Ancient-city - Mohenjo-Daro. The riddle of history. Indian Civilization (Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro) The Dead City of Mohenjo-Daro is located

In 1922, on one of the islands of the Indus River in Pakistan, archaeologists discovered the ruins of an ancient city under a layer of sand. They named this place mohenjo-daro, What's on local language means "hill of the dead".

It is believed that the city arose around 2600 BC and existed for about 900 years. It is assumed that during its heyday it was the center of the Indus Valley civilization and one of the most developed cities in South Asia. Lived in it from 50 to 80 thousand people. Excavations continued in this area until 1980. Salty underground waters began to flood the area and corrode the burnt brick of the remaining fragments of buildings. And then, by decision of UNESCO, the excavations were mothballed. So far, about a tenth of the city has been excavated.

What did Mohenjo-Daro look like almost four thousand years ago? Houses of the same type were located literally in a line. In the center of house building there was a courtyard, and around it there were 4-6 living rooms, a kitchen and a room for ablution. The passages for stairs preserved in some houses suggest that two-story houses were also built. The main streets were very wide. Some went strictly from north to south, others from west to east.

Ditches flowed through the streets, from which water was supplied to some houses. There were also wells. Each house was connected to a sewerage system. Sewage was taken out of the city through underground pipes made of burnt bricks. For the first time, perhaps, archaeologists have discovered here the oldest public toilets. Among other buildings, attention is drawn to the granary pool for common ritual ablutions with an area of ​​83 square meters and a "citadel" on a hill - apparently to save the townspeople from floods. There were also inscriptions on the stone, which, however, have not yet been deciphered.


What happened to this city and its inhabitants? In fact, Mohenjo Daro ceased to exist at once. There are many proofs for this. In one of the houses, the skeletons of thirteen adults and one child were found. People were not killed or robbed; before they died, they sat and ate something from bowls. Others just walked the streets. Their death was sudden. In some ways, it reminded the death of people in Pompeii.

Archaeologists had to discard one after another version of the death of the city and its inhabitants. One of these versions is that the city was suddenly captured by the enemy and burned. But the excavations did not find any weapons or traces of the battle. There are quite a lot of skeletons, but all these people did not die as a result of the struggle. On the other hand, skeletons for such big city clearly not enough. It seems that most of the inhabitants left Mohenjo-Daro before the disaster. How could this happen? Solid mysteries...

“I worked at the excavations in Mohenjo-Daro for four whole years,” recalled Chinese archaeologist Jeremy Sen. - The main version that I heard before coming there is that in 1528 BC this city was destroyed by an explosion of monstrous force. All our finds confirmed this assumption... Everywhere we came across "groups of skeletons" - at the time of the death of the city, people were clearly taken by surprise. An analysis of the remains showed an amazing thing: the death of thousands of residents of Mohenjo-Daro came ... from a sharp increase in radiation levels.

The walls of the houses were melted, and among the rubble we found layers of green glass. It was this glass that was seen after nuclear tests at a test site in the Nevada desert, when sand melted. Both the location of the corpses and the nature of the destruction in Mohenjo-Daro resembled ... the events of August 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ... Both I and many members of that expedition concluded: there is a possibility that Mohenjo-Daro became the first city in the history of the Earth to be subjected to a nuclear bombardment .

Molten layer

A similar point of view is shared by the English archaeologist D. Davenport and the Italian researcher E. Vincenti. An analysis of samples brought from the banks of the Indus showed that the melting of soil and brick occurred at a temperature of 1400-1500°C. Such a temperature in those days could only be obtained in a forge, but not in a vast open area.

What do the holy books say

So it was a nuclear explosion. But is it possible four thousand years ago? However, let's not rush. Let us turn to the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. Here is what happens when you use the mysterious weapons of the gods Pashupati:

“... the earth shuddered underfoot, staggered along with the trees. The river stirred, even the great seas were agitated, the mountains cracked, the winds rose. The fire died down, the radiant sun eclipsed ...

White hot smoke, which was a thousand times brighter than the sun, rose in endless brilliance and burned the city to the ground. The water boiled… horses and war chariots were burned by the thousands… the corpses of the fallen were crippled by the terrible heat so that they no longer resembled humans…

Gurka (deity. - Note of the author), who flew in on a fast and powerful vimana, sent one projectile against three cities, charged with all the power of the universe. A sparkling column of smoke and fire flared up like ten thousand suns... dead people was impossible to recognize, and the survivors did not live long: their hair, teeth and nails fell out. The sun seemed to tremble in the heavens. The earth trembled, scorched by the terrible heat of this weapon… The elephants burst into flames and fled in madness in different directions… All the animals, crushed to the ground, fell, and from all sides the flames rained continuously and mercilessly.”

Well, one can only once again be amazed at the ancient Indian texts that have been carefully preserved for centuries and brought these terrible legends to us. Most of these texts translators and historians late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century was considered just a terrible fairy tale. After all, before missiles with nuclear warheads was still far away.

Desert instead of cities

Many carved seals were found in Mohenjo-Daro, on which, as a rule, animals and birds were depicted: monkeys, parrots, tigers, rhinos. Apparently, in that era, the Indus Valley was covered with jungle. Now there is a desert. The great Sumer and Babylonia were buried under sand drifts.

The ruins of ancient cities are hidden in the deserts of Egypt and Mongolia. Scientists are now discovering traces of settlements in America in completely uninhabitable territories. According to ancient Chinese chronicles, highly developed states were once located in the Gobi desert. Traces of ancient buildings are found even in the Sahara.

In this regard, the question arises: why did the once flourishing cities turn into lifeless deserts? Has the weather gone mad or has the climate changed? Let's admit. But why did the sand melt at the same time? It was this sand, which turned into a green glassy mass, that the researchers found in the Chinese part of the Gobi Desert, and in the Lop Nor Lake area, and in the Sahara, and in the deserts of New Mexico. The temperature required to turn sand into glass does not occur naturally on Earth.

But four thousand years ago people could not have nuclear weapons. This means that the gods had and used it, in other words, aliens, cruel guests from outer space.

Vasily MITSUROV, Candidate of Historical Sciences

The civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

The area of ​​proto-Indian civilization was more extensive than the areas of the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt combined. It stretched 1,600 kilometers from south to north and 800 kilometers from east to west. From the beginning of the 1920s to the present day, about 2,500 monuments of this ancient culture have been discovered, including its capital cities, seaports, border fortresses, etc. We cannot say whether it was a single civilization, or several city-states.

In the era of prosperity of Mohenjo-Daro, fertile lands stretched around it, and full-flowing rivers were transport channels. The population was engaged in agriculture and grew wheat, barley, sesame, dates and cotton. Rich harvests and convenient communication routes allowed the inhabitants of the city to exchange their products for raw materials, metal, precious stones and spices from Central Asia, Afghanistan, Persia and South India. Among the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, many male and female terracotta figures and miniature images of various animals, as well as clay seals with pictographic inscriptions, were found.

The cities of the Indus Valley were built of brick - but not of mud brick, which was used by the Sumerians, but of baked brick. This fact, together with the remains of huge dams that protected cities from floods, and a dense network of sewers, clearly indicated that five thousand years ago heavy rains in the Indus Valley were very frequent, and so much so that the abundance of water posed a threat to city buildings. The Sumerians could build their cities from raw brick, since rains in southern Mesopotamia were rare. The inhabitants of the Indus Valley, on the contrary, clearly had an excess of water - and this is all the more surprising because today it is one of the driest places on the planet.

Indian civilization has many unsolved mysteries. We do not know what it was actually called, who built it. Forgotten are the names of its mysterious cities. The language of this civilization is also unknown, the hieroglyphs on the Indian seals still remain undeciphered ...

To date, several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the reasons for the "crash" of such a vast, powerful and developed civilization. Among them: climate change associated with the movement of tectonic plates, floods, earthquakes, the invasion of nomadic tribes. Civilization fell into decay quite quickly. And the disaster in Mohenjo-Daro generally came suddenly.

Reasons for the death of Mohenjo-Daro

From the studies carried out, one thing was clear: Mohenjo-Daro was the victim of some kind of environmental disaster, it happened suddenly and did not last long. However, its power was such that it led to the sudden and irreversible death of an entire city. An interesting fact is that almost simultaneously with Mohejo-Daro, other nearby large cities also died.

According to some reports, there was a powerful explosion on the hill where the city was located, the ruins of the buildings were melted, and the skeletons in the area of ​​the explosion were radioactive. Allegedly back in 1927, archaeologists found 27 or 44 fully preserved human skeletons with increased level radiation. The authorities were worried. You can’t give people evidence that in the middle of the second millennium someone used powerful nuclear bombs. Some version was needed. To begin with, they launched a message in the media that 140 kilometers from Mohenjo-Daro, the epicenter of an ancient earthquake was allegedly found, which caused the tragedy. However, no one believed that the earthquake was able to melt the stones. Then a certain A.P. Nevsky came forward, declaring that it was a comet. Like, when entering the atmosphere, a discharge of static electricity with a force of millions of amperes arose, and it was he who destroyed the city. However, no signs of flooding, volcanic eruptions or the fall of large meteorites were found in Mohenjo-Daro.

Version one. Mohenjo-daro and black lightning

In the magazine "Around the World" No. 7 for 1987, an article by Professor M. Dmitriev "Black lightning over Mohenjo-Daro" was published. In it, the high temperature that melted the stones at the “epicenter of the explosion” was explained by the explosion of a large number of ball lightning orphysical and chemical formations (PHO) (black lightning) , which are unstable and during their decay a significant temperature arises. These formations are able to exist for a very long time and emit toxic gases. It is assumed that they "strangled" the inhabitants. Moreover, FHO can explode like ordinary fireballs. It is the aggression of a huge accumulation of “black lightning” that supporters of this hypothesis explain the melted stones and skeletons of people on the streets of Mohenjo-Daro...
But what caused black lightning to accumulate in Mohenjo-Daro? The ruins of the city are located in Pakistan, near the border with India. This is just at the junction of the Indian and Eurasian lithospheric plates. In this place in earth's crust there are huge tectonic stresses. It is believed that it was the collision of these two plates, lasting millions of years, that led to the emergence of a mountain-fold belt, now called the Himalayas. The pressure at the junction of two plates could cause a huge electrical stress in rocks containing quartz. For the same reason, there is a voltage in the piezo lighter. Only the scale here is continental. At the same time, there is a huge tension between the Earth's surface and the upper atmosphere. The top layer is ionized solar radiation, it is electrically conductive. The surface of the Earth and the ionosphere become the plates of the all-planet capacitor. The layer of atmosphere between them is an insulator. You can imagine what kind of lightning can happen if you close the surface with the ionosphere.

There was even a hypothesis that Nikola Tesla learned to cause an ionospheric breakdown and even boasted that he could burn an entire army or fleet with electricity at once.
Ancient Indian myths speak of some unbearable radiance. Perhaps it was the incredible ionospheric lightning.
If there really was an incredible lightning, then no less incredible fulgurite should remain from it. This is a channel of fused soil that extends deep into the earth at the site of a lightning strike.
In this regard, we can recall the town of Sasovo in the Ryazan region. Thanks to the investigation of the geologist V. Larin, the cause of a strange explosion in that place (which was also accompanied by piezoelectric phenomena) was found. Hydrogen rose from the depths, forming an explosive mixture that flared up with an effect similar to the operation of a vacuum bomb. Fortunately, this did not happen in the city itself, but a little further away. True, unlike Mohenjo-Daro, no melting was observed here and the flash was too short. There were also cases when deep hydrogen burned in one of the anomalous wells in Yakutia, and around the burning well, the sand simply sintered into glass from the heat.
This version of black lightning is supported by the researcher V. Kandyba. It recalls the many ancient reports about strong airglows and all kinds of unusual phenomena in China, Ethiopia, India, Egypt, and Scotland.

“I have destroyed the nations, their strongholds have been destroyed; He made their streets empty, so that no one walks in them anymore; their cities are laid waste; there is not a single person, there are no inhabitants.

/Sof. 3:6/

In 1922, an Indian archaeological expedition led by R. Banerjee, excavating on one of the islands of the Indus River, discovered an ancient city, the true name of which has not yet been established.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. mohenjo-daro

According to the results of excavations, he received the name in the scientific world mohenjo-daro, V literal translation from the Sindhi language means "Hill of the Dead". Despite some dissonance, the name Mohenjo-Daro has taken root in the scientific world and is now perceived as the original name of the ancient city. This unnamed city, located on the territory of the modern province of Sindh in Pakistan, was one of the centers of the Harappan civilization.

The results of the mohenjo-daro excavations convincingly proved that the city located on the mountain almost instantly died about 3500 years ago, in the middle of the second millennium BC, due to an extremely powerful explosion that destroyed all the buildings of the city and destroyed its inhabitants. The epicenter of the explosion which fell on the top of the hill, where the city center was locatedmohenjo-daro, all the buildings of which were destroyed to the ground, while at the foot of the hill, where the outskirts of the city were located, the traces of destruction were somewhat less.

To Art. mohenjo-daro

ancient stonesmohenjo-daroretained traces of unusually strong melting and fire, and their dispersion testified to the enormous power of the explosion.

Single and group skeletons of people covered with earth and stones testified that until the very last moment before the explosion, people calmly walked around the citymohenjo-daro, and the catastrophe that broke out took them by surprise.

Archaeologists and scientists from different countries who later studied the results of archaeological excavations were unanimous in their opinion that the explosion that destroyed the ancient mohenjo-daro, is very reminiscent of the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the American atomic bombings, but the increase in the level of radioactivity in ancient city and its surroundings have not been discovered.

Nowhere in the vicinitymohenjo-daro no traces of the eruption of an ancient volcano or a crater from the fall of a large meteorite were found.

K st. Mohenjo-Daro. mohenjo-daro

However approximately 120 kilometers from Mohenjo-Daro, in the valley of the Indus River, the epicenter of an ancient earthquake was discovered middle of the second millennium BC, which greatly distorted the original appearance of the valley. On this basis, scientists tend to believe that both of these events were interconnected with each other.

The Indian "Mahabharata" also tells about the events of the middle of the second millennium BC, which are directly related to our story.

Then a whole "heavenly city" of numerous "self-propelled lights" appeared in the sky. And suddenly, suddenly flashing “brighter than a thousand suns”, the entire “heavenly city of blinding fire” collapsed on Earth with numerous pillars of fire, overthrowing its cities and destroying its inhabitants. The death of Mohenjo-Daro occurred on April 3, 1528 BC, when a fiery tornado and a sea of ​​raging fire from an electric discharge explosion of one of the fragments of the “revenge comet” covered the hill and the city located on it, turning it into ruins and destroying the inhabitants. I have written about this many times in my previous works.

But despite the foregoing, the mysterious circumstances of the death of the ancient citymohenjo-daro, still attract the attention of scientists, giving rise to the most fantastic hypotheses and versions.

Not knowing the natural-scientific causes, deathmohenjo-darotrying to explain both the nuclear explosion of a mysterious ancient civilization and the death of the interplanetary spaceship during his landing.

So, for example, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Vsevolod Korolkov, on the basis of the mysterious death of Mohenjo-Daro, put forward the original version that the first civilizations on Earth were not the result of evolutionary development, but appeared from great ancestors who arrived from outside and possessed knowledge in the field cosmology, astronomy, nuclear theory, etc. And the Englishman D. Davenport and the Italian E. Vincenti believe that Mohenjo-Daro suffered the fate of Hiroshima. But such hypotheses, despite their amazing courage, are usually untenable, and violate the first principle of the scientific worldview, clearly formulated by William of Ockham: “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily”, those. new hypotheses should not be created to explain phenomena that can be explained on the basis of previous knowledge.

The basis for such hypotheses was the fantastic temperature that melted the stones of the ancient Mohenjo-Daro, which, according to scientists' calculations, should have exceeded 1500 degrees Celsius, and is comparable to the temperature of a thermonuclear explosion. Indeed, among the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, there are whole layers of green glass, formed as a result of the melting of sand under the influence of high temperature. The same layers of green glass are found at a nuclear test site in the desert of Nevada (USA) after atomic explosions. Let me remind you that a temperature of 1500-2000 degrees Celsius is required to melt sand. Comparable temperatures can only be obtained in blast or electric furnaces. But the same temperature is created by a cosmic electric discharge explosion of a meteorite. That is, this extraordinary natural phenomenon easily explains the destruction of Mohenjo-Daro.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. mohenjo-daro

Electric discharge explosion hypothesis Alexander Nevsky allows you to simply, logically and scientifically explain mysterious death ancient citymohenjo-daro.

I will have to recall once again the main provisions of this hypothesis, which allows us to understand and whole line secrets of the biblical text, which are fundamental to the Christian faith.

According to the hypothesis "when in earth's atmosphere If a large meteorite moving at great speed invades, then, as concrete calculations show, superpowerful potentials are formed, and a gigantic electrical breakdown occurs between it and the Earth's surface. Within a short time, the kinetic energy of the meteorite is converted into the electrical energy of the discharge, which leads to its explosion.

At the same time, the larger the diameter and mass of the meteorite, the higher the altitude at which it explodes.

The flight of large meteorites necessarily ends with a flash of a giant fiery pillar, expanding downwards and consisting of many thousands of plasma channels (discharges).

K st. Mohenjo-Daro. mohenjo-daro

According to Alexander Nevsky, “A pulse current, about a million amperes, flows through each of these arc channels, affecting earth's surface like an explosion of an aerial bomb with a TNT equivalent of several hundred kilograms, and a huge number of funnels with traces of high-temperature exposure should remain on the surface of the Earth; stones or rock melted to a glassy state subjected to powerful X-ray or neutron irradiation, which is accompanied by electric discharge explosions.

As a result of an electric discharge explosion, three main sources of powerful shock waves are formed.

“The emergence of the main, so-called cylindrical shock wave, is associated with the formation of a multi-channel electric discharge column, in which the main discharge energy is released. The second, spherical, as physicists say, shock wave, is generated by the explosive expansion of meteorite material. The third is an ordinary ballistic wave that accompanies the supersonic flight of any body in the earth's atmosphere.
To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. mohenjo-daro

As can be seen from the above, the main damaging factors of an electric discharge explosion are a dazzling bright pillar of all-devouring fire, the temperature of which is comparable to the temperature of a nuclear explosion, and a crushing shock wave generated by it, which has the power of a nuclear explosion.

It is these striking factors of the electric discharge explosion that were the components for creating the image of God the Holy Spirit in biblical texts.

Here is a verbatim description of the damaging factors of an electric discharge explosion of a meteorite, taken from the Bible: “Our God is coming, and not in silence: before him there is a consuming fire, and around him there is a violent storm/ Ps. 49:3/.

These lines of the biblical text were written by a witness of the catastrophe 3600 years ago, but they succinctly and accurately expressed its essence.

I will give a few more characteristic descriptions of the image of our God.

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, a God-fearing and deeply religious woman, but possessing a special gift of clairvoyance, represented God in the form of a huge hot fireball, like a meteorite burning in the Earth's atmosphere. And this is absolutely correct from the point of view of the “retribution comet” hypothesis.

Here is how Vanga's niece, journalist Krasimira Stoyanova, wrote down her words in her book Vanga.

“When asked by a journalist if she had seen Christ, she answered like this: “Yes, but he does not have a figure. This is a huge fireball, which is impossible to look at because of the glow. Only light, nothing else is visible. If someone tells you that he has seen God, know that it is not true.”

Science still cannot explain Vanga's phenomenon, but the number of her accurate predictions confirmed by Bulgarian scientists has exceeded 86%. Believer Vanga, contrary to the version of the official Church, represents God not in the form of a god-man, but in the form of a fireball, and, in my opinion, this is another proof of her mysterious gift of clairvoyance.

The Evangelist Matthew also testifies to this: “Then if anyone says to you, “Here is the Christ,” or “there,” don't believe; for false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. That's what I told you ahead of time. So if they say to you, “Behold, he is in the wilderness,” do not go out; "Behold, He is in the secret rooms" - do not believe / Matt. 24:23-26/

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. mohenjo-daro

From the above passage of text it clearly follows that we cannot talk about a person in the image of God.

And the very next line of the biblical text indicates that we are talking about an electric discharge explosion. celestial body: "For how lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man." / Matt. 24:27/.

Above, I already gave an explanation about the fact that due to the archaic nature of the language of that time, the word "lightning" in biblical texts denotes a pillar of an electric discharge explosion. But I must say, a little later, the word "pillar" firmly entered the lexicon of the Christian Church.

Speaking about the biblical symbolism of an electric discharge explosion, I cannot but tell about Rainbow Covenant, for this expression is its biblical synonym.

To Art. Mohenjo-Daro. Mohenjo-Daro. Rainbow

This covenant is reported in the first book of Moses: “I establish my covenant with you, that all flesh will no longer be destroyed by the waters of the flood, and there will be no more flood to destroy the earth. And God said, This is the sign of the covenant that I am making between Me and between you, and between every living soul that is with you, forever and ever: I put my rainbow in the cloud to be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. And it will be when I bring a cloud to the earth, it will appear rainbow in the cloud and I will remember my covenant, which is between me and between you, and between every living soul in all flesh; and there will be no more water as a flood to destroy all flesh. And will be rainbow in the cloud, And I will see her and remember the eternal covenant between God and every living soul in all flesh that is on earth."/ Gen. 9:11-17/.

Despite the archaism of the language, it is clear from this quote that we are talking about a sign of a phenomenon that looks like a rainbow.

Let's continue to quote the biblical text, using the testimony of John the Theologian: "And I saw another Angel, strong descending from heaven clothed with a cloud; there was a rainbow over his head and his face is like the sun, and his feet are like pillars of fire.”/Open 10:1/

Angel (lit. “messenger”, “messenger”) is the mythological designation of a meteorite, and this quote gives an allegorical description of the pillar of an electric discharge explosion of a meteorite, which is associated with a rainbow. To further clarify the situation, I will give another testimony of the prophet Ezekiel: “And I saw, as it were, a blazing metal, as it were a kind of fire within it around; from the appearance of his loins and above, from the form of his loins and below, I saw as it were a kind of fire, and a radiance was around him.

In what form is the seven-color on the clouds during the rain, such was the appearance of this radiance all around /Ezek. 1:27-28/.

In the above quote, it is quite clearly stated that the pillar of the electric discharge explosion looks like a rainbow.

Now let's finally clarify the situation and compare these testimonies of eyewitnesses of the Cretan catastrophe, made in the archaic language of the middle of the second millennium BC, with the testimony of Barakova, a witness of the Tunguska catastrophe. She saw and described the pillar of the Tunguska electric discharge explosion, the height of which, according to various estimates, ranged from 10 to 20 kilometers: « A straight arrow stood up, all of multi-colored ribbons.»

This is what eyewitnesses of the Cretan catastrophe and numerous descriptions in biblical texts testify to, and therefore in the Bible the pillar of the electric discharge explosion is called Testament of the Rainbow between God and people. It is ridiculous to deny such an obvious, therefore, in the end, sooner or later, we will have to admit scientific basis biblical texts.

And according to the hypothesis of the electric discharge explosion of Alexander Nevsky, the different colors of the plasma channels of the discharge were due to their different temperatures along the edges and in the middle of the discharge column.

I must say, in religious symbolism, the fall of a meteorite in the Earth's atmosphere was represented like the flight of an angel with a fiery sword. In modern iconography, the archangel Michael is depicted with a fiery sword.

Publication 2018-04-03 Liked 8 Views 2125

Mysteriously empty

ravaged by war

perishing in fire

defeated by water

Every city is a mystery

Some believe that the city, if people live in it long enough, acquires a semblance of personality with its own character and mood. He can be mysterious or open, friendly or cold. But the most intriguing secrets lie in cities whose inhabitants have suddenly disappeared. Roanoke, Centralia, Mohenjo-Daro... Abandoned suspiciously quickly places attract with their secrets and beckon to solve a mysterious puzzle

Incredibly, there were five- and seven-story houses in the city

Mohenjo-Daro, rich and prosperous

The mysterious city is located in Pakistan, in an area called Sindh and is considered the largest of the ancient cities of the Indus Valley. In addition, this is one of the first cities built in this area during the times of Ancient Egypt.

Statue of the king-priest greets tourists at the entrance to the museum

In 1911, Mohenjo-Daro was found in the sands, and its regular excavations were carried out by archaeologists until 1931. The specialists were surprised by the thoughtful layout of the streets, the use of baked bricks in the construction and the complex irrigation and agricultural buildings. This is not quite typical for urban planning of that period.

Mohenjo-daro - view from space

In the golden age of the city, the territory of Mohenjo-Daro reached 300 hectares, and about 40,000 people constantly lived in it. Apparently, the city was an important center indus civilization. Large religious ceremonies, meetings and other events were held here.

The city was built at the same time as the pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge

Interestingly, despite the presence of signs indicating the wealth and prosperity of the city, archaeologists have not found a single luxurious palace or temple. Everything looks as if the people of Mohejo-Daro were not in awe of material values and the accumulation of goods, which is characteristic of later civilizations. The advancement is also indicated by the fact that the city was ruled not by one ruler and not by the priestly elite, but by a group of people who were elected by the inhabitants.

Plan of the ancient city

Mohenjo-Daro, mysteriously empty

According to experts, Mohenjo-Daro originated around 2600 BC. and existed for about 900 years. Its decline is not like the slow natural decline of other abandoned cities. Why did the residents leave their homes and where did they go next? This mystery has not yet been solved, but, like any other mystery, it has given rise to many theories and conjectures, from quite rational to the most fantastic.

Part of the sewerage system of the ancient city

Mohenjo-Daro destroyed by war

Archaeologist M. Wheeler put forward a version that most of the city's population was exterminated during the Aryan invasion, and the surviving residents were sold into slavery or fled. As evidence, the researcher cites an episode from where Indra destroys the fortresses of the Aryans with divine fire.

Seal with Shiva from the time of Mohenjo-Daro

However, this version of the Mohenjo-Daro mystery does not look plausible, since no more than forty human remains were found in the city and its environs. In the event of an attack on Mohenjo-Daro, even with the aim of plundering and capturing slaves, the death toll would be much higher.

"Dancing Girl" The inhabitants of the city appreciated dancing and sculpture

Mohenjo-daro perishing in fire

In one of the districts of the city, the bricks of buildings are mysteriously melted, which suggests the impact of high temperatures. This fact served as the basis for theories about the mysterious aliens who destroyed the city with the help of their advanced technology.

Molten stone and sand indicate a nuclear explosion
The top of the Buddhist stupa was visible before the excavations began.

Another theory related to fire was put forward in the 1980s by the chemist M. T. Dmitriev. He assumed that the natural conditions of the area caused the formation of plasma formations like ball lightning. They, in accordance with the hypothesis, caused a fire, and people, frightened by the mysterious heavenly fire, left the city.

44 skeletons found in one room

Mohenjo-daro conquered by water

The most realistic theory at the moment explains the mystery of the decline of Mohenjo-Daro by flooding. This assumption was made by E. McKay during excavations at the beginning of the century, and continues to be developed by J. Dales.

Despite knowledge of metallurgy, weapons were not found in the city

The proximity of the Indus river first gave the city the necessary resources to rapid development Agriculture and rising living standards near abundant fields. But after the rise in the level of the Arabian Sea in the second half of the second millennium BC. e. the Indus Valley was constantly plagued by floods, making it uninhabitable. No longer able to get enough crops from the sinking fields and unable to feed their families and livestock, the inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro left their homes and went to look for more comfortable conditions in the southwest, where the city of Bombay is now located.

Jewelry found during the excavations of Mohenjo-Daro

Every city is a mystery

The history of Mohenjo-Daro still attracts inquisitive minds and lovers of the secrets of the past, despite the fact that the city itself and the civilization that built it are dispelled by the winds of time.

Each house had a toilet and a bathroom equipped with a sewer system.

But every city, if you look at it as an integral phenomenon, is full of secrets and mysteries. The intricacies of the roads of modern cities, the bee buzz of megacities, the secret winking of street lamps with stars in the night sky - your city lives its own mysterious life. To catch the secret by the tail, it is enough to walk along its streets at sunset, take a closer look at the usual route and listen to the words that the city can whisper.

Indian or Harappan civilization- ancient eastern civilization. It flourished in the 3300-1300 centuries BC.

Indra- the king of the gods and the ruler of the heavenly kingdom in Vedism, Buddhism and Hinduism. The Vedas glorify him as a demiurge who raises the sky.

About 3500 years ago, the city of Mohenjo-Daro (in Hindi - "The Hill of the Dead") disappeared from the face of the earth. The ancient Indian poem "Mahabharata" says that the cause of the terrible tragedy was a powerful explosion, followed by a dazzling celestial radiance and "fires without smoke." From the high temperature, the surrounding waters boiled, and "the fish looked like they were burned."

The ruins of this city on an island in the full-flowing Indus were found in 1922 by the Indian archaeologist R. D. Banerjee. And the excavation data confirmed the legend of the catastrophe.

In the excavations, melted stones, traces of fires and an exceptionally powerful explosion were found. So, within a radius of a kilometer, all buildings were completely destroyed. From the position of the skeletons, it was clear that before death, people calmly paced the streets of the city. The ashes of Mohenjo-Daro were somewhat reminiscent of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after atomic explosions, where the shock wave and radiation came from above.

Let's find out the details of this story and this place...

Among the exhibits of one of the museums in the city of Delhi there is a small figurine made of dark metal. Just having finished the dance, a naked girl froze, proudly akimbo akimbo. Confident in success, she seems to be waiting for admiring applause from the audience. With her left hand, from wrist to shoulder, studded with bracelets, the dancer leaned on her knee , not without coquetry, showing that she was a little tired - either from the dance, or from the weight of the bracelets

This figurine was found during the excavations of Mohenjo-Daro, one of the oldest cities in the world. In 1856, on the territory of present-day Pakistan, near the small village of Harappa, archaeologist Alexander Kannigam found a stone of color Ivory, on which a humpbacked bull and unknown signs were carved, partly resembling hieroglyphs.

The hill where this find was discovered was literally “complex” of red burnt brick, which was used by builders for many years. railway and the peasants of the surrounding villages. Thus, one of the unique cities of antiquity, Harappa, gradually disappeared from the face of the earth.

And only in the early 1920s, after the discovery of the city of Mohenjo-Daro, the world learned about the existence in the Indus Valley ancient civilization. Mohenjo-Daro is almost 3,000 kilometers away from Harappa, but both cities have much in common. The only difference was that Mohenjo-Daro was better preserved.

Indian scientists R. Sahni and R. Banerjee dug out the streets of twin cities and found in them the same rectangular quarters with a clear layout, built up with the same brick houses. On a huge area of ​​almost 260 hectares, entire blocks and individual buildings of Mohenjo-Daro - the "Hill of the Dead" (this is how the name is translated) are located. The hill was crowned with a Buddhist prayer stupa built during the existence of the Kushan kingdom - 15 centuries after the death of the great city.

Some scholars and archaeologists who rushed here from many countries of the world denied the independence of the Indian civilization in this area for a long time, considering it an eastern version of the Sumerian culture. Other researchers, on the contrary, believed that Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were not like their peers from Elam, Sumer and early dynastic Egypt. The cities of Mesopotamia had a different layout, and building material served as raw brick. Only with the gradual liberation from under the ground of new quarters and buildings did the civilization, which is now called proto-Indian, appear to the world.

The written sources of the Sumerians depict a different way of life in the cities of Mesopotamia and a different worldview of their inhabitants. And then scientists began to look for references to the newly discovered cities in the Rig Veda, the oldest literary monument in India. But even there they found only vague references to the “pura”, inhabited by “cunning merchants”. However, legends and traditions about the rich and beautiful city in the Indus Valley have existed since time immemorial. But free and beautiful people, who inhabited this city, angered the gods, and they brought the city down into the abyss. As if confirming these legends, as a result of archaeological excavations, museums were replenished with more and more exhibits. Here is the head of a priest carved from stone, women's jewelry, boards with images of sacrificial animals, and, finally, hieroglyphs that have not yet been deciphered.

Until the mid-1960s, scientists believed that Mohenjo-Daro had no fortifications, although 15 years earlier, the English archaeologist M. Wheeler had cleared structures that could be mistaken for defensive ones. The citadel, located in the center of Mohenjo-Daro, was once surrounded by powerful fortress walls 9 meters thick. But archaeologists did not have full confidence that these were defensive fortifications. Further excavations showed that in the southern part of the city there was also a massive wall built of raw brick and lined with baked brick. But it was not established what it was intended for: to protect against enemies or to protect the city from floods.

From the citadel, a wide, straight street led to a building that scholars have called the "Conference Hall." A capacious granary was located next to it, and nearby, on a massive brick foundation with ventilation openings, a two-story building of Himalayan cedar once stood.

Mohenjo-Daro was a well-planned city: all its streets ran strictly from north to south and from east to west, and thus they were well protected from the winds. According to the building charter, not a single house was supposed to protrude beyond the common line. The main streets were crossed by lanes at right angles, and therefore there were no nooks and crannies in the city. The length of the main street in Mohenjo-Daro was 80 meters, width - 10 meters, several bullock carts could pass along it at the same time.

Outside the walls of the citadel was located the lower city, which consisted of brick houses with flat roofs, which also served as balconies. Buildings were built of brick, which was fired in open boxes, as Indian peasants still do. Houses in Mohenjo-Daro reached a height of 7.5 meters, instead of windows they made ventilation holes with gratings of clay and alabaster. To prevent dust from the main streets from entering the house, the entrance to it was made in an alley. The walls and floors were sheathed with mats, the houses had bathtubs made of bricks, and dirty water was poured into earthenware vessels with small holes for seepage: these vessels were placed on the ground.

In each quarter there were public wells, an excellent sewerage system for that time and a water supply system, through which water heated by the sun was supplied to the second floors of buildings. Mohenjo-Daro also had a large public bath with cabins and a children's section. From the bath, water flowed through a sewer into the main covered channel, which ran along each street ’all channels poured into a large pit located outside the city.

Most of the household utensils were made by the inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro from copper or bronze; for agricultural work they made plowshares and sickles, for artisans - axes, saws, shovels, for warriors - swords, pikes, spears and daggers ...

Of the clothes, the women of the city wore only short skirts with a brooch pinned to them, a pearl belt or ribbon and a fan-shaped headdress, in cool weather they threw a cape over their shoulders. The men were even more modest in their clothing, content only with a loincloth. No one wore shoes, but great attention was paid to the hairstyle, and men were big dandies. If women most often only braided a braid, then men made a straight parting and tied their hair with a ribbon, sometimes they collected it in a knot.

As women were unpretentious in clothes, they were so exacting in jewelry. All wore silver jewelry and headbands, gilded bronze belts, curly-headed hairpins, and ivory combs.

Despite numerous studies, scientists still continue to worry about issues that are essential for the history of this civilization. Who built these cities that flourished 40 centuries ago? What race were the people who lived here and what language did they speak? What form of government did they have?

Signs of the decline of the Mohenjo-Daro culture began to be seen around 1500 BC. Houses were built more casually, and there was no longer that strict line of streets in the city. Many different versions have been put forward in the scientific world about the reasons for the death of Mohenjo-Daro.

One of them is a nuclear explosion. But it is removed immediately after the absence of a radioactive background and the obvious impossibility of building atomic bomb in India during the Harappan culture. According to another hypothesis, a nuclear or other explosion occurred during the launch or maneuver of an alien spacecraft that visited our Earth in the distant past. However, no one has yet found any direct evidence for this.

Let's try to explain the death of Mohenjo-Daro by earthly, natural causes. What could have happened?

It is known that the ancient Greeks and Romans repeatedly described "flaming chariots" appearing in the night sky; American Indians- "round baskets" in the sky; the Japanese are "ghost ships" with glowing lights. According to the testimony of the priest Ezekiel, in Palestine around 592 BC. e. “A strong wind came from the north, and a great cloud arose. And the fire was blazing from it, and the brilliance was strong, and a strong radiance came out of the middle of the cloud. And the Mahabharata testifies: during the death of Mohenjo-Daro, the air seemed to be on fire, which was noted even on a sunny day against the background of a bright southern sky!

These are the facts. What can modern science say about this? Scientists have found that in the atmosphere under the influence of cosmic rays and electric fields, chemically active particles are formed that can form aerosol accumulations that occupy vast spaces in the atmosphere. Moving in the atmosphere, particles under the influence of electromagnetic fields condense, stick together, like a snowball, and form balls of various diameters. Such physicochemical formations were abbreviated as FHO. Judging by the rock paintings, it was they who were observed by people fifty thousand years ago. A mention of them can be found in the ancient Egyptian chronicle of the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III: “... in the 22nd year, in the third month of winter, at six o’clock in the afternoon, a luminous ball (appeared) in the sky, which slowly moved south, terrifying everyone who saw him."

There are several types of physical and chemical formations. Some, "cold", may exist long time without releasing energy or emitting light. Such formations, dark, opaque, are clearly visible against the background of the daytime sky, and may be shaped like rugby balls. There is a hypothesis that this is nothing but not yet “flared up” fireballs. Therefore, FHO, by analogy with ball lightning, were called black lightning. Luminous CHOs, bright white or lemon yellow, that occur independently of any thunderstorm activity are called chemiluminescent formations - CLOs. They can float freely in the air, stay on the surface of the earth for a long time, quickly move along bizarre trajectories, “darken” and “flare up” again.

On September 21, 1910, New Yorkers watched hundreds of atmospheric "fireflies" fly over the city for three hours. On another September evening, already in 1984, over the land of the Udmurtsky state farm in the Sarapulsky district of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the starry sky suddenly lit up, and dazzling white balls rained down from a height. Looping and spinning, they smoothly descended to the ground. It became as bright as day. But the effect was not only light: within a radius of twenty kilometers, transformers and power lines failed.

Scientists have found that the atmospheric conditions under which FCOs are formed activate the appearance of toxic substances that poison the air. And apparently, in Mohenjo-Daro, the inhabitants suffered from poisonous gases, and then a powerful explosion occurred over the city, which destroyed it to the ground.

It is known that such an explosion is possible only with the simultaneous presence of a large number of black lightning in the atmosphere. And if one explodes, then others explode behind it, like a chain reaction. When the blast wave reaches the surface of the earth, it will crush everything in its path. The temperature at the time of the explosion of black lightning reaches 15,000 degrees, which is quite consistent with the finds in the disaster zone of melted stones. In ordinary fires, the temperature does not exceed a thousand degrees. Calculations show that during the catastrophe in Mohenjo-Daro, about three thousand black lightnings with a diameter of up to 30 centimeters and over a thousand CLOs appeared in the atmosphere. New data for the development of this hypothesis can be provided by studies of the material traces of black lightning - smalt and slag left after the colossal bonfire in Mohenjo-Daro.

The tragedy at Mohenjo-Daro, however, is not unique. The total number of references to FHO in the literature exceeds 15,000. And on August 12, 1983, Professor Bonil of the Zacatecas Observatory in Mexico City took the first photograph of the FHO. Now there are hundreds of them.

It is hard to imagine what could happen if something like this happened to Mohenjo-Daro over a modern city ... A person must learn to deal with this formidable natural phenomenon. However, today he is not as helpless as in ancient times. modern science has a sufficiently reliable means to prevent explosions of black lightning and to disperse CHO. For this, chemical reagents are used. Scientists have already developed devices that use the effect of reagents to protect industrial production from the penetration of ball and black lightning.

Some researchers believed that a sharp change in the course of the Indus, caused by a strong tectonic shift, was to blame. Geological studies show that earthquakes have repeatedly disrupted normal life in Mohenjo-Daro and eventually led to the emergence of a giant lake. Water often flooded the city, so a fortified wall was erected to protect against floods. However, these assumptions still require proof. Other scientists believed that the city and its population died from the invasion of the Aryans, who killed all the inhabitants of Mohenjo-Daro and destroyed their homes. Discovered skeletons of people who lived in the city in last years its existence, the version of the invasion of foreign tribes is not confirmed. Again, another group of scientists claims that no traces of the flood have been found. Moreover, there is indisputable evidence that speaks of massive fires. The epidemic does not strike people calmly walking the streets or doing business, all of a sudden and at the same time. And that is exactly what happened - this is confirmed by the location of the skeletons. paleontological research also reject the epidemic hypothesis. With good reason, one can also reject the version of a sudden attack by the conquerors, none of the discovered skeletons has any traces left by melee weapons.

So science has not yet given a final answer about the reasons for the death of Mohenjs-Daro.


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