you want. And it will definitely come true, just believe in it!!!

Answer from old-timer[guru]
Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart

Answer from Kosovorotka[guru]
If you need a desire, then God has already given it to you. You wish to wish. If you want to ask for the fulfillment of a desire, then God has already heard you. And the desire will be fulfilled regardless of whether you want it to be fulfilled or not. Merry Christmas and prosperity in life.

Answer from [email protected] [guru]
Read the akathist to Jesus Christ and then ask him for help in fulfilling your need, that is, desire. If it is not idle, then it will be fulfilled. Good luck.

The akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ is in two versions - the first is called the akathist to Jesus the Sweetest, the second is the akathist before the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. In every Orthodox prayer book there is an akathist to Jesus the Sweetest, but the second akathist is more rare.

This is a long prayer appeal to the Lord, which contains petitions for all needs. The words of the prayer are touching, they contain both an appeal to God, and repentant words, and reflections on the infinite love of God, the appearance of the God-man into the world, the Lord's sufferings for the salvation of the human race and His miraculous Resurrection. The akathist is at the same time spiritual instructions that can change the life of the one who prays.

Prayer to Jesus Christ - Akathist to the Almighty Lord Almighty

According to scientists, the Akathist to the Image of the Savior Not Made by Hands is one of the oldest monuments of literature in Rus'. Its primary source dates back to the 13th century and is the first prayer text that has the structure of a modern Orthodox akathist. This is the genre of prayer. having 12 kontakia and 12 ikos, alternating according to the kondak-ikos scheme. Akathist can be easily recognized by the repeated words-calls "rejoice", which are contained at the end of the ikos. The kontakia and beginnings of the ikos contain historical information, repentant and pleading appeals to the Lord - in the akathist to the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Over time, bishops, priests, leaders of the Church, ordinary believers compiled akathists to almost every saint glorified by the Church, and to all the miraculous icons of the Mother of God.

How to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ with the help of an akathist

The Greek word "akathist" means a prayer read standing. At the end of the akathist, the worshiper (or those praying led by a priest, if a prayer service is performed in the church) kneels down, reading the last, thirteenth ikos three times and the final prayer once.

You can read an akathist in a church or at home, better standing in front of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands. It is easy to recognize: this is an image of only the Face (face) of Christ, surrounded by a cloth. According to legend, the artist of one of the Eastern kings secretly tried to sketch Christ, but he could not do it - the Savior miraculously recognized his intention, washed himself and wiped his face with a towel, on the fabric of which, as if in a photograph, His Face was imprinted. Therefore, the image is called Not Made by Hands - created not by human hands, but by a miracle, by the will of the Lord. This miraculous icon on fabric was kept in Edessa, then in Constantinople, and then was lost during the medieval wars.

Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ at any moment of your life:

    asking the Lord for help in any troubles and sorrows,

    praying for healing in sickness,

    turning to Him in sudden danger,

    when you have anxiety, despondency, sadness in your soul,

    thank Him for joys, successes, happiness and health.

The Akathist to the Savior Not Made by Hands, like any prayer, can be read once, or, according to pious tradition, 40 days in a row. There is also a tradition to read an akathist every day throughout the year. This is done in great troubles and difficulties, however, you can read the akathist at the behest of the soul.
For reading an akathist for 40 days or a whole year, it is better to take a blessing from the priest by going up to the priest after the service, asking for a conversation and telling why you want to read the akathist for so long.

You can read the Akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ online using the text below. This is a rare text, it can not be found in all prayer books, however, the Church does not forbid reading an akathist from a phone screen or computer monitor.
May the Lord and God our Jesus Christ protect you!

Watch the video of Akathist to the Savior Not Made by Hands:

In the akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ, He is called the Sweetest because the Lord is Love, it is He who gives joy and happiness to every person who turns to him. God is not a magician or magician who is approached in the form of a conspiracy or ritual for gifts and a happy, comfortable life. It helps us get rid of fear of the circumstances of life and evil forces, destroy sins and vices in ourselves, becoming happy and delighting loved ones.

The salvation that Christ promises us is the Kingdom of God, which is slowly appearing within us today, when we become kinder and better, when we humbly rejoice in the various circumstances of life as the will of God. The sacraments of the Church — Confession and Communion — help us to accept the sweetness of God's Love.

The main theme of the akathist to the Lord Jesus the Sweetest is the joy that God will always help us, do what is best, set our hearts to the right life path you just have to turn to Him.

A strong prayer to the Lord - an appeal to the help of Jesus the Sweetest

The earthly life of the Son of God is described in detail in the Gospel, described and explained in many books (for example, there are interpretations on the Gospel of St. Theophylact of Bulgaria). The Lord gave himself as a sacrifice for human sins and conquered death itself, in His Resurrection returning the entire human race to paradise.

Of course, we pray to the saints and the Most Holy Theotokos as our spiritual friends and the Mother of the entire human race. However, turning to God Himself is the most important prayer.

    • Ask the Lord for help in any business, everyday difficulties and troubles,
    • Pray in danger
    • Ask for everything for your loved ones and friends,
    • Ask Him to forgive your sins, let you see your mistakes and vices and correct yourself.

How to Pray to God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ

Often we ourselves do not know that we are praying, asking: “If only I could be saved, if only I could avoid danger”, “Heaven, help!” - all these are prayers to our Great God. And He responded to your requests, expressed and not expressed - remember happy meetings, suddenly successful exams, unexpected happy pregnancy, Good work… It seems to us that all these are cases — but the Lord really manages our lives for the better, showing our capabilities, leading to gratitude to God for everything. Humility in the face of difficulties, turning to God with prayer at this time is the key to our salvation and upbringing of the soul, personal growth. Not a single psychologist is able to change, to make the soul happy in such a moment, as the Lord does.

But we ourselves must strive for a life pleasing to God, visit the temple, pray at the service, help people, forgive the sins and mistakes of our neighbors, and behave calmly in conflicts.

The Lord is a great Power and great Love, you only need to believe - and therefore trust Him with your life and your soul. Christ is not even a soldier who in battle lay down on the embrasure for the sake of his fellow soldiers, His feat is higher: being the Almighty, he voluntarily, in order to erase the past and future sins of mankind from the history of the universe, went to humiliation, torture and terrible suffering on the Cross from those whose He created the ancestors.

The words of the Lord Jesus are a call to repentance, to the love of all people for all people, compassion and pity even for terrible sinners. In response to sincere prayer, first of all, peace, clarity and tranquility will appear in the soul, according to the testimony of many people - and this is truly a miracle that happens to every believer. Try also to talk to the priest if you have difficulties and mental anxiety.

May our Lord Jesus Christ protect you!

When do people turn to Christ for help?

This divine work brings help and compassion. By reciting this akathist, Orthodox believers receive deliverance from:

impure thoughts,

mental and physical wounds.

You need to pray at the icon of the Most High about:

salvation from death and misfortune,

fencing lies and grief,

salvation from dishonesty and heartlessness.

It is necessary to offer not only prayer petitions to the Almighty, but also prayers of thanksgiving. It is necessary to pay a visit to the church and in moments of joy to thank the Lord for everything. Prayers must be pronounced sincerely from the bottom of the heart and with good thoughts. You can offer prayer requests not only for yourself, but also for your relatives.

This icon can help an Orthodox person in finding:

  • unity,
  • helps to find peace
  • holds the family together
  • unanimity.

This icon plays a huge role in family relationships. She protects the family. With the help of this icon, it is possible to protect your children from illnesses and misfortunes. It is believed that there are no such diseases that the Heavenly Healer of soul and body cannot heal. Prayers are offered to this divine face for the healing of the most serious illnesses. And if the belief of the believer is firm, real and pure, then this icon will heal from all ailments. Before this icon, they pray for health and love for friends and neighbors. This icon creates a wedding image. Very often, relatives of a young man use this icon to guide him to good, mutual love and eternal marriage.

It is also necessary not to forget about grateful prayers, because cases in our worldly existence sometimes turn out to be in fact the heavenly help of our Savior. This icon is in any church. There is no specific commemorative date for this holy face. Everyone says that the One who is depicted on this face is considered Happiness, Blessing and Peace.

Akathist to our Sweetest Lord sounds like this:

Kondak 1

Chosen Governor and Savior, the vanquisher of the unclean, how to get rid of eternal death, praising I offer prayer to You, creation and Your servant; however, as having endless kindness, free me from any misfortunes, calling: Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Ikos 1

Holy spirits and Divine power, enlighten our perplexed mind and inspire words to praise Your most holy name, how did it open now to the unheard and nasal ancient rumors and words, and, speaking, crying out like this: Christ is most holy, the saints are more exalted; Christ the purest, healing ancestors. Sweetest Christ, exaltation of churches; Merciful Christ, strengthening rulers. Christ most famous, seers fulfillment; Glorious Christ, refuge for the afflicted. Peaceful Christ, monks joy; Christ the merciful, needy sweetness. Merciful Christ, believers patience; Righteous Christ, joy of the priests. Christ honest, innocent impeccability; Christ is the long-lived, unworthy hope. Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Kondak 2

Seeing the widow weeping bitterly, God, how now to be merciful, to carry the youth to her repose now revived; now show me mercy, Lover of mankind, and save my sins that destroy my spirit, crying out: Hallelujah.

Ikos 2

The bewildered mind to understand Philip asking, God, reveal the Creator to us, we say; You are his: the son spent so much time with Me, did not know what is, how the Creator is in Me, and how am I in the Creator? With the same, Unexplored, with fear I will call on Thee: Christ, Lord eternal; Christ, Lord Almighty. Christ, the merciful Ruler; Christ, the merciful Savior. Christ, my faithful protector; Christ, forgive my sinful deeds. Christ, turn me away from hell; Christ, forgive my lies. Christ, my hope, do not leave me; Christ, my helper, do not reject me. Christ, my Creator, do not forget me; Christ, my Master, do not punish me. Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Kondak 3

God's providence blessed the angels, Christ, sitting in the Holy Land, bless me, open to any blessing, with the warmth of the Angel of Your messenger and we will tenderly sing to You: Hallelujah.

Ikos 3

Having well-being sympathy, the suffering and the unworthy, and the unfaithful turned now, Christ; hear me now, like them, however, as a valuable world, accept this hymn: Christ, great power; Christ, infinite mercy Christ, holy beauty; Christ, love is healing. Christ, Servant of the Living Lord; Christ, have mercy on me a sinner. Christ, hear me in the iniquities of the conceived; Christ, forgive me for the sin of the born. Christ, teach me unworthy; Christ, enlighten me dark. Christ, forgive me a sinner; Christ, guide me prodigal. Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Kondak 4

A hurricane of doubtful thoughts, Peter drowning; seeing in the body of you existing, Christ, and walking on the water, we recognized you as the real Lord and, having bestowed a helping hand, we lift up: Hallelujah.

Ikos 4

Hearing the blind in passing You, O God, dear proclaimed: Christ, Servant of David, have mercy on me! And having said this, his eyes were immediately opened. Grant this mercy of Thy eyes, thoughts and soul to me, crying out to You and saying: Christ, the heavenly Creator; Christ, the Redeemer of sinners. Christ, the unclean exterminator; Christ, ruler of all beings. Christ, comforter of my heart; Christ, the enlightener of my mind. Christ, joy of my soul; Christ, health of my body. Christ, my Savior, protect me; Christ, my light, guide me. Christ, save me from any suffering; Christ, protect me, a sinner. Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Kondak 5

With the Holy Blood, how did you make amends for us anciently from legal oaths, Christ, joy save us from the nets, but the snakes lure us with bodily passions, and unworthy temptations, and malicious despair, crying out to You: Hallelujah.

Ikos 5

Seeing the sons of Jerusalem in human form, Who created the hands of people, and the King who understands Him, you will strive with branches to please Him, we constantly say. We lift up a prayer to You, we say: Christ, the real Lord; Christ, Servant of David. Christ, the wise Master; Christ, the innocent angel. Christ, the most glorious Priest; Christ, protector in my childhood. Christ, feeder in my youth; Christ, praiser in my old age. Christ, hope in my death; Christ, the savior of my life. Christ, my helper at Your terrible judgment; Christ, my hope, do not leave me at that hour. Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Kondak 6

The priest of divine prayers, both pronouncing and fulfilling, Christ, appeared in the world of the earth and You lived with the people of the Unknown, and You took our ailments upon Yourself, and with Your blood we are healed, we sing to You: Hallelujah.

Ikos 6

The universe shone, enlightened by Your truth, and rejected the unclean lie: idols because our Savior, who do not endure Your power, are evil spirits. We, having received help, sing to You: Christ, truth, drives away lies; Christ, the light that surpasses all radiances. Christ the Sovereign, prevailing over all in power; Christ, Lord, abiding in mercy. Christ, the Bread for Life, satisfy me who am hungry; Christ, source of wisdom, give me a thirsty drink. Christ, garment of joy, clothe me perishable; Christ, patron of happiness, cover me unworthy. Christ, giver to the needy, grant me tears for my sins; Christ, refuge to those who seek, enlighten my soul. Christ, enlightener to those who interpret, save my accursed heart; Christ, Forgiving the unworthy, forgive my sins. Christ, Servant of the Lord, have mercy on me.

Watch the video Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus: