Differentiation of prefixes and prepositions of the task. Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Prefixes and prepositions" outline of the lesson in speech therapy (Grade 3) on the topic. List of used literature



Open speech therapy lesson on the topic:

"Differentiation of prepositions and prefixes".

(group lesson for younger children school age,

having dysgraphic errors against the background of ONR)

Speech therapist: Erokhova Yulia Ivanovna



speech therapy topic : suggestions.

Grammar theme : preposition as a part of speech.

Lexical topic : toys.

Target : actualization of knowledge about the preposition as a part of speech.

Tasks :

Educational :

Clarify children's knowledge of the preposition as an independent word;

Improve the skill of drawing up a sentence based on a picture and language analysis of a sentence;

Develop methods of comparison, generalization, classification.

Correction-developing :

Update knowledge about the separate writing of prepositions with other words;

To form the skill of separate writing of prepositions with other words;

To form the skill of differentiating identical roots, homonymous roots and roots that have graphic and acoustic similarities;

Correct and develop visual gnosis;

Correct and develop coherent oral speech through the replenishment and activation of the dictionary, and the formation of a full-fledged speech statement;

Develop visual and auditory attention;

Correct and develop personal qualities, emotional-volitional sphere (skill of self-control, perseverance).

Educational :

Cultivate the skill of independence in work;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards benefits, your things.

Health saving :

Plan the amount of material, taking into account the increased fatigue of children;

Observe the correct seating of students;

To carry out work on the prevention of visual impairment;

Alternate static and dynamic tasks;

Contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate.

Equipment : magnetic board, plot pictures, cards for individual work.

Technical means learning : multimedia projector, computer.

Multimedia support : presentation for the lesson.

Course progress.



Types of work on






What tasks were solved during the execution of tasks

I. Organizing time.

Establishing contact between teacher and students.

Checking readiness for the lesson.

1.D / and "Look and answer"

2. D / and "Do so"


The speech therapist demonstrates a picture depicting a ball in various spatial positions relative to pieces of furniture (table, wardrobe, sofa).

Speech therapist says instructions:

- put a pen on a notebook

- put pen in notebook

- put the pen behind the notebook

- put a pen under the notebook

-Put down your notebook.

What task failed to complete, why?

The students stand at their desks and greet the guests.

Check readiness for work.

Students answer where the ball lies (under the table, on the couch, behind the closet ...)

Students perform tasks of a speech therapist.

They answer questions.

(The last task was unclear).

Prepare students for fruitful work throughout the lesson.

Lead to the topic of the lesson.

II. Main part.

1. Semantic meaning of prepositions.

2. Working with text.

3. Complementing phrases with prepositions.

4. Dynamic pause.

5. Drawing up a proposal for the picture.

Guys, when I "forgot" to call the right preposition, you could not understand where it was necessary to put the pen. What words helped you do the rest of the tasks correctly? (for, on, under, in, before ... )

What are these words called? What do prepositions show in a sentence?

The speech therapist demonstrates a slide:

And then you rolled

And did not turn back.

Rolled into the garden

Ran up to the gate

Rolled under the gate

Made it to the turn...

From what work is this passage, who is the author?

What happened to the ball then?

What words helped us to know which route the ball was rolling?

What part of speech are these words?

How are prepositions written next to other words?

The speech therapist demonstrates a slide:

He ran ... a corner, ran ... a school, stepped on ... a stick, cut off ... a piece, removed ... the ropes, ran ... along the road, bounced ... the door, drew ... a sheet.

Speech therapist turns on music

and shows movement.

On the board is a plot picture depicting a doll sitting on a table

What is in the picture?

What is she doing?

Where is the doll sitting?

Make an offer.

How many words are in this sentence?

Which word shows exactly where the doll is?

How are prepositions written in sentences?

Students answer questions.


(Prepositions show where the object is or the direction of its movement).

The students read the poem.

They answer questions.

(in, before, under, before)

(these are suggestions)

(separately are independent words)

Children read phrases, say what is missing in them. Write down phrases in a notebook, inserting prepositions.

Children repeat the movements after the teacher to the music.

Children look at the picture and answer questions.


(is sitting)

(on the table)

The doll is sitting on the table.


(on the)

(separate from other words)

Children write the sentence in a notebook.

To develop and correct the auditory-speech memory of students.

Develop attention, memory, spelling vigilance.

Update knowledge about the separate writing of prepositions with other words. Develop logical thinking.

Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Develop connected speech.

To form the skill of separate writing of prepositions with other words.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Evaluation of students' activities in the classroom.

The teacher invites the children to remember what they did in the lesson.

Children answer what they remember and especially liked.

Summarize the topic of the lesson. Develop memory.

Differentiation of prepositions and prefixes

Abstract of the open speech therapy session for dysgraphia correction

(for 2nd grade students general education schools)


Correctional and educational

    Formation of full-fledged ideas about the morphemic composition of the word (prefix - part of the word) and the morphological structure of the language.

    Consolidation of the skill of continuous writing of prefixes and separate writing of prepositions.


    Work on the development of coherent speech of students.

    Development mental processes(memory, ability to switch).


    Formation of interest in speech therapy classes.

    Development of independence in the process of solving problem situations.


"Merry House" (image of a house with "men-prepositions")

Suggestion cards

Card number 1

Card number 2

Card number 3

Lesson progress

    Organizing time.

Hello guys. Sit down.

What is today's date? What day of the week was yesterday? What month will be after the current one? Can you name the season between autumn and spring?

    Playback stage basic knowledge students. Knowledge update.

Guys, with what large groups of words we are already familiar, we can define them in speech, in sentences, put questions to them.

    words denoting an object are nouns;

    words denoting the action of an object are verbs;

    words denoting a sign of an object are adjectives;

(Students give relevant examples on their own)

Today we are invited to a housewarming party. Look how many tenants this house has. Let's get to know them.

(work with "Merry House")

Answer the question by making sentences.

(For the correct answer, the student receives a card with a preposition and attaches it to the “necessary” man-preposition on the layout.)

Parity where? soars above home

Sitting where? is sitting on roof

Running for what? running By roof

Where is located? located V home

Comes out from where? coming out from Houses

Hiding where? hid behind house

Looking out from where? peeps out because of house corner

Suitable for what? fits To home

Departing from what? departs from Houses

Worth where? costs near Houses

So, what words live in the "Magic House"?

These are suggestions.

Name the prepositions that we remembered.

What other suggestions can you name?

What are suggestions for?

Prepositions are used to connect words in phrases and sentences.

    The stage of initial fixation. Typical and constructive tasks.

So, prepositions are independent words, therefore, with other words they are written as: together or separately?

That's right, separate.

Collective work on card No. 1

Winter days are short. Birds have little time to find food. The birds are weakened by hunger and cold. Help the birds! A handful of seeds with pieces of bacon in the feeder will save the birds in the cold winter. Our care will help the birds survive until spring.

Who is this story about?

Why do birds need help in winter?

How can we help birds?

Title the text.

Oral analysis of the text by sentences, selection of prepositions.

(Students highlight the prepositions in their cards)

Written analysis of a phrase with a preposition from the last sentence.

prefix preposition

before live before spring

Independent written analysis of an excerpt from S. Marshak's poem "The Ball".

Before rolled before gate

Under rolled under gates

Before fled before turn

The joint conclusion from this stage:

Prefixes and prepositions can be the same.

Prefixes are written together, this is part of the word.

Prepositions are written separately, they are independent words.

    The stage of creative application of knowledge in a new situation. Completing problematic tasks.

1) Work on card number 2

Open parenthesis. Write prefixes together, separate prepositions.

Pupils (you) go (from) the school.

The guys (c) were hiding (from) the rain (under) a sprawling spruce.

Bees (re) fly (from) a flower (to) a flower.

(From) a new coat (from) a button was torn

2) Writing from memory.

The wind walks on the sea

And the boat is pushing.

To whom do these lines belong?

From what work?

Write down from memory, highlight the preposition, designate the prefix.

3) Work on card number 3

Instead of dots, insert appropriate prepositions and prefixes.

Gingerbread man …… rolled ……. path.

The rider ….. knitted ….. the horse ….. wood and ….. jumped ….. the saddle.

The shepherds….. set off….. the mountains….. the valley.

(After completing each task of this stage, it is checked.)

    Wrap-up stage. Reflection.

What have we learned to distinguish today?

How are suggestions written?

How are prefixes spelled?

Today we learned to distinguish between prepositions and prefixes. We repeat that a preposition is an independent word, written separately. A prefix is ​​part of a word and is written together. Verbs can have a prefix in their composition, nouns can be used with various prepositions.

Summarize knowledge about prepositions and prefixes: about the features of writing part of the word-prefix and part of speech-preposition.

Develop the ability to distinguish prefixes and prepositions; write them correctly; speech; memory; thinking; enrichment of the student's vocabulary.



Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in grade 3 on the topic: "Prefixes and prepositions."

Objectives: To generalize knowledge about prepositions and prefixes: about the features of writing the part of the word-prefix and the part of speech-preposition.

Develop the ability to distinguish prefixes and prepositions; write them correctly; speech; memory; thinking; enrichment of the student's vocabulary.

Equipment: 1. Cards with words, divided into parts of the word

2. offer scheme cards.

3. task cards.

1 . Organizational moment: the one who will make up the word will sit down: with, sea, sk, pieces, by, road, by, to, affairs, but, by, oh, gift, for, to, reptile, a.

2 . Read the writing on the board.

I reached the birch

Ran down the path

Read about the city

Yelled at the dog

What is written on the board?

What groups can these words be divided into? (words with prefixes, words with prepositions).

Let's prove that there are prefixes and prepositions here.

Why should they be distinguished? (pronounced the same)

Do you remember what attachments are?

How are words spelled?

  1. Read the first phrase.
  2. Name the word with a prefix.
  3. How do you spell prefix?

What is a suggestion?

  1. How do you write a preposition with words?
  2. Try to insert another word between the preposition and the word.

Read the word with the prefix again.

What part of speech does it belong to?

Remember what you know about preposition and verb? (there are no prepositions before verbs).

Let's remember again how to distinguish a prefix from a preposition?

1) there is no preposition before verbs.

2) between the prepositions and the word, you can put one more word.

3 . Work in a notebook: open notebooks and write down the number.

Write down all the phrases in your notebook. Highlight the prefixes with a cap, and circle the prepositions in a triangle.

Examination. Grade.

4 . Fizkultminutka: if a word with a prefix - clap.

If the word is with a preposition, we stomp.

(under) drew, (under) the drawing, (from) the nose, (from) carried, (from) screwed, (from) screw, (c) cut, (for) took, (for) brother.

5 . Work with text: read the text silently

Who is the text about?

What did you learn from the fairy tale? (1)

Read aloud.

Read the sentences opening the brackets.

Write the text in a notebook, opening brackets and highlighting prefixes and prepositions.

Are there any words that give you trouble?

Check: Name the words with prefixes. Say words with prepositions.

Show me how a fox could ask a hare?

Correct the mistakes made by Dunno (right on the card).

High up in the mountains already crawling.

Titmouse flew into a cage.

Swap cards and check each other's work.

6. Read the short story. Think about opening parentheses.

The bear (under) the ear put (under) the ear.

Read at a fast pace 2 times.

Read with questioning intonation.

7. Outcome. What have we learned?

How to distinguish a prefix from a preposition?

How to write prefixes and prepositions correctly?

Differentiation of prefixes and prepositions

Purpose: 1. To consolidate in children the concept of the grammatical role of prefixes and prepositions

2. Development of memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills

3. Familiarize yourself with a business letter.

Equipment: subject pictures, notebooks, pens, cards with individual tasks.

Course progress.

    Organizing time. Today, guys, we will work on distinguishing between prepositions and prefixes. And what word can we replace the word "distinction" with? ("Differentiation") Right.

A conversation based on the material of past classes about the composition of the word, prefix, preposition, spelling of prefixes and prepositions.

Teacher: What is a suggestion?

students : this word.

Teacher: What is a suggestion for?

Students: to connect words in a sentence.

Teacher: How do you write a preposition with other words?

students : apart.

Teacher: What is an attachment?

students : a prefix is ​​a part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form new words.

Teacher : How do you spell a prefix with words?

students : together

Now let's see what mail we received today? There are telegrams and letters. -What will we watch first? (telegrams) - Why? (because these are urgent messages)

Tasks: 1. Write off the texts of telegrams, identifying prepositions and prefixes:

Masha (for) went (for) a friend. Polina (to) walked (to) the store. The child (ot) walked (from) the stove. The wolf (on) rushed (on) the grandmother.

2. And now open your envelopes and read 1 task.Working with phrases.

Teacher: Open the brackets, write the correct words with prefixes and prepositions.

(c) rolled (c) mountains

(along) ran (along) the paths

(pro) read (pro) cars

Teacher: Let's see how you completed this task. Name words with prefixes.

Students: rolled down, ran, read

Teacher: How were the prefixes recorded?

students : merged.

Teacher: Name words with prepositions.

Students: from the mountain, along the paths, about cars.

Teacher: How do you write prepositions with words?

Students: separately.

Teacher: What rule did you use when doing this exercise?Students: you can insert another word between a preposition and a word, but not between a prefix and a root.

2. Read those of the sentences written on the board that have a preposition or prefix. It was a hot, summer morning. A light breeze blew. A clear stream gurgled over the rocks. Birds sang in the shady bushes. The sonorous song of the nightingale was heard. Bright sun rose higher and higher.

3. Write sentences under dictation, drawing instead of prepositions, and instead of prefixes -

(B) poplar blizzard

(By) the bumblebee was losing its way.

(Pro) flashed (over) the garden,

(B) the house (to) the kitchen (for) flew

And (over) a blue cup (with) honey

In a businesslike (for) buzzed. (T. Belozerov)

Let's find the verbs. What did you do? Lost, flashed, flown, buzzed. So, in-, pro-, for - these are prefixes, since prepositions with verbs are not used.

In a snowstorm (what?) A poplar, in is a preposition, over (what?) A large garden, over is an excuse, in (what?) A wooden house, in is an excuse, To (what?) A sunny kitchen, On is an excuse, over (what?) a blue cup, over is a pretext, with (what?) fragrant honey, with is a preposition.

Correct answer:

In a poplar blizzard

The bumblebee has lost its way.

Flew over the garden

I flew into the house into the kitchen

And over the blue cup of honey

Buzzed like a proprietor.

4. Practice. Open the brackets in the riddle about the wind.

Sometimes he (in) cold, sometimes he (in) heat, sometimes he is good, sometimes he is evil. (B) open windows suddenly (c) flies, then something (about) whispers, then suddenly (for) buzzes. (When) it is quiet, (at) it rushes, (at) it rushes again, then (at) thinks the waves (across) the sea to drive. (N. Naydenova)

Test yourself. In one column, words with prepositions, in the other - with prefixes.

V(what?) winter coldwill fly in

V(what?) intense heatwhisper

V(what?) open windowsbuzz

By(what?) blue seaquiet down

rush off

will rush


5. Write, open the brackets. Select attachments.

(C) light snow fell from the sky. Snowflakes (to) flew (to) the ground. They sat (on) roofs, (on) trees and benches. Sometimes a strong wind blew. Then snowflakes (s) flew, (times) flew and whirled (in) a dance.

Summary of the lesson: So, guys, how to distinguish a prefix from a preposition? The students answer: - To distinguish a prefix from a preposition, try to insert another word in the place where the question arose. You can insert a word, so this is a preposition. Write it separately. You can't insert a word, it's a prefix. It is spelled with the word conjointly.

Synopsis of a group speech therapy lesson for students with

agrammatic dysgraphia, dysorphography

Subject.Differentiation of prepositions and prefixes.

Target learn to differentiate prepositions and prefixes.


Educational: consolidate children's knowledge of prefixes and prepositions;to teach to distinguish practically prefixes and prepositions; to consolidate the ability to distinguish and highlight the prefix and preposition; to improve the ability to isolate and distinguish between a prefix and a preposition.

Correction - developing: replenish and activate lexicon through the selection of adjectives, mastery of educational terminology on the topic of the lesson; develop the ability to compare on the basis of self-selection of essential features for comparison; correct and improve reading and writing skills through training exercises; improve reading comprehension on the material of the deformed text.

Educational: to cultivate endurance, self-control, spelling vigilance;cultivate a culture of communication through the ability to listen to each other.

Equipment:cards, notebooks.

Course progress.

    Organizing time. Psychological mood of children.

- Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to class!

Today our motto will be:

And we start the lesson again

We are on our way to the pinnacle of knowledge.

We open all knowledge ourselves,

Therefore, be active!

- Words are written on the board, determine if the highlighted letters are prefixes and prepositions. The words are written on the board:

V..went, into..the plane, from..the pier, from..driving off, from..the roof, from..fell, on..took, on..the shore.

- Name words with prefixes. Name the words with prepositions (perform orally, explain each word).

- What problem do we have to solve in the lesson?(Let's distinguish prefixes and prepositions)
- Why do we need to learn to distinguish between them? (To correctly write words with prepositions and prefixes, be able to correctly use prefixes and prepositions in speech, write correctly)

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

- How do we formulate the topic of the lesson? (Prefixes and prepositions)
- Right. Today in the lesson we will learn to distinguish a preposition from a prefix, train attention and memory.

- I will now give you figures: one is a “cube”, and the other is a “pyramid”. I give you instructions and you take action. Ready? Let's start:

put the pyramid on the cube;
- hold the pyramid over the cube;
- put the pyramid in front of the cube;
- put the pyramid .... cube.

Why couldn't you complete the last task? (missing word)
- Guess what word I had to say (near, near, left, right, at ...)? (Put the pyramid near the cube.)
- Right.

3. Repetition of previously acquired knowledge.

What is a suggestion? (This word.)
- Why do you need a suggestion? (To link words in a sentence.)
How do you write a preposition with other words?(Apart.)
- What is an attachment?
(A prefix is ​​the part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form new words.)
- How do you spell a prefix with words? (Fluent.)
- Read the tongue twister, identify prefixes and prepositions.

Dogorod road uphill,
The fences are mountains.

4. Training exercises to distinguish between a preposition and a prefix.

Word work.

- Read the words.Determine where the words are with prefixes, and where are the prepositions?On the car, sketched, copied, postcards, entered, on the plane, ran, along the path.
How can I do that?(You can insert a sign word between a preposition and a word, but nothing can be inserted between a prefix and a root.)
- Let's check: on the car, let's try to insert a sign word (on the red car). Conclude what is
on prefix or preposition?
(On is a preposition, because you can insert the word: on a red car, it is written separately.)
- The next word: sketched, let's try to insert a word.
(Nothing works, so on is a prefix, it is written together.)
(Further similarly with all words).
- Name the words with prefixes from this exercise. (I sketched, sketched, entered, ran.)
- Name words with prepositions. (To the car, from a postcard, to the plane, along the path.
) The first desk will memorize and write down words with prefixes, and the second desk with prepositions. I give you time to memorize, at my command we write it down in a notebook. Don't forget to highlight the prefixes and underline the prepositions. Time has gone...
- Swap notebooks and check if you have written the words correctly.
- Let's repeat once again, how to distinguish prefixes and prepositions?

Working with phrases.

- I will read the words, and you correctlywrite down the words with prefixes and prepositions.
Covered ran, drew in the sand, plucked, from a tree
Let's see how you completed this task. Name words with prefixes.
(Ran, drew, plucked.

- How were the prefixes recorded?(Fluent.)
- Name words with prepositions.
(On the roof, on the sand, from a tree.)
How did you write prepositions with words?
What rule did you use when doing this exercise? Students: you can insert another word between a preposition and a word, but not between a prefix and a root.

- Make up a sentence with one of the phrases orally.


5. Work with handouts.

- You have task cards on the table. Read andInsert appropriate prefixes and prepositions. Define prefixes, prepositions.


In the morning we began to pull the net. ... the shore ... dragged together ... fish and sea crabs. ... the sea is lazy ... the cat Murka walked and ... climbed ... the water. With her paw ... she felt ... a small fish in the bottom. Murka ... clung to the fish with her claws and threw ... the shore to the kittens.

Let's check (each student reads a sentence and explains how they wrote it).

6. The result of the lesson. What did you learn in class?
Once again, remember what a prefix and a preposition are.
Well done! Thank you for your work.