Project 3 class adjectives in riddles. Presentation on the topic "adjectives in riddles". Project "Adjectives in riddles"

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on the topic of:

"Adjective names in riddles"

Completed by: 3rd grade student A

Vasiliev Nikita

Checked: teacher primary school

Feldman S.A.

2015-2016 academic year

1. What are riddles.

2. Try to guess...

3. Adjectives in riddles.

4. Conclusion.

5. List of references.

Mystery - one of the oldest genres of oral folk art. Riddles often use adjectives. By the signs of a hidden object, you can guess the object itself.

Task number 1. Read riddles. Solve them.

FrighteningSteel turtle:It feeds on gasoline

Fire bites.


Forward, through the clouds and cloudsA steel beast is rushing, mighty. Confident and firmly experienced pilotLeads the most powerful jet…


Good horse, long tail

The mane is thick, the head is empty,

Runs - does not get tired,

And he lies down - he does not get up.


Task number 2. find adjectives that helped solve these riddles.

Steel (turtle) - tank.

Steel, mighty, reactive, most powerful - an airplane.

Kind (horse), long (tail), thick (mane), empty (head) - a boat.

Conclusion: in each riddle there are adjectives. They help you find the right answer.


    M.V. Druzhinina "Let's play with words", M., New school, 1997.

    Yu.G. Illarionova "Teach children to guess riddles",

M., Education, 1996.

  • The riddle is one of the oldest genres of oral folk art. The word riddle comes from the word "fortune-telling", which is translated from Old Church Slavonic means "think, contemplate."
    Riddles often use adjectives. By the signs of a hidden object, you can guess the object itself.

1. Read the riddles.

little animals,
gray coats,
Sharp teeth. (Mice)

sticky buds,
Green leaves.
With white bark
It stands above the mountain. (Birch)

thin, round,
Black heart.
Who sees his trail
Reads his thoughts. (Pencil)

Frequent, toothy,
I grabbed a swirling forelock. (Crest)

2. What adjectives help to solve these riddles? What signs of the hidden object do they indicate?

1. Small, gray, sharp. 2. Sticky, green leaves, with white. 3. Thin, round, black. 4. Frequent, toothy, whirling.

Have a riddle contest in the class. Make up your own riddles using adjectives in them. Draw pictures for the riddles.

round, square,
Very pleasant for the eyes.
Help to see better
Clever image is raised. (Glasses)

Green and black
Big soccer ball.
Inside bright red
And terribly delicious. (Watermelon)

brown and brown
He lies under a pine tree,
And in the summer he eats raspberries
And the bees have honey in the spring. (Bear)

green girlfriends
They live in a swamp, in mud.
And these wahs sleep
In water lilies on a feather bed. (frogs)

Russian language project in grade 3 "Adjectives in riddles"

Project Manager:Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna, primary school teacher, MKOU Kuibyshev secondary school
Material Description: The material of the project can be used by primary school teachers in project activities, when studying the topic “Adjective”, in preparing and conducting extracurricular activities in the Russian language, literary reading, as well as by 3rd grade students when working on personal projects.
Objective of the project: contribute to the expansion and deepening of students' ideas about the adjective as a part of speech denoting the features of the subject.
Project objectives:
- deepen knowledge about the adjective, as a part of speech denoting a sign of an object;
- develop spelling vigilance, the ability to distinguish between parts of speech, find adjectives in the text;
- arouse interest in independent activities in the selection of riddles with adjectives;
-activate the joint activities of the teacher, children, parents;
- to form the ability to independently compose riddles, using adjectives that describe the signs of objects;
- arrange the collected material, prepare a public presentation of your own project in the classroom.
Project type: short.
Implementation period: 7 days.
Project type: creative.
Project participants: teacher, students, parents.
Financially - technical base:
- exhibitions of books with poems, riddles, descriptive texts containing adjectives;
- plot illustrations;
-computer, internet;
-drawings of children on the topic
Project implementation conditions:
- availability of booklets with a plan of work on the project;
-guidelines children and parents;
- the desire and interest of children and parents in the implementation of the project.
Project relevance
The project is relevant primarily because it is a type of creative activity of students aimed at solving the educational problems of the Russian language lesson; secondly, he develops creative potential a child who, in the process of working on a project, reads additional literature, works with reference literature, collects information on the Internet, exercises in self-composing riddles, expands and enriches lexicon; thirdly, work on the project unites the parent community and children who are interested in the practical result of the work.
Methods and techniques for working on a project:
- visual: showing objects, toys, observing natural phenomena, examining living objects, examining an object for observation, using illustrations, paintings, photographs;
- gaming;
-practical: joint activities of teachers, students and parents.

Expected result:
-exhibition of children's works (written works, printed works, presentations, folding books, wall newspapers, etc.);
- Public presentation of works.
Stages of work on the project:
Stage 1 - preparatory
1. Setting goals and objectives of the work.
2. Creation of a booklet to help children and parents.
3. Preliminary work with children and parents.
Stage 2 - practical.
1. Work on the selection of riddles and independent compilation of riddles on the topic.
2. Collective reading fiction rich in descriptive texts.
3. Selection of illustrative material.
4. Work on the design of the collected material at the discretion of the students.
5. Preparation of public presentation of projects
Stage 3 - generalizing (final).
1. Generalization of the results of the work.
2. Public defense of projects.


During the work on the project, the students collected a wealth of material.
Projects are colorfully and variably designed: presentations, wall newspapers, folding books, leaflets.
The topics of the collected riddles are varied: about nature, about autumn, about animals, about folk crafts, about flowers and others.
The result of the joint activity of parents and children is positive.
The public presentation of the projects took place in the form extracurricular activities held with parents.


Project "Adjectives in riddles"

Novokovskaya Svetlana, 3rd grade student of MKOU Kuibyshev secondary school


Radchenkova T.I.

- collect riddles with adjectives
- make a selection of riddles on the theme of folk crafts, arts and crafts;
- draw up a project and prepare its public defense.

Description of work: The material of the project can be used both by third-grade students and teachers, kindergarten teachers in the preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities on arts and crafts, folk crafts, and in organizing lessons literary reading on the topic "Riddles", when conducting Russian language lessons, in working on projects.

Adjectives in riddles. Completed by: student of 3 "B" class MBOU secondary school No. 18 Vinogradova Kristina

An adjective is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an object and answers the questions what? which? which? which? Riddles often use adjectives. By the signs of a hidden object, you can guess the object itself. The riddle is one of the oldest genres of oral folk art. The word riddle comes from the word "gadati", translated from the Old Slavonic language means "to think, ponder".

Riddles about vegetables. I'm long and green, I'm tasty salty, I'm tasty and raw. Who am I? (cucumber) Golden head Great, heavy. The golden head lay down to rest. The head is large, only the neck is thin. (pumpkin)

Riddles about trees. Russian beauty Stands in a clearing In a green blouse, In a white sundress. (birch) Come to my forest! I'm sprawling and tall. I have many strong acorns among the branches. (oak)

Riddles about animals. I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest. In a hollow on an old oak I gnaw nuts. (squirrel) He climbed into the cabbage Autumn sometimes. Horned and shaggy And with a long beard. (goat)