What is a school. What is VPR in school? All-Russian test work in elementary school. Modern school in various countries

Greetings, dear readers! We will touch on such a painful topic for many children and parents as bullying: not everyone knows what it is. If you hear the word "bullying" for the first time, this does not mean that you or your child have not experienced this phenomenon in reality. Let's figure out what is meant by an unusual foreign name.

Bullying at school

Surprisingly, there are no analogues to the word "bullying" in Russian. So collectively called conscious terror directed against a child by one or more children from his environment. The English word itself means "hooligan, fighter, bully", etc. In other words, these are moral or physical bullying that any student can be subjected to.

Bullying for the first time social phenomenon noticed in England in 1905, although it cannot be said that the persecution of a single individual in children's and adolescent groups did not exist before that time. Since then, talk about him has not ceased among teachers and psychologists. According to statistics, from 4 to 50% of children experience bullying. It can be isolated cases or regular tactics.

Recently, bullying has taken place not only in primary school but even in kindergartens. Children are inherently cruel and do not yet know how to restrain emotions and find compromises. If they disliked someone, attacks and even beatings await the victim.

Teenage bullying can be even more severe because during this period, children are subject to less parental control. At the same time, relations between the sexes are developing, and for some children this process is painful.

There are several types of bullying within the same team:

  • Physical. It can range from beatings to serious self-mutilation.
  • Behavioral. They deliberately do not come into contact with the child, do not talk, spread gossip, steal or damage personal belongings, and slander.
  • Verbal. It is expressed in jokes, nicknames, name-calling, insults.
  • Cyberbullying. This is a social attack. networks, posting unsightly videos, photos, texts on the Internet.

Bullying can be caused by anything: appearance victims, behavioral patterns, manner of speaking, etc. Mentally or physically weak children who do not know how to defend themselves can also become the subject of bullying.

The aggressors, as is commonly believed, are children from dysfunctional families. But today the situation has changed. The situation of bullying can also be created by kids from wealthy families, where parents feel their own permissiveness and at the same time do little work on children and do not pay attention to them.

The question of how to deal with bullying is quite complicated, because the diagnosis of the phenomenon is difficult. It is one thing if the situation ended in beatings (as evidence, they can be presented in the children's room of the police), and quite another thing if the bullying occurs on the Internet or in conversations.

In the latter case, a face-to-face trial is required in the presence of the parents of the offender and the victim, teachers, and psychologists. If the fact of bullying is recognized by the majority, including specialists, urgent prevention is needed in the group.

The work should be carried out by teachers, psychologists, sometimes the intervention of other specialists, in particular doctors, is required. Bullying is not a problem of one person, but of a group. If your child is a victim, do not blame them in any way. The group is to blame, not the individual.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that parents and teachers themselves indulge the aggressors. If parents in the family suffer from narcissism, consider themselves successful and the best in everything, or are engaged in assault, their behavior will be copied by the child.

On the contrary, overly intelligent parents who do not know how to stand up for themselves, do not seek to resolve conflicts, but prefer to bypass them, potentially educate the victim.

Teachers also add fuel to the fire, highlighting the best students in the class or showing with facial expressions and behavior that some child does not suit them. Thus, a potentially children's group is divided into aggressors and victims.

Canistherapy as a prevention of bullying

Recently, canistherapy technologies are gaining popularity as a means of preventing bullying. This is psychotherapy, where the treatment is carried out by dogs under the guidance of trainers. To earn the respect of an animal, a person must respect himself and others, but at the same time not feel like a victim.

By communicating with dogs, children learn equality and recognition of the rights of other people. The technique has already received tacit recognition, although it has not yet been officially approved as a method of psychotherapy in Russia.

About myself and bullying

From myself I want to say that I experienced this phenomenon myself at school. From a classmate, I heard bullying in my direction, and the last straw was that she wiped her feet on my clothes. In the literal sense of the word. Of course, I had a panic and did not know what to do.

I came home and cried. And then my mother sent me to the karate section. You know, there were people there, coaches who showed that I am strong, I can do a lot, they respect me and this added 1000% confidence to me.

As I remember now, her last bullying was in the gym at a physical education lesson. I cracked it, grabbed it and said something very formidable. I don't remember the words. I remember that the boys separated us, and after that everything stopped. And the relationship in the class has become much better.

I was different, confident. I was no longer afraid of anything.

Many years have passed, remembering all this, I can say that such situations are very tempering. There is much more of this in life, and this is the first life lesson I passed already at school on "excellent".

Mobbing and bullying

Mobbing is a concept very similar to bullying. They are often confused, because their essence is really hard to distinguish. Drawing a line between concepts, psychologists say that mobbing is collective bullying, and bullying is carried out one on one.

What is the difference, only a specialist can say, since today the concepts are often confused in use and bullying is used instead of mobbing as it is more popular and widespread.

Speaking of mobbing, they often mean the persecution of colleagues at work. But the phenomenon also occurs in the student group. There is another notation. Mobbing is a confrontation directed against a group that enjoys an advantage, is weaker or has distinctive features. There is also racial mobbing if children of different nationalities study at school.

The causes and technologies for preventing the phenomenon are closely interrelated. The school team should regularly conduct conversations with parents and children, in which professional psychologists participate.

Teachers themselves should exclude all sorts of individual students in the class and promote a lively, direct atmosphere of communication.

Parents should take care of the warm atmosphere of upbringing in the family, exclude mockery and corporal punishment. Only a healthy, friendly attitude in the team can eliminate mobbing and bullying as social phenomena.

Dear readers, we have examined the consequences of bullying a person in a team. You should not endure this, you should always look for a way out and never feel like a victim. If you have comments, leave them on the site or share the article with your friends on social networks. networks.

School enrollment

Corruption in schools begins with the admission of children to the first grades. This happens mainly in cities where there is an opportunity to choose a school. Many parents strive to enroll their children in the best schools, as a result there is competition and a desire to influence the results of enrollment.

What it looks like: any request to pay an “entry fee” when enrolling a child in the first grade (the amount varies from 2,000 rubles to 300,000 rubles (or more). The average amount of a bribe for admission to a prestigious district school is about 20 thousand rubles. Costs for an elite school an order of magnitude higher on average, from 150 to 250 thousand rubles.


  1. Return to the territorial principle of enrollment in schools, when a first-grader can go to school only in the area where he is registered.
  2. Leave the current principle of recruitment, but develop new clearly regulated rules for admission to the school.

Passing the exam

Corruption has also affected the new state examination system, the Unified State Examination, through which one must pass in order to enter the university.

There are many cases of rigged results, falsifications, violations of the procedure for conducting it. And often the teachers themselves are involved in this. They help fix USE results, prompt, reveal information and sometimes even solve exam tasks for students.

So, in the Rostov region, 70 teachers were caught red-handed when they completed tasks in the examination sheets of their students. Each of them paid them 40,000 rubles. There are cases when students buy certificates directly from the examination committee.


  1. The strictest control of state and law enforcement agencies over passing the exam, random checks, improvement of examination technology and system monitoring.
  2. Introduction of a system of combined examinations tests and oral examinations.
  3. Passing the exam using computer terminals, excluding the possibility of fraud at the local level.

School fees

Parents are often asked to give money to buy new equipment, textbooks, buy food, or pay for repairs to the institution.

What it looks like: requirement of class teachers for parent meetings pay in cash without any receipts a large amount of money for the repair of classes, for their equipment with computer equipment, purchase teaching materials, books, furniture, TVs, heating and so on. Checks carried out on the basis of statements often do not reveal a corruption component, as parents are forced to sign papers on the "voluntary" donations.

Remember that paying large sums of money in cash to the director or faculty is against the law. If you pay a small amount of money to a teacher, class teacher, for example, theater tickets, gifts for children and other minor expenses, you should in any case report how and where your money was spent. There is a fine line between corruption, extortion at school and insignificant material voluntary financial assistance to the class (tickets to the theater, gifts for children, etc.), which does not violate the law.

Counter options:

  1. Refusal to receive cash and switch to transferring funds to accounts opened for voluntary contributions by parent committees.
  2. Refusal of parents to sign applications for voluntary donations.

Extracurricular detail at school plays a big role in shaping the personality of the child, his communicative functions, expanding interests and horizons, educates the ability to work and behave in a team. Extracurricular activities may be physical or mental.

The task and goals of extracurricular activities

The main task extracurricular activities- comprehensive upbringing of younger children school age and their active participation in society. The purpose of such classes is the multifaceted development of the child as an independent person, the upbringing in him of a positive attitude and desire to acquire new knowledge, strives for learning. Education of purposefulness and the ability to set life goals, the ability to find ways to achieve them.

Extracurricular activities at school are one of the main methods of educating moral principles in a child, a correct perception of life and the ability to communicate with people. “Extracurricular activities in the lower grades are of particular importance, when children already go through a rather difficult life period of reassessment of values ​​​​and a new perception of the world around them, and during this period a lot depends not only on parents, but also on teachers who deal with children.”

Types of extracurricular activities

Activities outside the classroom are divided into several types:

  • game,
  • cognitive,
  • entertaining,
  • local history,
  • sports,
  • labor,
  • creative.

The cognitive activity deserves special attention. Teachers involved in extracurricular activities with children need to constantly instill and educate children's interest in new knowledge, in constant knowledge of the world around them and discovering something new for themselves.

The main thing is not to overload the child big amount information. Children in elementary school they cannot maintain interest and perseverance in one thing for a long time, they cannot concentrate their attention on one subject for a long time. Since schoolchildren in the lower grades quickly get tired, activities outside the classroom should be easy, and most importantly, interesting for children.

Having come with the children to the park for a walk, tell them about the mushrooms, what species are there, set a goal to find the porcini mushroom, chanterelle, honey mushrooms, looking at the picture. The kids love it research, the search for something new and interesting, especially if all this is accompanied by an active walk in the fresh air.

Thanks to extracurricular activities, the child can gradually find his main hobby. Someone will like to solve puzzles, someone will be delighted with drawing landscapes, modeling, and so on. Subsequently, such a hobby can grow into something big, and mark the future path of the child already in adulthood.

Extra-curricular activities should cover different aspects in order to gain comprehensive knowledge in various school sciences. The main thing is interest. If a student is not interested in what he is doing, he will not succeed. When a child begins to lose interest in a certain subject, he will begin to experience further difficulties in learning, as he will not want to learn a boring subject. A teacher involved in extracurricular activities with children should himself be interested in what he is doing. Children immediately feel insincerity, and if the teacher is completely bored, nothing good will come of such classes. With children, the main thing is to be bright, inventive, constantly invent interesting leisure activities for your wards.

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Good day, dear readers! Glad to see you on the blog pages.

Today I want to talk to you about UUD. Familiar abbreviation? I think not everyone. So I'm deciphering. Universal learning activities. This is what teachers are trying to teach our children, along with reading, writing, counting. These same UUDs are the core, foundation, center of the new educational standard, in accordance with which the education of children in the lower grades is conducted. Therefore, we as parents need to know what UUD is in elementary school.

I propose to have a conversation in simple terms, without confusing pedagogical tricks.

Lesson plan:

What it is?

Once again I give the decryption. UUD - universal learning activities. It turns out that these are the actions that the student must perform while studying something. Why universal? Well, apparently, because these actions are applicable to any school subject and to any life situation.

Our actions are always directed towards something. That is, we do something to achieve something.

If we want to get a pot of borscht, then we clean and cut vegetables, cook broth, etc. If in the morning we want to have clean boots, then in the evening we clean the shoes from dirt.

What did the school do? And the school made a "cunning knight's move"! She moved from an explanatory method of teaching to an action one. Teachers no longer give students ready-made knowledge. In order to learn something, students have to work hard, that is, to perform certain actions. For example, such as:

  • putting forward a hypothesis;
  • search for information;
  • information analysis;
  • substantiation of the result;
  • providing evidence.

Why do you think that in modern school children are engaged in design and research activities so much? Precisely in order to learn cognitive universal action. This will come in handy later in the middle classes, and in the seniors, and at the university too. So do not be upset about the fact that at home projects are asked to do all the time.


These are communication activities. It is necessary to learn them, because we do not live on a desert island. What are these actions? And these:

  • conducting a dialogue;
  • expressing your point of view;
  • defending one's point of view;
  • listening to someone else's opinion;
  • conflict resolution.

This can only be learned through practice. In fact, being in a peer group, the child is already learning to interact with people. Plus, often at school, children work on assignments in pairs or even in groups. Here, like it or not, you will have to express your opinion, and listen to someone else's, and negotiate.

Here they are, universal learning activities. Which will come in handy not only at school, but also in adulthood. And many adults should learn them.

Maybe then there would be fewer wars and conflicts on our land.

And in families - quarrels and scandals.

There would be fewer unhappy people.

And one more question. What would your child say if you asked him, “What is UUD?” It turns out there can be many options) Watch the video!

Friends, I wish your children to easily and simply master everything that elementary school is ready to give them.

Happiness to you and health!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

In this article we will talk about such a phenomenon as mobbing. Let's see what it is?

Mobbing is a common behavior in society, in which, as a rule, there is a collective effect on the victim, or a group of people exposed to this phenomenon. Whether it's some company, a standard class at school, or just a playground, you can meet this pressure everywhere. In our modern time even a concept appeared - like cybermobbing - this is pressure on the Internet.

Physical or moral violence is not acceptable in any society.

If you suddenly become a victim of this very action, then you must immediately proceed to its eradication. Because it undermines your own self-esteem in the first place and cuts off your development as a person. How to resist mobbing - read our article.

What is the reason for mobbing at work? This is connected not only with the victim, but also with people who are provocateurs. As a rule, working moments and submission to management, helpfulness can be tied, and as a rule, in some companies, they do not like such people. And come up with various ways of revenge and punishment.

Mobbing manifests itself in pressure on this very person. There may be unreasonable criticism from the team, and the spread of gossip, often of a false nature. Often there are ridicule, ignorance, insults directly to the face, intimidation and even physical impact.

It also happens that pressure is exerted by the boss on subordinates, this is called boss mobbing. As a rule, the leader thus wants to increase his own authority, and simplify subordination. As we say:

"Fear means respect"

People from the “white crows” category can fall into the risk group, they are just different and often think that they are better than others, for no particular reason.

Mobbing at school

Children are especially cruel in adolescence.

In the lower and middle grades, such entertainment is very common - as a mockery of some one student by the whole class. Mobbing at school is a very common phenomenon. And this is an integral part of the development of children, willy nilly there is a person who will not be able to stand up for himself or show weakness in any situation. Then, of course, he will regret it for a long time. Because constant ridicule, threats, causing material harm, planned “jokes” by the whole class on one person will not give him a normal life. What to do in such situations? How to get rid of mobbing? More on this below.

I believe that school mobbing is the most dangerous, because at this stage the formation of the human psyche takes place. And the actions that he commits lay the internal behavior for the next stages of life. Although, remembering my class, I can give an example that refutes my own opinion.

There was a boy in our class who was bullied by everyone and he couldn't do anything about it for a very long time. But when I met him many years later, after we all graduated from institutes and universities, my opinion changed somewhat.

We were at one fashion show, where the same boy Oleg came up to me, said hello and said that he is now a designer, everything is fine with him, he looked great, he had a beautiful girl with him. And He was no longer worried about those problems that remained in the past.

Mobbing at work and in a team

Colleagues with weaker character may succumb to peer pressure

As mentioned earlier about mobbing at work, here the danger lies more in the work process. Since the distraction to this kind of behavior indicates a low level of development of people, and the employer should already think about it. After all, he himself will bear the losses in the first place.

Decrease in efficiency of work of employees and all consequences following from it. Here's what it could mean for the company.

If you want to get rid of mobbing on behalf of the leader, but immediately take a number of measures that will help get rid of this type of entertainment in the team.

There are two types of mobbing - vertical and horizontal.

Vertical - this is pressure from the authorities.

Horizontal - this is the pressure of a group of people within the team on one person.


If we delve into the origin of this word, we will see that mobbing comes from English word- "tomob" which means - to attack with a crowd or surround. If you take animal world, then there is an interspecies collective struggle. That is, it is a genetic phenomenon. On the example of crows attacking collectively a potential enemy, such as a cat or a passerby. But in humans, this kind of influence is manifested within the species, do you think this is good or bad? Terror or harassment in the team does not lead to the most pleasant consequences.

In Russia, the attitude to this issue is not so serious, but in Europe, a different attitude - if a person has been subjected to such an attack by other employees, then the employer pays a lot of money as compensation to the victim. There are even special clinics in which treatment is carried out.


Mobbing is one of the types of emotional abuse, along with bullying.

Books are even written on this topic, for example, the book “Violence at Work” was published in 1998. It compares on the same level as robbery and rape.

The very same consequences of mobbing will primarily affect human health - both mental and physical. Therefore, you need to take this seriously. Otherwise, it can lead to nervous breakdowns, depression, disorientation in society and other more serious consequences.

All diseases are from nerves - experienced specialists believe, and often people who are subjected to such emotional attacks are constantly on sick leave. This is due to a weakening of the immune system, and it, in turn, is weakened due to constant neurosis.

The consequences of abuse can be more serious than self-doubt or depression.

At the same time, labor productivity is falling, relationships in the team are suffering.

You decide if you need it or not. Whether you are a leader, a victim of mobbing or the mobber himself.

How to deal with mobbing?

And now we come to the most important thing, how to resist mobbing? And how to deal with it?

In the event of such problems, it is necessary to take steps to counter such behavior of others.

First of all, you need to understand the very reason. Without understanding the reason, we can knock on a concrete wall for many years. I think this is clear to everyone.

If this is mobbing in an organization, then try to look at it from the outside, how it all began and what mistakes were made by the victim. If these were jokes, harmless at first, and then stronger and stronger, then here you need to first of all, first accept it, try to laugh together, and then also joke back. Since the team likes it, why not give it what it wants. But you need to beat everything with sarcasm and irony.

Secondly, you need to accept this and build a plan in your head, preferably for short, medium and long periods of time. Try to assess your capabilities, what you can do, whether you are ready to fight back. If the situation is critical, then of course it is better to change jobs. As a rule, in a prestigious job, this phenomenon is not common. Since we are all civilized people, and mockery of more weak people- This is a sign of a narrow-minded mind.

As they say - everything is in our head, and we are capable of anything, you just have to want to!

As my uncle told me as a child:

“People fly into space, but you can’t solve the equation ...”

I think it's from the same series.

Try to prove yourself with deeds that are worthy of respect.

At school, one of the most simple ways getting rid of mobbing is the planned action of some classmate who has good reputation in class. If he stands up for a student who is under pressure, they will only respect him more, and they will also stop mocking the victim. Because it’s hard to fight back alone, because bullying is a collective influence.

  1. If pressure is exerted by the management, run away from this “scare”, you don’t need such a workplace;
  2. If pressure from other employees - look at the situation, can you cope with it, fight back, find an ally, take an act that will turn the situation around;
  3. At school - identify the instigator, assess the situation, if you can do it yourself, then punish with your own method;
  4. If it doesn’t work out on your own, then agree with a person from the class to help you, he will only gain from this, he will be more respected, but they will stop terrorizing you.

Competent ability to manage the behavior of other people helps to achieve great success in life and career

That's all, thanks for your attention!