Statuses about the day off with your loved ones. Exit quotes. Short statuses about the weekend

Lord, how tired of waking up on weekends, earlier than on weekdays!!!

Need a weekend after the weekend to take a break from the weekend…

Who will misbehave - will be left without sweets at the weekend ... semi-sweet, dry and semi-dry!

Be sure to plan your way out of the weekend.

Oh how I love weekends!

Every worker in the world has something of a Robinson. We all love and look forward to Friday...

That morning when you wake up and don't have to go anywhere, DIVINE!!!

The first five days after the weekend are always so hard...

Good friends, good coffee and… Friday can cheer you up

Weekend. You really begin to appreciate them only when you have a job.

Sunday is a day of double feelings. You enjoy the weekend for half a day, and for the second half you torture yourself with thoughts: “Damn, I have to work tomorrow ...”

How quickly the weekend flies by - I don’t even have time to get out of bed!

Over the past couple of months, Saturday has become the meaning of my life ...

Sometimes you want to call Monday Sunday... because you have to Resurrect once again after a stormy weekend.

What do people do on their weekends, who worked all week and did not get enough sleep? They are sleeping! And what about those who slept all week? That's right, they drill with a drill and hammer with a hammer drill.

When a woman has seven Fridays in a week, a man has not a single day off.

Why is the day when I wash, cook, wash, clean ... is called a DAY OFF?

Weekends, why are you so short?

Today is the best Sunday, because tomorrow is Sunday, and the day after tomorrow is Sunday, and Monday comes only on Wednesday!!! Hooray!!!

If you relaxed on one day off and did nothing, then on the second you have to catch up ...

A sign for the weekend: if you don’t make your bed, you will spend the whole day in it.

Great morning in bed! Oh, it's a pity, there are only two of them a week ...

Even the longest weekends are always the shortest!!!

The last day off in the country has come for those who are already tired of resting.

No, after all, the real day off is Friday evening!

- What are you going to do on Saturday?
- Sleep.
- And then?
- And then there will be Sunday.

It was the weekend, after which the weekend is needed.

The coolest part of the job is the salary, weekends and holidays...

Every Monday, the question torments me: DID YOU HAVE A WEEKEND AT ALL?

We went to barbecues on the weekend. But there was no money for meat ... Therefore, they took only vodka.

Twice a week I give myself a well-deserved day off, and the other five times - undeserved.

All evening I thought I forgot to do something. Almost didn't go to bed sober.

I love weekends… I spend them in 3D format: I press the Sofa at home…

Weekends are held under the motto "THE EATING CAN'T STOP!" the most important thing now is to put a comma.

If you sleep during the day on the weekend, it seems that there were two of them ...

I love when the weekend comes, then my husband is at home. In the morning he is with the child and you can sleep, and in the kitchen he “conjures” at the stove.

Early morning... Nega... Istoma... I wake up... Today I'm at home... Hello, walls, comfort and peace! Hello my favorite day off!!!

Good thing it's Saturday after Friday! But when Friday comes another Friday - it's tough!!!

"Good weekend!" - wished Friday saddened weekdays.

Weekend, come back, I miss you.

My fun weekends are spent in the company of me and me. I have very similar interests with me.

How I love to wear a sofa on my back on the weekend, but I still have to do it again ... cook pilaf, cook cabbage soup!

The weekend went great! There is something to remember!!!… but I can’t…

Muslims do not work on Friday, Jews on Saturday, Christians on Sunday. someone, invent a religion that would not work on Monday!

- How did you spend your day off?
- I wanted to go to the museum, and my wife - to the cinema ...
- Well, how's the movie?

This is how you always wait, waiting for this weekend ... Finally I waited !!! Morning - woke up, stretched ... then bam and evening, and tomorrow back to work ...

Day off: woke up, ate, tired.

If on Friday evening something incomprehensible happens inside you, do not pay attention - it's just a conscience in your soul fighting with temptation.

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and you'll get rid of him for the weekend.

From workaholic to alcoholic - five days!

I cleaned the house, put things in order, washed, stroked, cooked, worked out with the child, went shopping ... How I love the weekend !!!

Friday, in the morning a good mood, nothing foreshadowed trouble ... a place of adventure in relaxation, the liver is serene, like a lotus flower ... But then a friend called ...

Weekends are a very strange thing… They seem to exist… But THEY ARE NO LONGER!!!

How to explain to a child that 8 am on a weekend is deep night?

- How's the weekend? - Dark, light, dark, light, Monday.

Good morning everyone!!! Woke up, stretched, smiled. Have a great weekend my dears!!!

She went to treat her nerves. I'll be late - drunk, kind, happy. Happy weekend to you!

How nice - early Saturday morning - to give the child a rattling toy, and with the words "show dad" to direct him towards the bedroom ...

Day off… Put on some make-up… Did my hair… Manicure… Put on new pantyhose under trousers… Fell in love…

I call a friend and ask: “How was the weekend?” ... After a long pause ... - “What happened ???”

If on Sunday you didn’t wake up, but resurrected… it means that Saturday was a success!!

The body is tired of wanting Saturday.

I can’t name a single reason why you need to wake up at six in the morning on a weekend. I can’t name it, but damn it, I’m waking up!

Sod's Law. On weekends you go to bed in the morning, and at 8 in the morning you already run around cheerfully, on weekdays you go to bed at 10-11 pm, get up at seven in the morning and feel as if you have been unloading the cars all night

Monday is the day of judgment, on which we pay the price for the sinful weekend.

And I know how to sleep longer on a day off))) Just when your child sleepily asks “are we going to kindergarten today?”, confidently answer - YES !!! And then at least walk on the ceiling, he will sleep soundly and sweetly.

Working days move like a freight train on rails, but weekends are birds in flight!

Hmmm... today is Saturday... and where to start relaxing with laundry or cleaning!!!

WEEKEND!!! The brain screamed and took the ass in an unknown direction ...

Every Monday I am tormented by the question: the weekend, have you ever been?

Awesome when the weekend comes. I want to wash, I want to iron, I want to clean up, but I’m crazy ... so I’ll wash the windows in general.

Who dreamed of a week with two working days and five days off, and not vice versa? Get…

Weekend, either childhood has played in the ass, or adventures are calling.

All week to wait for the weekend, and then shit them on the Internet. CAN. I CAN. PRACTICE.

To hell with feminism and equality! I want a banal male day off: a sofa, a kitchen, a sofa.

A badly spent weekend is RELAXATION!

Look carefully! See? Something flashed before my eyes! This is your weekend!

Advice to everyone: if you hang out on Wednesday all night, then Thursday falls out of your life and on Friday it’s like Monday, and after it the WEEKEND

The whole country has a weekend)) and my mother has me!!!

With age, you begin to appreciate the weekend more ...

Bells, bells, doo-doo! I won't go to work today!

I love spending weekends with my friends. In the company of a sofa, pillows and TV.

Status about the day off will be happy to put each of us. So let's start choosing the right option right now!

For Saturday and Friday nights

  1. Have you noticed how resolute we become on Friday nights, especially in a bar or in a club?!
  2. Weekends are better to devote to cultural events. And for the uncultured, Thursday will do.
  3. Well, why not exactly as many weekends as weekdays. I'm not asking for the impossible...
  4. Rejoice every Sunday while you are young. Quite a few years will pass, and you will spend it in the country.

About the most painful, rest and subsequent hangover - in cool statuses about the weekend.

  1. I work seven days a week. It’s scary to say, but I’m waiting either until the work burns down, or until I die myself.
  2. Have you noticed that sleep on Saturday is like sex? It also varies, but not for everyone.
  3. In order to find out that I have a day off, I am even ready to come to work in the morning ...
  4. I woke up in horror and realized that I had overslept. And then I realized that the day off. Oh my god, this is great!
  5. I sincerely envy those people who have every day the mood like on Friday. This is how it should be!

What is a weekend for you?

Cool statuses about the weekend are especially valuable when talking about them on weekdays.

  1. Even though Friday is not the same as before, I'm still ready to live for it...
  2. I look at these documents on Monday, and imagine how good it is in the crib on Friday. Late, late at night.
  3. Sometimes I get scared that I'm proud of the fact that on Sunday morning I remember little.
  4. I would start new life Monday and all. But this hangover after Sunday ... In general, it is to blame for everything!

Smile at the workplace - set cool statuses about the weekend.

  1. The mood is not very good, the girl quit. Well, girl - okay, but why on Monday?
  2. How quickly the weekend changes. About 5 years ago I was just going to bed at this time, and now I have long since gotten up.
  3. "Saturday" - one word, several letters, but how much happiness ...
  4. An idiot with the wrong number can only be matched by a neighbor with a drill. Although no, he can not be compared with anyone.
  5. A successful weekend is measured by the number of offers that had to be turned down for the sake of the best...

Weekend: something that both adults and children love

Statuses about a good weekend - for those who are to everyone life situations treats with humor.

  1. You all love Friday. And it seems to me alone that this is a day when every minute stretches like an eternity?!
  2. Girl's day off: woke up, put on makeup, went on a date. Woman's day off: cooked, cleaned, went to the store.
  3. Sometimes I want to take these four rascals, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and scold them for going so slowly.
  4. I know where time goes. It is where we constantly wait for the weekend.

Each of us got into curious situations these days. That's why funny statuses about the weekend like most.

  1. Who came up with the idea of ​​starting a new life on Monday? This must be done either from Sunday or Tuesday.
  2. The cleaner the house is after the husband was here alone, the more mess he made until you returned.
  3. If anyone ever invented the weekend, they definitely deserve at least the title of hero.
  4. Weekends for an alcoholic differ from weekdays in that at this time he is brought home much later than usual.

It's good that there is still time for fun ...

The status of a “wonderful weekend” is when both Friday night and Sunday evening are equally beautiful.

  1. If you haven’t been in the trash on Saturday for a long time, then you are well done. Or maybe a little old.
  2. A small and regular rest from spouses is good for marriage. It's good that both understand this.
  3. When you are very young, you enjoy Friday. When you have a child, you learn to dream about her ...
  4. Saturday is beautiful in every way, but not financially. Definitely not financial.

But if you are looking for something completely exclusive, you can pick up a status about a great weekend.

  1. After my last job, I understand that if you don’t have to run to her even on the weekend, this is already happiness.
  2. Injustice began already when there were fewer weekends than weekdays. I propose to overcome lawlessness!
  3. “Go to the club,” they said. “We need to hang out,” they said. “How I envy you slept at night,” they said.
  4. Everything in life is replenishable - the better you start the weekend, the worse - weekdays. And vice versa.

Hilarious statuses about the weekend - just for those who have nothing to hide from friends.

  1. In order for a failed weekend to succeed, you need to make a special friend ...
  2. Friday for an alcoholic is one continuous way to drink.
  3. Did you know that astronauts have a day off on Monday. Cool down there in space.
  4. Yesterday vacationing parents can be recognized by their children. It is they who go to the store with notes in the morning ...
  5. Do you want to always be in the mood, like on the weekend? It's simple: fall in love, preferably - happily.

Treat yourself to a nice weekend as often as possible. And in order to quickly tune in to the right mood, be sure to use light and perky statuses about the weekend.

And how often does it happen to you that you wake up on Monday with a heavy hangover and think that it would be better if you died. And you open the page in contact, you see the inscription “You were marked in 18 photos” and you understand that the weekend was a success, although it’s very embarrassing later!

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and you'll get rid of him for the weekend

"Zenna Shaffer"

Do you remember what a weekend is? These are two such misplaced days at the end of the week…

"Anna Gavalda"

I work all week and don't do anything on weekends either.

X. Yagodzinskiy"

She loved weekends only because she could wake up for a long time, take a long shower, drink coffee for a long time. On the weekends, there was an opportunity to stretch those very tiny pleasures for which there was not enough time in ordinary life.

For some people, weekends are a reminder that the rest of the days are work days.

"Pulat Ergashev"

Everyone only complains about the crisis, but how to drink on the weekend, then everyone is sitting with Henessy.

The best thing about Sunday afternoon is Saturday evening.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Did you know that weekends are called so because some people go to work on them? A holidays so called because work is a holiday.

All workers have two days off a week. We kings work seven days a week.

"Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha"

On weekends, after 12 midnight, I temporarily have twice as many friends.

A real Christian on Sunday sincerely repents of what he did on Friday and what he will do on Monday.

"Thomas Ybarra"

There is such an important law - the law of the Sabbath. According to him, the stop is more important than the construction of the temple.

The best workers work more than others and rest more than others.

"Tom Hopkins"

If there is no memory of the past two days, then congratulations! You had a great weekend.

All week you make incredible plans for the weekend, and you yourself wake up at one o'clock and sit stupidly in contact all day.

A classic example of a double-edged sword: the closer the weekend, the inevitable Monday.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

The list of deadly sins somehow looks suspiciously like a list of my plans for the weekend.

Weekdays differ from weekends by the possibility of not thinking about anything.

"Gennady Malkin"

On Saturdays and Sundays, few people write on social networks ... It’s immediately obvious that people are doing business, and not sitting at work.

A day off is always a holiday, and a holiday is always a day off.

See? Something flashed before my eyes! This is your weekend!

Days off are also counted in the term of life.

"Emil the Meek"

Damn, after a long weekend, I just can’t get into work - I forgot how solitaire is played

This is a magical time - the weekend ... A little mess in an orderly system of duties.

Friday night... The weekend is coming! You should prepare in advance by setting statuses about the weekend in your account. This is a signal to your friends about how you plan to spend the coming days. For example, such statuses about the weekend as "Don't wake me up" or "I've been away for two days!" - a signal that your friend probably just wants to sleep off. But information in the form of such cool statuses about the weekend as "Let's light it up" or "Meet me at the rink" is a proposal for a meeting. Information in the status of a girlfriend can reflect reality like a mirror: she is unbearably sad, and your support is immediately needed. Stock up on cookies - and fill up for a visit. Sometimes statuses about the weekend are like an SOS signal. The main thing is to correctly understand the information encrypted in the text. As a suitable quote, you can choose a wise saying or cool phrase great thinker: there will be time to think about important things, including the essence of life, relationships, and our weekend statuses will help you with this.

On weekends, after twelve, I have only two conditions - insomnia and shamelessness.

Faster than the weekend, only money ends.

"Pyayatniitsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" - screamed f * pa and dragged me in an unknown direction!

Is that why I don't like weekends? You just get ready to sit by the fireplace with a cup of coffee in a rocking chair... And then BAM. It turns out that you have no fireplace, no coffee, no rocking chair.

I understand that it's Saturday and all, but my two-point plan for the evening still stands: 1. eat, 2. sleep.

How is the week?
- Mondayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Sreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Foureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
- Friday Saturday Sunday

So, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, let's go, let's go, don't delay FRIDAY!

Dear weekend! I swear that weekdays mean nothing to me! I want to be only with you!

Remember: the decisions you make after two in the morning on a Saturday are the wrong decisions!

SATURDAY! We can do everything today!!! Cinema, wine and dominoes. Striptease, cruise, any whim! Stockings, lipstick, heels! Hold on, bitches-men!

Princess girls only exist in fairy tales. In fact, we also smoke, drink vodka and reinstall Windows ourselves. And we believe in love. Mostly on weekends...

I rent a bad mood for the weekend.

And may the HOLIDAY be with us.

Weekend passed... on the head... hangover...

The head is still paying for that weekend, and the next weekend has already arrived ...

Taking as a basis what fools are lucky, and adding to this that the drunken sea is knee-deep, it turns out that on weekends I am immortal.

To the inventor of the weekend - a monument and a letter.

Working weekdays drag on long and tedious, and weekends, no matter how many there are, fly by unnoticed.

Happy weekend wishes will help sweeten this bitter pill a little and cheer you up, as well as charge you with positive energy for the whole weekend.

Share with friends and people close to you. Have a great weekend friends!

Have a great weekend wishes in verse and prose

I wish you a wonderful weekend!
And that there were no others!
Let life always smell fragrant in spring!
And let everyone always dream!
Let them be near best friends,
With whom you can not quarrel!
I wish to be desired in love,
Find a soul mate for everyone.
I also want you to be reasonable,
If they are guilty, to ask for forgiveness.
Let others, on the contrary, not be proud,
Forgive and less fuss in life.
Maybe then we'll be better
And we won't get tired of each other for a long time.
I imagine! How we live in the world,
Where only spiritual wealth is in force.
So that we should all be more tolerant,
Take and forget all insults!

Finally the weekend
Behind the problems of the wagon ...
Evil weekdays rushed off into the distance,
Life is in full swing!
I wish to try
And have a nice rest...
Or better yet, break away
And get some sleep!

I send you this kind verse
Wishing you a good weekend!
Go where you have long wanted
Do what you couldn't do before.

Sipping aromatic coffee…

Rest your body and soul
Make the most of your day off!

I wish you a great weekend
May all your dreams come true right now.
I send a magic letter
Now everything must be done.
Have a good rest first
Then you decide urgent matters.
And in the evening with cake you and cookies
Come visit for a heart-to-heart talk.

I wish you to forget about what an alarm clock, traffic jams and a computer are for two days. But remember what rest, friends and good mood are. Have a good weekend!

trinket - day off,
Relaxation and peace.
Forest, clearing, stream,
Beer, vodka, barbecue.
Get off, don't be bored
Yes, fill it up.
Drink, play, have fun!
Weekend! Get hurt!

Great weekend
Saturday night beautiful
Let's forget business
About the eternal vanity in vain,

About thoughtless words.
How funny we are!
Why sit here and be sad?
That's why they are the weekend

To get out of the house!
Let's go, my dear, with you
Without clear plans, at random,
There, where the white arrow

Clouds are flying over the forest.
Or museum silence
Let's make our hearts happy
And we will be happy with you
As before on weekends.

Have a great weekend wishes the most beautiful

Today let dreams come true
There will be no sadness and unnecessary fuss,
So that from the beginning of the day to its end
The smile never left his face.

Let there be only wonderful moments
Compliments are non-stop
And every new turn in life
It will certainly lead to good luck.

In general, yes, friends. For today, all the work has been completed, boring and uninteresting news has also come to an end, the most wonderful day of this week, Friday, comes into full force! I ask everyone to relax and devote this wonderful evening to yourself and your family and friends! Such an opportunity falls to us infrequently, so I ask everyone to be very careful about your weekends! Meet and spend Friday at the highest level! We forget about work, problems, troubles, we send matters of special importance to a distant box until Monday and enjoy Friday! We have fun, relax, spend time in a friendly company, in a cozy, family circle, in the country, at a party or at home under a fluffy blanket with a book in hand! Everyone chooses their leisure according to their taste. And no objections are accepted. That's why it's Friday! Have a great weekend, friends!

What happiness: weekdays flew by!
You smile at the sun, laughing.
And you can bask in bed for a long time,
And drink coffee without any haste.
And there is so much fun ahead:
Go to the theater, to the exhibition, to the cinema,
Take in more impressions
And relax, of course, at the same time.
So that later, on a quiet Sunday evening,
Sigh that the rest has flown by,
And suddenly you think: it has become easier
Return to the world of urgent matters.

Recharge your mood in the morning.
Don't be in a hurry to get out of bed.
And let yourself relax for an hour,
Sipping aromatic coffee…

There are so many interesting things in the plans,
Look, don't miss anything!
Rest your body and soul
Do not drag the problems of everyday life with you!

I wish you a wonderful day today. May it pass quickly and cheerfully and bring you many creative ideas, victories and accomplishments. Let the whole day pass on an optimistic note. May success and good luck accompany you today in all your affairs. So that the authorities praised and raised the salary. May your guardian angel help you today and protect you from all adversity. Let the sun illuminate your path and warm with its rays. I wish you a great mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. Let this new day bring many new impressions, pleasant moments, many discoveries and bright emotions. Let all your plans come true, and everything will be successful!

Have a great weekend wishes in pictures