About "fools" and "lazy people" of Russian folk tales. Therapeutic tale from laziness Folk tales about lazy people read

In literature various countries traditionally there are many fairy tales (folk and literary) about good and evil, strong and vile, brave and stupid ... Among them are tales about lazy people. This is probably no coincidence, because laziness is one of the most "sung" properties of human nature along with courage, dexterity, cunning. Moreover, some fairy tales about lazy people admire this quality quite literally. And in some, characters who do not like to work are simply popular.

Russian fairy tales about lazy people. Titles and characters

Among Russian folk creations, a vivid example is "At the command of the pike." Emelya, main character fairy tales, certainly - the very personification of this human property. A folk work tells of a man who does not want to work, lying on a Russian stove all day long (some researchers of folk art consider the stove as a symbol of mother laziness). What happens next? Emelya accidentally catches a pike, which, for its release, offers the protagonist the fulfillment of all his desires "at the behest of the pike." Buckets go home without spilling water. The sledges go by themselves. And then, on the Russian stove, Emelya comes to the tsar himself, where, with the help of pike magic, he makes Princess Marya fall in love with him. The indignant king orders the young to be rolled into a barrel. But here luck is on the side of Emelya. “At the pike’s command” again, everything turns out in the best possible way: Emelya not only miraculously escapes with the princess, but also becomes rich and beautiful (and the tsar himself already recognizes him and is afraid).

"Lazy Wife"

But Russian fairy tales about lazy people not only sing of this quality of human character. In some of them, for example, "The Lazy Wife", laziness is condemned, and a person acting in this way is subject to reprimand and punishment. This work tells about a wife who did not work at home, did not weave like other women (as was customary). The lazy wife constantly shied away from her duties and made excuses. Then the husband decided to teach his negligent wife a lesson and pretended to be dead. And there’s nothing to bury a husband in! After all, the lazy wife did not nakat anything. First she wraps her husband in threads, then in veils brought by others. And then he suddenly "resurrects". The wife is frightened, punished and now weaves a linen, like all obedient women.

literary tales

Not only in Russian folklore, fairy tales about lazy people (their names are well known to everyone: “12 months”, “Morozko”, “Two Frosts”) were very popular. For example, the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin made a great contribution to this literary genre. The poetic tale "About the priest and his worker Balda" can rightfully be considered one of the best works about this theme. By the way, it will be interesting to know that the literary work written by Pushkin was based on the folklore "Labor Shabarsha" (published and recorded by the collector of fairy tales Afanasyev). In the poet's poems, the hard-working Balda and the lazy owner - pop. Farm laborer fulfills all the whims of a clergyman in exchange for food and payment at the end: three clicks on the forehead. Balda - skillful, brave, strong, such that he can overcome the devils. Pop - cunning, lazy, greedy. But retribution is not far off for him. Balda demands the agreed payment, and the lazy owner has to expose his forehead for clicks, which he cannot stand and dies.

Names of famous tales about lazy people

Many peoples have such works - literary processed and folklore. These include the Japanese work "Fan Tengu", the French "Puss in Boots" (literally retold by Charles Perrault), Grimm's "Lazy Heinz", the Indian fairy tale "About the lazy cuckoo", the Bashkir "About the lazy girl" and many others. It can be said about all these works that these are tales about lazy people.

There was, and there was nothing - a husband and wife lived. The husband was so lazy that he didn't want to do anything. For whole days he only eats and rolls around - then he turns on one side, then on the other. And the wife works with all her might, feeds herself and her husband, clothes, everything, she does everything alone. Only no matter how much the wife fights, they are all poor and poor. And what can she do alone? And their field, unfortunately, is somewhere far away, but everything is rocky, but sandy, only nettles and all sorts of weeds grow on it, nothing more.

So the wife got together in the spring, begged the neighbors, plowed this field with their help, then took the grain, sowed it, and the field sprouted - yes, what a field, the whole sea is worried. The month of harvest has come, the bread has ripened, and the wife says to her husband:
- Get up, go look at least at our field. Maybe nothing came up there, and in vain we only hope.

Somehow this lazy man got up, dragged himself. I hadn’t even gone halfway, when I turned back, came home and said to my wife:
- I was there, I saw - nothing rose there, except for nettles and weeds, for nothing only so much grain was consumed.
The wife knows what kind of field they have, but she did not say anything to her husband. And when the harvest time came, he said to him:
- Either go to the field to reap, or stay at home, churn butter, feed the mother hen with chickens, look after them, sift flour, bake bread.

Decided to stay at home lazy. He took a skein of thread from his wife and, so that the chickens would not scatter and disturb him, he tied them all with one thread to a hen and let them through the threshing floor.
Suddenly, out of nowhere - a kite, he attacked the chickens and carried them all away along with the tied hen. And the lazy man put a bag of flour, a sieve, milk in a bowl on his back and chased the kite like that, thinking: “I’ll scare the kite, I’ll make it leave the hen with chickens, and I’ll sift the flour, and I’ll beat the butter, so I’ll get rid of all things at once.”

Only he didn’t catch up with the kite, he didn’t sift the flour, he didn’t knock down the butter - everything fell on him, was beaten and woke up. And so he was left with nothing. The lazy man thinks how to be, how to meet a wife without chickens.
He remembered that his wife had laid eggs. He took out these eggs, put them in a basket and sat on them, thinking: “I will sit for a while. Perhaps, by the time the wife returns from the field, new chickens will hatch.
The lazy man sits on his eggs, cackling like a mother hen: "Kvoh-kvoh... Kvoh-kvoh..."
The wife returned from the harvest, shouting to her husband:
- Open the doors!

And the husband only cackles in response:
- Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

For the second time, the wife screams:
- Open the doors!
- Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! - the husband answers again. And for the third time the wife called out:
- But where are you, where did you disappear to? Open the door, are you deaf?!
No one answers her, only “quoh, quoh” is heard from the house.

The wife broke the door and entered. He sees - her husband is sitting in a basket, which is a hen, and cackles.
- What else are you thinking, what are you doing there? Get out of this basket now.
“The kite took away the mother hen with chickens, so I wanted to hatch new chickens,” says the husband.
“I don’t need your chickens, get out,” says the wife, pulled him out of the basket and sat him down by the hearth.

The next morning the husband's wife asks:
- How are you? Are you going to reap, or maybe you will stay at home again?
- No, I'd better go harvest, - says the husband, - just give me three chickens: one for breakfast, one for lunch, one for dinner.
- Oh, just take off this crop, I will give you not three, but four chickens a day. The lazy man went into the field. And I didn’t tie up two sheaves in a day, everything is lying around and sleeping, but there are no chickens
I forgot - I ate all three at once. Time goes by. Three, four days passed like that. So all the grain in the field would have dried up and crumbled, only once the wife of a lazy man got up, dressed like a man, took a weapon, mounted a horse and rode off. She drove up to her husband and shouted:
- Hey, reaper, do you know what lazy? Our king's son is sick, dying. They taught us to feed this lazy person with a liver.

The lazy man was frightened and began to swear:
- Just an hour since I started harvesting, where could I collect more?
“Look, you won’t take off all the bread by evening, I’ll come, I’ll cut off your head, cut out your liver and take it away,” this warrior said and left.

The lazy man rushed to reap, took off all the bread, did not leave one ear. By the evening he fell a little alive from fatigue and groaned. The wife came, brought food, is it time for him to eat? Barely alive sitting, barely breathing.
Wife asks:
- Why are you so tired?

The lazy man told her that a man had passed from the king and threatened: “If you don’t take off all the bread until the evening, I’ll come, I’ll kill you, I’ll cut out your liver and take it away.”
“Don’t be afraid,” his wife consoled him, “he squeezed everything, he won’t do anything to you.” So somehow the sheaves were tied up, brought; threshed and filled the grain.

This lazy man had one pig. Whatever is edible in the house, he wears everything to this pig. Feeds her, feeds her. The wife said:
- We ourselves have nothing to eat, why are you dragging this pig? Let's stab her better.
“No, I won’t stab until the fat comes out of her,” says the husband.
The wife took the butter, melted it, splashed it on the pig, showed it to her husband and said:
- You see how fat she is, and fat is coming out of her.
Then the lazy man took it and slaughtered his beloved pig - no matter how much he loved her, but apparently he loved his stomach more.

Very soon the lazy man ate his pig, only one ham and his wife managed to hide it. The lazy man found out that his wife had another ham, stuck:
- Give him too!
- No, - says the wife, - I won't!
- I'll die if you don't.
"Die," says the wife. If you die, you won't hurt anyone.
The lazy man got up, lay down on the couch, screwed up his eyes, fell silent and lay there, not breathing. The wife wept over her husband who was dead.

They brought the priest, put together a coffin, laid the lazy man down and carried him to the church. Nevertheless, the wife came up to her husband again and whispered:
- Get up, or we'll bury it.
- How can I get up? I've died.
“Get up, I say,” the wife repeats.
- Give me a pork ham - I'll get up, - says the husband.
- No! - says the wife.
- No, I won't get up.

They carried the lazy man like a dead man and laid him down in the church. As it got dark, the wife of this lazy man got up, went to the church doors and shouted:
- Hey, dead people, old and new! Listen - a new temple is being built in the sky, get up and carry all the bricks. The old dead wear a hundred, the new - two hundred.
The lazy man thought: “I can’t even lift five bricks, why the hell am I going to carry two hundred of them?” I jumped up and let's run out of the church.

Since then, he does not think of either dying or asking for pork hams, and he no longer rolls on his side. He began to work, and the husband and wife lived happily and richly.

Pestilence is there, feast is here,
Sifting there, flour here.
speaker, listener
Save me from the sea.

On this page, read the text "The Tale of the Lazy Man" by Samuil Marshak, written in 1922.

In one action


Lazy son.
Old man.

Pillar with the inscription "Big Road".

FATHER (bringing his son out onto the road). Here is the big road. Go wherever you want. It’s enough for you to sit on the stove and eat your father’s bread for free.
LAZY PERSON. Your truth, father! But where should I go? I'd rather sit here on a stone.
FATHER. Why would you sit in vain? Get busy.
LAZY PERSON. And I, father, will sit and think about what to do.
FATHER. You've been sitting for twenty years, but you haven't invented anything. Well, okay, sit for another hour and think. And then I'll come and see. If you can't think of anything, I'll drown you!
LAZY PERSON. Okay, drown! Your will! (Bows at his feet.)

Father leaves.

Invented! Raven will count! One, two, three ... There are so many of them! Four, five ... Look, they fly apart, they don’t sit still, it’s hard to count ... Six, seven, eight ... Oh, I was mistaken, there was an eighth jackdaw! (Waves her hand.) Ksh, go away! Nine ten…

The woodcutter is coming.

WOODCUTTER. Hello Lazy. What are you doing?
LAZY PERSON. Raven I think.
WOODCUTTER. Good deal, but how much do you get paid for it?
LAZY PERSON. They don't pay anything!
WOODCUTTER. So, it's not profitable. Come to my service.
LAZY PERSON. What are you doing?
WOODCUTTER. I cut firewood.
LAZY PERSON. How do you cut them?
WOODCUTTER. And like this! (Shows.)
LAZY PERSON. No, I don't like your work.
WOODCUTTER. Why is she bad?
LAZY PERSON. You have to work while standing. Legs get tired.
WOODCUTTER. Well, make things easier for yourself! (Exits.)

Stonemason appears.

STONE CUTTER. Hello Lazy. What are you doing?
LAZY PERSON. I am looking for work.
STONE CUTTER. What can you do?
LAZY PERSON. Raven count, chop wood.
STONE CUTTER. Why don't you do it?
LAZY PERSON. Counting a crow is unprofitable, chopping firewood - you have to stand, your legs will get tired.
STONE CUTTER. Come to my service. I work sitting.
LAZY PERSON. How do you work?

The stonemason sits down and starts banging on the stone with a hammer.

No, this job is not for me. Your back hurts.
STONE CUTTER. Well, look for easier jobs. (Exits.)

The fisherman appears.

FISHER. Hello Lazy. What are you doing?
LAZY PERSON. I am looking for work.
FISHER. What can you do?
LAZY PERSON. Raven count, chop wood, hew stones.
FISHER. Why don't you do it?
LAZY PERSON. Counting a crow is unprofitable, chopping firewood - you have to stand, your legs will get tired, hew stones - your back will hurt!
FISHER. Well, come to my service. My job is easy: cast your line and wait for it to bite.
LAZY PERSON. This is good work. And how long do you have to wait?
FISHER. Sometimes you sit all day.
LAZY PERSON. No, I don't like your work. I love sleeping during the day.
FISHER. Don't like it, don't. Look for easier jobs! (Exits.)

The watchman appears with a mallet.

WATCHMAN Hello Lazy! What are you doing?
LAZY PERSON. I am looking for work.
WATCHMAN What can you do?
Lazy person. Raven count, chop wood, hew stones, catch fish.
WATCHMAN Why don't you do it?
Lazy person. Counting a crow is unprofitable, chopping firewood - you have to stand, your legs will get tired, hewing stones - your back will hurt, catching fish - you can’t sleep during the day!
WATCHMAN Come to my service. I sleep all day.
LAZY PERSON. All day? That is good. And when do you work?
WATCHMAN At night. I go and watch.
LAZY PERSON. No, your work does not suit me, I like to sleep at night!
WATCHMAN Oh you Lazy! Look for another owner! (Exits.)

Father appears.

FATHER. Well, Lazybones, did you come up with some kind of business?
LAZY PERSON. I figured it out, daddy, I figured it out!
FATHER. What can you do?
LAZY PERSON. Raven count, chop wood, hew stones, catch fish, guard people.
FATHER. Why aren't you doing this?
LAZY PERSON. Counting a raven, father, is unprofitable, chopping firewood - you have to stand, your legs will get tired, hewing stones - your back will hurt, catching fish - you can’t sleep during the day, guarding people - you can’t sleep at night!
FATHER. Oh, lazy, lazy! No good will come of you! Let's go, I'll drown you in the river!
LAZY PERSON. Is it far to go?
FATHER. No, not far. You and I passed through the river when we came here.
LAZY PERSON. You would have drowned earlier, otherwise now you have to go back!
FATHER. Bend over, I'll tie a stone to your neck! (Ties a large stone.)
LAZY PERSON. Oh, and the trouble is with you!

The Old Man appears.

OLD MAN. Wait, why are you tying a stone around his neck?
FATHER. I want to heat.
OLD MAN. Why drown?
FATHER. He does not want to work, but there is nothing to feed him.
OLD MAN. I'm sorry young man. Give it to me, I'll feed it!
LAZY PERSON. And what will you feed?
OLD MAN. Here is a bag of crackers. Soak them in water and eat.
LAZY PERSON. More wet!
OLD MAN (to father). Well, fellow countryman, I have lived a century in the world, but I have never seen such a lazy person. Hit him, hurry up!
FATHER (Lazy). Get up, let's go.
LAZY PERSON. And where to?
FATHER. Yes to the river!
LAZY PERSON. I won't go on foot. If you want to drown, take me or carry me in your arms!
FATHER. How can I carry you? I can't lift you!
LAZY PERSON. Call people for help!
FATHER. Oh, trouble with you! (Looking around.) Hey, good people! Help the lazy son drown in the river.

STONE CUTTER (appearing). Why not help!
RYBOLOV Help! Tea, neighbors!

(They raise Lazy and sing.)

We carry Lazy to the river!
He lived his life on the stove!
He asked for food and drink!
We carry it to drown!

LAZY PERSON. Well, carry it, carry it, don't shake it too hard! At least in the end I’ll ride you ... Farewell, good people, don’t remember dashingly!
FATHER. You would, Lazybones, take off your hat, saying goodbye to people!
LAZY PERSON. Here's another - I'll take off my hat! And so it will be fine! Farewell, good people!

Everyone leaves except for the Old Man.

OLD MAN (one). Ai-ai-ai, sorry for the guy! They drown him. This is what laziness leads to!

Lazy is back.

LAZY PERSON. Corrected!
OLD MAN. Oh, my dear! Has it really improved? Well, sit down, take the stone off your neck! Is it hard for you?
LAZY PERSON. How difficult it is! (Tries to remove the stone.) And let it hang! Another rope to untie ... Never mind, I'll get used to it!
OLD MAN. And what are you going to do now, my dear?
LAZY PERSON. I will work.
OLD MAN. Here's a good guy! And what kind of work will you take?
LAZY PERSON. Raven will count!
OLD MAN. And what's the point in that?
LAZY PERSON. There is no good, but there is little trouble! Sit on a rock and count... Look how many of them have flown! One, two, three, four... Shh! (Waving his hat.)


The play "The Tale of the Lazy Man" was first published with the subtitle "In 1 act" in the book: "E. Vasilyeva and S. Marshak, Theater for Children", 1922.

I promised my reader Nadezhda a long time ago to write a therapeutic fairy tale about laziness, but still nothing. No, no, do not think, I was not at all lazy, just children, things, you understand .... The story was too long for me. I try not to write long stories for the blog, but it was written so easily that I did not notice how many letters came out. I hope that the fairy tale will be easy to read, and you and the children will laugh at some of the heroes of this fairy tale.

Kingdom of Lazybones

That morning, Anton still did not want to get out of bed. I wanted to wallow and bask all day.

Get up, Antoshka! You'll lose the whole day, grumbled the grandmother.

- Well, grandmother, well, a little more.

- Get up, whoever they say! Breakfast is already on the table!

Nothing can be done, the boy had to get out of a soft cozy bed.

- And who will make the bed? - asked the grandmother, when Anton sluggishly wandered to the table. - How about brushing your teeth?

- Oh, grandmother, laziness. Later, later,” the boy waved.

“Look, granddaughters, it won’t take long to get to the Kingdom of Lazybones,” Grandmother warned.

There is no such kingdom! Fairy tales are all! Anton chuckled. “If it were, I would love to go there!”

“Oh, Antosha, Antosha,” Grandma shook her head. – It’s bad to be lazy, it’s boring - there are so many interesting things in the world, and because of laziness you can’t see or recognize them.

After breakfast, the boy trudged back to the room. Grandma told me to get dressed and still make the bed, but I didn’t want to do anything. Barely pulled Anton on a T-shirt and jeans, and then, in clothes, he fell back onto the bed.

“That’s how I’m going to lie here all day!” I don't want to do anything! he said loudly. “Yes, and I’m not averse to getting into the Kingdom of Lazybones, especially if you can be lazy there to your heart’s content!”

Anton closed his eyes, deciding to take a little more nap, but the dream had already gone. When Anton opened his eyes again, he found to his surprise that he was not lying on the bed, but on the green soft grass, in the meadow. Anton immediately jumped to his feet and looked around. Literally thirty meters from where he was, the boy saw the gates to the city, surrounded by a high wall. Anton went towards the city and was soon there. There were two guards at the gate. In fact, they didn’t quite stand, but dozed, leaning on their halberds.

"Excuse me, where did I go?" Anton asked.

One of the guards opened his left eye and muttered under his breath:

“Can't you see? To the Kingdom of Lazy people.

So it really exists! the boy exclaimed excitedly. “Could you unlock the gate so I can get in?”

“Nope, they couldn’t,” the second guard woke up. - We're lazy.

"Well, how can I get in then?" Anton asked.

“Push the gate and you’ll come in, it’s not locked, we’re too lazy to lock and unlock it,” the first guard replied, and then snored loudly.

Passing through the gate, Anton thought that with such guards, the enemy could sneak into the kingdom unnoticed. The boy walked through the streets of the city and was surprised. How untidy and gloomy it was here: garbage was everywhere, there were few people on the street, and those whom he met reluctantly wandered somewhere with displeased faces. Soon the boy saw two janitors who were sitting on a bench. Their brooms lay on the ground, and the janitors themselves, instead of working, sweeping up the garbage, played checkers.

Not far from the playing janitors, Anton saw a bakery. For some reason, the boy immediately remembered his grandmother. He often went with her to the bakery for bread, and she always bought Anton a rich fresh bun with raisins. The boy wanted a fragrant muffin so much that he decided to look into the confectionery. To his surprise, he did not smell the smell of fresh bread there. On the table was a pot of dough that fit so well that it was ready to run away, and the baker was sleeping on the bench.

“Excuse me, I would like a muffin!” – slightly raising his voice, asked Anton.

- There is dough, in a saucepan, and there is an oven, make a bun and bake it in the oven, but I'm too lazy. Just don’t forget to melt the oven, ”the baker answered and turned to the other side.

"Here you are, you lazybones!" Anton thought to himself and imagined what would happen if their baker, Uncle Ignat, behaved like this. Who would then bake bread and raisin buns for the people of their area?

Coming out of the bakery, Anton saw the royal palace and went straight there. The palace guards were playing cards at the gate and didn't even pay attention to the boy who went inside. Once in the palace, Anton immediately heard the screams, and headed in the direction from which they came. Soon the boy was in the throne room. The king sat on the throne and shouted loudly:

“Servants, where is my royal sandwich?” Servants, crown! Royal tailor to me! Secretary, where is my secretary? Servants, someone come here immediately!

The king had been shouting for quite some time, but none of the servants had appeared. Noticing Anton, the king was delighted.

“They are lazy,” he complained. You won't get anything from them!

- And you take others to this work, - Anton advised.

So they will be lazy too! We have the Kingdom of Lazybones,” the king explained. “They clearly follow my orders: be lazy, be lazy, and be as lazy as possible every day!

“Well, why are you issuing such orders?” the boy was surprised. - After all, then no one will bring you breakfast, the tailor will not sew a dress, the secretary will not write a letter.

“Well, I’m Lazy XIV!” My father, my grandfather, my great-grandfather and all other ancestors were terrible lazy people, and made others lazy. If I and my subjects were not lazy, then our kingdom simply would not exist. And by the way, who are you? Too smart!

- I'm Anton.

Are you a new resident of our kingdom? Another newfound lazybones? the king rejoiced.

- No, no, I'm not lazy! I happened to be here by chance,” the boy shook his head.

Well, we don't happen to have them by chance. To get here, you just need to want it and say your desire out loud twice.

Anton remembered with horror that, indeed, he wished twice to be in the Kingdom of Lazybones: at breakfast and when he returned to his room.

- Can I somehow return back to my grandmother? the boy asked the king.

“Well…,” he scratched his beard, “unfortunately, you can. It's up to you to contact the court magician. And if he is not lazy….

Anton no longer began to listen to the rantings of the lazy king, but rushed to look for the court magician. It turned out that he lived in the palace tower. When Anton knocked on the door and entered the room, he found a wizard sitting in front of a mirror and braiding his beard.

"Hello," the boy greeted. - I really need your help! I want to get out of the Lazy Kingdom and get to my grandmother. Can you help me please?

“I can,” the wizard tore his eyes from the mirror. It's my job to create magic. Only now I'm lazy. Wait a bit.

- How long do I have to wait? Anton asked impatiently.

"I don't know," the wizard shrugged. Maybe until tonight, maybe tomorrow. But who knows, maybe I will be lazy all week or even a month. You know, laziness is such a thing - the more lazy you are, the more you want to be lazy.

“But I really, really need to get home!” Anton exclaimed in fear.

“Well, if you are so impatient, there is a magic book in the corner,” the magician waved his hand and again stared at the mirror.

Anton ran to where the magician pointed and saw a thick magic book, which, probably, had not been opened for several years. It was covered in a thick layer of dust.

“Apparently, I need to find some kind of spell here,” the boy thought to himself, turning over the huge pages. “Some kind of spell that said I would never be lazy again.”

And finally, on page 314, Anton saw a suitable spell. He took a deep breath and read aloud:

Never, oh never, I will not be lazy!

And the word "laziness" and the word "laziness" will forever forget!

I will be body and soul always, always work

And never, no, never will I be lazy!

Just in case, the boy closed his eyes tightly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was again lying on the bed in his room. Anton's happiness knew no bounds! He immediately jumped out of bed and began to make it, then ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. Coming out of the bathroom, the boy shouted to his grandmother:

"Grandma, can I help you with something?"

“Run to the bakery, granddaughter, buy bread for dinner,” answered the grandmother, who was peeling potatoes in the kitchen.

- And then? Anton asked.

“Then you can play,” Grandma smiled.

“No, I don’t want to play,” the grandson shook his head. - I'm not lazy!

- Fine! I'll be back soon! Anton exclaimed happily.

He took the money for bread and skipped out the door.

- He reminds me of someone ... - the grandmother thought, looking after her grandson. And then she smiled and added: - Yes, she reminds me of myself! After I visited the Lazy Kingdom as a child!