Interesting facts about snow. Interesting facts about winter and snow. The longest winter road in the world

Animal world the planet is diverse - animal species, their structure, functions and ornaments are striking in abundance and show everything that powerful nature is capable of. In all corners of the world there are a variety of inhabitants, and many of them are truly terrifying and repulsive.

Top 10 - the most terrible animals in the world:

10) "Man-eating fish" or Anoplogaster cornuta. This fish lives in the deep water of the ocean, has rough skin. The teeth of the needletooth look like terrifying nails - the fish itself, when closing its mouth, hides them in special cavities located in the jaws. The scary-looking fish is small in size: the length of an adult is 15 centimeters. It feeds on smaller representatives of the ocean fauna.

9) Myxina is a jawless fish. Mixina attacks its prey in an unusual way - it makes a hole in the skin of the fish, enters its body and gradually eats all the insides of the victim, leaving only the skin and skeleton.

Video: Mixina (Witch Fish)

8) The Madagascar bat is a primate that has an extremely repulsive appearance for members of its own species. In appearance, the armlet is a cross between a small hairless monkey and a rat. It feeds on larvae and insects taken from trees with dexterous fingers.

Ai ai, or the Madagascar arm

7) The giant squid architeutis is an ocean dweller that can reach a length of 20 meters. The long tentacles of the squid are covered with suction cups and notches, which allow them to attack even large fish.

6) Idiacant, or "dragon fish". This deep-sea dweller has an elongated body covered with spikes, as well as an unusual skull, in which the jaws can move in any direction.

5) Vampires are bats. These animals feed on the blood of large animals, and sharp fangs allow them to bite through the skin.

Bat in the house

4) Anaconda, a giant snake reaching a length of 5 meters. This snake, due to its mass, can even kill big sacrifice. Cases of attacks on people with their subsequent strangulation are not rare.

3) Tasmanian devil, which has a huge bite force. With the help of strong jaws and sharp fangs, the Tasmanian devil crushes even thick bones.

2) The star-carrier mole, although not dangerous to humans, but meeting with him is a whole test for the psyche. A lot of skin growths on the muzzle of the animal will scare away and terrify even the brave ones.

Star-nosed or star-nosed (lat. Condylura cristata)

1) Man is the most terrible animal for nature, which for the most part does not care at all about the safety of other species and cruelly destroys representatives of flora and fauna. The Red Book is filled precisely with the works of a person who constantly finds an excuse for his ungrateful attitude towards nature. The animal is insidious - many individuals at the same time look peaceful and pleasant.


The fauna of the planet is extremely rich and is divided into 5 kingdoms: protozoa, bacteria, fungi, animals and plants. Each kingdom, in turn, is subdivided into types, and types into classes. Currently, there are about 2 million different representatives of the fauna. Among them are carnivores and herbivores, living on land and in water, large and small, rare and ubiquitous, fast and very slow. There are also such instances that horror film directors would be happy to invite to the shooting. Today we will present you the ugliest inhabitants of the planet. So, get acquainted: the scariest animals in the world.

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This rare representative of the order of semi-monkeys and the suborder of lemurs, found only in Madagascar, is rather amusing in its ugliness. The tiny animal got its unusual name (ah-ah) thanks to the sounds it makes when it senses danger. An overseas miracle lives in bamboo forests, on trees, rarely descending to the ground. The length of the ah-ah body covered with black-brown hair is up to 42 cm, weight is about 3 kg. The strange lemurs have slender limbs with long fingers, sharp claws, a bushy tail, and a large head with round eyes and bald ears. Arms are long-livers of the animal world, their life expectancy is 24-26 years. However, rare individuals live to this venerable age. In their homeland, ah-ah is considered a harbinger of death and is ruthlessly exterminated by the local population. Today this animal is on the verge of extinction.

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This creature, belonging to the mole family, received such an unusual name for its organs of touch - 22 pink outgrowths-tentacles made of skin that are on the muzzle and resemble a star. An unusual animal lives in the eastern part of North America, in humid forests, meadows and swampy areas. Animals do not fall into hibernation, they are able to dive under water and dig holes-tunnels up to 270 m long. The mole has a small body, the length of which is 12-15 cm, and the weight is 80 g. The tail, which tends to increase in diameter - no more than 8 mm, uses its star-nosed as a store of fat. Oddly enough, these animals can be safely called the fastest predators. In just a second, a sensitive shoot-star can detect up to 5 hunting objects. It takes only a quarter of a second for the tiny voracious mole to eat its prey.

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Strange nosed monkeys belong to the monkey order and inhabit the tropical forests of the island of Borneo (Kalimantan). A comical and ugly appearance gives the animal a huge fleshy nose. In males, it is much larger than in females. Males use this organ of smell in the fight for the attention of the ladies of the heart. In addition, the protruding nose of the stronger sex fills with blood and increases in size when the monkey is annoyed or wants to scare the enemy.

Nosachi are rather large animals, their body length reaches 150 cm (including the tail), and their weight is 24 kg. These representatives of the monkey order settle in small groups along the banks of rivers. Amazing creatures are excellent swimmers, able to overcome more than 20 m under water. It is interesting that the natives of the island often call these monkeys "Dutch", since the colonizers of Borneo have the same large noses and large bellies.

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This bird, belonging to the order of vultures of the New World, is a relict species, whose age is more than one million years. Since the Pleistocene era, these huge birds have inhabited the entire territory of North America. Currently, the Californian condor is an endangered representative of the fauna world, it is no longer found in nature. In 1987, the last 22 birds were captured and sent to zoos in Los Angeles and San Diego for breeding.

The California Condor is a real giant. The length of his body, covered with black feathers, is 125 cm, and the span of huge wings is 3 meters. In flight, the condor is able to reach speeds of up to 90 km / h, using air currents to save strength. Depending on the mood of the bird, the skin of her bald head can change color from bright pink to yellow.

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These marine mammals belong to the seal family and are its largest representatives, reaching a length of 5 meters. The weight of an adult male is 2.5 tons! At the same time, the mass of only the skin is about 120 kg, and the fat layer is 665 kg. Females are three times smaller and lighter than males. A distinctive feature of males is a large fleshy outgrowth in the upper part of the muzzle, which can grow up to 28 cm. This kind of “trunk” is a resonator for reproduced sounds and attracts females during the rut.

In nature, there are 2 species of elephant seals, one of which lives in the Northern Hemisphere the globe(the coast of Mexico and California), and the second - in the South (Antarctic). Animals migrate over vast distances - up to 5 thousand kilometers.

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The next participant in the rating "The most terrible animals" is a goblin shark. The only representative of the Scapanorhynchus genus lives in the ocean at a depth of about 1,000 m. appearance, beak-shaped long nose and retractable jaws, this shark is also called a goblin. The ugly creature reaches a length of 3.7 meters and weighs about 210 kg. The skin of the Scapanorhynchus is almost transparent, and capillaries and blood vessels shine through it, which gives the fish an unusual pink color. The shark does not have a swim bladder, its functions are performed by the liver, the size of which is 25% of the total body weight.

The biology of this marine predator has been studied very little. The first individual was discovered in 1897 off the Japanese coast. Since then, only 45 specimens have been examined.

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The amphibian got its name for the unusual purple color of smooth skin. This strange creature with a large, squat and almost round body about 8 cm long, short, outward-turning legs and a tiny head with a pointed nose resembling a pig's snout, was discovered as recently as 2003. Nevertheless, his ancestors inhabited the planet 180 million years ago! The purple frog lives only in Western India on a territory with an area of ​​​​14 km2. The amphibian spends all its life in burrows underground at a depth of 1.2-3.5 m, getting out to the surface only during the monsoons - for 2 weeks, when the time for mating comes. The bizarre frog is listed in the Red Book, and it is also included in the official twenty "The ugliest animals on the planet."

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Unlike other bats, it belongs to the order of bats. Like all members of the family, the horseshoe is small (5-7 cm). The span of wide rounded wings is 33-42 cm. The hind limbs have extremely sharp claws, with the help of which the animal moves excellently upside down on the ceilings. These mammals cannot walk on a horizontal surface. They feed on insects (flies, grasshoppers, butterflies, mosquitoes) and their larvae.

Horseshoe bats differ from other relatives not only in their amazing appearance. As you know, bats are capable of echolocation by generating ultrasound and receiving the reflected echo. These animals can perceive sounds with a frequency of up to 100 thousand hertz. However, the method of creating and amplifying sounds is different for representatives of the family. So, the horseshoe bat emits pulses that have a constant frequency. To do this, the animal uses the nostrils, surrounded by cartilaginous outgrowths, shaped like a horseshoe.

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A real nightmare for those who are afraid of mice and rats. The sight of this creature, which is at the top of the tops of the "Most Terrible Animals of the World" tops, causes only disgust: a hairless body about 10 cm long, covered with folded skin, a pin-shaped head and huge, protruding incisors. This miracle of nature lives in East Africa, forming colonies underground.

The naked digger has several unique qualities. First, the mammal has cold blood. It is able to adjust body temperature to the ambient temperature. Secondly, a small underground inhabitant absolutely does not feel pain and is able to live without oxygen. But the most important thing is that diggers live up to 30 years without getting old! Their body has a dual defense mechanism that controls cell growth. Hairless babies are even resistant to cancer! Scientists around the world are studying this incredible property, since the same genes are involved in the human body as in the naked mole rat.

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Nature obviously wanted to joke when she created this ugliest creature in the world. The amazing structure of the body makes the drop fish unlike any of the inhabitants of the sea. There is a disgusting creature in ocean waters Australia and Tasmania, at a depth of up to 1,200 m. On the body of this fish, which is 70 cm long and weighs 10 kg, there are no scales, and the tail and fins are very small. Having no muscles and a swim bladder, the body resembles a gelatinous mass, since the body of the fish produces a jelly gel. The amazing creature simply floats with the flow or lies at the bottom, waiting for food to swim into its open mouth.

The inimitable inhabitant of the ocean depths was dubbed the saddest fish on the planet. This was facilitated by round eyes, lowered corners of the mouth and a large nose, very similar to a human. And it is not surprising that the drop fish has long been at the top of the world ratings of the "Most Terrible Animals".

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Animals are man's friends. At least that's what they say about dogs and cats. But there are those who pose a real danger. And it is they who are included in the TOP 10 most terrible animals in the world.

Some daredevils take on the challenge of nature, arranging safaris, circuses, trips to dangerous areas, and so on. But is it worth doing this, knowing that the most terrible and dangerous animals in the world can be near people? But first, let's talk about what people sometimes go for.

On the issue of buying wild animals

Not so long ago, there was a fashion to get yourself exotic animals. It all started, of course, with the "cream of society" - people who can afford luxury and unusual things. Later, this trend passed to the masses, because other people were also interested in what it is like to keep and live next door to a dangerous animal?

Apparently, few of the fans of the exotic thought about why to start scary vile animals. At the peak of fashion in private houses, and sometimes apartments, such representatives of the wild world began to appear, such as:

  • snakes;
  • crocodiles;
  • owls;
  • dangerous lizards;
  • piranhas.
  • What are only spiders worth, whose poison can kill a strong and healthy person in just a few hours.

    There are many cases when a calm, at first glance, python strangled its “master” or an eagle scratched out its eyes. In fact, this was to be expected, since wild animals can never be obedient to humans.

    News reports sometimes report that crocodiles are found in sewers, and African snakes in parks. This is not surprising, since it is extremely difficult to have such a pet, and if he runs away, then he is a danger to everyone around him.

    But some owners of such individuals, even after accidents, do not ask themselves the question: why was it necessary to bring terrible and vile animals home?

    There is only one conclusion from such situations: do not play with fire. Wild animals have a place in the wild, and not in an aviary, and even more so not in an apartment.

    Who should be afraid: TOP 10

    In the wild, animals also sometimes collide with people, sometimes these meetings end tragically. Some of the people remain crippled for the rest of their lives, but someone dies from an angry beast. But which of the animals should be feared the most?

    1. African elephant

    Elephants seem to be peaceful animals when we visit circuses or zoos. Such a model of behavior appears in them as a result of living in unnatural conditions. But the trainer would try to approach the herd of elephants! This, by the way, applies not only to African, but also to Indian representatives of the family. When there are a lot of them, they protect every member of their society, so sometimes they attack people who are just passing by. It is especially dangerous when one of them lags behind the herd or others drive him out. Elephants are herd animals, so at such moments they pose a great danger not only because of their size, but also because of their speed of movement (up to 40 km per hour).

    2. Lions

    Lions also do not like to live alone, and therefore, if a person is not lucky enough to be in the territory where their family lives, he can be torn to pieces by several animals at once. Females are especially dangerous, since it is the lionesses who hunt. In addition, an individual that has kittens will protect them at the cost of its life.

    3. Rhinos

    In rhinos, males are more dangerous, since these animals are prone to aggression. During the mating season, male rhinos defend their territory from anyone who may pose a threat to the female. The rhinoceros does not distinguish between disturbers of peace and attack all living things, in addition, they have very poor eyesight.

    4. Bears

    Bears attack people in case of danger to their territory or offspring, hundreds of people die from their paws every year.

    5 Great White Shark

    Sharks, unlike other animals, are designed to kill. Their anatomy allows you to tear a person to pieces in minutes. In addition, sharks have a wonderful sense of smell, and they can smell blood hundreds of kilometers away.

    6. Crocodiles

    Crocodiles are also predators, and thanks to their ability to disguise themselves in environment, they are almost impossible to see. A huge number of people die from crocodiles every year, but these animals are also captured on a large scale.

    7. Hippos

    These animals are also from Africa and they have a very bad temper. They attack people for no reason, and therefore it is better to stay as far away from them as possible. In the water, they turn boats over and can easily kill a person.

    8. Scorpions

    Due to their small size and very strong poison, scorpions take an honorable eighth place in the TOP 10 most terrible animals that can kill in the world. They often crawl into the tents of tourists, and sting a person simply from fear.

    9. Snakes

    About 450 species of venomous snakes are known, 450 of which are deadly. They live all over the world and even in our forests. The death of a person from snake venom occurs in a matter of minutes, so it is not recommended to touch them. They attack, fortunately, only for the purpose of self-preservation.

    10. Mosquitoes

    These are insects that can hardly be called killers. But it is because of them that the largest number of people in the world die. It's not about the bite, since it is practically painless, but about.

    It is quite possible that you did not expect mosquitoes to take the tenth place in the TOP 10 most terrible animals in the world, but it is. Therefore, beware of their bites and use means that repel them. The life of animals is controlled by biological processes, and behavior is based on instincts. Even a harmless pet can become an insidious beast and attack the owner, and there are especially many such cases in practice. What can we say about the wild inhabitants of the planet?

    Not all animals have such a pleasant appearance as or as extravagant as a peacock, but each animal fulfills its own important role and every living organism has its own purpose.

    Here are 13 of the ugliest animals on the planet

    California condor

    One of the rarest birds in the world and the largest in North America, the California condor is not very attractive. His bald head is adapted to his way of life as an absorber. Birds overeat so much that they often have to rest for days after a big meal. Sometimes a Californian condor can't even take off right after a big meal.

    The birds were near the point of extinction in the late 1970s, when only a few dozen individuals survived. Scientists began an intensified program to increase the population and today, about 127 California condors live in the wild.

    drop fish

    Maybe it's unfair to judge a fish by its appearance, but a blobfish is more like a ball of slime than a living thing.

    Drop fish live deep in the ocean where the water pressure is extremely high. In fact, this fish's jelly-like appearance is a brilliant adaptation - its sticky flesh allows the blobfish to stay afloat in depths where gaseous bubbles cannot function.

    An aesthetic challenge to the blobfish was once thrown by the British ugly animal community, arranging an online vote for the ugliest animal in the world. After a poll, the community made the blobfish the group's official mascot.

    Naked digger

    It must be difficult to maintain high self-esteem if you are a hairless rodent, but this is not a problem for a naked mole rat. These do not need good eyesight. Their hairless bodies are also adapted to the underground environment.

    Scientists note that naked mole rats are more closely related to porcupines, chinchillas and guinea pigs than to moles or rats. Interestingly, naked mole rats are the longest living rodents given their size, they can live for almost 30 years and they have a remarkable resistance to cancer.


    A person may be embarrassed by such a nose, but for a nosy, the bigger the nose, the better! Scientists believe that a large nose amplifies the sounds that a proboscis gives out to impress a female, as well as intimidate other males.

    This curious species is an amazing swimmer, thanks to its webbed feet and hands. Proboscis jumps from trees into the water and can often swim faster than crocodiles.


    These wild members of the pig family have a distinctive pig nose, protruding fangs, warts, and a fuzzy mane of hair that cascades down the back. The body of the warthog is covered with bristles, and its disproportionately large head looks terrible.

    The warthog is far from a standard of beauty, but it is surprisingly well adapted to the environment.


    The starnose's strange 22 fleshy appendages act more like hypersensitive fingers than a nose. They help the starship feel its way underground.

    It is said to look like a cross between a rat and an octopus. The most impressive nose in the animal kingdom also makes this strange creature a deadly hunter. The outer tentacles look for potential food, while the inner sensors decide if the prey is edible.


    Among the 13 ugliest animals on the planet, the aye-aye is a primate from Madagascar. With his long, bony middle finger, he takes out insects and larvae from tree trunks. This allows him to fill an important biological niche, performing the functions of a woodpecker. Ai-ai is nocturnal and only comes out at night.


    This unappetizing, bizarre type of fish is a common delicacy. For many years, people did not consider this fish to be edible because of its appearance. But the chefs realized that appearances are deceiving and now the monkfish is a delicacy on the menu of all expensive restaurants.

    The monkfish has a huge head that is filled with a ton of razor-sharp teeth.

    African marabou

    The African marabou is not at all like the stork from fairy tales, where he brings newborns. With a height of 1.5 meters and a wingspan of more than 3 meters, these African birds feed on carrion, so they do not have feathers on their heads. They also eat other birds.

    Besides the ugly appearance, the African marabou also has some unattractive habits. They defecate directly on their legs and feet. This nasty action helps them regulate their body temperature.

    Sea Elephant

    Baby and female elephant seals have a pleasant appearance. But males get a big nose when they reach sexual maturity, somewhere around 3-5 years. Such a nose helps to produce loud, roaring sounds, which are simply necessary when defending the territory.

    horseshoe bats

    Like most insectivorous bats that use echolocation to catch their prey, horseshoe bats have a distorted face that looks more like an ear. This adaptation makes them more susceptible to sound waves, which allow them to move quickly through the air.

    This species gets its name from the fleshy structure surrounding the bat's nose. The upper part is pointed, and the lower part is shaped like a horseshoe. These folds of skin are used to send echolocation signals and help focus the sound.

    Darwin's bat

    Looking at Darwin's bat, one gets the impression that he was trying to compensate for his unusual body with bright lipstick. These fish are most often found around the Galapagos Islands and near Peru. Scientists believe that males attract females with this bright red color.

    Interestingly, Darwin's bat walks on the ocean floor more often than it swims.


    The hyena ends the list of the 13 ugliest animals on the planet. Although they are often called scavengers, hyenas actually kill 95% of what they eat. A group of hyenas can take apart and devour a 200 kg zebra in 25 minutes.

    With the appearance of wild dogs, they are more closely related to civets, mongooses, and meerkats.

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    Opens the Top 10 with the most terrible animals in the world an animal called aye-aye. We are talking about the Madagascar hand, which is easy to distinguish by its large eyes, and, attention, a very long middle finger. With the help of the overall limb, the animal taps different trees to find out if there are larvae there. We considered the animal the most disgusting animal among primates. However, in this competition of unattractiveness, he is clearly the favorite, because there are no other similar ones left in the family of rukonozhkovs.


    Continuing the conversation about scary animals, one cannot ignore the real horror of trypophobia. We are talking about a frog called the Surinamese pipa. For about two and a half months, this toad bears offspring. Do you know how a child lives? In a cluster of holes placed on the back of a vile frog. However, the rest of the body does not look so unsightly. However, even one photo will be enough so that there is no desire to see this miracle of nature live.

    For a long time, many experts believed that the representatives of the flint teeth became extinct. Recently (relatively) almiquis have been discovered. We are talking about terrible animals that resemble in their appearance something between a rat and a shrew. Fortunately, you can meet disgusting animals only in Cuba. Rumor has it that some members of the family have already managed to get to Haiti. It is worth adding that the behavior of the animal is fully consistent with the behavior. Extremely poisonous, dangerous and aggressive.

    Another name is starfish. There are many types of moles, but the star-nosed mole is different from any of them. Have you seen the Resident Evil movie? So, the appearance of this beast is quite reminiscent of a zombie from a movie. I would not like to see this terrible creation of nature in reality. But it is likely, because the starfish are rapidly spreading around the world. On their muzzle there are 22 movable tentacles. With their help, an unpleasant animal catches larvae, hunts worms.

    Think turtles are cute little animals? Not always! A vivid confirmation of the words is the fringed turtle, also called matamata. It is distinguished by the presence of sharp growths that cover almost the entire neck of the animal. Also, growths can be seen on the head. Their task is to protect the animal, that is, the growths act as a natural camouflage. Unlike most members of this genus, the matamata sucks in food rather than swallowing it.

    A very scary animal that lives on our amazing planet! Many monstrously scary animal is known as the angler fish. Eternally hungry, disgusting and dangerous creature entails a danger to the deep-sea inhabitants of our planet. The hideous monkfish quickly destroys targets due to the presence of a fast-acting poison. However, for people, the angler fish is not dangerous, except perhaps for the psycho-emotional state.

    For a long time, zoologists could not understand what role the proboscis monkey plays in the food chain, the key organ from the name of which reaches monstrous proportions. As a result, it was concluded that the size of the male nose plays a role in the attractiveness of male monkeys. But it is distributed exclusively among monkeys of this species. The rest of the scary animal is unlikely to be affected in a similar way. People will definitely be scared of such an animal.

    By far, the most disgusting insect is the gadfly larva. Not a gadfly, but its larva. As a rule, it reaches a size of 2 centimeters. Adults touch only animals, but their larvae are able to gnaw their way through human blood. Thus, they enter the bloodstream, where they gain access to culture medium. They can live inside until they grow up and cause terrible damage to the health of the body.