Oxford - attractions and places of interest. Oxford map in Russian In which country is the city of Oxford located

Here is a detailed map of Oxford with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or by clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the "+" and "-" icons located on the right side of the map. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

What country is Oxford in?

Oxford is located in the UK. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Oxford coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on a large map).

virtual walk

interactive map Oxford with sights and other tourist sites is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, whose icon is located in the upper left corner, you can see the city plan, as well as detailed map highways with track numbers. You can also see the railway stations and airports of the city marked on the map. Nearby you see the "Satellite" button. By turning on the satellite mode, you will consider the terrain, and by zooming in, you can explore the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the "little man" from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can make virtual walk by Oxford. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out on the image.

This English city on the banks of the Thames has become world famous for its ancient university. It is known that as early as 1096, training was already taking place there. In the 12th century, by decree of the king, students from England were forbidden to enter the universities of Paris. This led to the fact that the university at Oxford began to develop intensively.

Today, 30,000 students study there, which is almost a fifth of the city's population. Dozens Nobel laureates studied and worked within its walls.

The city is located 90 kilometers northwest of London, has a good transport connection with the largest settlements countries. It is visited by many thousands of tourists every year.

In the very center of the city there is a 23-meter tower. It is the only surviving fragment of the church of the XIII century, which bore the name of St. Martin. Six bells were fixed on its top in 1676, which are still in operation today. They call every fifteen minutes.

From the top of the tower, magnificent panoramas of the surroundings open up. Its name means "crossroads" in French. The temple operated until early XIX century. In subsequent years, it gradually fell into disrepair.

Location: Corner of Carfax and Cornmarket.

Thomas Bodley University Library is located in five huge buildings with many branches and branches. Around them are well-groomed parks, exquisite sculptures in the courtyards.

One notable library building is the reading room, called the Radcliffe Chamber. Only the British Book Depository has more space than the university library. Together with the Vatican Library, it is one of the oldest libraries on the continent. Its library stock contains more than two million volumes.

Location: Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BG.

Tourists and students try to get into this oldest cafe in the city, known since 1654. Traditional English cuisine dominates here. However, given the national composition of the students and the many thousands of tourists visiting the city, there are many dishes of Mediterranean and North African origin on its menu.

Here you can try original hot chocolate, many types of aromatic coffee, a traditional full English breakfast and other dishes.

Location: 40 High Street.

Its riverside building is considered the most ornate university college. The beautiful high bell tower is clearly visible from anywhere in the city. Every year on the first day of May early in the morning choral religious chants are held in the tower.

Inside the college premises stands out the Great Hall, decorated with rich wood carvings. There are many picturesque portraits of people who made the glory of this educational institution. The college has a wonderful park and a botanical garden where medicinal plants were studied.

A reminder of the tragic times of the medieval Inquisition is the memorial (Martyrs' Memorial), installed in memory of the priests of the Anglican Church burned at the stake in the 16th century.

Architect D. G. Scott created it in the Gothic Victorian style. The work was completed in 1843. The complex resembles the spire of a flooded temple. This is used by students, playing curious tourists. The place of execution itself is not far away and is marked with a cross.

Location: St Giles.

This temple is directly related to the history of the famous educational institution. It was built in the 13th century and immediately began to be used for the needs of the university.

Today it is the most popular parish church in the country. Tourists and parishioners are attracted by the performance of religious songs by the church choir, the sound of the famous organ installed here in 1986. Beautiful city landscapes open from the gallery of the church. You can consider the courtyard of the neighboring college, where young researchers do their work.

Location: High Street, Oxford OX1 4BJ.

In 1884 Oxford University received the archaeological and anthropological museum. It was founded by General P. Rivers. The basis for the creation of the museum was the collection of another military man - Colonel L. Fox. He enthusiastically collected items that were used by the inhabitants of the British colonies. With their help, he sought to trace the stages of human development, the evolution of objects of labor and weapons.

In the future, the museum's funds were replenished with the finds of many travelers, scientists and military men. It contains exhibits collected by J. Cook. Today it is the educational and scientific base of the Department of Anthropology of the University.

Location: S Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3PP.

This is the name of an educational institution founded in the 1379th century. Located in the city center, the college is one of the most famous in the University of Oxford. It is one of the most visible buildings in Europe. educational institutions.

It was built in the form of a closed quadrangle, in the center of which there is a large courtyard. It has halls, a library, rooms for teachers and students. The building was used as a model for the construction of subsequent colleges.

Location: Holywell Street, Oxford OX1 3BN.

At the beginning of the second millennium, when the city flourished, it was surrounded by a fortress wall. On its basis, a Norman castle was built, one of the few examples of such military architecture. At the city gates, a four-story building was erected, called the tower of St. George. A chapel of this saint was built here. It is believed that it served as the basis for the creation of Oxford University, which first trained clergy.

Here, in a small rural place not far from Oxford, it was possible to present in miniature the peripheral England of the beginning of the last century. The park has a 15-kilometer model of the old railway. Twelve trains run on it. Every year each of them overcomes three thousand kilometers. The territory is decorated windmills, picturesque meadows, castles. With its income, the park supports other miniature parks in the country.

The building that houses the Bear and Ragged Staff Hotel dates back more than four and a half centuries. The owners of the establishment did their best to preserve the original finish. Rough stone walls and wooden elements of the interior make a huge impression. In the rooms of the last floor, sloping ceilings have been preserved. The interior of the hotel's restaurant gives an idea of ​​the traditions of old England. Here, original ale is brewed according to old recipes.

Location: 28 Appleton Road, Cumno.

This famous landmark in the city was built in the 17th century and is the main venue for the most important ceremonies of the University of Oxford. Here, solemn events are held for the enrollment of new students, the presentation of diplomas. In the hall, which can accommodate a thousand people, meetings of the university council are held.

The building is considered an architectural masterpiece, which uses the traditions of the construction of ancient Roman theaters. The painted ceiling is remarkable. The theater is named after the first chancellor of the university G. Sheldon.

Location: Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3AZ.

The main attraction of the city - Oxford University is always open for visits. Its structure includes dozens of independent colleges with their own history and symbols. The university houses the oldest museum in the country Ashmolyn. Founded in the Middle Ages, it demonstrates to visitors ancient paintings and sculptures, collections of precious stones from around the world, and rare archaeological finds. Near the educational institution there is a botanical garden with collections of rare plants.

Location: University Offices 1 Wellington Square.

Oxford is a famous city in Great Britain, a cultural and business center. An important rail and road connection passes through it. The city is located 90 km from London on the northwest side and 110 km from Birmingham on the southeast side. Two rivers flow through it: the Chervel and the Thames.

It is noteworthy that it is from this city that acquaintance with ancient England and its traditions begins. To see all the sights, it is not necessary to follow the tourist route. You can simply rent a bike. This vehicle there is no surprise here, because there is a large concentration of students in the city. However, do not forget that petty thieves can also covet the bike.

There is always something to see in Oxford. Its famous universities have a significant number of students, many of whom later receive not only degrees, but can also become owners nobel prize, which has already received 50 people. But besides educational institutions, small souvenir shops, coffee houses, confectioneries, hat and flower shops attract attention. The ideal time to visit this city is May. This month, a wonderful fiesta of balloons is held, which are released into the sky over one of the city's parks.