We learn by playing. "Word games and exercises for preschoolers Game I will start and you continue

Dobrenkaya Galina Vasilievna, educator, MADOU, d / s No. 17, Alekseevka, Belgorod Region

What is round and what is oval?

Game progress: The teacher asks the child to name as many round and oval objects as possible. The child starts the game.

If he cannot name, the teacher begins: “I remembered, the apple is round, and the testicle is oval. Now you go on. Remember what shape is a plum, and what is a gooseberry? That's right, the plum is oval, and the gooseberry is round. (Helps the child name objects and compare them in shape: ring-fish, hedgehog-ball, cherry-cherry leaf, watermelon-melon, acorn-raspberry, tomato-eggplant, sunflower-seed, zucchini-apple).

In case of difficulty, the teacher shows the child a set of pictures and together they arrange them into two groups.

"Flies - does not fly"

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to quickly name objects when he says the word “flies”, and then name other objects when he says the word “does not fly”.

The teacher says:"Flies".

Children call:“Crow, plane, butterfly, mosquito, fly, rocket, dove,” etc. Then the teacher says: “Does not fly.” Children call: “Bicycle, chamomile, cup, dog, pencil, kitten”, etc. The game continues: the words “flies”, “does not fly” are called by one of the children, and the teacher names the objects together with the children. The game can be played while walking.

"Edible - inedible"

The game is played by analogy with the previous one.


Game progress: First, we explain that we call all living objects "WHO", and inanimate objects "WHAT". Here are some examples.

Then we play questions and answers. You can use picture books.

What is growing? Who is growing?

Who is flying? What flies?

Who is swimming? What is floating?

Who is the biggest? What is the biggest?

“What happens below and what happens above?”

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to think and name what happens only at the top.

If the children find it difficult, he prompts: “Let's look up, above us is the sky. Does it happen below? No, it always happens only at the top. And what else happens only at the top? Where are the clouds? (stars, moon). Now think about what happens only below? Look at the ground. Where does the grass grow? Where does she go?” (plants, ponds, earth, sand, stones, etc.).

After that, the children independently list the objects of nature that are only above, and those that are only below.

"What's sweet?"

Game progress:

The teacher offers the children: Listen carefully, I will call something that is sweet. And if I make a mistake, then I must be stopped, I must say: “Stop!”

The teacher says: "Sugar, marshmallows, raspberries, strawberries, lemon."

The children listen carefully and stop him on the word where he "wrong". Then the children themselves name what is sweet.

"Answer Quickly"

Game progress: The teacher, holding the ball in his hands, becomes a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game: “Now I will name some color and throw a ball to one of you. The one who catches the ball must name an object of the same color. Then he himself calls any other color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, then his color, etc.”

For example, “Green,” says the teacher (makes a short pause, giving the children the opportunity to remember the objects in green) and throws the ball to Vite.

“Grass,” Vitya answers and, saying: “Yellow”, throws the ball to the next one.

The same color can be repeated several times, as there are many objects of the same color.

The main feature for classification can be not only color, but also the quality of the object.

The beginner says, for example: "Wooden", and throws the ball.

“Table,” the child who caught the ball answers, and offers his word: “Stone”.

“House” - the next player answers and says: “Iron”, etc.

The next time, the form is taken as the main feature. The teacher says the word "round" and throws the ball to any player.

“The sun,” he replies and names another shape, such as “square”, throwing the ball to the next player.

He calls a square-shaped object (window, handkerchief, book) and offers some form. The same shape can be repeated several times, since many objects have the same shape. When repeating, the game can be made more difficult by offering to name not one, but two or more objects.

"How similar?"

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to look around and find two objects that are somewhat similar to each other.

He says: “I will call: the sun-chicken. How do you think they are similar to each other? Yes, that's right, they are similar in color to each other. And here are two more items: a glass and a window. How are they similar to each other? And now each of you will name your two similar objects.

Games to eliminate the fourth "extra" word

"Be careful!"

Game progress: The teacher says to the children: I will name four words, one word does not fit here. You must listen carefully and name the "extra" word. For example: matryoshka, tumbler, cup, doll; table, sofa, flower, chair; chamomile, hare, dandelion, cornflower; horse, bus, tram, trolleybus; wolf, crow, dog, fox; sparrow, crow, dove, chicken; apple, tree, carrot, cucumber.

After each highlighted "extra" word, the teacher asks the child to explain why this word does not fit into this group of words, that is, to explain the principle of grouping.

"Listen carefully!"

Game progress: The teacher says to the child: “I will name the words, and you will say which word does not fit: cat, fox, horse, cow; tractor, car, rocket, bus; pear, turnip, beet, carrot; book, pencil case, ball, notebook; water, thermometer, medicine, cotton wool.

In case of difficulty, he slowly repeats a certain set of words and helps the child to highlight the inappropriate for any reason.

"Find out!"

Game progress: What kind of berries do you know? Now I will name the words, if among them you hear the word for a berry, then clap your hands.

Presentation words - cabbage, strawberry, apple, pear, currant, raspberry, carrot, strawberry, potato, dill, blueberry, lingonberry, plum, cranberry, apricot, zucchini, orange.

"Now I will name the words, if you hear a word related to berries, clap once, if to fruits - twice."

(Words can be used the same, you can come up with others.)

As a basis for systematization, there may be a topic - tools, furniture, clothes, flowers, etc.

Tell me how they taste? color? size?

Lemon and pear

Raspberry and strawberry

apple and plum

Currant and gooseberry

How are they different in taste? color? size?

"Divide into groups"

Game progress:"What groups do you think these words can be divided into? Sasha, Kolya, Lena, Olya, Igor, Natasha.

What groups can be made up of these words: dove, sparrow, carp, tit, pike, bullfinch, pike-perch.

"Choose the words"

Game progress:

  1. Choose as many words as possible that can be attributed to the group wild animals (pets, fish, flowers, weather, seasons, tools, etc.).
  2. Another version of the same task.

Connect with arrows the words that make sense:

ball | furniture

poplar | flower

closet | insects

plate | tree

coat | cloth

ant | dishes

pike | toy

rose | fish

"Similarities and Differences"

Game progress: Ask your child to point out the similarities and differences between the following pairs of words:

Book - notebook | Day Night

Horse - cow | Tree - bush

Phone - radio | Tomato - cucumber

Airplane - rocket | Table chair

"Find the opposite object"

Game progress: Naming something (like sugar), it is necessary to name as many others as possible that are opposite to the given one. It is necessary to find opposite objects according to the function "edible - inedible", "useful - harmful", etc., on the basis of (size, shape, condition) and etc.

"Searching for an analogy"

Game progress: Some word is called, for example, a portfolio. It is necessary to come up with as many "analogues" as possible, i.e. other items similar to it in various essential features (bag, bag, backpack, etc.)

"Say one word"

Game progress: Invite the child to name a group of objects in one word. We call many specific objects with one word. For example, birch, pine, oak, etc. we call trees.

Invite the child to say in one word:

Table, chair, wardrobe...

Dog, cat, cow...

Cup, saucer, plate...

Cornflower, chamomile, tulip - this.

"Find a common word"

Game progress: This task contains words that are united by a common meaning. It is necessary to try to convey this general meaning in one word.

What is the common word for the following words:

  1. Faith, Hope, Love, Elena
  2. a, b, c, c, n
  3. table, sofa, armchair, chair
  4. Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday
  5. January, March, July, September.

The word “spring months” can be generalizing, or it can be “months of the year”, etc.

A more complex version of the exercise contains only two words for which you need to find a common concept.

Find what the following words have in common:

a) bread and butter (food)

b) nose and eyes (parts of the face, sense organs)

c) apple and strawberry (fruit)

d) clock and thermometer (measuring instruments)

e) whale and lion (animals)

f) echo and mirror (reflection)

"Twin Words"

Game progress: This exercise is connected with such a phenomenon of the Russian language as homonymy, i.e. when words have different meanings, but are the same in spelling.

Which word means the same as the words:

1) a spring and what opens the door;

2) the girl's hair and a grass cutter;

3) a branch of grapes and a tool for drawing.

Think of words that are the same in sound but different in meaning.

Additional tasks for the exercise:

4) a vegetable that makes you cry and a weapon for shooting arrows (burning vegetable and small arms);

5) part of a gun and part of a tree;

6) what they draw on, and greenery on the branches;

7) a lifting mechanism for a construction site and a mechanism that needs to be opened so that water flows.

"What is needed"

Game progress: The car runs on gasoline or other fuel; tram, trolleybus or electric train are powered by electricity. All this together can be attributed to the group "transport".

Seeing an unfamiliar car (e.g. truck crane) they ask: what is it? Why?

Similar exercises are performed with other concepts: tools, utensils, plants, animals, furniture, etc.


Game progress: Now I will say words to you, and you will answer me, which is more, which is less, which is longer, which is shorter.

Pencil or crayon? Which one is shorter? Why?

Cat or whale? Which one is more? Why?

Boa constrictor or worm? Which one is longer? Why?

Tail or ponytail? Which one is shorter? Why?"

The teacher can come up with their own questions, focusing on the above.

"Choose what's important"

Game progress: An adult says to the children: Now I will read a series of words. Of these words, you will have to choose only two, denoting the main features of the main word, that is, that without which this subject cannot exist.

Other words are also related to the main word, but they are not the main ones. You need to find the most important words.

For example, a garden ... What do you think, which of these words are the main ones: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth, that is, without which there can be no garden? Can there be a garden without plants? Why?... Without a gardener... a dog... a fence... land?.. Why?

Each of the proposed words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is that children understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of this concept.

Sample tasks:

a) Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, shaft)

b) River (shore, fish, angler, mud, water)

in town (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle)

d) Shed (hayloft, horses, roof, livestock, walls)

e) Cube (corners, drawing, side, stone, wood)

f) Division (class, dividend, pencil, divider, paper)

g) Game (cards, players, penalties, penalties, rules)

h) Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)

i) War (airplane, guns, battles, guns, soldiers)


Game progress: The host thinks of a word or tells the conditions of some completely unusual situation, and the players (children or adults) must guess the word or explain the situation by asking questions that can be answered with one of five answers: "yes"; "No"; "Yes and no"; "there is no information about it"; "it's not significant."

For example: "I thought of a plant in the middle band. In ten questions, determine the plant that I thought of."

Topics for "danetok" and possible continuation of the game.

What vegetable am I thinking?

Is it a root crop? (Carrot, beetroot, radish)

Is it a leafy vegetable? (cabbage, lettuce)

Is it a fruit vegetable? (Tomatoes cucumbers)

What name did I make?

Is it a male name?

Does the name start with a vowel?

Is there such a name in our group?

What piece of clothing did I have in mind?

Is it outerwear?

Is it men's clothing?

What story am I thinking?

Is this a Russian fairy tale?

What historical figure did I think?

This is a man?

What do I do in the morning for sure?

What color am I thinking?

What property of ice cream, light bulb, watermelon, pencil did I guess?

What country am I thinking?

What kind of writer, storyteller, poet, scientist did I have in mind?

What famous battle did I have in mind?

"Black box"

Game progress: Children are shown a "black box" or just a bag, a briefcase and are asked to guess in 10 questions - what is there? Etc.

Is there a handmade item? Is there something soft? Is there something metallic? Etc.

"List the items"

Game progress: One leader is selected from a group of children. He leaves the room for 2 minutes. At this time, 7 objects are placed on the table in the room and the situation is thought about. For example, children think of the situation "I'm going for a walk", then 7 items of clothing should lie on the table.

The driver is invited, the situation is told to him and he is allowed to inspect the table for 1-2 minutes. Then he turns his back to the table and faces the group of children and starts listing the things on the table. After each correct answer, the group says "Correct!", after the wrong - "Wrong!". If the driver has not listed all the items, the group says which items he forgot.


Game progress: The facilitator calls the group of children the word. The task is to name a word denoting the opposite object.

For example, the host says the word "cup". Children can name the following items: "board" (the cup is convex and the board is straight), "Sun" (a cup is made by a person, and the sun is part of nature), "water" (water is the filler and the cup is the shape) etc.

Each child in turn offers his answer and be sure to explain why he chose such a subject.

"Come up with a riddle"

Game progress: A leader is selected from a group of children. His task is to come up with a riddle. The group must solve this riddle. Then another child comes up with a riddle, and so on. Children of 6 years old love to come up with riddles, the game is lively.

"Who is whom (how) will?"

Game progress: The game is good because you can play with the company and together with the child anywhere. Ask each other questions, make sure that the baby answers the question correctly.

Who will be the egg? (may be a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake.)

Chicken - a rooster;

The boy is a man;

A calf - a cow or a bull - paper - a book;

Snow - water;

Water - ice;

Seed - a flower;

Flour - pancakes;

The opposite game"Who was who?"

Horse - foal

Flower - seed

"Third wheel"

Game progress: An adult says three words - an owl, a crow, a fox. The child should quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words refer to wildlife, however, an owl and a crow are birds, and a fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.

More examples for younger preschoolers:

Milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice, but eat bread;

Car, horse, tram;

Hat, scarf, boots;

Rose, birch, tree.

For children 5-7 years old, tasks become more complicated:

Rain, snow, river;

Doctor, tourist, driver;

Shadow, sun, planet;

Frost, blizzard, January;

Stone, clay, glass;

Door, carpet, window;

Sea, river, swimming pool.

"What happens?"

Game progress: First, the adult asks questions, and the child answers. Then you need to give the child the opportunity to express themselves.


What is high? (tree, pole, person, house). Here it is appropriate to ask which is higher - a tree or a house; person or pole.

What is long? (short)

What is wide (narrow) ?

What is round (square) ?

A variety of concepts can be included in the game: what is fluffy, soft, hard, sharp, cold, white, black, etc.

"What's outside, what's inside?"

Game progress: The adult names a couple of objects, and the child says what can be outside and what can be inside. House - closet; book - cabinet; purse; wallet-money; pan - porridge; aquarium - fish; booth - dog; nora - fox.

Then switch roles - let the child think of pairs of words.

"Who is this?"

Game progress:

1 option: We ask questions: who treats the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who is preparing dinner? Who is working on the tractor? Who delivers letters and newspapers? Who sews the dress?

Option 2: Questions: what does a janitor do? What does the doctor do? What does an electrician do? What does the teacher do? What does the driver do? What does a painter do? What does a hairdresser do?

3 option: Thinking up riddles. For example: this person works on the street, he has a broom, a shovel.

4 option:"Who needs what?" What does the postman need? What does a hairdresser need? And vice versa: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?

"Guess the object by its parts"

Game progress: Name the parts of an object for children. The first person to guess what it is about gets one point. This option is good because you can play together with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line to see a doctor, etc.


Four legs, back, seat.

Numbers, arrows.

Letters, pictures, sheets.

Trunk, branches, leaves.

Root, stem, leaves, petals.

Screen, buttons, electric cord, remote control.

Spout, handle, lid, electric cord.

Paws, tail, collar.

Paws, tail, trunk.

At first glance, everything seems too simple? But in fact, not all children can describe objects. Try it!

"Guess the item from the description"

Game progress: The conditions of the game are the same as in the previous one. But the task here is more difficult. It is necessary not only to find the correct definitions of objects, but also to correctly coordinate adjectives and nouns by gender, as well as to know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.

Wild animal, lives in the forest, big, shaggy, loves honey.

A wild animal, cunning, red, with a fluffy tail.

An insect, with multi-colored wings, looks like a flower.

Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.

A vegetable, red, round, it is put in a salad and in borscht.

Sweet, small, in a beautiful piece of paper.

"Think and choose!"

Game progress: Now I will read you a proverb, and you try to find a suitable phrase for it that reflects the general meaning of the proverb, for example:

Measure seven times, cut once

a) If he himself cut off incorrectly, then do not blame the scissors

b) Before doing, you need to think carefully

c) The seller measured seven meters of fabric and cut

The correct choice here is "Before you do, you need to think carefully", and the scissors or the seller are just details and do not reflect the main meaning.

Sample tasks:

1. Less is better.

a) one good book read more useful than seven bad ones.

b) One delicious cake is worth ten bad ones.

c) It is not the quantity that matters, but the quality.

2. Hurry - make people laugh.

a) The clown makes people laugh.

b) To do a job better, you need to think about it well.

c) Haste can lead to ridiculous results.

3. Strike while the iron is hot.

a) A blacksmith forges hot iron.

b) If there are favorable opportunities for business, you should immediately use them.

c) A blacksmith who works slowly often gets more done than one who is in a hurry.

4. There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked.

a) You should not blame the cause of failures on circumstances, if the matter is in yourself.

b) Good quality mirrors do not depend on the frame, but on the glass itself.

c) The mirror hangs crooked.

5. The hut is not red with corners, but with pies.

a) You can’t eat only pies, you have to eat rye bread.

6) The case is judged by the results.

c) One delicious cake is worth ten bad ones.

6. Did the job - walk boldly.

a) If you did a good job, you can rest.

b) The boy went for a walk.

7. Skillful hands do not know boredom.

a) Petr Ivanovich never gets bored.

b) A master of his craft loves and knows how to work.

8. Do not sit in your sleigh.

a) If you don't know something, don't take it.

b) In winter they ride on a sleigh, and in summer on a cart.

c) Ride only on your sleigh.

9. Not all that glitters is gold.

a) The copper bracelet shone like gold.

b) External brilliance is not always combined with good quality.

c) What seems good to us is not always good.

Sabina Trushanova
Card file of didactic games

Who flies

Children stand in one line. The facilitator explains the rules of the game: “I will name different objects or animals. If I call something flying - an airplane or a sparrow - you must raise both hands up, if it is not flying, do not raise it. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Sparrow. - Crow.

Bee. - Dragonfly.

Ladybug. - Dog.

Elephant. - Cat.

Rocket. - Table.

Snake. - Clouds.

Eagle. Etc.

Define the words

Goal: vocabulary activation, development of coherent speech, attention, thinking

Game progress: I will start and you will finish:

Mom (what) - kind, affectionate, strict

Holiday (what) - cheerful, long-awaited

Give action to words

Goal: vocabulary activation, development of coherent speech, attention

Game progress: I will start talking, and you will finish:

Mom (what she does) - erases, cooks, helps ...

Holiday (a hundred does) - comes, comes, pleases ...

Vice versa

Purpose: to form the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning

Game progress: I will start, and you will continue:

Merry holiday - sad

Big gift - small

Light sky...

Clean dress...

Good mood - …

Warm weather - …

Where is Petrushka?

Visual material: doll furniture, toy Petrushka

Game progress: the teacher moves Petrushka in the doll room: he puts him on a chair, on a diva, at the table, hides it behind a closet, behind a sofa.

Children explain where Petrushka is - Petrushka is sitting on a chair.

fourth extra

Purpose: to develop attention, intelligence, evidence-based speech

Game progress: listen and say which word is superfluous and why:

Plate, glass, cow, cup

Cup, glass, plate, mug

With a bear

Purpose: to learn to use the verb LIE in the imperative mood

Visual material: teddy bear, bed

Game progress:

B: this bear willingly lays on the side, back, stomach. You have to ask him about it.

Children ask for a bear using the verb LEG

Complicating the task, the teacher creates a new game situation with any other toy.

Talking on the phone

Purpose: to develop spatial representations. Encourage the use of words in speech: UP, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, STRAIGHT.

Game progress: in one city on one site there were two large houses. The cat Leopold, the crocodile Gena, the gingerbread man and the wolf lived in the same house. A fox, a hare, Cheburashka and a mouse lived in another house. One evening the cat Leopold, the crocodile Gena, the gingerbread man and the wolf decided to call their neighbors. Guess who called who?

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Man and animals"

Purpose: to consolidate in children the ability to use a simple common sentence, to use the form correctly accusative, consolidate the skill of dialogue speech.

Game progress: animals and birds came to the man and said:

give us a job

What can you do?

The horse said: "I will carry loads"

The sheep said: "I will give wool"

Dog - guard the house

Hens - lay eggs

Cockerel - wake everyone up early in the morning.

Guess the object by the names of its parts

Purpose: activating the dictionary, fixing the names of familiar objects.

Game progress:

Bottom, walls, lid, handles (pan)

Head, body, paws, wings (bird)

Who has whom?

Purpose: practical assimilation of a compound sentence with an adversative conjunction A

Visual material: subject pictures with animals and their cubs

Game progress: first, the children match simple sentences type: "A cow has a calf"

Then, following the model of the educator, they make compound sentences for two pairs of pictures: “The cow has a calf, and the goat has a goat”

Call it in one word

Purpose: to teach to enrich objects with one word, to enrich vocabulary.

Material: pictures of piano, violin, drum, saw, axe, planer, sewing machine, scissors, needle, etc.

Game progress: Group these items.

Questions: how can these objects be called in one word? Why is it possible to group like this? Come up with your own symbol for any group

word game

Purpose: to teach to synthesize and group words according to their characteristics. Development of attention

Game progress:

1. Q: now I will name a few words, and you try to remember them. Elephant, hare, TV, chicken, closet, mouse, wolf, sofa, armchair, bear. Repeat! Do you think it is possible to divide these words into groups? Remember the animals first? List the pieces of furniture.

2. B: names the words: falcon, sieve, pine, sundress, barn, Snow Maiden. Name the words you remember. Do these words have something in common (begin with the letter C). If you know how to spell the letter C, write it down. Think of words that begin with this letter.

Find out by description

Goal: continue to teach how to write descriptive stories, recognize the subject from the description

Material: pictures of items with slight differences in appearance

Game progress: each of the children has 2-3 pictures. The teacher describes an object. The children have to guess what the picture is about and show it.


1. children explain their choice

2. the role of the driver is performed by the child

guess the sound

1. raise your right hand if you hear the sound [c] in the words:

baby elephant, Zoya, sled, mattress, gold…

2. clap your hands 1 time if you hear the sound [h], 2 times - the sound [c], get up if you hear the sound [c].

Chicken, swift, heron, puppy, siskin, son.

Heron important nosed,

Standing all day like a statue

The dog yearns on the chain

And try to unhook;

The kite is circling in the sky

Third hour in a row

But to him, the robber

Don't steal chickens.


1. exercise children in compiling descriptive stories

2. develop the ability to listen carefully to a friend

Game progress: the driver describes an object without naming it. The rest of the players must recognize the item from the description. The one who named him correctly becomes the leader.

Q: Guys, I will remind you a plan to help you when describing the subject:

Tell us what material it is made of, what parts it consists of, what shapes they are, if any, then tell me what patterns it is decorated with. At the end, what can it be used for?

Use every moment

Children, probably, more than once looked at illustrations in books and told what they depicted. Now, no more than half a minute is given to examine an unfamiliar picture, and during this time the picture is covered for a couple of times, the light is extinguished for a short time, etc. And yet you need to tell in detail what is shown on it, remembering even minor details. To do this, you need to fully mobilize your attention and really be able to use every moment. The winner is the one who managed to notice more than others.

Taste and smell

1. imagine LEMON

What does it taste like?

Do you remember what lemon smells like? Tell

Imagine that you are holding a lemon in your hand. What do you feel?

2. draw a lemon

3. imagine ORANGE

What does it taste like?

How does it smell?

What colour?

What do you feel?

4. draw an orange

5. Tell us the difference between an orange and a lemon. How are they similar?

What changed?

Purpose: development of attention, coherent speech, the ability to describe the subject.

Game progress: objects are placed on the table in a certain sequence.

Q: look carefully at the objects, remember how they are located. Then, when you turn away, I will change something. When you turn back, you should carefully look at how the items are lying and tell me what has changed?


1. Describe an item that is gone

2. tell about the place where he stood

3. what sound did the name of this item begin with

4. What other items have this sound in their names?

Match fruits and vegetables by color

Purpose: sensory development

Progress: children are offered a series of pictures depicting vegetables and fruits. After consideration: arrange them by color

Change the offer

Purpose: to learn to correctly agree on nouns, adjectives and verbs

Move: listen to the first sentence and complete the second sentence in the same way

Lena is watering the flowers, Lena and Kolya ...

What do you have?

Material: each table has 1 picture

Game progress: the teacher asks: “What do you have in the picture?”

Children answer:

We have a flag

We have flags

We have a house

We have at home

one and many


Pictures by the number of children depicting 1 or more items

Game progress: the teacher distributes pictures. Asks to name the objects drawn in the pictures. Children answer:

I have a window

I have windows

Then they make pairs of pictures according to the principle: one - many.

Sweet words

Purpose: activation of affectionate nouns

Game progress: let's turn all the words that you hear into affectionate ones:

Sledge - sled

mountain - hill

Winter - winter

Fur coat - fur coat

Hat - hat

Olga Abashkina
Didactic game"Guess the profession" (for children 5-7 years old)

The didactic game is intended for older children.

It helps to introduce children to various professions, including

occupations of workers kindergarten and schools.

Target: To expand the knowledge and ideas of children about professions. Continue to acquaint with the professions of kindergarten workers.


1 option:

Children are invited to dress the doll in a costume, but first they need to guess the riddle in which the name of the profession is encrypted.


1. Who is the most useful in the days of illness

And cures us of all diseases?


2. This sorceress, this artist,

Not brushes and paints, but a comb and scissors.

She has a mysterious power:

Whoever touches, he will become beautiful.


3. The bell rang loudly,

Lesson started in class

Student and parent know

Will give a lesson.


4. All products are on display: vegetables, nuts, fruits

Offers tomato and cucumber.


5. Teaches us politeness, reads a story aloud

Not a teacher, not a writer, these are children.


6. Whoever helps the teacher will clean everything in the group,

Feed the children, put them to bed, put things in order everywhere?

(assistant teacher)

7. He knows for sure that the kids are fed deliciously.


8. To make vaccinations on time, give a lesson in hygiene

To make our children healthier than anyone in the world

On duty since morning.


Option 2:

Game "I will start, and you continue":

The doctor treats people to.

The teacher teaches at school to.

The educator educates children in order to.

Synopsis of GCD for children 5-6 years old: "In the spring forest"

Kitsan Anzhela Ilyinichna, educator, GBOU "Gymnasium No. 1551", Moscow
Target: reinforcing children's ideas about spring.
- to clarify the signs of spring;
- to consolidate knowledge about migratory and sedentary birds;
- expand children's knowledge about trees;
- to fix the rules of behavior in the forest;
- educate love for nature, the desire to save it.
Types of children's activities: playful, educational, communicative.
Age group: children 5-6 years old.
Materials and equipment: presentation with slides of birds and animals of our band; woodman toy; audio recording of "Voices of Birds".
Lesson progress:
Educator: - When I came to work in the morning, I saw an envelope on the window. Who left it and for whom is unknown. I don't know what to do with it. Can you guys tell me. (children's answers)
- Okay, let's print it out and read it. The letter came from an old man - a forester. Here is what he writes: “Dear guys! I invite you to the spring forest. I want to introduce you to the forest dwellers.
Educator: - Well, guys, will we accept the proposal of the old man-forester?
-Then let's not hesitate, let's go for a walk in the forest.
Educator: Look guys, what a beautiful joyful picture. (slide depicting early spring in the forest)
What season is shown here? Why do you think so? (children's answers)
- The first rays of the sun warmed the earth. And now the first flowers have blossomed on the thawed patches.
-Which of you knows what they are called? (snowdrops)
-Why are they called snowdrops? (appear from under the snow)
-Well done! And now we'll play a little.
Didactic game: "I will start, and you continue"
The sun in the spring (what?)
Snow in the spring (what does it do?)
Land in the spring (what?)
Snowdrops in the forest (what are they doing?)
Trees (What are they doing?)
There are leaves on the trees (what are they doing?)
Leaves on the trees (what?)
Educator: -Here we are in the forest. And how many different trees grow here! (tree slide).
Who can name the trees that grow here? If there are many birch trees in the forest, what is the name of such a forest? (birch grove) And if there are a lot of fir trees? (spruce forest) What are the names of the leaves of spruce and pine? (needles) What are the names of the trees with leaves. (deciduous) Do you know the leaves of the trees? (children's answers)
-Let's play with you. Didactic game "Recognize the tree by the leaf"
The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher.
Children imitate movements.
Educator: - Well done, rest and continue. Look at the next slide. (slide with migratory birds)
- Name the birds you see. (swallows, swifts, starlings, nightingales and others) What are they called? (migratory) Why do they fly away in autumn and return in spring? What are the names of the birds that remain? (settled) Can you name them? (ravens, sparrows, pigeons, tits and others)
- In the forest, the sonorous voices of returning birds are heard. The forest is filled with the chirping of the waxwing, the cawing of the crow, the cooing of the dove and the slender play of the nightingale.
- Listen to the voices of birds and try to find out which bird sings how.
Didactic game: "Whose voice?" (phonogram with the sounds of bird voices)
Educator: - Well done, and you coped with this task. Guys, let's see how wild animals survived the winter. (slide with hibernating animals)
-Name the animals you see. How did they spend the winter?
- Raccoon, badger, hedgehog, mole and bear - sleep in winter. In summer and autumn, they ate a lot, accumulated fat so that there would be enough reserves until spring.
- And how did the rest of the animals spend the winter? (slide with wild animals of our band)
-That's right, rodents - made stocks, predators - hunted, ungulates mined roots, grass, twigs tearing snow.
Educator: What will birds and animals do with the onset of spring? (children's answers)
- Birds will build nests and lay eggs, and wild animals will insulate burrows and breed.
Didactic game: "Gather a family" ( Children are offered the mother of the animal, they need to find the father and the cub. For example: bear-bear-bear cub)
Educator: So our walk through the spring forest has come to an end. While we were walking, the woodman sent you another letter. Let's read it: “Guys, so that wild animals can live peacefully in the forest, the singing of birds can always be heard, the fragrance of flowers can be felt, take care of the forest! Do not litter in the forest, do not make noise, do not destroy nests, do not frighten wild animals. The forest is not only a green home for birds and animals, but it is also our home.
Listen to an instructive story that G. Ladonshchikov wrote for you.
mistress squirrel in the forest
Collected nuts.
She is in the forest every bitch,
And every bush knew.
One day in the forest a nasty type,
Came with a big bag.
Carelessly kicked down a mushroom,
And swore loudly.
He threw away the bush and, like a bear,
I went satisfied
And the poor squirrel and look
It hurt.
Educator: Never forget how to behave in the forest. Guys, look whose brown hat is peeking out from behind a bush. Yes, it's a lumberjack. (the teacher takes out the toy) Thank you for the exciting walk through the spring forest. We promise that we will not forget everything we saw and learned here. See you again.

We play with children


The world of childhood is impossible to imagine without a fairy tale. Often in fairy tales there are proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which is not always clear to preschoolers.

Outstanding teachers K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova, A.M. Leushina and others have repeatedly spoken about the possibilities that are inherent in folklore as a means of speech development preschoolers.

Proverbs and sayings - Russian treasures folk speech and folk wisdom: they are full of vivid images, often built on original consonances and rhymes. This phenomenon is not only language, but also art, contact with which is very important for children. They concentrate and generalize the experience of generations, cultural heritage people. A proverb is a short saying with an edifying meaning; proverb - an expression, mostly figurative, which, unlike a proverb, does not constitute a complete statement and is not an aphorism. It must be remembered: proverbs are built on antithesis, most often they have a direct and figurative meaning. Syntactically, they are divided into two parts, and the second part contains a conclusion, morality, sometimes instructive meaning, for example "Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years." The saying does not have a moralizing, instructive meaning, however, it is characterized by metaphor: “I killed two birds with one stone. Seven Fridays in a week. Lost in three pines. The child must not only understand these capacious, well-aimed expressions, but also be able to use them in life. To this end, we suggest you play these games with your child.

Didactic game "I will start, and you continue"


· learn to understand figurative words in proverbs and sayings;

· develop interest in the meaning of the word;

· Learn to actively use them in speech.

Strong friendship with water - (you won’t spill it).

Alone in the field - (not a warrior).

The stupid ones quarrel, but the smart ones (negotiate).

A rolling stone gathers no moss).

Measure seven times - (cut one).

What goes around comes around).

Didactic game "Guess".


· to teach to understand figurative words in proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, to actively use them in speech;

· to develop an understanding of such a linguistic phenomenon as the polysemy of a word.


What do they hang when they get discouraged? (Hang your nose.)

Not flowers, but wither? (Ears wilt.)

What can be heard in complete silence? (Like a fly flies by.)

What can you drown in sadness? (In tears.)

What part of the face is inflated when offended? (Pout lips.)

What can be found in the field? (Look for the wind in the field.)

Didactic game "In a word".


· to teach to explain the meaning of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units;

· to acquaint with the fact that words have meaning meaning, in conversation they must be used in accordance with the meaning;

· develop analytical thinking.

Pout your lips. (Get offended.)

Like snow on your head. (Suddenly.)

It flew out of my head. (Forget.)

As per command. (Friendly.)

From all legs. (Fast.)

Give a hand. (Close.)