Reading the syllables am, mind, ma, mu. Comparative sound-letter analysis

Part 1
Topic: Reading the syllables AM, UM, MA, MU. Comparative sound-letter analysis of these syllables. The topic is two hours long.
The purpose of the lesson: Learn to read open syllables.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Create conditions for learning to read syllables. Continue learning to operate with the term sound.

  2. Develop phonemic perception, attention, visual perception, memory.

  3. Cultivate attentiveness, perseverance, interest in the subject.

Equipment: cards with shaded letters; two rockets with letters written on them; six planets; stars; cards for articulation gymnastics with the image of a frog, an elephant, a tube; cut letter M; cash desks; fish; snails; seaweed; cards drawn in the form of stones with unfinished letters; cow; two blue and two red chips; mirrors.

During the classes:

Planets are on the board, the path is marked with stars. Tables with syllables are closed.

  1. Organizing time.
- The one who correctly names the letters that are hidden will sit down.

The teacher shows cards with shaded letters A, U, M.

Is everyone seated correctly?

Look, everyone has cash registers and pencils on their desks?

Who's to say what holiday is coming soon? (Cosmonautics Day)

So we will imagine that we are astronauts and go on a journey through the vast world of letters. What will we fly?

Well, rockets, of course. Let's fly!

At this stage, an introduction to the game is carried out, the knowledge of students is updated, preparation for the lesson, a connection with life is traced.

  1. Articulation gymnastics.
- And our first planet is the Planet of Silence. Everyone speaks in it unusually, without words. Now we are going to learn how to speak like this.

Place mirrors in front of you so that you can see your entire face.

Sit straight, lean on the back of a chair, put your hands on your knees.

  • "The Frogs Smile"
- Listen carefully, guess carefully:

An animal jumps, not a mouth, but a trap.

Both the mosquito and the fly will fall into the trap.

Let's learn to smile broadly with the frog.

Kwaka loves to smile

Kwaki's mouth to the ears,

At least sew on the ties.

Pull lips straight to ears

Frogs really like it.

Smiling... Laughing...

And their eyes are like saucers.

I think you should keep smiling. (The teacher counts to five.)

  • "Proboscis"
What animal has a nose like a long pipe?

Of course, the elephant. What is this nose called? (Trunk)

I imitate the elephant -

I pull my lips with my trunk.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return to the place.

Make a trunk out of your lips - pull them forward and close.

I think, and you should show the proboscis. (The teacher counts to five.)

  • "Tubule"
I imitate the elephant:

I pull my lips with a tube ...

Even if I get tired

I won't stop pulling them.

I'll keep it that way for a long time

Strengthen your lips.

Pull your open lips forward with a tube and hold while I count to five.

  • Your lips straight to your ears
I will stretch like a frog

And now I'm an elephant -

You see, I have a trunk.

And now I'm a piper

A pipe - a whistle

I liked to play

Let me repeat everything again.

Now try to guess what sounds I will make. (The teacher silently pronounces the sounds [A], [U], [M], which students should recognize by silent articulation)

At this stage, the preparation of the articulation apparatus of students for reading is carried out, the previously studied sounds were repeated, their correct pronunciation.

  1. Breathing exercises.
- Our next planet is covered with dense forests. The trees there grow so close and so often that you can get lost. And, in order not to get lost, let's practice and play the game "The kids got lost." One row will be children. How do little children cry? (UA)

And the second row is moms and dads. What will parents name their children? (AU)

What sounds did you make?

Show the letter that stands for the sound [A].

What house does she live in? (Meaning "City of Letters") (In red)

Why? (The sound denoting this letter can be sung, extended, the air does not meet obstacles)

Show the letter that stands for the sound [U].

What house does she live in?

Guys, look, letters are also written on our rockets. Read them.

So, our articulatory apparatus is ready, and we can fly further.

During this stage students not only work on correct speech breathing, but also repeat the letters learned earlier.

  1. Repetition.
- Before us is an unfamiliar planet, in order to find out its name - we need to collect the letter.

The students assemble the letter from the parts, then the teacher sticks it on the planet.

What letter did you get? (M)

What house does she live in? (In blue)

Why? (The sound denoting this letter cannot be sung, extended, the air meets an obstacle in the form of closed lips)

Let's land on this planet. (The teacher puts the rocket to the planet so that the syllable AM ​​is obtained)

What syllable did we get?

Read (in chorus, then individually).

- And now we land the second rocket.

What syllable did we get?

Read (in chorus, then individually). (MIND)

The teacher opens the syllable on the board.

At this stage, students, repeating the topic of the previous lesson, practicing reading syllables, prepare for a new topic.

  1. Fizminutka.
- Guys, today we are traveling to different planets, and who can say what else is in the sky.

That's right, the stars. They are studied by astronomers in special towers. And in the old days they were called astrologers. Imagine that we are stargazers. Get out of the rockets, now we'll have a little rest and play.

The teacher pronounces the words of the physical minute, the students repeat the movements and the underlined words.

Tower opens: woo,

Telescope extends: sh-sh-sh,

Glasses are wiped: shi-shi,

Setting up: w-w-w,

We look in the eye: O, - star!

And there they light up again and again: bang, bang,

A flying saucer flew by: bill, bill.

A meteorite fell, another and another,

There was a meteor shower.

We spread our arms bent at the elbows.

We stretch the neck.

Like wiping glasses.

Rotations of the body.

We look into the ajar cam.

Randomly open the hands of the palms, simulating flashes.

Circular movements with the index finger of the right hand.

We strike the finger of the right hand on the palm of the left.


  1. New topic.
- Guys, you already know how to make syllables from letters, and today we will learn how to make new syllables.

We have already visited the planet, it's time to fly away.

What letter is written on the planet? (M)

What letter is written on the rocket? (A)

So, what sound does a rocket make when it leaves the planet? [A]


The teacher opens the syllable on the board.

What sound will we pull? [A]

What is the first sound? [M]

What chip shall we designate? (blue)

Why? (not sung)

What is the second sound? [A]

What chip shall we designate? (red)

Why? (sung)

(Chorus, individually)

Put her first.

Show letter A.

Put her second.

(Chorus, individually)

What letter is written on the second rocket? (U)

So, what sound does a rocket make when it leaves the planet? [U]

We flew. Let's all sound the rocket together.

The teacher opens the syllable on the board.

What is the first sound? [M]

What sound will we pull? [U]

What chip shall we designate? (blue)

Why? (not sung)

What is the second sound? [U]

What chip shall we designate? (red)

Why? (sung)

Let's say that syllable again. (Chorus, individually)

Take cash registers of letters. Show me the M.

Put her first.

Show the U.

Put her second.

What syllable turned out, read. (Chorus, individually)
- And now let's read the syllables written on the board. (Chorus, individually)









Reading open syllables more difficult than closed ones, given this, as well as the characteristics of students in this category, great attention was given a detailed analysis of the reading of syllables of this category, as well as repeated repetition.

  1. Fizminutka.

  1. Consolidation.
- And here is the next planet, it is all covered with water. And who lives on it, you will find out by solving riddles.

  1. Swimming under the bridge
And I wag my tail. ( Fish)

  1. He wears his house on his back,
Doesn't need anyone

Always carry your belongings

At the slow ... (at castings)

  1. We entered the river barefoot
And suddenly became shod

"Mermaid braids"

Our legs are messed up. ( Seaweed)

(The guys name the answers, justifying their decision, and get a suitable image, which they then stick on the planet)

- So, we populated the planet, but what is the bottom covered with? (stones)

So on our planet there were stones, but not simple ones, but with syllables. But they were washed away by water and your task is to add letters to make syllables. (On individual cards, drawn in the form of stones, parts of the letters are written, which the guys must complete with a pencil. The task is of a multi-level nature.)

And now let's read what syllables you got. (Individually)

- And here's the next planet. And who lives on it, you will find out by solving the riddle.

Hay chews day and night,

Gives a lot of milk.

How did you guess it was a cow?

What sounds does a cow make?

Those. what does the cow do?

What offer can be made? (Cow mooing.)

Repeat… (Individually)

Which scheme is suitable for this proposal? (IN toray)

Lesson plan.

Date: 

Class: 1 (1 type)

Subject: Russian language

Topic: Direct and backward syllables ma, mu, am, mind

Objectives: To develop reading skills in the process of working with the syllables "um", "mu", "ma", "am"

    Educational: Form articulatory structures of sounds.

    Correctional: Develop phonetic - phonemic perception of words.

    Educational: Raise interest in reading.

Equipment: cards, pictures

Type, method: combined


Speech reflective exercise

Who wants to talk, he must pronounce.

So right and clear that it was clear to everyone.

We will talk, we will speak

Everything is correct and clear

And everyone will understand

2. Repetition

What sounds did you listen to in class? (sounds [a] [y] [m])
- Clarification of the articulation of these sounds.
- Which of these sounds are pronounced with a voice and are indicated in red?

3. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work with the Primer (reading syllables am, ma, words Mother)

2. Work with the classroom alphabet (composing and reading syllables am, ma, words Mother)

3. Work with the subject picture "Frogs and mosquitoes"

Who is pictured? (frogs)
- What are the frogs doing? (catch mosquitoes and midges)
- Here a big frog caught a mosquito, said ... "AM" and swallowed it.
- Make up the syllable "am" in individual cash registers.
- What is the first letter to be laid out, and the second?

4. Physical Minute

In the morning the gander got up on its paws
Ready to charge
Turned left, right
Did the squats right
Cleaned the fluff with a beak
And again at the desk - plop!

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

Now I will say two sounds: [mind].
- What is the first sound, the second?
- What color will we designate [y], [m]. Why?
- Consider the scheme of the word [mind]
- Under the red circle, what letter will we put, and under the blue one?
- Reading the syllable UM.
3. Work on the Primer:

1. Exercise "Track" Show the boat in the picture. He swims from the letter U to the letter M. We show and read drawlingly: U - y - y - mind. Let's read the two letters together. Let's wave our hand UM.

2. Work with the scheme of the syllable UM.

3. Printing the syllable UM.

4. Laying out the syllable UM from the sticks.

5. Work with the scheme of the syllable MU

What is the first sound, second?
- What color will we designate [m], [y]. Why?
- Consider the scheme of the word [mu]
- Under the blue circle, what letter will we put, and under the red one?
- Reading the syllable MU.
5. Show in the picture in the Primer how a cow lows. Read under the picture how the cow lows: MU! MU!

6. Exercise "Track". Show a picture of a calf. He runs from the letter M to the letter U. Read it drawlingly M-m-m-then abruptly with a wave of the hand MU.

7. Working with the scheme of the syllable MU

8. Exercise in writing syllables mind, mu in writing

6. Fixing

Chanting letters in pairs. For them to merge. For example, how will the letters "U" and "M" sound together? UuuuM - UM, MMMMMUUUUUU - MU.

7. Summary of the lesson

What syllables did we read today?

Final reflection

8. Homework

Exercises in reading and writing syllables

Download the next reading simulator. The first letter is M. All tasks are the same as for the previous letters. First practice reading the fusion syllable. Then move on to reading words by syllables. And at the end, a few suggestions for reading.

Download the next reading simulator.

The first letter is M.

All tasks are the same as for the previous letters.

First, practice reading fusion syllables (ma-mo-mu-we-mi-me-me-me-myo-mu).

Then move on to reading words by syllables. And at the end, as always, a few suggestions for reading.

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