Fragmentation. “The greatest horror inspires a person to expand the horizons of consciousness,” Henry Miller. Killer time. “It is impossible to help a person smile at the sun until he himself realizes the need for this,” Elchin Safarli. You were promised to me

Nothing lasts forever, not even rocks, or the most rigid structures. In the same way, all our obstacles will eventually disappear. This means that something new is in the making. A vivid example of this is ice floes, hardened in winter, dissipating in the warmth of spring, and when the ice melts, a mighty river appears. This tells us about a situation where small changes can produce big results over time.

Hardness in the hearts of men breeds selfishness, but this can be transformed into a greater power, such as exaltation or other social activity. Thawing closed hearts always improves conditions for everyone.

The first thing to get rid of is any rigidity within yourself that may be fueled by feelings of alienation from others. Try to work closely with your friends and compatriots, focusing on common activities that come from your integrity and goodwill. some lightly dramatic action in support of the greater good can energize you, lift your spirits, and lead you to new opportunities.

Spiritual impulses, including a sense of justice, must be respected. They provide the impetus for important and constructive change. Avoid righteous indignation or aggressive force of any kind, any sense of disunity can be overcome. If you have a protracted business or partnerships that are inactive or not working, this hexagram suggests that they are destroying you.

Line interpretation:

Line 1 (bottom line)

Misunderstandings and animosities that can fester can quickly develop into open sores that affect an entire community or project. Conflicts caused by hidden factors must be identified and eliminated as soon as possible in order to avoid wasted energy. Once this is done, happiness awaits you.

If you feel problems are on the horizon for your enterprise, create reliable communication channels both within the group and with influential people beyond. Reliable information is a powerful asset during the rapid dissolution of a business or relationship. When everything is clear, the obstacles will also disappear.

Sometimes in the course of great work it is important to let go of any thought of yourself or desire for personal reward. Look inside yourself for what might be an obstacle or a problem. Throwing yourself into work — if the work is vital — is a great way to forget about regrets.

It's time to act and rise!

Crisis can mean opportunity, but only when like-minded people are organized in pursuit of an inspiring ideal. This is especially true in chaotic situations or at times when the situation is disorganized, when energies and resources are scattered. It takes a lot of energy and generosity and commitment to fix the moment. At times like these, remember that if you are in agreement with the majority, you will only be one of the victims of circumstance.

Line 6 (top line)

Name of this hexagrams - "Huan - Fragmentation". Let's try to look at what trigrams this symbol consists of. Above we have the trigram "wind", below - "water". Commentators on the Book of Changes suggest considering these images in the following order: if there is a calm in nature, if there is no wind, then water is a flat, single surface.
But if the wind suddenly rises, then, touching the water, it turns it into colorful ripples, into separate waves and splashes. Thus, the whole is divided into many separate particles. And it is this meaning that the fortune-telling of the Chinese classical "Book of Changes" puts into the text
hexagrams "Huan - Fragmentation".
Until recently, your life was inextricably linked with the lives of those around you. You had common goals, common interests and, in many respects, joint plans for the future. But this situation, having reached its heyday at some point, inevitably began to decline.
It is unlikely that your task is to continue to continue the situation, which has already completely exhausted itself. Everything you need for this stage, - determine the most promising direction for yourself and boldly set off "on the road."
Whether you like it or not, you now need to start creating a new look (or a new image). Recently, you have achieved very significant results in self-development and are now ready to appear before the world as a more serious and wiser person.

Your relationship with others should also change somewhat. Now your behavior will be determined not by common interests, but by what you yourself consider the most important for yourself. Just remember that such a transition requires caution and tact.
Even while creating your own identity, you should not forget that your life is spent surrounded by other people. And this, in turn, imposes certain obligations on you. Try to keep a compromise between your personal interests and the concerns of others. This behavior will avoid many troubles along the way.

Based on the foregoing, you will select for yourself and possible options work . Always keep in mind that this work should not just be interesting and profitable: doing it, you will improve as a person.
And this approach will inevitably make you more picky and fastidious. Therefore, it is possible that you will spend some time as if in a “suspended state”: between a stage that has already ended and one that has not yet begun. But in the end, your legibility should do you good!

Achieving the fulfillment of your desire, you must be very careful, because there are people who are interested in your failure. Do not tell strangers about your plans, even if you think that they can help you. Believe me, than less people will know about your intentions, the more likely your dream will come true!

Spill. Scattering

If suddenly the ants attack together,
They will overpower the lion, no matter how fierce he is.



Structure Explanation

Hardness comes and goes. Softness finds a position in the external, striving for unity. The benefit is in gaining hope, in crossing a great stream. In the saddle of the wind, wood and the presence of developments.

Composition of both guas



Great power in obedience to the flow.


Getting what you want through your own efforts.


Sometimes sacrificing yourself, you will achieve a lot; let the water flood the body, because the will is with you.



Sometimes you need to find your own direction, "fend off the pack", but this tempers and disciplines, although sometimes you are punished for it.


Orders must be followed, laws must be followed, for it is "unrelenting water."


Leave vain worries, never lose hope, you will get out of the water - danger.

The main thing in gua

Never lose hope, never lose your own self.

Main thesis

All sorrows dissipate, everything is transient - believe in yourself.

Divinatory Aspect

All hopes will come true.
If there are doubts, they are transitory.
Sometimes it is useful to announce the intentions of a militant plan.
Traveling by water is possible and enjoyable.
The loss of this sign for a man is a tendency to homosexuality.

Correspondence with Tarot

Arcanum XVII, Hope, a ray of light in the darkness of the unconscious.


The star - a symbol goes back to Ancient Babylonia, where three stars located in a triangle embodied the triad: Sin - Shamash - Ishtar, that is, the Moon - the Sun - Venus.

Star - an ideogram of the concepts of God and Heaven, this emblem of Heaven adorns the New Year tree.

In ancient Judaism, each star had its own guardian angel, and according to Chinese tradition, each person has his own star in the sky.

The polar star, around which the firmament revolves, was considered as the primary source of energy, a symbol of superiority; in China, it is the navel of the world or a solar pillar.

The star Sirius in the constellation of Dogs, the herald in Christianity - the patron of travelers, symbolized by the god Anubis - Hermes with the head of a jackal.

Existing in all ancient civilizations, the star with five rays, the Star of Magicians, or the pentagram, is the matrix of the cosmic man. The pentagram corresponds to the golden number of the Pythagoreans, the divine proportion of Leonardo da Vinci, who defined the ideal canon of man. The inverted star becomes a symbol of demonism, belongs to the Prince of Darkness. The emblem of Judaism on the official flag of Israel, the symbol of peace and balance, the six-pointed star, or the shield of David, the result of the crossing of two triangles, was once the talisman of battle. She was seen as a symbol of power set in motion, an emblem of wisdom. This is the seal of Solomon, one of the designations of the philosopher's stone of the alchemists, the goal of the Great Work, thanks to which the human microcosm is, according to the law of Analogy, in interconnection with the universal macrocosm.

The solar symbol - the divine sign of the Egyptians, the embodied radiance in Babylon - contains the solar circle, the cross of the solstices and equinoxes and the cardinal points. This is the wheel of the crowned Cybele-Demeter, the Indian wheel, the octopus of pre-Columbian America. She adorned the shields of the knights of the Knights Templar.

The eight-pointed star is the symbol of Arcanum XVII, the Star, in the Tarot. A young girl from above pours water into the streams flowing below, these are the waters of the second day of creation. She points to the embodiment of hopes in life and the achievement of the desired within the limits of her hope ...

Objects cannot diverge endlessly and completely, and this is accepted through the sign JE, MEASURE.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Public position, politics.

The main thing in this sign is faith in yourself. Don't lose your temper. All sorrows are transient, the fog dissipates. There are some small misgivings in business, but all issues are settled in a completely incomprehensible way. The chance is perhaps one in a million - yours!

2. Business (everything connected with the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

In business - attention to hostile opponents, they should be warned about your intentions. Honesty with business partners is your trump card. If you have your own vision of situations, your own forecasts, then go your own way, do not adapt to the majority.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love union, attraction, intimacy. It is possible for the two of you to make an intoxicating trip, say to Malta. Travel by water shown, "Titanic" will not! True, for some men this sign is a sign of "blueness", belonging to a sexual minority.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Relationships in general are developing perfectly, both family and related and partner. Compliance with laws.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Health. Prevention, cleansing the body, herbal medicine, herbal medicine.

6. Trend.

Self-control is the main thing today.


Great hope abides with those who have this sign in the alignment.

The large central star depicted in the field of the Arcanum (like the entire constellation of eight stars) calls us to make a conscious effort in order to unite contemplative justice (yellow star with eight rays) with active justice (red star with eight rays), that is, to unite the guiding principle of understanding with the guiding principle of will. In other words, it calls us to what is called "the unity of opposites." Hope is not something subjective, but an objectively radiated light force.

Vera Sklyarova. Card canon "I-Ching"

Spill. fragmentation

Spill. Wang (ruler) arrived at the ancestral temple. It is favorable to ford a large river. Auspicious divination.


1. Initial six.

Use the strength of the horse to support. Happiness.

2. Nine second.

The spill is rising up the steps, remorse will be gone.

3. Six third.

You will fall into the flood of the river. There will be no remorse.

4. Six fourth.

The crowd was engulfed by the current. Primal happiness. A hill in a stream is not what you usually think of.

5. Nine fifth.

The huge water flow scared people, they scream loudly. Seat bath - in the stream. There will be no errors.

6. Top nine.

Blood flows from the wound, get out of the water, and you will not make mistakes.


1. Initial six.

You have the ability to avoid trouble. Use the service of friends, enterprising subordinates, they are able to give good ideas. Everything will be resolved successfully.

2. Nine second.

Now you are excited and full of impressions from what is happening. It is necessary to calm down, cool down, gather your thoughts and think about the need for new affairs and relationships for you.

3. Six third.

You are absorbed in the flow of meetings, fuss, affairs, excited. It is impossible to stop, not to participate in what is happening. But you will not experience disappointments, great emotional or physical losses.

4. Six fourth.

What is happening will affect not only you, but also large masses of people. Someone will be unprepared for such events, everything is new, unusual and difficult to perceive by narrow-minded minds. At first, one might assume that the situation poses a threat and losses, but this is not so. Everything "originally" is meant to improve and stabilize.

5. Nine fifth.

There is chaos and panic. In this general anxiety, fear, depression, a leader is needed who is able to restore calm and order, inspire the environment, and direct them to "clearing the rubble." Danger can also threaten the "great Wang" himself, then concentration and discipline are required from him, there will be no erroneous actions on his part.

6. Top nine.

You are lucky, no matter what losses you suffer, no matter what worries confuse your soul, you manage to get out of troubles, you manage to bypass the most important trouble.


The symbolic image of the hexagram: the wind stirring the surface of the water, and the river overflowing its banks - a picture of the flood. Your present situation is like a flood. What does this mean? When you are filled with enthusiasm, spirituality (hexagram No. 58), your influence begins to spread to the world, of people. Like water that fills all the unevenness of the soil, dissolves everything that can dissolve, cleanses the accumulated dirt, you are ready to overcome the last obstacles on the path to success, dispel the last illusions, misunderstanding, alienation. Your impact can literally blur the hardest problem.

It's time to "ford the great river": start new business, declare yourself. As always, a patron and instructions from the soothsayers, spiritual strength and will are needed.

You were overcome with anxiety and impatience. To what extent they can grow, what sea disturbances you can create, how many people you will affect, depends on you. The lines of the hexagram warn of the serious dimensions of future events. You yourself may suffer if you cause a flood instead of a spill. A natural disaster will be a disaster for you too. You are promised salvation, but you should think about those who will follow you or find themselves in the field of influence of your ideas against their will. The noble goal of well-being for all with which you go to people will not justify you. It is useful to explain it intelligibly to the unfortunate people for whom you are trying to avoid panic and rejection of good changes. I recall a vivid example from history: the stormy, almost violent renewal of Russia by Peter the Great. His activities were like a tsunami that turned boyar Russia upside down. How it happened is not worth telling, you know.

In personal life, the last barriers of alienation and misunderstanding can be broken, similar to what is happening in the business sphere. Do not forget about tact, do not put pressure on your partner, have restraint. If you are guessing, it means that the end has not yet been set, there is not yet sufficient confidence in victory, you doubt your loved one. Your influence ("spill") should be soft, pleasing, and conducive to trust. You will melt the cold in any heart.

The symbol is favorable and portends the end of a streak of bad luck. The sun of success for you rises again.

Soon you will get what you have been striving for for so long, the time for good luck is coming.

Perhaps you have a long or long journey ahead of you.

In industrial, scientific and love affairs you will shine, unprecedented success awaits you in all areas.

In the near future, an unexpected chance to become a leader may appear. You will be able to take a dominant position. We just need to continue to make focused and persistent efforts. Success comes to the consistent and persistent.

Your desires are fulfilled and will be fulfilled completely and completely. Save money, you may need it.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 59. Fragmentation

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Huan - Fragmentation.

The hieroglyph depicts the sign of expansion and water in combination. It symbolizes a change in form through fragmentation or expansion.

Break obstacles; dispel suspicions, illusions, fears. Overcome internal resistance, clarify things. to divide, to untie; to mobilize and change something frozen. Scattered clouds. Melting ice, rising fog, flood.

Semantic connections of hexagram 59. Huan

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and creative thinking help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing the time to get rid of illusions, eliminate obstacles and misunderstandings. Time to dispel the darkness of ignorance with the light of understanding. The image of a king who builds a majestic temple to connect with higher powers and spiritually unite people.

Time favors bold undertakings and new projects. Consider your purpose and enter the river of life with a fully conscious purpose. Spread understanding and clarity around. To clear the way, the kings of old made sacrifices higher powers. Get ready for new and great achievements. Overcome resistance, disperse the fog and determine the path.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-ninth hexagram.

[Completion. The king approaches the owners of the temple.

Favorable ford across the great river. Favorable fortitude]

I. At the beginning of the six.

Salvation is needed. The horse is strong! Happiness!

II. Nine second.

When shattered, run to your throne.

- Repentance will disappear.

III. Six third.

Shatter your body.

- There will be no remorse.

IV. Six fourth.

- Break up your herd.

- Primal happiness.

Shatter your hill. This is not what the barbarians think.

V. Nine fifth.

When crushed, sweat will come out from loud screams. When fragmented, like a king, live.

- There will be no bullshit!

VI. Top nine.

When crushed, your blood will be gone.

Get out, come out, and there will be no blasphemy.