Vocabulary work at Russian language lessons in elementary school. Vocabulary work in reading lessons Continue working with the dictionary entry

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Buryat State University

Pedagogical Institute

Course work

« Working with dictionaries in the Russian language lessons as a means of developing the speech of schoolchildren »

Completed: 4th year student, gr. 07112

Isaykina M.O

Scientific adviser: Yurchenko O. O.

Ulan-Ude 2015


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis work with dictionaries in the Russian language lessons

1.1 The development of speech of schoolchildren in Russian language lessons

2 Basic dictionaries of the modern Russian language

Chapter 2

1 Scientific and methodological foundations of working with dictionaries as a process of speech development in Russian language lessons

2 Model vocabulary work at Russian language lessons in grade 5


List of used literature


Russian dictionary language student

This course work is devoted to the topic: “Dictionaries in the Russian language lessons as a means of developing the speech of students of the main general education school.” The issue of enriching the vocabulary of a modern student is very relevant today. In the conditions of scientific progress, more and more new words come into use, many of which are difficult and incomprehensible. Therefore, the primary task of a Russian language teacher is to work on enriching and clarifying the vocabulary of schoolchildren: the more words a person owns, the more accurately communication between people is realized both orally and in writing.

This question has always attracted the attention of methodologists and teachers of the Russian language. So, F.I. Buslaev (1844) recommended that teachers of their native language "develop the child's innate gift for words." I.I. Sreznevsky (1860) advised teachers to enrich children with “words and expressions suitable for this”, to ensure that “there are no words left unknown to their memory and incomprehensible to their minds”, to teach them to use words and expressions, to pay reasonable attention to the meaning of words and expressions. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that it is necessary "through the word to introduce the child into the field of the spiritual life of the people."

Each teacher of the main “school” should organize the work in the Russian language lessons in such a way that the teenager in the learning process learns to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions on his own. And for this he needs a rich man. lexicon well-developed connected speech.

Purpose: to develop a model of vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons in the 5th grade of the main general education school.

The object of the study is the process of work on the development of speech, on the enrichment of the vocabulary of students in the 5th grade of the main general education school.

The subject of the research is the work with dictionaries in the Russian language lessons in order to develop speech, enrich the vocabulary of schoolchildren.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations

.1 Development of speech of schoolchildren in Russian language lessons

The main task of modern philological education at school is the formation and development of a linguistic personality, the development of spelling and syntactic literacy. The enormous educational and practical significance of Russian literary language.

The problem of the development of students' speech is traditionally considered in the theory and practice of teaching the Russian language as one of the most important. The issues of the development of coherent speech were comprehensively covered in the works prominent linguists and Methodists of the past (F.I. Buslaev, K.D. Ushinsky, V.Ya. Stoyunin)

At present, purposeful, systematic, linguistically based teaching of schoolchildren various types speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing) is in the center of attention of methodologists and practicing teachers. Various aspects of the methodology for teaching coherent speech are reflected in the works of L.P. Fedorenko, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, O.V. Sosnovskaya, V.I. Kapinos, N.A. Plenkina, M.R. Lvova, E.I. Nikitina, E.V. Arkhipova.

The first direction in the development of students' speech is mastering the norms of Russian literary pronunciation, the formation of word forms, the construction of phrases and sentences, the use of words in accordance with their lexical meaning and style.

The second direction is the enrichment of the vocabulary and the grammatical structure of speech.

The third direction is the formation of skills and abilities of a coherent presentation of thoughts. The development of coherent speech involves work on the content, construction and language design of the statement, which is carried out when performing special exercises and in preparation for presentation and composition. It includes the formation and improvement of the skills to analyze a topic, clarify its boundaries, determine the main idea, draw up a plan in accordance with it, systematize the material, and correctly select language means.

But, despite the existing developments in the development of coherent speech, there is a tendency to reduce speech development, since the state of speech of modern schoolchildren does not yet satisfy the growing needs of oral and written communication.

The low level of speech development is explained by the fact that

intellectual development many schoolchildren are not allowed to perceive a large amount of new information that is observed in the vocabulary of the modern Russian language (borrowings, neologisms);

the difficulty of perceiving material that is not adapted to the modern life situation and its thematic disunity;

the intensive development of audio, video, computer technologies that contribute to obtaining information without resorting to literary (bookish) sources;

little interest of modern schoolchildren in the Russian language and literature, a lack of understanding of the role of the knowledge gained in these lessons for future life.

Work on the development of speech includes the formation of expressive reading skills. Expressive reading classes are preceded and accompanied by work on the development of students' speech hearing (the ability to distinguish sounds in a word, pronounce words clearly, distinguish between stressed and unstressed syllables, determine the boundaries of sentences, raise and lower the voice, speed up the pace of speech, highlight the word on which the logical falls). accent). It is very important to ensure that each text is not read monotonously, inexpressively.

The method currently used is aimed at familiarizing students with a variety of speech means (types, styles of speech, etc.), but not at practical mastery of them: the lack of motivation of children, a small number of teaching hours devoted to the development of speech, insufficient training of skills and abilities lead to to the fact that students usually know about the possibilities of speech, but do not know how to use them.

1.2 Basic dictionaries of the modern Russian language

According to their purpose, dictionaries are divided into 2 types: linguistic (philological) and encyclopedic.

In linguistic dictionaries, words and their meanings are explained (interpreted), the grammatical characteristics of words are presented, their origin and use in speech are indicated. Encyclopedic dictionaries, which are of a reference nature, explain objects, phenomena denoted by words (“Great Soviet Encyclopedia”, “Encyclopedic Dictionary”, “Brief literary encyclopedia”, “Medical Encyclopedia”). Linguistic dictionaries include explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, dictionaries of foreign words, phraseological, etymological, derivational, orthoepic, spelling dictionaries. The most important linguistic dictionaries are explanatory dictionaries, which give examples of the use of words in speech, reveal the meaning of the word (direct, figurative), indicate the origin, grammatical forms, pronunciation and spelling, stylistic marks.

Many dictionaries have been created in the world, surprising with their volume and richness of content. But perhaps the most outstanding of them is the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. The importance of the dictionary for Russian culture and education is especially great. Dalev dictionary is fascinating reading about the Russian language, its life, history.

In modern Russian, the modern version of the dictionary is widely used. The spelling of the Russian language led to the version that is used now. But some words were deliberately left unchanged. Of course, for example, we changed “voxal” to “station”, but for example, we did not change “animal” to “animal”, because it seems to us that in this way we can more clearly imagine the completeness, originality and brightness of the Ris language that stands at the origins of our today's colloquial and writing, helps to understand the origin of the meaning of a particular word, allows you to understand that Dahl's dictionary has been and remains a monument of Russian literature with its originality, style and images that give rise to the words and concepts themselves. For the same reason, we have left some obsolete words.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. About 100,000 words, terms and phraseological expressions.

This dictionary is a corrected and supplemented edition of the classic Dictionary of the Russian Language<#"justify">Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich: Russian language. Spelling. Punctuation. Orthographic dictionary.

The new edition of the reference book on the Russian language by D. E. Rozental contains information on all sections of spelling and punctuation. The spelling dictionary includes the most commonly used words and their forms, in the writing of which there are difficulties.

"Big Dictionary modern Russian language: 180,000 words and phrases.

"Big explanatory dictionary modern Russian language<#"justify">The dictionary includes the most common words that are often found in written speech. The peculiarity of the dictionary is that it not only gives the correct spelling of the word, but also explains why it is written that way. The manual will help students master the spelling norms of the Russian language, learn the spelling rules.

Chapter 2

Enriching students' vocabulary - the most important task school course of the Russian language. Need for special work to enrich the vocabulary of students is determined, firstly, exclusively important role words in the language (being the central unit of the language, it carries a variety of semantic information - conceptual, emotive, functional-stylistic and grammatical; filling certain positions in communicative units - sentences, the word provides acts speech communication people), and secondly, the need for constant replenishment of the vocabulary (the more words a person owns, the more accurately communication between people is realized both orally and in writing).

Work on replenishing the vocabulary of students attracted the attention of methodologists and teachers of the Russian language as early as the 19th century. So, F.I. Buslaev (1844) recommended that teachers of their native language "develop the child's innate gift for words." I.I. Sreznevsky (1860) advised teachers to enrich children with "words and expressions suitable for this", to ensure that "there are no words unknown to their memory and incomprehensible to their minds", to teach them to use words and expressions, to pay reasonable attention to the meaning of words and expressions. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that it is necessary "through the word to introduce the child into the field of the spiritual life of the people."

The enrichment of the vocabulary of schoolchildren with specially selected words, the activation of the process of assimilation of vocabulary is facilitated by the UMK M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvova and others. A distinctive feature of this textbook on the Russian language is its focus on the successful mastery of the main types of speech activity in their unity and interconnection. This feature helps fifth-graders to perceive and understand the sounding speech and the printed word; competently, accurately, logically coherently, expressively convey one's own thoughts in oral and written speech, focuses on intensive speech and intellectual development. The content of the textbook corresponds to the new educational standard in Russian, which is especially important in the conditions new form final certification in this subject.

The central unit of teaching of the considered teaching materials is the text as a speech work. It becomes the object of analysis and the result of speech activity not only in the traditionally distinguished lessons in the development of speech, but also in every lesson.

In preparation for the lessons, all the selected material is analyzed, and words that require clarification are highlighted. When selecting such words, the degree of novelty of the word for children, its importance for understanding the text or sentence, the need to introduce the word into the active vocabulary of students are taken into account. Selected words can be written on the board, on the poster. Work on the meaning of the word is necessarily accompanied by comments on pronunciation and spelling. Then those words are written in a notebook that are most valuable for communication and introducing them into an active vocabulary.

An increase in the level of language culture, enrichment of the vocabulary of students is facilitated by such types of work offered by the textbook as writing from memory. This is one of the most effective types of work for the development of speech. Texts are cognitively interesting, often emotional, and may contain scientific information. For such a text, it is possible to offer tasks for the development of speech: determine the type and style of speech, the means of communication between sentences, formulate the main idea, indicate the topic of the text, come up with a title, name the main features of the text.

Speech skills and abilities are formed by such textbook exercises as a miniature essay, during which schoolchildren develop the ability to determine the topic and main idea of ​​the statement being created, select the necessary material, systematize it, use the type and style of speech that correspond to the plan, the most appropriate language means. In the preparation lessons for any of these types of work, specially selected didactic material is used, the main purpose of which is language preparation for creating a text. At the same time, the vocabulary of students is enriched with the vocabulary of certain thematic groups, mastering the synonymic means of the language, understanding the features of their use in texts of different styles, types of speech; performing vocabulary work, during which the analysis of the features of the use of the word in the text is carried out. As a result of this work, the experience of using the word in speech is gradually accumulating, which is necessary for the work on the prevention of lexical errors.

It should be noted that the textbook edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvova and others included texts for presentations. The presence of such a text in the textbook itself is characterized by the following positive aspects:

the texts for the presentations given in the textbook are excerpts from the works of writers, scientific and educational articles, selected taking into account all the necessary requirements, they prevent the use of random material; include cognitive, educational aspects;

the texts are placed in the textbook so that the work on the development of speech can be closely connected with the study of sections of the science of language.

When the text is in the textbook, the teacher has a great opportunity to conduct an in-depth analysis of the content of the passage. Reflecting on the text placed in the textbook, students comprehend the content in all its depth. At the same time, the textbook creates favorable conditions for such presentations with language analysis, expressive reading of the text by students, followed by oral retelling. Attention to the text that occurs when commenting, as well as visual perception it contributes to the successful solution of spelling and punctuation problems. When students have a text, they see the word in context, in combination with other words, its spelling is often prompted by the meaning of the whole phrase, the whole structure of the sentence; Students are very active in classroom conversation. For a weak student, the text of the textbook is a reliable support when such a student can additionally read one or another part of the presentation again. Therefore, if there is text in the textbook, the method of work becomes more flexible, more efficient.

Thus, in the course of teaching according to the textbook, which is part of the Teaching Methods for the Russian Language for the 5th grade of a general education school, edited by M.M. Razumovskaya, S.I. Lvova, V.I. Kapinos, V.V. Lvov and others, a systematic approach is being implemented in teaching the Russian language in modern conditions, the speech activity of students is being improved, a system of linguistic knowledge and leading skills and abilities is being formed, initial preparation for the Unified state exam.

2.1 Scientific and methodological foundations of working with dictionaries as a process of speech development in Russian language lessons

The word, naming this or that phenomenon of reality, fixes in the mind of a person the results of his cognitive activity. Together with the word, knowledge about the world comes to a person, his thinking develops, his communication with people who speak English is ensured. given language.

Mastering new words and clarifying the meanings of words familiar to children is a means of knowing reality; improved language proficiency as a means of communication. Therefore, the expansion of the vocabulary of schoolchildren in educational process should be given great attention.

The vocabulary of students expands outside of school (as a result of communicating with adults, reading books and newspapers, watching movies and TV shows, listening to the radio) and at school (when studying any subject). Each subject makes it possible for children to master, first of all, special vocabulary and phraseology, for example, literary criticism, socio-political, biological, chemical, etc., but Russian lessons play a special role in enriching the vocabulary of students, in which work is carried out on commonly used words relating to various lexical-semantic groups. Work on the meaning and use of words was given attention both in the pre-revolutionary methodology of the Russian language (K. D. Ushinsky, A. D. Alferov, V. V. Danilov), and in the Soviet and modern (M. A. Rybnikova, A. V. Mirtov, K. B. Barkhin, A. V. Tekuchev). The need to work to enrich the vocabulary of students is also mentioned in the current program on the Russian language for general educational institutions: "The goals of teaching the Russian language determine the following tasks: 1) studying the basics of the science of language .., 2) developing the speech of students: enriching the active and passive stock words ... "(M.T. Baranov, 2009.-3s.)

The enrichment of students' vocabulary is singled out as a special area of ​​methodology for the development of students' speech with its own object, with its own research methods, with its own content and teaching methods.

Enriching the vocabulary of students as a special and most important area in the work of a Russian language teacher is intended, firstly, to clarify (semantize) words unfamiliar to children and individual meanings of polysemantic words, to clarify the meaning (semantics) of known meanings of polysemantic words and to teach children the exact use of words; secondly, to develop in children the ability to use words depending on the type and style of speech; thirdly, replace in the student's vocabulary dialect or vernacular words (if any) with their equivalents literary words.

At the same time, it is obvious: the larger the student's vocabulary, the richer his speech, the better the language serves communication, the better the student's understanding of the works of different functional styles is ensured.

In connection with the need to enrich the vocabulary of students, the task of creating a lexical minimum of commonly used words arises when solving this problem, certain difficulties arise: the vocabulary of children with which they come to school has not been studied; the volume of the vocabulary of schoolchildren of the same age varies significantly, in the speech of students there are dialect and colloquial words.

Given the need to select words in order to create a lexical minimum, some scientists propose to take the grammatical and spelling difficulties of words as a basis, others - the semantic value of words to enrich the vocabulary of students. The first way of selecting words was called the grammatical and orthographic direction in dictionary work, and the second - semantic. The semantic direction reflects the thematic approach to the selection of words. In the methodology at the origins of this direction were M. A. Rybnikov, K. B. Barkhin, V. A. Dobromyslov, E. N. Petrova, N. P. Kanonykin. It seems that the semantic direction in the selection of words for the lexical minimum is more promising for enriching the vocabulary of students.

The following principles of the methodology for enriching the vocabulary of students are distinguished:

1. correlation of the word and realities (an object or a drawing of this object) in the interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word.

Consideration of the word in its generic-species, synonymic and antonymic relationships, in its structural-semantic relations with related words;

Showing a word in its environment with other words in order to identify the compatibility of the word with other words;

Showing the commonness of the word in certain styles;

The inclusion of a word in the context of a phrase, sentence, coherent text.

The first and second principles are necessary for the semantization of words, the fourth and fifth - for the actualization of words, the third principle is needed for both semantization and actualization.

There are several ways to interpret the lexical meaning of a word: this is a logical definition of a concept, a comparison unknown word with the known (use of synonyms and antonyms), visibility and context.

The context most often allows you to get the most general idea about the meaning of the word - knowledge about which class of objects, phenomena, processes, qualities the object, sign, action, indicated by these words, belongs to.

The use of visualization in explaining the meaning of a word is also limited. It is possible to visualize only specific objects, phenomena and, to a very small extent, processes and qualities. With the help of visual means, neither the shades of the meaning of the word nor its use can be explained.

A much greater use is found in comparing an unknown word with a known one, which is available in the student's vocabulary and is well known to him. Synonyms and antonyms are used for comparison.

The choice of ways to semantize a word depends, firstly, on whether it is introduced into the active or passive stock; secondly, on the type of lexical meaning of the word. Words intended to be introduced into the student's active vocabulary require not only an explanation of their meaning, but also the disclosure of their lexical compatibility, as well as the scope of their stylistic use. To this end, in each specific case, following the explanation of the word, it is necessary to show the types of words with which the words in question appear in a semantic connection. The lack of such work is one of the causes of lexical errors.

The development of correct word usage skills is the disclosure of the polysemy of words, the comparison of words that are close in meaning. The correct use, for example, of the verbs "put on" and "put on" is achieved only with a good understanding of the difference in their meanings. The verb "put on" is associated only with nouns denoting inanimate objects (coat, hat, suit), and "dress" - animate (baby, sister). They have different and antonyms: put on-take off, put on-undress.

Work to enrich the vocabulary of students is primarily lexical types of work. Lexical exercises include those in the process of performing which students master a certain range of lexical concepts, which contributes to the improvement of their speech skills and enrich their vocabulary with semantically new words for them. Carried out in the system, these exercises contribute to the consolidation of lexical concepts, activate the vocabulary of students, educate them in attention to the word and its meaning, and develop logical thinking in schoolchildren.

In the lessons of the Russian language, lexical work is organically connected with the study of word formation, grammar, spelling and style. The principle of interconnection of various sections of the Russian language course is one of the main requirements of the methodology. Therefore, mastering vocabulary, enriching vocabulary to a large extent occurs in the process of mastering grammar, its laws. When studying grammar, especially morphology, there is not only an awareness of the grammatical structure, but also a deeper understanding of the meaning of the word. Acquaintance with parts of speech contributes to the introduction of a large number of words of various categories into the active vocabulary of students. First of all, students expand their vocabulary at the expense of lexical and grammatical categories of words, master the grammatical patterns of the use of these words in speech.

The relationship of vocabulary with grammar, spelling and stylistics allows organizing various types of exercises of a combined nature: lexical-semantic, lexical-stylistic, lexical-grammatical, lexical-orthographic. Thanks to such exercises, great opportunities are created for introducing many unfamiliar words into the student's active vocabulary and for clarifying those words whose meaning the students do not understand enough and therefore use them incorrectly.

The choice of one or another lexical exercise is determined by the topic and purpose of the lesson, and also depends on the speech preparedness of students.

2.2 The model of vocabulary work in the Russian language lessons in the 5th grade

aim practical work to enrich the vocabulary of students is: firstly, explaining words unfamiliar to children, teaching the exact use of words; secondly, the development in children of the ability to use words depending on the style and type of speech; thirdly, the replacement of dialect and vernacular words with equivalent units of the modern language.

) vocabulary exercises textbooks;

) texts of presentations;

) essay topics;

) work with dictionaries.

But in the 5th grade, children need to be interested. Only interest guarantees success in work. The book by V. N. Svetlysheva and O. A. Davydova “Russian language. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation. Grades 5-7 ”(Drofa, M., 2002).

How can I work with her? What will help to interest fifth graders? How is the vocabulary of children enriched? Let's try to answer these questions.

Consider an example:

Thunderstorm coming.

Reference words:

The mosque is a Muslim temple.

Techniques for enriching the vocabulary of students are diverse: revealing the meaning of a word by showing the subject, using Explanatory and other dictionaries, morphemic and morphological analyzes of words, synonymous and phraseological work, using context, and many others.

The method of revealing the meaning of a word by SHOWING the OBJECT denoted by the given word is usually used when it is difficult for children to imagine certain objects or phenomena (showing illustrations, models, drawings, presentations, etc.). This technique is based on the need to establish a reflex connection between the word and the image of the object. In the middle classes, this technique is widely used when getting acquainted with professional and special vocabulary, when students learn the names of tools, tools, scientific terms, etc. (compass, microscope, lens, engraving, planer, drill, etc.)

One of the most effective methods of revealing the meaning of a word is the use of the Explanatory and other DICTIONARIES of the Russian language. The teacher needs to explain the principles of building dictionaries, teach students to use dictionaries on their own and as often as possible, to do this, constantly refer them to dictionaries to find the necessary information. Revealing the meaning of a word with the help of dictionaries is also important when working with polysemantic words and homonyms.

The method of disclosing the meaning of a word by means of MORPHEME ANALYSIS is valuable in that it teaches schoolchildren to think about the semantic meaning of the morphemes that make up the word. For example, when analyzing the word “outskirts”, students establish that it is formed from the word “edge” (edge ​​means side part), o is a prefix in the meaning of “about”, i.e. what is on the side. In the word "follower" the root is -sled-, the prefix is ​​-, i.e. following, following. Thus, when students encounter an unfamiliar word, trying to understand it, they ponder the meaning of the morphemes of which it consists.

SYNONYMIC WORK helps to understand the meanings of polysemantic words, reveals the richness of the Russian language. Schoolchildren get acquainted with the main features of synonyms (the common meaning of two or more words and the difference in their roots in terms of sound composition), learn about the inadmissibility of synonymizing words belonging to different parts of speech (play, game), denoting various specific concepts of a given genus (house, hut, palace, apartment), etc. As a rule, finding out the meaning of an incomprehensible word by synonymization, as well as the selection of synonyms, does not present difficulties for schoolchildren. Synonymization is also used to correct speech errors. For example, with unreasonable repetition in the composition of the same word, the teacher suggests choosing synonyms for it.

RECEPTION OF PARAPHRASE (paraphrase - an expression that is a descriptive transfer of the meaning of another expression or word) is used to explain phraseological turns (stable combinations): keep your mouth shut - be silent, get into trouble - be in an awkward position, etc.

TRANSLATION RECEPTION can be used to explain borrowed words, for example, souvenir (French) - a keepsake, villa (Latin) - a country house, etc.

An interesting technique by which students independently reveal or clarify the meaning of a word is the use of CONTEXT and interlinear explanations. The teacher points out that the word indicated by an asterisk or a number in the text is explained below. Students should be aware that often the meaning of a word becomes clear from the context, so it is necessary to carefully read the text, try to find an explanation for an unfamiliar word.

The essence of the work is as follows: we take texts from the collection along with words for reference and supplement them with tasks.

Consider an example:

Thunderstorm coming.

Evening was approaching, and with it, in the still air, one could feel the agonizing ripening of a thunderstorm. It did not come from anywhere, it seemed to arise by itself over the amphitheater of the city, among the mosques and minarets. When the hundred-pound anchor chain crept up with a creak, and then the overloaded steamer settled below the waterline and began to slowly turn in the roadstead, the sun was already drowned in thunderclouds. It became so dark that electricity was switched on in the cabin and saloons. The hot smells of kitchens and cars wafted from the hatches.

Reference words:

Waterline - the line along the side to which the ship is immersed in water at normal draft.

Raid - a body of water near the sea coast, convenient for mooring ships.

A cabin is a separate room on a ship.

Amphitheater - in Ancient Greece and Rome: a building for spectacles in which the seats for spectators rise in a semicircle.

The mosque is a Muslim temple.

A minaret is a tower attached to a mosque where people call for prayer.

This is one text out of seventeen (Appendix No. 1). The task is written on the board for everyone the same, but the texts for the guys are different. On next lesson there is an exchange of texts, thus, all texts pass through the hands of one student. For example, when repeating the conjugation of verbs, the task can be as follows: write out any 5 verbs from the text, determine their conjugation, select 1-2 single-root words for each verb.

On reverse side the sheet with the text, the guys sign their last name and first name, so that in the next lesson he does not come across this text.

The increase in the level of vocabulary occurs by counting the words for references that are given after the text. At the very beginning of the work, children's attention should be drawn to the fact that they should try to remember the words given below, because. at the end of the work, the child exchanges a sheet with a neighbor on the desk for the purpose of mutual checking.

This type of work has many advantages:

) for several lessons, one child gets the opportunity to work with all the texts;

) work with text allows the teacher to expand the range of tasks;

) the vocabulary of students is significantly expanded not only modern words, but also obsolete, which entails knowledge of the lexical means of expressiveness of the Russian language;

) there is a feeling of pride that the desk mate makes the text with which "I worked first";

) there is an increase in concentration, tk. not all fifth graders can correctly copy the text from the sample;

) increases the spelling and punctuation competence of students.

Control can be selected vocabulary dictation: dictate lexical meaning words, and students write what it is. But it is important to carry out control only at the end of work with a block of texts, when each child has worked with all the texts.

Similar work can be carried out in any class of the school, and an experienced teacher will find a way to choose necessary texts and develop their own system of tasks for them.

Organization of speech practice of students - necessary condition activation of the dictionary and the development of coherent speech of students. A large place in this work is given to special exercises.

The main type of exercises is the independent use of a word in a sentence and in coherent speech. Students are invited to come up with a sentence with a newly explained word, independently explain the new word using a dictionary, pick up synonyms or antonyms for it, find given word in a sentence and explain its meaning in context, choose a sentence in which the word is used in a different meaning, etc.

The development of speech is also facilitated by exercises aimed at a deeper understanding of words, the meaning of which is already known to students. For example:

1. Indicate to which generic concept the words “joy” (feeling), “geography” (science), “cod” (fish) refer.

2. Give a written explanation of the meaning of the word (according to the type of dictionary entry), for example, “shallow water” (shallow place in the riverbed, shallow), “backward” (tipping over on your back, face up).

3. Specify features object that distinguishes it from objects of the same class. For example, biology is the science that studies living organisms.

4. Write out from the explanatory dictionary words belonging to the same class, for example, words denoting human feelings: fear, joy, happiness, sadness.

Exercises are often offered to highlight similarities and differences6

Indicate which word is used in a broader sense, which - in a narrower one: appearance, image, appearance, etc.

Indicate on what basis the following pairs of words can be compared: shack - tower, boat - ship, lane - avenue.

Lexical work is inextricably linked with spelling, so it is especially important to combine the analysis of semantic meaning with the spelling analysis of the word. It is thanks to this that a conscious and lasting assimilation of spelling is achieved.

Enriching the vocabulary of students, it is necessary to draw their attention to the fact that the word serves as a means artistic expressiveness Literary concepts (hyperbole, metaphor, epithet, comparison, grotesque, etc.) are revealed in literature lessons, but in Russian language lessons this knowledge is deepened and consolidated. Having learned about the ability of a word to act in a figurative sense, students, as a rule, easily indicate in what sense the word is used (the child's leg is direct, the chair leg is figurative). The teacher reminds that these are metaphors of language. You can offer suggestions, on the example of which schoolchildren get acquainted with the metaphors of style (A baby is napping in a stroller. - A sensitive reed is napping). When analyzing examples, it is emphasized that with the help of such metaphors, writers and poets create a vivid picture, make one look into a side of phenomena that previously eluded attention, remained hidden. It is appropriate to carry out such work when repeating all independent parts speech (the smile of a child is the smile of the sun, a child is walking - a breeze is walking, a golden ring is a golden character, etc.). Similar exercises can be carried out to show hyperbole, grotesque, comparison, etc.


As a result of our term paper, we can state the fact that the problem "Dictionaries in the lessons of the Russian language as a means of developing the speech of students of the main general education school" is a new one in the methodology of teaching the Russian language. It is still relatively little studied. In the study, the issue of Russian lexicography, of the new that has appeared in theory, methodology and dictionaries, is considered as fully as possible. Without this, it is impossible to properly organize the work with dictionaries in the Russian language lessons in the 5th grade. Trying to evaluate the different types of dictionaries, we can conclude that each dictionary is of great importance for the modern student. Its main task is to contribute to the enrichment of a person’s vocabulary, to make his speech literate, cultural.

Studying the experience of the best teachers of the Russian language, we conclude that vocabulary work in Russian language lessons, work on the development of speech in general, should occupy a leading place. The effectiveness of this work depends on the professionalism of the teacher. The use of new technologies increases the interest of children in the lesson. And working with dictionaries is one of the new technologies in teaching the Russian language - cultural studies. It is necessary to form students' ability to use all types of dictionaries, which will certainly increase the level of their culture and speech.

List of used literature

1. Shmelev D.N. Modern Russian language. Vocabulary/D.N. Shmelev.-5th ed.-M.: Librokom, 2009.-336 p.

Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language / I.B. Golub. - 7th ed. - M. : Iris-press, 2006. - 448 p.

Belousova A.S. Obsolete words // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. S. 540.

Krysin L.P. Archaisms, historicisms // Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Linguist. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2006. S. 36-37.

Kakorina E.V. Features of the use of vocabulary of the passive fund of the language // Russian language of the end of the XX century (1985-1995). M.: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 1996. S. 67-70.

Samotik L.G. Archaisms and explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language // Actual problems Russian studies. Issue. 3. Linguistic aspects of the regional existence of man: Mat. International scientific conf., dedicated anniversary of acad. MAN VS Dr. Philol. sciences, prof. O.I. Pancake / otv. ed. dr. philol. Sciences T.A. Demeshkin. Tomsk: Publishing House of TGU, 2006, pp. 158-164.

Matveeva N.P. Biblicalisms in Russian literature // Russian language at school. 1995. No. 6. S. 86-89.

Kasatkin L.L. Archaisms // Brief reference book on the modern Russian language. M.: graduate School. 1996. S. 11-13.

Dunev, A. I. Russian language and culture of speech: textbook / A. I. Dunev et al. - M.: Yurayt: ID Yurayt, 2011. - 492, p. (Fundamentals of Sciences)

Efimov, A. I. History of the Russian literary language: textbook / A. I. Efimov. - M.: Higher school, 1967. - 348 p.

Culture of Russian speech. encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of Rus. lang. them. V.V. Vinogradov. - M. : Flinta: Science, 2007. - 837, p.

Bronnikova, Yu. O. Russian language and culture of speech: tutorial/ Yu. O. Bronnikova, A. P. Sdobnova, I. A. Tarasova. - M. : Flinta: Science, 2009. - 171, p.

Valgina, N. S. Russian language: textbook / N. S. Valgina, D. E. Rozental, M. I. Fomina. - M.: Higher school, 1968. - 416 p.

Vorontsova, V. L. Russian language of the end of the XX century. 1985-1995 / V. L. Vorontsova and others - M .: Languages ​​of Russian culture, 2000. - 478 p.

Gorshkov, A.I. History of the Russian literary language. Short course lectures: textbook for the state. high fur boots and ped. universities of the USSR / A. I. Gorshkov. - M.: Higher school, 1961. - 195 p.

Demyanov, V. G. Foreign vocabulary in the history of the Russian language of the XI-XVII centuries: Problems of morphological adaptation /V. G. Demyanov. - M. : Nauka, 2001. - 409 p.

Fundamentals of the methodology of elementary education in Russian. language/automatic status. Ed. N. S. Rozhdestvensky. M., 1965.-225s.

Zapolskaya, N. N. History of the Russian literary language: guidelines for students of philological faculties public universities/ N. N. Zapolskaya. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1991. - 80s.

19. Application of knowledge in educational practice schoolchildren./ Ed. Menchinskaya N.A. - . M., 1961-202 p.

20. Dmitrieva, Uliana Mikhailovna. Methods of teaching the Russian language (special) [ Electronic resource] : training and metodology complex/ aut.-stat. U. M. Dmitrieva, E. P. Fur; Novosib. state ped. un-t, Dept. speech therapy and children's speech. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, 2012. - 227 p.

20. Fundamentals of the methodology of elementary education in Russian. language/automatic status. Ed. N. S. Rozhdestvensky. M., 1965.-225s.

Fundamentals of the methodology of the Russian language in grades 4-8: A guide for teachers / Ed. A.V.Tekucheva, M.M.Razumovskaya, T.A.Ladyzhenskaya. - 2nd ed. - M., 1983.-297 p.

Reader according to the method of the Russian language. Russian language as a subject of teaching / Comp. A.V.Tekuchev. - M., 1982.

Barinova Ya. And others. Methods of the Russian language / Textbook for students pedagogical institutes. Edited by E.A. Barinova. - M.: Enlightenment, 1994. - p. 115.

Rosenthal D.E., Golub I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian language. - M., 2002. - 448 p.

Methods of teaching grammar, spelling and speech development: Educational method. Allowance / Comp. T.P. Salnikova, M.: "Creative Center", 2000.-p.78-92

Methods of teaching grammar, spelling and speech development / comp. T.P. Salnikov. -M.: Creative center "Sphere", 2000.-p.18-26

Methods of teaching the Russian language. / Proc. allowance M.R. Lvov, T.G. Ramzaeva, N.N. Svetlovskaya. M., "Enlightenment", 1987. S. 172-190, 284-288.

Aristova T.A. The use of the phonemic principle in teaching literate writing.// "Elementary School" No. 1, 1999.-p.29. .

Methodology of grammar and spelling / Ed. N.S. Rozhdestvensky. M .: "Enlightenment", 1979.-p.101-111. 64

T.M. Balykhin. About the systemic nature of Russian vocabulary and about the system in teaching vocabulary. // Traditions and innovations of the professional activity of a teacher of the Russian language collection of articles - M .: RUDN University, 2002, pp. 150-154


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Topic 4. Working with dictionaries

Word writing is complex and varied. It is necessary to educate children to pay attention to unfamiliar and unfamiliar words. To this end, it is advisable to practice a task that requires students to indicate new and unfamiliar words encountered in a text or exercise and explain their meaning.

Of particular importance is the work on the semantics of the word. In school practice, it is recommended to use various methods of familiarizing students with a new word and its meaning:

1) finding out the meaning of the word according to the explanatory dictionary,

2) selection of synonyms,

3) selection of antonyms,

4) word-formation analysis,

5) etymological analysis,

6) translation.

The methods of introducing students to the semantics of the word are varied, but the choice of the method of their semantization is determined by specific didactic tasks, and most importantly, by the appropriateness of using each of them.

The Russian language program requires systematic vocabulary classes that could provide the necessary lexical training for students. The inclusion in it of the topics "Noun", "Adjective", "Verb" creates favorable conditions for the organization of speech practice, which provides for the improvement of vocabulary knowledge of schoolchildren.

The types of vocabulary tasks are varied:

1) The inclusion of additional lexical material in an exercise taken from a Russian textbook.

2) The inclusion of words that are difficult in terms of semantics in sentences for parsing.

3) Selection of words for the spelling rule.

4) Compiling exercises that include thematically related words.

5) Compilation of phrases or sentences with selected words .

6) Compilation of coherent texts based on key words.

In the process of studying the semantics of a word, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the existence in the language of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, in the use of which mistakes are made especially often. Researchers see the reason for mixing such words in the similarity of their sound composition and morphological structure, in ignorance of their exact meaning. The study of these lexical units should be carried out in terms of preventing errors in their use. The main method of working with them is a comparison, so it is advisable to simultaneously introduce both words into the exercises.

It is necessary to pay great attention to tasks that require revealing the semantics of similar-sounding words. For this purpose, students are offered the following types of exercises:

1) Answer the question.

2) Vocabulary dictation with the task: replace this sentence with a word.

3) Selection of synonyms.

4) Word-formation analysis.

5) The inclusion of the studied words in the context.

The strength of assimilation of unfamiliar and unfamiliar words is ensured by their repetition in the educational speech activity of students both in the lessons of the Russian language and in the lessons of literature, history, etc.

In the organization of dictionary-semantic work, different types of dictionaries should be used.

"Explanatory Dictionary" at the lessons of the Russian language

Children should be encouraged to use the dictionary. Speaking about the role of dictionaries in working on a word, you can use the verses of Y. Kozlovsky:

Eat Wonderland How to write what word,

What is open before you, How to write and how to read,

The one that words, How to combine with others ...

That people are inhabited. We respect the sovereign

They are ruled by a sovereign called the Dictionary.

Nicknamed Dictionary, Even Pushkin,

And he relates to them, I say this with certainty,

As if to his subjects. Not once for advice

It is not new for him to assert, He turned to the Dictionary.

Dictionaries can be used to explain the meanings of words:

1. An explanatory dictionary in which interpretations of the meanings of words are given.

2. A dictionary of synonyms, the purpose of which is to provide the teacher with the lexical material necessary in organizing work to expand the stock of synonyms in students' speech; reveal the meaning of the words.

3. Dictionary of antonyms.

4. Phraseological dictionary, which will help students improve the culture of speech, enrich their vocabulary with figurative expressions.

5. A collection of proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters will help in shaping attitudes towards the world, enriches the child's feelings, his speech.

"Explanatory Dictionary" edited by T. G. Ramzaeva - a reference textbook designed to enrich, clarify and activate the vocabulary of younger students in common system teaching the Russian language. When selecting words, the following criteria should be considered:

1) the practical significance of the word, that is, the role of the word in the cognitive and speech activity of students in the process of mastering the literary course;

2) the frequency of the use of the word, its regular use in the speech practice of schoolchildren in connection with the study of program material;

3) semantic accessibility of the word - a criterion that requires taking into account the ability of students to comprehend the essence of the phenomenon that is indicated by the word;

4) the qualitative usefulness of the word from the side of semantic, emotionally expressive, stylistic, grammatical and spelling.

The methods of work and the content of the tasks are unlimited. You can write out in alphabetical order the names of animals, the names of people's professions, the names of objects, signs of objects, actions.

Work methods should be aimed at developing skills:

arrange these words in alphabetical order, search the dictionary for words of the same subject, find errors in the alphabetical arrangement of words: which word is "lost"; indicate several letters before the letter "f", several letters after after "m"; indicate the last six letters of the alphabet, five letters after "k", "o", "d", etc.

As soon as a significant part of the class has mastered the ability to find the right word, it is necessary to send the lagging children to the alphabet, on the first page of the dictionary, and in the class to conduct such a technique: the first student who has found the word alphabetically in the dictionary calls the page number aloud. The work goes faster, the children in an undertone sort out the letters of the alphabet, thereby memorizing it. This saves time in class.

The process of mastering the structure of a dictionary entry by children deserves special attention. In it, after the original word, there are grammatical marks: the part of speech and the main grammatical features. The lexical meaning of the word is revealed after the label.

Next, the children must learn that the direct, or main, meaning of the word is revealed in the dictionary entry under the number 1. If the word has several meanings, then they are revealed under the following numbers. Most of the words are multi-valued, but there are also single-valued words.

The word can be used in a figurative sense. There may be several of these meanings, and they are given after the main meanings at the end of the dictionary entry. Distinguishing the use of the word in direct meaning from figurative, students learn to treat the word more carefully.

Operating with generic words-names as a synthetic work significantly advance schoolchildren in the development of their thinking and speech.

In the structure of the dictionary, an important place is given to the indexes of synonyms and antonyms included in the dictionary. Indexes serve as a kind of table of contents to the dictionary. You just need to teach your kids how to use it. Not every synonym is explained in dictionary entries. You can always find them in the index, you just need to refer to the application. As you study grammatical features parts of speech according to the index of synonyms and antonyms, you can offer a variety of tasks such as "find ...", "write out ...".

Pointers are especially needed immediately before writing a creative work, when every minute counts. There is no time to reread dictionary entries, and a synonymic series can warn many speech errors. The dictionary at this time lies on the table, it can be used.

Very effective for understanding synonyms and antonyms is the simultaneous work with them. If the task is given to pick up words that are opposite in meaning, then an additional task will be successful: to pick up words that are close in meaning, using the corresponding dictionary entries of the dictionary and an index of synonyms.

Along with the educational task, the practical task of developing the speech of younger students is also being solved. With the help of a dictionary, the student learns to use the lexical means of the language in his speech. Consequently, on the one hand, he enriches and refines his own vocabulary, and on the other hand, he achieves the ability to use his vocabulary in speech and do it lexically accurately, grammatically correctly, expressively, showing the ability to subtly feel the semantic shades of the word..

Solution practical task enrichment of the vocabulary of younger students is carried out in one volume or another at each lesson of the Russian language in connection with the upcoming creative work. Educational creative work, consisting of a few short sentences, can be carried out quite often. So that preparation for them does not take a lot of time in the lesson, you can disperse it into several lessons: getting to know the key words in the dictionary, performing a lexical task in connection with the grammatical task of the exercise, compiling phrases, exercises in restructuring sentences, analyzing the results after checking the work by the teacher. When the vocabulary is updated, spelling preparation is carried out, you can proceed to creative work.

Such training, dispersed in time, makes it possible to gradually prepare children for the free expression of thought, for the elements of reasoning based on comparison and comparison of facts close to the life experience of children. Students have the opportunity to operate with synonyms, in the process of reasoning, contrasting words that are opposite in meaning, learn to use a word in a phrase, sentence, text.

Each word or group of words that is being worked on in the dictionary should have a targeted exit into speech practice. Otherwise, the word simply will not be remembered, because it will not be captured by the student's arbitrary attention. If the writing of a short text is delayed, then the dictionary entries, which are the basis of the future text, should be addressed as often as possible and done in connection with the tasks of the textbook or as an independent preparatory task for the upcoming creative work.

Quite often, after completing the grammar and spelling exercises of the textbook, children are asked to reveal the meaning of some phrases. "Explanatory Dictionary" here serves as a reference tool.

Reading the dictionary entry, the children reason under the guidance of the teacher, clarifying the lexical and semantic shades of the word. This is very important for the upbringing and development of children. In preparation for creative work, the teacher activates the vocabulary of students in advance: the meaning of the word is clarified, the children analyze its essential features, direct and figurative meaning, what words close in meaning can replace a word, is it possible to use words that are opposite in meaning, stable phrases.

Lesson on the topic “Explanatory dictionaries. Working with a dictionary entry "Grade 5

Planned result: they know the purpose of explanatory dictionaries and know how to use them to determine and clarify the lexical meaning of words, know the structure of a dictionary entry and know how to navigate it.

They master the ability to use to compare, extract the necessary information, analyze the studied phenomena, develop the ability to freely, correctly express their thoughts.

(Lesson presentation attached)

During the classes:


Once a young (and later famous) French poet Charles Baudelaire came to another poet, the venerable Theophile Gautier; Gauthier asked him: "Do you read dictionaries?" Baudelaire replied that yes, he reads with pleasure. And Gauthier began to tell him how necessary this occupation is for a writer, how much useful one can learn from reading dictionaries.

Nevertheless, Gauthier was right: without constant work with dictionaries, a writer cannot have a true philological culture. And such work is necessary not only for the writer: every cultured person constantly refers to the dictionary! After all, a lot of important and interesting information can be gleaned from them.

slide number 1

The dictionary is the whole universe in alphabetical order! When you think about it, a dictionary is a book of books. It includes all other books, you just need to extract them from it.

A. France


Indeed, if you think about it carefully, a dictionary is a book of books. Dictionaries are created by LEXICOGRAPHERS. They have created a whole range of dictionaries for you guys. Among them are encyclopedic and philological.

slide number 2

If you want to know about different countries, states, representatives of culture, art, if you are interested in natural phenomena (eclipses, earthquakes, etc.), if you want to learn more about the planets, the history of civilizations, etc. - refer to the ENCYCLOPEDIC dictionaries. Philological dictionaries contain information about the word.

TOeach of the dictionaries performs its specific function, gives information about the word according to its purpose.

This lesson we dedicateExplanatory dictionaries.

1. Explanatory dictionary. Why do you think it's called that?

So, dictionaries that serve to explain the meanings of words are calledsensible.

2. Working with text. Determine main idea text.

slide number 3

Since ancient times, people began to use dictionaries. The tradition of creating dictionaries arose when there were a lot of books. The reader encountered unfamiliar words in the texts, the meaning of which he could not understand.

The work of interpreting words is difficult. A linguist must study what meanings this or that word has in different texts, and write about the word in such a way that it is understandable to a person for whom the word is unfamiliar. You need to write briefly, otherwise the dictionary will grow to such a size that it will be inconvenient to use it.

Yes, the creation of dictionaries is a difficult, painstaking and long task.

Over his "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" V.I. Dahl worked all his life.

slide number 4

(small messages students about the creators of explanatory dictionaries, prepared with the help of encyclopedic dictionary young philologist)

The first message "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I. Dalia"

Slide #5

The second message "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by D.N. Ushakov

slide number 6

The third message "Dictionary of the Russian language"S.I. Ozhegov

slide number 7

4. But in order for the dictionary to become our friend and helper, we need to learn how to use it.

Work with the dictionary entry and scheme.

slide number 8

Consider the schema of a dictionary entry, tell us how it works

We explain the concepts of "litters", "context"

Conclusion: if you learn to navigate in a dictionary entry, how much information about a word you can learn from it!

5. Practical part

1) Consider a dictionary entry, tell us how it works

slide number 9

Courage , -A,cf. Courage, presence of mind in danger.Show courage in battle.

Knight . -I, m poet, outdated . Brave warrior, hero.And thirty beautiful knights in a series of clear waters emerge. Pushkin. Ruslan and Ludmila.

Jury . – non-contiguous . A group of specialists who decide the issue of awarding a prize or award at competitions, exhibitions.Jury decision.

2) look at the dictionary (if it is possible to put everyone on a desk), select a dictionary entry, tell us how it works.

3) Compare two definitions of the same word. Which of them can be read in a dictionary, and which can be given by interlocutors in a conversation?

Slide #10

Kitten - baby cat

The kitten is a nice fluffy ball.

A rose is a plant with beautiful large fragrant flowers and a stem usually covered with thorns.

The rose is a beautiful prickly flower.

    Write down the names of the objects shown in the pictures. Find the lexical meaning of each word in the explanatory dictionary.

Slide #11

5) Let's read an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"

slide number 12

For two days we were in a skirmish.

What's the use of such nonsense?

We waited the third day.

Everywhere speeches began to be heard:

"Time to get to the buckshot!"

And here on the field of a formidable battle

The night shadow fell.

I lay down to take a nap at the gun carriage,

And it was heard before dawn,

How the French rejoiced.

Write down the words whose meaning you do not know or find it difficult to determine (buckshot, whip, gun carriage) How will you solve this educational problem? (Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary!) Students determine the meaning of words using an explanatory dictionary.

6) Write down 5 unfamiliar words and the wording of their meaning from the explanatory dictionary. Write a link to them

6. summary Teacher:

Words words words.

Everything has a name -
Both the animal and the object.
There are a lot of things around
And there are no names!
And all that the eye can see
Above us and below us
And all that is in our memory -
Signified by words.
They are heard here and there,
Outdoors and at home:
One is familiar to us,
The other one is unfamiliar...
Language is both old and forever new!
And it's so beautiful
In the vast sea - the sea of ​​​​words -
Bathe daily!
And not to “drown” in this sea will help you DICTIONARIES

slide number 13

Assistant Tips

If you do not remember or do not know the meaning of a word, refer to dictionaries:

V.I.Dal "Dictionary of the Great Great Russian Language"

D.N. Ushakov "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language"

S.I. Ozhegov "Dictionary of the Russian language"

Homework: Make an oral statement

Unfortunately, the literacy of the younger generation leaves much to be desired. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that today's schoolchildren are reading less and less classical works. And literacy, as you know, largely depends on the quantity and quality of what is read.

Many believe that literacy is an indicator of the mind and intellect of a person. And in literacy schools, writing gets a lot of attention. School teachers, using various advanced techniques, put a lot of effort so that students quickly and easily memorize the correct spelling of vocabulary words. But, as you know, their memorization is difficult task for almost all students. To remember difficult words, not regulated by rules, they must be repeated many times, and repetition is a very monotonous and tiring task.

Of course, students with good memory have an easier time dealing with such a problem. But still, if the learning process in this area is also made fun, then it will be much easier and faster to succeed in remembering the correct spelling of difficult words.

As you know, children whose active vocabulary is relatively rich show better results in verification work In Russian. But any student with regular classes and systematic performance of vocabulary and spelling tasks is able to activate his vocabulary and over time make fewer and fewer mistakes when reflecting dictionary words in writing.

The Russian language program involves working on complex words with primary school. And to junior schoolchildren mastered the program he proposed and learned all the difficult words provided for curriculum, their teacher has to make a lot of efforts and approach the learning process creatively.

The teacher is faced with the task of not only acquainting his students with the grammatical phenomenon, but also consolidating the acquired knowledge. The purpose of regular assignments and learning exercises compound words- this is the consolidation and application of the acquired knowledge and developed skills and abilities in practice. Practical exercises contribute to the formation of skills independent work, as well as strengthening the skills of mental activity.

Performing certain tasks, children learn to analyze, compare, generalize, abstract and compose phrases and sentences. Through exercises, students systematize and automate their knowledge.

Teachers regularly conduct vocabulary and spelling work, which is a set of exercises conducted on an ongoing basis and aimed at mastering the spelling, grammar, lexical and pronunciation norms of the literary Russian language by schoolchildren.

Summing up, we can say that a teacher can teach children to write correctly and not make mistakes when using vocabulary words, using various teaching methods and a variety of methods and techniques to make the learning process as effective as possible.



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"Working with dictionaries in Russian language lessons as one of the ways to develop speech and enrich students' vocabulary"

Teacher of the Russian language and literature, MOU secondary school No. 2, Petrovsk, Saratov region Polyakova M.V.

“For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and herbs - the Russian language has a great many good words and names” . These words of K.G. Paustovsky should help the children realize one important point: the word is a tool for understanding the world.

The names of everything that is in the universe fit into dictionaries. The French writer Anatole France famously said this: “Dictionaries are the whole universe in alphabetical order.”

By and large, the whole lesson of the Russian language is work with the word. Through the word, students learn and realize the laws of the language, are convinced of its accuracy, beauty and expressiveness. And therefore it is very important that the lesson be subordinated to the main goal: acquaintance with the word and awareness of all its components.

Let me remind you that the methodology distinguishes between dictionary-semantic and dictionary-spelling directions of dictionary work.

We consider it as the unity of these two species. After all, in the lesson we are interested not only dictionary words, unfamiliar to students, but also our usual native words.

A.M. Peshkovsky argued that "one must first hear and then look at how this word is written." But it seems to me that you first need to get acquainted with the orthoepic appearance of the word. The word written on the board must be heard. Students should hear and remember how it is pronounced. Then we try to figure out the meaning of the word, give an interpretation of its lexical meaning, first on our own, and then with the help of an explanatory dictionary. And only after getting acquainted with the pronunciation and semantics, we proceed to the assimilation of the spelling of a given word.

What dictionaries do we use most often in Russian language and literature lessons? When do they come to our aid?

School spelling dictionary - essential tool to work at every lesson of the Russian language. From class V, we begin its systematic use. Spelling vigilance, observation, memorization of the form of a word, introspection - these are the results of such work. It seems to me that the use of a dictionary can be allowed during any class work (dictations, presentations, essays). The ability to use a dictionary is already an indicator of the degree of spelling success.

I will give examples of tasks that can be given to students.

1. Using a dictionary, select 10 difficult spelling words and arrange them in strict alphabetical order. Expedition, terrace, opposition, illumination, banner, pessimism, document, aggressor, bulletin, compromise, privilege, adventure, symmetry.

2. The game "Relay". Write it right. Steward… a, gri… ace, intelligence, a… likation, su… ogat, a… cull, ko… ersant.

3. Write down 10 words from the dictionary with pre- and pre- prefixes, in which you can clearly distinguish between the meanings of these prefixes.

4. Write down 10 adverbs from the dictionary with the prefix -, which are written with a hyphen. (apparently, in wolf, in Russian)

Of course, everyone needs a spelling dictionary in order to prevent arbitrariness in the spelling of words, especially in cases where spelling does not obey the rules, but is determined by the dictionary. As a result of frequent reference to the dictionary, students train visual memory.

An explanatory dictionary helps us to determine the meaning of any word. Using the explanatory dictionary (“Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, the four-volume “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl, “School Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by M.S. Lapatukhin and others), students can learn how to spell and pronounce the word of interest to him, what are its phonetic and morphological features, what grammatical forms are characteristic of it, what parts of speech are formed from it.

Consider examples that allow you to visualize the construction of dictionary entries.

Mercy - I, cf. Willingness to help someone, or to forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy.

Show mercy.

Morality - and, f. Rules defining behavior; spiritual and mental qualities necessary for a person in society, as well as the implementation of all these rules, behavior.

High morality. // adj. moral, th, th.

It should be especially noted that the school explanatory dictionary is valuable not only as a reference book, but also as a textbook on the Russian language and literature. Here are some examples of possible tasks.

1. Using an explanatory dictionary, write down the meanings of the words "patriot", "mercy", "morality".

2. The game "Erudite". Expand the meaning of the highlighted words.

Half-forgotten words now sound like music - mercy, repentance, dignity, conscience. (V.G. Kostomarov).

3. Dictation "Guess the word!"

The teacher gives an interpretation, the children write down the word itself.

4. Lexical dictation. The teacher dictates the words, and the students must give an interpretation.

In addition to sensible and spelling dictionary, we also need a word-formation dictionary in the lessons. In the "School word-building dictionary of the Russian language" A.N. Tikhonov's words are placed in nests. Where necessary, grammatical information about words is given.

Using several examples, we will show how, using the dictionary of A.N. Tikhonov, it is possible to develop in students the skill of selecting single-root words.

1. Find out from the dictionary which morpheme is the final one - in adjectives fox, blue, fresh.

(fox - th, blue - th, fresh - th)

2. Find out from the dictionary which prefixed verbs can be formed from the verb to write.

3. From the verb live, form three vocabulary nests. Check the correctness of the task in the word-formation dictionary.

Students face difficulties, and this makes them think, analyze.

Experience shows that orthoepic dictionaries are needed in the lessons of the Russian language and literature (“ Pronouncing dictionary Russian language” edited by R.I. Avanesov, "Russian Literary Pronunciation and Stress" edited by R.I. Avanesov and S.I. Ozhegov, "Dictionary of stresses of the Russian language" R.V. Krylov and others).

To develop and consolidate the spelling skills of students, you can offer such tasks.

1. The game "Announcer". Place the accents, pronounce correctly. Dispensary, chaos, parterre, contract, meatballs ... .

2. Orthoepic dictation: the correct pronunciation of the words written on the board.

3. Stress the words below and check in a dictionary. Pamper, apostrophe, flounder, heretic, whooping cough, hunk, rust, call.

I note that the set of words with difficult pronunciation is not very large, so it does not change from lesson to lesson, and repeated repetition ensures a good assimilation of pronunciation norms.

It is known that in words of foreign origin (coffee, aloe, taxi ...), students often mistakenly determine the gender. And here the “School Dictionary of Foreign Words” by V.V. can help. Odintsova, G.P. Smolitskaya and others. It is intended for high school students. It includes the most common borrowings. These words can be heard on radio and television, found in the works of fiction that are taught in school.

1. The game "Define the dictionary!"

“Mom offered me meatballs, meatballs, vinaigrette, tea, cocoa. But I ate a sandwich, a cake and a cup of coffee with sugar.”

2. Find the following borrowings in the dictionary and pay attention to their pronunciation: museum, tour, detective, decade ....

3. Determine the gender of nouns from the dictionary: ranch, impresario, alibi, jury ....

Great help to students in mastering the richness of the Russian language can be provided by the “School Dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian Language”, “School Dictionary of Russian Antonyms” by M.R. Lvov, “School Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V.P. Zhukov. The ability to use these dictionaries forms in students the desire for self-education, instills in them the desire to use words in strict accordance with their meaning and stylistic characteristics.

The following types of exercises are possible:

1. The game "Who is faster?"

Write out from the dictionary synonyms for the words kindness, conscience, love, authority and others.

2. Form a synonymous series for the word mercy. After completing the task, refer to the dictionary to independently check yourself, your active vocabulary.

3. The game "Who is more?" Give examples when antonyms are included in the title of works.

4. Copy passages from various works of art and underline antonyms.

You are rich, I am very poor.

You are a prose writer - I am a poet.

(A.S. Pushkin.)

5. In the following poetic lines, highlight phraseological units, explaining their meaning. Check the correctness of your answers in the dictionary.

Feeling him, road horse

Snoring - and a cautious traveler

Rushing uphill in full spirit ...

(A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin".)

He saw all kinds

Traveled all over the county

And along and across.

(N.A. Nekrasov. “Who is it good to live in Rus'?”)

6. Name the phraseological units that include the names of the parts human body(head, eyes, nose, legs).

Head - to fool the head, ...

Legs - carry legs, ...

Eyes - an eyesore, ...

Nose - turn up your nose, ...

You can keep students personal thematic dictionaries. This is a small notebook that is convenient to store in a textbook, which means that it will always be at hand. The use of such a booklet brings vocabulary work into some kind of system.

Words can be given in lessons on topics: literature, theater, art, science, sports ...

Literature: essay, play, dialogue, review, prototype, epilogue...

Science: associate professor, priority, diploma, scholarship, candidate, dean's office ...

First, students write a dictionary dictation, then there is an explanation of the meanings of new words (and in a dictionary!), then students write them down in their dictionaries, come up with sentences with them. So new words enter the minds of students.

Dictionaries can be started in the 5th grade and continued up to the 9th grade, supplementing the started lists by topic. Such a dictionary can bring tangible benefits to both the teacher and students: they can be repeated in speech development lessons in preparation for essays.

In grades 5-9, I try to use a comprehensive analysis of the word as one of the methods of teaching the Russian language.

The meaning of this work is to find its phonetic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic and other properties and features in a single word, and then establish its links with other units of the language, pointing to the existing cognates, synonyms, antonyms, possible phrases, etc. .d.

A comprehensive analysis of the word is a qualitatively new type of analysis. Turning to such a complex task, of course, brings up in students a broader view of the word as a living speech unit that has diverse patterns. Performing exercises on a comprehensive analysis of the word requires students to systematically repeat, the ability to keep organized information in memory regularly, to use them in relation to different didactic material and from different angles.

Here is an example of a task:

Snow - precipitation (lexical meaning) White snow.

The word snow has no synonyms.

It is not used in a figurative sense.

Snow is a one-syllable word.

c - [c] - consonant deaf, hard

n - [n,] - consonant voiced, unpaired, soft

e - [e] - vowel

g - [k| - deaf consonant, hard

Snow - snowy, snowman, snowball, bullfinch, snowdrop.

The word snowdrop is formed morphologically from the combination under the snow by the simultaneous addition of the prefix under- and the suffix -nick.

The word snow is neutral and can be used in any style.

Snowball - unstressed vowel is checked: snow; the stress falls on the last syllable, which means that it is necessary to write after the hissing not e, but o.

This order may change. So, you can start a conversation with the grammatical characteristics of a word, then move on to indicating other qualities and properties.

When joint work with the teacher shows that the students have mastered its principles and methods, it is possible to offer independent, and then control tasks. The completion of this work is a story (composition) about the word.

In all cases, during training work or control work - students should be offered a questionnaire, which can also serve as an answer plan. During the training sessions, it is useful to compile the questionnaire together with the students. Only on the very high level work, when the teacher expects to receive a detailed answer in the form of a story about a word, a questionnaire is not offered in order not to restrain the independence and initiative of students. Performance of tasks at different stages of this work can be oral and written (for written analysis, it takes from 20 to 40 minutes, so this work often cannot be done).

Not every word is convenient for a comprehensive analysis. It is necessary that it be understandable to the students and would give a lot of material when explaining it,

Therefore, for such a purpose, it is better to choose independent words, and not official ones. Before offering students a word for analysis, it must be thoroughly analyzed by the teacher himself before the lesson. A comprehensive analysis of the word is a promising exercise that helps to systematically check the material of the program, educating children in a more complete, “voluminous” understanding of the language as a system of systems.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote that “a child who is not accustomed to delve into the meaning of a word, understands or does not understand its real meaning at all, will always suffer from this fundamental defect when studying any other subject.”

That is why so much attention is paid to the formation of the need and the use of reference literature. It is important to remember that carefully planned and well-organized vocabulary work helps to enrich the vocabulary of students, develop spelling literacy, develop the speech of schoolchildren, and in general helps to improve the language culture, develop the child's attention, respect and love for mother tongue. Therefore, vocabulary work should be present in every lesson, being the main point in its structure.

And intuition will tell the teacher at what stage of the lesson and how much time (at least 5 - 7 minutes) to devote to vocabulary work. Only such training can give positive results.

I believe that thanks to the systematic vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, my students have increased interest in vocabulary work and in the Russian language in general. They love and know how to work with dictionaries and reference literature.


A.A. Kosolapkov. Generalizing lesson "Visiting dictionaries". - Russian language at school, 1992, No. 2, pp. 19-21.

T.M. Kashkarov. Vocabulary work in the lessons of the Russian language. - Russian language at school, 1991, No. 2, pp. 41-44.

V.V. Rogozinsky. Spelling vigilance. - Russian language and literature in secondary educational institutions Ukrainian SSR, 1991, No. 5. pp. 49-50.

BEHIND. Potiha, D.E. Rosenthal. Ligvinistic dictionaries and work with them at school. - Moscow: "Enlightenment", 1987.