Satellite map of Ternopil. Satellite map of Ternopil - streets and houses online

Satellite map of Ternopil. Explore the satellite map of Ternopil online in real time. Detailed map of Ternopil based on satellite imagery high resolution. As close as possible satellite map Ternopil allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Ternopil. A satellite map of Ternopil easily switches to a regular map mode (scheme).

Ternopil- the administrative and tourist center of the western region of Ukraine. The city got its name thanks to its founder, Jan Amor Tarnowski. The estimated date of foundation of the city is 1540.

For a long time, the Ternpil Castle was the symbol of the city and the main attraction. Several times the castle was destroyed and restored. But in the 19th century, the remains of its walls were rebuilt into a palace, which today appears to the residents and guests of the city in the style of Russian classicism.

In addition to the castle in Ternopil today you can see many other attractions. For example, the Church of the Exaltation of the Black Cross. This church is unique in that there are no domes in its design. It was built in the 16th century. Other famous religious buildings in Ternopil are the Church of the Assumption and the Church of the Nativity. Also no less pleasing to the eye is the Dominican church, which was erected in the middle of the 18th century.

To get acquainted with the culture and history of the city, it is worth visiting the city museums. The largest of them are art and local lore.

On the page interactive map Ternopil from the satellite. Read more at +weather. Below are satellite images and real-time Google Maps search, photos of the city and Ternopil region of Ukraine

Satellite map of Ternopil - Ukraine

We observe on the satellite map of Ternopol (Ternopol) exactly how the buildings are located on the streets of Bypass and Protasevich. View the map and area of ​​the area, highways and lanes, banks and stations, search for an address.

The satellite map of the city of Ternopil presented here online contains images of buildings and photos of houses from space. You can find out where the st. Malyshko and Pirogov. Using the search service Google, you will find the desired address in the city. We advise you to change the scale of the scheme +/- and move its center in the right direction.

Squares and shops, buildings and roads, squares and houses, Zbarazhskaya and Tarnovsky streets. On the page detailed information and photos of all objects. To show the necessary house on the map of the city and Ternopil region in Ukraine in real time.

Detailed satellite map of Ternopil and the region provided by Google Maps.

Coordinates - 49.5543,25.6055

The city of Ternopil is located in western Ukraine. The satellite map of Ternopil shows that a large locality located on the river Seret. It was here on the banks of a full-flowing river in the 16th century. began the construction of the castle Jan Amor Tarnowski and from that moment began the history of the settlement.

There are several large water bodies on the territory of the city, which can be seen on the map of Ternopil with diagrams:

  • R. Grey;
  • R. Dolzhanka;
  • R. Gnezdechna;
  • ave. Ternopil.

Another river, the Rudka, once flowed along the southern outskirts of the city, but now it has completely dried up.

The industrial zone of the settlement is moved to the northern outskirts in such a way as not to pollute the most beautiful city of Ukraine. Lines have been drawn to factories and industrial enterprises, as shown on the map of Ternopil by districts. railway.

There are several large green parks on the territory of the city:

  • them. Taras Shevchenko;
  • Zagrebel;
  • Topilche;
  • Glory;
  • National Revival.

The western part of the city is limited by forests and the large private sector of Kutkovtsy. Any objects of the city can be viewed on Yandex maps of Ternopil. This is a convenient online service that is easy to use on any smartphone, tablet or computer.

Map of Ternopil with streets

The settlement covers an area of ​​more than 70 km2. Ternopil is a very compact city, despite the fact that more than 200 thousand people live here. In the Middle Ages, the settlement was located at the crossroads of the most important trade routes, and today several major highways pass through Ternopil, connecting it with other cities of Ukraine. You can consider transport routes through the city on the map of Ternopil with streets. Transit vehicles can bypass the city along Obyezdnaya Street in the south and along Colonel Morozenko Street in the north.

The main highways of Ternopil:

  • st. Stepan Budny;
  • st. Brodovskaya;
  • st. Sagaidachny;
  • st. April 15;
  • st. Zbrazhskaya;
  • Ave. Stepan Bandera.

A railway runs through the city from north to south. Passengers are served by the Ternopil railway station, which can be seen on the map of Ternopil with streets and houses in the city center. Near the railway station there is a bus station that serves intercity bus routes.

Map of Ternopil with houses

Ternopil is divided into several small districts. The largest are the Center and the Stary Park microdistrict, they are separated by the railway line and Bohdan Khmelnitsky Street. On the map of Ternopil with houses, you can see in detail the infrastructure of the central part of the city. All business, cultural and commercial facilities are located here.

The city center is located on the shore of the Ternopil Pond. In summer, tourists and locals can ride pleasure boats on the pond. In this part of the city there are also a large number of attractions and interesting places, which can be visited using the map of Ternopil with house numbers:

  • monument to Daniel of Galicia;
  • Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary;
  • Ternopil castle;
  • Naprudnaya Church;
  • Drama Theatre;
  • Monument to the Ukrainian Flag.

Also in the Center are the City Council and the Polish Embassy.

The main attraction of the Stary Park microdistrict is the Ternopil stadium and sports complex. This is a modern facility that allows citizens to engage in a wide variety of sports.

The City Center and the Old Park area were rebuilt after the Great patriotic war in the 50s. last century. Most of the buildings belong to the traditional architecture of that time in the style of classicism. There are many high-rise buildings in the city, entire blocks of high-rise buildings have been built. residential complexes. Private sector on detailed map Ternopil can be seen only on the outskirts.

Economy and industry of Ternopil

The city has a large number of industrial enterprises. City-forming industries are engineering, light and food industries.

Ternopil enterprises produce:

  • harvesters and other agricultural machinery;
  • radio equipment;
  • fabrics and sewing haberdashery;
  • furniture;
  • brick;
  • porcelain.

The agrarian complex plays an important role in the economy of the city and the region. In Ternopil there are 9 factories for the production of sugar, and sugar-beet lands rank first in size in all of Ukraine. Thanks to cattle breeding, the city itself provides the inhabitants with bread, dairy and meat products.

A huge amount of cargo and goods passes through the settlement, which are reloaded at the Ternopil-Tovarny station, there is also a sorting department through which agricultural and industrial goods pass.

The city also has a well-developed trade and business. Modern centers of large retail chains and many entertainment venues have been built.