Allies 2 world. Allies and Opponents of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The main stages of formation

Radio station "Moscow speaking" stated that "Orel News" had no right to write about the car of Bishop of Livensky and Maloarkhangelsk Nectarius and threatened the publication with "God's judgment".

“We must read the Bible: do not judge, so that you will not be judged. And when journalists begin to ask questions about who lives like among the clergy, I have one question: who authorized them to ask this question? And then, where there is a criterion - it is possible for a priest, but this is impossible. Did he offend someone? Did he preach wrong? Has there been less parishioners in his parish? He is not engaged in the restoration of the temple? And I know that Nektariy is engaged, enjoys great respect from the residents. I know for sure that Mr. Mazov, the owner of Oryol News, does not have such a right to behave this way, ”the Oryol governor said.

The only one who, in his opinion, can make comments to Nectarios is Metropolitan Anthony.

“If he did something wrong, believe me, he does not live in a vacuum, he has a hierarchical subordination. He has Metropolitan Anthony, who can reprimand him if he sees fit. But it will be at their level. But when they start a person who devoted his whole life to serving God and people, serving the faith... We can go to church, pray, beg God's alms. And if we go to the representatives of God, we begin to lynch them and water them with something ... God is not a fraer. He sees everything. And there is only one judgment: God's judgment. In our country, this goes to the patriarch: the wrong hours, the wrong life, the wrong cars," said Vadim Potomsky.

What he was talking about remains a mystery, since Oryol News did not give an assessment that the bishop received a luxury SUV as a gift, but only reported this fact. And asking questions is the direct duty of a journalist.

Earlier, journalists found a Land Cruiser V8 in Oryol Bishop, which was registered to him. The Oryol Metropolis said that this was a gift from one of the agricultural holdings. "Oryol news" was also reprinted this information. On May 29, the editorial office of ON received a letter on a diocesan letterhead, stamped and signed by Bishop Nektarios. In it, on behalf of the bishop, in an ultimatum form, the publication was required to remove all notes that talked about the luxury SUV Land Cruiser V8 with a market value of 5-6 million rubles, owned by the priest. Otherwise, "ON" was threatened with criminal prosecution under the article on insulting the feelings of believers.

On May 30, the secretary of the Diocesan Bishop of the Liven diocese, Father Alexander, in an interview on Ekho Moskvy, said that Bishop Nektariy had no claims against Oryol News. He also noted that the bishop did not send a letter to our editors. “I don’t know who compiled it and sent it to Oryol News, but I assure you that the Livny diocese, Nectarius himself, none of the employees wrote this letter,” Father Alexander.

The governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky, commenting on the scandal surrounding Bishop Nektariy, who demanded to remove articles about his SUV for 5 million rubles from the "immoral media", was on the air of the radio station "Moscow Speaks".

“We can go to church, pray, beg God's alms. And if we go to the representatives of God, we begin to lynch them and water them with something ... God is not a fraer. He sees everything. And there is only one judgment: God's judgment. With us, it goes to the patriarch: the wrong watch, the wrong way of life, the wrong car drives,” he said.

Potomsky also resented the fact that journalists dared to ask questions about the priest's life.

“We must read the Bible: do not judge, so that you will not be judged. And when journalists begin to ask questions about how many of the clergy live, I have one question: who authorized them to ask this question? the official asked.

The governor also asked, "where is the criterion - it is possible for a priest, but this is not."

"Did he offend anyone? Did he preach wrong? Has there been less parishioners in his parish? He is not engaged in the restoration of the temple? And I know that Nektariy is engaged, enjoys great respect from the residents. I know for sure that Mr. Mazov, the owner of Oryol News, does not have such a right to behave this way, ”Potomsky said.

Finally, he noted that the bishop is subject to the leadership of the metropolia, and if necessary, the metropolitan can independently resolve this issue if he considers the behavior of the clergyman to be wrong.

“If he did something wrong, believe me, he does not live in a vacuum, he has a hierarchical subordination. He has Metropolitan Anthony, who can reprimand him if he sees fit. But it will be at their level,” the governor said.

Recall that the Bishop of Livensky and Maloarkhangelsky Nektariy (in the world Nikolay Seleznev) from the online publication Oryol News to remove all publications that talk about his Land Cruiser V8 SUV worth 5-6 million rubles.

In a letter he sent to the editor, the priest stated that he was “extremely outraged” by the “false and offensive article” and noted that “such antics undermine the spiritual and moral foundations of our society, casting a shadow on the Holy Church and its honest ministers.”

“But our Lord Jesus Christ called to forgive enemies, so I give you the only chance to fix everything and DEMAND to remove the information concerning me from your immoral media (...) and remove the poll in the Vkontakte group too,” the bishop demanded.

Otherwise, the priest threatened the journalists with criminal prosecution under the article on insulting the feelings of believers.

Julia Reprintseva

The governor of the Oryol region, Vadim Potomsky, spoke in defense of the local bishop Nektariy, about whose expensive car journalists wrote a few days ago. The clergyman and his statement that Jesus also walked in expensive clothes was criticized even by other representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, but Potomsky said that too curious journalists were wrong in this story, because the only one who can judge Nektarios is God, and he " not a fraer ”(seriously). And this is not his only "trump card" statement.

This is not the first time Potomsky has attracted the attention of the media with his ambiguous statements and the use of words that are difficult to associate with a high public position. Last year, he called the representatives of the local media "nonsense" and said that they scare away potential investors from the region.

Every bobblehead that has a pen and a piece of paper pokes how bad it is in the Oryol region. He has nothing but a typewriter and has done nothing in this life. He has not created a single job, but he is pecking, pecking, pecking. What investor will have a desire to come to the region if the situation is constantly aggravated?- Vadim Potomsky

The governor has been criticized for such statements for several years. In 2015, he was invited to the Full Contact program, where he “scattered his views on life by concepts” when he was directly asked: “Are you a bandit?”

I am a big man, I served in the army sports club, I am a master of sports in judo, and according to all my external data, and the way I talk and, if necessary, answer any question posed, including if someone needs to show my physical strength, I will not stand up for the price, and you need to talk with me within the limits that I will allow.- Vadim Potomsky

Potomsky was asked this question against the backdrop of rumors about his connections with the "Malyshevskaya" organized criminal group - the governor's opponents claim that his sister was married to one of the members of the group and ran a waste disposal business in the Leningrad Region, with the help of which she received about 360 million rubles from the state budget.

But the most famous statement of the governor was not the use of "thieves" jargon in official communication, but the statement that Ivan the Terrible (1547-1584) took his sick son to St. Petersburg (founded in 1703) for treatment. Potomsky accompanied this statement with the comment "he who does not know history has no future."