Mosquito therapy, or more about the healing powers of nature. Mosquito therapy, or more about the healing powers of nature A note on the need for references

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Weekends on warm May days are often associated with going out into nature, with barbecue, drinking and ... mosquitoes. How does alcohol in human blood affect the behavior of these nasty insects?

A few years ago I took part in a vintage car rally in Denmark as a photographer. It was not so much about who will come first to the finish line, but about your ability to dress in such a way that they pay attention to you.

It all ended at a campsite on the Isle of Man - lunch, dancing and a lot of drinking. After a few hours (and a few drinks), I thought it would be nice to take a nap in a sun lounger under the shining stars in the night sky.

It was then that I made three important discoveries: a) ferocious mosquitoes in Denmark in summer; b) these mosquitoes easily bite you even through the shirt or the fabric of the sun lounger c) when we start drinking alcohol, for mosquitoes it is like a signal for dinner. My back was covered in bubbles - so to speak, in memory of a trip to Denmark. Not at all the souvenir that I planned to bring home.

According to the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association ( Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association), a 2002 study showed that the likelihood of being bitten by mosquitoes increases dramatically if you drink alcohol. That study (very small, involving only 13 people) showed that those who drank a bottle of beer were more likely to land on mosquitoes.

What is the reason that mosquitoes are more attracted to those who have drunk is not yet very clear. We know that mosquitoes are attracted to us by two chemical substances and exhaled by us - carbon dioxide and octanol ( organic matter belonging to the class of fatty alcohols). But this brings us to next question: Does the mosquito that bites a drunk person get drunk?

Oddly enough, despite the fact that mosquitoes have been drinking our blood for thousands of years, almost no one has investigated this issue. Entomologist Tanya Depki from the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) told BBC Future: "I suspect not, because a person's blood alcohol level will be very low."

However, if we want to find rigorous scientific confirmation of her words, there will be, to put it mildly, not very many studies.

The ethanol we release when we drink alcohol may attract mosquitoes, researchers say | Getty Images

Patsy Stone, a frequent drinking character from the comedy series Absolutely Fabulous, once remarked: "The last mosquito that bit me had to go to an alcoholic rehab center."

However, in reality, insects are extremely resistant to the effects of alcohol. In a recent article in Popular Science, entomologist Kobi Shal of the University of North Carolina points out that a person who drinks 10 drinks can have a blood alcohol level of 0.2%. But if a mosquito drinks the blood of such a person, the results can be neglected - the insect drinks an extremely small amount of blood when bitten - the equivalent of if we drank that alcohol, diluted to 1/25 of its strength.

Evolution has helped mosquitoes. Any liquid, except blood, enters a separate digestive sac, where it is decomposed by enzymes. So it is highly likely that alcohol is neutralized before it starts to affect nervous system insect.

“Many adult insects have a kind of crop where they store all the fluids they have ingested,” says Erika McAllister, Senior Curator of Insects at the Natural History Museum in London. - Enzymes decompose everything harmful - both alcohol and bacteria, and after that the liquids gradually enter the body.

McAlister, who wrote The Secret Life of Flies, has already come across the subject while studying the effects of alcohol on fruit flies.

These tiny insects are very attracted to rotting fruit.

Insects are extremely resistant to the effects of alcohol | Getty Images

"I don't know if mosquitoes get drunk, but we see it happening with fruit flies," McAllister says.

“They definitely get drunk, but their resistance to alcohol is very high. In small doses, it makes them hyperactive and playful. In addition, they become less picky when choosing a partner. At a high dose, they simply turn off. Mosquitoes are also partial to rotting fruit, which produces alcohol as the sugars ferment.

Only females drink human blood - to provide the amount of protein necessary for laying eggs. Males and females also drink the nectar of the flowers (mosquitoes are the main pollinators) and use the sugar from the nectar for the energy they need to survive.

Sometimes this nectar is also decomposed by enzymes into a small amount of alcohol. Daepkie says it's an interesting question for her - does drinking alcohol make us more attractive to mosquitoes?

Some people are genetically predisposed to more frequent mosquito bites - it is believed that 20% of these

One such genetic feature is the blood type. For example, one study found that people with type I blood were twice as likely to be bitten by mosquitoes as those with type II.

Other risk factors for being bitten are high body temperature (possibly also related to body temperature), frequent deep exhalations (excretion carbon dioxide) and larger body size.

Mosquitoes also care where they bite you. Some of them prefer the legs and arms, others, attracted by the release of carbon dioxide from your nose and mouth, the neck and face.

“I went to Costa Rica and a mosquito bit me on the sole of my foot! - Depki recalls indignantly. - How is that at all?

Perhaps the main chemical signal to mosquitoes that comes from us when we are drunk can be considered the ethanol released in sweat - such a conclusion can be drawn from a 2002 study.

A similar experiment was carried out in 2010 in Burkina Faso with the participation of 18 people. He confirmed that mosquitoes find those who drink to be attractive.

All mosquitoes look the same to us. However, this is not true. There are mosquitoes 3 thousand different types, and they are all attracted to different prey. Some are happy to bite people, while others prefer birds, for example.

Mosquitoes treat us much more attentively than we treat them. Scientists have counted 346 chemicals on one human hand. Each of these substances has its own unique smell. The combination of them is different for everyone, but the chances are still so-so - 277 out of 346 are very attractive to mosquitoes. So this is not a myth: there are indeed people in the world (about 20% of the population) who are not bitten by mosquitoes at all. Eat hypothesis that the smell of these substances is determined by the blood type of the bitten. So, people with a zero blood type are bitten twice as often as others.

Now it's pretty annoying. study, which proved that a person who drinks beer, mosquitoes will bite more often.

Here is a study done American scientists, proved what you and I already knew: mosquitoes react especially maliciously to the smell of human sweat. And more precisely - on the acidic smells that are included in the bouquet of sweat smells. The rest of the mosquitoes are not interested.

If you just got out of the shower, the chances of you getting bitten by a mosquito right away are minimal.

We are more likely to be attacked at night, not only because we have turned off the lights and do not move, but also because a person sweats a lot on sweltering summer nights. It is quite difficult to avoid this, so the bitten people again turned to scientists.

This time the Australians had a very useful research and found that a combination of lemon and eucalyptus oil scents reduced the number of bites by 95%.

Buy a jar of eucalyptus oil, squeeze one or two lemons on it, stir and apply to the skin. You are saved.

For those who do not like these smells, European research team advises smearing with cinnamon in any form. Perfume, toilet water, any oil with an admixture of natural cinnamon will do. In extreme conditions, even just rubbing a cinnamon stick on your skin is enough.

Another delicious smelling option suggested American scientists. They advise diluting vanilla sugar or pure vanillin in any body butter. This method, by the way, is recognized as the most effective in the fight against Asian mosquitoes - keep in mind when you go on vacation.

Eating garlic regularly also reduces the number of mosquito attacks, but there is a danger of scaring people away too.

If you don’t want to smear anything at all, a simple fan will save you: a mosquito cannot land on a person if the wind speed exceeds 10 km per hour.

But if you do get bitten, here are 8 ways to make the bite stop itching.

As soon as you are bitten, you should quickly smear the bite with any alcohol to reduce the amount of mosquito secretions that have come into contact with the skin.

Dilute two tablespoons of baking soda in water and pour this liquid over the bite site. Do not rinse with clean water. Let dry.

If you have not had time to comb the bite to the wound, put a little vinegar on it.

Dilute some salt in warm water and wash the bite.

Or, conversely, apply ice. This will help quickly, but, unfortunately, not for long.

But a tea bag, caught from a hot cup of tea and then chilled, will give a longer effect.

A strange but effective method. Take an aspirin tablet, wet it a little with water so that it turns into a wet powder, and smear it on the bite.

Applying a small amount of toothpaste will also help a lot. True, you first need to make sure that the wound is not open.

Suddenly from somewhere flies
little mosquito,

And in his hand it burns

Small flashlight.

Where is the killer, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

K. Chukovsky

Everything in nature is arranged proportionately and harmoniously, and every creature has its own use. That is why we believe Korney Chukovsky, who made Komar the savior of his Fly-Tsekotukha. Let us briefly recall the plot of the old tale: Muhe, as they say, “once Бог!} sent a one-time financial assistance. Not knowing how else to apply the funds received, the Fly, along with numerous guests, indulged in gluttony, which caused the appearance of the Spider, which can be interpreted as a disease and even premature aging (old spider). The disease deprived the Fly of mobility (he twists the arms and legs of the Fly with ropes) and led to the inefficiency of the circulatory system (the sharp teeth stick into the very heart, and he drinks her blood). But then the Mosquito appears, and in the darkness that has come (vision problems?) His flashlight is just a ray of light in the Dark Kingdom. And the flashlight helps the Mosquito to clearly see the causes of the disease and apply the most effective methods treatment (takes out a saber and cuts off his head at full gallop). The saber is, of course, the mosquito's proboscis, and it is he who has the healing power.

Now, you say, the fantasy has played out, but let's try to reason logically.

The healing power of the bites of leeches and bees is known. The saliva of leeches contributes to the improvement of the blood (the leech is not a fool, it will not bad blood drink) - its liquefaction, resorption of blood clots, cleaning of microorganisms. And this leads to numerous therapeutic effects, ranging from gynecology to attempts to treat oncology and AIDS. A bee is just a flying disposable syringe filled with a unique medicine. Bee venom relieves inflammation and kills pathogenic microbes, tones the nervous system and stabilizes the cardiovascular system. In the old days, men practiced this method of prevention - they took off their pants and sat in an anthill: if you endure five minutes, you will not know the year of diseases. Still - what a stimulation and disinfection of the lower kundalini chakra and the notorious prostate gland.

But this is all chemistry - though natural, but chemistry. What are the benefits of mosquitoes? They have neither poison nor anesthesia when bitten, only a chilling squeak. But still. It's no secret that some mosquitoes bite more, while others seem to be ignored. Why would it? According to Chukchi beliefs, lice appear in people due to the fact that they have problems with the liver. With a liver or not, but in fact - in a large team of children or in a company of soldiers, lice do not cling to everyone. And they settle exactly where the lymph nodes are located, in which any infection settles. That's the point - the mosquito takes not with chemistry, but with precision, he is not a pharmacist, he is a natural acupuncturist.

Look at a mosquito looking for a place to bite - will it bite anywhere? Of course not. He searches for a long time and carefully for a place where to stick his needle. And by what parameters does he determine which place is suitable? Mosquitoes find the victim by smell, just like they are looking for the place that smells the most. And the sore spot smells the most - there is a concentration of blood. And we smell of what our blood is full of - it carries everything in the body, it is a universal transport. What smells do mosquitoes prefer?

It is well known that bees good people don't bite. Isn't that right? One beekeeper got a call on his cell phone and began to complain, he tensed up - and it was in this hand that a bee bit him, so much so that everything swelled up. Beekeepers generally urge everyone to be calmer in the apiary - do not shout, do not wave your arms, do not get angry, even to yourself. But so are mosquitoes. A well-known ascetic of yoga, who did a lot to propagate this teaching in the West, Yogananda said that he was surprised when mosquitoes did not bite his teacher Sri Yukteswar, while время!} how all the students were forced to sleep with mosquito nets. And the bard from Tambov, Igor Lyubimov, who came to Kazan, told how he was amazed that his friend was basking in the sun and butterflies and dragonflies landed on him, and only horseflies and mosquitoes landed on Igor himself.

So the first conclusion that can be drawn is that mosquitoes bite less kind people in a calm state of mind, but prefer aggressive ones. Mosquitoes serve as the pointing finger of God and Nature, drawing the attention of a person to those mental problems that can cause physical ailment (which is expressed in the statement "all diseases are from the nerves").

But there is another point: after living for some time in a certain area, you begin to notice that mosquitoes bite less and less. Grandmothers explain it this way: “They have already eaten your blood!” This, of course, is not true. The number of mosquitoes is huge, and new ones appear every two weeks, they can not eat. But we can. Eating what has grown in this area, we are saturated with its chemical composition, merge with the background and become invisible to mosquitoes, unless of course we have persistent mental and physical disorders. Mosquitoes protect the earth from the invasion of strangers and evil - oh, what good fellows! And a person who is fond of foreign food and generally irrational nutrition is pointed out to emerging sores before he himself feels them.

But also because mosquitoes stop biting, that a person, having completed a course of mosquito therapy, simply recovers. Mosquitoes cleanse clogged skin pores, and also improve blood supply to those parts of the body that do not receive enough nutrition due to spasm or muscle contraction (like we rub a bitten place - red hot - this is a massage!). And if in the language of Chinese medicine - they clear the finest energy channels. And if we have already recognized the importance of Chinese medical practices and introduced the positions of acupuncturists in polyclinics, then we must also recognize their greatest professionalism for mosquitoes. No matter how thorough the diagnosis is carried out by the health worker - this is bookish, mental knowledge - he calculates where to stick the needle, and the mosquito directly feels it. But the energy channels are a fraction of a millimeter thick and a very small slip can stimulate not the work of the heart, but rather depress the stomach. Moreover, in the channel that has already been cleaned, the mosquito will not bite a second time, while the acupuncturist, not having full information, will stick the needle into a properly functioning channel and ruin everything.

Therefore, the next time a mosquito lands on you, do not rush to slam it - this is an ambulance of Divine help. Just take a breath and relax the place where it hurts, you can send the energy of Love towards it - it will pass through the diseased area and will contribute to healing. And thank the mosquito for a free absolutely professional and effective acupuncture course. If your illnesses are so neglected that it is simply unbearable from a hail of bites - help the mosquitoes: take a steam bath, bathe, wallow in the dew, eat right, move more and more varied, eliminating the stagnation of energy. Your body will exude pleasant ethers, and mosquitoes will recognize you as the king of nature and will fly around, squeaking respectfully.

Once again I will return to what we started with - there are no useless creatures in nature. Not only mosquitoes, but also many insects are able to open the channels on the human body. As a rule, those pores are clogged through which toxins come to the surface, removing all kinds of internal sores from the human body. The flies are most likely annoying because they call on lazy animals (and people) to quickly clean themselves of the smell and impurity of the skin.

And, of course, the ingenious Chukovsky was intuitively right when he entrusted the role of the healer of the Fly, entangled in the web of a commercial civilization far from nature, to Komar. And when the disease is defeated, the body is clean and nourished with fresh full-fledged blood, the productive force is reborn by itself.

And now, soul girl,

I want to marry you!

P.S. It is known that vaccinations against various diseases are made with the blood serum of people and animals who have recovered from illnesses, which contain weakened or even dead pathogens so that the body can develop antibodies to them and not get sick with a real infection. But this is exactly what mosquitoes do, transferring blood (in case of an unsuccessful bite) from one person to another. And they do it precisely in microscopic doses, carrying out universal preventive vaccination. True, some pathogens, such as those that cause malaria, have adapted this mechanism to their own purposes - this is an exception that proves the rule. After all, someone is allergic to mother's milk, but it is exactly what a child needs for life. In addition, no diseases transmitted by mosquitoes have been found in our climatic zone.

For reference. About mosquitoes.

A mosquito chooses a victim not by taste, but by smell. He also doesn't care what your blood type is. To begin with, he is attracted by the release of carbon dioxide during breathing, this is a signal: there is a “feeder” nearby. Exploratory planning over a peacefully sleeping person allows you to sniff out further important information. First, the body must be warm. Mosquitoes, you know, like it hot. Particularly attractive to impudent bloodsuckers is the smell of sweat, in particular one of its components - lactic acid, the concentration of which in people is individual. According to some reports, mosquitoes are not indifferent to those who smell like hair balm, certain medicines - for example, heart ones. And also alcohol. However, it is possible that on a drunken body it is simply more convenient for mosquitoes to arrange a feast: he sleeps with a deck, if you want - itches, if you want - bite, he still does not feel anything. According to S. Chaika, Deputy Head of the Entomology Department of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, in people with white sensitive skin, especially in women and children, the reaction to bites is more pronounced, which is why it seems that they are bitten more.

The experiments of foreign scientists, the purpose of which was to find out what mosquitoes, on the contrary, do not like, confirmed what has long been known: this is the smell of anise, cloves, camphor oil, eucalyptus, garlic, incense, lavender, tobacco smoke and smoke in general, for example from a fire. Observations have been questioned and so far without explanation, indicating that mosquitoes do not tolerate yellow. As for the presence of sugar in the blood, and even more so diagnosing diabetes by mosquito addictions to individuals, nothing is known about this science at the moment. Mosquitoes really flock to malaria patients more often. And also - for those who have more B vitamins in their blood. But mosquitoes do not want to bite people who take cholesterol-lowering drugs. But they also determine this not by taste, but by smell.

About leeches.

Nature does not create anything useless. However, people do not always know how to reasonably apply what at first glance seems completely unnecessary and even disgusting. The use of hirudotherapy methods (treatment with leeches) is extremely effective; today they are practiced in microsurgery, gynecology, cardiology, dermatology, immunology, etc. Through leeches, doctors are trying to defeat cancer and AIDS.

As recent studies have shown, the effect of leech saliva enzymes extends much further than the vascular endothelium. These substances penetrate deep into the layer of connective tissue fibers lining the outside of capillaries, venules and arterioles. Proteins begin to work first, contributing to the rupture of capillaries in the bite area and accelerating blood flow in this area. This helps the worm to quickly swallow large portions of blood and thin its dense clots.

Then enzymes come into play that inhibit blood absorption and dissolve existing blood clots in it. These components of the salivary secretion contribute to the normal digestion of blood in the intestines of the worm. The last substances that conserve blood reserves are connected. These substances keep the blood fresh, resist drying out and suppress деятельность!} microbes that have entered the intestines of a leech.

This most powerful blow of enzymes, if you skillfully dose the intake of the latter into the patient's body by hirudotherapy, will by no means be crushing. The normalized (therapeutic) effect of the enzyme determines the stabilization of the transfer of substances, opens access to the cells of biologically active compounds, intensifies blood microcirculation in the area of ​​the affected organ

About bees

In its medical and biological essence, a bee can be represented as a disposable syringe filled with a unique medicine that has no analogues in its therapeutic potential.

With a bee sting, a small dose of a rather complex chemical composition (50 different substances) of bee venom enters the body. Peptide melittin relieves inflammation and kills various pathogenic bacteria. Adolapine is more effective in pain relief than opium and aspirin combined. Apamin tones the nervous system, and the cardiopeptide stabilizes the cardiovascular system.

Bee venom is a natural remedy that does not contain dyes, additives and other chemical components. It brings only benefits, unlike any drugs that have a lot of side effects. Bee venom acts on the cause of chronic diseases, and not on their manifestations (symptoms), activating the physiological processes in the body. It is through this that it is possible to achieve a complete cure.

12(48) issue of the newspaper "To be good"

see also Anthill and its unique properties

A note about the need for links

The article is now widely circulated on the Internet. If you type in the search for Yandex or Google the word "mosquito therapy", then it will give dozens of links. And all of them without indicating the author and reference to Tartary. I ran through these pages, reminding and suggesting where the original is located and to whom one should be grateful. Entire branching chains of links to each other. And what happened at the very beginning? At the very beginning, Lena Salnikova herself posted an article on the forum without a signature and a link. Maybe she didn’t know how, maybe she didn’t attach any importance, maybe she was modest.

But as a result of this, we have two effects - firstly, the popularity of the article did not affect the attendance and recognition of Tartaria in any way. And secondly, many publish it, including serious sites dedicated to the Slavic tradition and Rodnovery, where the article is already under the title "Slavic mosquito therapy" and "Mosquito therapy in the Slavic tradition." And with the preamble "Since ancient times, our ancestors knew that mosquitoes, not malarial, but simple, treat a person, heal him from serious ailments with the help of acupuncture." That's how modesty is sometimes misleading.

But there is no evil without good. Climbing through the chains of links, I discovered how many like-minded people and friends we have. And also read a lot of interesting comments. Below is one of the items found.

Theme continues

Mosquito bite

For seven years now, I have been treated with mosquito bites. And what? If there is apitherapy, leeches (I don’t remember how they are scientifically there), then why can’t there be mosquito therapy? Also bites.

To be honest, this idea didn't occur to me. I read from Anastasia (Megre) that all insects are useful for humans. And I decided to experiment and see if this is true?

My first experience.
It was summer, I went to bed in the evening without hiding. And immediately (naturally) a painfully familiar squeak (or buzz?) was heard. I gathered my willpower into a fist, and decided to endure to the end, giving myself full power to an invisible stranger.

He started by "tickling" the calves (I was lying on my stomach). I relaxed (it’s somehow easier to stand on my leg), at least mentally! Sitting comfortably, he set to work.

In addition to the unpleasant "burrowing", I felt how some channel became hot, running under the skin along the entire calf, and going somewhere into the toes. It became a little pleasant in the leg, apparently the blood ran faster, the leg somehow warmed up all over. I understood: he opened, for some reason, a clogged energy channel! I don't want to say that mosquitoes can do it too, I want to say that they can do it in the most natural way!

And the mosquito, meanwhile, “had fun” in full: as soon as the hotness of the channel subsided, it changed the direction of the “beak”, either going deeper, then to the side, thereby forcing this fervor to repeat again and again! Natural cleaning in all directions! Then my leg "calmed down", no longer reacting to his movements, and the "natural doctor" lost interest in it. Pulling out his tool, he flew off to look for a nook to digest.

The bite itched for about five minutes, then I forgot about it. I must say that if you let the mosquito complete its cycle of the procedure to the end (do not interfere with it), then there will be no bump from the bite, there will be no blister, there will be no combing to the blood, because it does not itch for more than five minutes. But that's how it is with me. I am not allergic to bites.

Then, already on the street, I decided not to drive them at least from my legs, which were bare at this time of the year. And I was pleasantly surprised: after two weeks, I stopped feeling pain during the bite. In general, I did not feel the mosquito itself. And biting me became much less. While you are sitting in nature in the evening, two or three mosquitoes will serve me, and that's it. While friends are being eaten. I've been eaten before too. Now, I think, I have become, as it were, more in harmony with nature. I do not resist her, but on the contrary - I substitute myself for treatment and harmonization, and she became calmer towards me! Yes, and I became calmer and more trusting towards her. In general, we became friends with her.

But once, I accomplished almost a feat ... I am lying on the lake, sunbathing. I feel like it hurts! Well, I think it's probably a health issue. I endure. Only somehow they bite for a long time, already tired of waiting. I get up, I look - a gadfly (gadfly), though small, maybe that's why it's tolerable. Decided to be patient.

This "nurse" tormented me for about five minutes, I already started to howl. And it feels like this process will never end. I wonder what kind of canal he opened? I didn't feel it, perhaps not being able to pull away from the sensation of pain. But, nevertheless, she waited until he, having brought the matter to the end, flew away, leaving a small drop of blood on a small swelling of his leg. I was too lazy to wash it, or I was distracted, just looking - a fly flew in and wiped this drop with its proboscis. All. The procedure is over. Here you have a doctor, here you have a nurse. Everything is free, with home delivery, and according to the most accurate diagnosis, that is, to the right place.

By the way, at the expense of the right place: I have a toothache (I got a cold). I went out for a walk with the dog, a mosquito bit, and fifteen minutes later the tooth died down. He bit clearly on the sujok: next to the thumbnail (the thumbnail represents the head, face), those who understand will understand. I myself only superficially know - a friend taught a little. But I remember that she taught me another time to relieve a toothache by pressing with a fountain pen at the desired (painful) point near the nail. But. I think that the mosquito coped better than Sudok therapy, if only because its "massage" occurs with "penetration" inside. Is it possible for a doctor, even a highly educated one, to determine the right place of influence with such accuracy? Here it is necessary to feel the "skin"! And have the right tools, of natural origin. (Doctors, don't be offended)

And mosquitoes feel your mood and attitude to the world. Example.

In late spring, when everything was green, I went to a wooded park. The mood was joyful and grateful: I walked through the forest, enjoyed the spring, warmth, green trees, bushes, already a lot of grass, and indeed, May. I saw a large snail on a leaf. Decided to pet her. She didn't hide. I put my finger up to her nose. She liked it. The snail began to open its mouth, trying to suck on the finger. Just like a leech! The mouth became wider and wider, already on the floor of the fingertip! And then, suddenly, I became scared: what if she swallows her whole finger? I quickly pushed the snail away. And then, out of nowhere, mosquitoes appeared. They just didn't exist! I've been in this shade for a long time! And here's a bunch! I ran to the sunny path! And on the way I realized: they reacted to fear! In nature, everything is in sight! You can’t even hide your spiritual inner impulses! As soon as my state changed, a second did not pass, as help was pulled up. I don’t know what they were going to do (it’s clear what to bite), in order to calm down? Of course they didn't! They felt the negative radiation and flew towards it.

But recently, this summer, walking in the forest park, I sat down on a small matter. Apparently, an ant fell on his back from a blade of grass, and ended up under his jeans. I feel - it burns, first in the lumbar region, then somewhere lower, already on the knee, I had to run into the thicket, take off my jeans. She shook out the poor fellow, who was already thinking with might and main: “In, I got it!”

And a week later, I suddenly noticed that the hip joints no longer hurt, which had already begun to get fed up, however ... And the knee stopped whining! And all this relief without noise, and long reflections, and without being distracted from life! How wise is nature! How caring!

You just need to listen to your body, your intuition, and not close yourself from it. And see the positive in everything. Or pluses.

And as for snake bites: I haven’t checked, but I think that there is some benefit in this, you just need to approach it with your mind (or intuition). After all, poison is used in medicine.

I remember an episode from Megre's book "Anastasia". When she pressed Megre to the grass, and the insects began to crawl and bite on him (for those who are not familiar with books - Anastasia is a Siberian hermit). Remember how scared he was when he thought that Anastasia decided to feed him to the "bastards"? And then, reproaching her, he remembered that he managed to notice a snake next to his leg. To which she replied: “Your leg is completely numb, and I would remove the extra poison.”

And mosquitoes, now my friends, and healers. And when, living in the city, a rare mosquito sits on me, I try not to move, so as not to frighten away ... my health.