Abstract of a lesson for children of the preparatory group on the topic “Sound culture of speech. Preparing for literacy. GCD on the sound culture of speech in the preparatory group "Differentiation of sounds and

Program tasks:

  1. Fix the correct pronunciation of sounds Z - F in isolation, in syllables, words, sentences.
  2. Teaching children to distinguish soundsZ - F by ear and pronunciation.
  3. Improving the skill of sound analysis of words. The ability to name words with a given sound.
  4. Develop phonemic awareness, perception, speech breathing, attention, memory.
  5. To develop the ability to listen to the end of the questions of the teacher and the answers of other children.

Minute entry into the lesson (choral voice)

Every day, always, everywhere

In the classroom, in the game -

We speak clearly, clearly

To make it clear to everyone.

  1. Motivational-incentive stage

- A beetle is crawling along the path. And towards him a mosquito. The beetle decided to get acquainted with the mosquito and sang his song: F - F - F ...

The mosquito was polite and answered with his ringing song: Z - Z - Z ...

So they buzzed, rang, and fled in different directions.

Guess what we're going to talk about today?

  1. Organizational-search stage

2.1 Articulation and breathing exercises:

Exercise to activate the muscles of the lips:

“Smile” - keep strongly stretched lips in a smile.

“Tube” - stretch your lips forward, like an elephant. Alternation.

"Cup" - bending the edges and tip of the tongue in the form of a cup. Hold for a count of five.

“Delicious jam” - lick the upper lip with the tongue in the shape of a cup.

“Brushing your teeth” - use the tip of your tongue to “brush” your teeth from the inside, moving your tongue left and right.

“Malyar” - with a wide tip of the tongue, stroke the palate from the teeth to the throat.

Exercise for the formation of the correct speech exhalation.

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Onomatopoeia: Beetle: w-w-w... Mosquito: z-z-z... (palm control, then - without support).

Accompanying finger figures.

“Mosquito - clench your fist. Push the index finger forward - this is the “proboscis”. The little finger and thumb, relaxing, lower down - these are “paws”.

"Beetle" - clench your fist. Spread the index finger and little finger apart (“mustache”). Move your "mustache".

Establishing similarities and differences between sounds (using mirrors)

Educator: What do lips do when we pronounce Z and Z sounds?

Children: When pronouncing the sound [З], the lips are in a smile, and when pronouncing the sound [Ж], the lips are rounded.

Educator: What do the tongue and teeth do when we pronounce the sounds [З] and [Ж]?

Children: When pronouncing the sound [З], the tongue is at the bottom, behind the lower teeth, and when pronouncing the sound [Ж], the tongue is wide, at the top.

Educator: What does the throat do? Let's put our hand to the neck and feel the trembling of the vocal cords.

Children: When pronouncing the sounds [З] and [Ж], the neck trembles.

2.2 Working with sounds :

Pronunciation of tongue twisters

For - Ms - for - I open my eyes.

Zhu - zu - zhu - I will tie Tuzik.

Zy - zhy - zy - we were afraid of a thunderstorm.

Zda - zhda - zda - trains run often.

Wait - zdi - wait - Wait for Zhenya and Lisa.

pronunciation of syllables by graphic designation (cards by the number of children, varying degrees difficulties)

"Z" - symbol Green colour.

"AND" blue symbol.

2.3 Physical education

The teacher calls the words-paronyms.

Children for words with the sound “Z” make waves with their hands, like mosquitoes, making the sound “z-z-z ...”, for words with the sound “Zh” - jumping, imitation of the movements of the beetle “zh-zh-zh ...”.

Fire - Bazaar

lie - lick

once - horn

yawn - chew

goat - leather

call - wait

2.4 The game "Name the words with the sound Z or Zh"

Rule: children take turns calling words with the sound З or Ж. For a correctly named word, the child receives a chip. At the end of the game, all participants count their chips.

2.5 Game " Continue with the pattern"

Rule: the teacher calls the word, the children call the word according to the model. Sample: circle - circle.

Run - (run)

squeal - (squeal)

press - (squeeze)

neigh - (neigh)

to rust - (to rust)

squint - (squint)

to murmur - (to murmur)

burn - (ignite)

buzz - (buzz).

2.6 Learning tongue twisters using the mnemonic table

On the green on the lawn
Bunnies lived very friendly,
Lived snakes, cubs,
And uzhat, and hedgehog.
Fireflies in the starry sky
Lights were lit
So that neither the beast nor the bird
Don't get lost in that forest.

Abstract of the lesson on sound culture speeches in preparatory speech therapy group in kindergarten

Baranova Ekaterina Evgenievna - teacher-speech therapist SP kindergarten"Little Red Riding Hood" GBOU secondary school No. 1 "OTs" with. Bolshaya Glushitsa
Material Description: I offer a summary of a literacy lesson for children 6 years old with general underdevelopment speech. This material will be useful to speech therapists, educators working in kindergartens for general developmental and corrective type. During the lesson, children, together with the fairy-tale hero Pinocchio, get acquainted with new sounds “b, b”, consolidate the concepts of “consonant hard - soft sound", work with the offer.
Abstract of the lesson on the sound culture of speech in the preparatory speech therapy group.
Topic: “Let's teach Pinocchio. Sounds "b, b", letter B."
1. consolidating children's knowledge of consonant sounds, an exercise in determining the hardness-softness of sounds.
2. acquaintance with the sounds "b, b", the letter B.
3. naming words with the sounds "b, b"
4. development of the ability to select words-antonyms
5. exercise in determining the number of syllables in a word
6. exercise in the use of nouns in the instrumental case
7. development of the ability to work with a deformed phrase
8. development of the ability to pronounce a tongue twister in a different timbre and pace (loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly)
Materials and equipment: Pinocchio doll, blue and green squares for each child, a ball, envelopes, pictures, syllable schemes, an easel, two tables, a tray, leaves with words.
Methods and techniques: game - the arrival of Pinocchio, verbal - D / and “Who is attentive”, “Treat Pinocchio”, “divide the words into syllables”, “Say the opposite”, “Speak a tongue twister”, “Make a sentence”, practical - drawing a letter with a finger in the air.
GCD logic:
1.Organizing time .
-Speech therapist: Guys, say hello to the guests. Today we have another guest. Who is he, you will find out by guessing the riddle.
Father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose sticks its long,
Who is this? (Pinocchio)
- Speech therapist: That's right guys. (Pinocchio appears). Pinocchio wants to learn to recognize sounds and letters in order to go to school. Do you want to help him?
Pinocchio, do you know what is the first sound in your name? (no) Guys, do you know? Today, together with Pinocchio, let's get acquainted with the sounds "b, b", the letter B.
2. Main body.
(Children stand in a semicircle near the easel)
1) - Speech therapist: Guys, look at my lips, what happens to them when pronouncing the sound “b”. (lips close)
-What happens to the air? (Air meets obstruction)
-Place your hand on the neck, make a sound. The neck works or does not work. (works, so the sound is sonorous)
- Who will tell Pinocchio the characterization of the sound "b"? (The sound “b” is a consonant, hard, voiced) (Conditional values ​​​​are attached to the easel - a blue square, a bell)
-Guys, the sound "b" has a soft brother "b". Who will tell the characteristics of the sound “b” (The sound “b” is consonant, soft, sonorous) (Conditional values ​​​​are attached to the easel - a green square, a bell)
2) - Speech therapist: Guys, sit on the chairs. Let's help Buratino to distinguish the sounds "b, b". Let's play the game "Who is attentive?"
If you hear in a word solid sound"b", what color square will you pick up? (blue) if you hear the sound "b"? (green)
Bow, bandage, dog, lunch, Saturday, ticket, cabin, fur coat.
Well done.
3) Speech therapist: Guys, let's come up with words for Pinocchio with the sounds "b, b". Where is the sound "b" in your word (beginning, middle, end)
4) Speech therapist: Let's play the game "Say the opposite" - in a circle with a ball.
The opposite game.
Small - big, slow - fast, long - short, evil - kind, ruddy - pale, affectionate - rude, black White, scold - praise, cowardly - brave.
5) Speech therapist: The next game is "Treat Pinocchio."
On the table, select those pictures in the name of which there are sounds "b" or "b".
-Everyone thought, treat Pinocchio, saying the phrase: “I will treat Pinocchio ... (what?) Apricot, banana, pancakes, bread ...
Thanks for the treat!
6) Speech therapist: Guys, Pinocchio has prepared tasks for you in an envelope, help him determine how many syllables are in the word. What rule do we know? (there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels)
Children go out, name what is drawn in the picture, divide words into syllables, check with claps, correlate the picture with the word scheme.
Bread, ball, strawberry, fish.
7) Speech therapist: Guys, Pinocchio has prepared tongue twisters for you. The speech therapist pretends that Pinocchio whispers a tongue twister in his ear)
White sheep beat the drums
-Repeat it loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly.
Well done.
8) Speech therapist: Pinocchio brought unusual leaves with words. Help make suggestions. (The child collects three pieces of paper)
squirrel, stockpile, bumps
Mushrooms, grow, in the forest
9) Acquaintance with the letter, showing the letter, reading a poem
Speech therapist: Letter B with a big belly, walks in a cap with a visor
-let's write the letter with your finger in the air
The speech therapist shows in a mirror image.
3. Bottom line. What do you think Pinocchio learned today? (children's answers). He says thank you and gives you stickers - golden keys for your work in class. Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group of compensatory orientation with severe speech disorders

preparatory group

Strengthening exercises correct pronunciation and differentiation of sounds

Objectives: to develop phonemic hearing, speech attention, to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds, words, to exercise in distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, voiced and deaf consonants.

The game "Be attentive" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher invites the children to pass the ball in a circle for each word, but if the word has the sound “w”, throw the ball to him.

All children take part in the game. It is carried out at a fast pace. Exercise "Name the same syllables in words"

The teacher puts pictures on the flannelograph: raspberries, car. Educator. Listen to how I slowly name the berry: maaliinaa, and now I will divide the word into pieces-syllables: ma-li-na. I will clap for each syllable, and you count how many syllables there are in the word. What is the first syllable, second syllable, third syllable? (Children's answers.)

Listen to how many syllables are in the word “machine”: machine (the teacher claps for each syllable). (Children's answers.)

What are the same syllables in the words "car" and "raspberry"? ("Ma", "on".)

The teacher puts pictures on the flannelograph: a boat, a spoon.

Educator. These words have two syllables: boat, spoon. What are the same syllables in words? ("Ka".)

Game "Find your house"

Children are given subject pictures. It is proposed to determine the first sound in the word-name. One child is given a blue circle, the other a green circle. The teacher says that those who have the first sound in the word should come up to the blue circle - big brother (hard consonant, green - whose word begins with a soft consonant sound (little brother).

At the signal “Find your house”, the players stand near the children with the corresponding mugs. The teacher checks the correctness of the execution, determines the winning team.

The children change pictures and the game is repeated.

Exercise "Find a friend"

Pictures are displayed on the flannelgraph. First row: drum, flag, chicken, pipe, dog, bump; second row: parrot, wolf, goose, tram, umbrella, beetle.

Educator. Above and below the picture. Let's arrange them in pairs so that the first sounds of words are comrades (voiced-deaf sounds). Children come out, name the object and the first sounds of words. They put the lower pictures under the upper ones so that the first sounds make up a pair of “voiced-voiced consonant”.

Game "Continue the word" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces the first syllable; the child calls a word that begins with this syllable and throws the ball to the teacher. All children take part in the game.

An approximate list of syllables: “ma”, “ra”, “ry”, “le”, “re”, “zha”, “shu”, “cha”, “shu”, “si”, “for”.

All children take part in the game.

Game "Find a Pair"

Children are given one picture at a time.

Educator. Each of you has a picture. Think about what sound your word-name begins with. On the “Find a Pair” signal, you must find a picture in which the name of the item begins with the same sound.

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment. Each pair of children names their objects and the sound with which the words denoting them begin.

The teacher marks the children who were the first to pair up.

Game "Name a friend" (in a circle with a ball)

The teacher calls a voiced consonant sound, and the children call its pair. When half of the children take part in the game, the task changes: the teacher calls a deaf consonant, and the children call his pair.

Exercise “Where will the hammer hit? »

Educator (posting pictures on a flannelograph: moon, vase). Let's name these things. In these words, one sound is pronounced longer than others: name it in the word "lunaaa" ("a"). I can say this word differently: "Lu-una." Did you get the word "moon"? (No.) Name such a sound in the word "waaza." Listen to how differently I say the word: "wazaa." Right? (No.)

- In the word, only one sound is pronounced for a long time, as if a hammer “hits” it: lunaaa (makes a sharp movement of the hand from top to bottom on percussive sound) ; vaaz (repeats the previous movement). The sound that the hammer strikes is called percussion (children repeat the word). In our words, the stressed sound "a".

- You have pictures. You will name objects and find the stress sound in words.

The pictures must be selected so that all vowels are stressed: rose, goat, boat, fish, scales, duck, fur coat, spider, turnip, walnut, squirrel, watch, sleigh, fox, skis, bag, socks.

Game "Name the percussive sound" (in a circle with the ball)

The teacher throws the ball, calls the word with emphasis on the stressed syllable; the child catches the ball, calls the shock sound and throws the ball to the teacher.

Exercise "Guess the riddle"

The teacher puts pictures in a row: boat, duck, doll, bow (last reverse side) .

Educator. What word will you get if you pronounce the first sounds of the words-names and add them together? (Onion.)

The child not only names the received word, but also explains how he composed it. After that, the teacher shows the answer word.

Another row is exposed: carrots, storks, chicken, poppies (the last one is the reverse side). Children guess the word and explain how they did it.

Game "Name the word"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls any consonant sound; the child must name a word that begins with this sound. All children take part in the game.

Exercise "Guess the riddle"

Pictures are lined up on the board: melon, wasps, car; on the side is an inverted picture - a house. Children guess the word by the first sounds, explain how they did it. On the board in a row pictures: spoon, iron, sock, watermelon; on the side is an inverted picture - the moon. The task is the same.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution
Kindergarten No. 9 "Rosinka"

Synopsis of GCD
Topic: "Sound" Zh "
(as part of the implementation of the NGO " Speech development»: preparation for teaching literacy - training on ZKR in preparatory group)

Compiled by:
Educator high. categories
Amosova O.S.


ZKR training
Subject: Sound "Zh"
Purpose: to teach children to hear the sound "g".
Objectives: Learn attentively, listen and decide logical tasks. To teach correctly, to pronounce the sound "Ж", to produce a sound-syllabic analysis of words with this sound. Fixing the sound "Ж" in dialogical speech. To acquaint children in an accessible form with the concept of "related words". Learn to choose related words from a stream of words and coherent text. Learn to cut along the contour. To fix the distinction and naming of the object using schemes.
Vocabulary: hard, bend, slope, fishing net, snowfall.
Material: demo: Phone with a recording of a song of a beetle, a beetle on a stick, a picture - the symbol "Beetle". Pictures for the game: a beetle - a tree, a cook - a knife, a girl - scissors, caps of an apple tree and a pumpkin. Pictures - snowflake, snow maiden, snowman, snowfall. Pictures: toad, ground beetle, lark, woman, hedgehog, crane, duckling. Blue and purple vests.

Methodical methods:
Org. Moment: solving logical problems.
Sound analysis.
Game "Who needs what?"
related words.
Paper torn.
The game "Which arm, which leg?"
Course progress.
1. Organizational moment: solving logical problems.
Mom has a cat Fluff, a dog friend and a daughter Dasha. How many children does the mother have?
The dog Mickey had kittens: three white and one black. How many kittens does Mickey have in total?

Guys, an unusual guest came to us today. And you will know who it is as soon as you listen to his song. (Phone with a beetle song).
- Well, what did you find out? Of course, this is a beetle that sings its buzzing song all the time. And here he is.
Sound analysis
- Guys, who is it? (bug). How does a beetle buzz? (f-f-f) right.
- The sound "Zh", what is it? (consonant, hard, voiced)
-Let's show on the diagram the sound "Ж" (Blue square, bell)
-Guys, now we will be beetles, but we will buzz in different ways: if our beetle flies far, then how do we buzz? (quietly). The beetle flies up to us as if buzzing? (loudly). Let's fly. (A beetle on a stick with a string flies around the group).
- Well done, buzzed, and now let's play an interesting game.
3. The game "Who needs what?"
- Let's play the game "Who needs what?".
There are three pictures on the table: a tree, a cook, a girl who cuts paper. You need to choose pictures that fit everything drawn. They picked it right: a beetle to a tree, a knife was given to the cook, scissors to the girl. In all these words there is a sound...? ("AND")
- Where is he? (in the word "beetle" at the beginning, in the word "knife" in the middle, in the word "scissors" - in the middle)

4. Staging. (Two children play in hats of an apple tree and a pumpkin)
- Guys, listen to the scene.
- Oh, it's hard.
- Why is it hard for you, apple tree?
- On me, branches from apples bend, bend to the ground, I can hardly hold it.
- Oh, it's hard!
- And you, pumpkin, what makes it hard?
- Lie on the ground, but keep yourself!
Educator: - Guys, what sound is most common here? ("AND")

5. Fizminutka "Beetle"
The beetle lies, and cannot get up,
He is waiting for someone to help him.
6. Game "Carousel"
-And now, together with the beetle, we will go to the park for a ride on the carousel. But those objects will sit on the carousel, in the name of which the sound “Ж” is heard (toad, ground beetle, lark, woman, hedgehog, crane, duckling).

6. Related words. (According to the text of the fairy tale, the corresponding pictures are displayed)
Guys, I'll tell you a story.
“A long time ago, people lost the word “snow” and forgot about it, but the word fell into the ground, and sprouts of the word appeared - snow maiden, snowman, snowfall, snowflake. People looked, listened, but the words are similar, like relatives, like relatives. And people called such words related.
Words, like native ones, are a little bit alike,
H carried put them hardly,
Listen a little and think about the essence,
They are talking about the same thing.
- And now, I will read you a poem, and you find related words.
The fishermen have an unprecedented catch,
The old fisherman also caught a fish.
We will collect a fishing net,
Pour fish soup into bowls.
What are the related words here? (fishermen, fish, angler, fishing, fishy) What is the common word? (fish)

7. Paper tearing.
- Well done boys. And now I suggest you make a sky with clouds, where our beetle loves to fly. You need to make clouds using clipping. We cut off with the tips of three fingers or a probe. This is how we got the sky with clouds. We will glue the clouds and draw a lot of beetles so that our beetle will have friends ..
What season is in our picture? What else can be quickly done and added?
-Children, how many paws does our beetle have? What do we have? Let's play a game and tell where the left and right sides, arms and legs are.

8. The game "Which arm, which leg?"
Stencils of "arms" and "legs" lie on the floor. We put the right hand and call. We put the right foot on the trail and call it. (For example, right arm, left leg, etc.)

9. The result of the lesson. Reflection.
- We worked hard today. What difficulties did you encounter? What did you like? I have vests for the bug in two colors on my table: if you liked the lesson, then take the blue vest, and if you have questions about the lesson, take the purple vest and Thank you for the lesson.