Since then. More than six decades have passed since the legendary dict

Since then, Unism. Since then. With verb. nesov. and owls. type: since when? since then live, wait, achieve, work, achieve, achieve ...; since…

... Again I visited that corner of the earth where I spent two imperceptible years as an exile. Ten years have passed since then ... (A. Pushkin.)

You don't recognize me, but I recognized you... eight years have passed since I last saw you. (I. Turgenev.)

More than a week has passed since I arrived. (A. Blok.)

Many years have passed since the boy Timosha found himself at the bottom of the stone abyss. (A. Platonov.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what "since then" is in other dictionaries:

    until- until …

    since then- since then … Spelling Dictionary

    until- hitherto, hitherto (outdated) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. until then adverb, number of synonyms: 14 before ... Synonym dictionary

    until- until then And until then, grandfather will not come ... Spelling difficult adverbs

    since then- Adverb, number of synonyms: 3 from that time (3) not far from (3) from that time (6) ... Synonym dictionary

    until- see it's time; in sign adv. Until that time, moment. I read an interesting book and fell in love with reading, but until then I did not like ... Dictionary of many expressions

    since then- see it's time; in sign adv. From that time, moment. He was wounded and has been limping ever since... Dictionary of many expressions

    Until- adv. the situation time Until a certain time. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000...

    Since then- adv. the situation time of expansion Starting from the time or from the moment when any action or event occurred; since then. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    since then- from then to / r (from that time) ... merged. Apart. Through a hyphen.


  • , Lubomirskaya Leya. Heroes of stories - young, old, living, dead, pianists, policemen, kings, farmers, cartoonists, dogs, cats, flies, crabs and completely unnamed creatures meet, ... Buy for 283 rubles
  • And since then they have not parted. Scary, touching and terribly touching stories, Leya Lubomirskaya. The heroes of the stories - young, old, living, dead, pianists, policemen, kings, farmers, cartoonists, dogs, cats, flies, crabs and completely unnamed creatures meet, ...

When I was twelve, my father collected money for three months to buy me new boots. Now I have money, but every time I look at it, I remember where I am from and who.

I cried because I didn't have football shoes, but one day I met a man who had no legs.

I decided today is my perfect day! And why I decided so, I have not decided yet ...

I don't have time to hate those who hate me. Because I'm too busy with those who love me.

I don't intend to share you with anyone. You are either mine or you are free. I need someone who will have me in the lead roles. I didn't sign up for the crowd.

Everyone can see how you look on the outside, but there are very few who know what you have in your soul.

In this world, I value only loyalty. Without it, you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.

Nothing is impossible in the world - it's just a matter of whether you have the courage.

After 50 years of marriage, I once looked closely at my wife and said: “50 years ago we had a small house, an old car, we slept on the sofa and watched a small black and white TV, but every night I went to bed with a beautiful 19 year old girl.
Now I have a huge expensive house, a lot of expensive cars, a huge bed in a luxurious bedroom, a wide screen TV, but I share a bed with a 69-year-old woman. I'm starting to doubt my marriage."
My wife is a very intelligent woman. She was not offended and did not swear. She simply suggested that I find myself a 19-year-old girl, and she will already make sure that I live again in a small house, sleep on a sagging sofa and watch black and white TV.
Well, aren't women gorgeous? They really know how to solve all the problems of their husbands!

More than six decades have passed since the legendary announcer Levitan read on the radio the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the proclamation of May 9 as Victory Day. A lot of water has gone since then, few heroes of the past war survived to this anniversary. In the memory of those few who fought, they saw everything with their own eyes, and did not sit somewhere in the rear and are now beating their chests like combat defenders, forever imprinted on May 8, 1945 - the day Nazi Germany signed the act of unconditional surrender, which put fat point on World War II. Since then, this date has been celebrated in Europe as the international day of victory over fascism.
My interlocutor Alexander, who survived all the horrors of the war, the occupation, theft with his mother to work in Germany, where he ended up in his old age, says:
- According to studies conducted by the Sociological Institute, every fifth German from the older generation feels guilty for the crimes committed by the National Socialists. They sincerely worry about the past of their country, fight against today's neo-Nazi antics, respect the monuments of our fallen soldiers. I have never seen such well-groomedness, preservation of integrity even in Russia.
Taking a deep breath, Alexander continued:
- I turned at one time, while still living in my homeland, at the place of burial of my father, according to the funeral of the deceased during the fighting in the Krasnodar Territory near the village of Chernoerkovskaya. So I received an answer that this was not listed, and only by contacting Moscow, I received an answer that it was on the list.
Pain in the heart from the fact that this is the only thing deserved by a soldier who gave his life for the country, and there is not even an inscription on the stele near the obelisk. This is how the motherland keeps the memory of her son.
When visiting, I didn’t even see flowers in the public garden, although it was summer time. Our compatriots are not interested in whom they owe the lives of their parents, and therefore their own.
Alexander, after a pause, continued:
- After the collapse of the USSR, there were many revelatory publications on the topic of the Second World War. It has already become a fashion. What the newly-minted "classics" do not write in an attempt to negate the heroic efforts in the fight against fascism of countries anti-Hitler coalition and especially peoples Soviet Union. To prove that the last war was just a clash of two aggressors, who bear equal responsibility for the grave consequences of war hard times. Like, if not for "they" attacked us, then "we" would definitely attack them. But we have what we have: the attack of the Nazis without declaring war, general mobilization, an incredible number of victims, millions of orphans and mass heroism Soviet people who saved civilization from fascism.
My father Alexander Timofeevich did not fight for the tyrant Stalin. He defended his land, his wife, me, his infant son. With his body, having given his life, he blocked the way to the native hearth for the invaders.
By agreement, it is necessary to publish previously unknown facts, but you can not cheat and mock the memory of the fallen.
Alexander's trembling voice broke off, he embarrassedly took out a handkerchief and, embarrassed, rubbed his eyes filled with tears. After a pause, he continued:
- Of all forms of dependency, the meanest is ingratitude towards the defenders of the Fatherland. And such scientific and theoretical delights are an outrage against historical memory and moral standards. An outrageous mockery of those who can no longer say anything about this.
But their children and grandchildren remained. On their behalf, as the son of a dead soldier, I bow my head to the memory of those who, at the cost of own life brought Victory Day closer.
A deep bow to the veterans, who are getting smaller and smaller every year. Health to you! Live longer, pass on your experience and memory of the heroism of the defenders of the Fatherland to future generations. It's not for the dead - it's for the living!
The old man was silent. Each of us was thinking in that distant time. I fully agreed with him.
Under the tree, not far from the bench, snowdrops blossomed. Two sparrows were jumping nearby, chirping merrily.
Spring hastened to people.
Life went on.

Alexander Samokhvalov.

12 years ago, John Bozak saw Brinks on a New York street and took him to him. Bozak says his dog smiles even when he sleeps: “I first noticed Brinks smile the first day I found him. I put him in my car, he climbed into the front seat and made himself at home. As soon as I saw him, I no longer doubted and made a decision. The best decision of my life."

(Total 8 photos)

Brinks' owner says: “I don't think he's just a clown or a silly smile for any reason - it's an expression of his feelings. That smile says, "I'm your friend, trust me." He reacts in such a way to things that please dogs or other living beings - to food and affection.

Bozak admits that he fell in love with Brinks precisely for his "human" smile.

The owner of the pit bull regularly photographs his joyful face.

Bozak first met his future pet when the dog crossed one of the New York streets. “He was standing across the street from the school and looked lost. Then he started to run. He showed with his whole appearance: “What kind of strangers invaded my street?”

Over the next two months, Bozak put up a lot of notices in the city that he had found a dog on the street. He received no response and decided to keep Brinks in his family.