Scheme of analysis of speech therapy classes sample. Speech therapy classes in kindergarten: how to do it right. Practice report

When setting the goals of the lesson and planning it, the speech therapist took into account the age and characterological characteristics of the children. The structure of the lesson corresponds to the goals of training, education and correction, a logical sequence and interrelation of the stages of the lesson, the clarity of the transition from one stage to another can be traced. The presence of a lesson plan and the organization of its implementation by a speech therapist corresponded to the actual course of the lesson. The speech therapist has developed his own style and system of work. To transfer children to a more active state, a speech therapist combines individual work from the front. Creative rethinking by a speech therapist of methods, techniques and means, teaching children took place in accordance with the emerging educational situation. A variety of methods, entertaining presentation, richness of intonation, expressive facial expressions of the teacher contributed to the growth of children's interest in the lesson. The speech therapist skillfully and timely encourages the activities of children. Almost all children showed interest in the lesson, showed enough good quality tasks, the ability to apply knowledge in different situations. Six out of eight children showed the depth, awareness and strength of knowledge. Throughout the lesson, the majority of children remained highly active, but by the end of the lesson, there was a decrease in cognitive activity in 2 children. In general, the session showed positive trends in speech development And corrective process generally.

Application No. 6

Advice for parents of students lower grades

"Violations of oral and writing»

Dear parents, if your child has a speech disorder, you should not hide from the problem, in the hope that it will “resolve” by itself, but be patient, treat the problem of your son or your daughter with understanding, if necessary, consult the child with doctors, constantly maintain a relationship with the teacher and speech therapist, help the child overcome learning difficulties. I will note those violations that are most common in first graders:

  • Lack of formation of the sound line of speech. Here, most often, there is a non-automation of the set sounds, a mixture of close sounds, substitutions, fuzziness and lethargy of articulation.
  • Incomplete formation of phanematic perception.
  • Unformed phonemic analysis and synthesis.
  • Violation of the sound-syllabic structure when pronouncing the most difficult words.
  • Poverty vocabulary.

· Violations in the grammatical design of speech.

· Low level of generalizations.

Weak verbal-logical thinking, inability to establish logical connections between concepts.

Lack of attention and memory.

  • Unformed temporal-spatial representations.
  • A protracted process of lateralization, when the leader of the paired sensorimotor organs was not finally determined.
  • Difficulties in the dynamic and kinetic organization of hand movements that make it difficult to master graphomotor skills.
  • Disadvantages of the emotional-volitional sphere.

All these violations complicate the development of the school curriculum by students, primarily the mastery of writing and reading. And ultimately lead to dysgraphia (writing disorder) and dyslexia (reading disorder). Writing disorders are one of the most actual problems school education, since writing and reading from the goal of primary education turn into a means of further acquiring knowledge.

The main symptoms of dysgraphia are specific (not related to the use of spelling rules) errors that are persistent. The occurrence of these errors is not associated with any decrease intellectual development, neither with severe visual and hearing impairments, nor with the irregularity of schooling. When examining the letters of students in grades 2-4, the following persistent errors are found:

  • Omissions of letters, syllables, words, their permutations, insertion of extra letters, syllables
  • Substitutions and mixing of letters denoting sounds similar in acoustic and articulatory features
  • Mixing letters graphically similar
  • Violation of agreement and control of words in a sentence

As a rule, dysgraphia occurs in combination with dyslexia, when children have difficulty mastering reading skills. At the same time, their reading is replete with numerous repeated errors. After all, reading becomes possible only when the child is able to clearly distinguish individual sounds in speech. Only under this condition, the letter designations are filled for the child with the appropriate sound content. Until each separate sound is not distinguished from speech with proper accuracy, the letter remains an empty graphic style, not associated with a phoneme. Which, in turn, causes significant difficulty in memorizing letters, in establishing strong sound-letter connections. And for children with speech disorders, the selection of sounds by ear and the differentiation of close sounds present a considerable difficulty.

In addition, dysgraphia often accompanies, or is its consequence, dysorphography. This is a disorder of the formation and automation of the spelling skill of writing, which is a type of speech skill. Children with this disorder make a lot of spelling mistakes, even in familiar words, and provided they know the rules well. This disorder is diagnosed from 9 to 10 years of age. Also is big problem significantly reducing the performance of children in school.

Violations of writing and reading may be due to a delay in the formation of certain functional systems that are important for the development of written speech, due to hazards that acted at different periods of the child's development. In addition, there may be a hereditary predisposition when the qualitative immaturity of individual brain structures involved in the organization of written speech is transmitted. And, it is quite obvious that there is a close relationship between the underdevelopment of oral speech and violations of writing and reading in children. Both phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical features of oral speech are reflected in written speech. Therefore, to eliminate these violations, a complex system of corrective action is needed. Methods and techniques corrective work aimed at improving all aspects of oral speech, correction of written speech, development mental processes closely related to the formation of full-fledged speech. Only systematic painstaking work, often taking more than one academic year, gives good results. But even in this case, far from always, our students are easily given the assimilation of the Russian language program in secondary school.

Speech therapist's advice

  • If you notice that your first-grade child has difficulties in mastering writing and reading, come for a consultation with a speech therapist. Bring his notebooks with you.
  • If your child has writing and reading disorders, then the child must be examined by a pediatric neurologist, an electroencephalogram, dopplerography of cerebral vessels should be done.
  • If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment that must be followed. After all, against the background of treatment, corrective work will be more effective, it will achieve the desired result faster.
  • Be sure to take a child with learning or behavioral difficulties for a consultation with a psychologist. If classes are offered, don't refuse.
  • Be attentive to the child's problems, do not scold for mistakes and poor grades, if he tries, be patient.
  • Monitor homework, help find and correct mistakes. But do not do the work instead of the child!
  • If a child does not read well, then, naturally, he does not like to read. Then read together (in chorus, in turn, in roles, behind the leader, etc.). Choose books that are entertaining for the child, interestingly published, with elements of the game.
  • Discuss the material read, teach children to retell and express their thoughts. This develops both coherent speech and thought processes. It doesn’t work - correct it, give a sample, leading questions.
  • Come to the speech therapist more often, ask, consult, take part in correctional work. After all, the only way to help a child is by working together.

Reminder for parents

"Prevention of violations of written speech"

1. Use games and exercises aimed at getting acquainted with letters, developing speech hearing and developing the skill sound-letter analysis. For example, name each sound in a word in turn, and then invite the child to find the location of a sound; identify with the child the sounds that are repeated in the word; what sounds are different in the word, etc.

2. Always be an example to a child: in correct pronunciation words, usage lexical meanings words; try not to make grammatical errors with it.

3. Lay out words with sticks, pay attention to the elements that are included in the spelling of letters.

4. If you notice that your child makes clumsy connections, does not know how to navigate on a sheet of paper and does not have enough pencil skills, pay attention to the development of general and fine motor skills of the hand.

Pay attention to which hand the child draws. How he works with a sample, whether he often looks at it or draws from memory. Draws lines quickly or slowly. What questions do you ask while drawing?

If something worries you in the process of performing the above tasks by your child, be sure to contact specialists such as a psychologist and a speech therapist.

1. Rejoice in your son or daughter. Talk to your child in a caring, encouraging tone.

2. When your child is talking to you, listen carefully without interrupting.

3. Your explanations should be simple and clear, speak clearly, clearly.

4. Try to show interest in what he likes to do (drawing, collecting, etc.)

5. Encourage play with other children and play different games with your child.

6. Keep your sense of humor.

7. Encourage the child's curiosity and creativity, the desire to ask questions.

8. Never tell your child that he is bad because he brings home bad grades. Attitude to marks should be working. Yes, they are a signal of the state of study, but not a sentence in later life.

9. Your home should be a safe island in the storm of countless events, where the child is trusted and, most importantly,

where he is loved.

Application No.

The theme and objectives correspond to the content of the lesson. The structure of the lesson is logically consistent, the speech material meets the program requirements and perspective plan work. The material of the lesson corresponds to the age and individual characteristics of the children involved in this speech therapy group.

In the structure of the lesson, the direction of the unity of correctional, educational and educational tasks.

Appearance children matches learning process. The speech therapist sets up all children for the upcoming work, mobilizes and focuses attention, using various methods and means of focusing attention as a cognitive process.

The aesthetics of the environment and equipment of the lesson and the quality of the didactic material are maintained at a very high level.

The speech therapy lesson is logically and consistently built, the duration of all planned stages is sustained.

In the structure of the lesson, the use of verbal, visual and practical teaching methods can be traced. All methods used are fully justified and logically interconnected. The speech therapist throughout the lesson systematically attracts the attention of the child, creates interesting game situations. The visualization used is fully consistent with the structure and content of the lesson.

The speech therapist communicates well with all children, easily conducts a dialogue and supports each child if he finds it difficult to answer a question. The teacher is tactful, the appearance meets professional ethical requirements. The speech therapist is accessible, logical, emotional, diction and voice power meet professional requirements.

At all stages of the lesson, the teacher controls the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammatical structure of the child's speech. At the lesson, he systematically reveals mistakes and difficulties in the child, provides timely effective speech therapy assistance.

At the lesson, the adequacy of the requirements presented is traced, taking into account the speech capabilities and personality characteristics of the child, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to dose new material, link it to the previous one.

Based on the results of the lesson, it can be concluded that the objectives of the lesson were achieved, the plan was fulfilled, the children received high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities.

Educator-speech therapist ______________________________________________

Synopsis of individual speech therapy session on the topic "Automation of sound [L]"

Purpose: Formation of sound pronunciation [L] - [R].

1. Automate the sound [L] in syllables, words, phrases, connected text.

2. Fasten isolated pronunciation sound [P], introduce sound into syllables.

3. Learn to differentiate sounds [L] - [P].

4. Develop phonemic attention, memory.

5. Exercise in case and prepositional agreement.

6. Develop the psychological base of speech.

7. Develop fine motor skills preparing hands for writing.

Equipment: a mirror, a set of toys - animals, in the name of which one hears the sounds [L] - [P], "Magic bag", cards for the game "Third Extra", pictures for articulation and finger gymnastics, a set of syllables, a computer game "Kolobok" .

Scheme of analysis of modern speech therapy classes.

Name of teacher - speech therapist: _________________________

Date "___" ____________ 20___ Analyzing: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬-_____________________________________________________________

Visit purpose: __________________________________. Feature of the lesson: open, working _____________________.

Group (class) _________. Number of children in a group (class) _____. There were ___ students in attendance.

Form of occupation: individual, subgroup _____________________.

Topic of the lesson: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Evaluation scale: 3 points - low level, 4 points - average level, 5 points - high level.

1. Analysis of the purpose and objectives of the lesson:

Correspondence of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson to the features of the program material, the long-term work plan of the group (class), speech profile.

The level of preparedness of the group (class, child).

Setting and bringing the goal and objectives of the lesson to children.

2. The degree of achievement of the goal and objectives of the lesson:


Correctional - developing


The unity of educational, correctional - developing and educational tasks.

3. Analysis of the structure and organization of the lesson:

Correspondence of the structure of the lesson with its goals and objectives

The logical sequence and relationship of the stages of the lesson

The expediency of the distribution of time between the stages of the lesson

Rationality of the choice of forms of education

The presence of a lesson summary, the degree of its development

The equipment of the lesson, the aesthetics of the environment, the quality of visual aids and didactic material, the use of modern ICT.

Rational organization of the work of a teacher - a speech therapist and children from simple to complex.

Compliance of the content of the lesson with the requirements of programs for children with visual impairments

Completeness, reliability, accessibility of the presentation of the studied material

The degree of moral influence, the educational orientation of the lesson

Leading children to the perception of new knowledge

Updating of basic knowledge

Organization independent work children

Instructions and help from a teacher - speech therapist

The degree of development of new material (efficiency)

Connecting the new with the previously learned

Repetition (organization, forms, techniques, volume)

5. Evaluation of the corrective orientation of the lesson:

Development of speech understanding

The use of breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics

Formation of the correct sound pronunciation

Development phonemic hearing and perception

Strengthening the skills of pronouncing words of various sound and syllabic structures

Skill learning sound analysis and synthesis

Formation of practical skills of word formation and inflection

Learning to speak independently

Control over intelligibility and expressiveness of speech

Enabling Jobs Based on Multiple Analyzers

Exercises for the development of higher mental functions

Exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills

6. Analysis of the methodology for conducting the lesson:

Determining the validity and correctness of the selection of methods, techniques and teaching aids.

Correspondence of methods, techniques and means of teaching the content of the material, the tasks set, the capabilities of the group (class, child)

A variety of techniques and methods used by a speech therapist teacher

The emotionality of the presentation of the material

The effectiveness of the use of visual aids, didactic material, ICT.

7. Analysis of the work and behavior of children in the classroom:

Overall assessment of the work of the group (class, child)

Interest in the activity

Activity of children (child)

The quality of knowledge, skills and abilities

Depth, awareness and strength of knowledge, the ability to apply knowledge in various situations

Work on erroneous answers

8. Assessment of sanitary and hygienic conditions of the lesson:


Prevention of fatigue and overwork

Change of activities

Timely and high-quality physical culture pauses, visual gymnastics.

Maintaining the correct working posture

Creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual understanding

The feasibility of the load of visual, speech and didactic material

9. Evaluation of self-analysis made by a speech therapist teacher in the course of answering questions posed by those present at the lesson.

10. Results of the lesson:

The optimality of the teaching actions of the teacher - speech therapist

The quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of children

11. Elements of creativity that deserve to be introduced into the practice of the work of other teachers - speech therapists.

12. The personality of the teacher - speech therapist:

The composure and attentiveness of the teacher - speech therapist in class

Style and tone at work

The speech of the teacher - speech therapist (clarity, accuracy, accessibility, expressiveness, emotionality)

The ratio of the speech of the teacher - speech therapist and children (child)

Friendly attitude towards children

Compliance with the norms of pedagogical ethics

13. General conclusions and suggestions: ____________________________________________________________________________



Scheme of self-analysis of speech therapy classes.

1. The place of the lesson being analyzed in the system of lessons on the topic under study.

2. Substantiation of the goals and implementation of the planned lesson plan.

3. Characteristics of the teacher - speech therapist of the group (class, child).

4. Motivation for the selection of material for this lesson.

5. Psychological and pedagogical assessment of the system of tasks and exercises performed by children in the classroom.

6. Motivation for the choice of lesson methods, assessment of the correspondence of these methods to the goals, objectives and content of the lesson.

7. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the teacher - speech therapist with the lesson (its separate parts).

8. Measures planned by the speech therapist teacher to eliminate the noted shortcomings.

9. Evaluation and justification of the results achieved in the lesson.

10. Self-esteem as one of the conditions creative work teacher - speech therapist.

Analysis of a speech therapy lesson,

held in the municipal educational institution "Okhochevskaya secondary school"

teacher - speech therapist Metelkina E.N.

with 1st grade students.

    Features of the children's team.

The lesson was attended by 4 children - this is a group speech therapy lesson. According to the results of a speech therapy examination (from September 1 to September 15, 2008), a group was formed with a speech therapy conclusion: ONR ( general underdevelopment speech). The duration of the lesson is 40 minutes. (Dynamic pause in the middle of the lesson). Speech disorders in children are systemic in nature. This is manifested by the insufficient formation of the main components of speech: its sound side, lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech.

    Lesson topic.

Speech therapy topic: " Sound s, letter C.

Lexical topic: " Winter".

Grammar theme : "The division of words into syllables, stress."

3.Methodology of the lesson.

Consolidation of knowledge in a new learning situation. Correctional and developmental teaching methods were used at the lesson. Teaching methods: verbal, visual, visual - figurative.

4. What caused the appeal to this topic?

First-graders use phonemes undifferentiated. Many of the children at the beginning school year had speech impairments.

5. The place of this lesson in the cycle of speech therapy classes.

The process of corrective work in the 1st grade is closely related to the education of children suffering from speech disorders, reading and writing.

Speech therapy work in the 1st grade is carried out in the following areas:

. Development phonemic perception;

. Preparatory work to prepare the organs of articulation for clarification and correction of sound pronunciation;

. Correction and automation of sounds that are difficult to pronounce.

(In this case, sound with.);

. Development of visual-spatial functions, memory, attention, analytical-synthetic activity;

. Formation of language analysis and synthesis, vocabulary, grammatical structure.

6. Lesson type.


7. Purpose:

Activation of knowledge about the sound s, the letter C in oral and written speech. Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic "Winter".

8. Tasks:

1. Carrying out purposeful systematic work on the correction of speech disorders;

2. Improving the efficiency and quality of teaching students, preventing and eliminating their shortcomings in oral and written speech;

3. Prevention of student failure due to various violations oral speech;

4. Development of self- and mutual control skills, the ability to work in a team.

9. The atmosphere of the lesson.

The class is decorated in accordance with the theme of the lesson: paintings depicting winter landscapes.

The furniture is arranged in such a way as to ensure the free movement of the teacher and students in the classroom.

10. Equipment.

. Music Center.

. Handout. (Sound houses, letters, sound buses, cut letter cards, letter cards).

. subject pictures.

. Story pictures.

11. Lesson stages.

. Organizational.

. Basic.

. Outcome.

Indicators of realization of psychological potential


At the beginning of the lesson, a positive emotional mood and motivation of students for the lesson was created. Each stage of the lesson provides for the expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities of children aimed at developing phonemic perception, analytical and synthetic activity and phonemic representations. In my opinion, the lesson achieved its goal. During the course, all the tasks were completed:

. Fixing the pronunciation of the sound with in syllables, words, phrases, sentences;

. the formation of skills intonation to highlight the sound with;

. development of skills in a simple form of phonemic analysis and synthesis (synthesis of syllables and words, determining the place of sound in a word, dividing words into syllables, setting stress);

. development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis;

. improving self-massage skills (with their help, children better capture the sensations of the muscles of the facial muscles and control them during speech);

. replenishment of the dictionary on the topic "Winter";

. development of speech-auditory, motor, verbal-logical, emotional, visual memory and visual attention;

. development of visual gnosis and mnesis, (prevention of optical dysgraphia);

. consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired in the lessons of the Russian language;

. development of the syllabic structure of words.

Development of attention in the classroom.

At the lesson, various methods were used (verbal, visual, visual-figurative) to enhance attention. In order to form a cognitive interest, the children in the lesson learned to observe, notice, hear and see, correcting the insufficiency of the previous development and at the same time forming the necessary learning skills. The external features of the visual material were used to attract attention (brightness, novelty ...). The material for the lesson was selected taking into account the possibility of children. The pace of the lesson changed in accordance with the complexity of the proposed tasks. Changing activities in the classroom helped to maintain the attention of students. The lesson took into account age and individual characteristics attention of students.

Memory development.

The individual characteristics of the memory of students (verbal-auditory, motor, visual, verbal-logical, emotional) were taken into account.

Organization of mental activity.

The purpose and objectives of the lesson contributed to the development of mental activity and the development speech activity students. At the lesson, various types of activities took place (visual - figurative, verbal - logical). The mental activity of students in the classroom contributed to the growth of their intellectual level, the dictionary was replenished, and dysgraphia was prevented. In order to form the necessary learning skills in the classroom, the individual characteristics of each child were taken into account. At the end of the lesson, a problematic task was used. (Words are homonyms for Sani's sleigh).

moral significance classes.

The lesson was dominated by a positive emotionally-moral atmosphere, a personality-oriented approach was carried out. The interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom is friendly, an attitude towards mutual understanding and cooperation has developed. Equipment, equipment, aesthetic design of the lesson contributed to the education of a culture of work.

Hygienic assessment of the lesson.

The most productive time of the lesson was effectively used. The behavior of the students met the requirements of the discipline, there were no extraneous conversations. The work of students in the classroom did not interfere with additional stimuli. The classroom was hygienic.

Overall assessment of the lesson.

Summing up the results of the lesson, it should be noted that corrective speech therapy work with students of the 1st grade gives a result under the following conditions:

. Logopedic work should be carried out on all levels of the language system;

. Graduality and consistency of corrective work;

. Integration of correctional speech therapy work with the school curriculum in the Russian language and reading, in order to help the child as much as possible in his studies and show the success of his studies;

. Enrichment of students' vocabulary, development of coherent speech and correction of mental processes associated with writing and reading;

. The use of gaming and entertaining tasks;

. A sufficient number of exercises of varying degrees of complexity, depending on the stage of correctional work, which must be provided, given the persistence of specific disorders of oral and written speech.

Monitor the correctional and pedagogical activities of a speech therapist teacher. Visit individual, subgroup and frontal speech therapy classes.

Carry out a speech therapy examination of 2 children and, together with a speech therapist, analyze it according to the proposed scheme.

Familiarize yourself with the documentation of the speech therapist and give a list of it in the diary.

Methodical equipment of the speech therapist's office.

Familiarize yourself with the equipment of the speech therapy room. Record the results in your diary.

Educational and methodological support for independent work of students on profile practice at logopoints

1. Familiarize yourself with the specifics of the work educational institution: talk with the director, head teacher primary education, speech pathologist. Record the results in your diary.

In a conversation with the head, methodologist of the educational institution, students should familiarize themselves with:

  1. with directions of work.
  2. The main tasks of the logopoint.
  3. Peculiarities of admission of children to the speech therapy center: direction of PMPK, diagnoses, number of groups, classes, etc.
  4. The main educational programs on which the institution operates.
  5. Brief description specialists working in institutions, offices with whom they cooperate.

In a conversation with a speech therapist, students should familiarize themselves with:

with his duties

· his work plan, characteristics of the group of children with whom he works.

available psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

Record in diary general information:

about the features of the work of a specialist,

availability of job descriptions,

Features of behavior when communicating with colleagues and children,

the basic rules for conducting a survey,

features of professional speech,

interior features workplace,

Appearance features.

features of the institution.

temperature regime;


lighting and color

Organization of space

Provision of didactic and teaching materials;

· technical means.

F.I. of the child.

Date of examination.

Survey methods.

Sections of the survey.

Visual and didactic material.

Write down the contents of the group and individual / subgroup lesson(only 2 abstracts) and analyze them according to the proposed scheme.

1. The place of this lesson in the system of lessons on the topic.

Correspondence of the material of the lesson to the program, speech and age characteristics children in this group. The volume of material and its accessibility for children. The preparedness of this lesson by previous training and connection with the subsequent one.

2. The correctness of setting the goal and objectives of the lesson.

Compliance with the purpose and objectives of the topic and content of the lesson. The unity of correctional, educational and educational tasks. Adequacy of choice speech material lesson tasks.

3. Organization of the lesson

Number of children, behavior; aesthetic design of the lesson, the equipment used, the quality of visual aids and didactic material.

4. Lesson structure.

The main stages, their logical sequence, the clarity of the transition from one stage to another, the duration of the lesson and its stages; the ratio of the time allotted for frontal and individual work, the ratio of speech and non-speech tasks (in terms of number and time allotted), statements of a speech therapist and children. Correspondence of the actual course of the lesson to the planned one, deviations from the outline, their reasons.

5. Analysis of the stages of the lesson.

The content of the stages, preparing children for the upcoming stage. Implementation of didactic principles of teaching. Methods and techniques used at individual stages, their compliance with the objectives of the lesson. Variety, interconnection, validity of teaching methods and techniques. Features of the use of teaching methods by a speech therapist, knowledge of the material of the lesson, possession of methods and techniques of work in the classroom, the implementation of corrective teaching methods, the ability to use teaching aids. Characteristics of the methodological techniques used (methods of attracting attention, methods of activating cognitive activity, etc.), the use of various forms of children's activity (motor, visual, auditory) in order to prevent children from fatigue. Providing a positive emotional background during the lesson and the interest of preschoolers in tasks. A combination of individual and frontal forms of work. The use of educational moments of the lesson, the use of special methodological techniques. Monitoring the speech of children, correcting mistakes made by children. The adequacy of the requirements, taking into account the speech capabilities and personal characteristics of each child. Accessibility and clarity of instructions and speech therapist questions, use various kinds questions (leading, alternative, etc.). Inclusion of elements of rational psychotherapy in the classroom. Summing up the results of the lesson, evaluation of the activities of children.

6. Features of speech and non-speech activity, behavior of children in the classroom.

Activity, manifestation of interest, the degree of formation of the activity structure, the level of concentration on tasks, the stability of attention at the beginning of the lesson and at its individual stages, the possibility of switching attention from one task to another, the causes of deviations in the activities and behavior of children, the quality of knowledge, skills, received or fixed by children in the classroom.

7. Characteristics of a speech therapist.

Possibilities of contact with a group of children, the ability to control the attention of children and organize them for work, possession of techniques for increasing the activity, interest and attention of children preschool age, practical implementation of an individual approach to children, taking into account their personal characteristics, perseverance in achieving the goal, the manifestation of pedagogical tact. The speech of a speech therapist (accessibility, logic, melodic-intonational expressiveness and emotionality, features of diction, strength, voice, tempo and rhythm). The appearance of a speech therapist, his behavior in the process of communicating with children.

8. Lesson results.

Achievement of the goal, implementation of the planned plan, the effectiveness of the methods and techniques used. Evaluation of the lesson in accordance with the capabilities of the children. The nature of the activities of children in the process of classes (degree of independence, level of activity, pace of work).

9. Pedagogical conclusions, wishes for the improvement of the lesson.

6. Analyze the educational programs of the educational institution. Record the results in a diary (for the corresponding day).

Analysis plan educational program:

1. Program, name.

2. Theoretical justification programs.

3. The nature of the program objectives.

4. Age differentiation of program tasks.

5. Methodological support.

6. Connection with traditional programs. originality.

8. Availability of criteria for assessing the achievements of children.

7. Attend consultations of a speech therapist with parents. Record the results in a diary (for the corresponding day).

1. Date of consultation.

2. Form of holding.

3. With whom it was carried out.

4. The topic of the consultation.

5. Features of the behavior of a speech therapist (establishing contact, the ability to convince, matching the terminology used by the speech therapist, the level of education of parents).

6. Features of the behavior of parents.

7. Results of the consultation.

8. Make a report on the completion of specialized practice at logopoints:

Completion of the practice program

What deviations from the program took place. Why?

What has been done beyond the program?

What were the main didactic tasks you solved during your internship?

How did you solve them? What were the results?

What methods and techniques have you most often used to activate children's speech?

What speech examination methods did you use?

What techniques were you interested in?

What difficulties did you experience when examining the speech of children?

What new things have you learned in practice?