The product of cosine and sine. Basic trigonometric identities

Trigonometric identities are equalities that establish a relationship between the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of one angle, which allows you to find any of these functions, provided that any other is known.

tg \alpha = \frac(\sin \alpha)(\cos \alpha), \enspace ctg \alpha = \frac(\cos \alpha)(\sin \alpha)

tg \alpha \cdot ctg \alpha = 1

This identity says that the sum of the square of the sine of one angle and the square of the cosine of one angle is equal to one, which in practice makes it possible to calculate the sine of one angle when its cosine is known and vice versa.

When converting trigonometric expressions very often this identity is used, which allows one to replace the sum of the squares of the cosine and sine of one angle by unity and also to perform the replacement operation in the reverse order.

Finding tangent and cotangent through sine and cosine

tg \alpha = \frac(\sin \alpha)(\cos \alpha),\enspace

These identities are formed from the definitions of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent. After all, if you look, then by definition, the ordinate of y is the sine, and the abscissa of x is the cosine. Then the tangent will be equal to the ratio \frac(y)(x)=\frac(\sin \alpha)(\cos \alpha), and the ratio \frac(x)(y)=\frac(\cos \alpha)(\sin \alpha)- will be a cotangent.

We add that only for such angles \alpha for which the trigonometric functions included in them make sense, the identities will take place, ctg \alpha=\frac(\cos \alpha)(\sin \alpha).

For example: tg \alpha = \frac(\sin \alpha)(\cos \alpha) is valid for \alpha angles that are different from \frac(\pi)(2)+\pi z, A ctg \alpha=\frac(\cos \alpha)(\sin \alpha)- for an angle \alpha other than \pi z , z is an integer.

Relationship between tangent and cotangent

tg \alpha \cdot ctg \alpha=1

This identity is valid only for angles \alpha that are different from \frac(\pi)(2) z. Otherwise, either cotangent or tangent will not be determined.

Based on the points above, we get that tg \alpha = \frac(y)(x), A ctg\alpha=\frac(x)(y). Hence it follows that tg \alpha \cdot ctg \alpha = \frac(y)(x) \cdot \frac(x)(y)=1. Thus, the tangent and cotangent of one angle at which they make sense are mutually reciprocal numbers.

Relationships between tangent and cosine, cotangent and sine

tg^(2) \alpha + 1=\frac(1)(\cos^(2) \alpha)- the sum of the square of the tangent of the angle \alpha and 1 is equal to the inverse square of the cosine of this angle. This identity is valid for all \alpha other than \frac(\pi)(2)+ \pi z.

1+ctg^(2) \alpha=\frac(1)(\sin^(2)\alpha)- the sum of 1 and the square of the cotangent of the angle \alpha , equals the inverse square of the sine of the given angle. This identity is valid for any \alpha other than \pi z .

Examples with solutions to problems using trigonometric identities

Example 1

Find \sin \alpha and tg \alpha if \cos \alpha=-\frac12 And \frac(\pi)(2)< \alpha < \pi ;

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The functions \sin \alpha and \cos \alpha are linked by the formula \sin^(2)\alpha + \cos^(2) \alpha = 1. Substituting into this formula \cos \alpha = -\frac12, we get:

\sin^(2)\alpha + \left (-\frac12 \right)^2 = 1

This equation has 2 solutions:

\sin \alpha = \pm \sqrt(1-\frac14) = \pm \frac(\sqrt 3)(2)

By condition \frac(\pi)(2)< \alpha < \pi . In the second quarter, the sine is positive, so \sin \alpha = \frac(\sqrt 3)(2).

To find tg \alpha , we use the formula tg \alpha = \frac(\sin \alpha)(\cos \alpha)

tg \alpha = \frac(\sqrt 3)(2) : \frac12 = \sqrt 3

Example 2

Find \cos \alpha and ctg \alpha if and \frac(\pi)(2)< \alpha < \pi .

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Substituting into the formula \sin^(2)\alpha + \cos^(2) \alpha = 1 conditional number \sin \alpha=\frac(\sqrt3)(2), we get \left (\frac(\sqrt3)(2)\right)^(2) + \cos^(2) \alpha = 1. This equation has two solutions \cos \alpha = \pm \sqrt(1-\frac34)=\pm\sqrt\frac14.

By condition \frac(\pi)(2)< \alpha < \pi . In the second quarter, the cosine is negative, so \cos \alpha = -\sqrt\frac14=-\frac12.

In order to find ctg \alpha , we use the formula ctg \alpha = \frac(\cos \alpha)(\sin \alpha). We know the corresponding values.

ctg \alpha = -\frac12: \frac(\sqrt3)(2) = -\frac(1)(\sqrt 3).

Reference data for tangent (tg x) and cotangent (ctg x). Geometric definition, properties, graphs, formulas. Table of tangents and cotangents, derivatives, integrals, series expansions. Expressions through complex variables. Connection with hyperbolic functions.

Geometric definition

|BD| - the length of the arc of a circle centered at point A.
α is the angle expressed in radians.

Tangent ( tgα) is a trigonometric function depending on the angle α between the hypotenuse and the leg right triangle, equal to the ratio the length of the opposite leg |BC| to the length of the adjacent leg |AB| .

Cotangent ( ctgα) is a trigonometric function depending on the angle α between the hypotenuse and the leg of a right triangle, equal to the ratio of the length of the adjacent leg |AB| to the length of the opposite leg |BC| .


Where n- whole.

In Western literature, the tangent is denoted as follows:

Graph of the tangent function, y = tg x


Where n- whole.

In Western literature, the cotangent is denoted as follows:
The following notation has also been adopted:

Graph of the cotangent function, y = ctg x

Properties of tangent and cotangent


Functions y= tg x and y= ctg x are periodic with period π.


The functions tangent and cotangent are odd.

Domains of definition and values, ascending, descending

The functions tangent and cotangent are continuous on their domain of definition (see the proof of continuity). The main properties of the tangent and cotangent are presented in the table ( n- integer).

y= tg x y= ctg x
Scope and continuity
Range of values -∞ < y < +∞ -∞ < y < +∞
Ascending -
Descending -
Extremes - -
Zeros, y= 0
Points of intersection with the y-axis, x = 0 y= 0 -


Expressions in terms of sine and cosine

; ;
; ;

Formulas for tangent and cotangent of sum and difference

The rest of the formulas are easy to obtain, for example

Product of tangents

The formula for the sum and difference of tangents

This table shows the values ​​of tangents and cotangents for some values ​​of the argument.

Expressions in terms of complex numbers

Expressions in terms of hyperbolic functions



; .

Derivative of the nth order with respect to the variable x of the function :
Derivation of formulas for tangent > > > ; for cotangent > > >


Expansions into series

To get the expansion of the tangent in powers of x, you need to take several terms of the expansion in a power series for the functions sin x And cos x and divide these polynomials into each other , . This results in the following formulas.

At .

at .
Where B n- Bernoulli numbers. They are determined either from the recurrence relation:
Where .
Or according to the Laplace formula:

Inverse functions

Inverse functions to tangent and cotangent are arctangent and arccotangent, respectively.

Arctangent, arctg

, Where n- whole.

Arc tangent, arcctg

, Where n- whole.

I.N. Bronstein, K.A. Semendyaev, Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Students of Higher Educational Institutions, Lan, 2009.
G. Korn, Handbook of Mathematics for Researchers and Engineers, 2012.

The formulas for the sum and difference of sines and cosines for two angles α and β allow you to go from the sum of the indicated angles to the product of the angles α + β 2 and α - β 2 . We note right away that you should not confuse the formulas for the sum and difference of sines and cosines with the formulas for sines and cosines of the sum and difference. Below we list these formulas, give their derivation and show examples of application for specific problems.

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Formulas for the sum and difference of sines and cosines

Let's write down how the sum and difference formulas for sines and cosines look like

Sum and difference formulas for sines

sin α + sin β = 2 sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 sin α - sin β = 2 sin α - β 2 cos α + β 2

Sum and difference formulas for cosines

cos α + cos β = 2 cos α + β 2 cos α - β 2 cos α - cos β = - 2 sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2, cos α - cos β = 2 sin α + β 2 β -α 2

These formulas are valid for any angles α and β. The angles α + β 2 and α - β 2 are called, respectively, the half-sum and half-difference of the angles alpha and beta. We give a formulation for each formula.

Definitions of sum and difference formulas for sines and cosines

The sum of the sines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the sine of the half-sum of these angles and the cosine of the half-difference.

Difference of sines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the sine of the half-difference of these angles and the cosine of the half-sum.

The sum of the cosines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the cosine of the half-sum and the cosine of the half-difference of these angles.

Difference of cosines of two angles is equal to twice the product of the sine of the half-sum and the cosine of the half-difference of these angles, taken with a negative sign.

Derivation of formulas for the sum and difference of sines and cosines

To derive formulas for the sum and difference of the sine and cosine of two angles, addition formulas are used. We present them below

sin (α + β) = sin α cos β + cos α sin β sin (α - β) = sin α cos β - cos α sin β cos (α + β) = cos α cos β - sin α sin β cos (α - β) = cos α cos β + sin α sin β

We also represent the angles themselves as the sum of half-sums and half-differences.

α = α + β 2 + α - β 2 = α 2 + β 2 + α 2 - β 2 β = α + β 2 - α - β 2 = α 2 + β 2 - α 2 + β 2

We proceed directly to the derivation of the sum and difference formulas for sin and cos.

Derivation of the formula for the sum of sines

In the sum sin α + sin β, we replace α and β with the expressions for these angles given above. Get

sin α + sin β = sin α + β 2 + α - β 2 + sin α + β 2 - α - β 2

Now we apply the addition formula to the first expression, and the sine formula of the angle differences to the second one (see the formulas above)

sin α + β 2 + α - β 2 = sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 sin α + β 2 - α - β 2 = sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 sin α + β 2 + α - β 2 + sin α + β 2 - α - β 2 = sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 + sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2

sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 + sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 = = 2 sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2

The steps for deriving the rest of the formulas are similar.

Derivation of the formula for the difference of sines

sin α - sin β = sin α + β 2 + α - β 2 - sin α + β 2 - α - β 2 sin α + β 2 + α - β 2 - sin α + β 2 - α - β 2 = sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 - sin α + β 2 cos α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 sin α - β 2 = = 2 sin α - β 2 cos α + β 2

Derivation of the formula for the sum of cosines

cos α + cos β = cos α + β 2 + α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 - α - β 2 cos α + β 2 + α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 - α - β 2 = cos α + β 2 cos α - β 2 - sin α + β 2 sin α - β 2 + cos α + β 2 cos α - β 2 + sin α + β 2 sin α - β 2 = = 2 cos α + β 2 cos α - β 2

Derivation of the cosine difference formula

cos α - cos β = cos α + β 2 + α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 - α - β 2 cos α + β 2 + α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 - α - β 2 = cos α + β 2 cos α - β 2 - sin α + β 2 sin α - β 2 - cos α + β 2 cos α - β 2 + sin α + β 2 sin α - β 2 = = - 2 sin α + β 2 sin α - β 2

Examples of solving practical problems

To begin with, we will check one of the formulas by substituting specific angle values ​​into it. Let α = π 2 , β = π 6 . Let's calculate the value of the sum of the sines of these angles. First, let's use the table of basic values trigonometric functions, and then apply the formula for the sum of sines.

Example 1. Checking the formula for the sum of the sines of two angles

α \u003d π 2, β \u003d π 6 sin π 2 + sin π 6 \u003d 1 + 1 2 \u003d 3 2 sin π 2 + sin π 6 \u003d 2 sin π 2 + π 6 2 cos π 2 - π 6 2 \u003d 2 sin π 3 cos π 6 \u003d 2 3 2 3 2 \u003d 3 2

Let us now consider the case when the values ​​of the angles differ from the basic values ​​presented in the table. Let α = 165°, β = 75°. Let us calculate the value of the difference between the sines of these angles.

Example 2. Applying the sine difference formula

α = 165 ° , β = 75 ° sin α - sin β = sin 165 ° - sin 75 ° sin 165 - sin 75 = 2 sin 165 ° - sin 75 ° 2 cos 165 ° + sin 75 ° 2 = = 2 sin 45 ° cos 120 ° = 2 2 2 - 1 2 = 2 2

Using the formulas for the sum and difference of sines and cosines, you can go from the sum or difference to the product of trigonometric functions. Often these formulas are called formulas for the transition from sum to product. The formulas for the sum and difference of sines and cosines are widely used in solving trigonometric equations and when converting trigonometric expressions.

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I will not convince you not to write cheat sheets. Write! Including cheat sheets on trigonometry. Later I plan to explain why cheat sheets are needed and how cheat sheets are useful. And here - information on how not to teach, but remember some trigonometric formulas. So - trigonometry without a cheat sheet! We use associations for memorization.

1. Addition formulas:

cosines always "go in pairs": cosine-cosine, sine-sine. And one more thing: cosines are “inadequate”. They “everything is wrong”, so they change the signs: “-” to “+”, and vice versa.

Sinuses - "mix": sine-cosine, cosine-sine.

2. Sum and difference formulas:

cosines always "go in pairs". Having added two cosines - "buns", we get a pair of cosines - "koloboks". And subtracting, we definitely won’t get koloboks. We get a couple of sines. Still with a minus ahead.

Sinuses - "mix" :

3. Formulas for converting a product into a sum and a difference.

When do we get a pair of cosines? When adding the cosines. That's why

When do we get a pair of sines? When subtracting cosines. From here:

"Mixing" is obtained both by adding and subtracting sines. Which is more fun: adding or subtracting? That's right, fold. And for the formula take addition:

In the first and third formulas in brackets - the amount. From the rearrangement of the places of the terms, the sum does not change. The order is important only for the second formula. But, in order not to get confused, for ease of remembering, in all three formulas in the first brackets we take the difference

and secondly, the sum

Crib sheets in your pocket give peace of mind: if you forget the formula, you can write it off. And they give confidence: if you fail to use the cheat sheet, the formulas can be easily remembered.

The ratios between the main trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent - are given trigonometric formulas. And since there are quite a lot of connections between trigonometric functions, this also explains the abundance of trigonometric formulas. Some formulas connect the trigonometric functions of the same angle, others - the functions of a multiple angle, others - allow you to lower the degree, the fourth - to express all functions through the tangent of a half angle, etc.

In this article, we list in order all the basic trigonometric formulas, which are enough to solve the vast majority of trigonometry problems. For ease of memorization and use, we will group them according to their purpose, and enter them into tables.

Page navigation.

Basic trigonometric identities

Main trigonometric identities set the relationship between the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of one angle. They follow from the definition of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, as well as the concept of the unit circle. They allow you to express one trigonometric function through any other.

For a detailed description of these trigonometry formulas, their derivation and application examples, see the article.

Cast formulas

Cast formulas follow from the properties of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent, that is, they reflect the property of periodicity of trigonometric functions, the property of symmetry, and also the property of shift by a given angle. These trigonometric formulas allow you to move from working with arbitrary angles to working with angles ranging from zero to 90 degrees.

Justification of these formulas, mnemonic rule for their memorization and examples of their application can be studied in the article.

Addition Formulas

Trigonometric addition formulas show how the trigonometric functions of the sum or difference of two angles are expressed in terms of the trigonometric functions of these angles. These formulas serve as the basis for the derivation of the following trigonometric formulas.

Formulas for double, triple, etc. angle

Formulas for double, triple, etc. angle (they are also called multiple angle formulas) show how the trigonometric functions of double, triple, etc. angles () are expressed in terms of trigonometric functions of a single angle. Their derivation is based on addition formulas.

More detailed information is collected in the article formulas for double, triple, etc. angle .

Half Angle Formulas

Half Angle Formulas show how the trigonometric functions of a half angle are expressed in terms of the cosine of an integer angle. These trigonometric formulas follow from the double angle formulas.

Their conclusion and examples of application can be found in the article.

Reduction Formulas

Trigonometric formulas for decreasing degrees are designed to facilitate the transition from natural powers of trigonometric functions to sines and cosines in the first degree, but multiple angles. In other words, they allow one to reduce the powers of trigonometric functions to the first.

Formulas for the sum and difference of trigonometric functions

The main purpose sum and difference formulas for trigonometric functions consists in the transition to the product of functions, which is very useful when simplifying trigonometric expressions. These formulas are also widely used in solving trigonometric equations, as they allow factoring the sum and difference of sines and cosines.

Formulas for the product of sines, cosines and sine by cosine

The transition from the product of trigonometric functions to the sum or difference is carried out through the formulas for the product of sines, cosines and sine by cosine.

  • Bashmakov M.I. Algebra and the beginning of analysis: Proc. for 10-11 cells. avg. school - 3rd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1993. - 351 p.: ill. - ISBN 5-09-004617-4.
  • Algebra and the beginning of the analysis: Proc. for 10-11 cells. general education institutions / A. N. Kolmogorov, A. M. Abramov, Yu. P. Dudnitsyn and others; Ed. A. N. Kolmogorova.- 14th ed.- M.: Enlightenment, 2004.- 384 p.: ill.- ISBN 5-09-013651-3.
  • Gusev V. A., Mordkovich A. G. Mathematics (a manual for applicants to technical schools): Proc. allowance.- M.; Higher school, 1984.-351 p., ill.
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