The relationship between a speech therapist teacher and a teacher of a speech therapy group. The relationship between a speech therapist and an educator at a speech center. Forms of interaction between the educator and the speech therapist

Interaction and cooperation

speech therapist and educator

Interaction and cooperation of a speech therapist teacher and educator

The work of the educator in speech therapy groups is mainly subordinated to the elimination of speech defects and the development of the general qualities and properties of the child's personality. Cooperation between a speech therapist and educator is aimed at solving three main tasks: identifying children with speech disorders; correction of speech disorders; prevention of speech disorders.

Diagnostic work

The speech therapist conducts a comprehensive speech therapy examination of all children. The teacher reports the results to the speech therapisttheir observations of the child various types activities; history of early speechdevelopment and conditions of family education; carries out diagnostics general development.

Correctional work

The teacher-speech therapist assists the educator in organizing work on the development of speech. In the planning system, it is better to adhere to the calendar-thematic principle. In the classroom for the development of speechwithin one week, all types of work are carried out within the framework of one lexical topic.

1. The work of a teacher in the development of speech in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, creating the necessary cognitive and motivational base for the formation of speech skills. For example, if the theme “Insects” is planned, then the teacher conducts a cognitive lesson or joint activity, offers didactic, board, role-playing, outdoor games, conversations, observations, introduces children to works fiction on this topic; the art teacher is planning to sculpt or draw on this topic.

2. The teacher faces the task of consolidating the results achieved in speech therapy classes. He must carry out daily monitoring of the state of speech activity of children: control over speech activity, over the correct use of set sounds, worked out grammatical forms. If necessary, the teacher tactfully corrects the child's speech (do not be afraid to exaggeratethe use of prepositions, word endings; if the word is difficult, then correct in parts). caregivermonitors the correct use of the set sounds in Everyday life using corrective actionregime moments.

3. The teacher is guided guidelines speech therapist, which are recorded in the interaction notebook.

Specificity work of a teacher in a speech therapy groupincludes the organization and conduct of remedial classes on the instructions of a speech therapist. The teacher conducts such a lesson in the afternoon.

Preventive work

Preventive work in a speech therapy group is the creation by educators of a subject-developing and speech environment that would contribute to the fullest possible disclosure of the potential speech abilities of pupils, preventing their difficulties in speech development. The speech of teachers should serve as a model for children with speech disorders - clear, extremely intelligible, well intoned, expressive.

The basis of interaction is a coordinated approach to general and speechraising children inorganization of games, classes, other activities, development of unified pedagogical attitudes in relation to individual children and the group.

the main role in work with children belongs to the educator. He communicates daily and for a long time with children, knows their interests, therefore, he can determine the inclusion of the necessary tasks of a corrective and developmental orientation in joint activities with children. Considering that educators work in all sections of the preschool education program and may experience difficulties in planning, organizing and conducting remedial classes with children.Corrective work in a speech therapy group can be planned as follows:

Corrective exercises of the frontal type should be held in the afternoon. They are required for all children.

The structure of the training session looks like this:

1. Organization of children for a lesson. (Psycho-gymnastics, general motor skills)

2. Articulatory gymnastics and breathing exercises.

3. Work to expand the vocabulary and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech.

4. Physical Minute.

5. Independent work of children on self-correction.

/At independent work all tasks offered to children should be strictly individualized, however, if children have similar shortcomings, it is possible to unite into subgroups and the same tasks for children of the same group /.

6. Fulfilling the tasks of a speech therapist /carried out with individual children during work on self-correction/. An individual lesson is necessarily held in front of a mirror and all instructions for performing speech exercises the teacher gives in a normal voice, without switching to a whispered speech.

7. The result of the lesson.

When preparing for remedial classes, the teacher must take into account the following requirements:

- make corrections in the plan;

- prepare visual material for the lesson in advance;

The training plan must contain speech material, to expand the dictionary;

The plan must include a list of tasks for self-correction and the content of a physical minute

It must be remembered that the selection of speech material for correctional classes is done taking into account the topics of speech therapy classes, as well as taking into account the level of development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech in children.

In addition, on the days remaining free from remedial classes, individual classes are held to eliminate sound pronunciation disorders, on the instructions of a speech therapist.

The teacher should know the main differences between the work on the formation of sound pronunciation and the work on correcting sound pronunciation.

Formation of sound pronunciation- this is a systematic work with all the children of the group, contributing to the timely assimilation of the pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language and the development of phonemic hearing.

Correction of sound pronunciation- this is work with children who have persistent difficulties in mastering sound pronunciation, aimed at overcomingthese shortcomings.

Both in the formation and in the correction of sound pronunciation, work on sounds consists of three stages: 1) preparatory; 2) the stage of sound appearance; 3) the stage of assimilation of sound in speech.

The work of the educator in the formation of sound pronunciation and the work of a speech therapist to correct the pronunciation of sounds are differentby organization, methods, duration.


Speech therapist

1. Preparatory

Clarification of the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus in a playful way

Creation of certain positions and training of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

2. Sound appearance stage

Refinement of a sound or its evoking byimitation. Selects sound images (onomatopoeia).

Sound setting.

The worked out individual movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus are introduced into the complex of movements, the articulation of the desired sound in front of the mirror is developed. Uses special tricks.

3. The stage of mastering sound in speech

Clarification of the correct pronunciation of the sound. the sound is specified in words, phrases, nursery rhymes, poems, stories. The material is not given all sequentially, but selectively, at the discretion of the educator.

Sound automation. Sequential introduction of sound into speech: syllable, word, sentence, nursery rhymes, poem, stories.

Thus, both the speech therapist and the educator must clearly understand the nature and characteristics of their work in order to help each other achieve a common goal - to educate the child in correct speech and prepare him for successful schooling.

"Difficult Sound"

Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs. We correctly pronounce varioussounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, due to the strength, good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the sound-producing apparatus. Thus, the pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

From infancy, the child makes a lot of various articulatory-mimic movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (muttering, babble). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child's speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of speech in the natural conditions of life. Accuracy, power and differentiationthese movements develop gradually in the child.

For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - tongue, lips, soft palate. Articulation gymnastics is the basis for the formation speech sounds and correction of violations of sound pronunciation; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of the movements of the organs involved in the speech process. It is possible to achieve a clear pronunciation of sounds, words, phrases only if the organs of the articulatory apparatus are sufficiently mobile, their ability to rebuild and work in a coordinated manner.

Plan of individual correction

Work with the child for the school year

Main areas of work

Types of occupations

Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation exercises;

Logopedic massage;



Formation of the correct sound pronunciation


Development phonemic processes

Individual, subgroup

Clarification, enrichment of the dictionary by topic.


Work on the syllabic structure of the word


Improving the grammatical structure of speech

Individual, subgroup

Improving the psychological base of speech:

Expansion of auditory and visual memory;

Development of verbal thinking.

Individual, subgroup

Speech therapy work with children of the 1st level speech development


The main content of the work

September October November December

Development of speech understanding

Teach children to find objects, toys.
To teach children, according to the instructions of a speech therapist, to recognize and correctly show objects and toys.
Learn to show parts of the body in accordance with the request of an adult.
Learn to understand words of general meaning.
To teach children to show and perform actions related to the outside world, a familiar household or game situation.
To consolidate the skill of conducting a one-sided dialogue (a speech therapist asks a question about the content of the plot picture, and the child answers it with a gesture).
Teach children to perceive questions differently:who?, where?, where?, with whom?.
To teach children to understand the grammatical categories of the number of nouns, verbs.
Learn to distinguish by ear appeals to one or more persons.
Lexical topics: "Toys", "Clothes", "Furniture", "Dishes", "Food", "Transport".

Teach children to name their parents, relatives (mother, father, grandmother).
Teach children to name friends, dolls.
Learn to imitate
animal voices;
the sounds of the surrounding world;
the sounds of musical instruments.

To teach children to remember and choose from a number of toys and objects offered by adults (2-4 toys).
Learn to identify from a number of toys the one that was removed or added.
Learn to memorize and lay out toys in an arbitrary sequence (within the same topic).
To teach children to memorize and lay out toys in a given sequence (2-3 toys of the same theme).
Learn to memorize and pronounce 2-3 words at the request of a speech therapist (mother, father; mom, dad, aunt).
To teach children to find “extra” from a number of pictures (objects, toys): a ball, a ball,
tassel; hat, panama, apple; apple, pear, table.
Learn to find an object by its contour image. Learn to recognize an object by one of its details.

January, February, March, April, May, June

Development of speech understanding

Learn to understand categories of gender of past tense verbs singular: Valya was reading a book; Valya was reading a book.
To teach children to guess objects, toys, animals, birds according to their verbal description (
big, brown, clumsy, lives in a den, sucks a paw).
To teach, at the request of an adult, to choose objects for performing these actions (
cut - a knife, sew - a needle, pour soup - a ladle).
Learn to identify cause and effect relationships
snow - sled, skates, snowman).

Development of active imitative speech activity

Teaching kids to give orders on, go, give.
Teach children to point to certain objects:
here, this, here.
Learn to write first sentences, for example:
Here is Tata. This is Tom.
Teach children to make sentences according to the model: appeal + verb imperative mood:
Dad, sleep.
Learn to transform imperative verbs into present tense singular 3rd person verbs (
sleep - sleep, go - go).

Development of attention, memory, thinking

To teach children to remember toys (objects, pictures) and choose them from different thematic groups and arrange them in a certain sequence:ball, car, hat; ball, spoon, pencil.
Learn to memorize and select pictures that are suitable in meaning:
rain - umbrella, snow - skates.
Learn to choose objects of a certain color (
select only red cars, white cubesetc.).
Learn to select shapes of a certain shape (
only squares, triangles, circles).
Learn to identify an extra item from the presented series:
3 red dice and
1 blue;
doll, clown, Pinocchio -
a cap;
fur coat, coat, raincoat -
red car, red boat, red ship -
yellow car.
Teach children to fold pictures from two, four parts.
Learn to pick up cubes of different shapes in accordance with the slots on the lid of the box.
Learn to guess riddles based on reference pictures
(“The wind snatched balloons from the hands of the children ... balloons”)

As a result of speech therapy work, children should learn:
understand and distinguish from speech the names of surrounding objects and actions with them (in accordance with the studied lexical topics: “Toys”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Food”, “Clothes”, etc.);
name some parts of the body
head, legs, arms, eyes, mouth, ears etc.) and clothing (pocket, sleeve etc.);
indicate the most common actions (
sit, my, stop, sing, eat, drink, goetc.), some of their physiological and emotional-affective states (cold, warm, painfuletc.);
express desires with the help of simple requests, appeals;
answer simple questions with one word or a two-word phrase without using a gesture; in some cases, the use of sound complexes is allowed.
At the same time, there are no requirements for the phonetic correctness of the statement, but attention is paid to the grammatical

The purpose of articulation gymnastics- development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Organization of articulation gymnastics

1. An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

2. An adult shows the exercise.

3. The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution.
An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics should monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

4. If the child does not get some kind of movement, help him (with a spatula, a teaspoon handle or just a clean finger).

5. In order for the child to find the correct position of the tongue, for example, lick the upper lip, spread it with jam, chocolate or something else that your child loves. Get creative with the exercises.
At first, when children perform exercises, there is a tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Gradually, the tension disappears, the movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.
The system of exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills should include both static exercises and exercises aimed at developing dynamic coordination of speech movements.

1. It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to do the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Do not offer children more than 2-3 exercises at a time.
2. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.
3. Static exercises are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding the articulation posture in one position).
4. When choosing exercises for articulation gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, go from simple exercises to more complex ones. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

5. Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new, the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If the child performs some exercise not well enough, new exercises should not be introduced, it is better to work out the old material. To consolidate it, you can come up with new game techniques.
6. Articulatory gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm position.
7. The child must see the adult's face well, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. Also, the child can use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult should be opposite the child facing him.
8. It is better to start gymnastics with exercises for the lips.

Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and is in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised to the sky.

Lip exercises

1. Smile.
Holding lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible

2. Proboscis (Tube).
Pulling the lips forward with a long tube.

3. Fence.
The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible.

4. Bagel (Speaker).
The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward. The upper and lower incisors are visible.

5. Fence - Bagel. Smile - Proboscis.
Alternating positions of the lips.

6. Rabbit.
The teeth are closed. The upper lip is raised and exposes the upper incisors.

Exercises to develop lip mobility

1. Biting and scratching first the upper and then the lower lip with the teeth.

2. Smile - Tube.
Pull your lips forward with a tube, then stretch your lips into a smile.

3. Piglet.
Move the lips stretched out with a tube to the right and left, rotate in a circle.

4. The fish are talking.
Clap your lips together (a dull sound is pronounced).
5. Squeeze the upper lip by the nasolabial fold with the thumb and forefingers of one hand and the lower lip with two fingers of the other hand and stretch them up and down.
6. Pull your cheeks inward strongly, and then sharply open your mouth. It is necessary to ensure that when performing this exercise, the characteristic sound of a "kiss" is heard.

7. Duck.
Pull out the lips, squeeze them so that the thumbs are under the lower lip, and all the rest on the upper lip, and pull the lips forward as much as possible, massaging them and trying to portray the beak of a duck.

8. Disgruntled horse.
The flow of exhaled air is easily and actively sent to the lips until they begin to vibrate. It makes a sound similar to the snorting of a horse.

9. The mouth is wide open, the lips are retracted into the mouth, tightly pressed against the teeth.

If the lips are very weak:
- inflate your cheeks strongly, holding the air in your mouth with all your might,
- holding a pencil (plastic tube) with your lips, draw a circle (square),
- hold a gauze napkin with your lips - an adult tries to pull it out.

Exercises for lips and cheeks

1. Biting, patting and rubbing the cheeks.

2. A well-fed hamster.
Inflate both cheeks, then inflate the cheeks alternately.

3. Hungry hamster.
Pull in your cheeks.

4. The mouth is closed. To beat with a fist on inflated cheeks, as a result of which the air comes out with force and noise.

Static exercises for the tongue

1. Chicks.
The mouth is wide open, the tongue lies quietly in the oral cavity.

2. Spatula.
The mouth is open, a wide relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip.

3. Cup.
The mouth is wide open. The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.

4. Needle (Arrow. Sting).
The mouth is open. Narrow tense tongue pushed forward.

5. Gorka (Kiska is angry).
The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.

6. Tube.
The mouth is open. The lateral edges of the tongue are bent up.

7. Fungus.
The mouth is open. Tongue stick to the palate.

Dynamic exercises for the tongue.

1. Clock (Pendulum).
The mouth is open. Lips stretched into a smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately stretch under the teacher's account to the corners of the mouth.

2. Snake.
The mouth is wide open. The narrow tongue is strongly pushed forward and removed deep into the mouth.

3. Swing.
The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or for the upper and lower incisors.

4. Football (Hide the candy).
The mouth is closed. With a tense tongue, rest against one or the other cheek.

5. Brushing your teeth.
The mouth is closed. Circle the tongue between the lips and teeth in a circular motion.

6. Coil.
The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. A wide tongue rolls out forward and retracts deep into the mouth.

7. Horse.
Suck the tongue to the palate, click the tongue. Click slowly and strongly, pull the hyoid ligament.

8. Accordion.
The mouth is open. Tongue stick to the palate. Without lifting the tongue from the palate, strongly pull down the lower jaw.

9. Painter.
The mouth is open. With a wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we lead from the upper incisors to the soft palate.

10. Delicious jam.
The mouth is open. Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue and remove the tongue deep into the mouth.

11. Lick your lips.
The mouth is open. Lick first the upper, then the lower lip in a circle.

Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw

1. Cowardly chick.
Open and close your mouth wide so that the corners of your lips stretch. The jaw drops to about two finger widths. The "chick" tongue sits in the nest and does not protrude. The exercise is performed rhythmically.

2. Sharks.
At the count of "one" the jaw drops, at "two" - the jaw moves to the right (mouth is open), at the count of "three" - the jaw is lowered into place, at "four" - the jaw moves to the left, at "five" - ​​the jaw is lowered, on "six" - the jaw moves forward, "seven" - the chin is in the usual comfortable position, the lips are closed. You need to do the exercise slowly and carefully, avoiding sudden movements.

3. Imitation of chewing with a closed and open mouth.

4. Monkey.
The jaw goes down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin.

5. Angry lion.
The jaw goes down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin and the mental pronunciation of the sounds a or e on a solid attack, more difficult - with a whisper pronunciation of these sounds.

6. Strongman.
The mouth is open. Imagine that a weight is hung on the chin, which must be lifted up, while raising the chin and tensing the muscles under it. Gradually close your mouth. Relax.

7. Put your hands on the table, put your palms on top of each other, rest your chin on your palms. Opening your mouth, press your chin on the resisting palms. Relax.

8. Lower the jaw down overcoming resistance (an adult holds a hand under the child's jaw).

9. Open the mouth with the head tilted back overcoming the resistance of the adult's hand lying on the back of the child's head.

10. Teasers.
Widely, often open your mouth and say: pa-pa-pa.

11. Silently, lingering (on one exhale), say the vowel sounds:
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (two fingers apart);
ёёёёёёёёёёё (the distance between the teeth in one finger);
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (mouth slightly open).

12. Say vowels with voice:

13. Pronounce several vowels in one exhalation in a continuous and drawn out way:

Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the opening of the mouth is sufficiently full.

14. Say proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters that are saturated with vowel sounds that require a wide opening of the mouth.

Mal, yes removed.
Two of a Kind.
Found a scythe on a stone.
Know the edge, don't fall.
What is the fisherman, such is the fish.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
The snake is stingy, the hedgehog has a hedgehog.

In the process of doing the exercises, make sure that the lower jaw falls freely down, first pronounce vowel sounds a little underlined.

Training the muscles of the pharynx and soft palate

1. Yawn with your mouth open and closed.
Yawning with a wide opening of the mouth, noisy inhalation of air.

2. Cough voluntarily.
It is good to cough with your mouth wide open, clenching your fists with force.
Cough with tongue hanging out.

3. Simulate gargling with the head thrown back.
Gargle with a heavy liquid (jelly, juice with pulp, kefir).

4. Swallow water in small portions (20 - 30 sips).
Swallow drops of water, juice.

5. Inflate your cheeks with your nose pinched.

6. Slowly pronounce sounds k, g, t, d.

7. Imitate:
- groan,
- lowing,
- whistle.

8. Tilt your head back to overcome resistance. The adult holds his hand on the back of the child's head.
Lower your head to overcome resistance. The adult holds his hand on the forehead of the child.
Throw back and lower the head with a strong pressure on the fists of both hands with the chin.

9. Push the tongue to the chin, pull it into the mouth overcoming resistance. The adult tries to keep the child's tongue out of the mouth.

10. Pronounce the vowels a, e, and, o, y on a hard attack.

11. Pronounce, holding the tip of the protruding tongue with your fingers, and-a. The sound "and" is separated from the sound "a" by a pause.

12. Inflate rubber toys, blow bubbles.

A set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound P

1. Whose teeth are cleaner?
Purpose: to develop the rise of the tongue up and the ability to speak the language.
Description: open the mouth wide and use the tip of the tongue to “clean” the upper teeth from the inside, moving the tongue from side to side.
1. Lips in a smile, upper and lower teeth are visible.
2. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not protrude, does not bend inward, but is located at the roots of the upper teeth.
3. The lower jaw is motionless; only the language works.
2. Painter
Purpose: to work out the movement of the tongue up and its mobility.
Description: smile, open your mouth and "stroke" the palate with the tip of your tongue, making back and forth movements with your tongue.
1. Lips and lower jaw must be motionless.
2. Make sure that the tip of the tongue reaches the inner surface of the upper teeth as it moves forward and does not protrude from the mouth.

3. Who will hit the ball next?
Purpose: to develop a smooth, long, continuous air stream running in the middle of the tongue.
Description: smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing the sound "f" for a long time, blow off the cotton wool to the opposite edge of the table.

2. You can not puff out your cheeks.
3. Make sure that the child pronounces the sound "f", and not the sound "x", i.e. so that the air stream is narrow, not scattered.

4. Delicious jam.


5. Turkey.

Description: open your mouth, put your tongue on your upper lip and make movements with the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add a voice until you hear bl-bl (like a turkey chattering).
Attention! 1. Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow.
2. Make sure that the movements of the tongue are back and forth, and not from side to side.

6. Drummers.
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, to develop the lift of the tongue up and the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense.
Description: smile, open your mouth and tap the upper alveoli with the tip of your tongue, repeatedly and distinctly pronouncing a sound reminiscent of English sound"d". First, pronounce the sound "d" slowly, gradually increase the pace.
1. The mouth should be open all the time, lips in a smile, the lower jaw is motionless; only the language works.
2. Make sure that the sound "d" has the character of a clear blow, it is not squelching.
3. The tip of the tongue should not tuck.
4. The sound "d" must be pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt. To do this, bring a piece of cotton wool to your mouth. When performed correctly, the exercise will deviate.

A set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation of the sound L

1. Punish the naughty tongue.
Purpose: to develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue, keep it wide, flattened.


The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth.
Pat your tongue with your lips several times on one exhale. Make sure that the child does not retain exhaled air.

2. Delicious jam.
Purpose: to develop the movement of the wide front of the tongue upward and the position of the tongue, close to the shape of the cup.
Description: slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.
1. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not "plant" the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).
2. The tongue should be wide, its lateral edges touch the corners of the mouth.

3. The steamer is buzzing.
Purpose: to develop a rise in the back of the tongue up.
Description: open your mouth and pronounce the sound "y" for a long time (like a steamer is buzzing).

Purpose: to develop the rise of the tongue up, the mobility of its front part.
Description: open your mouth, put your tongue on your upper lip and make movements with the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add a voice until you hear bl-bl (like a turkey bobo).
1. Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow.
2. So that the movements of the tongue are back and forth, and not from side to side.
3. The tongue should "lick" the upper lip, and not be thrown forward.

5. Swing.
Purpose: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, which is necessary when combining the sound l with vowels a, s, o, y. Description: smile, show teeth, open your mouth, put a wide tongue behind the lower teeth (on the inside) and hold in this position for a count of one to five. So alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.
Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

6. Horse.
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop the rise of the tongue up.
Description: smile, show teeth, open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (like a horse clatters its hooves).
1. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster.
2. The lower jaw should not move; only the language works.
3. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, i.e. so that the child clicks his tongue, not smack.

7. The horse rides quietly.
Purpose: to develop the upward movement of the tongue and help the child determine the place of the tongue when pronouncing the sound "l".
Description: the child should make the same movements with the tongue as in the previous exercise, only silently.
1. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless: only the tongue performs the exercise.
2. The tip of the tongue should not curl inwards.
3. The tip of the tongue rests on the palate behind the upper teeth, and does not protrude from the mouth.

8. The breeze is blowing.
Purpose: to produce an air jet coming out along the edges of the tongue.
Description: smile, open your mouth, bite the tip of your tongue with your front teeth and blow. Check the presence and direction of the air jet with a cotton swab.
Attention! Make sure that the air does not come out in the middle, but from the corners of the mouth.

Tongue twisters for sound l

Mom did not regret washing,
Milu's mother washed soap with soap.
Mila did not like soap,
But Mila did not whine.
Mila is young!

Sat down and ate everything.

Near the bell.

Where jelly, there and ate.

The tree has needles.
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
Prickly needle.

The woodpecker was sitting on the tree and chiseled the cracks.

He lay, lay - stretched, ran away.

Klim threw a bow at Luka.

Malanya chattered milk,
Chatted, chatted, but blurted out everything.

On the shallows we caught a lot.

Barely Lena ate, she did not want to eat from laziness.

Alena sat down in a corner, Alyonka had a lot to do.

Needle-needle, you are sharp and sharp.

A cap on a cap, a cap under the cap.

A cap is sewn, but not in a cap style,
A bell is poured out, but not in a bell-like manner.

The cap is not sewn in a cap style,
The bell is poured not in a bell-like manner.
It is necessary to re-cap the cap, re-cap,
To re-bell the bell, to re-bell.

There are pigeons in the dovecote, and acorns on the oak.

Grandfather Philip got angry -
Sticky glue stuck to it.

The cubs went to visit the fox.

Lip exercises
"Smile". Smile so that the upper and lower teeth are visible and hold this position for 5-7 seconds.
"Tube". Pull lips with a tube:
1st option - pronounce the sound [U] for a long time without the participation of the voice;
2nd option - pull the lips slightly forward, as if forming a square; teeth are closed.
"The doors are opening." Slowly open your mouth until a distance of 10-15 mm is obtained between the upper and lower teeth, keep your lips in the “Smile” position.
Language exercises
Particular attention should be paid to exercises to control the muscles of the tongue.
1. "Pancake". Put a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip. Make sure that the lower lip is not stretched over the teeth, and the upper teeth are also not covered by the upper lip (that is, the “Smile” position is maintained). If the tongue does not take the desired shape, with the tongue sticking out between the lips, pronounce the syllables “ba-ba-ba”. Upon reaching success, make the tongue wide without pronouncing these syllables and blow until a groove is formed along the middle line of the tongue.
2. "Whose teeth are cleaner?" Open your mouth and use the tip of your tongue to “clean” your upper teeth from the inside, moving your tongue from side to side.
"Kitty". Bend the wide tip of the tongue up to the nose. If such a movement does not work, then you should first practice licking the upper teeth from right to left under the lip, then licking the upper lip.
3. "Malyar". Smile, open your mouth and stroke the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, moving your tongue back and forth.
"Swing" (inside the mouth). Bend the wide tip of the tongue alternately up and down between the teeth, gradually pulling it deep into the mouth.
All movements should be done slowly, clearly, rhythmically under the mental count of “one-two” (up), “one-two” (down), etc., gradually accelerating the pace in subsequent sessions.
4. "Horse". Click the tip of your tongue. Suck the tip of the tongue to the front edge of the palate and tear it off, opening the mouth wide.
5. "Mushroom". Lips in the “Smile” position, teeth open. Attach the front of the tongue to the hard palate. Holding the tongue in this position, connect and open the teeth until slight pain appears in the area of ​​the hyoid ligament.
6. "Machine gun". Smile, open your mouth and tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and distinctly pronouncing the sound [D]: “d-d-d”. First, pronounce the sound [D] slowly, then gradually speed up the tempo.
7. "The plane is buzzing." Lips in the "Smile" position, upper and lower teeth are visible, open by 10-15 mm. Wide tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth. Pronounce the sounds [З] or [Ж] (there should be a sound resembling the roar of a motor).
Important: The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the molars, the tip of the tongue is thinned and mobile, the lips are not rounded.
If the exercise “Airplane is buzzing” does not work for a child for a long time, then you can lift his tongue by the upper teeth with your fingers or a spatula. In this case, the child should pronounce for a long time “j-zh-zh-zh”.
8. If the child successfully copes with all the exercises, you can proceed to the direct production of the sound [R], using mechanical assistance: put a rubber nipple on a wooden spatula and, setting the tongue in the position for the “Airplane is buzzing” exercise, produce fast oscillatory movements right-left or back-and-forth under the tip of the tongue until a steady vibration of the tongue is obtained.

Setting the sound [P] using a pacifier is easier and faster in the prone position: the child's head lies on the teacher's lap.
The mechanical method gives the child the opportunity to feel the vibration of the tongue, imprint it with muscles and reproduce it in the future without mechanical help.
9. The vibration of the tongue can sometimes be obtained by the following technique: put a thick piece of paper on the tip of the tongue (tied to a long thread that the child holds in his hands), remove the tongue by the upper teeth and blow it off the tongue with a strong air jet.
Important: It is necessary to strictly monitor that the child does not inhale a lump of paper.
10. Another technique is based on the rapid repetition of the sound [D] on one exhalation, articulated in a special way: the child is invited to pronounce the sound [D] quickly and repeatedly (“ddddddddddd ...”) with a half-open mouth (tip of the tongue at the upper alveoli).
The child should see in the mirror quick strokes of the tip of the tongue. The tempo of these strokes gradually becomes more frequent and the tip of the tongue vibrates in a different rhythm (“dddd..., dddddd..., dd-ddd-ddd”). These rhythmic strokes of the tongue are then connected to the vowels in forward and reverse order, for example:
ddda addd addda
dddy yddd ydddy
At the time when the child performs these exercises, a spatula placed under the front edge of the tongue should be used to make frequent oscillatory movements, which causes a roar characteristic of the sound [Р].
If there is difficulty in performing these exercises with an open mouth, or “jumping” movements of the lower jaw are observed simultaneously with the work of the tongue, a wooden spatula or a rubber block (toothbrush) should be inserted from the side between the molars, which will act as a spacer. Soon, the need for mechanical fixation of the lower jaw will disappear.
The vibration of the tongue can also be obtained without using a spatula, if at the moment of pronouncing "ddd" tap the palm below the chin. The child pronounces words with reverse syllables, the teacher taps his palm under the chin from below (for example, “a-d-d, i-d-d, ka-d-d, pa-d-d ...”).
11. When moving from the sound combinations “tr, dr” to syllables (dra-, tra-), children have difficulty in the continuous pronunciation of the syllables tra-, dra-. In this case, you can offer the child the following technique: clenching his fists, put them in front of his chest, at the moment of pronouncing "dr-r-r-a" sharply lower his hands down. You can combine saying "tra, dra" with jumping up on both legs, clapping your hands. The performance of sharp and strong movements in combination with the pronunciation of syllables and short words switches the child from excessive concentration on articulatory movements and facilitates the transition from the isolated reproduction of sound combinations "tr, dr" to the introduction of sound into syllables and words. The same technique can also be used in case of difficulty in pronouncing the sound [P] when concatenated with other consonants (“br-r, vr-r”): squeeze your fists tightly and, dropping them sharply down, say: brother, bravo.
12. Sometimes a child can pronounce a whispered dull long sound [P] with clenched teeth. In this case, the child can be offered to pronounce the sounds "trr" by biting a wooden spatula. Gradually increasing the distance between the teeth (for which you should bite a double-folded spatula), you can get a long pronunciation of the combination "tr-rr" with open teeth.
After the vibration has been achieved, through various exercises on the material of syllables, words and phrases, pronounced gradually at a faster pace, it is necessary to achieve automation of the learned articulation and get rid of the excessively booming pronunciation of the sound [P].
13. To get the sound [P], the child needs to show (in front of the mirror) the position of the tongue: the front edge of the tongue is not at the alveoli, but at the necks of the upper incisors. When instead of [P "] a solid sound [P] is obtained, it is necessary to achieve a gradual movement of the tongue forward, to the upper incisors, proceed from the combination of a consonant with a front vowel [I].
When automating the sounds [P], [P "] in words, one should take into account the articulatory abilities of the child, his age, the ability to master the semantics and syllabic structure of the word.

Tongue Twisters
All beavers are kind to their beavers.

Three ravens at the gate
Three magpies on the doorstep
Three trees, three black grouse.

A ferry makes its way across the river,
Jumping in tongue twisters
Like steam in a frying pan.

He reported, but did not report, but began to report, he reported.

Once upon a time there were crayfish, crayfish-bullies.
Crayfish lived noisily, started fights.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters
In the yard they chop wood with axes.

Thirty-three cars in a row
They rumble, they rumble.

Three trumpeters blew trumpets.

Large red grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

trail on the grass, grass on the trail.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.

Three trails, three cabins.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains, grandfather Yegor is coming.

They hit the quails and black grouse with shot.

The raven raven crowed.

Egor walked through the yard,
Carry an ax to mend the fence.

The queen gave the cavalier a caravel.
The queen with a gentleman in a caravel retired.

Carl stole the corals from Clara, And Clara stole the clarinet from Carl.

Prokop left - dill boiled.
Prokom came - the dill was boiling.
As under Prokop dill boiled,
So without Prokop dill boiled.

Pyotr Petrov, nicknamed Perov,
Caught a quail bird.

Marina marinated the mushrooms.

Pyotr Petrovich Prygunov arrived from Perm to Rostov.

Polycarp's catch is three crucians, three carps.

In the aquarium at Khariton
Four crayfish and three newts.

A set of exercises to develop the correct pronunciation
hissing sounds (w, w, w, h)

1. Punish the naughty tongue.
Purpose: to develop the ability, by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, to keep it wide, flattened.
Description: slightly open your mouth, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, make the sounds of five-five-five ... Keep your wide tongue in a calm position, with your mouth open, counting from one to five to ten.
1. The lower lip should not be tucked up and pulled over the lower teeth.
2. The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth.
3. Pat your tongue with your lips several times on one exhale. Make sure that the child does not retain exhaled air.
You can control the performance as follows: bring the cotton wool to the child's mouth, if he does the exercise correctly, it will deviate. At the same time, this exercise contributes to the development of a directed air jet.

2. Make the language wide.
Purpose: to develop the ability to keep the tongue in a calm, relaxed position.
Description: smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip. Hold it in this position for a count of one to five to ten.
1. Do not stretch your lips into a strong smile so that there is no tension.
2. Make sure that the lower lip does not tuck.
3. Do not stick out the tongue far, it should only cover the lower lip.
4. The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

3. Glue on the candy.
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and work out the rise of the tongue up.
Description: put the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip. Put a thin piece of toffee on the very edge of the tongue, glue a piece of candy to the palate behind the upper teeth.
1. Make sure that only the tongue works, the lower jaw must be motionless.
2. Open your mouth no wider than 1.5-2 cm.
3. If the lower jaw is involved in the movement, you can put the child's clean index finger on the side between the molars (then he will not close his mouth).
4. Perform the exercise at a slow pace.

4. Fungus.
Purpose: to develop the rise of the tongue up, stretching the hyoid ligament (bridle).
Description: smile, show teeth, open your mouth and, pressing a wide tongue with the entire plane against the palate, open your mouth wide. (The tongue will resemble a thin mushroom cap, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble its stem.)
1. Make sure that the lips are in the position of a smile.
2. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed equally tightly - no half should fall.
3. When repeating the exercise, you need to open your mouth wider.

5. Who will drive the ball further.
Purpose: to develop a smooth, long, continuous air stream running in the middle of the tongue. Description: smile, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing the sound f for a long time, blow off the cotton wool on the opposite edge of the table.
1. The lower lip should not stretch over the lower teeth.
2. You can not puff out your cheeks.
3. Make sure that the child pronounces the sound f, and not the sound x, i.e. so that the air stream is narrow, not scattered.

6. Delicious jam.
Purpose: to develop the movement of the wide front of the tongue upward and the position of the tongue close to the shape of the cup, which it takes when pronouncing hissing sounds.
Description: slightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.
1. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not "plant" the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).
2. The tongue should be wide, its lateral edges touch the corners of the mouth.
3. If the exercise fails, you need to return to the exercise "Punish a naughty tongue." As soon as the tongue becomes flattened, you need to lift it up and wrap it on the upper lip.

7. Harmonic.
Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle).
Description: smile, open your mouth, stick your tongue to the sky and, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth (as the accordion furs stretch, so the hyoid frenulum stretches). The lips are in a smile position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and longer and keep your tongue in the upper position.
1. Make sure that when opening the mouth, the lips are motionless.
2. Open and close the mouth, holding it in each position for a count of three to ten.
3. Make sure that one of the sides of the tongue does not sag when opening the mouth.

8. Focus.
Purpose: to develop a rise of the tongue up, the ability to give the tongue the shape of a bucket and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.
Description: smile, open your mouth, put the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip so that its lateral edges are pressed, and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of the nose. At the same time, the air should go in the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.
1. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.
2. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper lip; a gap is formed in the middle into which the air stream goes. If this does not work, you can slightly hold your tongue.
3. The lower lip should not tuck and stretch over the lower teeth.

tongue twisters with sound

Sanka has a brand new sled.

Little Sleigh's sleigh overturned.

The pine-pine has grown mushrooms.

There is a lot of mowing on a sharp scythe.
There would be mowing, but frost came.

The hay would all sleep on the hay.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

In seven sledges, seven in a sleigh sat themselves.

In the field - everything, everything, everything. In the field - sowing, sowing, sowing.

Oh, how damp, damp, damp from the dew, dew, dew.

Our gas went out - our gas went out.

A rose bush grew in the garden - a rose bush grew in the garden.

The old elephant sleeps peacefully
He knows how to sleep standing up. (
S. Marshak)

Kosar Kasyan oblique bone oblique
The mower Kasyan will not mow the mowing.

Mow, spit, while dew.
Dew down - and we go home.

Senya carries hay in the canopy.
Senya will sleep in the hay.
(N. Egorov)

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

The mouse sat in the corner
She ate a piece of bagel.

Eats a pussy soup from a bowl.
Full pussy, empty bowl.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.
Fell asleep and fell asleep.
If he had not fallen in a dream -
Until now, I would sit on a pine tree.

Bought Marusya beads granny.
A grandmother stumbled over a goose in the market...
Granddaughter Marusya will not have a gift:
All the beads were pecked by a bead by a geese.

There was fat, it became soap.
Sasha hit a bump with his hat.
The pig was blunt, dug the whole yard, dug half a snout, did not dig to the hole.
The falcon sat on a bare trunk.

For seven days I tried for forty, I was in a hurry, I sewed rawhide boots for myself.
Senka-lucky, take the woman on a sled: the sledge lope, Senka in the forehead.
Senya was carrying a hay cart.
The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor: "The magpie strives to become the most creaky!"
Skok, magpie, hop, magpie, blind from the eye, crooked from the side.

Tongue twisters for the sound sh

Masha has poppies and chamomile on her pocket.

Ruffs are good in Sheken, pikes are also good.

I was walking along the highway with a cane and heard the noise of the chassis.

There is a midge in the porridge.
Hurry, cat, eat from a bowl
Porridge with a midge.

Our chess player will over-chess your chess player, over-chess.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood,
How funny he is in the hood!
(I. Demyanov)

Sixteen mice walked
And they found six pennies.
And the mice, which is worse,
Noisily rummage pennies.

In the hut, only a bumblebee makes noise.
There, curled up, Sasha sleeps.

Hush, mice! The cat is on the roof!
Make a noise - he will hear!

A hat and a fur coat - that's our Mishutka.

I walked over the pebbles, found a silk fur coat.

Hurry up, don't hesitate
Run for nuts.
But the nuts are good
Don't hesitate, hurry up.

They walked, walked - they found a pie.
Sit down, eat, move on.

Misha's hat hit a bump.

Our path is strewn with peas.
Take a spoon and eat peas.

The cockerel whispers to the cat:
Do you see the big scallop?
The cat whispers to the cockerel:
- Take a step - and take a bite!

Tongue twisters for the sound u

Trembling with fins, and toothy and skinny.
Looking for food for lunch, pike walks around the bream.
The pike tries in vain to drag the bream.

In the grove of grass stirring, we will pick up sorrel.
You, mother, do not look for us - we pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.

Tongs and pincers - these are our things.

I'm dragging, I won't drag it, I'm afraid I won't let it out.

Wolves roam, looking for food.

I brush the puppy with a brush, I tickle his sides.

My mother-in-law treated us to cabbage soup and bream.

Bring vegetables - there will be cabbage soup.

Shchi and porridge are our food.

The goldfinch chirped with the goldfinch,
Tickled his goldfinches,
And the dandy-dandy
And dandy-dandy
They squeak at the goldfinch.

Baring its gap-toothed mouth, the puppy bristled its lean torso.

The pike will not find food for the little pike.

A frail goldfinch near the grove wept and squeaked mercilessly.

And now the brushes, the brushes crackled like rattles.

Two puppies, cheek to cheek, pinch the brush in the corner.

Don't feel sorry for the same cabbage soup, but pour it thicker.

Scales at the pike, bristles at the pig.

Do not look for a mustache in a goose - you will not find it.

You can't outdo any dandy in panache.

The puppy squeaks plaintively - he drags a heavy shield.

You will not find pike and bream in the grove.

The skinny mother-in-law spared her son-in-law.
A bunch of vegetables, cabbage soup and borscht,
Pike cheeks and bream
The mother-in-law dragged the weak son-in-law,
Served generously with food
Heaven foreshadowed.

Tongue Twisters
Practicing sounds [k], [g], [x

Buy a pile of spades.

The Turk smokes a pipe, the Turk pecks at the grits.

Our river is as wide as the Oka.
Like the Oka, our river is wide.
So, like the Oka, our river is wide.

The gorilla told them, she said,
She spoke, she spoke, she spoke.

Near the bell.

I was sitting at the Oka, eating apples.

Mow, spit, while dew.
Dew down - and we go home.

Klava put the bow on the shelf,
She called to herself Nikolka.

Konstantin stated.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

The galley messenger was burned.

If Kolya is around a collie,
That and the collie near Kolya.

There is a goat with a scythe goat,
There is a goat with a barefoot goat,
There is a goat with a slanting goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat.

Thunderstorm is terrible, terrible thunderstorm.

Dove, goose and jackdaw - that's the whole rhyme.

If not profits and not losses.

The crested Ukrainians laughed with laughter.

The ear was not bad, the ear was not bad.
A good ear, if there is an eye nearby.
Things are good - try fish soup by the Oka River.

A couple of birds fluttered and fluttered. yes, it fluttered.

Good chickens at Hohllatka


The tongue twisters, tongue twisters and verses given here are needed forautomation(i.e., to fix sounds so that the child pronounces them mechanically, without thinking each time about where and how he puts his tongue) anddifferentiation(distinctions - often children confuse soundss-sh, s-zh, sh-zh, s-z, r-l, r-l, h-th, sch-s, c-sand etc.).


La-la-la - the girl was sleeping.
Lo-lo-lo - the pine has a hollow.
Lu-lu-lu - give me the saw.
Ly-ly-ly - clean floors.
Al-al-al - I'm going to the basement.
Ol-ol-ol - the aspen has a trunk.
Ul-ul-ul - here is a high chair.
Il-il-il - grandfather lived in the world.


La-la-la - this is my land.
Le-le-le - you say ale.
Le-le-le - tina on the oar.
Lu-lu-lu - I'll whitewash the walls.
Li-li-li - we grazed a goat.


Ra-ra-ra - snowy mountain.
Ro-ro-ro is the new pen.
Ru-ru-ru - I will gather berries.
Ry-ry-ry - mosquitoes curl.
Ar-ar-ar - a mosquito lives here.
Or-or-or - there is a pattern on the wall.
Ur-ur-ur - don't chase the chickens.
Ir-ir-ir - not war, but peace.


Rya-rya-rya - blue seas.
Ryu-ryu-ryu - I cook dinner.
Ri-ri-ri - the lanterns shine.
Re-re-re - children on the mountain.
Ar-ar-ar - I want a primer.
Shout-shout-shout - Nikita has measles.
Er-er-er - knock on the door.
Ur-ur-ur - we are not afraid of storms.


Sha-sha-sha - Lena is good.
Sho-sho-sho - it's good in summer.
Shu-shu-pgu - I'm writing to you.
Shi-shi-shi are babies.
She-she-she - I like you.
Ash-ash-ash - here is our house.
Osh-osh-osh - lost a knife.
Wow wow wow - that's a cold shower.
Ish-ish-ish - why are you silent?
Esh-esh-esh - eat apples.


Zha-zha-zha - two hedgehogs walk.
Jo-jo-jo - I'll go out to the meadow.
Zhu-zhu-zhu - I'll tie a ribbon.
Zhi-zhi-zhi - I have knives.


Cha-cha-cha - curl at the shoulder.
Cho-cho-cho - left shoulder.
Choo-choo-choo - I want juice.
Chi-chi-chi - new keys.
Che-che-che - strap on the shoulder.
Ah-ah-ah - a rook bird walks.
Pts-pts-pts - here is my mother's daughter.
Uch-uch-uch - a bright beam is visible.
Ech-ech-ech - that's a huge sword.


Scha-scha-scha - I caught a bream.
More-more-more - lose more.
Shu-shu-shu - I'm looking for you.
Shchi-shchi-shchi - look for me.
Shche-shche-shche - a hole in the raincoat.
Ash-ash-ash - I will put on a raincoat.
Osh-oh-oh - horsetail in the swamp.
Still-still-still - a bream swims up.
Oooh-ooh-ooh - that's green ivy.


Sa-sa-sa - here comes the wasp.
So-so-so - we roll the wheel.
Su-su-su - I'm grazing a horse.
Sy-sy-sy - long mustache.
As-as-as - we bought kvass.
Os-os-os is a curious nose.
Us-us-us - Lena has a lot of beads.
Is-is-is - I played an encore.


Sya-sya-sya - that's the whole carrot.
Si-si-si - in the mud of crucian carp.
Se-se-se - the wolf goes to the fox.
Sho-sho-sho - that's all summer.
As-as-as - here the crucian swam away.
Axis-axis-axis - an elk near the swamp.
Us-us-us - I'm learning to play.
Is-is-is - you learn to play.


For-for-for - a white goat.
Zo-zo-zo - here comes the bison.
Zu-zu-zu - we are leading a goat.
Zy-zy-zy - goat's milk.

[h "]

Zya-za-za - we can't get sick.
Ze-ze-ze - I will give the goat a drink.
Zi-zi-zi - take the cubes.


Tsa-tsa-tsa is a white sheep.
Tso-tso-tso is a cute face.
Tsy-tsy-tsy - ate cucumbers.
Tse-tse-tse - eyebrows on the face.
Ets-ets-ets - here the singer sings.

Non-traditional exercises to improve articulatory motor skills

In addition to the conventional articulation exercises, I offer non-traditional exercises that are playful in nature and cause positive emotions in children.

Ball exercises

The diameter of the ball is 2-3 cm, the length of the rope is 60 cm, the rope is threaded through a through hole in the ball and tied into a knot.

1. Move the ball along the rope stretched horizontally on the fingers of both hands with your tongue to the right and left.

2. Move the ball up along the vertically stretched rope (the ball falls arbitrarily down).

3. Push the ball up and down with your tongue, the rope is stretched horizontally.

4. Tongue - "cup", goal: to catch the ball in the "cup".

5. Catch the ball with your lips, push it out with force, "spitting out" it.

6. Catch the ball with your lips. Close your lips as far as possible and roll the ball from cheek to cheek.

7. Tell tongue twisters with a ball in your mouth, holding a string with your hands.

Note. During work, an adult holds the rope in his hand. After each session, thoroughly rinse the ball with a rope with warm water and baby soap and dry with a napkin. The ball must be strictly individual.

Spoon exercises

1. Clamp the teaspoon in a fist and put it to the corner of the mouth, push the tongue into the concave side of the spoon to the left and right, respectively turning the hand with the spoon.

2. Push the spoon into the concave up and down.

3. The same, but push the spoon into the convex part.

4. Tongue - "spatula". Pat the convex part of a teaspoon on the tongue.

5. Push with the edge of a spoon on a relaxed tongue.

6. Press the spoon firmly against the lips with the convex side in front of the lips, folded in a tube, and make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.

7. Lips stretch into a smile. With the convex part of a teaspoon, make circular movements around the lips clockwise and counterclockwise.

8. Take a teaspoon in the right and left hand and make light patting movements on the cheeks from bottom to top and top to bottom.

9. Circular movements with teaspoons on the cheeks (from the nose to the ears and back).

10. Patting with teaspoons on the cheeks with both hands simultaneously from the corners of the mouth stretched in a smile to the temples and back.

Water Tongue Exercises
"Don't Spill Water"

1. The tongue in the form of a deep "dipper" with a small amount of water (water can be replaced by juice, tea, compote) is strongly protruded forward from a wide-open mouth. Hold for 10 - 15 seconds. Repeat 10 - 15 times.

2. The "tongue-ladle" with the liquid smoothly moves alternately into the corners of the mouth, holding the liquid without closing the mouth and without pulling back into the mouth. Executed 10 times.

3. The "tongue-ladle" filled with liquid moves smoothly back and forth. The mouth is wide open. It is performed 10 - 15 times.

Exercises for the lips and tongue and jaws with a bandage

Single-use bandage, strictly individual, dimensions: length 25-30 cm, width 4-5 cm.

1. Lips closed and stretched into a smile tightly squeeze the bandage. The adult tries to pull out the bandage, overcoming the resistance of the muscles of the lips. Runs within 10 - 15 seconds.

2. It is performed by analogy with exercise 1, but the bandage is clamped with lips either in the left or in the right corner of the mouth alternately. Executed 10 times.

3. Clamped with lips in the right corner of the mouth, the bandage moves without the help of hands to the left corner, then, on the contrary, from the left to the right, etc. Executed 10 times.

4. Unlike exercise 1, the bandage is bitten, firmly clamped not with the lips, but with the front teeth and held for 10-15 seconds, the clamp is loosened for a few seconds. Clamp - relaxation alternate 10 - 15 times.

5. The bandage is bitten and clamped not with incisors, but with molars, alternately either left or right. Executed 10 times.

6. Bandage to the entire surface of the upper lip tightly presses the tongue raised up in the form of a wide bucket or "shovel" (pancake). At the same time, the mouth is wide open. The adult, as in exercise 1, tries to pull out the bandage, overcoming resistance. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Repeats up to 10 times.

7. In contrast to exercise 6, the bandage is pressed with a “bucket tongue” (“scapula”, “pancake”) not to the entire surface of the upper lip, but either to the left or to the right corner of the mouth alternately. It is performed in the same way as exercises 1, 6.

8. The bandage is firmly pressed against the entire surface of the lower lip with a wide soft tongue in the form of a "scapula" ("pancake").

Breathing exercises for children with speech disorders

Proper breathing is very important for the development of speech, since the respiratory system is the energy base for the speech system. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice development. Breathing exercises help to develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation. You can use exercises in which the respiratory muscles work with special tension, and even some of the exercises of Buddhist gymnastics, which contribute to the development of not only the respiratory organs, but also the work of the cardiovascular system.

Regular breathing exercises contribute to the development of correct speech breathing with an elongated, gradual exhalation, which allows you to get a supply of air for pronouncing segments of various lengths.

1. Before conducting breathing exercises, it is necessary to wipe the dust in the room, ventilate it, if the house has a humidifier, use it.

2. Breathing exercises are not recommended after a heavy dinner or lunch. It is better that at least an hour passes between classes and the last meal, even better if classes are held on an empty stomach.

4. It is necessary to ensure that the muscles of the arms, neck, and chest do not tense during the exercise.

Breathing exercises

1. Snow.
The child is invited to blow on cotton wool, small pieces of paper, fluffs and thereby turn an ordinary room into a snowy forest. The lips of the child should be rounded and slightly extended forward. It is advisable not to puff out your cheeks when performing this exercise.

2. Ships.
Fill the basin with water and teach the child to blow on light objects in the basin, such as boats. You can arrange a competition: whose boat sailed further. It is very good for these purposes to use plastic eggs from "kinder surprises" or packaging from shoe covers issued by vending machines.

3. Football.
Build a gate from a designer or other material, take a ping-pong ball or any other light ball. And play football with your child. The child must blow on the ball, trying to drive it into the gate. You can take two balls and play the game "Who is faster."

4. Bulbuls.
Take two plastic transparent cups. Pour a lot of water into one, almost to the brim, and pour a little into the other. Invite your child to play boule bulki with cocktail straws. To do this, in a glass where a lot of water needs to be blown through a tube weakly, and in a glass where there is little water, you can blow strongly. The task of the child is to play "Bul-Bulki" so as not to spill water. Be sure to pay attention to the child's words: weak, strong, much, little. This game can also be used to consolidate the knowledge of colors. To do this, take multi-colored cups and tubes and invite the child to blow into the green cup through the green tube, etc.

5. Magic bubbles.
Invite your child to play with bubbles. He can blow soap bubbles himself, but if he can’t blow or he doesn’t want to do it, then you blow the bubbles, directing them to the child. This encourages the child to blow on the bubbles so that they do not hit him.

6. Pipe.
Invite the child to stick out a narrow tongue forward, lightly touching the glass vial with the tip of the tongue (any glass vial from medicines, vitamins, iodine, perfumes will do; the neck of the vial should not be wide). Blow air onto the tip of the tongue so that the bubble whistles like a pipe.

7. Harmonica.
Invite your child to become a musician, let him play the harmonica. At the same time, your task is not to teach him to play, therefore, do not pay attention to the melody. It is important that the child inhales air through the harmonica and exhales into it.

8. Flower shop.
Invite your child to take deep, slow breaths through their nose while sniffing an imaginary flower to choose the most fragrant flower for their grandmother or mother. You can use various scented sachets for this game, but they should not be pungent, should not be dusty, and should not be brought too close to the nose.

9. Candle.
Buy large colored candles and play with them. You light the candles and ask the child to blow on the blue candle, then on the yellow candle, and so on. You need to blow slowly, the breath should not be noisy, you can not puff out your cheeks. First, the candle can be brought closer to the child, then gradually remove it.

10. Mowers.
This exercise can be performed to the sounds of a march: for a weak part of the melody, a breath is taken and “pulling the scythe” to the side, for a strong one, exhalation and “swinging the scythe”.

Abbakumova S.I.,

teacher speech therapist





- The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN



- Continuity of a speech therapist teacher and educator in a speech therapy group




Most children with developmental disabilities require the intervention of a number of specialists: defectologists (speech therapists, audiologists, oligophrenopedagogues, deaf teachers), doctors, psychologists. Each of these specialists is necessary for the child, but none of them can replace the other, and therefore the desired success can be achieved only if their efforts are combined, i.e. if the impact is complex. At the same time, it is very important not only the treatment itself, the education and upbringing of the child; but also the definition of the type of institution where they should be carried out: specialized children's homes, preschool and school institutions for mentally retarded children, the blind, the deaf; for children with developmental delays.

The duties of a speech therapist include working closely with teachers and educators, attending classes and lessons, consulting teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques for assisting children with developmental disabilities.

1. The work of a speech therapist with preschool teachers

The speech therapist should pay special attention to the organization of work with educators in all groups. kindergarten starting from the second younger group.

Experience shows that the organization preventive work helps to reduce the number of phonetic disorders in children. First, a speech therapist conducts subgroup classes with children, and then educators, on the instructions of a speech therapist, conduct similar classes on their own. In the classroom, the speech therapist offers various exercises for the development of speech breathing and voice, articulatory and fine motor skills.

To implement the relationship in the work of a speech therapist and educator, it is recommended to use the interaction sheet and the fine motor skills examination card (see Appendixes).

The interaction sheet between the speech therapist and the educator on automating the set sounds will help the educator see what sounds the speech therapist is working on with each child of the group, and control the correct pronunciation of these sounds by children in regime moments.

Diagnosis of fine motor skills of children is carried out by a speech therapist. An analysis of the results obtained will allow developing a number of exercises for children whose fine motor skills lag behind the age norm. The teacher performs these exercises with the children as part of their classes.

Also in the preschool educational institution should be kept a "Notebook of the relationship of a speech therapist and educator." In this notebook, the speech therapist writes down tasks for the educator for speech therapy work with individual children (from 3 to 6 people). For example, individual articulation exercises, analysis of subject and plot pictures specially selected by a speech therapist, repetition of texts and poems previously worked out with a speech therapist. You can include various options for exercises to develop attention, memory, distinguish sounds, and form the lexical and grammatical components of the language. All types of tasks should be familiar to children and explained in detail to the teacher. In the accounting column, the teacher notes how the material was learned by the children, who and in connection with what had difficulties.

2. Interaction of a speech therapist and educator when working with children with FFN

The speech therapist and educator work together on the development of the speech of children with FFN, guided by general requirements standard program of training and education. The elimination of gaps in children's speech development is carried out mainly by a speech therapist (section "Formation of pronunciation and development of speech").

The main areas of work on the development of children's speech are:

the formation of full-fledged pronunciation skills;

development phonemic perception, phonemic representations, forms of sound analysis and synthesis accessible to age.

As the child advances in the indicated directions on the corrected speech material, the following is carried out:

development in children of attention to the morphological composition of words and the change of words and their combinations in a sentence;

enrichment of the children's vocabulary mainly by drawing attention to the methods of word formation, to the emotional and evaluative meaning of words;

educating children in the ability to correctly compose a simple common sentence, and then difficult sentence; use different constructions of sentences in independent connected speech;

the development of coherent speech in the process of working on a story, retelling, with the formulation of a certain correctional task for automating the phonemes specified in the pronunciation in speech;

the formation of elementary skills of writing and reading by special methods based on corrected pronunciation and full phonemic perception.

It is important to note that the formation of elementary skills of writing and reading is one of the effective ways formation of oral speech for children with FFN.

At the same time, the teacher conducts classes in which the vocabulary of preschoolers is expanded and refined, colloquial, descriptive and narrative speech develops. All these directions in the work on speech correction are interconnected.

In accordance with the “Regulations on preschool institutions and groups of children with speech disorders”, a speech therapist and two educators work in each group. A speech therapist daily from 9.00 to 12.30 conducts speech therapy work with children frontally, with subgroups and individually. Time from 12.30 to 13.00 is allotted for filling out speech therapy documentation (frontal plans, individual notebooks, planning tasks for the teacher in the evening, etc.), preparing for frontal classes, selecting and making didactic aids. The number of frontal speech therapy classes depends on the period of study: in the first period - 2 lessons, in the second - 3, in the third - daily. In the afternoon, the teacher works with children for 30 minutes on the instructions of a speech therapist. Due to the need to conduct corrective speech therapy classes, some of the teacher's classes are postponed to the evening (an approximate daily routine in the older group).

Proper maintenance of speech therapy documentation is necessary to monitor the process corrective work and evaluation of the effectiveness of the techniques used. During school year in addition to the main documentation, the speech therapist also draws up a "Notebook of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator", in which the speech therapist fixes individual tasks for evening classes and determines specific requirements to the selection of speech material depending on the stage of correction. The teacher notes the features of the proposed training exercises and the difficulties that arise for each child.

The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN

The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN has its own specifics. The task of the educator is to identify the degree to which children lag behind in the assimilation of program material for all types of educational and play activities. This is necessary to eliminate gaps in the development of children and create conditions for successful learning in an environment of normally developing peers. To this end, in the first two weeks, the educator determines the capabilities of children in speech, visual, constructive activities, in mastering counting operations, etc.

Together with a speech therapist, the educator analyzes the features of the speech development of children. The teacher should have an idea of ​​whether the child uses a short or extended form of utterance, whether he owns different types of coherent speech that are accessible to children by age. senior group: a retelling of a painting, a series of paintings, a description, a story from personal experience and etc.

When assessing the state of skills in these areas, the general educational program requirements for this age group should be taken into account. Based on the heterogeneity of the composition of children in the FFN groups, due to the different etiology of the disorder and sociocultural factors, it is important, as a result of the initial examination, to differentially assess the degree of lag in mastering educational material offered for the middle and senior group of a kindergarten of a general developmental type. There are different options for meeting program requirements: fully complies, lags behind, lags far behind. After the examination, the teacher gets an idea of ​​the state of each child's skills in the following areas: elementary mathematical representations, speech, visual activity, constructive activity, game activity, motor skills, musical and rhythmic abilities. This will make it possible to strengthen their corrective orientation during the classes and to implement an individual approach in a targeted manner.

At the pedagogical council, the speech therapist and educator report the results of the examination and collectively discuss the choice of a standard program and options for its implementation, taking into account the capabilities of children. The presented speech material should be correlated with the level of phonetic, phonemic and general speech development of children. Excessive speech loads can adversely affect the correction process.

Classes aimed at developing the correct coherent speech of children (clarification and expansion vocabulary, improving the grammatical structure of speech), are carried out during the year, both by the educator and the speech therapist.

The process of education and training in kindergarten provides for a certain range of knowledge about the world around and the corresponding volume of vocabulary, speech skills and abilities that must be mastered by children at this age stage.

It should be noted that a speech therapist and an educator, working on the development of children's speech, do not replace, but complement each other.

The teacher focuses on the program material offered for a given age level of preschool children educational institution general developmental type. He provides training mother tongue in the classroom and guide the development of children's speech outside of classes in everyday life (in games, at home, on walks), taking into account the peculiarities of the speech development of children. The process of learning the native language has some originality.

At the beginning of training, the educator uses mainly methods and techniques for the development of speech that do not require a detailed statement of children. So, the visual method of teaching is widely used, for example, excursions, acquaintance of children with certain objects, showing pictures and videos. The use of verbal teaching methods comes down mainly to reading works of art to children, the stories of the teacher, and conversations. The teacher pays much attention to the development of dialogical speech. This includes various forms of questions and answers: a short answer, a detailed answer (somewhat later), understanding the various options for a question, the ability to maintain a conversation with an interlocutor. At the same time, in the second half great attention is given to the development of the main types of monologue speech.

The main areas of work of a speech therapist and educator under this program are the formation of a full-fledged phonetic system of the language in children, the development of phonemic perception and initial sound analysis skills, the automation of hearing pronunciation skills and abilities in different situations, development of skills to change the prosodic characteristics of independent statements, depending on speech intentions.

The teacher of a preschool educational institution of a compensating type carries out a correctional orientation of education and training in the classroom and during extracurricular time. It is necessary to follow a general approach to the selection of speech material in speech therapy classes and the teacher's classes. At the same time, the educator has more opportunities to consolidate the achieved speech skills and abilities in children's activities and in didactic games, which are a synthesis of games and activities.

It is known that the communicative activity of the child is manifested in the interaction of the child with adults and peers most clearly in play activities.

Preschoolers with FFN are distinguished by difficulty in establishing contacts, a slow reaction to the actions of a communication partner. Some children with FFN are characterized by stereotypical ways of communication, their monotony, and emotional immaturity. The educator should specifically create situations that require the child to display different forms of communication - situational-business, cognitive, personal. It should be identified when the child is most active, interested, in what situation he feels most free. The educator must demonstrate communication patterns, involve passive children, support speech activity. An adult should encourage children to dialogue, encourage sociability, and observe pedagogical tact.

The educator needs to carefully listen to the speech of the children and be well aware of which sections of pronunciation correction the speech therapist is currently working on. Special requirements are imposed on methods for correcting phonetic and grammatical errors. The teacher should not repeat the wrong word or form after the child, he should give a speech pattern. If an error occurred in the speech material that was learned by the main composition of the group, then the child should be asked to pronounce the word correctly. Otherwise, it is better to limit yourself to a clear pronunciation of the sample. If the error is common and occurs in many children, you need to discuss this with a speech therapist.

It is important to teach children, under the guidance of a teacher, to hear grammatical and phonetic errors in their speech and correct them on their own.

The teacher should encourage children to self-correct mistakes. In speech situations of an emotional nature (game, lively dialogue), the so-called delayed correction is used. In relation to children with manifestations of speech negativism, the correction of errors is carried out without fixing the attention of the whole group.

When introducing children to the outside world, the teacher draws attention to the names of objects, objects. At the same time, in addition to the age capabilities of children, the state of the phonetic side of speech, corrected by a speech therapist, is taken into account. Words accessible by sound-syllabic structure are entered into the active dictionary. The educator must monitor their clear and correct pronunciation, since, in addition to general developmental tasks, he also implements the tasks of a correctional focus - he actively consolidates pronunciation skills.

Formation of graphomotor skills

In the clock grid, special time should be allocated for the formation of graphomotor skills in children. The teacher conducts this activity. This process includes the development of a number of skills and abilities. An important role among them is played by the development of spatial orientations, primarily orientation on a sheet of paper. This problem cannot be solved without certain level development visual perception and the ability to accurately coordinate hand movements.

In the process of developing graphic skills, voluntary attention and memory are brought up in children. Children learn to listen carefully and memorize the teacher's explanations, work independently, evaluate their own work and the work of others. At all stages of learning, exercises are not a mechanical repetition of the same processes or movements, but a conscious purposeful activity of the child. At the same time, the teacher constantly monitors the correct fit and position of the child's hands.

Before the start of the lesson, it is advisable to include exercises to train the movements of the fingers and hands. Elements of finger gymnastics can also be included in the course of the lesson as a physical education session.

Continuing the upbringing of the skills acquired by children in the classes of drawing, application, design, the teacher teaches children to navigate on a sheet of paper - to be able to determine the parts of a sheet of paper and the location of the drawing on it.

The development of the skill to accurately coordinate the movement of the hand is carried out by performing various tasks: drawing lines in a limited space, correct, accurate stroke and shading of figures. For sketching, tracing and shading the figures, checkered notebooks are used.

The complication of the material of both visual and auditory dictations consists in an increase in the number of elements, and their more complex arrangement, as well as in an increase in elements that are differently colored.

3. The interaction of a speech therapist and educator when working with children with GENERAL UNDEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH

The transfer of new positive experience gained by the child in remedial classes into real life practice is possible only if the child’s closest partners are ready to accept and implement new ways of communicating and interacting with him, to support the child in his self-development and self-affirmation.

An important condition for the effectiveness of the organization of training and development activities directly in the classroom will be how consistently the didactic principles are implemented:

1. Development of dynamic perception.

2. Productivity of information processing.

3. Development and correction of higher mental functions.

4. Providing motivation for learning.

These principles allow us to outline the strategy and directions of correctional and developmental activities and predict the degree of its success.

The need to take into account the indicated principles is obvious, since they make it possible to ensure the integrity, consistency and continuity of the tasks and content of training and development activities. In addition, taking them into account makes it possible to provide a comprehensive approach to eliminating a child’s general underdevelopment of speech, since in this way the efforts of teachers of various profiles are combined - a speech therapist, educator, music director, physical education instructor, etc. (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Model of interaction between subjects of the correctional and educational process in a group for children with general underdevelopment speech.

The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution is represented by educators, a junior educator, a physical education instructor, a music director, a teacher-psychologist, a methodologist, a head teacher and other specialists.

In general, speech therapy work with children preschool age obeys the general logic of the deployment of the correctional educational process and, therefore, can be represented as an algorithm broken down into a number of stages, which are implemented in a strictly defined sequence to achieve the final result - eliminating shortcomings in the speech development of preschoolers.

Continuity in the planning of classes of a speech therapist and educator

big problem in the implementation of the main directions of meaningful work with children with OHP is the implementation of specific interaction between the educator and the speech therapist, ensuring the unity of their requirements when performing the main tasks of program education. Without this relationship, it is impossible to achieve the necessary corrective orientation of the educational process and the construction of an “individual educational route”, overcoming speech insufficiency and difficulties of social adaptation of children.

The main tasks of the joint correctional work of a speech therapist and educator are:

    Practical assimilation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

    Formation of the correct pronunciation.

    Preparation for teaching literacy, mastering the elements of literacy.

    Development of the skill of coherent speech.

At the same time, the functions of an educator and a speech therapist should be fairly clearly defined and delineated (table).

Table. Joint correctional activities of a speech therapist and educator

Challenges for the speech pathologist

Tasks facing the educator

1. Creation of conditions for the manifestation of speech activity and imitation, overcoming speech negativism

1. Creating an environment of emotional well-being for children in the group

2. Examination of the speech of children, mental processes related to speech, motor skills

2. Survey of the general development of children, the state of their knowledge and skills according to the program of the previous age group

3. Filling out a speech card, studying the results of the examination and determining the level of speech development of the child

3. Filling out the survey protocol, studying its results for the purpose of long-term planning of corrective work

4. Discussion of the survey results. Compilation of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the group as a whole

5. Development of children's auditory attention and conscious speech perception

5. Education of general and speech behavior of children, including work on the development of auditory attention

6. Development of visual, auditory, verbal memory

6. Expanding the horizons of children

7. Activation of vocabulary, the formation of general concepts

7. Refinement of the existing vocabulary of children, expansion of the passive vocabulary, its activation in lexico-thematic cycles

8. Teaching children the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison of objects according to their constituent parts, signs, actions

8. Development of children's ideas about time and space, shape, size and color of objects (sensory education of children)

9. Development of the mobility of the speech apparatus, speech breathing and, on this basis, work on the correction of sound pronunciation

9. Development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills of children

10. Development of phonemic perception of children

10. Preparing children for the upcoming speech therapy session, including completing tasks and recommendations of a speech therapist

11. Teaching children the processes of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, sentence analysis

11. Consolidation of speech skills learned by children in speech therapy classes

12. Development of perception of the rhythmic-syllabic structure of the word

12. Development of children's memory by memorizing various types of speech material

13. Formation of word-formation and inflection skills

13. Consolidation of word formation skills in various games and in everyday life

14. Formation of sentences of different types in the speech of children according to models, demonstrations of actions, questions, according to the picture and according to the situation

14. Monitoring the speech of children on the recommendation of a speech therapist, tactful correction of errors

15. Preparation for mastering, and then mastering the dialogic form of communication

15. The development of children's dialogic speech through the use of mobile, speech, desktop-printed games, plot-role-playing and dramatization games, theatrical activities of children, instructions in accordance with the level of development of children

16. Development of the ability to combine sentences into a short story, compose descriptive stories, stories from pictures, series of pictures, retellings based on the material of the educator's classes to consolidate his work

16. Formation of the skill of drafting short story, anticipating speech therapy work in this direction

Continuity of a speech therapist teacher and educator in a speech therapy group

The elimination of speech disorders in children requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological and psychological and social.

A complex approach involves a combination of correctional-pedagogical and health-improving work aimed at normalizing all aspects of speech, motor skills, mental processes, educating the child's personality and improving the body as a whole. The joint work of a doctor, a speech therapist, a psychologist, an educator, a logorhythmist, a music worker, and a specialist in physical education is necessary. This work must be coordinated complex nature. According to experts, the need for such interaction is caused by the characteristics of the children's contingent entering the preschool educational institution. Actively influencing the child by means specific to each discipline, teachers build their work on the basis of general pedagogical principles. At the same time, determining the objectively existing points of contact between various pedagogical areas, each teacher carries out his direction not in isolation, but supplementing and deepening the influence of others. Therefore, considering individual characteristics for each child with a speech pathology, specialists outline a single complex of joint correctional and pedagogical work aimed at the formation and development of motor and speech spheres.

Interaction of a speech therapist and educator in the correction of speech disorders in children speech therapy group

The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a well-thought-out system, part of which is speech therapy of the entire educational process.

The search for new forms and methods of working with children with speech disorders led to the need to plan and organize a clear, coordinated work of a speech therapist and educators in the conditions of the speech therapy group of the MDOU, in whose work the following main areas are distinguished:

Correctional and educational;

General education.

The educator, together with the speech therapist, participates in the correction of speech disorders in children, as well as the extra-speech mental processes associated with them. In addition, he must not only know the nature of these violations, but also master the basic methods of corrective action to correct some of them.

Most of these children also have deviations in other components of the language system: children experience lexical difficulties, have characteristic grammatical and phonetic errors, which is reflected in coherent speech and affects its quality. Many children are characterized by insufficient formation of attention, memory, verbal logical thinking, finger and articulatory motility. Corrective work should not be limited only to exercises in planned speech. Therefore, the main tasks in the work of a speech therapist and educator in overcoming speech disorders can be called a comprehensive correction of not only speech, but also non-speech processes closely related to it and the formation of a child's personality. Also to increase the effectiveness of correctional and educational work. And to exclude direct duplication by the educator of the speech therapist's classes. Joint correctional work in a speech group provides for the solution of the following tasks:

The speech therapist forms primary speech skills in children;

The teacher reinforces the formed speech skills.

In accordance with these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and an educator should be divided.

Functions of a speech therapist:

Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual personality characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each child.

Formation of correct speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.

Sound correction.

Improvement of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

Eliminate the shortcomings of the syllabic structure of the word.

Formation of syllable-by-syllable reading.

Development of new lexical and grammatical categories.

Coherent speech training.

Prevention of violations of writing and reading.

Development of mental functions.

Functions of the educator:

Taking into account the lexical topic during all classes in the group during the week.

Replenishment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of children on the current lexical topic during all regime moments.

Systematic monitoring of the delivered sounds and the grammatical correctness of children's speech in the process of all regime moments.

Inclusion of worked out grammatical structures in the situation of natural communication in children.

Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, acquaintance with fiction, work on retelling and compiling all types of storytelling).

Strengthening reading and writing skills.

Consolidation of speech skills in individual classes on the instructions of a speech therapist.

Development of understanding of speech, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on correctly pronounced speech material.

Before classes, the speech therapist conducts survey : It lasts for a month. The speech therapist, together with the educator, carries out purposeful observation of children in the group and in the classroom, reveals the structure of speech disorders, behavior, and personal characteristics of children.

The main task of this period is the creation of a friendly children's team in the speech therapy group. The formation of a children's team begins with explaining to children the rules and requirements of behavior in a speech group, teaching calm joint games, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and attention to each child.

In the process of creating a team, it also reveals the peculiarities of the behavior of children, their character, tactfully correcting deviations during the corresponding games, conversations, and the implementation of regime moments. Work experience shows that if you do not create a calm atmosphere in the group, do not teach children to play together, communicate correctly with each other, do not correct personal and behavioral deviations, then the transition directly to speech work will be impossible.

The speech therapist, together with the educator, draws up a parental corner, prepares and conducts pedagogical council And parent meetings.

After the examination, an organizational parent meeting is held, at which speech therapy and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children are given, the need for a comprehensive medical, health-improving and pedagogical impact on them is explained, the content and stages of correctional and developmental work are explained.

The speech therapist discusses with the teacher the approximate daily routine of the children and the approximate list of activities for the week.

Tempering procedures are included in the child's daily routine. Daily walks, outdoor games, sports activities strengthen the nervous system, create an emotional lift. Air baths have an active effect on the cardiovascular system, normalize its work.

Speech therapist conducts daily classes in the morning. These classes can be frontal (12 children) and subgroup (6 children). In addition, individual classes are held to correct sound pronunciation disorders (for example, automation of sounds according to the child's individual notebook) and to consolidate the acquired skills of speech free from stuttering.

The teacher conducts daily classes in the morning and evening hours with all the children. In the frontal classes provided for by the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” (speech development, familiarization with the environment and nature, development of elementary mathematical concepts, classes in drawing, modeling, applications, design), children strengthen the skills of using independent speech.

Speech therapist and educator, each in their class, solve the following correctional tasks:

Education of perseverance, attention, imitation;

Learning to follow the rules of the games;

Education of smoothness, duration of exhalation, soft voice delivery, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face;

Teaching the elements of speech therapy rhythm;

Correction of violations of sound pronunciation, development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes.

In the classroom, didactic games, games with singing, elements of dramatization games, outdoor games with rules are used. Solving correctional tasks, a speech therapist also reveals the characteristics of children's behavior, the degree of motor impairment, sound pronunciation, etc.

In an individual lesson, the teacher implements a program developed by a speech therapist for each child, which may include:

Exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus;

Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers;

Exercises for automation and differentiation of sounds set by a speech therapist, and control over them;

Work on speech breathing, on the smoothness and duration of exhalation;

Lexico-grammatical tasks and exercises for the development of coherent speech.

Based on this diagram individual work, the teacher can build their classes taking into account the speech problems of each child. So, knowing that the child has the sound [C] at the stage of automation, the teacher can include tasks with this sound, even minimally, in all group activities. For example, in mathematics, a child is invited to count only dishes that have the sound [C] in their name - pots, pans, stewpans. And let the other child count teapots, cups, spoons (if he goes through “hissing” sounds with a speech therapist).

In a lesson on the sound culture of speech, each child can be offered to parse words with the sounds that they correct with a speech therapist.

Observation of the dynamics allows the teacher to visually track the dynamics of the sound pronunciation of all the speech children of the group or a particular child. Based on the conventions, the teacher offers the child only the speech material that he can do. It becomes easier for the teacher to pick up poems for the holiday (in case of difficulty, a speech therapist helps). There are fewer problems in the classroom: the teacher knows what answers he can expect from the child, and does not seek to demand impossible efforts from the latter. Thus, the child has no fear of answering in the classroom, there is no consolidation of the incorrect pronunciation of those sounds that he is not yet capable of.

List of work contacts of a speech therapist and educators when working with children with ONR (4th week of October)

Sound pronunciation


letter, sound


Dictionary. Lexico-grammatical concepts


Connected speech


General motor skills

General complex articulation exercises No. 1 (with everyone).

Lena, Sveta - work on individual notebooks.

Roma, Dima - see cards.

Serezha, Ira - sound automation (c) in open syllables

a (ay)

1. With all the children, the game “Raise the signal” (highlighting sounds at the beginning of a word).

2. Breathing exercise "Whose rope is longer?".

Roma, Tanya - individual work

Dictionary (speech material is selected by a speech therapist in accordance with the lexical topic being studied).

The game "One - many" (with the ball).

Individual work: Sema, Faith - agreement of nouns with adjectives; Petya, Vanya - single and many others. h.


Polina, Artyom - agreement of nouns with numerals

1. "Magic bag" (compilation of descriptive stories).

2. Reading the fairy tale "Tops and Roots", a conversation about the fairy tale.

Individual work: Vova, Katya - compiling a descriptive story according to the scheme;

Petya, Vanya - compiling comparative stories-descriptions (tomato-cucumber)

1. Carrying out finger gymnastics: "The hostess once came from the market."

2. Speech - movement: exercise "Vegetables".

3. Learning physical education minutes "We three cabbage, three ..."

4. Laying out the letters a, y from beans, beans, peas


+ - coped;

Z - to fix.

The teacher must clearly understand the dynamics of the development of the phonemic side of the speech of each child. The speech therapy screen, compiled by a speech therapist, reflects the dynamics of work on correcting sound pronunciation and helps the educator to systematically monitor the delivered sounds. The shield is made of a material that allows the use of magnetic or adhesive colored sound symbols. The screen is placed in the working area of ​​the educator.

Screen of work on sound pronunciation (4th week of October)

Surname, name of the child




Isolated pronunciation

in syllables

In words

In phrases

In phrases

In sentences

In verse, connected speech

[w] -

[R ]-

[With] -

[With] -

[c] -

[l] -

[With] -

[w] -

[h] -

[sch] -

[h] -

[h] -

The teacher in the selection of speech material must remember the speech problems of each child. But he does not always have the opportunity to track those moments that may interfere with the correct consolidation of speech material. In mass literature, suitable tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and poems are not always printed. Therefore, a speech therapist helps to select speech material that corresponds to the norm of sound pronunciation of children with speech disorders, recommends educators to work with ready-made printed publications, advises using literature and speech material that is correct from a speech therapy position.

An important role is given to speech breathing. Essential Conditions correct speech- this is a smooth and long exhalation, a clear and relaxed articulation. In each exercise, the attention of children is directed to a calm, relaxed exhalation, to the duration and volume of the sounds being uttered. The speech therapist and the educator make sure that when inhaling, the posture is free, the shoulders are lowered.

The teacher can offer children to practice fine motor skills of hands in shading, tracing figures along the contour, cutting out. Thus, not only is the group working out the general tasks of preparing the hand for writing, but also corrective work is being carried out on the interaction of fine motor skills and the articulatory apparatus (especially in children with a dysarthric component).

Columns with lexical and grammatical tasks are aimed at repeating the material covered by a speech therapist. This allows the teacher to once again identify the problems of the child and help in overcoming them. In your free play time, invite your child to play not just a didactic game, but a game that corresponds to a lexical speech therapy topic (Zoo loto, Pick a Pair game - antonyms).

The lexical theme, which the speech therapist works out in his classes, is continued in the educator's classes and outside them. At the beginning of the school year, a speech therapist draws up a promising thematic plan, which is agreed with the teacher. Lexical topics are selected and combined in such a way that the material learned when studying some topics is generalized and expanded when studying others. For example, the topics “Fruits and vegetables”, “Mushrooms and berries” are reflected in the theme “Autumn”, and “Wintering birds” and “Wild animals in winter” are reflected in the theme “Winter”. Or they are coordinated in such a way that the material covered is repeated, consolidated in next topic. For example, the topic “My family” is reinforced when studying “My House”, and in the classroom on the topic “Clothes”, knowledge of “Furniture” is consolidated. In a similar way, the topics “Transport” and “Animals of hot countries”, “Library” and “Fairy tales”, etc. are consistent.

Approximate content of the work of the educator and speech therapist

(2nd week of September, senior group, topic "Vegetables")

Corrective tasks of the week

The content of the work of the educator

The content of the work of a speech therapist

Phonemic perception: highlighting the sound [a] among other sounds

Formation of auditory attention: didactic game "Find a vegetable" (with a bell); "Not really"; "What do you hear?"

The concept of "speech and non-speech sounds»; acquaintance with the sound [a] and the letter a (the game “Catch the sound [a])

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis: highlighting a stressed vowel at the beginning of a word; analysis of the scale of two sounds

Work on the assignment of a speech therapist to consolidate conditional skills (second half of the day)

Highlighting a stressed vowel at the beginning of a word; analysis of the scale of two sounds

Vocabulary: vegetables

Expansion, activation and consolidation of vocabulary on the topic in all classes and in the process of all regime moments

Introduction of conditional words into the child's connected speech

Inflection: singular and plural nouns

Formation of ideas about the singularity and plurality of objects (in the classroom in mathematics, modeling, drawing, for a walk).
Consolidation of a new lexical and grammatical category in games during the day (“One - many”, “Pick vegetables in baskets, etc.)

Acquaintance with a new lexical and grammatical category

Syntactic level: animate and inanimate objects

Consolidation of concepts in games on the instructions of a speech therapist (walk, regime moments, correctional hour)

Acquaintance with the concept of "animate - inanimate"

The development of coherent speech: making sentences following the traces of the actions performed

Awakening children to pronouncing the actions they perform during all regime moments

Learning to answer questions with a full sentence in the game "Live Pictures" and verbalize the actions performed

Sound pronunciation: development of air jet directions, development of articulation

Exercises for the strength of exhalation “blow on dill” (option: hang a picture in the doorway of the hygiene room), Working out a general set of dynamic and statistical articulation exercises on the instructions of a speech therapist (morning, evening)

Development of a directed air jet for setting specific sounds, working out a special set of articulation exercises for setting specific sounds

Speech is movement

Learning and playing the game "Vegetables" during the day

Using them as exercise

fine motor skills

Learning finger gymnastics exercises “The hostess once came from the market” (time to prepare for breakfast, lunch); mosaic, lacing, spinning tops, etc. (afternoon)
Work on the instructions of a speech therapist (second half of the day)

Work in subgroups with children with fine motor disorders

To optimize the organizational and content objects of correctional and pedagogical activities, you can create a list of working contacts of a speech therapist and educator both for the entire group of children and for each child.

For each lexical topic, the speech therapist selects speech material, determines correctional goals and methods for their implementation. Speech skills worked out by a speech therapist in frontal and individual classes are fixed by the educator not only during classes, but also in all regime moments. After all, the teacher is with the children in a very different environment: in the locker room, bedroom, play area, etc. He works with children all day and has the opportunity to repeatedly repeat the speech material developed by the speech therapist, repeat and consolidate new words, without which it is impossible to introduce them into independent life .

The improvement of a coherent statement takes place in the formation of a complete response in frontal and individual lessons, compiling stories and descriptions on a lexical topic, in games and exercises, dramatization games, dramatization games: “I am a storyteller”, “You ask, and I will tell”, “ I'll guess, and you guess." The duration of the individual lesson of the educator–10-15 minutes.

All teacher activities, didactic games, regime moments are used to exercise children in an accessible independent speech. The basis for this work should be the skills acquired by children in speech therapy classes. The teacher organizes such routine moments as washing, dressing, eating, and at the same time exercises the children in short or detailed answers to questions, depending on the stage of speech therapy work and the individual speech capabilities of the child. Morning and evening walks strengthen physical state children, provide a good sleep.

Proper organization the children's team, a clear implementation of regime moments have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of the child and, consequently, on the state of his speech. The ability to approach the child, taking into account his individual characteristics, pedagogical tact, calm, friendly tone–these qualities are necessary when working with children with speech disorders.


The success of correctional and educational work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is speech therapy of the entire educational process, the entire life and activities of children.

The only way to implement speech therapy–this is a close interaction between a speech therapist and an educator (with different functional tasks and methods of correctional work).

Corrective tasks facing the educator of the speech therapy group:

1. Continuous improvement of articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

2. Fixing the pronunciation of the sounds delivered by the speech therapist.

3. Purposeful activation of the used vocabulary.

4. Exercise in the correct use of the formed grammatical categories.

5. Development of attention, memory, logical thinking in games and exercises on defect-free speech material.

6. Formation of coherent speech.

7. Consolidation of reading and writing skills.

The main directions of correctional work of the educator:

1. Articulation gymnastics (with elements of respiratory and vocal) is performed 3-5 times during the day.

2. Finger gymnastics performed in combination with articulation 3-5 times a day.

3. Corrective mini gymnastics for the prevention of violations of posture and foot is performed daily after sleep.

4. Evening private lessons educator on the instructions of a speech therapist, fixing sound pronunciation.

The work is carried out by the teacher according to the individual notebooks of the children. The content of these classes is determined by the program:

a) pronunciation of syllables, words, sentences to a fixed sound;

b) repetition of tongue twisters, short stories, poems;

c) an exercise in sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis;

d) repetition of lexical and grammatical exercises;

e) exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking.

5. Frontal classes according to the preschool educational program (and according to calendar plan speech therapy).

A distinctive feature of the frontal lessons of the educator in the logo group is that, in addition to educational and educational tasks he also faces correctional tasks directly related to the topic of each lesson.

6. Correctional work outside of class: during regime moments, self-service, household work and work in nature, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment. The special significance of this work is that it provides an opportunity for a wide practice of free speech communication of children and the consolidation of speech skills in the daily life and activities of children.

Linguistic material for the speech zone:

1. Mirrors;

2. Visual and illustrative material on lexical topics;

3. Visual and illustrative material on phonetic groups;

4. Narrative pictures for working on the phrase;

5. Toys for improving diaphragmatic speech breathing;

6. Benefits for improving manual praxis;

7. Benefits for the development of visual memory;

8. Benefits for the development of phonemic hearing.

So, every child with certain developmental disabilities needs effective and speedy rehabilitation that allows the child to overcome developmental disorders, while he must cope with his difficulties to the maximum. short time to "catch up" in the development of children who do not have developmental disabilities. This is possible only if a single correctional and developmental space is formed around each such child, which is called upon to support not only the speech therapist and educators of the kindergarten group that the child attends, but also in varying degrees all adults surrounding him in everyday life and influencing his development: medical staff, head of physical education, music director, head of fine arts, family.


1. Preschool; Pedagogy /July/ 2008. Interaction between kindergarten and family in overcoming speech disorders in preschool children.

2. Scientific and methodological journal Speech therapist, No. 2, 2008. Smirnova L.N. Interrelation in the work of a speech therapist and educator.

3. Scientific and methodological journal Speech therapist. No. 3 2009. Ivanova O.F. Ways to optimize the joint work of a speech therapist and educator.

4. Karpova S.I., Mamaeva V.V., Nikitina A.V. Interaction in the work of speech group specialists. / Speech therapist in kindergarten, 2007, No. 9 (24).

5. Ivanova Yu.V. Preschool logopoint: documentation, planning and organization of work.–M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2008,126 p.




1. The culture of speech of the child's environment: the speech of others should be correct, accessible, one should not rush to answer, constantly approve, encourage correct speech.

Benevolent attitude towards children suffering from speech impairment. Creating a favorable external environment, a calm plan, respect, trust.

2. Constant stimulation to verbal communication. All employees of preschool educational institutions and parents are required to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation.

3. a) Kindergarten teachers should know the pattern of the normal development of the child's speech (A. Gvozdev) and draw up a memo for parents;

b) Educators of speech therapy groups should have a speech profile of children with speech disorders, know their speech therapy conclusion and the state of speech development.

4. a) Kindergarten teachers should conduct systematic work on education sound culture and speech development.

b) Educators of speech therapy groups should conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror, carry out the task of a speech therapist in individual notebooks and albums, notebooks for classes.

5. a) Parents should pay serious attention to the child's speech stimulate the correct speech of the child, constantly talk to him, just talk about events in the child's life in the garden, in the family

b) Parents of children with speech disorders should systematically; perform the tasks of a speech therapist to consolidate the delivered sounds of the dictionary on topics, grammatical structure, coherent speech. Make notebooks colorful and neat. Follow the correct pronunciation.

memo preschool teacher

During the period of the child's stay in preschool, it is you who are the guarantor of his rights.

In the process of education and training UNACCEPTABLE:

Careless, rude treatment of a child;

Biased criticism, threats against him;

Deliberate isolation from the children's team;

Making excessive demands on a child without taking into account his age and state of health;

Photographing him in an untidy state.


From the first minutes of the child's stay in the kindergarten, create for him an atmosphere of care and attention as close as possible to home;

Without reducing the requirements for the behavior of the child in the team, provide him with the most comfortable conditions of stay, as well as the possibility of short-term solitude;

In case of revealing facts of child abuse in the family, it is necessary to inform the administration in a timely manner.


The teacher of a speech therapy group should not:

1. Hurry the child with the answer.

2. Interrupt speech and rudely pull, but tactfully give a sample of correct speech.

3. Force the child to pronounce a phrase saturated with sounds that have not yet been delivered to him.

4. Let memorize texts and verses that the child cannot yet pronounce.

5. To let out on stage (matinee) a child with incorrect speech.


Constantly monitor the speech of children, cultivate a critical attitude towards their speech. If sounds are staged require only correct answers, correct articulation

If the child began to stutter:

1. Do not emphasize your special attention to his speech (do not notice stuttering).

2. Protect from the ridicule of comrades.

3. Go with this child to the simplest form of the answer on exhalation, the voice is slightly lower than the usual volume, exclude the accelerated rate of speech.

4. Do not require difficult and long answers, it is better to repeat the answer of a friend.

5. Have constant contact with a speech therapist, doctor, psychologist, parents.

1. Worksheet for the interaction of a speech therapist and educator

for automation of delivered sounds

MDOU No. ___________

Worksheet for automating staged sounds

Group ________________

Speech therapist ________________________________________________________________

Dear educators!

To successfully automate the set sounds, please pay attention to their correct pronunciation in speech by the following children:

Last name, first name

Automated Sounds


"____" ___________ 20____


"+" the task was completed correctly;

"-" the task was completed incorrectly;

«  » Intermittent task performance.


When calculating points, only the “+” sign is taken as a unit, the instability of performance in this case is a negative indicator and needs to be improved.

Group characteristics:

Group B

Group C

Group H

Group Oi

Children who scored 15-14 points. Fine motor skills are well developed.

Children who scored 13-12 points. Fine motor skills are not well developed

Children who scored 11-9 points. Fine motor skills are poorly developed.

Children who scored 8 or less points. Fine motor skills lag behind the age norm.

Note: n - beginning of the year, k - end of the year

Speech therapist __________________ Educator ____________________

The educator first of all has to deal with the child's natural age characteristics speech, in other words, phonetic (pronunciation individual sounds and their combinations) and musical (rhythm, tempo, intonation, modulation, strength, purity of voice) originality of children's speech. Overcoming such shortcomings does not present any particular difficulties, since the educator, with the right teaching methods, only helps the natural process of the normal development of children's speech, accelerating it. In this way, he facilitates the child's mastery of such complex activities as speech, and contributes to his earlier mental development.
The teacher's classes are built taking into account the next topic, and their tasks are correlated with the tasks of a speech therapy lesson. main vocabulary work conducts a speech therapist, the educator forms in children required level knowledge on a vocabulary topic during walks, in drawing, modeling and construction lessons.
The teacher teaches children to clearly express their requests, desires, answer questions with a beautiful full sentence.
When observing objects of reality, the educator introduces children to new words, clarifies their meaning, promotes their repetition in different situations, and activates them in the children's own speech. This work is also the main one for conducting speech exercises in speech therapy classes and contributes to the improvement of children's speech skills.
The educator necessarily encourages the child to speak out in the initiative. Children should not be stopped by suppressing their desire to speak out, but on the contrary, support the initiative, expand the content of the conversation with questions, create interest in the topic of conversation among other children.
A speech therapist, in close cooperation with educators, works to familiarize children with new words, clarify their meanings and activate them, and selects lexical material on the topic.
On subgroup lessons the speech therapist reinforces the technical skills and visual skills formed in children by the educator. Classes for visual activity conducted by a speech therapist, have the goal of further forming such complex forms of speech as planning speech. Thanks to this, the speech of children in the classroom becomes a regulator of their behavior and activities.
The teacher should conduct classes to clarify the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus daily using a set of articulation exercises provided by a speech therapist. The teacher should assist the speech therapist in introducing the sounds set by the speech therapist into the child's speech. This work is carried out with the help of nursery rhymes, tongue twisters prepared by a speech therapist.
The teacher should consolidate skills in coherent speech with the help of poems, etc., prepared by a speech therapist.
The educator with all the content of his work provides a complete practical acquaintance with objects, using them in everyday life as intended. A speech therapist in his classes deepens vocabulary work, the formation of lexical and grammatical categories in children, and during special exercises ensures their conscious use in speech communication.
The joint activities of a speech therapist and educator are organized in accordance with the following goals:
- improving the efficiency of correctional and educational work;
- exclusion of duplication by the educator of the speech therapist's classes;
- optimization of the organizational and content aspects of the correctional and pedagogical activities of a speech therapist and educators, both for the entire group of children and for each child.
In preschool educational institutions of a compensating type and speech therapy groups, there are a number of problems that make it difficult for a speech therapist and educator to work together:
- combining the program "Correctional education and training of children with general underdevelopment of speech (5–6 years)" by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina with the main general educational program of MDOU;
- the absence of requirements for the organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educators in regulatory documents and methodical literature currently available;
- the difficulty in distributing the planned corrective work within the framework of working hours and the requirements of SaNPiN;
- the lack of a clear division of functions between the educator and the speech therapist;
- the impossibility of mutual attendance of classes by a speech therapist and an educator in groups of different ages.
Joint correctional work in a speech group provides for the solution of the following tasks:
– speech therapist forms primary speech skills in speech pathologist children;
- the teacher reinforces the formed speech skills.
The main types of organization of joint activities of a speech therapist and educator: joint study of the content of the training and education program in a special preschool institution and drawing up a joint work plan. The educator needs to know the content of not only those sections of the program for which he directly conducts classes, but also those that the speech therapist conducts, since the correct planning of the educator's classes ensures the necessary consolidation of the material in various types of children's activities; discussion of the results of the joint study of children, which was conducted in the classroom and in everyday life; joint preparation for all children's holidays (a speech therapist selects speech material, and the educator fixes it); development general recommendations for parents.
Based on these tasks, the functions of a speech therapist and educator are divided as follows:
Functions of a speech therapist:
Studying the level of speech, cognitive and individual-typological characteristics of children, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them.
Formation of correct speech breathing, a sense of rhythm and expressiveness of speech, work on the prosodic side of speech.
Work on the correction of sound pronunciation.
Improvement of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis.
Work on the correction of the syllabic structure of the word.
Formation of syllable-by-syllable reading.
Acquaintance and assimilation of new lexical and grammatical categories.
Teaching coherent speech: a detailed semantic statement, consisting of logically combined grammatically correct sentences.
Prevention of violations of writing and reading.
The development of mental functions closely related to speech: verbal-logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination.
Functions of the educator:
Taking into account the lexical topic during all classes in the group during the week.
Replenishment, clarification and activation of the vocabulary of children on the current lexical topic during all regime moments.
Continuous improvement of articulation, fine and general motor skills.
Systemic control over the set sounds and grammatical correctness of children's speech in the process of all regime moments.
Inclusion of worked out grammatical structures in the situation of natural communication in children.
Formation of coherent speech (memorization of poems, nursery rhymes, texts, acquaintance with fiction, work on retelling and compiling all types of storytelling).
Strengthening reading and writing skills.
Consolidation of speech skills in children in individual classes on the instructions of a speech therapist.
Development of understanding, attention, memory, logical thinking, imagination in game exercises on defect-free speech material.
The teacher conducts classes on the development of speech, familiarization with the environment (cognitive development) according to a special system, taking into account lexical topics; replenishes, clarifies and activates the vocabulary of children, using regime moments for this; controls the sound pronunciation and grammatical correctness of children's speech during the entire time of communication with them.
A speech therapist in frontal classes formulates topics and works out pronunciation material with children, sound analysis, teaches the elements of literacy, at the same time introduces children to certain lexical and grammatical categories. The speech therapist directs the work of the educator to expand, clarify and activate vocabulary, assimilate grammatical categories, and develop coherent speech. When planning classes for writing and developing graphic skills, the teacher is also guided by the methodological instructions of the speech therapist.
Teachers should be reminded to:
rules and conditions for articulation gymnastics
the need for daily activities
individual work with subgroups of children with the same defects
automation of already delivered sounds (pronunciation of syllables, words, phrases, memorization of poems)
control of pronunciation by children of already set sounds during regime moments
The work of an educator and the work of a speech therapist are different in correcting and shaping sound pronunciation in terms of organization, methods, and duration. She demands various knowledge, skills, abilities. The main difference is that the speech therapist corrects speech disorders, and the teacher, under the guidance of the speech therapist, actively participates in corrective work.
The teacher actively participates in the correctional process, helping to eliminate the speech defect and normalize the psyche of the problem child as a whole. In his work, he is guided by general didactic principles, while some of them are filled with new content. These are the principles of consistency and consistency, the principle of an individual approach.
The principle of consistency and consistency involves the adaptation of the content, methods and techniques of the educator's activities to the requirements imposed by the tasks of a particular stage of speech therapy influence. The phasing in the work of a speech therapist is due to the idea of ​​speech as a system, the assimilation of the elements of which proceeds interconnectedly and in a certain sequence.
Taking into account the sequence of mastering these aspects of speech in speech therapy classes, the educator selects for his classes the speech material accessible to children, which contains the sounds they have already mastered and, if possible, those that have not yet been studied are excluded.
In connection with the correctional requirements, the methods and techniques of the work of the educator also change. So, at the initial stage, visual and practical methods and techniques come to the fore, as the most accessible to children with impaired speech. Verbal methods (story, conversation) are introduced later.
The principle of an individual approach involves taking into account the individual speech characteristics of children. This is due to the presence of speech disorders of different structure and severity in children and the non-simultaneity of their overcoming in speech therapy classes. In such an interpretation, the principle of approach requires the educator to: deep awareness of the initial state of speech of each child and the level of his actual speech development; use this knowledge in their work.
A distinctive feature of the frontal lessons of the educator in the speech therapy group is that, in addition to teaching, developing, educational tasks, he also faces correctional tasks.
The teacher must be present at all frontal sessions of the speech therapist, makes notes; he includes individual elements of a speech therapy lesson in his classes on the development of speech and in evening work.
The speech therapist takes into account the characteristics and abilities of children. If the child is doing well certain types classes, then the speech therapist can, in agreement with the educator, take him to an individual speech therapy lesson.
In the same way, a speech therapist tries to take children from a walk without compromising the health of the child for 15 to 20 minutes for individual work.
In the afternoon, the teacher works, in accordance with his schedule of classes, to consolidate the spoken skills and develop speech. It is advisable to plan frontal classes on the development of speech and cognitive development in the afternoon.
During routine moments, self-service, on a walk, excursion, in games and entertainment, the educator also carries out correctional work, the significance of which is that it provides an opportunity to practice children's speech communication and consolidate speech skills in their life.
Educators should create conditions for the development of speech activity and speech communication of children: organize and support speech communication of children in the classroom, outside of class, encourage attentively, listen to other children and listen to the content of statements; create a situation of communication; to form the skills of self-control and critical attitude to speech; organize games for the development of sound culture of speech;
draw attention to the duration of the sound of the word, the sequence and place of sounds in the word; carry out work on the development of auditory and speech attention, auditory-speech memory, auditory control, verbal memory; draw attention to the intonation side of speech.
The work of an educator in the development of speech in many cases precedes speech therapy classes, creating the necessary cognitive and motivational base for the formation of speech skills. For example, if the topic “Wild Animals” is planned, then the teacher conducts an educational lesson, modeling or drawing on this topic, didactic, board, role-playing, outdoor games, conversations, observations, introduces children to works of fiction on this topic.
Special studies have established that the level of development of children's speech is directly dependent on the degree of formation of fine differentiated hand movements. Therefore, it is recommended to stimulate speech development by training the movements of the fingers, especially in children with speech pathology. interesting shapes work in this direction is carried out by a specialist in folklore. After all, folk games with fingers and teaching children manual labor (embroidery, beading, making simple toys, etc.) provide good finger training and create a favorable emotional background. Ethnology classes contribute to the development of the ability to listen and understand the content of nursery rhymes, to catch their rhythm, and increase the speech activity of children. In addition, children's knowledge of folklore (rhymes, Russian folk tales) can be used in individual lessons to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. For example: "Ladushki - ladushki" - to fix the sound [w], Kolobok's song from the fairy tale of the same name - to fix the sound [l].
The educator thinks in advance which of the correctional speech tasks can be solved: in the course of specially organized training for children in the form of classes; in joint activities of an adult with children; in the free independent activity of children.
Aesthetic cycle classes (sculpting, drawing, designing and appliqué) create conditions for the development of communication skills: when doing some crafts, images, etc. together. lively dialogues usually occur, which is especially valuable for children with reduced speech initiative. But sometimes educators do not realize the pedagogical significance of the current situation and, for disciplinary purposes, forbid children to communicate. The task of a professional, on the contrary, is to support and encourage in every possible way the speech activity of preschoolers, direct it in the right direction and use it to solve correctional and developmental problems.
Even greater potential in terms of speech correction has an unregulated scope of classes and the predominant in duration (up to 5/6 of the entire time spent in a preschool educational institution) activities of children (under the guidance of a teacher or independent). Here, individual and subgroup correctional-oriented forms of interaction between the teacher and pupils can be organized: special didactic and educational games; entertaining exercises; conversations; joint practical actions; observations; excursions; methodically thought-out assignments and labor assignments, etc.
A speech therapist works with children daily from 9.00 to 13.00. Frontal speech therapy classes organized from 9.00 to 9.20, individual and subgroup speech therapy classes - from 9.30 to 12.30, teacher's classes - from 9.30 to 9.50. From 10.10 to 12.30 children are on a walk. After an afternoon snack, the teacher works with children for 30 minutes on the instructions of a speech therapist and conducts evening classes in one of the types learning activities.
Together with the teacher, he arranges a parent's corner, prepares and conducts a pedagogical council and parent meetings. The speech therapist discusses with the teacher the approximate daily routine of the children and the approximate list of activities for the week. Speech therapist and educator, each in their class, solve the following correctional tasks: education of perseverance, attention, imitation; learning to follow the rules of the game; education of smoothness, duration of exhalation, soft voice delivery, a feeling of relaxation of the muscles of the limbs, neck, torso, face; teaching the elements of logopedic rhythm; - correction of violations of sound pronunciation, development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, phonemic processes.
Requirements for the organization of the work of the educator: Constant stimulation for verbal communication. All employees of the nursery / kindergarten and parents are required to constantly demand that children observe speech breathing and correct pronunciation; Kindergarten teachers should know the scheme of the normal development of the child's speech (A. Gvozdev) and draw up a memo for parents; Educators of speech therapy groups should have a speech profile of children - speech pathologists, know their speech therapy conclusion and the state of speech development; Educators of speech therapy groups should conduct speech therapy work in front of a mirror, complete the task. speech therapist on individual notebooks and albums, notebooks for classes.
The teacher of the speech therapy group should not: rush the child with the answer; interrupt speech and rudely pull, but tactfully give a sample of correct speech; to force the child to pronounce a phrase saturated with sounds not yet delivered to him; give to memorize texts and verses that the child cannot yet pronounce; to let out on stage (matinee) a child with incorrect speech.
The work of a speech therapist in a mass preschool institution differs significantly in its structure and functional duties from the work of a speech therapist in a speech garden. This is primarily due to the fact that a speech therapist at a speech center is integrated into the general educational process, and does not go along with it, as is customary in speech gardens. The work of a speech therapist is based on the internal schedule of the preschool educational institution. The schedule of work and the schedule of classes is approved by the head of the preschool educational institution. Since at present there is no correctional program for the work of speech centers, a speech therapist in his work must rely on and master modern technologies. In connection with the tendency for the speech of children at preschool age to deteriorate, with a lack of places in speech therapy kindergartens, children with more complex speech defects began to get into mass preschool institutions, which are difficult to overcome in the conditions of a speech center. Educators are deprived of specialized correctional hour to work with "difficult" children, and must carve out time in their work or include components of correctional assistance in the general educational process of their group.
The educator, together with the speech therapist, plan classes for the development of speech, discuss the goals, objectives and desired results of each lesson for the development of speech.

The work of a teacher in groups for children with FFN has its own specifics. The task of the educator is to identify the degree to which children lag behind in the assimilation of program material for all types of educational and play activities. This is necessary to eliminate gaps in the development of children and create conditions for successful learning in an environment of normally developing peers. To this end, in the first two weeks, the educator determines the capabilities of children in speech, visual, constructive activities, in mastering counting operations, etc.

Together with a speech therapist, the educator analyzes the features of the speech development of children. The teacher should have an idea of ​​whether the child uses a short or extended form of utterance, whether he owns different types of coherent speech that are accessible to the age of the children of the older group: retelling from a picture, a series of pictures, a description, a story from personal experience, etc.

When assessing the state of skills in these areas, the general educational program requirements for this age group should be taken into account. Based on the heterogeneity of the composition of children in the FFN groups, due to different etiologies of the disorder and sociocultural factors, it is important, as a result of the initial examination, to differentially assess the degree of lag in the assimilation of the educational material offered for the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten of a general developmental type. There are different options for meeting program requirements: fully complies, lags behind, lags far behind. After the examination, the teacher gets an idea of ​​the state of each child's skills in the following areas: elementary mathematical representations, speech, visual activity, constructive activity, game activity, motor skills, musical and rhythmic abilities. This will make it possible to strengthen their corrective orientation during the classes and to implement an individual approach in a targeted manner.

At the pedagogical council, the speech therapist and educator report the results of the examination and collectively discuss the choice of a standard program and options for its implementation, taking into account the capabilities of children. The presented speech material should be correlated with the level of phonetic, phonemic and general speech development of children. Excessive speech loads can adversely affect the correction process.

Classes aimed at developing the correct coherent speech of children (clarification and expansion of vocabulary, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech) are held throughout the year by both the educator and the speech therapist.

The process of education and training in kindergarten provides for a certain range of knowledge about the world around and the corresponding volume of vocabulary, speech skills and abilities that must be mastered by children at this age stage.

It should be noted that a speech therapist and an educator, working on the development of children's speech, do not replace, but complement each other.

The educator focuses on the program material offered for a given age level of children in a preschool educational institution of a general developmental type. He teaches the native language in the classroom and guides the development of children's speech outside of classes in everyday life (in games, at home, on walks), taking into account the peculiarities of the speech development of children. The process of learning the native language has some originality.

At the beginning of training, the educator uses mainly methods and techniques for the development of speech that do not require a detailed statement of children. So, the visual method of teaching is widely used, for example, excursions, acquaintance of children with certain objects, showing pictures and videos. The use of verbal teaching methods comes down mainly to reading works of art to children, the stories of the teacher, and conversations. The teacher pays much attention to the development of dialogical speech. This includes various forms of questions and answers: a short answer, a detailed answer (somewhat later), understanding the various options for a question, the ability to maintain a conversation with an interlocutor. At the same time, in the second half of the year, much attention is paid to the development of the main types of monologue speech.

The content of speech therapy classes, organization and methodological techniques are determined by the goals of correctional education, taking into account specific ideas and speech experience accumulated by children in the process of the teacher's work in sections of the program. The efforts of the speech therapist are aimed at eliminating the gaps that children have in the field of inflection, word formation and insufficient mastery of prepositional case control.

The speech therapist's work on the dictionary is selective, it includes the accumulation and clarification of words (nouns and adjectives) that have a diminutive meaning, understanding and correct use of prefixed verbs in speech; practical accumulation of related words, acquaintance with the most common cases of polysemy of words, practical acquaintance with words that have the opposite meaning.

The main goal of lexical tasks is to teach children to use words correctly and meaningfully in spontaneous speech, to exercise children in compiling phrases and sentences. First, the models offered by the speech therapist are used, and then independently. Much attention is paid to improving the practical skill of using a simple common sentence in speech. For speech therapy classes, certain groups of words and syntactic constructions are selected, in the formation of which children most often make grammatical errors. Exercises are used to change the case forms of a noun depending on the preposition or question; to change the grammatical forms of the number of nouns; number, person and tense of verbs, as well as the correct use of verb forms when combined with personal pronouns. Particular attention is paid to the correct agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases, the agreement of ordinal numbers with nouns. Gradually learned types of speech structures are included by the speech therapist in work on coherent speech, using special methodological techniques. special attention require the selection and grouping of various visual and verbal material, gaming exercises, didactic games that provide practical mastery of the skills of grammatically correct speech.

To increase the corrective value of vocabulary work, special exercises are widely used that develop a focus on the semantic and sound side of words, the ability to notice common and various morphological elements of the studied lexical units.

The main areas of work of a speech therapist and educator under this program are the formation of a full-fledged phonetic language system in children, the development of phonemic perception and initial sound analysis skills, the automation of auditory pronunciation skills and abilities in various situations, the development of skills to change the prosodic characteristics of independent statements depending on speech intentions.

The formation of the sound side of speech is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the necessary means of educating sound culture as a whole, developing coherent speech and preparing children for the successful mastery of the written form of speech, and developing the language ability of the child.

The speech therapy work provided for in the program is based on theoretical provisions on the role of full-fledged phonemic processes in the development of speech and the formation of writing and reading (R. E. Levina, A. A. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, N. I. Zhinkin and etc.).

Methodological development on the topic:
"Interaction of a speech therapist teacher with specialists of a preschool educational institution in working with preschoolers
with general underdevelopment of speech

teacher speech therapist
Grishanova L.I.


1. Characteristics of children with ONR.

2. Ways of joint work of a speech therapist with specialists from preschool educational institutions and parents.

2.1 The relationship of a speech therapist with educators.

2.2. Interaction of a speech therapist with a psychologist.

2.3. Joint activities of a speech therapist with a music director.

2.4. The relationship of a speech therapist with a physical education instructor.

2.5. Work with parents.




The system of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with OHP requires an integrated approach that provides for the interaction and continuity of work of all preschool specialists and parents.
A comprehensive pedagogical impact is aimed at equalizing the speech and psychophysical development of children.
In the speech therapy group, the correctional direction is the leading one, and the educational one is the subordinate one.
Of course, one of the main tasks of corrective work with this category of children was and remains the teaching of coherent, grammatically correct speech, speech communication skills, familiarization with the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of literacy, and preparation for schooling.
All preschool specialists, parents, under the guidance of a speech therapist teacher, should monitor the speech of children and consolidate the skills formed by a speech therapist.

Characteristics of children with ONR

OHP - general underdevelopment of speech - various complex disorders in which the formation of all components of speech related to its sound and semantic side in children with normal hearing and intelligence is disturbed.

In children with OHP, there is a dissociation between speech and mental development, which is expressed in a tempo delay in speech development, a lag in expressive speech, and insufficient speech activity. Speech is agrammatic, incomprehensible, insufficiently phonetically framed.

The formation of the sensory, intellectual, effective-volitional sphere in children with a diagnosis of ONR has its own characteristics - insufficient stability of attention, limitation of the possibility of its distribution, with relatively intact semantic logical memory, verbal memory is reduced, memorization productivity suffers, general somatic weakness, slow development of locomotive functions, lag in the development of the motor sphere, characterized by poor coordination of children's movements, uncertainty in the performance of dosed movements, a decrease in speed and dexterity of execution, especially according to verbal instructions. Children lag behind normally developing peers in the exact reproduction of a motor task in terms of spatio-temporal parameters, violate the sequence of action elements, and omit its main parts.

Ways of joint work of a speech therapist with specialists of preschool educational institutions and parents.

Along with the active search for new, variable forms of organization of speech therapy assistance to preschoolers, their scientific and methodological justification and experimental testing, there are processes of improving traditional forms, optimizing the methods and content of correctional speech work, which makes it possible to better use the reserves of correctional and pedagogical influence and make it an organic component. holistic preschool educational process.
The need for a comprehensive and thorough study of the organizational and content aspects of speech therapy assistance to children is currently an urgent need and task of preschool education.
A direct dependence of the effectiveness of correctional work with children on the level of professional skills of all participants in the correctional educational process has been clearly established.
This circumstance makes especially important the development of criteria, the content and procedure for evaluating not only the course and results of correctional and pedagogical influence. But also the professional and personal qualities of specialists who carry out this impact.
Undoubtedly, the key positions in the organization of correctional speech work in terms of preschool for children with ONR belong to a speech therapist, whose activities have fairly wide and diverse functions:
correctional and pedagogical
control and evaluation
organizational and methodological;

It is necessary to single out a fairly strong potential of other participants in the correctional and educational process - the pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution, parents, and, finally, the child himself, who can most significantly affect the timing and effectiveness of speech therapy work.
In addition to establishing dominance in speech therapy work needs, interests and abilities of the child and determining the role of a speech therapist as an organizer and coordinator of correctional and pedagogical influences, the above model allows us to identify six lines of interaction between subjects of the correctional educational process.

Lines 1 (speech therapist-child with speech impairments), 2 (teaching staff of the preschool educational institution) - a child with speech impairments) and 3 (parents-a child with speech impairments) provide for the provision of corrective speech assistance to a child with speech impairments. Within the framework of lines 4 - (speech therapist - pedagogical team of the preschool educational institution), 5- (speech therapist - parents) and 6 (teaching team of the preschool educational institution - parents) consultative and methodological interaction and meaningful contacts of participants in the correctional pedagogical process are carried out.
Identification of the main lines of interaction contributes to a clearer definition of the general and particular tasks of the participants in the correctional educational process. The general tasks focus primarily on the provision of timely and most adequate to the needs and capabilities of a child with OHP diagnostic, preventive and corrective and pedagogical assistance. Particular tasks are quite specific for each of the participants. So, for a speech therapist, the number of such tasks included:

Examination of pupils of the group;

Studying the level of speech, cognitive, social-personal, physical development and individual-typological characteristics of children in need of speech therapy assistance, determining the main directions and content of work with each of them;

Systematic implementation of the necessary correctional speech work with children in accordance with individual and group programs;

Evaluation of the results of work with children of the OHP;

Formation of information readiness for speech therapy work among the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and parents, assistance to them in organizing a full-fledged speech environment;

Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents, control over the quality of their speech work with children.

The specific tasks of the teaching staff include:
- providing preschoolers with OHP with comfortable conditions for development, education and training in all respects, creating an environment for psychological, pedagogical and speech assistance to the child;

Carrying out the necessary work to correct the shortcomings of the speech development of children, ensuring their effective general and speech preparation for school;

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture and educational competence of parents, encouraging them to conscious activities for the general and speech development of preschool children in the family.

Particular attention is required to consider private tasks, the solution of which is entrusted to the head and methodologist (senior educator) of the preschool educational institution. The most significant among them are:

Compliance with the admission requirements and staffing of the group for children with ONR;

Implementation of close interaction between pedagogical and medical workers;

Creation of optimal conditions for organizing continuity in the work of a speech therapist and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions;

Saturation of the DOW library with special literature, group room- teaching aids and special equipment

Organization of the exchange of experience in correctional and pedagogical work with other preschool educational institutions for children with OHP;

Involving parents in active participation in the correctional and pedagogical process;

Ensuring communication with schools that accept graduates of preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with OHP.

Despite quite natural differences in tasks
activities of adults close to the child - teachers and parents. In general, speech therapy work with children of preschool age is subject to the general logic of the development of the correctional educational process.

The relationship of speech therapist with educators.

The pedagogical effect also depends on the creative professional contact of a speech therapist teacher with educators.
The teacher is guided primarily by the requirements of a standard program of education and training in kindergarten for a group of the appropriate age.
In his work, the teacher-speech therapist is guided by the chosen correctional program. The teacher is actively involved in corrective work on the development of coherent speech in children under this program.
In working on the speech of children, educators and a speech therapist have a common goal to form the correct speech as a full-fledged means of communication necessary for the overall development of the child. Both the speech therapist teacher and the educator are busy forming the sound side of speech, working to enrich the vocabulary, teaching children grammatically correct speech, storytelling, and educating speech activity.
The teacher organizes individual lessons with children on the instructions of a speech therapist in the morning and in the evening - after an afternoon snack. In addition, the educator of the speech therapy group organizes games, includes tasks in classes that contribute to the development of mental processes that are closely related to the development of speech / thinking, memory, attention, perception. / sensorimotor skills.
Compliance with the speech regime, monitoring the correctness of children's speech, vocabulary replenishment is the necessary conditions work for children with ONR.

Interaction of a speech therapist with a psychologist.

The speech therapist is not left alone with the search for ways to increase the effectiveness of correction, since psychological support for a preschooler is also provided.
The unified focus of the activities of a speech therapist and psychologist is the key to success in overcoming a speech disorder in a child.
A speech therapist and a psychologist, while studying a child to select forms of corrective action, predict their effectiveness, also determine the shortcomings of his general and mental development and organize work to correct them.
Psychologist comments psychological features children with general underdevelopment of speech and offers sparing methods of correctional and educational influence in the conditions of classes conducted by a speech therapist and educators. Of no small importance is the fact that not only a teacher-psychologist, but also a speech therapist owns the methods of psychocorrection and psychoprophylaxis.
Among the various psycho-prophylactic measures, psycho-gymnastics occupies a special place.
Firstly, it is most accessible to teachers, since it is based on a game that encourages the child to act.
Secondly, any movement in psycho-gymnastics expresses some image saturated with emotional content.
Thus, the activity of mental functions is combined, and with the help of the teacher's comments, children also connect internal attention.
Thus, the mechanism of psychophysical functional unity begins to work.
Thirdly, the alternation of movements reflexively affects the harmonization of brain activity: the mental and physical activity child, his mood improves, inertia disappears.
And the most important thing in the joint work of a psychologist and a speech therapist is to create an attitude for success in a child.

Joint activities of a speech therapist with a music director.

To achieve positive results in remedial work with children with OHP, a close relationship with the music director is necessary.
This connection is carried out at individual, subgroup and frontal logorhythmic lessons weekly.
The fundamental principle of conducting classes is the relationship of speech, music and movement. Music is the organizing and guiding principle. The perception of speech and music is carried out by a single analyzer system, therefore, the shortcomings of the speech perception system can be compensated with the help of musical perception.

The following tasks are solved in logarithmic classes
- activation of higher mental activity through the development of auditory and visual attention;
-development of auditory and visual perception;
-increased memory capacity;
-development of motor and articulatory praxis;
-development of motor kinesthesia;
-development of spatial orientation and hand-eye coordination;
- the formation of breathing skills;
Thus, in order to obtain positive results, the interaction of a speech therapist with a music director is mandatory.

Communication of a speech therapist with a physical education instructor.

The main tasks of a Physical Education Instructor are −
- care for the protection and strengthening of children's health, hardening.
- improved features nervous system cardiovascular system, breathing, etc. strengthening the musculoskeletal system.
- complex diagnostics of the state of health and indicators of the psychophysical development of children, the study of their dynamics.
- development of the content of collective and individual forms of work on correction using lexical topics.
-development of general sensorimotor and speech-motor skills.
- development of spatial-coordination and rhythmic abilities.
- the formation of skills to control the body arbitrarily, regulate speech, emotions.
- enrichment of the cognitive sphere.
- development of communicative initiative and activity.
- implementation of coordination and interaction of speech therapy and psycho-pedagogical work.

Work with parents.
The tasks of parents in correctional work are:

In creating conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children.

In carrying out purposeful and systematic work on the general, speech development of children and the necessary correction of shortcomings in this development.

In contrast to the first /familiarization stage/, the emphasis in the content of the meetings is transferred from the informational and familiarization part to the practical one, i.e. parents are included in the correctional and educational process. A speech therapist discusses with parents ways to achieve correctional and educational tasks in the interests of each child and helps them master specific methods of correctional and speech work.
The effectiveness of working with parents is determined not only by the skillful selection of its content and forms, but also by the psychological mood that arises in them in the process of constant contacts with a speech therapist. development of children and the level of correctional and pedagogical training of parents /, and secondly, individualized work, which means focusing on the cultural and educational qualifications of each family, the attitude of its members to the speech difficulties of the child, together helps to establish a system of continuous and effective feedback between the speech therapist and parents communication, the transformation of the family into an active subject of the correctional process to control the progress and quality of the necessary work in the family.
In the process of working with parents, visual aids can be widely used.
- special speech therapy corners
-information stands
- thematic exhibitions of books
If on organizational stage their content was popular information about the types and causes of speech disorders, the tasks of corrective and speech therapy work with children, then at the main stage specific methods of consolidating preschoolers should already be covered, for example, correct pronunciation skills, improving grammatical means of speech, teaching the elements of literacy, which recommended for family use. Accessibility, clarity, clarity of presentation of the material offered to parents and the aesthetics of its design should become the main criteria for evaluating this means of promoting speech therapy knowledge.

The interaction of a speech therapist, educators, teacher, psychologist, music director, methodologist, head and other specialists in the correctional educational process leads to the achievement of a common goal - the elimination of OHP in children. Educators must have the appropriate set of knowledge and skills to provide care for children with ASD. It is important to methodically correctly plan and carry out work to overcome OHP in children in accordance with their individual programs, to interact with other specialists in their implementation. It is necessary to involve the family in correctional and developmental work, to ensure the interest of parents and other close adults of the child in its results, to equip them with simple and effective means organization of the speech environment and pedagogical assistance to the child in the family.
The interaction of all specialists, teachers working with children with general underdevelopment of speech and parents contributes to the development of communication skills for successful adaptation and teaching children at school.
The high-quality mastery of preschool education specialists with a fairly wide range of professionally significant knowledge and skills, combined with a creative approach to their application in a preschool educational institution, brings their activities to a new level that meets the realities of modern life, the needs of educational practice and indicates the formation of a new developing style of their activity.
The relationship between the dynamics of speech development and cognitive processes suggests that the interaction of all participants in the educational process in compensatory groups leads to positive results. Thus, the interaction of a speech therapist teacher and preschool specialists makes it possible to effectively implement a system of correctional and pedagogical work to eliminate speech deficiencies in children with general underdevelopment of speech.


1. Vorobieva, T.A., Krupenchuk, O.I. Ball and speech. /T.A. Vorobieva, O.I. Krupenchuk. KARO. St. Petersburg: 2003.
2. Speech therapy, ed. Volkova L.S., Shakhovskoy S.N. M.: Vlados: 1998.
3. Nishcheva, N.V. The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ONR./N.V. Nischev. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press. 2005.
4. The program of education and training in kindergarten, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova M.: Mosaic-Synthesis. 2007.
5. Smirnova, L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 4-5 years old. /L.N. Smirnova. Mosaic-Synthesis. Moscow: 2007.
6. Filicheva, T. B., Tumanova, T. V. Children with general underdevelopment of speech. Teaching aid. /T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanov. M .: Publishing House Gnome and D. 2000.

    The manual is aimed at attracting educators and parents to actively participate in corrective speech therapy work to overcome a speech defect in a child. Thanks to the joint efforts of a speech therapist, educator and parents, children's speech improves, manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech gradually disappear.
    The authors-compilers divided into lexical topics and included in the manual: descriptions of finger games and exercises for coordinating speech with movement; tasks aimed at developing general speech skills based on small texts (dialogues, tongue twisters, tongue twisters); a large number of games for the development of auditory, visual attention, phonemic representations, for enriching the dictionary and improving the grammatical structure of speech; as well as poems, riddles and texts for retelling.
    The exercises, tasks and texts proposed in the manual are focused on working with children 5-7 years old.
    The book is addressed to educators speech groups and speech pathologists. In addition, the proposed tasks can be used by teachers of mass kindergartens and parents interested in improving the speech development of their child.

    The collection was compiled by leading specialists of the faculty of correctional pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A, I, Herzen and speech therapists-practitioners of St. Petersburg. Criteria of logopedic diagnostics are presented. Schemes of speech therapy diagnostics for children of different age groups with different speech pathologies, and approximate planning of the work of a speech therapist in a preschool institution are proposed. Recommended by the Education Committee of St. Petersburg.

    A "cheat sheet" for a speech therapist teacher will help a specialist plan his activities with children during the day and week, think over the equipment of a speech therapy room, prepare a report, message and lesson outline in a timely manner, draw up the necessary documentation, taking into account modern requirements. "Crib" will help the teacher-speech therapist to find the answer to all his questions.
    The book is intended for speech therapists, methodologists of preschool educational institutions, as well as for students pedagogical universities and colleges.

    The purpose of this program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups for children with general underdevelopment of speech at the age of 4 to 7 years, providing for full interaction and continuity of actions of all specialists of a preschool educational institution and parents of preschoolers. The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at equalizing the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensures their comprehensive harmonious development.

    The manual discusses in detail the methods for studying the characteristics of families raising children with speech pathology, traditional and non-traditional forms of organizing the interaction of a speech therapist with parents, and approaches to planning work with families.
    The content of the manual reflects the whole variety of forms of work of a speech therapist with a family: collective, individual, visual and informational.
    The guide can be used in practical work speech therapist, teacher of speech therapy groups and other specialists of educational institutions working with parents of children with speech pathology, as well as students - future speech therapists.

    The book presents a long-term planning of the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, coherent speech skills, as well as games and exercises for the development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, motor functions) in groups for children with severe speech disorders, developed taking into account the requirements of the T. B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina "Preparation for school of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten". The manual is addressed to novice speech therapists, but can be used in the work of educators of both special speech therapy groups and mass groups of kindergartens.
    The manual is addressed to novice speech therapists, but can be used in the work of educators of both special speech therapy groups and mass groups of kindergartens.

    The manual is a collection of exemplary forms of maintaining mandatory and recommendatory documentation. Its creation was based on the idea of ​​systematization of documents and practical materials, in accordance with which diagnostic, preventive and corrective-organizational work is built with children in preschool educational institutions, which are so necessary in the daily work of a speech therapist. Addressed to teachers-speech therapists, heads, senior educators of preschool educational institutions, students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions.