An easy way to stop procrastinating and reading

Greetings dear friend!

Do you know an easy way to stop putting things off until later, indefinitely?

This is a problem of many, many people, but not everyone knows that it leads to very deplorable and irreversible results.
Postponement is an anchor that prevents us from moving, as they say now, in a trend.

The wave is rising

Now many have to work twice or even three times more actively than before. I want to do everything in order to keep my job. It's so difficult to get a new one, and at home family, children.

However, not all cases want to be done as they come. Some of them are put aside. Maybe because they seem very complicated at first glance. Or is there a possibility that the problem will disappear by itself. Or I don’t want to start today, because I still won’t have time to finish before the end of the working day.

Make a promise to yourself to start tomorrow with this unfinished business. But tomorrow there are new cases that require even more urgent implementation. Postponing things like this is called procrastination.

It would seem that you have been working all day. Performance per high level. But all the same, there are imperfections that “pull for the soul”, cause concern. A wave of dissatisfaction with oneself, uncertainty in one's abilities and business skills gradually grows. The feeling that you are driven into a corner, and there is no way out, is tormenting.

The boss hints that you are apparently lazy. They could have completed the task long ago, but "things are still there." To the detriment of your personal time, you stay after work to "pick up the tails".

On weekends, you refuse to go for a walk with your children because you took work home. Your wife was offended by you for not attaching a new shelf in the kitchen again, where she wanted to put a fashionable climbing flower.

Productivity continues to drop. The number of unfinished business grows like a snowball. Stresses follow one after another, increasing the fear of job loss and family breakdown.

Over time this leads to a decrease in self-esteem, a deterioration in attention, and in the worst cases, to nervous diseases. After all, it is no secret that both office workers and workers in production often experience the feeling of a “squeezed lemon”.

It is urgent to find a way out of this situation. Delay can only worsen it and lead to a nervous breakdown.

Who will help?

Is there really no way to break out of this vicious circle? Is it really impossible to immediately take up the task assigned and bring it to its logical conclusion?

How to make it so that the concentration of attention on one task being performed helps to complete it in a short time and with a good result?

What to do? How to force yourself to clearly and consistently solve the questions posed, without driving yourself into a "debt hole"?

How to learn to live and work without taking into account distractions. To become a free person, confident in himself and his abilities?

To be a respected and reliable employee, a good family man and a beloved parent?

Bet on the right horse

It would seem that it’s easier: to find suitable exercises or even a book, read, do the exercises and you will become a different person. Alas, this is not the case for everyone and not always. The first small successes quickly disappear.
To get a sustainable result, it is better to work under the guidance of a competent specialist.
This will be the easiest way. I emphasize: the easy way get result and not just do something there.

Professionally engaged in psychology for a quarter of a century.

Dmitry has written two books and created more than fifteen courses - trainings on various topics of self-knowledge and personal development. Many people have been involved in these trainings and have achieved stunning results.

There are trainings on self-hypnosis and self-realization, on goal-setting and getting rid of bad habits (“10 easy steps to become a non-smoker”) are very successful. Thousands of people have changed their lives in better side.

On the problem that we are discussing today, there is a separate training How to stop procrastinating

After passing it, you will be able to:

  • Replace negative attitudes with positive ones.
  • Gain confidence and boost your self-esteem.
  • Change your old habits for qualitatively new ones that improve your life.
  • Allow yourself to spend your own free time with joy and a positive attitude, and not with a sense of guilt for postponing things.
  • Learn to make the right schedule, where a sufficient amount of time will be allotted for work and rest.
  • You will be able to realistically imagine the goals to which you are going and the ways to achieve them.
  • Labor efficiency will increase. Energy will be directed to completing tasks, and not to self-criticism about pending cases that cannot be reached.
  • You will learn to focus on the end result. And become a winner where you previously experienced stress.
  • You will be able to help yourself in any stressful situation.
  • Both small and big things you will start doing as soon as they arrive. And learn to praise and reward yourself for it.
  • With pleasure and pride you will accept praise from other people addressed to you, realizing that this is true.
  • You can not be afraid of temporary difficulties and problems that one way or another will meet on your way.
  • Forget that there was a sad period in your life when you actually considered yourself a complete loser.

And many many others. Don't waste time. Postponing things turns simple things into difficult things, and difficult things into impossible ones. It is the anchor that keeps us in place. And sometimes delay is like death!

On this "major" note, allow me to take my leave.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

Hello book lovers!

Price - electronic version for free.

Size - 123 A4 pages in Word.

My "hero" for today - Neil Fiore and his book easy way Stop procrastinating."

I worked, but I still can’t say what I was doing all this time ... "

As usual - the usual common truths, long forgotten or never tried on yourself. However, there are some nuances here. The publication is not so bewitching (as it seemed to me) to read it in one breath. Moreover, at some point you may catch yourself thinking: ok, I'll read it later". Specifically, I encountered such a phenomenon, but, thanks to the simplest advice from the book, I found both the time and the desire to finish reading it.

Not sure if a book is worth your attention. If you want to manage your life yourself and spend time on what is dear and important to you, then it’s worth it.

The technique I propose will free you from feelings of shame and guilt and give you the opportunity to become the master of your life. You will get rid of internal conflict: "You have to..." - "But I don't want to..." You will begin to live your life guided by choice - the leadership function of your "I" and a new identification of yourself as a person who works productively.

The book contains many life stories. ordinary people who turn to a psychologist for help in order to cope with their laziness, postponing things for later, fear of taking a step forward towards achieving the main goal in life. It motivates. You shift any story onto yourself, only mentally rephrasing it in your own way.

How does this book help? Tips that are available to everyone and everyone. And, for free. Take - I do not want!

Advice such as "Just do it...", "Do your best..." or "Pick yourself up..." is based on the old diagnosis: "If you weren't so lazy, you'd have done it by now." Relatives, mentors, and friends only exacerbate the problem by saying, “It’s true. difficult task. You'll have to work hard. Nothing to play the fool. No hangouts with friends and no rest until it's all over." What they are trying to say by this can be reduced to the following: “Life is a boring and complicated thing. And she has no time for fun. Work, of course, is a terrible thing, but it must be done. This old perception of work and life is akin to Woody Allen's remark: "Life is a constant pain, and then you die."

METHOD "ONE". Start deciding instead of being obligated.

Neil Fiore forbids forcing himself to do something. He is categorically against such expressions as "I must", "I must", "I need to". He protests, tears and throws those who build their lives on the principle of coercion.

Small digression. I think you will agree with me that we often force ourselves to do something, mentally saying: “I have to complete my diploma”, “I have to pay the bills for the apartment”, “I need to walk the dog, no matter what” . So right? Neil Fiore offers to convince yourself on a subconscious level that you do not HAVE to, but WANT it. " Do you want to add last chapter, you decided walk the dog, You choose pay bills now without going into debt. YOU DECIDE. You and no one else. Simple, but you get power over your life. Over time, you get used to the idea that every decision made in life is yours. Not states, moms or supervisors. And it comes at a cost. The hardest thing is to force decide begin.

METHOD "TWO". Imagine the collapse, and then relax.

The author proposes to look ahead and imagine the worst thing that could happen to you in your situation . By the way, a great option. You tried? For example, I was writing a diploma and was very afraid of not being able to turn in the finished work on time. And she worried, hesitated, denied herself rest, was in constant tension. And, it would seem, what could happen? "Troika" instead of "excellent"? Inadmissibility? Exception? And what? Three is not a disease. Non-admission is not the end, there is a chance to defend yourself next year. Exception? You can recover! And so it is in all matters. Why are we afraid to ask a passerby for directions? Maxim, what happens - we will not get an answer. This is not where life ends. And after you accept the situation and find ways to solve the “worst that can happen” - it’s not at all scary to take on work . You already know what to do in the most terrible and ridiculous situation.

METHOD "THREE". Graphically paint the plan of the day by the hour. Time is full!

Neil Fiore suggests that you write down your every action throughout the day. What time did they get up, when they ate, when they went out for a smoke break. You can simply visually see how much time you spent watching the next episode of Desperate Housewives and how many hours you spent “lying on the couch”. Time can be spent more rationally. For example, watch a series while cooking.

METHOD "FOUR". Talk to yourself. About important things, of course.

It is important to be able to talk to yourself and calm yourself, in any situation, under any circumstances. You can’t assume that talking to yourself is nonsense.

It is not discipline, willpower, or pressure from other people that makes it easier to complete a series of complex actions. It is rather the freedom of choice in the presence of an alternative, personal dedication and willingness to take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions, which strengthens the will and uplifts the spirit.

Talking to yourself mentally don't lie that you don't do that!) You are looking for solutions to any situation. What if I turn right now, because then I will see what is around the corner, and if the cafe is exactly there, then I will understand how to get to the clinic, which is two buildings from the cafe.

METHOD "FIVE". Actually, NO!

I think you have often heard advice that goes like this: "learn to say no."

For procrastinators, the ability to say "no" is a particularly powerful weapon, as it is an opportunity for them to make a choice. Saying "no" is just another way of conveying to the listener the thought, "I may not be perfect, but I have enough self-respect to say, 'No, I don't have to'." And also in this way you can refuse to take on too much and therefore not feel overwhelmed. It's a way of saying, "I know you can put pressure on me, but you can't compromise my self-esteem."

You don't owe anything to anyone, so by making the decision to deny someone a favor, you free up time for things that are more important to you. You should not agree to every request of the asker if it cuts you off with your plans.

METHOD "SIX". Just start.

Every business needs a start. Just select the photos you want to print for a long time. Well, or not all, at least 10 photos today. Then things will go faster, because it is not worth leaving unfinished business. Don't you turn off the gas stove if you've already started cooking pasta? And cook the pasta, and turn off the stove, and wash the pan! J

METHOD "SEVEN". Reverse plan.

A great way to do business, which involves a lot of time. Do you want to receive a housing subsidy? Plan backwards:

September 1, 2017 - Enrollment under the Young Family program to receive a subsidy for improving housing conditions.

May 15, 2017 - Go to the housing department for a list required documents for a subsidy.

And that's not all advice! There are many more! And most of them will really come in handy for you to work more productively and properly allocate your time.

Here are some other truths from the book:

The main message of the Unschedule is as follows:

don't work more than twenty hours a week on a project;

do not work on the project for more than five hours a day;

you must play sports, play or at least dance for one hour a day;

you must set aside at least one day a week when you will not do any work at all;

set yourself the goal of doing quality work for thirty minutes;

work for an imperfect yet perfectly human effort;

start small.

Manage your time, always specify the exact date in your plans:

Only add to your schedule

predetermined times, such as meals, sleep, appointments;

free time, recreation, entertaining reading;

communication, lunches and dinners with friends;

playing sports to maintain health, such as swimming, running, exercising in the gym;

ordinary things, such as: travel time to / from work, study, appointment with a doctor.

Notschedule your project to work. Remember that above all, the Unschedule guarantees you guilt-free rest and entertainment and legitimizes your personal time. This first step will prevent you from intimidating yourself with overly ambitious and dictatorial work plans that usually end in failure, disappointment, self-criticism, and procrastination.

In general, the book is an excellent guide for those who are used to putting everything off “for tomorrow”. Specifically, I realized that there is a lot of free time that goes “to nowhere”. I also understood how you can start the business that has been put on the back burner for more than a year. For example, after six years (!!!) I go to my homeland to see my relatives. And also, I decided to try to fight with our laws regarding some issues (which I wanted to do about four years ago, but decided to do "Then").

Perhaps this book will help you get started. Now, not tomorrow.

Sep 26, 2017

An easy way to stop procrastinating Neil Fiore

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Title: The easy way to stop procrastinating

About The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating by Neil Fiore

Problems, worries, responsibilities - all this haunts us every day. There is no way to give it all up, but shifting it to some other day is easy. This is how a lump of unfulfilled cases is formed, acquiring more and more new cases every day.

There are many things that we do not want to do, but we need to. And if there is an opportunity to postpone, we most likely will do so. There are a lot of excuses in the form of other things, the need to relax, go somewhere, call, talk, and as a result, the very day comes when you need results from that unfinished business. And here the problems begin, because there is no time. We begin to reproach ourselves and promise that this will not happen again, that next time you will definitely do everything on time. But that's how it ends up being promises.

The book "An easy way to stop putting things off until later" will help you figure out yourself and especially how you need to act in order to be in time and stop putting things off, in your opinion, for a better time. You will be able to better organize your time, distributing it in such a way that there is still enough time for rest and for more pleasant activities.

Neil Fiore offers his own unique technique that many will definitely like. The author suggests that you first plan your vacation, and then distribute the rest of the time between work, duties and unpleasant activities.

In order to start changing something in your life, you need to act immediately. The Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating by Neil Fiore is designed in such a way that you can immediately put into practice the information received, without much effort or breaking yourself.

Neil Fiore has been researching procrastination for a long time, when a person is busy with something all day long, but at the same time does not work, does not do something useful. That is, he is constantly distracted by something that is essentially unimportant and does not bring any benefit, such as, for example, social media, mail, talk about anything, and much more.

The book "An easy way to stop procrastinating" will help you understand what is important and interesting to you, what you would like to do. In order to work more productively, you need to have a good rest, recharge with positive and vivid emotions. When you spend your weekends enjoying life, you can remove the barrier that separates you from work.

In fact, today you can find a lot of literature about procrastination and many ways to get rid of this bad habit, which prevents you from fully living and working. But it is Neil Fiore who offers a rather innovative way to solve this problem - if you don’t want to work, take a break and don’t torture yourself.

In order to fully work, fulfill your duties and enjoy everything, you need to work hard on yourself, understanding your needs and desires, as well as correctly allocate time for work and rest.

The book "An easy way to stop procrastinating" will appeal to anyone who can not fully concentrate on work and perform their duties to the fullest. Neil Fiore is exactly the author who created his theory based on many years of research. You will be able to immediately apply his technique in practice and see the first results.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“An easy way to stop procrastinating” by Neil Fiore in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

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This Agreement is concluded between IE Smygin Konstantin Igorevich, hereinafter referred to as the "Service Administration" and any person who becomes a user when registering on the Service website http://website/ (hereinafter referred to as the Service), hereinafter referred to as the "User", together in the text of the Agreement referred to as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party".

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Agreement in accordance with Art. 435 Civil Code RF is a public offer. By accessing the materials of the Service, the User is considered to have acceded to this Agreement, accepts the terms of this offer and the provisions of the Agreement (acceptance).

1.2. Unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this offer is carried out by registering on the Service website.

1.3. This Agreement, concluded by accepting this offer, does not require bilateral signing and is valid in electronic form.

1.4. The use of materials and functions of the Service is governed by the current legislation Russian Federation.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the transfer by the Service Administration of non-exclusive rights to use the Service by providing access to the Service on a server owned by the Service Administration.

2.2. The terms of this Agreement apply to all subsequent updates and new versions of the Service. By agreeing to use the new version of the Service, the User accepts the terms of this Agreement for the relevant updates, new versions of the Service, if the update and / or a new version The Service is not accompanied by any other agreement.

2.3. The Service is the result of the intellectual activity of the Service Administration and is protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property and international law, all exclusive rights to the Service, accompanying materials and any copies of it, belong to the Service Administration. The right to use the Service is granted to the User solely on the terms and to the extent stipulated by this Agreement.

3. Terms of use of the Service

3.1. To start working with the Service, the User must go through the registration procedure by assigning a unique name (Login) and password. Upon completion of the registration process, the User becomes the owner of the account. From the moment of logging into his account, the User is solely responsible for the security of the entered data, as well as the Login and password.

3.2. Upon completion of work with the Service, the User independently completes work under his account by pressing the "Logout" button.

3.3. From the moment of registration in the Service, the User is assigned a personal account, to which the User has the right to deposit a sum of money. The amount of money on a personal account is used to pay for a subscription for a certain calendar period (6 months, 12 months and 24 months) for paid services of the Service. Payment for paid services is carried out by non-cash transfer of funds in the form of a 100% prepayment and is debited from the User's personal account.

3.4. Free services are provided to the User without any guarantees, in the same quality, volume and with the functionality that these services have as part of the Service. This means that the User is not entitled to make claims regarding the availability, volume, quality or functionality of the received free services and uses them, assuming all risks and liability associated with the use of such free services.

3.5. Paid services are considered rendered properly and accepted by the User in full, if within 5 (Five) working days of the provision of the corresponding paid service, the Service Administration has not received motivated written claims from the User.

3.6. The Administration of the Service provides technical support to the User, including on issues related to the functionality of the Service and the services provided, as well as the features of the operation of the Service.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1.1. The User undertakes not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian law or international law, including in the field of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to a violation of the normal operation of the Service.

4.1.2. The User undertakes not to grant (transfer) in whole or in part to third parties the rights he has received under this Agreement, not to sell, not to replicate, not to copy the materials of the Service in whole or in part, not to alienate in any other way, including free of charge, without receiving a preliminary written consent of the Service Administration.

4.1.3. The User undertakes not to transfer passwords and logins used to access the Service to third parties, to ensure the confidentiality of their storage. In case of unauthorized access to the login and password and / or user account, the User is obliged to immediately notify the Administration of the Service.

4.1.4. The user agrees not to use software, which provides automatic downloading and processing (parsing) of the web pages of the Service in order to obtain the necessary data.

4.1.5. The User is responsible for the content and accuracy of the data provided during registration on the Service. The User agrees to the storage and processing by the Service Administration of the User's personal data.

4.1.6. The User has the right to access the Service at any time, except during maintenance work.

4.1.7. The User has the right to use the Service within its functionality and on the terms established by this Agreement.

4.1.8. The User has the right to deposit a sum of money equal to the amount of the subscription for a particular calendar period for the subsequent use of the Paid Services of the Service. The User can familiarize himself with the tariffs for the Paid Services of the Service at: http://website/subscription/

4.1.9. The User has the right to independently change the password without notifying the Administration of the Service.

4.1.10. The User has the right to apply at any time to delete the User's account and information stored in the Service. The deletion of the User's account and information stored on the Service is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application. When deleting an account, the funds that the user spent on a subscription to the Paid Services of the Service are not subject to partial or full refund.

4.1.11. Funds transferred as payment for a subscription to the Service's services are non-refundable and can be used to pay for the paid services of the Service.

4.2. Rights and obligations of the Service Administration

4.2.1. The Service Administration is obliged to provide the User with access to the Service no later than 5 (Five) working days from the moment the User completes the registration procedure on the Service.

4.2.2. The Service Administration undertakes to ensure the operation of the Service, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, around the clock 7 (seven) days a week, including weekends and holidays, except for the period of preventive maintenance.

4.2.3. The Service Administration undertakes to ensure the safety of the User's data posted in the Service for 90 (Ninety) calendar days from the moment the User last used any of the paid services of the Service.

4.2.4. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User's personal data to third parties.

4.2.5 The Administration of the Service has the right to suspend the operation of the Service in order to carry out the necessary scheduled preventive and repair work on the technical resources of the Administration of the Service, as well as unscheduled work in emergency situations, notifying the User about this, if technically it is possible, by posting the relevant information on the site.

4.2.6. The Service Administration has the right to interrupt the operation of the Service if this is due to the impossibility of using information and transport channels that are not the own resources of the Service Administration, or by the action and / or inaction of third parties, if this directly affects the operation of the Service, including in an emergency.

4.2.7. The Service Administration has the right to update the content, functionality and user interface of the Service at any time at its sole discretion.

4.2.8. The Service Administration has the right to change the cost of paid services unilaterally.

4.2.9. The Service Administration has the right to block and / or delete the User's account, including all the User's information content without notifying the User and explaining the reasons in case the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

5. Responsibility of the parties and the procedure for resolving disputes

5.1. The Service is provided to the User "as is" in accordance with the principle generally accepted in international practice. This means that for problems arising in the process of updating, maintaining and operating the Service (including compatibility problems with other software products, as well as inconsistencies in the results of using the Service with the User's expectations, etc.), the Service Administration is not responsible.

5.2. For violation of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the responsibility of the Administration of the Service to the User in the event of a claim for damages is limited to the amount of the cost of the Paid Services paid by the User.

5.3. Neither Party shall be liable for the total or partial failure to perform any of its obligations if the failure is due to circumstances force majeure arising after the conclusion of the Agreement and independent of the will of the Parties. In the event of force majeure circumstances for more than 3 (Three) months, either Party has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement (terminate the Agreement).

5.4. Since the Service is an intellectual property of the Service Administration, liability for copyright infringement arises in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. The Service Administration is not responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, as well as for direct and indirect losses of the User, including lost profits and possible damage resulting, inter alia, from illegal actions of Internet users aimed at violating information security or normal functioning of the Service; lack of Internet connections between the User's computer and the Service Administration server; carrying out by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations of actions within the framework of operational-search activities; establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) economic activity commercial organizations on the Internet and / or the establishment by the specified entities of one-time restrictions that make it difficult or impossible to fulfill this Agreement; and other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Internet users and / or other entities aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and / or computer equipment that existed at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement.

5.6. In the event of disputes or disagreements arising between the Parties arising from this Agreement or related to it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations between themselves.

5.7. If it is not possible to resolve the disputes and / or disagreements that have arisen between the Parties through negotiations, then such disputes are resolved in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

6. Other terms

6.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of acceptance and shall be valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations in full.

6.2. This Agreement may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the Parties, as well as at the initiative of the Service Administration in case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement without returning any funds to the latter.

6.3. Since this Agreement is an offer, and by virtue of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the Service Administration has the right to withdraw the offer in accordance with Art. 436 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In the event of withdrawal of this Agreement during the term of its validity, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated from the moment of withdrawal. Feedback is carried out by posting relevant information on the site.

6.4. The Parties have agreed that in the performance of this Agreement, it is allowed to use the signatures of the representatives of the Parties, as well as their seals by means of facsimile communication, mechanical or other copying, digital signature or other analogue of the handwritten signature of the heads and seals of organizations.

6.5. The Administration of the Service has the right to unilaterally amend the terms of service of the Service by posting information about it on the website in public access and amending this Agreement.

6.6. The specified changes in the terms of this Agreement come into force from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication. Continued use of the Service by the User after making changes and / or additions to the Agreement means the acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and / or additions.

7. Guarantees

7.1. With the exception of the guarantees expressly specified in the text of this agreement, the Service Administration does not provide any other guarantees.

7.2. By agreeing to the terms and accepting the terms of this offer by accepting it, the User assures the Service Administration and guarantees that he:

  • concludes this agreement voluntarily;
  • read all the terms of this agreement;
  • fully understands and confirms the subject of the offer and the contract;
  • has all the rights and powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this agreement.

Neil Fiore

An easy way to stop procrastinating

This book is dedicated to all who have had the courage and perseverance to seek help in overcoming procrastination, which takes a lot of energy. The book was written for people with low self-esteem; for those who, having taken it in their hands, hoped to preserve some part of their personality and at the same time were sure that he also had something to say on this topic.

But separately I want to note - this book is for Elizabeth.

© Neil A. Fiore, 1989, 2007

It has been almost twenty-five years since this book was first published in 1989, and thirty-five years since I began working on its materials.

Since then, in his seminars and private meetings with clients in need of psychological consultation and therapy, I have dealt with the most ingrained forms of procrastination and have established myself in the opinion that the habit of doing something at once (for example, continuously working for fifteen to thirty minutes) and using the exercise to enter the state of "flow" works in most cases.

In this edition, I have refined and clarified some of the ideas and refined the exercises, but the main idea is that the habit of taking action, remains unchanged.

Procrastination is a form of behavior that you develop to deal with the anxiety that comes with starting a task and trying to finish it. This is not the best solution to a problem that is boring or takes too much energy. By using an immediate task strategy, you can stop procrastinating and double your productivity (and often your income). When you learn to work efficiently—in a state of “flow,” using more of your natural resources—you will have less reason to avoid important, priority tasks.

The technique I propose will free you from feelings of shame and guilt and give you the opportunity to become the master of your life. You will get rid of the internal conflict: "You must ..." - "But I do not want to ..." You will begin to live your life guided by choice- the leadership function of your "I" and a new identification of yourself as a person who works productively.

Special exercises will help you break the cycle of procrastination, get rid of the self-imposed label of a person mired in a sea of ​​affairs. Instead, you will become something of an athlete at their best, who can ignore distractions and focus on what needs to be done right now. You don't have to wait until you feel confident and motivated - start now and see what happens. You will move very quickly from ignorance to knowledge– and this is what lies at the heart of creativity.

Much has changed in the world since this book was published. Internet, SMS, Email, Cell phones- all these are just additional distractions that can lead you away from the decision to start an important project that will change your life. With instant feedback, these devices have a huge advantage over activities that require months or – like graduating from college, writing a book, learning to play the piano – years of hard work. All the more reason to use the tools offered here.

We all need to use strategies and techniques to avoid the frustration caused by the fact that at the end of the next day or week the thought again arises: “I have not done anything in my priority area. I worked, but I still can’t say what I was doing all this time ... ”This is the feeling that everyone has more people who become workaholics (the downside of procrastination): they consider all tasks to be urgent and at the same time avoid completing those few truly priority tasks that bring profit and give satisfaction from being busy with something important.