Summary of the lesson "Memorizing the poem "Autumn" by A. Tvardovsky" outline of the lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic. Alexander Tvardovsky - Forest in autumn: Verse Tvardovsky forest in autumn download fb2

PLAN CONSPECT SUBJECT: literary reading THEME: "Autumn Forest" (A.T. Tvardovsky), "The Last Mushrooms" (M.M. Prishvin). PURPOSE: To introduce the works “Forest in Autumn” and “The Last Mushrooms” and biographies of A.T. Tvardovsky and M.M. Prishvin. To form in children the concept of autumn, the last mushrooms. To promote the development of speech, the skill of conscious fluent reading. Cultivate love for nature. EQUIPMENT: notebooks, pens, books, posters, illustrations. PLAN: 1. A) org. moment - 1 min. B) check d.z. - 5 minutes. C) a story about mushrooms - 1 min. 2. A) information about the author - 1 min. B) primary reading - 2 min. IN) vocabulary work 1 min. D) work on the score 10 min. E) reading in pairs 10 min. E) information about the author - 1 min. G) primary reading 2 min. H) selective reading 10 min. 3. A) total - 1 min. PROGRESS OF THE LESSON Activity of the teacher Motivation-target stage. Organizing moment Hello, dear guys! Sit down a little! Checking homework. So, your homework was to memorize the poem. Let's quietly recite a poem in pairs? Whose neighbor spoke better? (with expression)? (poll of 5 people). Well done guys! Exit to the topic. What season is described in the poem? How rich is it? Guys, what kind of mushrooms are there? What names of mushrooms do you know? What is the right way to pick mushrooms? Look at the picture, mushrooms are shown here. There are many types of mushrooms. / boletus, boletus, milk mushroom, chanterelles, fly agaric, etc. / White mushrooms are found near birches, pines, spruces, oaks, mushrooms in pine and spruce forests, aspen mushrooms - near aspens. There are many edible mushrooms in our forests. First, from the end Student activity Work in pairs Autumn. Edible and poisonous fruits and mushrooms

April to mid-May, morels and stitches appear, then champignons. In mid-June, when rye is earing, boletus trees appear. Following them - butter, boletus, russula. From the second half of summer until the first frosts, fruiting bodies form mushrooms of all kinds. Well done guys? We continue the theme of autumn in literature. What works did you get acquainted with while studying this topic? Name the authors. Well done! operational stage. One of the poets who was attracted by this topic was Alexei Trifanovich Tvardovsky. Information about the author. A.T. Tvardovsky was born on 8 (21). 06. 1910. On Khutor Zagorye, now Pochinkovsky district, Smolensk region. He died on 12/18/1971 in a holiday village near Krasnaya Pakhra, Moscow Region. Buried in Moscow. He was a Russian Soviet poet and public figure. He wrote a lot of stories. In the post-war years, “The world is big and difficult” comprehended the historical destinies of the people more and more deeply and diversified. And today we will get acquainted with his poem "Forest in Autumn". Have you been to the park recently? What did you see? What sounds did you hear? Well done! Vocabulary work. In the poem, we will meet with words that you have not yet heard. (on the board the word "sideways"). Guys, how do you understand the word "sideways"? Sideways - with a tilt to one side, moving to the ear. Primary perception of the text. And so, guys, let's open page 30. (I myself read 1 time). How do you understand the expressions: “A blue appeared between the thinning tops”, “The spruce in the forest became more noticeable”, “The last boletus moved his hat on one side?” Why didn't you hear the birds? Why did the spruce become more noticeable? Why did the boletus move his hat on one side? Did you like the poem? What? What lines from the poem do you remember? Did you like it? (read out). Work on expressive reading. Guys, on the board you see pauses and tones. What pause did you choose in the 1st sentence. What is the main word? (2,3,4,5 ...). (break into parts, read in pairs (1,2,3 people) (1,2 ask)). Guys, what picture would you draw for this poem? What changes in nature did the author speak about? Guys, did you pick mushrooms? Well done! (Pushkin, Tyutchev, Fet, Bunin, Sokolov - Mikitov). The leaves have flown away and fallen. Yes, The beauty of the described nature Put down the tone and pauses. word drawing

One of the writers, such as M.M. Prishvin, liked to write about nature. Today we will consider his story "The Last Mushrooms". Information about the author. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born in 1873. (1954). He was not only a children's writer - he wrote his books for everyone. He wrote only about what he himself saw and experienced in nature. Prishvin became a writer like this: in his youth, he walked the whole north with a hunting rifle behind his shoulders and wrote a book about his journey. It was called "In the land of fearless birds." Primary reading. Now let's open page 31. (I read it myself). What music did you hear while reading the story? What mood did it evoke in you? Now let's read in pairs. (for 1 - 2 people). (read 23 people). Guys, how did the wind play with the linden tree? How did you play with the cloud? Where were the last mushrooms hiding? What mushrooms did the author find under the leaves? Well done! What illustration would you draw? Why do you think this story is called "The Last Mushrooms"? Well done! Reflective evaluation stage. What was interesting about the lesson? Oh, what do you say at home? ­ Homework learn a verse or paraphrase. Lesson grades. Selective reading.

Between thinning tops
Blue appeared.
Noisy at the edges
Bright yellow foliage.
Birds are not heard. Crack small
broken knot,
And, with a flickering tail, a squirrel
Easy makes a jump.
The spruce in the forest became more noticeable -
Protects deep shade.
Boletus last
He pushed his hat to one side.

Analysis of the poem "Forest in Autumn" by Tvardovsky

A.T. Tvardovsky is a famous Russian poet. The poet received his fame and significance due to the fact that he himself is from the common people and writes about Russian nature, about its beauty and originality. The author is unique in that he writes for both children and adults. In the poem "Forest in Autumn", the poet reveals the beauty of an autumn day full of embellishments, paying attention to the number of images in nature, but emphasizing the expressiveness of each of them.

Describes the changes that occur with nature, the author emphasizes the simplicity of the plot and images, but in this simplicity, nature remains just as beautiful and amazing. In the poem, Tvardovsky uses several pictures:

  • the poet looks up into the sky and sees the beauty of the blue sky unfolding between the trees;
  • the poet looks at the ground, and under his feet is bright and yellow, like the sun, foliage;
  • silence in nature is emphasized by the absence of bird songs, plunging a person closer to natural phenomena;
  • the animal world is presented in the form of a squirrel, which makes a jump from branch to branch;
  • the plant world is shown through the image of a spruce, which is hidden in the shade, but remains the same important component of nature;
  • living creatures in nature, the boletus, like a traveler who moves his hat to look around;

In the poem, the natural world comes to life, the author uses epithets: “thick shadow”, there is also personification: “protects the shadow”, “moved his hat”. With the help of metaphors, the poem describes actions: “blue appeared”, “leaves rustled”. In the work, the poet describes only nature, there is no person in it, there is only a creator who carefully observes and describes its beauty and innocence.

Artistic techniques helped A.T. Tvardovsky to convey the beauty of autumn, which was created by nature itself. Drawing a picture of the harmony of nature, the author shows two main images of the poem, these are the images of God the Father and Mother - the earth, the parents of all living things. The author talks about the reaction of all living things to the onset of autumn, how plants and animals behave. But, despite the cold, the fact that the birds fly away, each season is unique in its own way, and the author emphasizes this.

In his work, Tvardovsky, describing nature, showing his attitude towards it. With the help of landscapes, the author shows the closeness of man and nature. "Forest in Autumn" is the first work of Tvardovsky, which children get acquainted with. It teaches love for all living things, and also calls to pay attention to the beauty around us and take care of it.

Lesson summary: Memorizing the poem "Autumn" by A. Tvardovsky is aimed at the formation and development of expressive reading skills, memory and poetic hearing in preschoolers.

Abstract of the lesson.


  1. To teach children intonation expressively convey the beauty of winter nature, when reading a poem by heart.
  2. Develop poetic ear, memory, speech.
  3. Help children to feel the figurative language of the poem.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Fizminutka
  2. positive motivation
  3. art word
  4. Questions
  5. Conversation.

Materials, equipment:

  1. Reproduction I.I. Levitan “Autumn, Sunny


  1. Audio recording "Sad rain" A. Klimov

Preliminary work:

  1. Examination of the reproduction of I.I. Levitan "Autumn, Sunny Day"
  2. Conversation about the season "Autumn"
  3. Riddles
  4. Freehand drawing on the theme "Autumn"

Vocabulary work:Between the thinning tops, protects a thick shadow,

He pushed his hat to one side.

Lesson progress:

Music sounds. The teacher makes a riddle:

"I bring the harvest,

I sow the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees.

But I do not touch Christmas trees and pines.


I - ... (Autumn)

How did you guess? (harvest, birds fly away, trees undress)

Autumn talk:

  1. What season is it now?
  2. What are the autumn months?
  3. Name signs of autumn.
  4. -Look at the reproduction, and tell me what it's called?
  5. Who wrote it?

The teacher offers to listen to Tvardovsky's poem "Autumn".

The teacher reads the poem:


Between thinning tops,

Blue appeared.

Noisy at the edges

Bright yellow foliage.

Birds are inaudible. Crack small

broken knot,

And, with a flickering tail, a squirrel

Light makes a jump.

The spruce in the forest became more noticeable,

Protects deep shade.

Boletus last

He pushed his hat to one side.

- What words and expressions did you especially like and would you like to listen to again?

(the teacher reads the favorite passages of the poem)

- Why do you think this work is called a poem? (read in rhyme, like a song)

Dynamic pause:Word coordination with movement

Falling, falling leaves.

Leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow. red leaves,

They curl in the wind, they fly.

Birds fly south

Geese rooks. Cranes.

Here is the last flock

Wings flutter away.

leaf fall, leaf fall

Yellow leaves are flying.

Circling the path

They fall under your feet.

The teacher with the children analyzes the text of the poem:

  1. How do you understand the expression "Between the thinning tops"? (Leaves fall from the trees, the tops of the trees remain without leaves.)
  2. What does it mean “Bright yellow foliage rustled at the edges” (The leaves fell off and when you walk along the fallen leaves, it rustles)
  3. Why are there no birds in the forest? (Fly away to warmer climes)
  4. Why did the spruce in the forest become more noticeable? (Spruce and pines are always green, and among bare trees they are clearly visible)
  5. How do you understand the expression “Moved the hat on one side” (The hat of the mushroom moved to one side)

The teacher reads the poem again, and the children recite it by heart.

  1. Autumn is a wonderful time. Choose a definition for the word "AUTUMN" (Yellow, gold, orange, multi-colored, bright ...)
  2. What action words can be matched to the word "LEAVES". (Fall, fly, fall, spin, lie, rustle ...)
  3. What can be said about "Autumn" (AUTUMN, AUTUMN ...)

Outcome: Analysis of the lesson.

Compiled by a teacher of the first qualification category:

Baldina Svetlana Vasilievna