Decency (and a little test for us). Methodology for determining the propensity to lie Questions on honesty


The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty, openness of the subject. Designed for professional psychological diagnostics. The "Honesty" questionnaire goes well with those questionnaires that do not contain a lie scale: with low scores on the honesty scale, the results of diagnostics using other methods included in the battery of methods can be considered unreliable.

The questionnaire "Honesty" can also be used as an independent technique designed to identify the level of honesty, openness of the subject. For example, for the purpose of professional selection.

Assessed qualities


Order of conduct

Read the following statements carefully. Write "yes" or "no" on the answer sheet, depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement. If you find it difficult to choose an option, then try to imagine the last month of your life. Evaluate what was more over the past month. Don't think too long about the answer. As a rule, the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one.

Results processing

1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

and the number of "no" answers to the questions:

2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 27.

0 - 5 points . Very low score on the Honesty scale. It indicates a pronounced tendency to lie, to embellish oneself. It can also indicate low levels of social intelligence. If this questionnaire was used as part of a battery of methods, then the results on personality questionnaires should be recognized as unreliable.

6 - 13 points . Low score on the Honesty scale. Indicates a significant tendency to lie. He likes to embellish himself, his behavior. If the questionnaire was used as part of a battery of methods, then the results on personality questionnaires should not necessarily be recognized as unreliable. However, one should take their results quite critically.

14 - 29 points . Normal result. There was no tendency to lie. Maybe occasionally he is inclined to embellish himself, his behavior, but within the normal range.

30 - 34 points . High score on the Honesty scale. Such a high result can be associated not only with high personal honesty, but also with other reasons: deliberate distortion of answers, very wrong self-esteem. This result should be treated with caution.

1. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

2. If they address me politely, then I always answer politely too.

3. I have financial difficulties.

4. I am always pleased when a person I do not like achieves well-deserved success.

5. Sometimes, put off what needed to be done immediately.

6. In the company I behave differently than at home.

7. I am completely free from any prejudice.

8. I don't always tell the truth.

9. When I play with someone, I always want to win.

10. Sometimes I get angry.

11. In my defense, I sometimes invented something.

12. It happens that I lose my temper.

13. As a child, I immediately and without wrangling did everything that was required of me.

14. Sometimes I am annoyed by something.

15. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

16. I used to be late for the appointed time.

17. I like to gossip sometimes.

18. Among those whom I know, there are faces that I really do not like.

19. I do not remember being especially saddened by the failures of a person whom I cannot stand.

20. I happened to be late.

21. I tend to brag sometimes.

22. Sometimes there is no desire to do anything.

23. I sometimes have thoughts about which I am ashamed to tell others.

24. Sometimes I turned out to be the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.

25. It happened that I told a lie.

26. All my habits are positive.

27. If I promised something, I always keep my word no matter what.

28. Sometimes I can brag.

29. As a teenager, I showed interest in taboo topics.

30. I sometimes put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

31. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.

32. I sometimes argue about things I know too little about.

33. I don't love all my acquaintances.

34. I can say bad things about someone.

Read the following statements carefully. Write "yes" or "no" on the answer sheet, depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Don't think too long about the answer. As a rule, the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one.


1. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.
2. If they address me politely, then I always answer politely too.
3. I have financial difficulties.
4. I am always pleased when a person I do not like achieves well-deserved success.
5. Sometimes, put off what needed to be done immediately.
6. In the company I behave differently than at home.
7. I am completely free from any prejudice.
8. I don't always tell the truth.
9. When I play with someone, I always want to win.
10. Sometimes I get angry.
11. In my defense, I sometimes invented something.
12. It happens that I lose my temper.
13. As a child, I immediately and without wrangling did everything that was required of me.
14. Sometimes I am annoyed by something.
15. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.
16. I used to be late for the appointed time.
17. I like to gossip sometimes.
18. Among those whom I know, there are faces that I really do not like.
19. I do not remember being especially saddened by the failures of a person whom I cannot stand.
20. I happened to be late.
21. I tend to brag sometimes.
22. Sometimes there is no desire to do anything.
23. I sometimes have thoughts about which I am ashamed to tell others.
24. Sometimes I turned out to be the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.
25. It happened that I told a lie.
26. All my habits are positive.
27. If I promised something, I always keep my word no matter what.
28. Sometimes I can brag.
29. As a teenager, I showed interest in taboo topics.
30. I sometimes put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
31. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.
32. I sometimes argue about things I know too little about.
33. I don't love all my acquaintances.
34. I can say bad things about someone.

Results processing

Count the number of "yes" answers to the following questions:
1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
and the number of "no" answers to the questions:
2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 27.

0 - 5 points. Very low score on the Honesty scale. It indicates a pronounced tendency to lie, to embellish oneself. It can also indicate low levels of social intelligence. If this questionnaire was used as part of a battery of methods, then the results on personality questionnaires should be recognized as unreliable.
6 - 13 points. Low score on the Honesty scale. Indicates a significant tendency to lie. He likes to embellish himself, his behavior. If the questionnaire was used as part of a battery of methods, then the results on personality questionnaires should not necessarily be recognized as unreliable. However, one should take their results quite critically.
14 - 29 points. Normal result. There was no tendency to lie. Maybe occasionally he is inclined to embellish himself, his behavior, but within the normal range.
30 - 34 points. High score on the Honesty scale. Such a high result can be associated not only with high personal honesty, but also with other reasons: deliberate distortion of answers, very wrong self-esteem. This result should be treated with caution.

Test No. 2 - the scale of deceit according to the scale developed by D. Marlow and D. Crown

Read each of the statements below carefully. If you think that it is true and corresponds to the peculiarities of your behavior, then write "Yes" next to it, if it is incorrect, then - "No".

  1. I carefully read each book before returning it to the library.
  2. I don't hesitate when someone needs help in need.
  3. I always pay close attention to how I dress.
  4. At home, I behave at the table in the same way as in the dining room.
  5. I have never disliked anyone.
  6. There was a case when I stopped doing something because I was not confident in my abilities.
  7. Sometimes I like to gossip about those who are absent.
  8. I always listen carefully to the interlocutor, whoever he is.
  9. There was a time when I came up with a "good" reason to justify myself.
  10. It happened that I took advantage of a human oversight.
  11. I am always willing to admit my mistakes.
  12. Sometimes, instead of forgiving a person, I try to repay him in the same way.
  13. There were times when I insisted on doing it my way.
  14. I do not have an internal protest when I am asked to provide a service.
  15. I never get annoyed when people express an opinion that is the opposite of mine.
  16. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me.
  17. There were times when I envied the good fortune of others.
  18. Sometimes I get annoyed by people who come to me with a request.
  19. When people are in trouble, I sometimes think they got what they deserved.
  20. I never said unpleasant things with a smile.

Key and processing of results.

For answering "Yes" to questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20 and for answering "No" to questions: 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 is awarded 1 point.

Add up all the scores for the two positions. The total score is an indicator of "approval motivation".

The higher the final indicator, the higher the motivation for approval and, consequently, the higher the person’s willingness to appear better, to present himself to others as fully complying with social norms. And the higher the readiness of a person in the approval of others, associated with the need for communication and approval of oneself from the outside.

Low scores indicate self-confidence without the need for external approval, adequate positive self-esteem, recognition of one's right to make mistakes, and can also indicate high demands on oneself turning into self-criticism.

The optimal is the middle option with a tendency to a low value of the indicator.

Why do children lie? [Where is the lie, and where is the fantasy] Orlova Ekaterina Markovna

Honesty Test

Honesty Test

Instruction. Read the following statements carefully. Depending on whether you agree with them or not, choose the answer "yes" or "no". If you find it difficult to choose an option, then try to evaluate what was more in the past month. Don't think too long about the answer. As a rule, the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one.

1. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

2. If they address me politely, then I always answer politely too.

3. I have financial difficulties.

4. I am always pleased when a person I do not like achieves well-deserved success.

5. I used to put off things that needed to be done immediately.

6. In the company I behave differently than at home.

7. I am completely free from any prejudice.

8. I don't always tell the truth.

9. When I play with someone, I always want to win.

10. Sometimes I get angry.

11. In my defense, I sometimes invented something.

12. It happens that I lose my temper.

13. As a child, I immediately and without wrangling did everything that was required of me.

14. Sometimes I am annoyed by something.

15. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

16. I used to be late for the appointed time.

17. I like to gossip sometimes.

18. Among those whom I know, there are people who I really do not like.

19. I do not remember being especially saddened by the failures of a person whom I cannot stand.

20. I happened to be late.

21. I tend to brag sometimes.

22. Sometimes there is no desire to do anything.

23. I sometimes have thoughts about which I am ashamed to tell others.

24. Sometimes I turned out to be the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.

25. It happened that I told a lie.

26. All my habits are positive.

27. If I promised something, I always keep my word.

28. Sometimes I can brag.

29. As a teenager, I showed interest in taboo topics.

30. I sometimes put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

31. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.

32. I sometimes argue about things I know too little about.

33. I don't love all my acquaintances.

34. I can say bad things about someone.

Results processing

It is necessary to count the number of “yes” answers to the questions: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 and the number of “no” answers to questions: 2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 27.

0–5 points. Very low score on the Honesty scale. It indicates a pronounced tendency to lie, to embellish oneself. It can also indicate low levels of social intelligence.

6–13 points. Low score on the Honesty scale. Indicates a significant tendency to lie. He likes to embellish himself, his behavior.

14–29 points. Normal result. There was no tendency to lie. Occasionally inclined to embellish himself, his behavior, but within the normal range.

30–34 points. High score on the Honesty scale. It can be associated not only with high personal honesty, but also a consequence of other reasons: deliberate distortion of answers, very wrong self-esteem.

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Honesty Most children tell lies from time to time, and parents often think that by punishing their children for doing so, they are teaching them honesty. Indeed, strict measures may deter some children from repeating the misbehavior. But they won't help the little ones grow up honest

The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the level of honesty, openness of the subject. The "Honesty" questionnaire can also be used as an independent technique designed to identify the level of honesty, openness of the subject (for example, for the purpose of professional selection).

Instruction. Read the following statements carefully. Write yes or no on the answer sheet, depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement. If you find it difficult to choose an option, then try to imagine the last month of your life. Evaluate what was more over the past month. Don't think too long about the answer. As a rule, the first answer that comes to mind is the correct one.

1. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

2. If they address me politely, then I always answer politely too.

3. I have financial difficulties.

4. I am always pleased when a person I do not like achieves well-deserved success.

5. I used to put off things that needed to be done immediately.

6. In the company I behave differently than at home.

7. I am completely free from any prejudice.

8. I don't always tell the truth.

9. When I play with someone, I always want to win.

10. Sometimes I get angry.

11. In my defense, I sometimes invented something.

12. It happens that I lose my temper.

13. As a child, I immediately and without wrangling did everything that was required of me.

14. Sometimes I am annoyed by something.

15. It happens that I laugh at an indecent joke.

16. I used to be late for the appointed time.

17. I like to gossip sometimes.

18. Among those whom I know, there are faces that I really do not like.

19. I do not remember being especially saddened by the failures of a person whom I cannot stand.

20. I happened to be late.

21. I tend to brag sometimes.

22. Sometimes there is no desire to do anything.

23. I sometimes have thoughts about which I am ashamed to tell others.

24. Sometimes I turned out to be the reason for the bad mood of someone around me.

25. It happened that I told a lie.

26. All my habits are positive.

27. If I promised something, I always keep my word no matter what.

28. Sometimes I can brag.

29. As a teenager, I showed interest in taboo topics.

30. I sometimes put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

31. I have thoughts that I should be ashamed of.

32. I sometimes argue about things I know too little about.

33. I don't love all my acquaintances.

34. I can say bad things about someone.

Processing of results. It is necessary to count the number of “yes” answers to questions: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8–12, 14–25, 28–34 and the number of “no” answers to questions: 2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 27.

0–5 points. Very low score on the Honesty scale. It indicates a pronounced tendency to lie, to embellish oneself. It can also indicate low levels of social intelligence. If this questionnaire was used as part of a battery of methods, then the results on personality questionnaires should be recognized as unreliable.

6–13 points. Low score on the Honesty scale. Indicates a significant tendency to lie. He likes to embellish himself, his behavior. If the questionnaire was used as part of a battery of methods, then the results on personality questionnaires should not necessarily be recognized as unreliable. However, one should take the results quite critically.