The giant gorged on a visit was put up for him. Separating b and b signs Generalization and systematization of the outline of the lesson in the Russian language (grade 5) on the topic. Studying the lesson material

Children, of course, delight!
Climbing into a washing machine, climbing onto a giant chair or lying in a washbasin the size of a mini-pool - like scenes from the movie "Honey, I Shrunk Our Children" or lines from the book "The Adventures of Karik and Vali".
Only in Moscow there is a place where all this is real

2. The Moscow giant, of course, is a modern man. In the hallway, he has an iPod and iPhone lying around, among which the hostess, who receives guests, comfortably settled down.

3. From the hallway you get to the kitchen, where a giant baby doll from Soviet childhood sits on a huge table.
A baby doll the size of an average family put together.

4. What do we have for lunch there? Borscht on the stove

5. You need to be careful with the microwave. Those who misbehave are put there to roast with grilled chicken.

6. If the microwave is busy, you will be sent to the washing machine, the main thing is that there is no claustrophobia and everything is in order with the vestibular apparatus

7. Linen is dried here.
Who can guess the size?

8. In general, in the giant's house you need to be extremely careful.
To avoid accidents

9. Giant's bathroom.
In principle, if you draw water into the washbasin, it can play the role of a pool

10. Dad, use the plunger.......

11. House through the eyes of a Soviet baby doll.
The people here seem tiny

12. About the same

13. Living room and giant armchair

14. Be careful, you can fall into a jar of condensed milk

15. Smoking is harmful

16. Feel like a star on the catwalk

17. Watch Out... Cockroaches Are Giant Too

18. Trying to steal the giant's shoes...
Heavy ((((It did not work ...

The giant's house is located in Moscow, in the very center - on Arbat, 16.
By the way, bloggers are promised free entry)

My previous photo essays and photo stories:

When using materials or photographs, an active link to the source is required


Target: Create conditions for repeating and practicing the spelling of words with a separating hard or separating soft sign.


Systematize knowledge about the spelling of words with this spelling.

Improve the skills of analysis and synthesis.

Develop reflective skills and abilities.

· Analysis of word structure.

· Possession of the skills of analysis, reasoning from particular phenomena to general patterns, synthesis and creation of a scheme of the studied linguistic phenomenon.

· Ability to formulate, argue and express an opinion in the course of a collective discussion.

Planned results

Personal Outcomes

· Awareness of the special role of the letters b and b sign in the Russian language.

Development of the need for independent initiative reading, possible access to an individual subject project "Tales and poems about b and b signs"

Metasubject Results

Cognitive results

predict the learning situation;

build reasoning from particular phenomena to general patterns;

Summarize the received information;

Regulatory results

identify their own problems and relate them to the topic and purpose of the lesson;

independently formulate learning tasks for the lesson, work plan;

Perform individual and team assignments different kind in accordance with the goal;

evaluate their activities, arguing the reasons for achieving or not achieving the planned result.

Communication results

· argue your position and express it in the course of a collective discussion;

adequately use speech means, evaluate their actions, evaluate the result;

display in speech the content of their actions.

Subject Results

Knowledge of the rules for choosing the right letter when spelling words with a given spelling.

Formation of skill practical application rules, graphic designation of spelling.



Subject: Separating b and b signs. Generalization of the studied material.

Target: Create conditions for repeating and practicing the spelling of words with a separating hard or separating soft sign.


  • To systematize knowledge about the spelling of words with a given spelling.
  • Improve your analysis and synthesis skills.
  • Develop reflective skills and abilities.

The main content of the topic, terms and concepts

  • Word structure analysis.
  • Possession of the skills of analysis, reasoning from particular phenomena to general patterns, synthesis and creation of a scheme of the studied linguistic phenomenon.
  • Ability to formulate, argue and express an opinion in the course of a collective discussion.

Planned results

Personal Outcomes

  • Awareness of the special role of the letters b and b sign in the Russian language.
  • Development of the need for independent initiative reading, possible access to the individual subject project "Tales and poems about b and b signs"

Metasubject Results

Cognitive results

  • predict the learning situation;
  • build reasoning from particular phenomena to general patterns;
  • summarize the information received;

Regulatory results

  • identify their own problems and relate them to the topic and purpose of the lesson;
  • independently formulate learning objectives for the lesson, work plan;
  • perform individual and collective tasks of various types in accordance with the goal;
  • evaluate their activities, arguing the reasons for achieving or not achieving the planned result.

Communication results

  • argue your position and express it in the course of a collective discussion;
  • adequately use speech means, evaluate their actions, evaluate the result;
  • display the content of their actions in speech.

Subject Results

  • Knowing the rules for choosing the right letter when spelling words with a given spelling.
  • Formation of the skill of practical application of the rule, graphic designation of the spelling.

During the classes


and development components
and exercises

Teacher activity

Activities carried out

cooperation organizations

Formed Skills
learning activities)

1. Motivation (self-determination)

To learning activities

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the studied material

Hello! Greet each other: Shoulder partners give five to each other; partners in the face - bang your fists and smile at each other.


- Sit comfortably. Today we will work in pairs and groups. And what do we need for this?

Let's try to remember the rules of conduct with the help of a short poem. I start the line, you continue, do not forget to raise your hand, do not interrupt your comrade.

Be diligent in class

Be calm and...(attentive).

All write, do not lag behind,

Listen, don't ... (interrupting).

Speak clearly, clearly

For everything to be ... (understandable).

If you want to answer

You need a hand ... (raise).

Be diligent in class

Don't talk: you don't...(forty) .

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush ... (interrupt).

And if you want to help a friend -

Take it easy...(hand).

- That is, in relation to the partner, we should be: ....

For working in groups today in the lesson, you will receive tokens. We will summarize at the end of the lesson.

Listen to teachers, participate
in dialogue with the teacher; place educational materials in the workplace, demonstrate readiness for the lesson


Personal: have a positive attitude to learning, cognitive activity, they want to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones.

Cognitive: understand the cognitive task.

Regulatory: plan (in cooperation with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations.

Communicative:work in pairs (exchange views, learn to understand the partner’s position, including those different from their own)

2 . Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students.

Determining the topic of the lesson

FINK-RIGHT-ROUND ROBIN(“think-write-discuss in a team.” During this structure, participants think about a statement or answer to a question, write down and take turns discussing their answers in a team

Open your notebooks, write down today's date.

To determine the topic of our lesson, solve riddles, write down the answers in a notebook. After I read the last riddle, after consulting in my group, name the topic of the lesson.

1) These little birds

Sing great masters

On a birch among the branches

Trill start ... (nightingales)

2) Without what in the world

Adults can not live and children?

Who will support you friends?

Your friendly ... (family)

3) A leaflet hangs on a pole, there are few lines in it, “buy”, “sell” or “change”, “give away”(announcement)

4) From sand, dry blades of grass,
Needles, clay and specks -
House cozy for family
Building together...

5) Insert the key into the intercom, click and ended up in it(entrance)

6 ) Who all night long
Does he sing snow songs?
Wind - winter friend,
Snowdrifts will sweep ...

Look at words, analyze them, consult in groups,what is the topic of the lesson?

Separating b and b signs

Write the topic in your notebook!

And to determine the objectives of the lesson, we write a sentence

With… huddled from in… south a sparrow… and on trees… yah.

What did you need to write down the proposal? What tasks will we set for ourselves?

Tasks: What else do you need?

1) We must remember the rule

2) how to write words with ь and ъ sign

And most importantly...

3) bring our knowledge about b and b signs into the system

Answer questions, build clear statements for the partner


Personal: are motivated to learn.

Cognitive: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized

noah and mental form; carry out logical operations to solve educational problems.

Regulatory: accept

and save the learning task.

Communicative:ask questions, listen and answer questions of others, formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view

3. Actualization of knowledge.

Testing the assimilation of materials.SIMALTINIUSS ROUND TABLE

perform written assignments, and at the end pass them around to a neighbor for verification


To check how well you know the rule, we will perform various tasks.

The first task is called

Dictation "Plus - minus."

You write down words from dictation if the word is written with a dividing soft or solid sign, then put a plus, if it is not written, then put a minus.

Drink, hare, icicle, vegetable, ate, woman, hospital, mail, loach, wedge, departure heart, street, hugs

First, CHECK EACH OTHER, pass the notebooks to the person who is sitting opposite - your partners in the face,

Now, use the standard, pay attention to the correctness of the task performed

The next task is called

Thoughts on the table.

Don't forget, the work is collaborative

I suggest that you write down only 8 words per rule passed. Then everyone, in turn, in a circle explains the spelling of his word, the guys in the group can correct a friend, if necessary

1 In ... south, 2 from ... rides, 3 p ... esa, 4 s ... there, 5 bul ... he, 6 s ... capacity, 7 champagne ... he, 8 bearish

For the final checkuse the standard


Did the job cause problems? Were there any mistakes?

Why do you think?

What needs to be done to eliminate these difficulties

(Repeat the rule, i.e. systematize our knowledge)

To do this, open the textbooks on p. 114, everyone will read the rule again on their own.

Then, each group receives a task - these are the words for the passed rule, the spelling in which you must explain b or b.

For the answer, you will select 1 student in the group.

Groups receive words:






Advise and respond

Each group gets a token for a correct explanation.

Fine. We repeated the rule. What else do you think we need to think through or come up with to bring our knowledge into a system?

Think over a reference scheme that you can rely on for the use of b and b signs

Formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view; in collaboration with the teacher and classmates draw conclusions.

Group, individual.

Personal: have a desire to be aware of their difficulties and strive to overcome them; demonstrate the ability to self-evaluate their actions, deeds.

Cognitive: establish causal relationships, draw conclusions.

Regulatory: realize the insufficiency of their knowledge.

Communicative:asking questions to get the information needed to solve a problem.

4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparing students for generalized activities

Reproduction on a new level (reformulated surveys).

and systematization of knowledge, the formation of rational ways to apply them in practice. Written work, selection of own examples illustrating the nature of the studied linguistic phenomenon, compiling coherent stories
about the studied norms




To bring our knowledge into a system, we need teamwork, all your knowledge on the topic covered,


To do this, each group receives its own task:

1 group will have to come up with a reference diagram with examples for the separating b signillustrating the rule

Group 2 will have to come up with a reference diagram with examples for the dividing b signillustrating the rule

3 group will have to come up with a scheme for exceptions

4 group come up with their own algorithm for writing the ь sign, explain with an example

Group 5 come up with their own algorithm for writing the sign, explain with an example

Scheme for 1 group

Scheme for group 2

For group 3

For 4 groups

2) If it is ...., check which letter it ends with and which letter ... is before

3) If .... ends with ...., then before letters e, e, u, i is written…..

For group 5

1) Determine .... words where the spelling is ... sign

4) If this is a spelling in ...., before the letters ... .. it is written ... ... ..

5) In some words of foreign origin, it is written ... .. before the letter .... and these words are necessary……(……….)

After you have prepared, the 2nd member of the group goes to the board and announces the rule


Receive tokens for a correctly completed task

Well done!

What did we get? Your collective work has helped us together in a short time to create schemes that will help you cope with any task for the passed rule!!!

Now that we have managed to create both the circuit and the algorithm, what are you ready for?

To the application of the rule in practice!

Complete tasks without errors!

  1. Let's complete the task ROUND TABLE

Each group has a text about the giant Eating, the text is passed around in a circle in the group, you must insert the missing letters into it, consulting, using the resulting algorithm,

And as soon as the letters are inserted, the text is posted by 3 responders and is checked against the standard.

Time has gone.

"Giant Ob...atelo was visiting."

“They gave him treats ... me. Varen… me and salty… me. Bad ... yu broth. Puff pies. Olad ... and yes pancakes. Bull ... and tails and chickens ... and wings. He drank, ate, ate, ate, ate a lot, but he remained hungry as he was.


Well done, coped with the task, applying the scheme.

Get Tokens

In cooperation with the teacher and classmates, they draw conclusions, complete a written task in rows, work
with textbook

Frontal, individual

Personal: aware of their learning potential. Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the listened explanation of the teacher, the statements of classmates, systematize their own knowledge.

Regulatory: plan the necessary actions, operations, act according to the plan.

Communicative:build small monologues, carry out joint activities, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks

5. Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

Disclosure of the essence of new concepts, assimilation of new ways of educational and mental activity of students.



Round Robin

Task 2

The next task for the speed of your reaction and attentiveness

The team must find words throughout the class and distribute them according to the rule.

Listen to the task carefully.

In the class, words are fixed for the passed rule, your task is to find them and fix them on the board. In total, the members of each group must find and fix 5 words on the board. I turn on the music and as long as it plays, the members of the group search for the words. As soon as the music ends, everyone except the 4 students who will answer sit down in their seats.

Listen carefully! Tasks for groups will be very different

Task for 1 group

Find exception words where the separator character is written before the letter O

Task for group 2

Find words with a separating sign at the root of the word

friends at night

Task for group 3

Find words with a separator ъ after prefixes

Task for group 4

Find words where there is no ь separating sign (ъ in these words softening)


Task for group 5

Find words where there is no dividing sign ь (ь in these words is written with nouns and verbs after hissing)

Get carried away, blush, rye, meet


Number 4 reads words, check


What helped you complete the task correctly?

Task 3 is called CORRECT THE MISTAKE

You will have to correct mistakes in words with a separator ь and ъ sign, passing the task in a circle in a group. You can check and correct each other, think together.

At the end of the task, you will enter in the answer of the task the number of inserted ь and ъ characters

I turn on the music - Time has gone, turn it off - it's over

Cross out and correct each group in your text

  1. sewing a dress,
  2. the murmur of a stream,
  3. eat leaves,
  4. filming monkey,
  5. drove up to the entrance
  6. dine on jam
  7. bird families,
  8. evil blizzard
  1. sewing a dress,
  2. babbling stream,
  3. eat leaves,
  4. monkey shot,
  5. drove up to the entrance
  6. eat jam,
  7. bird families,
  8. evil blizzard

Answer: In the corrected words, it turned out to be dividing ... .. b signs and .... b signs.

Answer: 9-th and 5-th


For the right amount

b 1 token, b 1 more token

Take part in training

game, answer questions, complete tasks



Personal: willing to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones.

Cognitive: read
and listen, extracting the necessary information, and also independently find
it in the materials of textbooks, workbooks.

Regulatory: control learning activities, notice mistakes made; understand the rule of control and use it successfully
in solving a learning problem.

Communicative:carry out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks,able to ask questions to clarify the sequence of work

Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions on the studied material



Summing up the work in groups

Token Counting

See how much knowledge in the form of tokens you have earned. I think it says that your knowledge is brought into the system.

Well done, the work in groups turned out.

Reflection Angles

And in order for everyone to be able to evaluate their work in the lesson, you must go to the corners, depending on how you evaluate what you have achieved today in the lesson

1 corner in 1 corner go those of the guys who coped with all the tasks, understood the topic well, can help

2 corner those guys who coped with all the tasks without difficulty go to the second corner, but they cannot help in explaining the material

3 corner those guys who completed the tasks go to the third corner, but they still need help

4 corner those guys who generally mastered the topic, but made mistakes, will stand up

You see how well you did, now you can play the role of a teacher and explain the topic to a friend.

1) write an essay about the role of b and b signs or a fairy tale about b and b signs

or rule and exercise 82

in the lesson of information, assessment


Personal: have a desire to learn new activities, to participate
in the creative process.

Cognitive: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, conclusions.

Dictation "Plus - minus" I drink (+), hare (+), entry (+), beat (+), postman (-), vegetable (-), ate (+), woman (-), mail (-) , loach (+) , departure (+) , street (-) , hugs (+) , heart (-)

Thoughts on the table Blizzard, departure, play, eat, broth, shooting, champignon, bearish

Explanation of the use of ъ and ъ signs Group 1 MONKEY Group 2 SHOOTING Group 3 BROTH Group 4 INTERVIEW Group 5

COLLECT IDEAS 1 group - scheme for b 2 group - scheme for b 3 group - scheme for exceptions 4 group - algorithm for writing ъ sign 5 group - algorithm for writing ъ sign

APPLY THE RULE “The Giant O…atelo was visiting” “They put out a treat for him…I. Varen… me and salty… me. Bad ... yu bul ... she. Puff pies. Olad ... and yes pancakes. Bull ... and tails and chickens ... and wings. He drank, ate, ate, ate, ate a lot, but he remained hungry as he was. ”

“The giant Ob atelo was visiting” “They put out a treat for him. Varenya and salty. Bad yu bul she. Puff pies. Olad and yes pancakes. Bull and tails and chickens and wings. He drank, ate, ate a lot, but he remained hungry as he was.

APPLY THE RULE Task for group 1 Find exception words where the separator sign is written before the letter O Task for group 2 Find words with a separator b at the root of the word Task for group 3 Find words with a separator b after prefixes Task for group 4 Find words , where there is no s separating sign (b softening) Task for group 5 Find words where there is no separating s sign (s written after hissing in nouns and verbs of the 2nd person)

CORRECT THE MISTAKE is sewing a dress the murmuring of a stream eating leaves shooting a monkey drove to the entrance to dine with jam bird families and an evil blizzard

CORRECT THE MISTAKE Answer: In the corrected words, it turned out to be dividing ... .. b signs and .... b signs.

CORRECT THE MISTAKE Answer: In the corrected words, there are 9 b signs and 5 b signs.

Summing up in groups Reflection 1) Stand at the table of the 1st group, those of the guys who coped with all the tasks understood the topic well, can help 2) Stand at the table of the 2nd group, those of the guys who coped with all the tasks without difficulty 3) Stand at table 3 groups those of the guys who coped with the tasks, but find it difficult to explain the topic 4) Stand at the table 4 groups those of the guys who coped, but he needs help

Homework 1) write an essay about the role of b and b signs 2) come up with a fairy tale about b and b signs 3) rule and exercise 82

We explain which letters are missing The homeland of the Russian samovar is the city of Tula. In Rus', samovars of various shapes and volumes have long been made. There were even samovars with removable handles. The Russian family loves to sit by the samovar. The proverb says: "Whoever drinks tea will live for a hundred years."

Spelling of the separating b and b signs 1. In which (their) word(s) is the separating b written? kloch...I in...driving narrow down n...esa 2. Which word(s) does not contain a separating b? in...south under...driving in...driving vol...em medal...he

3 . In which word(s) is the separating ь written? a call ... a call between ... a language fell ... then about ... a monkey ... yana 4. Which word does not contain a separating b? det.

Test yourself: 1- 1.5; 2-1.5; 3 - 2.5; 4 - 2.4

Municipal budgetary educational institution

high school №19

urban district - the city of Kamyshin

Volgograd region

Legal address:city ​​of Kamyshin, microdistrict 5, house 12.

Email: [email protected]

Competitive work

« Separating b and b signs. Generalization of the studied material»

Work completed:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Savchenko Natalya Petrovna

Nata. savchenko2014@ yandex. en

Subject: Separating b and b signs. Generalization of the studied material.

Target: Create conditions for repeating and practicing the spelling of words with a separating hard or separating soft sign.


To systematize knowledge about the spelling of words with a given spelling.

Improve your analysis and synthesis skills.

Develop reflective skills and abilities.

The main content of the topic, terms and concepts

Word structure analysis.

Possession of the skills of analysis, reasoning from particular phenomena to general patterns, synthesis and creation of a scheme of the studied linguistic phenomenon.

Ability to formulate, argue and express an opinion in the course of a collective discussion.

Planned results

Personal Outcomes

Awareness of the special role of the letters b and b sign in the Russian language.

Development of the need for independent initiative reading, possible access to the individual subject project "Tales and poems about b and b signs"

Metasubject Results

Cognitive results

predict the learning situation;

build reasoning from particular phenomena to general patterns;

summarize the information received;

Regulatory results

identify their own problems and relate them to the topic and purpose of the lesson;

independently formulate learning objectives for the lesson, work plan;

perform individual and collective tasks of various types in accordance with the goal;

evaluate their activities, arguing the reasons for achieving or not achieving the planned result.

Communication results

argue your position and express it in the course of a collective discussion;

adequately use speech means, evaluate their actions, evaluate the result;

display the content of their actions in speech.

Subject Results

Knowing the rules for choosing the right letter when spelling words with a given spelling.

Formation of the skill of practical application of the rule, graphic designation of the spelling.

Lesson using the Singapore method

During the classes


and development components
and exercises

Teacher activity

Activities carried out

cooperation organizations

Formed Skills
learning activities)

1. Motivation (self-determination)

to learning activities

Emotional, psychological and motivational preparation of students for the assimilation of the studied material

Hello! Greet each other: Shoulder partners give five to each other; partners in the face - bang your fists and smile at each other.


- Sit comfortably. Today we will work in pairs and groups. And what do we need for this?

Let's try to remember the rules of conduct with the help of a short poem. I start the line, you continue, do not forget to raise your hand, do not interrupt your comrade.

Be diligent in class

Be calm and...(attentive).

All write, do not lag behind,

Listen, don't ... (interrupting).

Speak clearly, clearly

For everything to be ... (understandable).

If you want to answer

You need a hand ... (raise).

Be diligent in class

Don't talk: you don't...(forty) .

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush ... (interrupt).

And if you want to help a friend -

Take it easy...(hand).

- That is, in relation to a partner, we should be: ....

For working in groups today in the lesson, you will receive tokens. We will summarize at the end of the lesson.

Listen to teachers, participate
in dialogue with the teacher; place learning materials in the workplace, demonstrate readiness for the lesson


Personal: have a positive attitude to learning, cognitive activity, they want to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones.

Cognitive: understand the cognitive task.

Regulatory: plan (in cooperation with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations.

Communicative: work in pairs (exchange views, learn to understand the partner’s position, including those different from their own)

2 . Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation of educational activity of students .

Determining the topic of the lesson

FINK-RIGHT-ROUND ROBIN (“think-write-discuss in a team.” During this structure, participants think about a statement or answer to a question, write down and take turns discussing their answers in a team

Open your notebooks, write down today's date.

To determine the topic of our lesson, solve riddles, write down the answers in a notebook. After I read the last riddle, after consulting in my group, name the topic of the lesson.

1) These little birds

Sing great masters

On a birch among the branches

Trill start ... (nightingales)

2) Without what in the world

Adults can not live and children?

Who will support you friends?

Your friendly ... (family)

3) A leaflet hangs on a pole, there are few lines in it, “buy”, “sell” or “change”, “give away”(announcement)

4) From sand, dry blades of grass,
Needles, clay and specks -
House cozy for family
Building together...

5) Insert the key into the intercom, click and ended up in it(entrance)

6 ) Who all night long
Does he sing snow songs?
Wind is a winter friend,
Snowdrifts will sweep ...

Look at words, analyze them, p consult in groups what is the topic of the lesson?

Separating b and b signs

Write the topic in your notebook

And to determine the objectives of the lesson, we write a sentence

With… huddled from in… south a sparrow… and on trees… yah.

What did you need to write down the proposal? What tasks will we set for ourselves?

Tasks: What else do you need?

1) We must remember the rule

2) how to write words with ь and ъ sign

And most importantly...

3) bring our knowledge about b and b signs into the system

Answer questions, build clear statements for the partner


Personal: are motivated to learn.

Cognitive: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized

noah and mental form; carry out logical operations to solve educational problems.

Regulatory: accept

and dryhurt the learning task.

Communicative: ask questions, listen and answer questions of others, formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view

3. Knowledge update.

Testing the assimilation of materials.SIMALTINIUSS ROUND TABLE

perform written assignments, and at the end pass them around to a neighbor for verification


To check how well you know the rule, we will perform various tasks.

The first task is called

Dictation "Plus - minus."

You write down words from dictation, if a dividing soft or hard sign is written in the word, then put a plus, if not written, then put a minus.

Drink, hare, icicle, vegetable, ate, woman, hospital, mail, loach, wedge, departure heart, street, hugs

First, CHECK EACH OTHER, pass the notebooks to the person who is sitting opposite - your partners in the face,

Now, use the standard, pay attention to the correctness of the task performed

The next task is called

Thoughts on the table.

Don't forget, the work is collaborative

I suggest that you write down only 8 words per rule passed. Then everyone, in turn, in a circle explains the spelling of his word, the guys in the group can correct a friend, if necessary

1 In ... south, 2 from ... rides, 3 p ... esa, 4 s ... there, 5 bul ... he, 6 s ... capacity, 7 champagne ... he, 8 bearish

For the final check use the standard


Did the job cause problems? Were there any mistakes?

Why do you think?

What needs to be done to eliminate these difficulties

(Repeat the rule, i.e. systematize our knowledge)

To do this, open the textbooks on p. 114, everyone will read the rule again on their own.

Then, each group receives a task - these are the words for the passed rule, the spelling in which you must explain b or b.

For the answer, you will select 1 student in the group.

Groups receive words:






Advise and respond

Each group gets a token for a correct explanation.

Fine. We repeated the rule. What else do you think we need to think through or come up with to bring our knowledge into a system?

Think over a reference scheme that you can rely on for the use of b and b signs

Formulate their own thoughts, express and justify their point of view; in collaboration with the teacher and classmates draw conclusions.

Group, individual.

Personal: have a desire to be aware of their difficulties and strive to overcome them; demonstrate the ability to self-evaluate their actions, deeds.

Cognitive: establish causal relationships, draw conclusions.

Regulatory: realize the insufficiency of their knowledge.

Communicative: asking questions to get the information needed to solve a problem.

4. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparing students for generalized activities

Reproduction on a new level (reformulated surveys).

and systematization of knowledge, the formation of rational ways to apply them in practice. Written work, selection of own examples illustrating the nature of the studied linguistic phenomenon, compiling coherent stories
about the studied norms




To bring our knowledge into a system, we need teamwork, all your knowledge on the topic covered,


To do this, each group receives its own task:

1 group will have to come up with a reference diagram with examples for the separating b sign illustrating the rule

Group 2 will have to come up with a reference diagram with examples for the dividing b sign illustrating the rule

3 group will have to come up with a scheme for exceptions

4 group come up with their own algorithm for writing the ь sign , explain with an example

Group 5 come up with their own algorithm for writing the sign , explain with an example

Scheme for 1 group

Scheme for group 2

For group 3 (scheme for exceptions)


For 4 groups

2) If it is ...., check which letter it ends with and which letter ... is before

3) If .... ends with ...., then before the letters e, e, u, i is written ... ..

For group 5

1) Determine .... words where the spelling is ... sign

4) If this is a spelling in ...., before the letters ... .. it is written ... ... ..

5) In some words of foreign origin, it is written ... .. before the letter .... and these words are necessary……(……….)

After you have prepared, the 2nd member of the group goes to the board and announces the rule


Receive tokens for a correctly completed task

Well done!

What did we get? Your collective work has helped us together in a short time to create schemes that will help you cope with any task for the passed rule!!!

Now that we have managed to create both the circuit and the algorithm, what are you ready for?

To the application of the rule in practice!

Complete tasks without errors!

Let's complete the task ROUND TABLE

Each group has a text about the giant Eating, the text is passed around in a circle in the group, you must insert the missing letters into it, consulting, using the resulting algorithm,

And as soon as the letters are inserted, the text is posted by 3 responders and is checked against the standard.

Time has gone.

"Giant Ob...atelo was visiting."

“They gave him treats ... me. Varen… me and salty… me. Bad ... yu broth. Puff pies. Olad ... and yes pancakes. Bull ... and tails and chickens ... and wings. He drank, ate, ate, ate, ate a lot, but he remained hungry as he was.


Well done, coped with the task, applying the scheme.

Get Tokens

In cooperation with the teacher and classmates, they draw conclusions, complete a written task in rows, work
with textbook

Frontal, individual

Personal: aware of their learning potential.Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the listened explanation of the teacher, the statements of classmates, systematize their own knowledge.

Regulatory: plan the necessary actions, operations, act according to the plan.

Communicative: build small monologues, carry out joint activities, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks

5. Control of assimilation, discussion of the mistakes made and their correction.

Disclosure of the essence of new concepts, assimilation of new ways of educational and mental activity of students.



Round Robin

Task 2

The next task for the speed of your reaction and attentiveness

The team must find words throughout the class and distribute them according to the rule.

Listen to the task carefully.

In the class, words are fixed for the passed rule, your task is to find them and fix them on the board. In total, the members of each group must find and fix 5 words on the board. I turn on the music and as long as it plays, the members of the group search for the words. As soon as the music ends, everyone except the 4 students who will answer sit down in their seats.

Listen carefully! Tasks for groups will be very different

Task for 1 group

Find exception words where the separator character is written before the letter O

Task for group 2

Find words with a separating sign at the root of the word

friends at night

Task for group 3

Find words with a separator ъ after prefixes

Task for group 4

Find words where there is no ь separating sign (ъ in these words softening)


Task for group 5

Find words where there is no dividing sign ь (ь in these words is written with nouns and verbs after hissing)

Get carried away, blush, rye, meet


Number 4 reads words, check


What helped you complete the task correctly?

Task 3 is called CORRECT THE MISTAKE

You will have to correct mistakes in words with a separator ь and ъ sign, passing the task in a circle in a group. You can check and correct each other, think together.

At the end of the task, you will enter in the answer of the task the number of inserted ь and ъ characters

I turn on the music - Time has gone, turn it off - it's over

Cross out and correct each group in your text

sewing a dress,

the murmur of a stream,

eat leaves,

filming monkey,

drove up to the entrance

dine on jam

bird families,

evil blizzard

sewing a dress,

babbling stream,

eat leaves,

monkey shot,

drove up to the entrance

eat jam,

bird families,

evil blizzard

Answer: In the corrected words, it turned out to be dividing ... .. b signs and .... b signs.

Answer: 9th and 5th


For the right amount

b 1 token, b 1 more token

Take part in training

game, answer questions, complete tasks



Personal: willing to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones.

Cognitive: read
and listen, extracting the necessary information, and also independently find
it in the materials of textbooks, workbooks.

Regulatory: control learning activities, notice mistakes made; understand the rule of control and use it successfully
in solving a learning problem.

Communicative: carry out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks, able to ask questions to clarify the sequence of work


Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Analysis and content of the results of the work, the formation of conclusions on the studied material



Summing up the work in groups

Token Counting

See how much knowledge in the form of tokens you have earned. I think it says that your knowledge is brought into the system.

Well done, the work in groups turned out.

Reflection Angles

And in order for everyone to be able to evaluate their work in the lesson, you must go to the corners, depending on how you evaluate what you have achieved today in the lesson

1 corner in 1 corner go those of the guys who coped with all the tasks, understood the topic well, can help

2 corner those guys who coped with all the tasks without difficulty go to the second corner, but they cannot help in explaining the material

3 corner those guys who completed the tasks go to the third corner, but they still need help

4 corner those guys who generally mastered the topic, but made mistakes, will stand up

You see how well you did, now you can play the role of a teacher and explain the topic to a friend.

1) write an essay about the role of b and b signs or a fairy tale about b and b signs

or rule and exercise 82

in the lesson of information, assessment


Personal: have a desire to learn new activities, to participate
in the creative process.

Cognitive: perform educational and cognitive actions in a materialized and mental form; carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, conclusions.

Regulatory: adequately assess their achievements, realize the difficulties that arise, look for their causes and ways to overcome them.

Communicative: express and justify their point of view

gardeners, how are your pickles and jams stored, have not yet eaten New Year? and got the best answer

Answer from Hedgehog[guru]
the horse has not yet rolled in the blanks ... only they ate crumpled strawberries with sugar .... I’m going to meet my relatives for Christmas ... I’ll take my sister a large amount of strawberry jam. raspberries, plums, honeysuckle, apples .. her family is very eager for him ... I’ll take salted and dried mushrooms ... we’ve done a lot this year with redcurrant and raspberry liqueurs ... we’re slowly eating up adjika, it turned out this year to glory .... raw, from Bulgarian and hot peppers, tomatoes and coriander .... I made blueberries in my own juice .. delicious with cottage cheese ... marinated chopped cucumbers with mustard seeds, pickles and tomatoes .. a lot of pickled mushrooms, a year it was fruitful for mushrooms ... it’s good when there is someone to treat .. we ourselves can’t eatHedgehog
Artificial intelligence
you put me in a dead end .. we don’t have small children ... adjika is moderately spicy .. there are no proportions .. I just put everything that I listed

Answer from Yovetlana Poddubnaya[guru]
Children today are spoiled - they almost don’t eat jam, pickles - they ate a cucumber-tomato and it costs a jar until it gets moldy ...

Answer from Ksyunya[guru]
We eat slowly. We are not particularly interested.

Answer from yours[guru]
I do not salt anything, do not marinate and do not roll up.

Answer from Alexei[guru]
No. still just a lot. One hope for the guests. "Wild townspeople" come, longing for natural food and homemade preparations ("wild", as "Ruff" says, who do not grow anything), they "sweep" everything clean. They never even tried many dishes in their life with their McDonalds and cheeseburgers.
Pickled eggplants and tomatoes in apple juice are looked upon as curiosities until tasted. Then just keep them.

Answer from Elena[guru]
Haven't eaten yet)
Mushrooms, cucumbers go well.
For me, a novelty this season is wild strawberry compote with honeysuckle - now my favorite, open it - the aroma is awesome!
Today we opened the first jar of pear juice, I also did it for the first time - the child appreciated it)))
But salads, lecho always remain.
The jam didn't go at all; but recently the granny was taken away - it is decreasing well.
We made a lot of compotes and juice this year.

Answer from Irina Shabalina[guru]
Yes, somehow all these jams and pickles have long passed into the category of ordinary everyday food, for those who do not grow anything they are in the category of holiday dishes :))

Answer from [I Am Your Legend]™[guru]
cucumbers, compotes, juice, etc. still eaten and drunk only 25% of 100%

Answer from Irina Gromova[guru]
Something this year, only juices and compotes are used. We prefer honey to jams, so some of the berries began to be put in the freezer. Yes, vegetables too. I'm already thinking about buying another freezer, and I also need to reconsider the amount grown. I will probably expand with flowers.

Answer from Valentina Grigorieva[guru]
We “got drunk”, we don’t want anything, we drink compotes so lazily, but the ketchup doesn’t go badly, but otherwise, we distribute it to “wild” (as Alexei says) relatives, once again I’m perplexed - well, why harvest so much. :))

Answer from BERGENIA[guru]
I basically close the cucumbers, except for them we don’t eat anything, we ate half. We are slowly eating jam.

Answer from Ksenia Lapushka[guru]
It's strange, but our family of sweet teeth this season is more attracted to salty. We almost finished the vegetable stew, with an appetite we crunch pickled cucumbers, adjika just flies away, and the jam is worth it.

Answer from Len.to4ka[guru]
Oh, well, where do we plant so many?!

Answer from MILGA MILGA[guru]
I am a city dweller, but not "wild", by the way, out of 36 apartments in my stairwell, only "wild" lives in one. They just started conservation - until December 1, they ate fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers - everything grew in the country until November, and then the turn came to pickles - peppers, tomatoes, eggplants and cabbage, and why I closed 60 bottles of cucumbers and I don’t know myself, but also other vegetables, salads, and freezers? What about compotes and jams? What about dried fruits? And there is no one to treat especially - all relatives also have a lot of everything. Last year, my husband "punished" me - he took and handed over the jars to the scrap, but my "illness" is still the same - an empty jar must be filled with something

Answer from The Scarlet Flower[guru]
Come on, jams, pickles on the festive table, who needs it. Everything leaned more on meat and salads. Compotes really went into business, it’s good to drink them. And I think it will not be soon to eat everything, it will be enough for three years. I’m thinking in the spring to shorten the landing, otherwise there will be nowhere to go. The jam has not even been opened yet, as the frozen berry is full while it is being eaten.