Automation of sound u homework. Automation of the sound "Sch" in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, coherent speech. II. Preparatory stage

Automation of the sound "Sch" in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, coherent speech.

1.Ash, ush, ish, esch, osch, esch, yushch, esch, ysch, yashch.

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, ysh-ysh-ysh.

2.Scha, cabbage soup. Shu, huh, huh.

Sche-shch-shch, shch-shch-shch, shch-shch-shch, shch-shch-shch, shcha-shch-shch, shcha-shch-shch.

3. Bream, thing, cloak, borscht, vegetable, tick, ivy, cartilage, pimple, help, predator, graceful, comrade, helper.

4. Promise, squeak, treat, rotate, crack, forgive, place, turn, plank, return, delight.

Looking for food, dragging, treating, placing, cracking, pike, feel.

5. More, cheeks, brush, click, latch, peeled, paved, thickened.

Shchi, shield, bream, raincoats, squeaks, cracks, protection, crack, sliver, bloodhound, gorge, treat, rotation, forgiveness.

6. Thick, food, grove, sorrel, square, looking for, dragging, shining, splashing, to the touch.

Things, box, vegetables, tongs, drags, welder, racer, seeing, walking, crack, plucking, seething, boiling, buzzing, smoking, trembling.

7.Change words: look for ticks, drag a brush, clean things.

I'm looking for ticks. I'm carrying a brush. I read things.

8. Form new words: nose - nose, strength - strength.

Eye, teeth, boot, leg, head, mustache, house, lips, wolf, hand, bear, fist, ear.

9. Looking for a brush. Boiling cabbage soup. Graceful things. Vegetables on cabbage soup. Sorrel on cabbage soup. Help a friend. There are vegetables in the box. Pinch the sorrel. Treat for the rider. Predatory pike. Looking for ticks. I'm carrying a box.

10. Children are looking for mushrooms. Peter put on a coat. The puppy was given cartilage. A friend came to help Vanya. The moon illuminates the grove. Bream in the lake. Treat a friend. Goldfinches in the grove. A puppy is squeaking in the yard. Wolves roam, looking for food. In the grove, the stork flaps its wings. The stars are shining in the blue sky, the waves are splashing in the blue sea.

Texts for retelling


Vanya was waiting for the rain to stop. But the light rain didn't stop. Vanya didn't have a raincoat. His friend Mitya approached him. He has a raincoat.

Let's put on a raincoat and go together, - said Mitya.

Comrades left. They walked quickly along the boardwalk. Vanya went to his house, said goodbye to Mitya and thanked for the help.


There were two puppies. They went out into the yard. The puppies looked at the sky. Puppies see a yellow shiny semicircle. The puppies are watching, they don't know what it is. And the semicircle became a circle. The puppies were scared.

Let's bark, says one puppy.

Come on, agreed another puppy.

The puppies barked. And the circle rises even higher.

Scared! - the first puppy rejoices.

Runs away! says the other puppy.

Puppies bark merrily.

Vasya has a puppy. He is very small and frail, but very smart and already knows how to protect his master. The puppy loves Vasya very much. And Vasya loves his puppy. He often treats his puppy with either a small pike or a bream. Everyone admires Vasya's puppy.

14. Learn poems.

15. Work out the pronunciation of tongue twisters.

* Tongs and tongs - these are our things.

Sound automation


1.Say syllables with the sound [u] several times









2. Say the syllable -shcha - as many times as you hear pops.

3. Say the syllable -shchi - as many times as there are chips (sticks) on the table.

4. Say a number of syllables after the adult, observing the stress.

5. Emphasize the syllable-shchi-, -ysh-:









6. Repeat:

shcha-shcha-shcha, shcha-shcha-shcha shchi-shchi-shchi, shchi-shchi-shchi

It's raining, I don't have a raincoat. You go, look for me!

More, more, more, more, more, more, more

No rain, and I'm in a raincoat. Now I'll find something.

shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu

I won't find you.

7. Repeat words. Determine the number of syllables in a word.

Sorrel, crushed stone, goldfinch, sliver, cheek, puppy, brush, pike, gap, cabbage soup, vegetables, predator, ticks.

What here can move by itself and what cannot?

Food, grove, horsetail, weakness, thick, thicket, things, ticks, monster, wolf, cockroach, dwelling, shelter, fishing rod, bear, vegetables, premises, lighting.

Which of these words denote dwelling, and which – animals?

Shield, tongs, tick, box, sawyer, grinder, porter, bricklayer, ratchet, raincoat, watchmaker, detective, lazier, inventor, coachman, racer, cartilage, diver.

Which of these words denote professions and which do not?

Cloak, bream, tick, vegetable, borscht, horsetail, thing, cartilage, help, comrade, ivy.

Which of these words answers the question who? And what to the question what?

8. Forward and backward counting 1-10

Vegetable, gorge, bream, puppy, sliver, brush, predator, rod, raincoat, cartilage, comrade, brush, playground.

9. Guess the riddles and determine the place of the sound "u" in the word.

Eyes, mustache, claws, tails, and it washes all cleaner. (cat)

Flies, squeaks, drags long legs.

The case will not miss - sit down and bite. (mosquito)

Tail wags. toothy, not barking. (pike)

- Hand-hand, what are you looking for in the earth?

- I'm not looking for anything, I'm digging the earth and dragging it. (excavator)

I, like an umbrella, do not get wet, I protect you from the rain

And I will shelter you from the wind. So what am I? (cloak)

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it are to lead. (Mailbox).

She, like a snake, flickers in the grass, wags her tail.

The tail will break off - another will gain. (lizard)

The tail is made of bone, and on the back there is a bristle. (Toothbrush)

10.Repeat the phrases and make sentences with them:

Offer tea, promise cubes, squeak softly, crack nuts, pinch grass, generous gift, look for a puppy, paved street, singing bird, boiling water, count on the abacus, powerful tractor.

11. Repeat (read) the sentences:

Not far from the grove there was a lot of sorrel. The puppy dragged Leshin's slippers into his box. Vova pulled out a box from under the hanger. Misha had goldfinches. Mom cooks cabbage soup and fried pike for dinner. The puppy squeaks in the gorge. Children are looking for a puppy in the gorge.

12. Learn proverbs and sayings (optional). Explain how you understand them.

Shchi and porridge are our food.

Fedosya nibbles other people's ears, but there is no profit.

The pike breaks the ice with its tail.

The pike is dead, but the teeth are intact.

The full is not a friend to the hungry.

The word is not an arrow, but more than an arrow.

Every vegetable has its time.

Look for a friend, and if you find it, take care.

13.Change the words according to the pattern:

I am looking for ticks (pulling a brush, cleaning things, admiring the chirping of birds, looking for protection from predators.)

You are looking for….

He's looking for….

We are looking for...

You are looking for….

They are searching….

14. Word formation of nouns denoting persons according to their occupations:


Glazing, fencing, sharpening, cleaning, wearing, stone, watch, coal, drum, welding, excavator.

15.Formation of verbal nouns:


Notify, visit, dedicate, delight, treat, promise, confuse, broadcast, kidnap, consult, resent, forgive, enlighten, generalize, stop.

16.Word formation of nouns with an augmentative-negative meaning according to the model:

Nose-bearer, strength-strength, boot, cat, teeth, eyes, mortar (stupa, boot, leg, head, jacket, bear, mustache, fist, shoe (shoes, house, wolf, lips, hand.

17.Read the verses. Learn the verses indicated by the speech therapist.

My puppy Mailbox

The puppy was so fragile. I stand on the bench

I kept feeding him cabbage soup, I could hardly get the box.

Protected from the furious cold. I open the box

The puppy squealed with joy. Blue, shiny.

Still would! He grew up happy! Fallen out of the box

Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog, the letters are real



What's in the river? River Kluyot!

Pike, streaming Who?

Bream, don't rush. Pike?

Zander. Shuttle Bream?

And does Sudak pump in the shuttle?

The fisherman is sitting. Rybak. Not a bream

But not bream, And what about a fisherman? Not a pike

No walleye sits by itself

Haven't caught it yet and are waiting. Fisherman

Bye. And the fish? Nose pecking…

And there is no pike, the fish does not bite

No ruff...

Leisa, rain

Rain, rain, if you want - in the forest,

What are you waiting for, want - more often,

Why do you want in the field

Are you barely going? For barley

Flow more, even all morning,

Lay more often, at least all day!


The puppy was fed with milk, the boys taught the puppy,

May he grow up healthy. Fought with him in the garden.

We got up at night and secretly And he, slightly upset

They ran to him barefoot - he walked on a leash.

Feel his nose.

Rhythm Meeting

Skinny pike from the river I walked down the street on foot

The fishermen brought it. And met with a puppy.

The predatory pike is more terrible, and it is not known why,

Than the monster Koschey. I suddenly liked him.

We gave her vegetables And in spite of the summer heat,

And thicker than fatty cabbage soup. The puppy followed me all the time

The pike slapped its tail, we reached the gate together,

As if she snapped a whip, and suddenly the puppy went forward.

And with such a strong blow, I screamed, called the puppy,

Smashed the table to pieces. He growled from afar.

He didn't want to go with me.

We were just on our way.


In the field and more

The kid is hardworking.

dragging needles,

Pulls chips.

Where to find

Brings home.


A cloak is thrown on the city

Both dark and brilliant.

With shining stars

With the real moon.

There yesterday native night

Night fell on the earth.


A wolf in the grove -

gray tail

The carduelis listens.

What a lovely song!


I am looking for sorrel for cabbage soup

for spring delicious cabbage soup.

In a thicket, in a grove near the swamps.

But the sorrel does not grow there,

There is a sorrel nearby -

On a wonderful hillock.

magic horsetail

They say magic horsetail

In the depths of wonderful groves

Drive away monsters

From forest treasures

From fairytale gnomes

Their chests and houses.

Borsch is better than the one that is thicker,

Porridge is better than the one that is sweeter.

eat more -

You won't be skinny

So it's better

There are more!

Bream and pike

Bream and pike were indignant:

The crucian swam into the river to us.

He squints and breams

Forbids jumping into silt.

He took food from cancer!

Real bully!


I brush my teeth every morning

I use a toothbrush to remove food from them.

I carefully brush my teeth for good reason,

My smile will be beautiful.


The dandy respects the brush,

The dandy cleans the dust with a brush.

If the thing is not cleaned,

Nothing to show off!


Pike brush by bristle

Chopped off half

Scattered some of the things

She spilled a saucepan

And then how it will give "bream"!

We ran trembling

The door was shut on the heck,

The cracks were filled with rubble,

Surprised together:

How many words start with the letter S.

18. The words are in front of you. Make up as many words as possible from the letters of each word

Example: Heck-cheek, stake, code, fret, dol, business, bream, varnish, treasure.

Playground, room, rhizome, tweezers, mason.

19.Choose new words for each sound of the given word.





20.Read and learn the tongue twisters indicated by the speech therapist.

Wolves roam, looking for food.

Tongs and pincers are our things.

Thickets are more often in our forest. In our forest, thickets are thicker.

The puppy squeaks plaintively, he drags a heavy shield.

Two puppies cheek to cheek the pike swallowed the brush

Pinch the brush in the corner. The brush tickles her throat.

Yes, at the sex brush “Amazing thing!

The stick is above the head. What kind of fish did I eat?

Stick click puppies from the shoulder!

The two puppies left grumbling.

A bristle at a pig, scales at a pike.

Pike swim around the bream, fins fluttering.

You will not find pike and bream in the grove.

You, mother, do not look for us, we pinch sorrel and cabbage soup.

21.Read and clearly pronounce the sound Щ

I was returning from hunting and walking through the grove. The dog ran ahead. Suddenly she reduced her steps and began to sneak. In front sat a young sparrow. He spread his wings helplessly.

Suddenly plunging from the tree, the old sparrow fell like a stone in front of the dog. He protected his offspring. What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him. He squealed and trembled with fear. And yet he did not sit on the branch. I hurried to call the embarrassed dog and left. I admired the heroism of the little bird.

Shchi is not for a puppy

Sasha drags the puppy to the kitchen. “I will treat you to soup. You, Puppy, have not tried such cabbage soup yet. He dragged the puppy and poked his nose into the bowl of cabbage soup.

But the puppy does not want cabbage soup.

He yelped and-ran away!

Apparently he wants milk.

Apparently, cabbage soup is not for a puppy.

Count yourself

.-Vova, where do pikes live?

-Vova, where did you get your bills from?

-Don't bother me, please, otherwise I'll lose count!

– Why is it mandatory on the accounts? It is possible without them. Here's a box for you, knocked down from planks. Count how many boards are in it.


I have several comrades. All of them are real men. They have difficult professions. My first friend is a sawyer. He works in the grove. My second friend is a bricklayer. He works in caves and gorges. My third friend is a welder. He welds metal squirrels at construction sites. My fourth friend is a traffic controller, and my fifth friend is a diver, he swims among pikes and breams. And I'm a fun drummer.


Our cat Kotishche is a real predator. He has sharp claws, long whiskers and green eyes. The mice squeak in horror when they see our Cat. Mice are his favorite food. Recently, Kotishche stole bream from divers straight out of a bucket. All meadow lizards are afraid of our Kitty. And Kotishchi has only one enemy - a forest tick. Ticks bite him painfully on his fluffy cheeks and long tail. But our Kotishche also has a comrade - the neighbor's puppy of grandfather Shchukar. Only he is not afraid of our Cat and cheerfully plays leapfrog with him.


A notice was placed in the mailbox that a package was waiting for us at the post office. We got on our bikes and raced through the grove like real racers. The post office was in the town square. A real treat was waiting for us in the package: fresh sorrel for sorrel cabbage soup and vegetables for real borscht. This grandmother sent us such a generous gift.


Vasya had a puppy, Senka. The puppy has always been afraid of brushes. The following happened to him one day. Once a puppy was chewing on a piece of wood near a box of vegetables. And behind the vegetable crate was a brush. The puppy, playing, threw a chip and moved the box, and the box moved the brush. The brush fell, gave the puppy a crack, and even clicked on the nose. Since then, puppy Senka has been afraid of brushes.


There are many different professions. A saleswoman sells things, a bricklayer builds houses, a watchmaker repairs watches, but a trainer trains animals, and even evil predators tremble before him. Most often, trained lions and tigers perform in the circus. Their performance is very exciting. A special platform is being built in the circus arena, where predatory animals will perform. The whole hall looks with admiration at the arena, where, threateningly opening their mouths and raising their heads, unusual artists sit on special boards, frightening with their very appearance. The trainer snaps his whip - and wild predators, one by one, jump into the burning hoop. At the end of the performance, the trainer treats his pets and says encouraging words to them. The sensations from the spectacle seen will remain with the audience for a long time.

22. If you think you'll make up a story.

Petya and Misha asked each other hard questions. Petya named the following words: sawyer, bricklayer, diver, glazier, trainer, drummer, bather, watchmaker, and asked: “Which of them designate and which do not designate professions?”

Misha answered the question and asked Petya: “Why are these people called that?”

Tell about how the boys answered the questions.

There were two puppies. Their mother was a large, intelligent, long-haired dog. They lived with a good forester.

Continue the story

Abstract speech therapy session on sound automation [Sch].

Target :

  • Create conditions for the formation of the ability to clearly pronounce the sound [u].


  • Clarify the articulation of the sound [u].
  • Develop the power of voice, breathing, fine motor skills.
  • Activate lexical material on the topic of nouns.
  • Cultivate the desire to speak correctly and beautifully.

Formed UUD:

Personal :

  • understanding of language as the main means of human communication;
  • perception of the Russian language as a phenomenon of national culture;
  • understanding that correct oral and written speech is an indicator of a person's individual culture;
  • the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech.

Metasubject :

  • the ability to ask questions;
  • the ability to use the language to solve educational problems;
  • the ability to choose adequate language means for the successful solution of communicative tasks;
  • understanding of the need to take into account different opinions and coordinate different positions in cooperation in order to successfully participate in the dialogue.

Subject :

  • the ability to correctly, accurately perform articulatory movements and maintain articulatory postures;
  • the ability to correctly pronounce speech sounds;
  • the ability to find, compare, classify, characterize such sound units as sound, syllable, word;
  • the ability to control one's actions;
  • ability to conduct sound analysis;
  • the ability to correctly pronounce combinations of sounds, syllables, syllabic rows;
  • the ability to stress in words, to find stressed and unstressed vowels;
  • ability to answer questions.

Lesson progress

Organizing time.

What do we learn in class?

What helps us to speak correctly and beautifully?

II. Preparatory stage.

Mimic exercises.

Guys, look at the board, there are a lot of snowmen with different moods, let's mourn with them, have fun, be surprised.

Let's learn to speak loudly and quietly.

Going up the hill we say A, going down the hill we say U.

Let's breathe right.

You all have a cloud with snowflakes on your tables. We need some light snow. We inhale through the nose so that we do not raise our shoulders. Exhale through your mouth.

Finger gymnastics.

Guys, you need to take the ribbon and stretch it through the holes.

5) Articulation gymnastics.

We will prepare with you the organs of articulation for the lesson.

Take mirrors.

Articulation gymnastics.


  • Painter.
  • Pancake.
  • Tube.
  • Smile.
  • Delicious jam.

III. Main part.

Guys, Dunno came to class today. And he really wants to see how you work in class. Dunno also brought us an on-duty sound, and in order to find out which one you need to guess the riddle.

The storm caught up with us.
The shoes are all dirty
She stood timidly at the threshold.
She came to the rescue ... (Brush).

What sound does this word begin with?

Have you guessed what sound we will be on duty?

2) Working with a profile.

Take the mirrors and pronounce the sound Щ. Name what the organs of articulation do when pronouncing the sound Щ.

Let's give a profile.

3) Sound characteristics.

Щ - soft - consonant - hissing.

What sound did we characterize now?

4) Development of phonemic hearing.

Guys, now I will call the sounds, and you should clap your hands when you hear the sound u.

S, w, w, h, s, w, m, w, m, p, w, s, w, w, w.

What was the sound?

Now we will highlight the sound among the syllables.

Sha, scha, shu, se, so, sho, schi, sha, shu, jo.

What was the sound?

Wardrobe, vegetable, grove, fire, drawer, sorrel.

What was the sound?

5) Reading syllables.

Shcha, ash, osch, scho, shu, ush, yash, sch.

What did they do?

6) Work on lexical material.

grove, vegetable, raincoat, puppy, cheeks, box, sorrel, clothespins.

Name the words. Guys, what do these words have in common?

Let's distribute the pictures each to their own house.

Guess the riddle:

Our Emelya without worries.
Let at least a full house of work!
For him, it's all boring.
Emelya will help out ... (PIKE).

Say the whole word "pike".

How many syllables are in a word? Which syllable is stressed?

Let's lay out the word with signals.

What did we do?

8) Fizminutka.

We went to the park early in the morning.
They made a snowman there.
And then they rolled down the mountain.
They had fun and frolicked (jumping).
They threw a snowball at Tanya.
They threw a snowball at Vova.
They threw a snowball at Mishka.
It turned out to be a snowball.
It's cold to walk in winter. (nods head)
Let's run home soon.

9) We will make phrases.

What puppy?

10) We will make proposals.

What puppy? What is he doing?

IV. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Guys, what was the sound on duty in our lesson?

What was difficult for you?

Dunno really liked the way you worked.

Troyanova Natalya Alexandrovna,
student of the 4th year of pedagogical
College of the city of Zernograd

1. Automation of sound [u] in direct syllables:

Shcha - shcha - shcha shchu - shchu - shcha

Shche - shchi - shchi - shchi - shchi

2. Automation of sound [u] in reverse syllables:

Ash - ash - ash ish - ish - ish

Wow - wow - wow wow - wow - wow

3. Automation of the sound [u] in the intervocalic position:

Asha - asha - asha more - more - more

Search - search - search

4. Automation of sound [u] in syllables with confluence:

Vain - vanity - vanity vanity - vanity - vanity

Vain - vain - vain vain - vain - vain

5. Automation of sound [u] at the beginning of a word:

Sorrel, goldfinch, cheek, tickle, gap, puppy, wood chips, bristle, brush, cheek, cabbage soup, tongs, shield, pike, tentacles.

6. Automation of the sound [u] at the end of the word:

Tick, bream, power, vegetable, raincoat, ivy, help, pimple, horsetail.

7. Automation of sound [u] in the middle of a word:

Things, protection, ticks, food, landowner, grove, comrades, refreshments, vegetables, gorge.

8. Automation of sound [u] in words with a confluence of consonants:

Borscht, wrinkles, communication, society.

9. Automation of sound [u] in phrases:

Cabbage soup with sorrel, burning chips, a cunning pike, a floating bream, the help of a friend, a paved square, a chewing puppy.

10. Sound automation [u] in sentences:

In the grove - green horsetail. Goldfinches chirped in the grove. There were ticks on the box. Vegetables are stored in a box. The puppy asked for food. A predatory pike caught a bream. The predator roams, looking for food. The puppy caught a lizard.

11. Automation of sound [u] in tongue twisters:

Scha - scha - scha - we caught a bream.

Shchi - shchi - shchi - cooked cabbage soup.

Shche - shche - shche - I'll go for a walk in a raincoat.

Schu - shu - shu - I'm looking for a coin.

12. Automation of sound [u] in tongue twisters:

I'm brushing a puppy with a brush,

I tickle his sides.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek

They gnawed a brush in the corner.

I drag the pike, I drag,

I won't miss the pike.

13. Automation of sound [u] in verse:

I stand on the bench

I'll just get the box.

I open the box

Blue, shiny.

Fallen out of the box

The letters are real.

The pike was good

She made friends with fish.

From seaweed

Pike cooked.

Perch, gobies, bream