How to put a solid sound l. Reasons for the lack of proper sound in a child. "How does the horse ride?"

Words with L sound.

L sound at the beginning of a word.


Lava, lavender, avalanche, shop, shop, laurel, laurel, lag, lagman, lagoon, fret, fret, incense, get along, palm, hands, patties, boat, frets, laz, loophole, climb, scout, bark, laika, bark, lacquer, lap, footman, litmus, lacquer, gourmet, delicacy, dainty, laconically, lactation, lacuna, lama, lamp, lampada, light bulb, langet, landscape, lily of the valley, lanita, palms, lancet, fallow deer, Laos, Laotians, paw, paw, paw, bast shoe, paw, bast shoe, lapushka, paw, noodles, lasa, weasel, caress, lasso, last, eraser, swallow, armor, patch, latin, patchwork, armor plate, lettuce, brass, armor, latin, Latvians, lafa, gun carriage, lafitte, lapel, shack, trap, dodge, logical, speech therapist, speech therapy, ankle, lie down, spoon, vine, locomotive, break, break, ache, shovel, spade, lop-eared, burdock, calf, leggings, elk, elk, flap, salmon, salmon, lotion, elk, loto, tray, pelvis, shaggy, rags, horse, polished, kiss, pubis, womanizer, catcher, catch, dodger.


Elk, log, fishing, gloss, catching, dexterous, dexterous, logic, loggia, boat, boat, boatman, quitter, bed, spoon, false, lie, curl, elbow, crowbar, broken, brittle, bosom, blade, burst, burst, gloss, burst, lot, lotus, pilot, horse, forehead, lobby, jigsaw, frontal, logic.


Onion, onion, crafty, onion, basket, moon, lunatic, hole, lunar, lunokhod, harrier, magnifying glass, peel, beam, beam, beam, beam, archer, onion, better, peeled, peel, bast, popular print, bast, meadow, tin, puddle, lawn, meadow, pocket, husk, onion, onion, meadow.


Skis, skier, bast, bald, bald, bald, lychki.

L sound in the middle of a word.


Kalach, chocolate, head, soap, saw, deeds, blanket, nook, sister-in-law, gild, golden, golden, chisel, white, in bulk, pillowcase, impose, fix, adjuster, catch, impose, break, well done, wells, cellophane, kiss, kiss, whole, salad, salad bowl, bathrobe, diver, well done, prank, chocolate, cutie, chamber, tent, executioner, drove, drove, walked, read, wrote, thought, blew, lived, cold.


To stab, pledge, serpentine, chop, tax, grind, philologist, filonit, cytology, stocking, forehead, cold, hungry, well, antelope, balloon, squirrel, lap dog, swamp, forks, Volodya, gallop, galoshes, deck, column, pendant, melody, monologue, pilot, breakdown, ceiling, saloon, village, straw, salt shaker, canteen, ticket, corner, slope, standard, echelon, crush.


Pigeon, blueberry, on the floor, ash, cinderella, husk, naughty, beluga, boulder, dumpling, dove, stomach, cleaver, pay, kiss, sheepskin coat, cabbage rolls, acorn, deck, receive, silhouette, husk.


Tables, floors, baby, naked, swaying, balls, halls, balyk, cobblestones, shafts, oxen, naked, wormwood, smile, vacations, canals, landslides, pencil cases, pitchforks, stations, glasses, saws, bees, forces, jackals, sleepers, scarlet, white, cute, whole, ripe, lethargic, cheerful, bold, dull, angels.

Backward syllables in the middle of a word (in a consonant confluence)

Bang, bun, fork, stick, balcony, wolf, regiment, tie, needle, hanger, squirrel, sorcerer, dressing, talk, conjure, tattoo, coffee grinder, crowd, crowd, thickness, thickness, push, pusher, crush, crowd, get fat, hill, canvas, lie, long, owe, lighter, hairpin, lie, t-shirt, sage, drawbar, vulgar, cunning, rolling pin, mermaid, dump, flask, sharp, lightning, silently, shelf, full, noon, midnight, sleeve, booming, walk, box, bottle, washed, sending, link, laughed, panicle, bee, whitewash, handicraft, nurse.

Diamond, alphabet, marshal, halva, napkin, turban, blockhead, wave, excitement, magician, longitude, oriole, sausage, cap, sorcerer, quiver, doll, rumor, silence, sliders, colonel, soldier, sultan, yolk, shuttle.

L sound in consonants.

Form, well-being, good, blouse, fornication, wanders, roach, raid, cloud, region, regional, fragment, whim, template, get lost, delusion, block, notepad, blond, flea, flea, heel, scoreboard.

Power, domineering, moisture, Vlas, Vlad, lord, invest, possession, owner, in a puddle, in a spoon, on the forehead, in a bow, eke out, moisture.

Glasha, eyes, main, head, smooth, smooth, fried eggs, voice, glaze, eye, eye socket, glasnost, herald, stare, tonsils, vowel, stroke, Gladkov, globe, wilderness, stupid, fool, deaf, deaf, silences, deep, depth, lump, swallow, stall, needles, angles, angular.

Grain, golden, evil, malice, evil, sinister, malicious, cereal, gold, chrysostom, cereal, topical, fetid, vindictive, anger, crime, unfortunate, out of spite, goats, exposition, break, knots, wands.

Claudia, class, masonry, treasure, pantry, lay, pad, invoice, consignment note, consignment note, inclination, tilt, cyclamen, clown, inclination, cyclone, cyclops, harpsichord, key, storehouse, klaxon, clan, bow, valve, class, cool, click, bug, tuft, tend, shred, club, tuber, club, strawberry, tangle, flower bed, klusha, fang, cormorant, eggplant, baclush, report, beets, warehouse, stacking.

Baby, younger, youth.

Poster, flame, planet, crying, float, alloy, patch, smoothly, crybaby, plagiarism, plasticity, swim, swim, bad, raft, bowl, fruit, tightly, flesh, stronghold, completely, oversight, warmth, rogue, plow, fruits, float, cry, pilaf, swimmer, seal, flat, plane, dam, carpenter, dense, flesh, bowl, platform, area, hollow, plow, rogue, plutonium, swimming, swim, melt, melting, melting, smooth, plasma, cry, weeping, flat, fiery, planet, plan, tablet, layer, plate, plastic, plastun, plaster, circuit board, payment, payment, platinum, pay, paid, scarf, platform, dress, ceiling, block, parade ground, crying, raincoat, ice cream, roach, crying.

Glory, sweet, weak, glorious, word, estate, broken, elephant, syllable, layer, puff, complex, lay down, serve, rumors, service, heard, hears, oar, listens, climb down, pass for, damper, craft, servant, case, merit, donkeys, misheard, disobey, ambassadors, mosleys, send, number.

Flag, phlox, bottle, flagship, flank, fleet, felt-tip pen, flotilla, flora, florin, flagstaff, flag, flamingo, flannel.

Walked, hose, slag, barbecue, went out, came up, full house, colander.

Jam, vile, inveterate, pretext, forgery, to break.

Scots, biathlon, boilers, broom, willow, fragile.

Clap, clap, clap, fuss, chores, lad, khokhly, Corydalis, crested, Khokhloma, cotton, surging, coolness, flakes, whip, whip.

L sound at the end of a word.

Hall, gave, ball, glass, praying mantis, station, vocal, trunk, woodpecker, blockage, football, final, cycle, ramrod, impudent, goldfinch, ideal, dagger, channel, capital, metal, glow, oval, opal, grin, pencil case, goal, table, small, crumpled, dol, stake, camisole, basement, injection, hall, crest, cover, aul, trunk, esaul, mule, chair, time off, rear, howl, goat, boiler, donkey, newcomer, chalk, inheritance, angel, buffalo, ashes, muscle, falcon, title, torch.

Digging, reading, sneezing, sleeping, getting up, pricking, sewing, drinking, writing, dancing, breathing, eating, eating, dressing, filming, sweating, washing, writing, tired, walking, walking, cooking, rolling, leaving, sneezing, yawned, wrote, champed, blossomed, planted, got up, sewed, beat, gave, howled, chalked, bought, dressed, bit, bit off, went in, went out, washed, started, walked, waited, counted, chewed, whined, tied, took, bleated, missed, knocked, repaired, filmed, fell asleep, cleaned, hammered, rolled, caught, stuffed, washed down, tired, stuffed, washed down, smoked, taught, darned, tied up, scratched, lifted, darned, tied up, lifted, ran, knocked down, threw, scored, let go, answered, stuffed, fell, fell, sowed, blew, melted.

Word combinations and phrases with L sound.

White lily of the valley, white dove, avalanche rolled down, Volodya is young, smooth shop, dexterous husky, Dacron T-shirt, cold forehead, tender hands, broken ladle, Laika barks, sweet smile, white boat, brave baby, blue lagoon, one-year-old baby, dexterous scout, warm bathrobe, pencil case fell, Alla gourmand, sat down at the table, hollowed out a Christmas tree, the raft floats, Aladdin's lamp, floats on the waves, clouds float, yellow litmus, went to catch, melted from the heat, caught salmon, squirrel's foot, treated the doll, knew how to swim, caressed the baby, swims badly, a ball of thread, took armor, in the corner a chair, patched armor, looked for a pin, armor made of brass, crawling out from under the bench, did not spare soap, the wolf was in a trap, did not want milk, flat burdock, took a shovel, a good swimmer, watered the elk, swimmer at the dam, smoothed his hair, shaggy elk, barked husky, galloping horse, tied a tie, the boat swam, barked and fell silent, white lotus, elk has a calf, saw a squirrel, the baby was crying, put down the pencil case , phloxes in the flowerbed, set up a bicycle, Cinderella had a towel, ironed a towel, pushed with his elbow, scarves and towels, a lump floated, found and put, the flotilla flag, combed his hair, domineering lord, dug a flower bed with a shovel, Volodya in a T-shirt, caught roaches, dexterous naughty, cried at first, Glory to the crybaby, put on a cap, the archer had a bow, did not swim well, brittle hair, made pilaf, in a deep well, lasso on a horse, heavy blanket, wet palm, a voice was heard, clap your hands, apple jam, soldiers on parade ground, power of voice, golden treasure, hall with columns, prickly needle, pewter spoon, swept floors, difficult puzzle, watered gladiolus, starting a business, Glaska cutie, cute baby, ironed a blouse, notebook cover, blue blouse, ripe sweet apple, white blouse, the moon rose, the locomotive left, blue-eyed Klava, a spoon in a bowl, with blue hair, an evil Vlas, a fragile boat, a broken bicycle, a warm blanket, a ray of sun, pounded on the floor, a dress with flounces, Luntik from the Moon, a ski pole, bald pilot, caught a jackdaw, a swallow sat down, went to the station, banged with a hammer, hammered with a hammer, the kid slept, forged armor, beat the buckets, it turned out nicely, the jackdaw was made of plasticine, crafts from bad material, the whitewash came off, a scarf was on his head, showed ingenuity, lays down on a bench, a rolling pin under a bench, folded a lotto, a broken jigsaw, younger than Alla, a piece of lavsan, shod a flea, buried a treasure, caught a flea, white foam, the fleet sailed away, visited Lapland, bast bast shoes, won with a word, sour onion, tilt plafond, white dress, allowed to break, blue dress, elephant hears, chief puppeteer, clown bent over, silky cotton, clown clapped, thick cellophane, swim to the raft, hit the forehead, nylon raincoat, best gloss, blond hair, speech therapist listened.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree prickly needle.

Mila put on a bathrobe.

The lamp fell to the floor.

Aladdin's lamp on the bench.

Mila ate a salad.

Slava put on sandals.

Volodya became a pilot.

Michael sat down at the table.

The elk was trapped.

Mila pushed her chair away from the table.

The wolf howled at the moon for a long time.

The pilot put on a cap.

Lana has a scarf on her head.

The kid was playing loto.

Volodya had lotto.

The cutie came with chocolate.

Mila drank cold milk.

The carpenter has a jigsaw in his hands.

Allah washed herself with soap.

A ripe apple fell from an apple tree.

Michael put the lilies of the valley into the glass.

A boat floated near the swamp.

Volodya became a pilot.

Glasha weeded the onion.

The woodpecker was chiseling the tree trunk.

Volodya filled the glass with sweet juice.

Michael sat down at the table.

Klava put on a white dress and threw on a blue scarf.

The flames engulfed the entire raft.

Mila was a bad swimmer.

The raft floats on the waves.

Well done dug a well.

Volodya made a horse from plasticine.

Baby, don't cry.

Alla put plasticine on her palm.

Mila has a new notebook with a blue cover.

Laika barked at the scout.

A ball of thread fell to the floor.

The horse galloped into the meadow.

Klava was looking for a pin.

Lusha took the shovel.

Volodya smoothed his hair.

A shaggy husky barked.

Uncle Neal tied his tie and went out.

Pavel smoothed his hair.

Mikhail saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.

Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.

Slava ironed the handkerchiefs and the towel.

Uncle Luka was digging a flower bed with a shovel.
Volodya and Slava are sailing on a boat.
Klava washed her palms with soap.
The dog took the doll to the closet.
Volodya rode a bicycle.
Michael studied the globe.
Pavel was catching a pigeon.

Malvina has blue hair.

The great white shark frightened the scuba diver.
The bee fell into the apple jam.
Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
My brother went to football.
Vova put the bottle on the shelf.
Dad put up a Christmas tree, and mom hung golden cones on it.
The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
Father went to the station.
A dog was barking around the house.
A raft floated on the waves.
The kitten was drinking milk.
Neil received a letter from Michael.
My father served in the Navy and sailed on a submarine.
The soldier reported that he had completed the task.
Petya broke, and then fixed the bike.
Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.
Stake near the table, table near the stake.
Here is a cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

Poems with L.

ly-ly-ly, ly-ly-ly

we scored goals

lu-lu-lu, lu-lu-lu

near the windows on the floor,

la-la-la, la-la-la

didn't see the glass.

lu-lu-lu, lu-lu-lu

we didn't hit the glass

la-la-la, la-la-la

only there is no glass in the window.

On the surface of the window glass

Heavy glass drop.

A drop fell on a blue flower

And opened one petal.

I. Belyakov.

White-white! White-white!

The whole earth is covered with snow!

The whole village became smart

White-white, white-white!

V. Lifshitz

* * *

Run away, run away

milk escaped.

I had a hard time catching it

Being a hostess is not easy!

R. Farhadi.

* * *

Grandfather planted onions

grew a forelock.

The grandson saw the bow,

cut off the forelock.

Amazing thing:

tears are dripping - at the grandson!

* * *

Here are the needles and pins

crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

they want milk.

White color

White snow, white chalk.

The white hare is also white.

But the squirrel is not white,

It wasn't even white.

I. Tokmakova.


Mom sang a song

Dressed my daughter.

Dressed - wore

White shirt.

white shirt-

Thin line.

Mom sang a song

Shoe my daughter.

Fastened with an elastic band

For every stocking.

Light stockings

On my daughter's feet.

Mom sang a song

Mom dressed the girl

Red dress with polka dots

New shoes on legs...

That's how mom pleased -

Dressed up my daughter for kindergarten!

That's what mom-

Golden right!

* * *

Everything is white, white, white.

There has been a lot of snow.

Here are the fun days!

Everyone on skis and skates!

Picture in primer

Mom bathed the baby in the tub,

Soap, washcloth washed a pebble.

Mila stood next to her mother,

She poured warm water over the baby.

Allochka gently wipe the baby

Warm, shaggy, large towel.

I. Lopukhin.


Dear mother, as best she could,

Even though it's small, it helped.

Haven't looked for a long time.

Rinse the towel

I washed the forks and spoons,

I fed the cat with milk

The floor was swept with a whisk

From corner to corner...

She wanted to rest

Couldn't sit idle

Found patches on the shelf

And pins and needles

And for the doll Mila became

Dress to sew and a blanket.

Trouble this Mila

Mom barely made it.

Mila went to bed with the doll.

I did everything, I did everything! I. Lopukhin.

* * *

The sun walked across the sky

And ran behind the cloud.

The hare looked out the window,

It got dark.

Crying gray sparrow;

"Come out, sun, hurry up,

We're sorry without the sun

In the field, the grain is not visible.

K. Chukovsky.


Tanya has a lot to do

Tanya has a lot to do

Brother helped in the morning:

He ate candy in the morning

She promised to wash the spoons

Spilled wood glue

Opened the door to the cat

Helped her meow.

Here's what Tanya has to do!

Tanya ate, drank tea,

Sat with mom, sat,

She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed, she told her mother:

"You undress me yourself,

I'm tired, I can't, I'll help you tomorrow."

A. Barto.


Mila bought a doll

She wore it all day.

Mila dressed the doll

Kissed, merciful.

She gave the name to the doll -

The doll was called a check mark.

Mila rocked the doll.

Glorious - gloriously sang:

Gala - Gala - Checkmark,

Here's a jump rope for you

Here's a box for you

Chocolate and bun.


The mouse lived happily

Slept on the fluff in the corner.

The mouse ate bread and lard,

But everything was not enough for the mouse.


The mouse washed its nose with soap,

Washed the back, washed the tail.

Soap so that it became white,

And I ate soap from happiness.

Dad came home from work.

Did you help mom?


Have you walked the dog?


Did you feed the kitten?


Did you wash the dishes?


Well, have you been walking?


And, of course, did you play football?

Guessed! I played football.

So I wanted to score a goal!

Strongly kicked the ball with his foot -

And the ball hit us through the window.

How can I tell my mom about this?

How to show glass shards?

Do not grieve, son, do not be sad,

Let's tell mom - she will forgive.

Let's put the whole glass together.

The house will always be warm!

I. Lopukhin.


Once upon a time I forgot.

Where did you live?


Where was?


What did you eat?


What did you drink?


V. Lugovoi






on one leg

into the forest along the path,

Did not jump -

the raven saw

Frightened, confused

yes, it remains to stand.

N. Sidelnikov


Where have you been?

Here and there.

Where did you fly?

By flowers.

What did you bring home?

Honey, the bee replied.

G. Sapgir.


Bell blue

bowed to you and me.

bluebell flowers

very polite. And you?

E. Serova

exchanged doll

Doll Milu Lida soap,

did not wash the dirt off the doll.

But from the soap doll Mila

shed as much as she could.

From resentment doll Lida

exchanged for a donkey.

N. Konchalovskaya

white swans

white swans

live in the sky

swans across the sky

float smoothly.

white feathers

curl slightly.

hello swans


L. Kudryavskaya.


who grinded flour

and who did not pray.

From the one to whom he prayed

received cheesecakes.

From the one who did not pray

received on the top of his head.

N. Konchalovskaya

Pavka on the bench

weaves bast shoes to Klavka.

Bast shoes are not suitable

Clave on the legs,

but bast shoes are suitable

on the paws of a cat.

N. Konchalovskaya.


Oh what a cloud

cloud deep,

cloud distant

Right above me.

Oh what a cloud

cloud high,

distant cloud,

not reach by hand.

Float and hide

in the field outside,

wash in the lake

fresh water.

V. Stepanov.


The ferret went to the tree to the wolf,

He took the cracker quietly.

Now the ferret is his flapper

It frightens the animals like a cannon.

G. Sapgir


And I was in the village in the summer,

I fed a gray horse. (white).

She chewed crackers

And she nodded her head.

I. Tokmakova.


Milk ran away, ran away!

Rolled down the street

Along the street started,

Flowed across the square

Bypassed the guard

Flying down the street

Up the stairs puffed,

And crawled into the pan,

Breathing heavily.

M. Boroditskaya.

jump rope

The jump rope lay

The hostess was waiting

And the girl Alka

I drank cocoa.

The rope endured

The jump rope was waiting

I missed the jump rope

Called the hostess.

Walk without a hostess

The jump rope is gone.

L. Mezinov.


Nicholas scared the bee

I ran through the garden.

He stepped on a broom

Crashed into a fence.

The broom slammed loudly

Yes, with such force

What would be better than a bee

Kolya was bitten.

O. Grigoriev.

All donkeys are always stubborn

Everyone disobeys their mother.

Not enough words in the world

Persuade donkeys.

Mom Milu soap soap.

Mila got soap in her eye.

Mama Mile said:

Do not be angry, daughter Mila!

I'm not angry, - said Mila.

I'm crying out soap.

I. Demyanov

In vain, weasel is called WEASER:

she is not kind at all.

Weasel has evil eyes.

Do not expect affection from affection!

A. Shibaev

Stories, texts with sound L.

Stories with pictures.

(The adult reads the sentence, showing a picture so that the child can add the word where it is required. The second time the adult reads the entire sentence, highlighting the sound being worked out with his voice, the child repeats after him. In the first case, the child practices the sound in the word, in the second - in sentences Then the child himself makes up a story.)


Mom bought (a lamp).

Mila put it badly... on the table.

So... fell off the table.


On the forest lawn, Alla saw (moose).

This (elk) drank water.

Alla wanted to stroke (elk).

(Moose) went deep into the forest.


On the Christmas tree sat (woodpecker) and hollowed it.

Volodya saw (a woodpecker) and wanted to catch him.

But (woodpecker) flew away.

Task stories.

Three squirrels mother squirrel

waited near the hollow.

They have a squirrel mom for breakfast

brought nine cones.

Divided into three.

How many for each of them?

stories with questions.

1. Dad and Volodya went on a boat to catch roach.

Who...? What have they done...? For what...?

The moon was visible in the sky.


For a long time they floated on the water.


Around the pool began to catch.

Where...? What became...

We caught a lot of roaches.


2. Ladina's mother was tired and fell asleep.

Whose...? What did...?

Lada quietly got up, put on a dress and slippers and washed her face.

Who...? What did...? What...?

She drank milk with a bun.

What did...? What...? With what...?

Lada began to roll the doll in the stroller.

Who...? What has become...? Whom...? In what...?

“While mom is sleeping, I’ll do everything,” Lada thinks, “I’m big.

Who thinks...? What is he thinking...?

3. Dad bought Volodya a set of files.

Who...? To whom...? What...?

Volodya began to saw, but he did not succeed.

Who...? What did he start doing?

Dad taught Volodya for a long time and taught him how to saw with all sorts of saws.

Whom...? What did you do...? How...?

Most of all, Volodya liked to cut with a jigsaw.

To whom...? What to do...? How...?

4. Clave bought a doll.

What have they done...? Who...? Who...?

The doll was all in white: a white dress, white shoes and a white Panama hat.

Who...? How are you dressed...

Klava gave the doll the name Bella.

Who...? What did...? What is the name...?

She loved Bella.


She rolled her, cradled her, dressed her and swaddled her.

How did you play...

Bella somehow fell.

Who...? What's happened...?

Klava washed her face and hair for a long time.

Who...? What did...?

5. Volodya's father bought a book about birds.

To whom...? What did...?

Volodya learned a lot from her.

Who...? What did you do...?

Where swallows winter.

Who...? What are they doing...?

As a woodpecker pecks bark with its beak, and pulls out insects with its tongue.

Who...? How...? What…? What is he doing...? Whom...?

How flycatchers catch flies in the air.

Who...? What are they doing...? How...?

There was a squirrel in the forest.

There was a squirrel in the forest, and the squirrel had a house. The squirrel lived in a hollow. Misha and Slava came and took her to them. And the squirrel lived in their cage.

According to LN Tolstoy

What happened to the wolf.

A hungry wolf wandered through the forest. And he saw a fluffy squirrel on a prickly Christmas tree. “Here I’ll eat it,” the wolf thought and said to the squirrel: “Get down, squirrel, down, come here. We go skiing with you. The squirrel smiled: “I can’t go with you: I don’t have skis. You better ride with the fox." As soon as she said this, a fox ran out from behind another tree. The wolf invited the fox for a ski trip. “Okay,” the fox answered him, “only I’m running after my skis.” She flashed and disappeared into the forest. They only saw her. The wolf ran after her, but fell into the den where the bear was sleeping.

What do you think happened to the bad wolf?

Who is revenge.

Volodya and Svetlana played silent. Whoever says a word before dinner or leaves the place, the floor is in the kitchen of revenge. Here they sit in a corner and are silent. Volodya is silent, and Svetlana is silent. Volodya’s dad called out “Volodya, where are you? Go on a bike ride." But the boy does not respond. Sits in a corner and is silent. Then mother called Svetlana: “Svetlana, take an apple, sweet, sweet! I just bought it now." And Sveta no gu-gu! Sits and is silent. They are silent, silent, until Volodya wants to sneeze. He moved his nose, and how he sneezes all over the room: “Apchi!”

Yeah, Vovka, you said "apchi". You have half revenge.

Well, yes, - Volodya answered, - "apchi" is not a word. It was you who spoke first.

Svetlana thought for half a minute and took a broom.

All right, - she said to Volodya. - Although "apchi" is a word, but mother is tired. We need to help her. - And the beginning of half revenge.

And Volodya became ashamed, and he ran after the scoop.

What was missing from the squirrel.

The hunter caught a squirrel and put it in a cage, She lived in captivity all year and no longer hoped to return to her native forest. But it happened that the hunter once forgot to close the cage. The squirrel jumped on the sofa, from the sofa to the window sill, from the window sill to the garden, and there from branch to branch ended up in the forest. Belchat was asked how she lived with the hunter.

The owner loved me, groomed me. And I slept in a cage on a satin pillow.

Why did you run away then?

But then the wind came up, the foliage rustled, and no one heard what the squirrel said. What do you think she said?

Writing a story on a topic.

1. Once Volodya and Vlas saw a jackdaw with a broken wing near the house. She couldn't fly, and the boys took her home.

Tell us about what they did next, how did the jackdaw make friends with the boy? How did you live in their house? What happened to her?

2. Having cured the jackdaw, Volodya decided to become Dr. Aibolit.

Tell us how the little doctor treated a jackdaw, a wolf, an elephant, a dove, a rabbit.

3. Slava Golubev is 8 years old. He loved to play football very much. Once, teams of two fifth grades were supposed to play on the school playground. But one lacked an attacker.

Well, football player, come to us, - the captain of this team called Slava. And the little football player took to the field.

Tell us about how this game went, how did Slava play? How did he manage to score two goals? Who won this game?

Usually this sound "L" is put easily and quickly, but on condition that the exercises are performed very accurately and correctly, for example, according to our method. All exercises are performed in front of a mirror in order to be able to control the position of the child's lips and tongue.

So, first things first. In order to correctly pronounce the sound “L”, the lips must be in a smile, the teeth are not closed, the distance between the lower and upper teeth is about 1 centimeter. The tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth. Children usually either skip this sound or replace it with sounds - S, Y, L, or V. If the back of the tongue is raised and the tip of the tongue is lowered and moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is replaced by the sounds “S” or “Y”. If the tip of the tongue is at the top, but moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is obtained. If the child raises the lower lip to the upper teeth, then instead of the sound “L”, the sound “V” is heard.

And now let's start performing articulation exercises of the tongue to correct soft sound"L" for solid.

Lip exercises:

Fence - Teeth closed, lips in a wide smile. Upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

TV - The teeth are closed and visible, the upper and lower lips are raised, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. The lips form a wide square, as in the sound "sh". Two upper and 4 lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Smile - The lips are closed and stretched in a wide smile. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Proboscis - The lips are closed, the corners of the lips are shifted to the center. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Rabbit - Lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Lower the lower lip so that only the lower teeth are visible, and the upper ones are covered by the upper lip. Hold still for about 5-6 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times.

Then you need to alternate exercises in pairs:

Fence - TV, Smile - Proboscis, Smile - Rabbit. First, alternate at a slow pace, repeat everything 5-6 times, hold each position of the lips motionless for 2-3 seconds. Then alternate at a fast pace 5-6 times.

Setting the sound "L"

Donkey song - The mouth is slightly open, the lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Pull the sound "Y-Y-Y". (Possible errors - the sound “Y-Y” is pronounced “on the nose.” To check the correct sound, put the back of your hand on the child’s neck and feel a slight vibration). Then open your mouth wide and add the sound "A-A-A". Pronounce the syllable -YA- together, pull both sounds. (Possible errors - replacing the sound -А- with the sound -Я-).

Repeat the syllable "YA" several times and make sure that both sounds are pronounced correctly. Then hold the tip of the tongue with your teeth (do not change the position of the lips) and say the syllable -YA-, pull both sounds, with the sound -A- open your mouth wide. If both sounds are pronounced correctly, then the syllable "LA" will be heard. Pay Special attention so that the lower lip does not rise, otherwise instead of "LA" the syllable "VA" will turn out. If instead of “LA” the syllable “LA” is heard, then the syllable “YA” should be repeated several times, without clamping the tip of the tongue with your teeth, make sure that the sound “A” is not replaced by the sound “I”.

Very often, a child, having heard the resulting syllable “LA”, involuntarily tries to say the syllable “LA” instead of “YA”, and he gets a habitually distorted sound “L”. Therefore, at first, when doing the exercise, it is advisable that you suggest that the child say “YA”, and not “LA”.

The resulting syllable "LA" must be repeated many times to consolidate correct pronunciation. To repeat it was interesting, play the game "Tir". Shooting game - draw 10 target circles on a piece of paper. Repeat the syllable "La". If the syllable is spoken correctly, then they hit the target - cross out 1 circle, if the syllable "LA" is pronounced incorrectly, then put a dot next to the target circle to indicate a miss. Agree in advance with the child that after how many “misses” you will move on to the next target. When finished, count the number of hits and misses. Repeat the game 3-5 times and compare the results. First repeat the syllable "LA" one at a time, and then in groups of 2-3 syllables. You can draw targets from 2-3 circles.

Having achieved the absolutely correct pronunciation of the syllable "LA", proceed to practicing the correct pronunciation of the syllables "LO, LU, LE, LY". Make sure that the tip of the tongue is clamped between the teeth. Most often, the correct pronunciation of the syllable "LU" is difficult, since it is necessary to change the position of the lips.

When the child learns to pronounce all these syllables, you can proceed to the pronunciation of words with the sound "L". First, you should repeat the words beginning with the sound "L". In these words, it is easier to correctly pronounce the sound “L” correctly, since the child clamps the tip of the tongue with his teeth, pronounces this sound, and only then the whole word. It is more difficult to pronounce the word after the preposition, because in this case it is necessary that immediately after pronouncing the previous sound, the lips and tongue quickly take the correct position for the sound L. So it's better to repeat individual words with an "L" sound. Choose 10-15 words that begin with the syllable "LA" and repeat them like this (pull the sound "L", achieve a clear solid "L"):

- 1st time - sound - syllable - word (LL - LLA - LLAk, LL - LLA - LLApa, LL - LLA - LLampa and so on);

- 2nd time - syllable-word (LLA - LLAk, LLA - LLApa, LLA - LLampa and so on.);

- 3rd time - one word at a time, pull the sound "L";

- 4th time - the game "correct the adult" - you repeat the words, alternating, correct and distorted "L". The child must determine whether the word is said correctly and repeat it correctly;

- 5th time - in groups of 3 words (1st, 2nd, 3rd word, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word, 3rd, 4th, 5th word and etc.). This task is the most difficult, as the child is old.

If the child is easily given the correct pronunciation of the sound “L”, then you can start with the second task (syllable - word).

Here is an approximate set of words for practicing the sound "L"

At the first stage, repeating syllables and words, pinch the tip of the tongue at the sound "L". But this position of the tongue is preparatory. In the correct position, the tip of the tongue is behind the teeth and rests against the upper front teeth. Therefore, gradually try to translate the tongue by the teeth and try to achieve a clear solid sound "L" with the correct position of the tongue.

Very good, consistently selected and varied speech material can be found in the book by Yu.B. Norkina "Home notebook for speech therapy classes with children" issue 1, sound "L". In addition to words, sentences, poems and stories, the book contains many exercises for the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, as well as tasks for the development of a child's coherent speech.

The children themselves different ages various speech disorders are often observed. The most common among them impaired pronunciation of sounds, which cannot be considered a harmless defect, because it can lead to negative consequences for the development of the child: difficulties in learning to read and write (this is called dyslexia and dysgraphia), and in the future to a decrease in academic performance in the Russian language. A child who pronounces sounds incorrectly is often mimicked, which creates additional psychological problems.

The first step in preventing such problems at school is to contact a speech therapist who will correct the child's speech deficiencies. But it happens that parents are very busy or they experience financial difficulties, because speech therapy assistance is not cheap.

Our task is to help parents who do not have teacher education, in the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, but provided that your child has no deviations in the structure of the speech organs (malocclusion, short frenulum of the tongue, absence of front teeth, high hard palate) and no severe speech disorders(alalia, dysarthria, stuttering, etc.).

Sound [L] is very difficult to set up and automate at home. Parents need a lot of patience. At times it will seem

that all efforts are in vain, and you will not succeed. The main thing is not to break loose and methodically continue the work begun. But do not overload the child! It is enough to practice twice a day for 10 minutes . Classes are necessarily held in the form of a game, competition. It will take about a month, and maybe more, to put and automate this difficult sound in direct and reverse syllables.

“Vampa” instead of “lamp”, “yoshka”, not a spoon), “uk”, but how you want to hear “bow”. This is not a complete list of substitutions and omissions that kids allow in their speech.

1. Distortion or sound skip [L] called "lambdacism".

Here are the most common:

The sound [L] in words is generally omitted: “apata” (shovel), “snake” (puddle);

Interdental lambdacism: when pronouncing the sound [L] in words, the tip of the tongue is laid between the teeth.

Bilabial (labial-labial) lambdacism: instead of the sound [L], a sound close to the sound [y] is heard: “uapa” (paw), “uapata” (paw).

Nasal lambdacism: the root of the tongue closes with the soft palate, and the exhaled stream of air passes through the nose. Nasal sounds [ng] are heard: “nguna” (moon), “ngama” (llama). This type of lambdacism occurs with rhinolalia (congenital or acquired splitting of the hard and soft palate: "cleft lip", "cleft palate").

2. Replacing the sound [L] with other sounds is paralambdacism:

The sound [L] in words is replaced by the sound [B]: “vuk” (bow), “gov” (goal);

The sound [L] in words is replaced by the sound [G]: “gapata” (shovel), “pagy” (floors), “stog” (table), “degaga” (did), etc .;

The sound [L] is replaced in pronunciation by the sound [D]: “doshad” (horse), “madysh” (baby), “gadava” (head), etc .;

The sound [L] is replaced by the sound [j]: “yoshka” (spoon), “yuya” (yula), “corrosive” (boat);

The sound [L] in words is replaced by a soft sound [L"]: “hatch” (bow), “blunder” (shovel), “divide” (cases), “woodpecker” (woodpecker), etc.

3. Articulatory exercises that precede the setting of the sound [L].

Sound production requires long and hard work on “tuning” the articulatory apparatus. Development of the necessary movements of the lips, tongue. The work begins with the introduction of the child with organs of articulation:- lips, upper and lower; behind the lips, teeth, upper and lower; behind the upper teeth - tubercle; behind the tubercle, the hard palate begins, which passes into the soft palate and ends with a palatal curtain with a small tongue;

Here is the tongue, it has a movable tip; the back of the tongue can also rise and fall. Under the tongue, the hyoid ligament (bridle), etc.

There are muscles in our cheeks, lips, tongue that need to be trained. And special gymnastics will help us - articulation.

With all types of lambdacism, you should first learn a few articulation exercises that must be performed daily in front of a mirror counting (from 1 to 5), for 6-10 minutes twice a day:

1. "Smile" - keep the lips in a smile, exposing the upper and lower teeth.

2. "Tubule" - pull closed lips forward.

3. "We will punish the naughty tongue" - tongue on the lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, say: "Pa-pa-pa."

4. "Let's brush the upper teeth" (from the inside) - with a wide tongue from side to side at the upper alveoli (tubercles).

5. "Sail" - the tip of a wide tongue rests on the anterior upper incisors. The shape of the tongue resembles a sagging hammock. The exercise is static, it must be performed under the account: the longer the tongue is held, the better.

6. "The cat laps milk"- a wide tongue moving from top to bottom licks the upper lip.

7. « Turkey talker "- tongue movements, as in the previous exercise, only the pace is fast. The movements of the tongue are accompanied by sounds characteristic of an angry turkey, something like: "bl-bl-bl-...".

8. "Swing" - open your mouth, smile broadly. Under the count of "one - two", the tip of the tongue rests first on the upper and then on the lower incisors (on the inside).

Ø If the tongue stubbornly does not want to rise up and hold on to the upper teeth, a proven exercise will come in handy:

"Horse" - flick the wide tip of the tongue on the palate behind the upper front incisors. A prerequisite: the mouth is ajar, but the lower jaw is absolutely motionless!

Ø To securely fix the tongue in the “upper” position (on the palate), do the following exercise:

"Fungus": tongue with the upper surface sticks to the palate, while the hyoid frenulum is stretched.

Ø The above exercises should be performed for 2-4 weeks. The main requirement is to develop the ability to:

Hold the desired articulatory position correctly for 5 seconds;

Accurately perform movements;

Monitor the equal participation of the left and right halves of the tongue, lips in the performance of movements.

4. Ways of setting the sound [L]

If there is no sound at all in the child's speech, then it is easiest to put it. In this case, you do not have to remove the false stereotype of sound pronunciation.

1. By imitation: Show the child correct articulation of sound [L]:

Lips in a smile, mouth ajar, teeth open (the distance between the upper and lower teeth is 1 finger);

The wide tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the alveoli (to the tubercles above the upper front teeth);

Exhaled air passes along the sides of the tongue, into the cheeks (if you touch your cheeks with your palms, you can feel their vibration).

Say the sound [L] and ask the child to repeat. The sound [L] occurs at the moment of separation of the tongue from the alveoli.

2. Staging from interdental sound(cannot be done with a child who has interdental lambdacism):

Ø This method of setting the sound [L] can be adopted with various types lambdacism and paralambdacism.

Tell a child a story "How the little steamboat learned to honk"

Once upon a time there lived a small boat. He walked on the sea and carried goods. But the big ships did not notice him and did not even answer. And all because the voice of the little steamboat was very weak, and instead of a drawn-out and lingering beep: "L", it buzzed something indistinct and quiet. The little steamboat decided to learn how to honk correctly. He began to try different greetings: “U! ABOUT! No, not that! Out of annoyance, the little steamer bit his tongue and said: "Y". And then a miracle happened: a clear and distinct sound [L] sounded over the water surface! The little steamer thought he heard wrong, and repeat: "Y", biting his tongue again. The sound [L] is even more distinct. Hearing the voice of a small steamer, the big steamers began to answer him with loud and drawn-out beeps: “L!”, “L!”. So the little steamboat learned to hum correctly.

The child bites the tip of the tongue and pronounces the sound [Ы] for a long time. In this case, the sound [L] should sound. Although, perhaps not the first time. After the sound [L] is obtained in isolation, attach it to the vowels: LA, LO, LU, LY, LE. At first, the tip of the tongue will still have to be bitten. If in direct syllable it will be difficult to do this, try reverse syllables: AL, UL, OL, IL, EL, LY.

3. Setting the sound [L] with two-labial (labial-labial) lambdacism

Very often, the correct pronunciation of the sound [L] is hindered by lips that are stretched out with a tube, or even completely wrapped around the lips, which makes the sound take on a shade of frog croaking: vopata (shovel), savate (salad). It is necessary to neutralize the lips. It's unlikely to succeed the first time. An ingrained habit (often a consequence of a strong friendship with a nipple) will make itself felt for a very long time.

Help articulation exercises: "Smile", "Fence":

the lips are exaggeratedly stretched in a smile, exposing the front teeth (the teeth are clenched). Hold this position for as long as possible.

For a while, the adult will even have to hold the child's lips, stretching them into a smile, with the help of the thumb and forefinger. Only such "violent" measures will be able to keep the "naughty" lips.

1. Setting the sound [L] from the correct [L "](soft sound L)

It is possible that a solid sound [L] will not work right away. We'll have to be content with its mild version: [L´]. Mitigation at the first stage of setting is quite acceptable. It occurs due to excessive tension in the muscles of the lips. Over time, this will pass. If the process drags on, you need to go for a little trick. Pronouncing the syllables LA, LO, LU, LY, LE, the baby will have to touch the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue.

Not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but the solid sound of the sound [L] is guaranteed. But this habit should not be fixed either. Gradually let him “hide” his tongue behind his upper teeth.

Get rid of excessive tension and labialization of the lips will help relaxing massage of the circular muscles of the mouth, and their slight tapping


Ø And also such exercises:"The horse snorts" - blow with force on relaxed lips, imitating the snorting of a horse.

"Fish" - slap your relaxed lips against each other, as a fish does in an aquarium.

"Tired" - blow with force on relaxed and parted lips.

5. Automation of sounds [L] in the child's speech

So, the month has passed in the works. If a hard sound [L] is not yet obtained, fix the soft [L "] firstin syllables: LA - LU - LE - LE - LI; then in words with the same syllables:

LA: Lyalya, strap, poplars, earth, fields, Valya, Tolya, Kolya;

LYU: people, chandelier, lupine, buttercup, fierce, Luda, Lucy;

LYO: ice, flax, light, pilot, flight, lying, Lyolya, Lyova, Lyosha;

LE: forest, lion, swan, fishing line, bream, laziness, summer, watering can, ribbon, babble;

LI: leaf, linden, line, lily, lemon, fox, tench, shower, midget, Lida.

It would be nice to fix in clear words:

LA-LA-LA - the fields turn green. LE-LE-LE - the leaves lay on the ground.

LI-LI-LI - bream splashed aground. LU-LU-LU - I love summer rain.

And something else along the same lines. You can compose speeches with your child. A very exciting activity!

Rhymes and tongue twisters also useful:

Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, Ghouls sleep on branches ...

Babies in cradles dream. Everyone is already asleep!

In direct syllables, the sound [Л´] is already obtained, then it's time to move on to reverse syllables and to combinations with other consonants:

AL - OL - UL - YL - FIR - YUL - YAL (soldering iron, poplar, bulk, dust, tulle, tulip, moth, polka, high chair, etc.);

SLE - SLU - SLA - SLE - SLI (trace, mica, slush, tears, plum ...).

And other sound combinations and words, only with consonants: P, F, G, K (plus, splash, whip, flux, plisse, pleated, glisse, glucose, cranberry ...)

Ø Speak syllables and words with the baby first, and then - pure phrases with these sound combinations. Sit in front of the mirror and do not forget to control the position of the tongue (its tip rests on the upper incisors!).

OL-OL-OL - we bought salt. UL-UL-UL - we will hang the tulle.

EL-EL-EL - there is a blizzard on the street. YL-YL-YL - dust on the leaves.

Solid sound [L] will have to work more long time. Do not be lazy to repeat the same syllable, the same word several times. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the right sound right off the bat!

Start from direct syllables: LA - LU - LO - LE - LY and words with them:

LA: lacquer, paw, bench, palm, weasel, patties, llama, lamp, barking;

LU: bow, magnifying glass, moon, puddle, beam, meadow, lawn, Lusha;

LO: forehead, elk, crowbar, boat, spoon, curl, elbow, deftly;

LY: bast, skis, baldness, lychko, tables, floors, goals, etc.

Keep rhyming words in tongue twisters:

LA-LA-LA - our Lenochka is small. LU-LU-LU - Lena loves praise.

LO-LO-LO - Lena is warm in felt boots. LY-LY-LY - Lena's felt boots are small.

From nursery rhymes choose these:

Owl-owl, owl, Birds sat down on a pole.

Big head. And the kittens are in the corner.

I sat on a stake, sat down, sat down,

She looked at the moon, They sang a song.

Her eyes glittered. Heard spoons -

Eyeballs clap-clap, Stretched legs.

Top-top paws. They heard kalachi, -

And - flew! Everyone jumped off the stove!

Our hands were covered in soap. The moon shines like brass

We washed the dishes ourselves. Harrier feasts on a frog.

We washed the dishes ourselves, a cheerful bee flies,

Helped our mother. Night fell on the forest.

(V. Lifshits) (V. Lunin)

Let's continue working on the sound [L] in reverse syllables and words with them:

AL - OL - UL - YL - EL - YUL - YAL - YOL - IL (small, became, table, they say, stake, chair, mule, was, sat down, ate, crushed, walked, found, sawed, walked, etc.) e.)

PLA - KLA - VLA - SLA - WLA - FLA - BLA - GLA and other sound combinations with vowels: U, O, S (cried, swam, Klava, keys, left, flags, eyes, etc.).

If in syllables and words a solid sound L will turn out well, go to phrases and phrases:

AL-AL-AL - our baby is still small. OL-OL-OL - the mole sat on the table.

UL-UL-UL - we broke the chair. YL-YL-YL - Pavel washed the floors.

At the first stage of automating the sound [L], the child repeats syllables, words and phrases after you, and at the final stage he himself must remember words with these sounds, you only give tasks:

Remember the names of birds (animals, flowers, trees, etc.) with the sound [L].

Name the food with the sound [L].

List things with sound [L].

Learn and guess with your child puzzles:

What kind of beast in the cold winter, prickly, green, in the winter we will find in the forest.

Walking through the woods hungry? (Wolf) We will invite a sharp, green one to visit. (Christmas tree)

There is a hollow in the pine, it is warm in the hollow. This lump from an apple tree is lope!

And who lives in a hollow in warmth? (Squirrel) Fell, rolled, huddled in the leaves. (Apple)

At the end of the work on the sound [L] use tongue twisters and texts saturated with these sounds:

Polkan pushed a stick with his paw. Mom Milu washed with soap.

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw. Mila did not like soap.

The tree has needles. Everyone is young in the winter cold.

Splitting needles at the Christmas tree. Everyone is young in the winter cold.

The cat lapped milk, The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

And Vitya dipped a roll in milk. The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

Any children's book contains a variety of speech material and will help in automating the sound [L].

As you may have noticed, in speech material there were almost no words with sounds [Р´], [Р]. This is no coincidence. Do not overload the child's speech with these difficult sounds (perhaps they are not in his speech at all!). We will defer work on them to a later date.

If after a long time of work there is no result, then if necessary, seek help from a speech therapist. And don't delay! With all the parental talents, the help of a specialist will not hurt.

Speech therapist Pergunova M.Yu.

List of used literature:

1. Gerasimova A.S. Popular speech therapy: a practical guide for classes with children 5-6 years old. - M.: Iris-press, 2008.

2. Glazunova E. N., Zalmaeva R. Ya. My own speech therapist. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Firefly", 2001.

3. Epifanova O.V. Development of activities with preschool children. - Volgograd, 2004.

4. Kondratenko I.Yu. We pronounce sounds correctly. speech therapy exercises. - M.: Iris-press, 2008.

5. Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual for speech therapy. Universal guide. - M.: Iris-press, 2007.

Competent, clear, pure and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift, it is acquired through the joint efforts of parents, teachers and many other people, surrounded by whom the baby grows and develops.First of all, such speech is characterized by the correct pronunciation of sounds, which, in turn, is ensured by good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulation gymnastics helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. A set of exercises is offered to the attention of parents, with the help of which you can help your child pronounce the sound [l] correctly.

k[L]assnaya cog[L]asnaya

IN early age the imitative abilities of the child are extremely great, he easily and naturally learns a huge number of new words, learns to pronounce the words he likes with pleasure, strives to use them more often in speech. However, his articulation capabilities are not yet perfect, phonemic hearing develops gradually, so the correct pronunciation of complex sounds will remain inaccessible to the child for a long time.

Some exercises a child can master in one or two lessons, others are given to him not immediately. Perhaps the development of a certain articulation pattern will require many repetitions. Sometimes failure causes a child to give up further work. In this case, do not focus on what is not working. Encourage him, return to a simpler, already worked out material, reminding him that once this exercise also did not work.

Rules and nuances

To make it more interesting for the child, invite him to become a teacher, educator: take the child’s favorite toy (doll, bear) and let them perform articulation exercises, pronounce sounds and syllables, repeat words and tongue twisters.

It is necessary to carry out articulation gymnastics daily so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated and become more durable.

Direct work on the development of articulatory motor skills should take at least 5 minutes, and the entire lesson should take 10-12 minutes. Do the exercises yourself in front of a mirror.

Performing articulation exercises is hard work for a child. Praise and encouragement will give the baby self-confidence and help to quickly master this or that movement, and therefore, quickly master the correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Sound [l]

For the correct pronunciation of the sound, it is necessary to develop: lifting the tip of the tongue up, lifting the back of the back of the tongue up.

We call sound. Bare your teeth in a "smile" and bite your wide tongue without sticking it out too much or straining. Do not make the tongue narrow, otherwise the sound will soften. Biting the tongue, at the same time we pronounce the sound [a], getting - la-la-la, then we slow down and start just buzzing: “l-l-l” (without the vowel “a”). Make sure that the corners of the mouth are stretched in a “smile”: warm air comes out through them.

Sometimes, under tension, the child cannot turn on the vocal folds when pronouncing open syllable"la-la-la". In this case, you can start with the vowel "A" - "a-la-la", "a-la-la". A wide tongue constantly lies on the lower teeth without tension. If a child can hold out the sound [l] for a long time, then it means that he succeeds in it and it is possible to consolidate it.

Fixing the sound. To fix the sound [l], [l "] in speech, you can use the game "Wonderful bag" or a variant of the game "What is hiding under the tablecloth?" The child must by touch determine which object is in the bag or under the tablecloth. such that the desired sound in the words-names was in a different position: at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

To consolidate the sounds, use the ability of four-year-old children to easily memorize verses. Read to children the poems of Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder and other children's authors, ask the child to finish the last word in a line, the last line in a poem, then a quatrain, then the entire poem.


Find pictures in the names of which the sound [l] is at the beginning of the word: paw, lamp, shovel, lotto, bow, moon; middle: saw, blanket, doll, clown; and at the end: table, floor, woodpecker. Then come up with sentences with these words, for example: Mila put the lamp on the table.

Sound [l "]

After automation [l] hard, soft sound is easy to imitate. In front of the mirror, say the syllables: "li-li-li", while the lips are in a smile, the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles behind the upper teeth.

Disadvantages of pronunciation of sounds [l], [l "] are called lambdacisms. Lambdacisms include the absence of sound [l] and its distortion (interdental, nasal or bilabial sound, etc.).

Since the articulation of a hard sound [l] is more difficult than the articulation of a soft one, it is most often violated.

Replacing the sounds [l], [l "] with other sounds is called paralambdacism.

The reasons leading to the incorrect pronunciation of the sound [l]: a shortened hyoid ligament, which limits the upward movement of the tip of the tongue; weakness of the muscles of the tongue; phonemic hearing impairment.

Distortion of sounds [l], [l "]

The sound is pronounced interdentally. The tip of the tongue, instead of rising beyond the upper incisors, comes out between the teeth.

Nasal pronunciation of sound. The tongue touches the back of the soft palate, and not the tip of the upper incisors, as happens with the correct pronunciation of the sound [l]. In this case, the air stream partially or completely passes through the nose. The child’s speech will sound like this: “Mouse of the spring jinga, down in the unggu spanga.”

Replacing the sound [th]. In this disorder, the tip of the tongue stays down instead of rising past the upper incisors, and the middle back arches up instead of down. The child says this: "The mouse is happier, down in the coal junction."

Sound replacement [y]. With this violation, the lips, not the tongue, take an active part in the formation of sound. With this substitution, the child’s speech sounds like this: “Mouse veseuo zhiua, down in fluff in uguu spaua.”

Sound replacement [s]. With this violation, the back of the back of the tongue is raised, and the tip is lowered. Children do not notice that they are replacing the sound, and adults often believe that the sound [l] is skipped. The child says: "The mouse is veseyo zhya, down in the ugu spaya."

Sound replacement [e]. With such a replacement, the tongue does not take part, the lower lip moves to the upper incisors. Children and adults often believe that this is not a lack of speech, but only a slurred pronunciation. With this substitution, we hear: "The mouse is alive, in fluff in the ugvu spava."

Sound replacement [g]. In this case, the tip of the tongue does not rise to the upper incisors, but descends and retracts from the lower incisors, the back of the back of the tongue rises and rests against the soft palate, instead of just rising. The child’s speech sounds like this: “The mouse of the weight is jig, down in the ugg spaga.”

Games to prepare for the pronunciation of the sound [l]


Purpose: to develop the ability to keep the tongue in a calm, relaxed position.

Smile, open your mouth and put a wide tongue on your lower lip (do not pull your lip over your lower teeth). Hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10.

delicious jam

Purpose: to work out the movement of the wide front of the tongue up.

We lick the upper lip with the wide tip of the tongue, making tongue movements from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Do not help with the lower lip.

The steamer is humming

Purpose: to develop a rise in the back and root of the tongue, to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

With your mouth open, pronounce the sound [s] for a long time. Make sure that the tip of the tongue is at the bottom, deep in the mouth.


Purpose: to develop the rise of the tongue, to develop the flexibility and mobility of its front part.

With your mouth open, move the wide tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, try not to tear your tongue away from the lip, as if stroking it, gradually speed up the movements until you get the sound [blbl] (like a turkey mumbles).


Purpose: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, to develop the flexibility and accuracy of the movements of the tip of the tongue.

With your mouth open (lips in a smile), put the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5, then lift the wide tip of the tongue for the upper teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5. So alternately change the position tongue 6 times. Keep your mouth open.

Let's click!

Purpose: to strengthen the tip of the tongue, to develop a lift of the tongue.

With your mouth open, flick the tip of your tongue slowly at first, then faster. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, only the tongue works. Silently flick the tip of your tongue. Make sure that the tip of the tongue rests on the palate behind the upper teeth, and does not protrude from the mouth.

Pronunciation of syllables with movements

Words in motion


Lam - rotational movement hands ("flashlight").

pa - We press the fists to the chest.


The light bulb has burnt out. We make flashlights.

She probably got sick. - Tilt your head to your shoulder and bring your folded palms to your cheek.


La-la-la, la-la-la!

The swallow made a nest.

Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo!

The swallow is warm in the nest.


Laika and lap dog barked loudly.

The Oriole sang for a long time over the Volga.

Silly baby

Silly baby

Sucked ice

Mom didn't want to listen

That's why she got sick.

Svetlana Ulyanovich-Volkova, Svetlana Murdza, speech therapists.

Incorrect pronunciation of the sounds “l” and “r” hurts the ears of both adults and children. Timely speech therapy correction - correction of pronunciation in the lung game form until the child's self-esteem has declined due to the ridicule of children. Setting the sound “l” is easy and fast, provided that the problem is identified in a timely manner and parents understand how important the correct articulation of the sound “l” is both for the formation of speech and for the confidence of the baby.

Variants of incorrect sound pronunciation

There are several versions of how the letter “l” is distorted when speaking:

  • instead of the consonant letter “l”, a vowel is pronounced: “yozhka” - “spoon”, “ypsha” - “noodles”;
  • replace "l" with "uva": "hoteuva" - "wanted", "euva" - "ate";
  • change to "r": "rapsha" - "noodles", "rumble" - "elbow";
  • instead of “l” on a quick exhalation with puffing out of the cheeks, “f” is heard, with an exit through the nose - “n”.

The child does not pronounce this sound for various reasons. And by the manner of pronunciation, one can understand what is the reason why it is difficult for him to say “l”, he cannot pronounce the letter.

Causes of impaired pronunciation of the sound l

There are several reasons when the pronunciation of “l” is not formed or is violated:

  • the baby has not yet learned to speak this sound and he simply skips it: for example, “rain” instead of “rain”. At the age of 4-5 years, children are already mastering it, and by the age of 6, the child is no longer just talking, but can already differentiate a hard sound from a soft one;
  • interdental pronunciation is characterized by incorrect setting of the tongue, although acoustically it turns out distinctly;
  • bilabial pronunciation: the tongue lies on the "bottom", which is typical for the sound in English. This happens when a child has to communicate in a family in several languages;
  • movable lower lip and relaxed tongue - it turns out "v" instead of "l": "development" - "fork";

In these cases, articulation disorders are explained by an incorrect pronunciation algorithm, namely, the position of the tongue is not formed. There are also violations when differentiation is impaired due to improper breathing, the wrong position of the tip of the tongue, its middle:

  • the formation of sound occurs due to the lips, not the tongue;
  • the tip of the tongue goes down instead of resting on the incisors;
  • the middle of the tongue is raised, and the tip of the tongue is lowered, but vice versa.

The described violations are due to the peculiarities of the articulatory apparatus. In these cases, automating the correct sound l will take just a couple of sessions with a speech therapist. You can also quickly deal with this at home. If, however, the production of sounds occurs when associated with organic, functional disorders of the central nervous system, a phased systemic production and automation of sound l is necessary.

Sound setting l

Before starting classes, the child needs to be explained in detail and shown how to pronounce the sound correctly. At the same time, a speech therapist or a parent must show the child how the articulation apparatus should work correctly, and visual materials can also be used.

Articulation of sound l

Correct articulation of the sound l: a sharp tongue is raised behind the upper teeth, rests against the alvioli (tubercles in the sky located behind the upper teeth). The shape of the tongue at the same time resembles a saddle, the air comes out along the edges of the tongue.

Articulatory gymnastics for sound l

There are several ways of staging the sound l, among which the first place is taken for the formation of the sound l. The child will like it due to the fun played articular exercises:

  • blow soap bubbles, blow on candles, boats on the water;
  • “boat”: a relaxed wide tongue should be placed on the lower lip and try to roll the boat out of it without lifting it;
  • "Snake": stretch your lips, as if in a smile, and stretch a sharp, hard tongue forward;
  • “the longest tongue”: stick it out as far as possible and try to get either the chin, or the tip of the nose, or the cheeks;
  • “horse”: open your mouth, touch with your tongue between the upper incisors and tap them there so that you get the clatter of horse hooves;
  • "turkey": open your mouth, relax your lips and stroke your upper lip with your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, saying "bl".

There are many videos on how to do these exercises to prepare for the sound L. Classes for preschoolers are held in a relaxed atmosphere 1-2 times a day.

Sound Automation L

Before you start teaching your child to pronounce the letter L, it is necessary to warm up with articulatory gymnastics. This will prepare the speech apparatus for work, tones the tongue, lips and cheeks. In fact, gymnastics is speech therapy exercises for setting isolated sound.

We offer a summary of classes on automating the sound L in syllables, sentences, which will help mothers organize this process at home. Also, riddles about the letter L are stimulated to isolated pronunciation of sound, since the answer is L itself. Once the child has learned to pronounce L in isolation, proceed to automating the sound L in direct syllables.

If the child does not yet read independently, first say it yourself, and then offer the child:

And after mastering, in reverse syllables:

The next stage is the automation of L in words. You must follow this sequence:

  • sound at the end of the word: floor, hall, corner, channel, hit, pinched;

  • sound in the middle of a word: wolf, sense, sorry, jackdaw, violet, volcano, hairpin, mower;

  • the sound is paired with consonants: flag, club, flame, block, flag, globe, planet, notepad;

  • in one word there are 2 sounds: swam, weeded, climbed, broke, swallowed, cried, threshed, bell.

In order to put the sound in words, phrases, you must first master solid pronunciation, because when softened, it is harder to pronounce the sound.

After mastering L in words, master the sound in phrases and sentences:

ripe strawberry, tin soldier, broken saw;

conjugate sentences by speaking first the phrases in the first person, then in the plural and in the third person: “I broke (a) a bicycle - We broke a bicycle - She broke a bicycle.”

Then we read, we learn verses for the letter L. In special poems, sound is found in almost every word.

When reading, repeating rhymes, you should pronounce the words measuredly, slowly, so that the child pronounces the sound clearly. It is necessary to speed up speech in tongue twisters and riddles. For example, "Here's a funny bun rolled like a ball." Or “Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.”

Pronunciation Games

The game form of speech therapy classes allows you to arouse interest in the baby, get carried away with the process. Here are examples of games to reinforce the pronunciation of L:

  • "Paths": a large letter L is written on a piece of paper and wavy paths from it to objects that begin with this sound. The child needs to put his finger on the letter and lead from it along the line, pronouncing the sound all the time, and at the end name the object.

  • "Koloboks": it is necessary to make a fox figurine and 10 koloboks, as well as pictures with words containing the letter L in different parts of the word. If the kid correctly names the word from the picture and clearly pronounces the sound L, then the gingerbread man runs away from the fox, if not, she eats it.

  • "Object pictures": prepare pictures with words with l and invite the baby to name the image, and then find the necessary item. For example: show a chair, show an apple.

The structure of an individual speech therapy lesson

A methodically competent sequence and duration of each of the exercises is the key to quickly mastering the sound L. An important condition is that the child does not get tired. To do this, adhere to the following time frames:

  1. Gymnastics for the articulatory apparatus - no more than 7 minutes.
  2. Sound production and automation - 10-15 minutes. Of these, the first 5 minutes repeat the material of past classes, and the rest of the time is devoted to new syllables, words, sentences.
  3. Phonemic work on consolidation - 10 minutes.

With kids 4-5 years old, you need to do up to 20 minutes daily. With older children - half an hour.

The time frame should not be rigid, because on some days the baby may tire more quickly, and on others he wants to exercise longer. If your child is having difficulty sustaining attention, suggest doing the exercises in parallel with other activities. For example, a special coloring book with the letter L, in which the baby will paint over it and repeat the syllable after the mother.